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Jenelle: Birther Of 3, Mother To None


Everyone knows Ensley does not have Down syndrome. Posts suggesting that she does will be removed and warnings issued. Posts such as these leave the impression that an arguably unflattering picture could somehow be construed as a child being disabled is considered ableist and is against the rules of the board.

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I think Barb knows in her head that Jenelle is incapable of actually gaining custody, but the very idea still terrifies her to her soul and of course Jenelle knows that and uses it as a weapon against her, the nuclear button she can always press to get a reaction. And I think part of Barb's reaction at this point is just her horror that her own daughter can be so cruel, and perhaps--if she has any self-awareness--some sadness that she raised her, after all, and may have some responsibility for J's awful behavior.

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I think Barb knows in her head that Jenelle is incapable of actually gaining custody, but the very idea still terrifies her to her soul and of course Jenelle knows that and uses it as a weapon against her, the nuclear button she can always press to get a reaction. And I think part of Barb's reaction at this point is just her horror that her own daughter can be so cruel, and perhaps--if she has any self-awareness--some sadness that she raised her, after all, and may have some responsibility for J's awful behavior.

I think you really touched on some key points with this. I agree that Barb, rationally, knows that the odds of Jenelle ever getting Jace back are slim. (Largely because Jenelle would have to actually want him, and not just for social media) But there's still that small never-say-never part of her that realizes it is kinda slightly possible. There are those judges that pretty much ignore all reason and think kids should always be with their mothers.

As far as what Jenelle has become, I'm sure Barb realizes that she has something to do with that. I remember reading her brother (Barbara's son) had some legal issues, and her sister Ashleigh also had some issues leading to Barbara raising her son as well. I don't want to speak for the world, but I don't know many families with three out of three kids that have legal issues, addictions, etc where I would say it was a fluke. Something clearly went wrong in their upbringing. I also remember Babs saying she used to be just like Jenelle, a "pahty gal." Of course, that was in the pre-hard drugs days.

I really do like Barbara. She's hilarious. She's excellent tv. Most importantly, she stepped up to raise her grandchildren when she knew that their mothers couldn't/wouldn't. But she's certainly not perfect, and I don't think she was the best mom ever to her three kids.

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I'm honestly not sure if I would have even watched this season (oh who am I kidding...?) but I must see that whole scene with Nathan crying in the cop car.


The best part is how he's crying and "Jennnneeeeelllle" in the back of the car while she's all non-chalantly asking the cop where to sign the paperwork. Ha.

A Cop Car Named Desire...

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I'm honestly not sure if I would have even watched this season (oh who am I kidding...?) but I must see that whole scene with Nathan crying in the cop car.


The best part is how he's crying and "Jennnneeeeelllle" in the back of the car while she's all non-chalantly asking the cop where to sign the paperwork. Ha.

What is so funny about that scene is, turn the tables and it would be exactly the same. Anyone else remember when Keef-ah was so non-chalant when Jenelle was crying crocodile tears at him? She was screaming at him as he was trying to get away from her in his friend's car?



Excuse me fellow posters....FUCK!


Isn't this bitch on probation? Is her probation over for this year?

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What is so funny about that scene is, turn the tables and it would be exactly the same. Anyone else remember when Keef-ah was so non-chalant when Jenelle was crying crocodile tears at him? She was screaming at him as he was trying to get away from her in his friend's car?


I'd nearly forgotten about that!  I hope someone good at video montages can put those together somehow once Nathan's airs.

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I've often wished there were more teen mom memes. They've had so many great moments.

I have Googled looking for some, but there don't seem to be many considering how popular this show is. Farrah seems to have more, but even those are not a lot. You are so right in that there could be so many memes from all of these girlses.

Edited by GreatKazu
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If anyone's bored enough I noticed that Imgur.com has a feature where you can upload pictures and make your own memes.


I vaguely remember memes being discouraged on here, though. I don't know if it was just for that forum (I forget which one it was, one of the Duggar ones maybe?).  Still, it could be fun to create them.


(edited for typo)

Edited by NikSac
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For those who want to post pics... they have to be hosted somewhere else first. I mostly grab them from news sites so I'm not sure where all they can be hosted but I assume Facebook, Imgur, etc.  Depending on your browser, you right click on the pic you want to use and choose something along the lines of "copy image location" or "copy image URL" from the drop down.  Then here on PTV when you're posting you click on the icon that looks like a picture frame, just to the right of the quote icon. It'll ask you to input the URL for the image and then it'll work. If you go to the "use full editor" option you'll see it so you can make sure it looks right before you post.  You may run across URLs that won't work, but most of the ones I've tried did.


Sheesh that all probably sounded way more complicated than it is, but give it a shot.  It took me a few tries to get it but it's not too hard once you figure it out.

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How in the hell is Jenelle the new Teflon Don? I know Nathan technically dropped the charges this time, but still... with all of those arrests, you'd think something would stick enough that would warrant her to serve actual jail time. Unbelievable!

I'd guess a deal with the devil but I'm not sure what she has that Satan would want.

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I'd guess a deal with the devil but I'm not sure what she has that Satan would want.


The only explanation I can think of is if they have jail overcrowding issues where Jenelle lives. Maybe the local law enforcement/DA figures having tax payers support Jenelle while she's in jail is actually worse than letting her just commit battery against her loser friends and boyfriends while supporting the local economy by patronizing all the coffee shops and tattoo parlors. I really don't see how someone can be arrested 15 times (and for multiple crimes!) and never have any serious jail time.

Edited by Tatum
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As long as it's a photo-op for self-congratulating selfies and isn't much actual work. She is from the MesserSimmsCalvertMesser school of public relations: it's OK if your life is going to crap as long as your social media feed looks nice. Like the opposite of "Dorian Gray".

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Jenelle is thankful for your support -- ha ha:

Jenelle Evans PR ‏@JenelleEvansPR · Jun 4

Jenelle is so thankful for all of the support from her fans and is excited to be graduating soon.

I know I'm preaching to the choir here, but who, exactly, are these fans? Who could have seen her dumping her kids off and choosing drugs, concerts and men over them, and still be a "fan" of hers? Who actually thinks she has gotten any better?

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and a Barbara in their lives who does all the real childrearing work. "I'm not a real mom, but I play one on Instagram!"

Got that right.


Remember that person I mentioned about here, who is a fan of Cate and Tyler? She goes on and on about how they should have kept their baby, yadda yadda yadda? Well, last night she told me she is pregnant again. This is her THIRD baby. She is 25 years old. No college education, working a minimum wage part-time job, and has the gall to say how she pays her bills. She had her defense all ready.  As for her saying she pays her bills...Um, say what? Are you kidding me? You, who accepts WIC, food stamps, receives free state health care through welfare, has free babysitting, has no car to call her own, the father of those kids is a drug-addict who can't keep down a job, they have no place to call their own as they live under another person's roof whom they don't pay rent to. GTFOH  Just because they spend money on the occasional shoes, McDonald's, clothes, and toys, doesn't equate you paying your bills.

Edited by GreatKazu
  • Love 6

Got that right.


Remember that person I mentioned about here, who is a fan of Cate and Tyler? She goes on and on about how they should have kept their baby, yadda yadda yadda? Well, last night she told me she is pregnant again. This is her THIRD baby. She is 25 years old. No college education, working a minimum wage part-time job, and has the gall to say how she pays her bills. She had her defense all ready.  As for her saying she pays her bills...Um, say what? Are you kidding me? You, who accepts WIC, food stamps, receives free state health care through welfare, has free babysitting, has no car to call her own, the father of those kids is a drug-addict who can't keep down a job, they have no place to call their own as they live under another person's roof whom they don't pay rent to. GTFOH  Just because they spend money on the occasional shoes, McDonald's, clothes, and toys, doesn't equate you paying your bills.

You win the Internets my fine friend!

  • Love 3

You win the Internets my fine friend!



What I wouldn't give to have this be a bad dream. The news about the baby, that is. Not your comment.


You have no idea how hard it was for me to keep my mouth shut. But, I made damn sure I never said the word, "congratulations" because fuck that shit. This ain't nothing to celebrate. I know I am going to hell, but damn! Oh well, it ain't my problem and it isn't me who is enabling these kids. I am no damn fool. I do feel bad for my relative who has to deal with all that crap. She is a Barbara 2.0


When does this season start?

Edited by GreatKazu
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Holy fuckballs, guys, I just saw that picture of Babs holding Kaiser at Jace's kindergarten graduation on babsevanstagram and that is one big baby.

I guess a joke about the Roll getting into Daddy Nipple's "supplements" would be too easy.


How was it that Babs pronounced "testosterone" when she was talking to J about Nipple's anger issues? Something like "TIE_TOSTERONE".

Edited by cheatincheetos
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Its like the "You might be a redneck" jokes.

If you're not sure if the positive pregnancy test is due to the abortion you just had by one guy or due to the sex you had with another guy.

You might be a Jenelle.

If you can't remember whether you are broken up with your boyfriend, engaged to him FOREVUHHHH, planning to strangle him with your hoodie, or have a restraining order in effect against him, you might be a Jenelle.

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If you've stolen your mom's credit cards and run away to New Jersey, you might be Jenelle.

If you've named your child after bread, you might be Jenelle.

If your mom or your ex's mom raises your kid(s) you might be Jenelle.

If you've got couches, you might be Jenelle...or Amber. Seriously, what is it with these girls and their couches?

  • Love 4

Everyone knows Ensley does not have Down syndrome. Posts suggesting that she does will be removed and warnings issued. Posts such as these leave the impression that an arguably unflattering picture could somehow be construed as a child being disabled is considered ableist and is against the rules of the board.

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