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Lisa Vanderpump: Pink is her Favorite Color

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This is one of those times that I honestly cannot pick a side. I think both Yo and Ken tend to be ridiculous. Yo with all of her "what are you doing getting involved in a conversation among women" stuff that she threw at Ken more than once was really irritating to me. On the other hand, Ken always acts so entitled. Calling her stupid, which was out of hand, and then the stuff about David not being with her, which was said simply to cut her down and of course brings up her big vulnerability with regard to her King. She should have never said he touched her, when clearly he didn't. I think more than anything that Yo doesn't pretend to think that Ken is wonderful, as most of the other gals do. Everyone tends to fawn all over Ken as if he is something special, when in reality he is nothing more than a tool to carry around that sad sack of a dog. Yo doesn't do it, which probably drives him crazy. Still, I get that he would be pissed as hell about the accusation that he touched her.  Lisa can forgive her if she wants, but I can understand Ken not wanting to. 

It was a bit more than "Ken touched me", it was "he grabbed me" to "He assaulted me" even when she was shown the footage of the incident, she stuck to her battle cry. Ken at least had the decency to admit he did/said something wrong, the stupid comments, to Yolanda and apologize for making them........but it was/is crickets from Yolanda about her claims of assault against Ken. Do you really think she would have ever moved on had Lisa made those claims about David, "not bloody likely" as Lisa would say. LOL

  • Love 3

Ken did not falsely accuse Yolanda of assaulting him, so why should he have to reach out to her? She made the nasty and false accusation against him and it is up to her to apologize for it. As I said just a few posts before, had Lisa said/done this to Foster, Yolanda would have made Lisa apologize on camera, in her TH, on WWHL, in the newspapers and hire a skywriter to write one in the sky over Malibu.


...and then would mention it twice every episode after and 6 times at the finale.

  • Love 6

This is one of those times that I honestly cannot pick a side. I think both Yo and Ken tend to be ridiculous. Yo with all of her "what are you doing getting involved in a conversation among women" stuff that she threw at Ken more than once was really irritating to me. On the other hand, Ken always acts so entitled. Calling her stupid, which was out of hand, and then the stuff about David not being with her, which was said simply to cut her down and of course brings up her big vulnerability with regard to her King. She should have never said he touched her, when clearly he didn't. I think more than anything that Yo doesn't pretend to think that Ken is wonderful, as most of the other gals do. Everyone tends to fawn all over Ken as if he is something special, when in reality he is nothing more than a tool to carry around that sad sack of a dog. Yo doesn't do it, which probably drives him crazy. Still, I get that he would be pissed as hell about the accusation that he touched her.  Lisa can forgive her if she wants, but I can understand Ken not wanting to. 

I honestly think that Ken has had it with the HW show and very possibly VPR.   Another naive casualty of reality tv, thinking his personality and comments were above reproach and not subject to discussion or criticism.  Just my opinion but between the off camera business problems and watching his wife get called out and/or blasted by people he thought were friends (ignoring what his wife possibly did to incite those comments) has taken its toll and he doesn't want to play in the sandbox anymore.   It seems like he's always put Lisa on a pedestal and she doesn't want to get off the merry go round yet.  I bet it's a lonely place for him.

  • Love 11

It was a bit more than "Ken touched me", it was "he grabbed me" to "He assaulted me" even when she was shown the footage of the incident, she stuck to her battle cry. Ken at least had the decency to admit he did/said something wrong, the stupid comments, to Yolanda and apologize for making them........but it was/is crickets from Yolanda about her claims of assault against Ken. Do you really think she would have ever moved on had Lisa made those claims about David, "not bloody likely" as Lisa would say. LOL

Here is my issue-then don't go to lunch with Yolanda and say you are moving on. Say I am moving on, but Ken cannot get past the fact you accused him of grabbing you.   So we will not be able to move forward as couples.

I honestly think that Ken has had it with the HW show and very possibly VPR.   Another naive casualty of reality tv, thinking his personality and comments were above reproach and not subject to discussion or criticism.  Just my opinion but between the off camera business problems and watching his wife get called out and/or blasted by people he thought were friends (ignoring what his wife possibly did to incite those comments) has taken its toll and he doesn't want to play in the sandbox anymore.   It seems like he's always put Lisa on a pedestal and she doesn't want to get off the merry go round yet.  I bet it's a lonely place for him.

Lisa said before they opened PUMP that Ken wanted to retire and live in Montecito.  To me, someone 70, who has worked hard all his life and provided well should get a shot at retirement.  Lisa could have RHOBH and enjoy retirement.  When you marry someone older you have to accept the fact that they may very well begin to slow down before you do.

  • Love 8

Was the full lunch ever aired? I think there was a flashback so who knows what was even said or agreed upon. Yolanda probably doesn't remember the incident because she has Lyme of course.


I don't even see anyone on the show asking for Ken or demanding his presence at their parties. So if he doesn't go somewhere it doesn't seem like anyone is offended.

  • Love 3

According to Joyce, Yolanda made an even bigger spectacle. Even needing to sit down because she was so shaken from this vicious assault.


If I were Ken I wouldn't want to interact with them either.

I agree, but I guess I didn't make my point clearly enough.  I learned here that the reason Ken (or Lisa?) was staying away from certain events wasn't because Ken was angry or fed up with Yolanda, but rather because he wasn't welcome at the Fosters-- that just didn't sound credible to me. And it seems to me that, if Ken continues to stay away, he (and Lisa?) will become kind of irrelevant.


Also-- re: Lisa using aged Ken as a pack mule for her suitcases.  IMO, that is just plain wrong.  He is a 70 year old man, clearly struggling,  and her response was "oh, stop it!"   I don't think it had anything to do with the fact that she can't accept Ken isn't 35 (or 45 or 55 or 65) any longer,  or that she still sees him as  a young, strong man.   Lisa is generally pretty realistic and matter of fact when it comes to Ken. Not only that, she was present when he had a hip replacement, for heaven's sake, and no doubt knows a fall could end up in a very serious injury for him. I think she is just very very used to being waited on.  Take off your sky-high heels, Lisa, and lend a hand!

  • Love 2

Honestly, language is consensus and semantics often complicate communication, but I don't believe that Lisa is responsible for speaking on Ken's behalf regarding his sentiments toward Yolanda or that she misrepresented her intentions by agreeing to "move forward/on" with Yolanda. If anything, from the footage that's been broadcast, I see significantly more contradictions from Yolanda, who just last year waxed ad nauseum about the offensiveness of Lisa'a hauteur and the fact that she was a "Hollywood friend" who behaved in a more supercilious fashion than "Beyoncé" and only deigned to visit Yolanda once while she was "locked in her house . . . for eighteen months."


Now, of a sudden, the distant cordiality of this woman who had never really "earned" Yolanda's friendship and with whom she was, per Yolanda's own assertions, evidently never very close (and the absence of woman-beater Ken) saddens Yolanda and is yet further proof of Lisa's disingenuousness? Huh?


Ken definitively confronted Yolanda about her assault fabrications during last year's reunion. To me, the broadcast of that moment shows him raising a pointed finger in emphasis - not attempting to touch her - and her responding by swiping down. I'm not sure how or why he would even broach that subject again with her since she herself declared that she "doesn't need to see the tape" because she "knows what happened" when it, um, didn't.


Considering the trajectory of the frenemyship that we've seen play out on screen, I don't think Lisa can win for losing with Yolanda. I don't think Ken needs Lisa to speak for him or vice versa, but if Lisa had addressed Yolanda's misinterpretation of events prior to their reconciliation, I'm pretty sure Yolanda would have simply used that as an example of Lisa hanging on to old grudges.


As with Brandi, Lisa seems to have consented to friendliness, which I don't think is an immature or unrealistic objective in any large social circle. Brandi and Yolanda may think "moving on" means braiding each other's hair or giving big full belly laughs about hazing the minority newbie together again, but I personally find that more unlikely and unreasonable post-friendship fracture.


Which is not to say that I find Lisa beyond reproach. Her initial backing of Brandi against Joyce was cringe-worthy; thankfully, she seemed to come to her sense on that account. I think she's actually pretty consistent, though. She stands up for those she earnestly believes are friends and does so quite vocally even when their behavior isn't defensible. Brandi obviously represents one instance of this, but she did it with Kyle prior to that. She loudly proclaimed she wouldn't hear Kyle called a bully at the season one reunion even though, in my view, Kyle contributed as much to the major conflict of that year as Camille. She backed Taylor's abuse allegations against Brandi during the season two reunion. And she, at least initially, tried to find a way to mitigate and/or justify Kyle's animus toward Brandi when they all met. When Kyle asked over and over in season three what she could do to repair their relationship, I never found Lisa's request for back up hypocritical or out of character - she didn't do it every single time a dispute erupted, but she did memorably chime in on Kyle's behalf on several occasions.


I thought, like others, that Lisa probably should have seen Brandi's betrayal coming because of the precedent set with Adrienne and Brandi's general disposition last year. But I don't find Lisa unique in the way in which that boomerang ended up hitting her. We're seeing it play out right now with Kyle and Brandi, and Kyle, who took the opportunity to argue that Brandi's unimpeachable credibility was already established by Lisa, had not one (Adrienne) but two (Lisa) clear demonstrations of Brandi's propensity to lie.

  • Love 9

Here is my issue-then don't go to lunch with Yolanda and say you are moving on. Say I am moving on, but Ken cannot get past the fact you accused him of grabbing you.   So we will not be able to move forward as couples.

Lisa said before they opened PUMP that Ken wanted to retire and live in Montecito.  To me, someone 70, who has worked hard all his life and provided well should get a shot at retirement.  Lisa could have RHOBH and enjoy retirement.  When you marry someone older you have to accept the fact that they may very well begin to slow down before you do.

Thanks for the info - I didn't realize that Ken wanted to retire.  It makes more sense that he has checked out of the mainstream and just doesn't engage in the foolishness and basically acts like a crab..  He seems to be in his element puttering around the house with the endless streams of dogs and pruning his roses and not engaging in things (issues) that annoy him.  He created a monster by worshipping Lisa all this time and it appears he knows it and can't do anything about it .  Do they have property in Montecito?

  • Love 2

It was a bit more than "Ken touched me", it was "he grabbed me" to "He assaulted me" even when she was shown the footage of the incident, she stuck to her battle cry. Ken at least had the decency to admit he did/said something wrong, the stupid comments, to Yolanda and apologize for making them........but it was/is crickets from Yolanda about her claims of assault against Ken. Do you really think she would have ever moved on had Lisa made those claims about David, "not bloody likely" as Lisa would say. LOL

Yo was just all kinds of wrong unless there is additional footage that we didn't see (which I doubt because I think they would have showed it). In all honesty, I don't know how someone moves forward after an accusation like that, and have no issues if Ken cannot. It's not like they were close before that. 


I think the thing is that Ken and Lisa were pretty much untouchable for the first 3 seasons. They either played it near perfectly, or their edit was just that good (probably a little of both) and I think what has come after was a shock for Ken in particular.  They started to be revealed in S3 with their ridiculous defense of Brandi. Not that the defense of someone they loved was so bad, it was the way they went about it and let it color how they felt about people they did care about. Ken going after Mauricio at the Moroccan restaurant was just silly, when all Mauricio was doing was stating his opinion. Trying to make him feel bad because Brandi was a "poor, single mother", and acting like Mauricio was less than a man because he would dare to talk to a woman like that made Ken look like a fool IMO, and helped to shape the narrative that carried on for the rest of the season. Then of course the nail in the coffin was what they said about the Umansky's at the reunion. I'm not sure if it is better or worse than Yo's accusation against Ken, but I would say it is worse. Mainly because it was easy to see that Yo was wrong, where it could be harder for the audience to ascertain that Ken and Lisa were wrong. It also took them an entire year to apologize for what they said. 


I think Ken has decided that this just isn't fun anymore. My feelings have always been that it is much harder for the folks who are loved and embraced by the audience when the fall eventually happens.  Reminds me very much of how I assume Terry D on the OC show will behave this year. He use to be so beloved, then took a huge fall last year.  I would expect that this year we will see much less of him. 

  • Love 4

Reminds me very much of how I assume Terry D on the OC show will behave this year. He use to be so beloved, then took a huge fall last year.  I would expect that this year we will see much less of him. 


Ugh. I can't remember a time when Terry was beloved.  I've never had such an immediate dislike to a RH character.  Not even Slade.  From the git, every time I saw Terry's face I wanted to slap the smug right off it.  I hope your prediction is correct and we don't see him very often.

  • Love 3

Let's face it Lisa is paid to move on, Ken is not.

And there you have it! Lisa and a Ken are using these stupid shows to promote their businesses, point blank period. I've never gotten a warm fuzzy feeling of real friendship from either of them regardless. And we've seen proof of what an asshole Ken is towards his staff and his son. So if Ken wants to sit his grumpy ass home during parties, so be it. Lisa is the employee.

  • Love 1

I don't think it is just Yolanda and David.  Ken didn't want to go and eat Fatburger again at Kyle and Mauricio's.  I think he doesn't like that Lisa was criticized.  I wonder too if his eyes weren't opened a little about his wonderful Lisa, like maybe she's not the princess he thought she was.  Maybe production confirmed to him too that Lisa said, "Put the tabloids in" like Brandi said.  Maybe he's a little disillusioned.  Who knows.  He's pissed though.  So I am happy that it just adds layers to the Vanderpump/Todd story.  Not so happy in pinky land. 


Or maybe he's mad that they are doing a Max storyline.

I adore Ken.  He loves his wife, and he won't put up with too much bullshit.


As far as him carrying Lisa's bags?  I'm pretty sure he doesn't want to be treated as a doddering old man.  He's only 70, and I think he loves doing stuff like that.  I doubt he considers himself "old." 


As an aside, I stayed at a lovely beach house on a high cliff over the ocean a few months ago.  The great uncle (and his wife) of my friend dropped her off just as I arrived with a bunch of stuff to carry, including a very heavy suitcase.  I had no idea their would be so many stairs and several landings!  They were coming up to watch the sunset.  He's 88, and his wife was about 80.  Before I could stop him, he picked up my heaviest suitcase and practically sprinted up those stairs.  I was struggling with my other stuff (much lighter) and he was semi horrified that I was carrying anything, calling down to me "I'll get that stuff next, you come up here and relax!"  We were so much younger, but that gentlemen side of him couldn't stand the idea of women having to carry suitcases.  Adorable, and vital, and he went on a 8 mile cliff hike the next day.

Edited by Umbelina
  • Love 5

I love her dogs, I love her swans, I love her closet, I love her house (although Eileen's décor is much more to my taste, cluttered & homey).  It was so cute when Rumpy chose the fat old lady for his girlfriend.  "Shows character", indeed.  :-)


I've got to say, I don't care for the swans.  It's pretty rude to invite guests over, only to have them attacked by your vicious swans.  God only knows what their staff have to put up with.  Now, I personally am not a social person, and wouldn't mind a swan chasing away uninvited visitors.  It would be a little more expedient than ignoring the door bell.  I also would never live in Lisa's house, because it would be difficult to ignore people ringing my doorbell, when they're looking at me through my two story glass doors.  And as cute as it was watching the swan come waddling into the house, the knowledge that they could easily kill my five tiny ankle biters, whilst simultaneously shooting liquid stool out of their behinds inside my home, is a complete turnoff.

  • Love 5

I've got to say, I don't care for the swans.  It's pretty rude to invite guests over, only to have them attacked by your vicious swans.  God only knows what their staff have to put up with.  Now, I personally am not a social person, and wouldn't mind a swan chasing away uninvited visitors.  It would be a little more expedient than ignoring the door bell.  I also would never live in Lisa's house, because it would be difficult to ignore people ringing my doorbell, when they're looking at me through my two story glass doors.  And as cute as it was watching the swan come waddling into the house, the knowledge that they could easily kill my five tiny ankle biters, whilst simultaneously shooting liquid stool out of their behinds inside my home, is a complete turnoff.

LOL, I think the swans spend most of their time in the large pond on the property, that is where we first saw them last season. I suspect that some producer thought they would be fun for viewers to see because so many commented on them last season, so they are moved up close to the house when they were filming. That "moat" is very small, too small for 2 swans to stay for any length of time. LOL The "five tiny ankle biters" showed no fear of the swan when it came into the house, 2 of them went after the swan! LOL I wonder how the 2 Golden's deal with them?

  • Love 3

Goldens are much sweeter than the ankle biters (the maltese was barking pretty vigorously at Ken when he brought Rumpy back).  The swans will easily chase off Rumpy and his gal.  And I do think the swans go after visitors, I wasn't joking.  Even Eileen mentioned it.  Lisa doesn't care, and she doesn't care that Ken is targeted.  As long as Lisa can put her hand up their feathered bottoms and kiss on them, it's all that matters.

I've got to say, I don't care for the swans.  It's pretty rude to invite guests over, only to have them attacked by your vicious swans.  God only knows what their staff have to put up with.  Now, I personally am not a social person, and wouldn't mind a swan chasing away uninvited visitors.  It would be a little more expedient than ignoring the door bell.  I also would never live in Lisa's house, because it would be difficult to ignore people ringing my doorbell, when they're looking at me through my two story glass doors.  And as cute as it was watching the swan come waddling into the house, the knowledge that they could easily kill my five tiny ankle biters, whilst simultaneously shooting liquid stool out of their behinds inside my home, is a complete turnoff.

Were we separated at birth? Thanks for my much needed laugh of the day.

  • Love 1

Goldens are much sweeter than the ankle biters (the maltese was barking pretty vigorously at Ken when he brought Rumpy back).  The swans will easily chase off Rumpy and his gal.  And I do think the swans go after visitors, I wasn't joking.  Even Eileen mentioned it.  Lisa doesn't care, and she doesn't care that Ken is targeted.  As long as Lisa can put her hand up their feathered bottoms and kiss on them, it's all that matters.

I also have a Malt and he barks at everyone and I mean everyone when they come into our house. Be it my husband, our son, Grand daughter (that I watch everyday at our home), our DIL or even myself when I come home from shopping! They are yippers, he even taught our 150 lb. Newf to bark when someone comes home and his barks are really loud! LOL


I live in farmland territory and many people here have geese as guard animals because they attack everyone and honk at them loudly, so the swans guarding the house is not surprising nor offensive to me. LOL

  • Love 3

I also have a Malt and he barks at everyone and I mean everyone when they come into our house. Be it my husband, our son, Grand daughter (that I watch everyday at our home), our DIL or even myself when I come home from shopping! They are yippers, he even taught our 150 lb. Newf to bark when someone comes home and his barks are really loud! LOL


I understand this completely.  My mom's little black dog used to charge the vacuum cleaner, barking and nipping.  He taught this skill to my Am. Staff (similar to a pit bull), but my dog would actually bite onto the vacuum and start a tug-of-war.  She was like a shark - she would circle from behind me, then attack.

  • Love 3

Ken's age combined with his hip surgery could be related to cognitive decline.  It's really a thing.  Cognitive decline could be the reason he's crankier, slower, makes questionable decisions, etc.  I find it hard to bag on him.  I'm dealing with old people in my own life right now and it's distressing how quickly they can change (behaviorally) after surgery.  It's been 2 years since my dad's hip replacement.  He's a different (grouchier) man. Like Ken, he doesn't want to do anything anymore except hang with his dog.  Some days I can't say I blame him. LOL


ETA:  zoeysmom, I meant to comment way upthread about Ken and sundowners.  I think you're onto something there.  When was the last time we've seen Ken anywhere after 5?

Tell me again Ken Todd's age. Is it not 57? I think I remember it is older but not that much older. I just don't know people around that age who have displayed cognitive decline unless they have something seriously neurological happening. 

  • Love 1

Tell me again Ken Todd's age. Is it not 57? I think I remember it is older but not that much older. I just don't know people around that age who have displayed cognitive decline unless they have something seriously neurological happening. 


70.  Lisa is 54, and I'm fairly certain he's 16 years older. 


Even if he's not had any cognitive decline, he could've had some depression after his surgery/during recovery.  OR he just may be a crotchety older man. LOL

  • Love 3

70.  Lisa is 54, and I'm fairly certain he's 16 years older. 


Even if he's not had any cognitive decline, he could've had some depression after his surgery/during recovery.  OR he just may be a crotchety older man. LOL

After working in clubs for 40 years he could be very hard of hearing.  I just don't see Ken be a big part of the conversation any longer.  At Lisar's birthday party did he even utter a word?

  • Love 2

I adore Ken.  He loves his wife, and he won't put up with too much bullshit.


As far as him carrying Lisa's bags?  I'm pretty sure he doesn't want to be treated as a doddering old man.  He's only 70, and I think he loves doing stuff like that.  I doubt he considers himself "old." 


As an aside, I stayed at a lovely beach house on a high cliff over the ocean a few months ago.  The great uncle (and his wife) of my friend dropped her off just as I arrived with a bunch of stuff to carry, including a very heavy suitcase.  I had no idea their would be so many stairs and several landings!  They were coming up to watch the sunset.  He's 88, and his wife was about 80.  Before I could stop him, he picked up my heaviest suitcase and practically sprinted up those stairs.  I was struggling with my other stuff (much lighter) and he was semi horrified that I was carrying anything, calling down to me "I'll get that stuff next, you come up here and relax!"  We were so much younger, but that gentlemen side of him couldn't stand the idea of women having to carry suitcases.  Adorable, and vital, and he went on a 8 mile cliff hike the next day.


The reason I made the comment regarding Ken being Lisa's pack mule was because HE was complaining about having to carry her bags.  Didn't seem to me like he was loving it or enjoying it.  And considering the fact that he has had a hip replacement, he really does have to be careful.  A caring wife would have arranged it so that he wasn't required to risk a life-changing injury.    She is whatever-- 20 years younger?-- she can carry her own crap. I would do that every day, all day before I put my husband at risk, but I was raised by women who could step up and take care of themselves, rather than be constantly catered to like a spoiled child.


Kudos to your eighty-eight year old uncle who is so physically fit and vigorous.  Ken is neither. People age differently--  Ken is limping/walking with some difficulty and does seem quite doddering.  Ken isn't going on any 8 mile hike.  He could barely get down the stairs with the suitcases. Mentally, he seems not so sharp, IMO.


I recall when we had to convince my elderly father-in-law-- who was otherwise well,  but was losing his vision--that he couldn't drive anymore.  It was very difficult for him to accept for many reasons, and one was that he didn't want to think of himself as "old."   However, the choice was between giving up some independence and, maybe, changing the way he saw himself  vs. putting himself and others at risk every time he got behind the wheel.    He reluctantly chose safety for himself and the rest of the driving public.   In the Lisa-Ken situation, if I were Lisa, I would be finding ways to get things done without asking Ken to do "the heavy lifting"  so he doesn't have to be constantly confronted with his losing battle against age.  I just think she is very used to having him wait on her and demands that he to continue doing so, despite his obvious limitations.

Edited by BluishGreen
  • Love 2

After working in clubs for 40 years he could be very hard of hearing.  I just don't see Ken be a big part of the conversation any longer.  At Lisar's birthday party did he even utter a word?


I agree. Also, I have a feeling he did a lot of partying in his heyday and killed off a good amount of brain cells in the process.  I'm not saying he's in Ozzy Osbourne territory but sometimes I see a similarity.  (Sorry, Ken.)




Tell me again Ken Todd's age. Is it not 57? I think I remember it is older but not that much older. I just don't know people around that age who have displayed cognitive decline unless they have something seriously neurological happening. 


I'm not anywhere near Ken's age and my memory is going.  I read zoeysmom's post above and thought, "Wait, Lisa R had a birthday party?"  I had to think really hard before I remembered. LOL

  • Love 5

I adore Ken.  He loves his wife, and he won't put up with too much bullshit.


As far as him carrying Lisa's bags?  I'm pretty sure he doesn't want to be treated as a doddering old man.  He's only 70, and I think he loves doing stuff like that.  I doubt he considers himself "old." 


As an aside, I stayed at a lovely beach house on a high cliff over the ocean a few months ago.  The great uncle (and his wife) of my friend dropped her off just as I arrived with a bunch of stuff to carry, including a very heavy suitcase.  I had no idea their would be so many stairs and several landings!  They were coming up to watch the sunset.  He's 88, and his wife was about 80.  Before I could stop him, he picked up my heaviest suitcase and practically sprinted up those stairs.  I was struggling with my other stuff (much lighter) and he was semi horrified that I was carrying anything, calling down to me "I'll get that stuff next, you come up here and relax!"  We were so much younger, but that gentlemen side of him couldn't stand the idea of women having to carry suitcases.  Adorable, and vital, and he went on a 8 mile cliff hike the next day.

He can probably do it because he's up and down those stairs all the time. I know some folks like that. That said, as a woman, I really don't like the culture of women not carrying stuff, or letting a woman out at the door so she doesn't have to walk up there. It grates on my feminism, I suppose. But I also have a theory that some women become physically less fit as they age because of this culture. I know my feelings are very unpopular some circles (know because I've been told, lol). But as I am aging myself I dearly love the fact I can walk many miles and carry heavy stuff. Happily I married a man with the same world view on that subject. 

According to Joyce, Yolanda made an even bigger spectacle. Even needing to sit down because she was so shaken from this vicious assault.


If I were Ken I wouldn't want to interact with them either.

Sometimes I sort of like Yolanda, but ugh for that assault talk. If I were David, it would be unnerving if things went wrong in their marriage -- her eagerness to so describe rather ordinary behavior from a man. I mean, many of us touch another person's arm while in intense conversation. 

It has just occurred to me that I am speaking rather like a crotchety old person myself this morning. Really, I'm feeling quite cheerful. Perhaps the appearance of crotchetiness can be deceiving. 

Edited by mbutterfly
  • Love 5

The reason I made the comment regarding Ken being Lisa's pack mule was because HE was complaining about having to carry her bags.  Didn't seem to me like he was loving it or enjoying it.  And considering the fact that he has had a hip replacement, he really does have to be careful.  A caring wife would have arranged it so that he wasn't required to risk a life-changing injury.    She is whatever-- 20 years younger?-- she can carry her own crap. I would do that every day, all day before I put my husband at risk, but I was raised by women who could step up and take care of themselves, rather than be constantly catered to like a spoiled child.


Kudos to your eighty-eight year old uncle who is so physically fit and vigorous.  Ken is neither. People age differently--  Ken is limping/walking with some difficulty and does seem quite doddering.  Ken isn't going on any 8 mile hike.  He could barely get down the stairs with the suitcases. Mentally, he seems not so sharp, IMO.


I recall when we had to convince my elderly father-in-law-- who was otherwise well,  but was losing his vision--that he couldn't drive anymore.  It was very difficult for him to accept for many reasons, and one was that he didn't want to think of himself as "old."   However, the choice was between giving up some independence and, maybe, changing the way he saw himself  vs. putting himself and others at risk every time he got behind the wheel.    He reluctantly chose safety for himself and the rest of the driving public.   In the Lisa-Ken situation, if I were Lisa, I would be finding ways to get things done without asking Ken to do "the heavy lifting"  so he doesn't have to be constantly confronted with his losing battle against age.  I just think she is very used to having him wait on her and demands that he to continue doing so, despite his obvious limitations.

I have to laugh, Ken is much like my father. My dad would complain about carrying heavy suitcases as well, but heaven forbid my mother even attempt to carry them herself. My father would have considered that an insult, even if he was not up to to the task. My mother gave up trying to get my father to slow down and allow others to help him and he refused, big time. I get the feeling that Ken falls into the same category as my father, in their minds there are certain jobs that men are supposed to do at all times and they refuse to alter from that....taking care of their wives, opening doors, carrying luggage, being protective of their wives. It may be antiquated to some but to others it is called being a good husband. LOL

Edited by WireWrap
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I have to laugh, Ken is much like my father. My dad would complain about carrying heavy suitcases as well, but heaven forbid my mother even attempt to carry them herself. My father would have considered that an insult, even if he was not up to to the task. My mother gave up trying to get my father to slow down and allow others to help him and he refused, big time. I get the feeling that Ken falls into the same category as my father, in their minds there are certain jobs that men are supposed to do at all times and they refuse to alter from that....taking care of their wives, opening doors, carrying luggage, being protective of their wives. It may be antiquated to some but to others it is called being a good husband. LOL


Yes, Ken's philosophy about women needing protection and coddling like not-too-bright children is what led him to fight with everyone for Brandi's honor, and we saw how that worked out for him. We pay a big price for that "women are the weaker sex" philosophy-- it carries with it inequality in a whole host of other, uglier ways.... 


ANYHOO,  if Ken is such a good husband because he doesn't allow Lisa to carry her own suitcases,  is Lisa a good wife by letting him do it,  knowing a fall could cripple him for life? They pay a butler to carry Lisa's glass of water from one room to another,  but she can't get anyone to help with her suitcases? No, she just likes Ken to wait on her, IMO. And if she was truly caring, she would find ways to do things that would allow him to protect his vanity while not endangering his well being.

Edited by BluishGreen
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I agree, but I guess I didn't make my point clearly enough.  I learned here that the reason Ken (or Lisa?) was staying away from certain events wasn't because Ken was angry or fed up with Yolanda, but rather because he wasn't welcome at the Fosters-- that just didn't sound credible to me. And it seems to me that, if Ken continues to stay away, he (and Lisa?) will become kind of irrelevant.


Also-- re: Lisa using aged Ken as a pack mule for her suitcases.  IMO, that is just plain wrong.  He is a 70 year old man, clearly struggling,  and her response was "oh, stop it!"   I don't think it had anything to do with the fact that she can't accept Ken isn't 35 (or 45 or 55 or 65) any longer,  or that she still sees him as  a young, strong man.   Lisa is generally pretty realistic and matter of fact when it comes to Ken. Not only that, she was present when he had a hip replacement, for heaven's sake, and no doubt knows a fall could end up in a very serious injury for him. I think she is just very very used to being waited on.  Take off your sky-high heels, Lisa, and lend a hand!


I think there is some confusion here as I believe that it is the totality of all of the Yolanda and Ken's interactions that has caused Ken to excuse himself from Yo's events. The statement about Ken not being welcome is just one reason for Ken to bow out, and as a reason, its a pretty damn good one. But, Yolanda's claims of assault have also been brought up by Lisa as further reasons for his stepping back. Lisa hasn't given just a single reason. She has given plenty. But I think that the most obvious reason is that Ken is over all of this and just wants to spend time pampering his wife. Again, that is a pretty damn good reason to stay away from the drama. 


He seems to have learned his lesson about involving himself in the housewife drama and is content to be away from it. I can't fault him for that. I certainly don't think that it has any real bearing on Lisa's storyline. Let's face it, before Brandi, Ken was very rarely involved in the housewife shenanigans to begin with. He and Maurico were very similar in that they let the women hash out their own drama and focused on their businesses, only joining the women as arm candy and hanging out with each other. 

  • Love 4

I'm not about to try to change an 88 year old man's generational chivalry to stand up for feminism.  Ha.  It was her great uncle, not mine.  At a certain point, respect for elders is my go-to.  Also, most men do have greater upper body strength than women, and while I am a feminist from WAY back, I don't mind men carrying the heavy stuff for me.  In that particular case though, I was shocked and tried to stop him, but he out ran me up those stairs!  (I need to exercise more!)  BTW, he's had both hips replaced and a few other health issues, he just refuses to let any of that stop him.  He happened to be there when we were leaving, and I deliberately snuck down the stairs with my heavy stuff while he was distracted by the view though.  I did ask him to carry two very light items so he would fell useful and manly though.    I also told him I'd emptied most of the suitcase into smaller bags when he protested me carrying that heavy thing myself. 


My point about Ken and Lisa stands though.  I think Ken loves taking care of his wife.  If he didn't they would call servants to do it.


I agree that Ken is over the housewife bullshit, and I don't blame him at all.  Last season was atrocious for him.

  • Love 6

Yes, Ken's philosophy about women needing protection and coddling like not-too-bright children is what led him to fight with everyone for Brandi's honor, and we saw how that worked out for him. We pay a big price for that "women are the weaker sex" philosophy-- it carries with it inequality in a whole host of other, uglier ways.... 


ANYHOO,  if Ken is such a good husband because he doesn't allow Lisa to carry her own suitcases,  is Lisa a good wife by letting him do it,  knowing a fall could cripple him for life? They pay a butler to carry Lisa's glass of water from one room to another,  but she can't get anyone to help with her suitcases? No, she just likes Ken to wait on her, IMO. And if she was truly caring, she would find ways to do things that would allow him to protect his vanity while not endangering his well being.

I see nothing wrong in a husband defending his wife, I actually expect my husband to have my back, as I have his. Had he not, the boards would have lit up blasting him for not doing so. I do not believe it says anything about women being "the weaker sex", it speaks to their marriage and his love/support for his wife.


That he defended Brandi, IMO, was because she had no one, no husband/brother/father/BF, to have her back and he felt she needed it (right or wrong) so acted a  surrogate father would because you have your spouse's/family's back in public then have a talk privately if you think they are wrong.  


Most likely, Lisa allows Ken to do as he pleases, carrying her luggage, because she knows it pleases him, makes him still feel needed and that is important to men as they age. In private, with no cameras on them, Lisa may well insist that a male house staff member do the heavy lifting but on camera she lets Ken to help him save face/pride because it is important to him. JMO

Edited by WireWrap
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Does anybody think those suitcases were really loaded?  I think they were empty and Ken humping them down the stairs was part of the Fabulous Lisa Goes to Palm Springs story line. 


I really believe there's got to be an elevator somewhere in that house. It seems to have every other amenity.  Why would they purchase a house with a second floor master bedroom - with no elevator - when both of them are on the other side of middle age?  They've got the money to install one later but did Ken have his hip replacement before or after they bought that?

  • Love 6

Does anybody think those suitcases were really loaded?  I think they were empty and Ken humping them down the stairs was part of the Fabulous Lisa Goes to Palm Springs story line. 


I really believe there's got to be an elevator somewhere in that house. It seems to have every other amenity.  Why would they purchase a house with a second floor master bedroom - with no elevator - when both of them are on the other side of middle age?  They've got the money to install one later but did Ken have his hip replacement before or after they bought that?

They had it built before the hip replacement was done and, ITA, there is most likely an elevator somewhere in the house.

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Lisa will be selling Vanderpump Estate Jewelry on ShopHQ (soon to be EVINE Live) on Valentine's weekend :


The next vendor up has photos of Paris and Kathy Hilton as well as Jack Osbourne-the vendor is the founder of a MS event. 

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The reason I made the comment regarding Ken being Lisa's pack mule was because HE was complaining about having to carry her bags.  Didn't seem to me like he was loving it or enjoying it.  And considering the fact that he has had a hip replacement, he really does have to be careful.  A caring wife would have arranged it so that he wasn't required to risk a life-changing injury.    She is whatever-- 20 years younger?-- she can carry her own crap. I would do that every day, all day before I put my husband at risk, but I was raised by women who could step up and take care of themselves, rather than be constantly catered to like a spoiled child.


How about have the pretentious butler carry the luggage?  Lisa (and Ken apparently) was too good to carry her damn drink to her own bedroom.  The butler - replete with Downton Abbey uniform - carried her drink on a silly little tray.  When I commented on this, I was told by many that it was the butler's job to walk around with a drink balanced on a tray, and he was probably very proud of his work performance, and what a lovely job he had, etc.  Butlers make a great deal of money.  If his only responsibility is to answer the door and balance drinks, but let doddering seniors struggle dangerously, with two very heavy suitcases down dramatic staircases - and if he fell he would have knocked out Lisa on the way down - then I just don't know what to say.  That house has a complete staff.  I wish Lisa had been like Yolanda, and called a young person to carry the luggage.


I recall when we had to convince my elderly father-in-law-- who was otherwise well,  but was losing his vision--that he couldn't drive anymore.  It was very difficult for him to accept for many reasons, and one was that he didn't want to think of himself as "old."   However, the choice was between giving up some independence and, maybe, changing the way he saw himself  vs. putting himself and others at risk every time he got behind the wheel.    He reluctantly chose safety for himself and the rest of the driving public.   In the Lisa-Ken situation, if I were Lisa, I would be finding ways to get things done without asking Ken to do "the heavy lifting"  so he doesn't have to be constantly confronted with his losing battle against age.  I just think she is very used to having him wait on her and demands that he to continue doing so, despite his obvious limitations.


I am a nurse, and a very no-nonsense one.  Allowing someone to endanger themselves so they can feel like a man - not going to happen.  Even with the VPT money, a broken hip or femur at Ken's age is a slippery slope to death.  Someone his age who becomes bedridden, even for a short period of time, very often never again becomes agile, even with the finest medical care.


My grandma was an absolute menace behind the wheel.  Yet her nine children hemmed and hawed about taking away her car keys.  The woman was almost ninety and had been a dangerous driver for over twenty years.  I had to apply a heavy guilt trip to my mom to get them to respond.  Also, after refusing to live with any of her nine children (or me - you know THE NURSE), she went into a nursing home of her choice and proceeded to become very depressed.  I would talk to my mom frequently, and they would gather around my grandma, begging her to eat.  Finally, I was like - you've got to be fucking kidding me.  Do you think I would stand by and allow you to starve to death over a choice that you made, and refused to change?  Hell no. My grandma was spry and completely alert - this was no end of life decision.  She needed a little tough love and I empowered my mom to do it.  I've never seen so many senior citizens dancing to the tune of a ninety year old.  She died at the age of 92 - you'd think we would have handled her death as natural, and even a blessing (she was in severe pain when she died).  Nope.  We were an absolute mess.  My mom draped herself over my Grandma's coffin, my aunt was dragged out screaming she didn't want to leave because she'd never see her again, and my 82 year old great-aunt was inconsolable,  sobbing about not being able to go on without her sister.


ETA:  I don't see any other instances of Lisa being concerned that Ken feels masculine.  He's her glorified dog/purse holder.

Edited by RedheadZombie
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Hello Everyone, Just Introducing Myself.

I Have Been Lurking Around Previously.TV Forums For Several Months Now, & Finally Decided To Create My Account & Join The Community.  Have Enjoyed Browsing & I Am Looking Forward To Contributing/Commenting.


Ken Todd & Lisa VanderPump's House  --->>> http://www.cotedetexas.blogspot.com/search?updated-max=2015-01-25T19:35:00-06:00&max-results=1&start=1&by-date=false

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WOW! Thanks for the link! Now THAT is some house porn! LOL

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The idea that Ken is such a doddering cuckolded old man that he would carry 60 lbs of luggage to the detriment of his health and against his will is more than a little silly to me.


He hasn't gotten where he is by being a pushover; if he REALLY didn't want to carry the luggage I'm sure he'd make Rocio or some other staff member carry it upstairs for him. 

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