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Brandi Glanville: Drinking and Tweeting - a book and a lifestyle!

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Well, that's just the icing on the cake and reinforces my belief that this will be her last season on RHOBH.  I didn't watch WWHL, but I've read about Brandi's antics on that show in the past.  Pot, meet Kettle.


Can anyone ever recall a time when one of the HW's took on Andy?  I don't think so.


And has she deleted the original tweet?  I don't see it on her Timeline.

Edited by mwell345
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Can anyone ever recall a time when one of the HW's took on Andy?  I don't think so.


Teresa immediately comes to mind.  She physically manhandled Andy.  And I'm convinced that he's still going to bring her back after she graduates college. 


Danielle Staub also verbally went after Andy on social media and there's a rumor that she's coming back to New Jersey.  No telling how much abuse he'll take for ratings.


I'm not even sure that he's the final decision maker anyway.

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Teresa immediately comes to mind.  She physically manhandled Andy.  And I'm convinced that he's still going to bring her back after she graduates college. 


Danielle Staub also verbally went after Andy on social media and there's a rumor that she's coming back to New Jersey.  No telling how much abuse he'll take for ratings.


I'm not even sure that he's the final decision maker anyway.



You're probably right about him not being the final decision maker - I sometimes forget that he's not as involved in the HW shows as he used to be.


And yes, Teresa comes to mind. But in some respects, I think that was different, because at that time, Teresa was not a "problem child."  I remember Caroline in particular trying to calm her down, and the rest of the women at the time were very supportive of her. Not the case with Brandi - I think she may be in the same situation now that Danielle was in then.  Everyone has had enough of her. And if we add Andy to the mix....


90% of this is probably just wishful thinking on my part.   I would love to see Bravo take out the trash for a change.

Edited by mwell345
  • Love 6

You're probably right about him not being the final decision maker - I sometimes forget that he's not as involved in the HW shows as he used to be.


And yes, Teresa comes to mind. But in some respects, I think that was different, because at that time, Teresa was not a "problem child."  I remember Caroline in particular trying to calm her down, and the rest of the women at the time were very supportive of her. Not the case with Brandi - I think she may be in the same situation now that Danielle was in then.  Everyone has had enough of her. And if we add Andy to the mix....


90% of this is probably just wishful thinking on my part.   I would love to see Bravo take out the trash for a change.

You mean as opposed to being the trash?

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She deleted the Tweet, but not before Whitney Cummings apologized to her. Whitney Cummings! Who is a COMEDIAN and got a sitcom because of how well she did on the Comedy Central roasts. I didn't see the WWHL episode in question yet, so I'm not sure how hard Whitney was on her, but seeing her kowtow to Brandi Glanville (who I do enjoy) bummed me out.

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She deleted the Tweet, but not before Whitney Cummings apologized to her. Whitney Cummings! Who is a COMEDIAN and got a sitcom because of how well she did on the Comedy Central roasts. I didn't see the WWHL episode in question yet, so I'm not sure how hard Whitney was on her, but seeing her kowtow to Brandi Glanville (who I do enjoy) bummed me out.

I saw it because of my girl crush on Eileen. She was funny, but nothing she said was out of line, IMO. Of course as far as I'm concerned, short of shooting her, nothing is out of line with the Skank.    


This is so typical of that POS. So Whitney made some jokes about Brandi being white trash and a drunk. Neither of those is exactly a stretch and Brandi has admitted to both. But here she is, once again, playing the poor victim, being bullied, yada, yada.


Yet, it is perfectly fine for her to insult Elieen's home, her skills as a hostess, her mothering skills because she didn't think to get her 11 year old out of the house to clear the way for Brandi. She can also throw wine in her face.


But she's being bullied.      

Edited by chlban
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I think the only reason Whitney apologized is because she's friends with Beth Stern.  And Brandi is friends with Beth.  FWIW, Brandi's 985th BFF, Kristen Taekman is good friends with Beth.  So somehow, Whitney - whom I'm not aware of ever apologizing to any of her roastees - might have been guilted into a public apology.  Who knows.  But color me surprised. 

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I think the only reason Whitney apologized is because she's friends with Beth Stern.  And Brandi is friends with Beth.  FWIW, Brandi's 985th BFF, Kristen Taekman is good friends with Beth.  So somehow, Whitney - whom I'm not aware of ever apologizing to any of her roastees - might have been guilted into a public apology.  Who knows.  But color me surprised. 

I think they apologize because their original insults are repeated and it makes Brandi look foolish.  I thought "hooker chic" was pretty funny and Whitney went very easy on Brandi.  So the apologies just make Brandi look foolish. 


I question the "friends" with Beth Stern.  Last time she was on WWHL she was asked about Brandi and she said what we see on the show is pretty much how Brandi is in real life.  The friends or good friends thing just didn't happen as to Brandi more of I know her response.  She did mention she was friends with Kristen.

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Let's face it Brandi can have a great Monday night on Celebrity Apprentice come Tuesday night she usually screws up and any forward momentum is stalled.  Celebrity Apprentice has two more weeks and then a live performance.  It should be interesting to see where she stands when it goes live.  If she needs attention I am sure she will act up.

I am of the opinion that CA is a big deal for Brandi. She is getting a lot of exposure that is different than what she gets on the RH show. A whole new group of people know Brandi now and a lot of them really like what they are seeing. They don't give a rats ass what she is like on this show. I have posted before that she has become Mr. MotorCity's fav on the show, and when I talked to my mom this weekend she was talking about how awesome she was. 


No shock here. The fact that she is doing well is the reason I don't think that Brandi is afflicted with any type of mental illness.  She is acting EXACTLY the same on CA as she did when she first came on the RH show. EXACTLY. She is the Brandi that folks fell in love with, that they rooted for. She was able to do what was necessary to first score a promotion from "friend of" to FT ho'wife (the first one to ever do this I believe), and then she continued to charm during S3. She did this even when she was doing horrible things to people. She was smart enough to play that whole lawsuit deal in a way that was nothing short of masterful. I don't believe we have ever had any HW do something so horrible, yet turn it in such a way as to come out the victim and have folks defending and rooting for you like crazy, even though you are the asshole. She did it because she isn't dumb. She is smart and she is desperate. She can handle her shit when she needs to and she is handling it quite well on CA.  

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I am one of those cynical people that believes the only ones who truly benefit from Celebrity Apprentice are the charities, Donald Trump and his litter, NBC and some of the sponsors.  I just don't see many stories where any "celebrity" especially a reality star benefits.  They only have a limited amount of themselves to sell.  A singer may get the exposure and be able to sell some tunes.  Brandi although tolerable still has the potty mouth, the sex shoot, the sexy clothes  to get past to sell something.  She may get filler from the show for a tell-all book but who gives a crap about Kenya and Brandi fighting, or Terrell Owens or Lorenzo Llamas and if Brandi got along with them ?  Any new fans who might want to see Brandi in her natural habitat on RHOBH, could not possibly be impressed with her behavior the last couple of weeks.


BTW I feel the same way about Dancing with the Stars, a far more successful show I just don't see where winning a dance competition skyrockets a stalled career.  I was hoping "Carlton" would change the trend and land something fabulous after his win this year but so far nothing-just a DWTS tour. 

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I am one of those cynical people that believes the only ones who truly benefit from Celebrity Apprentice are the charities, Donald Trump and his litter, NBC and some of the sponsors.  I just don't see many stories where any "celebrity" especially a reality star benefits. 

Arsenio Hall got a talk show out of it. I think I could make a pretty good argument for both Piers Morgan and Joan Rivers reaping benefits from their wins, too.

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Arsenio Hall got a talk show out of it. I think I could make a pretty good argument for both Piers Morgan and Joan Rivers reaping benefits from their wins, too.

See because I don't watch the show-except for the occasional HW peek -it is meaningless to me how they come off on the show.  However, once you planted the seed in my mind I started thinking perhaps Brandi's big business opportunity is a spin-off or special.

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She deleted the Tweet, but not before Whitney Cummings apologized to her.


Whitney Cummings apologized? For what? She didn't say a single thing on that show that wasn't absolutely true. She was also very tame compared to some of the things I've said while watching Brandi in action. So dumb. Brandi can certainly dish it and say whatever she wants, but can't take it.

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Whitney Cummings didn't seem to be the type of comedian to apologize for a joke, so I read her Twitter, and she said exactly that ("I'm a comedian...it was a joke") to a bunch of Brandi's fans/apologists who were sending her a lot of "how dare you" tweets. Then she said she was sorry to those she offended - saying something like she's used to doing roasts, so she forgets that others are sensitive to insult-type humor. Again, it was sent to Brandi's fans who were tweeting her, not to Brandi, if that makes a difference. But I agree it was unnecessary.

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As much as I dislike Brandi, I will admit she has been shrewd about her newfound "fame" and able to parlay it into several big paychecks; the books, the show, the pod, now CA, which I agree is a big deal for her. She's able to shed the RHOBH image and win new fans over with her CA apprentice persona. Thing is, if she's given a show about herself, we've already seen a glimpse of it in her solo scenes on RHOBH and they are fabulously boring. I don't think that's my dislike coloring it either. I mean, what is she supposed to showcase? Eddie won't let their sons film so there go any real family scenes. Her podcast is still too expletive filled to win over a wide audience. Apparently she can't keep a boyfriend, and anyway a dating show would be full of her generic, classless sex humor and scare people away. She can barely interact with her WWHL costars, so she wouldn't be able to go the talk show route. I'm honestly unable to conjure up a scenario where Brandi could have a successful show about herself. 

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My two cents regarding the difference of her comportment in those two diverse shows (CA and RHOBH)

RHOBH : For her it's NOT working, it's not like being at work (even if it is !), it's more like a looooong party.

CA : It's serious. It's working. For credibility, opportunities, but it's NOT a party.

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This is wishful thinking on my part, but the lawsuit against Brandi got me thinking. I wish Eileen and Kyle could get restraining orders against Brandi for assaulting them. (Kyle's case would be weaker, obviously, since she put her hands on Brandi first.) Then Brandi couldn't film with them or attend the same get-togethers so that would give the producers a reason to get rid of her.

I'm sure there are things in their contracts that prevent stuff like this, or that the incidents weren't serious enough to be issued restraining orders. Like I said, wishful thinking...

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This is wishful thinking on my part, but the lawsuit against Brandi got me thinking. I wish Eileen and Kyle could get restraining orders against Brandi for assaulting them. (Kyle's case would be weaker, obviously, since she put her hands on Brandi first.) Then Brandi couldn't film with them or attend the same get-togethers so that would give the producers a reason to get rid of her.

I'm sure there are things in their contracts that prevent stuff like this, or that the incidents weren't serious enough to be issued restraining orders. Like I said, wishful thinking...

The ho'wives cannot sue each other for things that are said/done on the show.  That is how many people knew that Adrienne wasn't really suing Brandi (in addition to the fact that there was no record of a lawsuit ever being filed.  If she had filed it would have been all over the rags the same day as was the case with Joanna suing Brandi).  


The best thing for them to do is to ice her out. They can do it if they want to. They should go back and watch the OC show from a couple of seasons ago.  A lot of the ladies hated Alexis - really hated her to her core - and they iced her out for the most part. They invited her to one event, but then none of them really interacted with her until the season was halfway over. The best thing they did, however, was not talk about her. They just pretended like she didn't exist. They didn't sit around and bitch and moan about her all the time. They just really didn't have two fucks to give about her one way or the other until Tamra decided she needed for folks to get a different look at her. This left Alexis to only film with Lydia or Vicki, who had very little going on themselves. Or she could film alone which was the most boring thing in the world. The result was that she wasn't ever able to get a storyline going until the end of the season and by that time, no one really cared about her one way or the other.


These ladies could do that. Stop inviting Brandi and don't sit around talking about her all the time or you give her power.  I actually wonder if this isn't what happens at some point. It is interesting to me that Adrienne will host the Season Finale Party. Has a non HW ever hosted the big year-end finale on any of the shows? I cannot remember it ever happening. I wonder if the other ladies refuse to invite Brandi to their events and Bravo was left with using some promotional deal that Adrienne had cooked up to serve as the finale spot. 

  • Love 7

This is wishful thinking on my part, but the lawsuit against Brandi got me thinking. I wish Eileen and Kyle could get restraining orders against Brandi for assaulting them. (Kyle's case would be weaker, obviously, since she put her hands on Brandi first.) Then Brandi couldn't film with them or attend the same get-togethers so that would give the producers a reason to get rid of her.

I'm sure there are things in their contracts that prevent stuff like this, or that the incidents weren't serious enough to be issued restraining orders. Like I said, wishful thinking...

As much as I would like to see Brandi gone-RHOBH was cable's #1 show Tuesday night, so that is not happening.  In this coming week's previews there is a scene where an aggressive Brandi crashes Kyle's party.  Her ticket in was either Kim or it was production driven.  Either way I think another season of Brandi not being included in the group, the Lisas, Kyle, and Eileen, would probably make her a more interesting character. It would be like a challenge each week what will Brandi do to win favor to get back in?  Because she cannot stand being on the outside and her evergreen at home scenes are not interesting.  She has employed the gay BFF ploy, (courtesy of Lisa Season 1) the lackey BFF (Camille Seasons 1 & 2) and has no boyfriend on the show but openly dates someone who has been on the show and is a part of reality TV.    Depending on Monty's condition Kim may or may not return so that would leave Yolanda who enjoys Eileen, Lisar, Kyle and gets pretty vocal when she is not invited.  Brandi does not take kindly to not being invited so the others could actually push her over the edge.   


My standing objection to Brandi is she never had money so all her success has come from being on the show.  Whenever a RH entire livelihood is derived from the show they behave  desperately, hurt with greater regularity and are able to play the victim with much more success.  Think Teresa Giudice, Tamara Barney, most of all Nene Leakes (who I can't stand because she is always telling the world how rich and successful she is).  Brandi could not get a book contract until she was on RHOBH, Podcast arises out of the show, columnist arises out of the show.  If the plug is pulled Brandi ancillary successes will dry up.  Brandi success was two prong-first she was the victim of LeAnn Rimes and second she is a tell all writer.  The fact most of her tell all is extremely self exploitive is something she cannot keep going back to the well and renewing.  She has told us her childhood, exposed her parents, given us way too much information about her marriage and was able to name the big star she banged.  Now her editors will only allow the most sketchy of details for her conquests.  They are so sketchy no one even cares to take a stab guessing the identity and the relationships are so brief there is no emotional investment on the part of Brandi, in these anonymous characters, so why would the reader care.  Each relationship ends with a fairly frivolous reason that Brandi and her author deem humorous. 


There is a reason there is no book number three on the shelves next month-Brandi has run out of people to "expose".

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Lisa and Kyle are company women who love their jobs and are not going to go up against "the man" to get Brandi fired, and even though they probably want her gone, they probably don't want her gone so badly that they are going to make demands and ultimatums. Of course when the day comes and Brandi is axed, Lisa and Kyle will pop open bottles of champagne and dance jigs but I don't know if they want her to get fired so badly that they will demand it of Bravo and Evolution, or even engage in a campaign. Furthermore they probably know that Brandi is a draw for the franchise and getting rid of her has its risks unless another provocateur / firebrand / drama queen is waiting in the wings. On a side note, I do think that Brandi has crossed over into toxicity, and for that reason the producers should be beating the bushes to cast someone else of her ilk and then fire or demote Brandi. Even though she is currently the most talked about cast member, I think that they are going to hit the wall sooner rather than later, if it hasn't already happened - the episode where the kids went to college actually got better ratings (by a hair) than the episode where Brandi threw the wine in Eileen's face and then got drunk and acted out at the Fosters' dinner party.

If Brandi comes back next season, I do think that Kyle and Lisa are going to ice her out but that is an organic consequence of her getting physical and / or threatening both of them. Now if Kyle and Lisa want to facilitate the process of getting rid of Brandi, again orchestrated campaigns and threats are not the way to go, rather in addition to the organic icing out I think what motorcitymom65 suggested is the best weapon, "don't sit around talking about her all the time or you give her power" and relevance.

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Are the housewives allowed to write books about their experiences on the show after they have been fired?

There is a confidentiality clause that prohibits them from releasing certain information.  It must be fairly restrictive because one would think there would have been an interesting book released by now. 

Edited by zoeysmom
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I still think that if all the women (Yolanda, Kyle, Lisa R, Lisa V and Eileen) refused to film with Brandi, she would be gone in a heartbeat. Kim doesn't have any weight to throw around, she 's lucky she still has a spot on the show.


But the others.....the sucess of the show this year has been in large part to the additions of Lisa R and Eileen.  They're paying Eileen a fortune, she's not going anywhere unless she wants to.   I don't know about Lisa R, payment wise, but I would imagine Bravo is very pleased with her.  Lisa Vanderpump is the executive producer of PumpRules which I would think gives her some weight at Bravo. 


If those 3 decided to ice Brandi out, Kyle would fall in line, because she's over Brandi anyway.   And Yolanda is getting there.


On her own, Brandi is as dull as dishwater.  It's her antagonism of the others that gives her any story at all.


My dream scene is that all of the women are all sitting around a table and  Drunk Brandi says or does something entirely inappropriate.   No one responds, but together, all the rest get up and leave the table.   And Brandi is sitting there alone.  Fade out.

Edited by mwell345
  • Love 9

I still think that if all the women (Yolanda, Kyle, Lisa R, Lisa V and Eileen) refused to film with Brandi, she would be gone in a heartbeat. Kim doesn't have any weight to throw around, she 's lucky she still has a spot on the show.


But the others.....the sucess of the show this year has been in large part to the additions of Lisa R and Eileen.  They're paying Eileen a fortune, she's not going anywhere unless she wants to.   I don't know about Lisa R, payment wise, but I would imagine Bravo is very pleased with her.  Lisa Vanderpump is the executive producer of PumpRules which I would think gives her some weight at Bravo. 


If those 3 decided to ice Brandi out, Kyle would fall in line, because she's over Brandi anyway.   And Yolanda is getting there.


On her own, Brandi is as dull as dishwater.  It's her antagonism of the others that gives her any story at all.


My dream scene is that all of the women are all sitting around a table and  Drunk Brandi says or does something entirely inappropriate.   No one responds, but together, all the rest get up and leave the table.   And Brandi is sitting there alone.  Fade out.

Personally I want to see Brandi gone and think it's even money that she will be gone or demoted next season. Having said that, I think that there is a big difference between not inviting Brandi to your events and not discussing her in talking heads or with other Housewives versus cast members throwing their weight around to have her fired. If on her own Brandi has no storyline and is as dull as dishwater, let the producers and/or the audience draw that conclusion.

As I previously mentioned I think that Brandi is toxic and while she is bringing attention to the show, if the producers do not redirect things away from Brandi the show is set to implode like RHoNJ did (IMO) but for different reasons. So again I am totally onboard with getting rid of Brandi but I don't think the cast demanding it is the way it should happen.


I have to grudgingly admit that part of the freshness Eileen and Lisa bring to the show has to do with them interacting with / reacting to Brandi, now I don't think we need more than one season of it, but I will acknowledge it.

Re Lisa and Kyle, they probably want nothing to do with Brandi, which is understandable, but they both referred to this season as the one of the best, if not the best, season and have gladly spoken about their issues with Brandi to the media.

Edited by quinn
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Personally I want to see Brandi gone and think it's even money that she will be gone or demoted next season. Having said that, I think that there is a big difference between not inviting Brandi to your events and not discussing her in talking heads or with other Housewives versus cast members throwing their weight around to have her fired. If on her own Brandi has no storyline and is as dull as dishwater, let the producers and/or the audience draw that conclusion.

As I previously mentioned I think that Brandi is toxic and while she is bringing attention to the show, if the producers do not redirect things away from Brandi the show is set to implode like RHoNJ did (IMO) but for different reasons. So again I am totally onboard with getting rid of Brandi but I don't think the cast demanding it is the way it should happen.


I have to grudgingly admit that part of the freshness Eileen and Lisa bring to the show has to do with them interacting with / reacting to Brandi, now I don't think we need more than one season of it, but I will acknowledge it.

Re Lisa and Kyle, they probably want nothing to do with Brandi, which is understandable, but they both referred to this season as the one of the best, if not the best, season and have gladly spoken about their issues with Brandi to the media.

I agree that the best way to get Brandi out is for the cast to freeze her out, and I would think that is  the natural evolution at this point.

Why on god's earth would Eileen ever want Brandi in her home again? Why would she ever want to sit across a table from her, for fear of flying wine. Clearly Kyle and Lisa V are finished, Lisa R is too smart to go there (she was calling Brandi out two years ago as just another viewer) and Yo may be desperately trying to hold on, but I'd bet Eileen's next paycheck that she will not be invited to any more parties at her home while the King is in residence.


Also, I think Lisa V has more pull than just being one of the anchor's on this show. Vanderpump Rules is pulling in quite respectable ratings for a TV show that cannot cost much to produce. Still I think Lisa is too smart to issue ultimatums. I agree that the best would be just to see everyone pretty much blow Brandi off the way Eileen did with her neospurin comment.  


It's hard to call when these women become dispensible to BRAVO.  I could never stand Gretchen from OC, but I think she had a pretty good fan base. She was pretty much fighting with everyone on the show, same as Brandi, although even Gretchie looked classy by comparison, and then zap she was gone. Same with Alexis. 


Aviva was often the most talked about HW on New York, at least when she showed up, but she is gone.


OTOH, the mystery woman to me is Theresa Guidice. I quit that show two seasons back because there was not one, single woman on the show I could tolerate. Now Atlanta has reached that point for me. I realized last Sunday I am also finished with them. Yet Theresa and NeNe remain on  those shows, or Theresa will when she get back from Camp, against all odds. So I don't know where the tipping point is, but I really feel that Brandi has reached it.


The thing is, as has been mentioned, Brandi just never belonged and that really has nothing to do with how much money she has. The reason, IMO, that Lisa and Kyle can fight and then come back so easily is because they are really basically the same. They are both happily married, stable, settled women. That doesn't mean they are perfect, or that the don't have chaos in their lives, it just means that, at th core, they have some basic class. The same is true of all of the women on BH. All of them, with the sole exception of Brandi, have class. I think that is what I like about the show. Taylor did not and Taylor didn't last long. Brandi does not and Brandi has already lasted too long.


I really think we may get our wish and this is her last season. Especially if Eileen comes back, because I really can't imagine Eileen siging up again with Brandi there. If I can see that, I am pretty sure BRAVO can too and personally I think the rebound in the show this year can be directly tied to the addition of Eileen and LIsa R. I just enjoy watching both of them.       

Edited by chlban
  • Love 5

I agree with the icing out theory - it's the only way to knock her out of the show, or at least sideline her. I wonder if they can get away with it, though. Can they simply not invite her to things that production arranges or pays for? Maybe not, but then they should simply not engage with her - at all, ever. Maybe a nod, a hello, and then walk away. Follow Lisa V.'s example - she's got it down pat. I think they could all do it - except for Kyle, who has a hard time not engaging (see: Kim). Maybe she'll turn a new leaf after this thing with Kim, though. Here's hoping.

  • Love 3
OTOH, the mystery woman to me is Theresa Guidice. I quit that show two seasons back because there was not one, single woman on the show I could tolerate. Now Atlanta has reached that point for me. I realized last Sunday I am also finished with them. Yet Theresa and NeNe remain on  those shows, or Theresa will when she get back from Camp, against all odds. So I don't know where the tipping point is, but I really feel that Brandi has reached it.

The fact that both women are still on their respective shows truly sickens me. 

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I think there is only one reason Brandi was asked to be on this show.  Lisa V was launching VPR and some Bravo producer realized that Sheaeannae (whatever!) slept with Brandi's then husband while Brandi was pregnant, and then went of TV to talk about it.  It worked to help VPR get some crossover viewers, and it gave a pretty "must watch" storyline to RHBH.


I believe Lisa when she says she had no idea.  I'm certain someone at Bravo knew. 


Brandi needed money, and this show was a great opportunity for her, that, and her friendship with Lisa prompted her to agree to film with the VPR co-star.  Brandi got sick of it, because she really hasn't moved on from that humiliation and pain.  She also became quite popular after the disgusting behavior of Kim and Kyle and PamDana at game night, and especially because Lisa liked her and championed her.


The popularity went to her head a bit, along with books, cohosting an Awards red carpet, and her radio show.  At this point I believe Kyle decided to use her to get Lisa, and played Brandi like a fiddle.  She also became much too full of herself, and began drinking more and more during filming, never a good idea.


She really disliked Eileen from the jump, maybe partially the money Eileen is getting, maybe fandom, but mostly because Eileen broke up two marriages in order to marry her current husband, and that rings Brandi's bells.


Will Brandi wise up?  Maybe.  The other "wives" won't make her wise up, but her fans, current and former, and their reactions just might.  She's now getting more fans from CA, where she's apparently not only doing well, but showing a completely different side of herself.  We shall see.

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I have an idea, try freezing Brandi out of the posts here and talk about everything else on the show.  That will give us a chance to see what the show will be like without her.


ITA that either production made Kim bring Brandi, or it's just another weapon used by Kim in the never-ending story of Kim and Kyle.   Kyle gets to huff and puff that Kim brought THAT woman into her home! Horrors!  Because you know, they are cast mates on a reality show together (Shades of Lisa V pretending to not know that Faye was coming to her home). And Kim gets to pretend that Kyle wants to deprive her of a friends.  Lather, rinse, repeat with these two.


ITA with these damn HW treating "Their Gays" like pets.  At least Lisa V has real pets that she treats like sex objects.

Edited by jinjer
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The popularity went to her head a bit, along with books, cohosting an Awards red carpet, and her radio show.  At this point I believe Kyle decided to use her to get Lisa, and played Brandi like a fiddle.  She also became much too full of herself, and began drinking more and more during filming, never a good idea.

How did Kyle play Brandi like a fiddle to get to Lisa? To me it looked the reverse, maybe not played like a fiddle, but it was Brandi who wanted to have a go at Lisa, and also did not like Kyle and Lisa's renewed chumminess, so she attempted to kill two birds with one stone: get an ally for her go at Lisa and drive a wedge in Kyle and Lisa's renewed friendship. The first step was, while they were hiking, admitting to Kyle that she was right and Lisa is a manipulator who plays all of them, and then in Puerto Rico Brandi told Kyle about the magazine incident which amounted to Lisa wanted Brandi to take the magazines to rattle Kyle but noble Brandi refused to do it. Edited by quinn
  • Love 2

I have an idea, try freezing Brandi out of the posts here and talk about everything else on the show.  That will give us a chance to see what the show will be like without her.


ITA with these damn HW treating "Their Gays" like pets.  At least Lisa V has real pets that she treats like sex objects.


It would be an interesting and refreshing experiment to have a Brandi-less discussion day before Tuesday.


Lisa Rinna's gays:  I remember on TWOP, Jill Zarin and others taking tons of heat for referring to "her gays".  It's not surprising to me that Lisa R doing it doesn't warrant a discussion.


And the way she did it wasn't just done in passing. It was loudly and repeatedly in a TH.  I think Bravo has a plan for Ms. Rinna.

  • Love 4

I have an idea, try freezing Brandi out of the posts here and talk about everything else on the show.  That will give us a chance to see what the show will be like without her.


That's the conundrum!  She brings the drama.  Compare last week's Brandi-filled First Look with this week's -- scenes of Yolanda packing.  And Kyle and Lisa R. talking about "their gays."  Er, no thanks.

  • Love 3

The HW treating "My Gays" is coming up in different threads with a lot of well deserved criticism IMO.  


Kyle queen of the peal clutchers having a tops and bottoms party is a huge eye-roll.  Next week on the RHBH a 50 Shades of Gray Party.  She can take a seat the next time Brandi says something vulgar.  


Can we mic all "their gays" and find out what they really think of these HWs?  I can guarantee it would be the most entertaining episode of the season.

Edited by jinjer
  • Love 6

I still think that if all the women (Yolanda, Kyle, Lisa R, Lisa V and Eileen) refused to film with Brandi, she would be gone in a heartbeat. Kim doesn't have any weight to throw around, she 's lucky she still has a spot on the show.


But the others.....the sucess of the show this year has been in large part to the additions of Lisa R and Eileen.  They're paying Eileen a fortune, she's not going anywhere unless she wants to.   I don't know about Lisa R, payment wise, but I would imagine Bravo is very pleased with her.  Lisa Vanderpump is the executive producer of PumpRules which I would think gives her some weight at Bravo. 


If those 3 decided to ice Brandi out, Kyle would fall in line, because she's over Brandi anyway.   And Yolanda is getting there.


On her own, Brandi is as dull as dishwater.  It's her antagonism of the others that gives her any story at all.


My dream scene is that all of the women are all sitting around a table and  Drunk Brandi says or does something entirely inappropriate.   No one responds, but together, all the rest get up and leave the table.   And Brandi is sitting there alone.  Fade out.

I don't think they can refuse to film with her, most of the events are prearranged/planned by production, not the HWs. That said, they can refuse to engage with her to a certain extent, they need to stop reacting to her nasty/drunken antics, completely stop reacting. Both during the filming of these planned events/trips and in their THs, OH, and in their blogs. If they stop reacting more than an eye roll, they take away any storyline she has because she needs their reactions to generate 1. She has no family, her boys are not allowed on camera, that can film with her on a regular basis and her friends bring nothing to the table either. The weak links are Kim and Yolanda and IMO, neither will agree to freeze her out at all. If Yolanda quits after this season that just leaves Kim and then they have to treat Kim the same way. I am not sure Kyle will then go along with it if it means freezing out her sister.


I think there is only one reason Brandi was asked to be on this show.  Lisa V was launching VPR and some Bravo producer realized that Sheaeannae (whatever!) slept with Brandi's then husband while Brandi was pregnant, and then went of TV to talk about it.  It worked to help VPR get some crossover viewers, and it gave a pretty "must watch" storyline to RHBH.


I believe Lisa when she says she had no idea.  I'm certain someone at Bravo knew. 


Brandi needed money, and this show was a great opportunity for her, that, and her friendship with Lisa prompted her to agree to film with the VPR co-star.  Brandi got sick of it, because she really hasn't moved on from that humiliation and pain.  She also became quite popular after the disgusting behavior of Kim and Kyle and PamDana at game night, and especially because Lisa liked her and championed her.


The popularity went to her head a bit, along with books, cohosting an Awards red carpet, and her radio show.  At this point I believe Kyle decided to use her to get Lisa, and played Brandi like a fiddle.  She also became much too full of herself, and began drinking more and more during filming, never a good idea.


She really disliked Eileen from the jump, maybe partially the money Eileen is getting, maybe fandom, but mostly because Eileen broke up two marriages in order to marry her current husband, and that rings Brandi's bells.


Will Brandi wise up?  Maybe.  The other "wives" won't make her wise up, but her fans, current and former, and their reactions just might.  She's now getting more fans from CA, where she's apparently not only doing well, but showing a completely different side of herself.  We shall see.

You may be on to something! I also do not believe that Lisa knew who Brandi was when she joined the cast but I would not put it past a producer knowing. I am sure Brandi would have told them to help get her in the shows door!

  • Love 3

How did Kyle play Brandi like a fiddle to get to Lisa? To me it looked the reverse, maybe not played like a fiddle, but it was Brandi who wanted to have a go at Lisa, and also did not like Kyle and Lisa's renewed chumminess, so she attempted to kill two birds with one stone: get an ally for her go at Lisa and drive a wedge in Kyle and Lisa's renewed friendship. The first step was, while they were hiking, admitting to Kyle that she was right and Lisa is a manipulator who plays all of them, and then in Puerto Rico Brandi told Kyle about the magazine incident which amounted to Lisa wanted Brandi to take the magazines to rattle Kyle but noble Brandi refused to do it.

I don't think Lisa played Brandi at all and I am not so sure that Kyle played Brandi, at least at first, last season. But with the backing of both Kim and Yolanda, Kyle hitched her bet on Brandi and rode her as far as she could. IMO, the ones that led the "lets get Lisa" group were Brandi and Yolanda. IMO, last season was Yolanda's big move to become Queen of the BH HWs in order to get her own show. Now that ship has sailed off into the sunset, Brandi has settled on Kyle as this years target. JMO

  • Love 2

The HW treating "My Gays" is coming up in different threads with a lot of well deserved criticism IMO.  


Kyle queen of the peal clutchers having a tops and bottoms party is a huge eye-roll.  Next week on the RHBH a 50 Shades of Gray Party.  She can take a seat the next time Brandi says something vulgar.  


Can we mic all "their gays" and find out what they really think of these HWs?  I can guarantee it would be the most entertaining episode of the season.

It's just wierd to me. I have a few gay friends. If I reference them in conversation with someone else I would just say "my friend Brent," or "my friend Sheri"  I can't really figure out why I would even need to reference their sexual preference. I don't say "my gay friend Sheri, and more than I would say "my Straight Friend Kelly".


If I throw a party I invite my friends. I don't throw a separate "gay" party either.  I even invite my Republican and Democrat friends to the same party. Go figure.

Edited by chlban
  • Love 7

 If they stop reacting more than an eye roll, they take away any storyline she has because she needs their reactions to generate.


Yes.  Lisa V. figured this out after last season, and she's executing it perfectly. 


Brandi's huge mistake on this show was alienating Lisa.  It's Jill Zarin and Bethenny 2.0 - down to a T.  Jill thought she was so popular that she could pick a fight with the HoWife that was really the popular one, and either come out ahead, or at least win favor with fans and with the producers for creating drama.  But it backfired.  Big time.  Same with Brandi and Lisa.  Just as with Bethenny, Lisa felt her friendship with Brandi was real, so the betrayal last year was deeply hurtful.  Just as with Jill, Brandi came groveling back, but that bridge was burned.  Lisa and Bethenny were done.  We know what that meant for Jill.  Brandi = ???

  • Love 10

I don't know.  Here we are in the Brandi thread talking about it.  Lisa R said it and it is not even in her thread.  I have seen isolated comments here and there.


Gay people aren't pets.  People (including me) have posted that the women treat them like they are Giggy.  I would much prefer seeing Lisa Vs dogs than a woman dragging a gay man around.  And having a party dedicated to Tops and Bottoms is just all sorts of gross when hosted by a suburban housewife.  Aren't you edgy Kyle.

  • Love 8

How did Kyle play Brandi like a fiddle to get to Lisa? To me it looked the reverse, maybe not played like a fiddle, but it was Brandi who wanted to have a go at Lisa, and also did not like Kyle and Lisa's renewed chumminess, so she attempted to kill two birds with one stone: get an ally for her go at Lisa and drive a wedge in Kyle and Lisa's renewed friendship. The first step was, while they were hiking, admitting to Kyle that she was right and Lisa is a manipulator who plays all of them, and then in Puerto Rico Brandi told Kyle about the magazine incident which amounted to Lisa wanted Brandi to take the magazines to rattle Kyle but noble Brandi refused to do it.

I think Kyle and Lisa would have been just fine had Brandi not brought up the magazines.  In addition to Brandi pushing buttons Kim was the major blow between the Umanskys and Todds.  I think at dinner that night had Kim not made it all about her again there would have been a polite détente and Brandi would have continued to have her issues with Lisa and Kyle and Mauricio would have moved on.  Kim once again blew things up to stand up for her new friend Brandi and Kyle was left picking up the debris from her sister.

  • Love 2

I don't know.  Here we are in the Brandi thread talking about it.  Lisa R said it and it is not even in her thread.  I have seen isolated comments here and there.


Gay people aren't pets.  People (including me) have posted that the women treat them like they are Giggy.  I would much prefer seeing Lisa Vs dogs than a woman dragging a gay man around.  And having a party dedicated to Tops and Bottoms is just all sorts of gross when hosted by a suburban housewife.  Aren't you edgy Kyle.

Production needs to stop coming up with party ideas.  We all know that Lisa V. is the Queen to the gays-she was even given a star.  I hate the saying "my gay" "my gaygent"-who incidentally does that because people refer to marriage between same sex couples as gay marriage instead of just marriage.

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