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Kim Richards: No Escape from Witch Mountain

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I think that poor Richards family must be ALL KINDS OF F'D UP!!  Just look at the progeny!  I'm sure Kathy Hilton is soooo proud of her son,Conrad.  I know that if any of US PEASANTS ever acted up like he reportedly did on that flight from London to LAX, we'd be UNDER the jail.


Then there's old Liar,Liar, pants on fire, KIM....  Could she BE any more obnoxious??  I start hollering at my teevee when she gets all butt-hurt because Kyle has hurt her widdle feewins, boohoohoo.  The fact that Kyle just reacts like Pavlov's dog when Kim barks at her only makes it worse.  SURELY they have enough $$$ to find a damn Psychiatrist!! Pronto! Get thee to the frickin' DOCTOR already!!


Steps down from soapbox and waves at all fellow ole TWOP'ers!

It sounds like Conrad is a total whacko...from another era. He truly believes he's born into American aristocracy. I say, send the kid away to a juvenile facility with the rest of the "peasants" (his word for the rest of us) so he truly learns of how special he is. :D


Kyle getting herself so upset over Brandi and Kim's stick is getting trying.  You are so right...send in the psychiatrist because Kyle has to see that her getting so upset by them is exactly want they want.  She can only change herself and I think getting good sound advice might help her to stop shooting from the hip at these two.  It can't be good for her to be going ballistic on TV with these two even though one is her sister. Kim is not acting like a sister so it's about time Kyle stops the "but your my sister routine."  


Unfortunately my soapbox is rather high...or I wouldn't be here blabbing away...sorry ;).

Edited by RealityTVSmack1
  • Love 2

It sounds like Conrad is a total whacko...from another era. He truly believes he's born into American aristocracy. I say, send the kid away to a juvenile facility with the rest of the "peasants" (his word for the rest of us) so he truly learns of how special he is. :D


Kyle getting herself so upset over Brandi and Kim's stick is getting trying.  You are so right...send in the psychiatrist because Kyle has to see that her getting so upset by them is exactly want they want.  She can only change herself and I think getting good sound advice might help her to stop shooting from the hip at these two.  It can't be good for her to be going ballistic on TV with these two even though one is her sister. Kim is not acting like a sister so it's about time Kyle stops the "but your my sister routine."  


Unfortunately my soapbox is rather high...or I wouldn't be here blabbing away...sorry ;).

LOL, this is the same family/parents that raised Paris and boo hoo'ed when she was arrested! LOL They really believe they are royalty, after all.....Kathy was MIA from Kimberly's graduation party because she just had to see the British Royal China pattern with the other tourists!  LOL


I think Kyle needs to tap her MIL's colleagues for more help (for herself) and 1 for Kim but I don't think Kim would agree to it. That 1 is a lost cause IMO. 

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LOL, this is the same family/parents that raised Paris and boo hoo'ed when she was arrested! LOL They really believe they are royalty, after all.....Kathy was MIA from Kimberly's graduation party because she just had to see the British Royal China pattern with the other tourists!  LOL


I think Kyle needs to tap her MIL's colleagues for more help (for herself) and 1 for Kim but I don't think Kim would agree to it. That 1 is a lost cause IMO. 

So very true...until Kim starts acting like a sister I'd ignore her.  If Kim wants to play these head games with Kyle there's nothing Kyle can do but keep the toxic out of her life.  Sad to say but she'd be better off keeping a sister that holds a grudge against her away from her own children.  Kathy isn't on the Hw show so at least she's out of range for Kim's BS. 


Kim can only use Brandi as a tool against Kyle for so long.  Eventually Brandi will turn on Kim like she turned on LisaV.  Looks like Yolanda has been inching away from Brandi which is why Brandi needed Kim to film with.

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IMO both Kim & Kyle manipulate each other and they've been doing it so long that it's now second nature.  And really, they both have a mean streak.  There are times when Kyle looks so pretty, then, when she gets snide, her face changes to kind of a witchy smirk.


I wonder why they don't speak in their own language (that they showed us in the first season) when they don't want to be overheard.


I agree with others that something bad happened to Kim (or maybe to all the sisters), but it's been buried along with all their other family secrets.  Not to say we need to know their secrets, but there's something going on under the surface that Kim especially needs to face and come to terms with.  Maybe then she can have a happy life.

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From Brian Moylan's recap.  I put it in the media thread as well, but this paragraph really kind of nails it for me.  Kim is obviously using Brandi to stand up for her, and to take the heat as well.  Sisters are complicated, but these two have issues that go way back, and I do wish they would both go, together and alone, to a hard assed, truth telling therapist that could make them both face up to where all of this really come from.


So many have felt it was Brandi using Kim to get back at Kyle...the quote you brought is what I have been suspecting all along.  The sisters have a problem and Brandi allows a full court battle to occur with each pointing to Brandi as the culprit.  Meanwhile the sisters can both blame Brandi and walk away from the season fine after Andy asks them to hug during the RHOBHs Reunion show.

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I'm not sure Brandi is an alcoholic, she's stone sober on Celeb Apprentice, seemingly without issues.  I think she's sloppy and a drunk on RHBH now, too big for her britches and Bravo's notoriously "delay shooting, get them drunker" stuff helps that.  She should be able to monitor herself better, but alcoholic?  I'm not convinced.  Yet. 


There are different types of alcoholics. There are the people who can't go a day without a drink and others who can't stop drinking once they start.  That's Brandi. She's a binge drinker who, when she drinks, always gets drunk.  

  • Love 7

The more I see this play out the more I see that Kim may have been picking times when Kyle was unavailable physically and used this to mount a case of bad sister against her.   

-Brandi broke the Kim rule by first calling Kyle and telling her of Kim's trouble and then swearing Kyle to secrecy about Brandi divulging the late night call and Kim's troubled state

-Brandi broke the Kim rule by spilling the beans on film in Eileen's driveway

-Brandi broke the Kim rule by talking about in he talking head and pluralizing the 2 am calls

-Kyle broke the rule by bringing it up to Kim when Kim was recovering from her cough because Kim apparently had forgotten all about it.  The fact it is on film does not absolve Kyle from bringing it up.

-Brandi broke the rule by bringing it up at the Gay Mixer 

-Kyle was accused of trying to get Kim to mention what she was upset about-although we have gotten pretty big clues from Brandi, cancer, wedding and Kimberly's return to college. 


Although I firmly believe that when Kim said Kyle wasn't making time for her-(and she is Kyle's family and apparently to Kim the most important person in the whole wide world to Kyle) that is what Brandi and Kim were really talking about 95% of the time.


I will say to Kim.  During the period of time in question it was the end of the school year for three of Kyle's four daughters and one was graduating from high school, with another planning a trip abroad.  There was the commencement of filming and having the White Party and then two vacations in July for the Umanskys while being filmed, with one being cut short to get back for the hurry up wedding.  Brandi was away filming the Celebrity Apprentice in mid-March until mid-April.


I do believe if Kim was calling out because her sobriety was in jeopardy, Brandi and would not have contacted Kyle first and would have helped and I do think Kyle would have helped as soon as knew.  Short of that if it was Kim not feeling well or Monty having cancer, the wedding planning or feeling lonely because Kimberly was returning to school, or Kim not liking that Kyle was on vacation to hear all of Kim's whining that is on Kim.


Kim has this uncanny ability to not hear anything Brandi says that is devastating to her sister and at the same time hear the most mundane comment of Kyle's and fall apart.  I hope Kyle reminds Kim of how much Brandi hurt her and Kim's behavior at Lisa's vow renewal and how she was hurt more than Adrienne by Brandi.  It has always amazed me how Kim remembers that so well when she could hardly focus on anyone in the room.

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Here is my take on the Kim 2 am phone call. I think she called Brandi because she knew Brandi would sympathize with her without offering her any real solutions. Based solely on what I have seen from Kyle and Kim's interactions, I just don't think that Kim reaches out to Kyle all that often because Kyle will turn things around and ask Kim how she wants to proceed with her latest crisis, or even outright offer solutions, when all Kim really wants is sympathy and someone to say that she is perfectly within her rights to behave/feel/react the way she does. 


Kyle seems to go into management mode when it comes to Kim. I remember that scene in the first season when Kim was moving and Kyle was trying to get her to move to a smaller place closer to her and Mauricio. Kim didn't want to do that because she wanted all of the kids to have their own rooms when they visited and what if she decided to have another kid? There is no place in Kim's world for practicality. That is why Brandi is the perfect friend for her in her mind. Brandi won't judge her behaviors (which means she won't question her or try to fix her or offer advice that will help her). Kyle on the other hand wants Kim to be and do better, and that is just not something Kim wants.


Kim wants someone to blindly support all of her decisions and Brandi is willing to do that for now. When this thing with Brandi fizzles out - which we all know will happen - Kim will go back to Kyle and Mauricio for support. What Kim doesn't want is someone who will hold her accountable for her actions or someone that will insist that she do the work she needs to do in order to live and be sober and healthy. She only wants those who will pay lip service to her claims of sobriety and won't question any of her behavior or decisions.

  • Love 18

I definitely agree with you, Matilda. Kim likes to be babied and coddled in general IMO. On the car ride back from Eileen's party Kim actually has Brandi saying things to her like "You look amazing...", "You are perfection...", "I love you..." (Followed by excuses for Kim's behavior as Brandi tells Kim that she wasn't making sense.) I thought it was crystal clear that Brandi was trying and continuing to manipulate Kim emotionally here.


As far as Kyle likely being inclined to offer practical solutions, I agree and it actually reminds me of Ramona trying to give some guidance to Sonja regarding her white elephant and Sonja just not wanting to hear it. Kim doesn't want to hear it, she doesn't even want people to express doubts, and she's always finding a way to make herself a victim. She and Brandi have so much in common. Obviously they have different issues and have different situations but there are a surprising amount of similarities and I think they are both shockingly childlike at times that it makes me curious as to how they've become so emotionally stunted and damaged. it certainly can't all be boiled down to messy divorces. It's easier for me to understand it all with Kim on some level but then I look at Kyle who has it together for all intents and purposes and I wonder what the difference is apart from people simply being different and having different reactions to various circumstances. A small amount of luck could factor into as well I suppose but the overall social and emotional immaturity of Kim and Brandi is curious to watch and it does make me wonder about the explanation for it.

  • Love 7

I definitely agree with you, Matilda. Kim likes to be babied and coddled in general IMO. On the car ride back from Eileen's party Kim actually has Brandi saying things to her like "You look amazing...", "You are perfection...", "I love you..." (Followed by excuses for Kim's behavior as Brandi tells Kim that she wasn't making sense.) I thought it was crystal clear that Brandi was trying and continuing to manipulate Kim emotionally here.


As far as Kyle likely being inclined to offer practical solutions, I agree and it actually reminds me of Ramona trying to give some guidance to Sonja regarding her white elephant and Sonja just not wanting to hear it. Kim doesn't want to hear it, she doesn't even want people to express doubts, and she's always finding a way to make herself a victim. She and Brandi have so much in common. Obviously they have different issues and have different situations but there are a surprising amount of similarities and I think they are both shockingly childlike at times that it makes me curious as to how they've become so emotionally stunted and damaged. it certainly can't all be boiled down to messy divorces. It's easier for me to understand it all with Kim on some level but then I look at Kyle who has it together for all intents and purposes and I wonder what the difference is apart from people simply being different and having different reactions to various circumstances. A small amount of luck could factor into as well I suppose but the overall social and emotional immaturity of Kim and Brandi is curious to watch and it does make me wonder about the explanation for it.

I think Kyle has better control over herself most of the time but I see more things/behaviors in common with Kim than not. IMO, Kyle's saving grace was Mauricio's mom, they are close. Kim never had a close relationship to either of her MILs, she was not married very long either time, so her only role model has been Big Kathy.

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I admit that I've seen immaturity from Kyle as well in some of her dealings with the other women, but I also feel like I regularly see the responsible and sensible side of her and I'm not sure if I've ever seen that side of Kim. Even when I think of the difference in how they are as pet owners I see Kyle as being the much more mature sister. 

  • Love 7

I think Kyle has better control over herself most of the time but I see more things/behaviors in common with Kim than not. IMO, Kyle's saving grace was Mauricio's mom, they are close. Kim never had a close relationship to either of her MILs, she was not married very long either time, so her only role model has been Big Kathy.

Wire, don't forget her second mother Kay, the one who is now suing her.  http://www.nydailynews.com/entertainment/gossip/richards-dog-attacked-friend-months-niece-mauling-article-1.2003139


Wasn't Kay someone who gave interviews to the writer of the "House of Hilton"?  It seems Kim will let family enemies in.

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Wire, don't forget her second mother Kay, the one who is now suing her. http://www.nydailynews.com/entertainment/gossip/richards-dog-attacked-friend-months-niece-mauling-article-1.2003139

Wasn't Kay someone who gave interviews to the writer of the "House of Hilton"? It seems Kim will let family enemies in.

I don't care who she sold stories to, that woman should sue Kim. Someone needs to take responsibility for that dangerous dog. Just like everything else, it's gonna take someone dying or getting permanently injured before Kim takes action. And even then I'm sure it will be Kyle or one of her kids doing it because poor Kim will be too distraught over people taking her best friend away from her.

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The thing that drives me crazy about Kim and why I have never liked her is that until Monty - and now her actions with regards to him are suspect to me - I have never seen her do a single thing for someone else, not even her children. Someone above says she doesn't act hateful when she's sober but I totally disagree. Her behavior in PR was totally crazy. She's a complete manipulative narcissist in my opinion. How much of that is from addiction or how much predates it I don't know.

  • Love 10

I don't care who she sold stories to, that woman should sue Kim. Someone needs to take responsibility for that dangerous dog. Just like everything else, it's gonna take someone dying or getting permanently injured before Kim takes action. And even then I'm sure it will be Kyle or one of her kids doing it because poor Kim will be too distraught over people taking her best friend away from her.

Kingsley, and only as a result of this lawsuit, was sent somewhere else.  Rumor  (as in internet rumors) has it he was given a new identity so his bite history would not follow him.

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Kingsley, and only as a result of this lawsuit, was sent somewhere else.  Rumor  (as in internet rumors) has it he was given a new identity so his bite history would not follow him.

I don't know why, but this made me chuckle. Kingsley is in the witness protection program for dogs.  Who knew there was such a thing?

  • LOL 1
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Kingsley, and only as a result of this lawsuit, was sent somewhere else.  Rumor  (as in internet rumors) has it he was given a new identity so his bite history would not follow him.

Kim has also been quoted as saying that she hopes to bring him home at some point. I do think she will try to regain custody of him after the lawsuit is done if he is still alive. To hear the 3 separate trainers say he is the most aggressive/vicious dog they have ever encountered is scary and speaks to Kim's lack of regard to the dog as well as to people in general.

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Did she Rye?  That's awful.  Kim's ruined that dog, and made it dangerous.  It either needs a strong rescue owner, or to be put down.  Kim should never be allowed to own a dog again, unless it's some tiny calm breed, without teeth and muscles enough to kill someone.

LOL, Kim should stick to plants IMO! The way she is with animals, she would turn a small dog into cujo and someone would still end up with stitches!



I went to check Kim's twitter and her last tweet about Kingsley was Oct. 11 2014, so unless she deleted other tweets about him, she did that 1 before she sent him away.

Edited by WireWrap
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I went to check Kim's twitter and her last tweet about Kingsley was Oct. 11 2014, so unless she deleted other tweets about him, she did that 1 before she sent him away.


I went back to check twitter and then Instagram and couldn't find it.  But in my mind I had that picture of Kingsley in my head with the green ball from October so maybe...I dunno...I got mixed up.


Anyhooters, look at this picture on instagram.  Did Paris visit Dr. Paul?  I see she's still ridiculous. She looks like she'd fit in well with Brandi's posse.

http://instagram.com/p/wAFp4FBxkz/?modal=true  Kim is pocketsize.

Edited by ryebread
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I went back to check twitter and then Instagram and couldn't find it.  But in my mind I had that picture of Kingsley in my head with the green ball from October so maybe...I dunno...I got mixed up.


Anyhooters, look at this picture on instagram.  Did Paris visit Dr. Paul?  I see she's still ridiculous. She looks like she'd fit in well with Brandi's posse.

http://instagram.com/p/wAFp4FBxkz/?modal=true  Kim is pocketsize.

Ummm, it looks like Paris got a new pair from Dr Terry! LOL

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According to that article, after Kingsley bit Alexia, Kim called Kyle and then drove Alexia to the hospital.  Alexia, don't ever get in a car with Aunt Kim.  There's something wrong with her. 


Also, Kim tweeted that Kingsley is back with her.

This is where Kim has me flummoxed. If I were harbouring a dog that had already bitten something like four people and then it mauled my sister's kid? I'd be so ashamed, abashed, and absolutely grovelling for forgiveness that I don't know what she'd have to do to get me to dare say a contrary word to her. Maybe if she were literally standing on my tit, I might ask her to move. Politely. If she didn't mind. Kim actually blamed Alexia and is still waging war on Kyle by proxy. And, Kyle has even been publicly understanding and conciliatory despite Kim's recalcitrance over this dog. It really boggles my mind. Where is "sweet" Kim?

  • Love 5

Maybe if she were literally standing on my tit, I might ask her to move. Politely. If she didn't mind. Kim actually blamed Alexia and is still waging war on Kyle by proxy. And, Kyle has even been publicly understanding and conciliatory despite Kim's recalcitrance over this dog. It really boggles my mind. Where is "sweet" Kim?


First of all...ow.  LOL. 


When I saw whatever I saw that made me think that Kim still had Kingsley, I thought, 'Damn.  She's still got that dog. Even after biting Alexia."  That's why when Brandi and some posters here said that Kim hates Kyle and possibly vice versa, it wasn't too hard for me to believe.

This is where Kim has me flummoxed. If I were harbouring a dog that had already bitten something like four people and then it mauled my sister's kid? I'd be so ashamed, abashed, and absolutely grovelling for forgiveness that I don't know what she'd have to do to get me to dare say a contrary word to her. Maybe if she were literally standing on my tit, I might ask her to move. Politely. If she didn't mind. Kim actually blamed Alexia and is still waging war on Kyle by proxy. And, Kyle has even been publicly understanding and conciliatory despite Kim's recalcitrance over this dog. It really boggles my mind. Where is "sweet" Kim?

"Sweet Kim" is a figment of the imagination held onto by people that believed she really is exactly like the characters she played as a child actor. For others, "Sweet Kim" is someone they hope is real because she can not be as nasty/crazy/twisted/self serving in real life as she is on the show. I admire people that look for the good in all people despite what they see them do/say but IMO, you have to face reality at some point and for me at least, there is very little "sweet" in Kim. Her meanness go to her bones/core person. I had such hope for Kim after rehab, I thought I would see a different, nicer Kim but I was saddened to find I was wrong and I am not sure that person ever existed, sober or not.  JMO

  • Love 8

In my youth I delivered mail for a while.


Believe me when I tell you, many people are in complete denial over their dogs.  One person was screaming at me that her dog didn't bite, simply because I asked her politely to please call her dog off, and put him away until I got the mail delivered!  I lifted my leg up and the dog was HANGING from it.  Luckily, it was winter, and I was wearing 2 pair of long underwear, 2 pairs of pants and boots.  That damn dog still broke the skin, and I had bruises for weeks.  It was a Scottish Terrier, with a huge head.


I think Kim loves having a huge dangerous dog that only likes her around.  Whacko.  Lazy.  Dangerous.


Oh, and I've never believed Kim is sweet.  The Richard sisters suck in every way.  The first and only time I've liked her were the scenes with Monty, and letting him stay there while he is dying. 

Edited by Umbelina
  • Love 3

First of all...ow.  LOL. 


When I saw whatever I saw that made me think that Kim still had Kingsley, I thought, 'Damn.  She's still got that dog. Even after biting Alexia."  That's why when Brandi and some posters here said that Kim hates Kyle and possibly vice versa, it wasn't too hard for me to believe.

I can believe Kim hates Kyle in some way that she can't even admit to herself, and I can believe that Kyle sometimes hates Kim but, especially in the aftermath of the attack on Alexia, I think most of the weight is on Kim's side. Kyle has actually tried to soften how bad this looks for Kim. She's under no obligation to make Kim look better on this than Kim cares to for herself, but Kyle has tried to downplay this drama over Kingsley. Would Kim have done the same for Kyle?

I do hope that behind the scenes, at least, that Mauricio brought the heat.

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First of all...ow.  LOL. 


When I saw whatever I saw that made me think that Kim still had Kingsley, I thought, 'Damn.  She's still got that dog. Even after biting Alexia."  That's why when Brandi and some posters here said that Kim hates Kyle and possibly vice versa, it wasn't too hard for me to believe.

I do think Kingsley played a big role in the fact that things are still bad between Kim and Kyle. Kyle refused to name what dog bit Alexia initially and then when the truth came out, said she knew how important the dog was to Kim so she was not making any demands. IMO, Kim expected Kyle to deny it was Kingsley even after the truth came out and became furious when Kyle finally admitted it was him. Then Kim came out in the press blaming Alexia!! IMO, the gloves were off at that point with Kim and she was going to make Kyle pay for a very long time for this, even though it was her, Kim's, fault, not Kyles.


She did keep the dog for a while even after he bit Alexia, she did nothing for a 1 - 2 months outside bringing in a couple of trainers to her home to work with him. She then sent him off to a trainer's home/business and that trainer failed to get anywhere with Kingsley as well. I think the dog has been through 5-6 trainers, including the 1 we saw last year. They all say the dog is vicious, dangerous, un-trainable and untrustworthy at this point! 3 or 4 of them have publicly said he is the most aggressive/vicious dog they have ever encountered in their professional careers. But of course, Kim wants to bring him home with her still!

  • Love 1

In my youth I delivered mail for a while.


Believe me when I tell you, many people are in complete denial over their dogs.  One person was screaming at me that her dog didn't bite, simply because I asked her politely to please call her dog off, and put him away until I got the mail delivered!  I lifted my leg up and the dog was HANGING from it.  Luckily, it was winter, and I was wearing 2 pair of long underwear, 2 pairs of pants and boots.  That damn dog still broke the skin, and I had bruises for weeks.  It was a Scottish Terrier, with a huge head.


I think Kim loves having a huge dangerous dog that only likes her around.  Whacko.  Lazy.  Dangerous.


Oh, and I've never believed Kim is sweet.  The Richard sisters suck in every way.  The first and only time I've liked her were the scenes with Monty, and letting him stay there while he is dying. 

We rescued a Great Pyrenees when he was 10 months old. He was huge, 140 lbs at that time eventually reaching 190 lbs at full maturity, and unknown to us at the time, he had a ton of problems. We found out that he was abused, his old owners fed him booze and illegal drugs almost daily and beat him, and that messed up his brain. We took him to trainers, put him or meds to help calm him but sadly, nothing worked. We all fell in love with Gus, he was gentle with us but got scary over time with strangers. It happened gradually over 2 years but when he tried to bite the meter reader I made the heart breaking decision to have him put down. He never bit anyone but he tried and I could not allow that to happen. I  had consulted trainers and our vet, there was nothing else to try with him. 


I made a promise to him when we brought him home the first day that I would never leave him, he would always be with us no matter what. I have his ashes here at home with us and he will be buried with me. This is why when Kim talks about her love for Kingsley I see red!. I am not saying she did to him what was done to Gus but that she refused to do as the trainer taught her, to do right by her dog, she put her needs before his and the end result has or will happen, Kingsley will need to be put down, if he hasn't been already, just because Kim could not, would not put that dogs best interest before hers! 4 years later I still morn him, I had to put down a physically healthy dog because someone damaged him before he came to us, Kim did this in her own way to Kingsley, damaged him for her own selfish reasons.


LOL, We did change his name when we got him. He looked so much like a goofy "Gus" that there was no other name that fit him.


Rant and crying over!

  • Love 10

In my youth I delivered mail for a while.

Believe me when I tell you, many people are in complete denial over their dogs. One person was screaming at me that her dog didn't bite, simply because I asked her politely to please call her dog off, and put him away until I got the mail delivered! I lifted my leg up and the dog was HANGING from it. Luckily, it was winter, and I was wearing 2 pair of long underwear, 2 pairs of pants and boots. That damn dog still broke the skin, and I had bruises for weeks. It was a Scottish Terrier, with a huge head.

I think Kim loves having a huge dangerous dog that only likes her around. Whacko. Lazy. Dangerous.

Oh, and I've never believed Kim is sweet. The Richard sisters suck in every way. The first and only time I've liked her were the scenes with Monty, and letting him stay there while he is dying.

As a teenager, I delivered papers for a bit out in the country. Some people are as crazy as their dogs and twice as mean.

I believe you're right about Kim liking having a dangerous dog that loves only her. I have a former friend who had the same dynamic going on with her dog, and I actually said it to her face, that she liked it that her dog was dangerous to everyone but her, that it was like having the bad, rebel boyfriend that only you get because your love is so true. She just laughed. Damn thing bit I don't know how many people including me. She was quite the narcissist, too. *Former* friend. That shit gets old.

"Sweet Kim" is a figment of the imagination held onto by people that believed she really is exactly like the characters she played as a child actor. For others, "Sweet Kim" is someone they hope is real because she can not be as nasty/crazy/twisted/self serving in real life as she is on the show. I admire people that look for the good in all people despite what they see them do/say but IMO, you have to face reality at some point and for me at least, there is very little "sweet" in Kim. Her meanness go to her bones/core person. I had such hope for Kim after rehab, I thought I would see a different, nicer Kim but I was saddened to find I was wrong and I am not sure that person ever existed, sober or not. JMO

You know, I don't hold out a lot of hope that Kim will surprise me, but I will say that, rehab or not, I don't think she's yet been sober. Maybe it's possible that there are kinder layers in there, somewhere under the addiction. Maybe.

ETA: Oh, WireWrap, I am so sorry for your loss. How awful. I have to believe that somewhere where all wounds are put right that Gus is the happy dog he deserved to be and that he understands and knows how much you love him.

Edited by Found A Peanut
  • Love 5

Very few dogs are born vicious.  More often than not, owners make them so.  If I had to spend any time with the hot mess known as Kim Richards, I'd bite my own arm off to get away.

In fairness to Kim one of her nephews got the dog of Craig's List for her daughter Whitney.  She apparently didn't want him or could not handle him and gave the dog to Kim.  Kim only had the dog about a year and a half but five documented bite cases.  Buy a clue Kim.  Then hire an attorney.  Kim was mad that Alexia was tweeting photos from the hospital, Kyle explained it was a dog bite, Kim then explained it was her dog but the kid's fault.  I think the difference between Lisa V. and her very naughty Rumpy and Kim and her vicious Kingsley is Lisa realized there was a training issue and followed the advice of the trainer and got him a pal of equal size.

  • Love 3

In fairness to Kim one of her nephews got the dog of Craig's List for her daughter Whitney.  She apparently didn't want him or could not handle him and gave the dog to Kim.  Kim only had the dog about a year and a half but five documented bite cases.  Buy a clue Kim.  Then hire an attorney.  Kim was mad that Alexia was tweeting photos from the hospital, Kyle explained it was a dog bite, Kim then explained it was her dog but the kid's fault.  I think the difference between Lisa V. and her very naughty Rumpy and Kim and her vicious Kingsley is Lisa realized there was a training issue and followed the advice of the trainer and got him a pal of equal size.

Buy a clue but follow the trainers/experts advice first! Kim even said on camera that she was not going to do what she was told to do by him! Lisa puts her dogs welfare/needs first, Kim puts her needs first, that is the difference between them as pet owners IMO.

  • Love 2

"Sweet Kim" is a figment of the imagination held onto by people that believed she really is exactly like the characters she played as a child actor. For others, "Sweet Kim" is someone they hope is real because she can not be as nasty/crazy/twisted/self serving in real life as she is on the show. I admire people that look for the good in all people despite what they see them do/say but IMO, you have to face reality at some point and for me at least, there is very little "sweet" in Kim. Her meanness go to her bones/core person. I had such hope for Kim after rehab, I thought I would see a different, nicer Kim but I was saddened to find I was wrong and I am not sure that person ever existed, sober or not.  JMO

The Kim we saw on Game Night kind of tormenting Brandi and then the Kim on Poker Night humiliating Kyle at the table that is the real Kim Richards. The Kim dragging a stranger home from the grocery store and having him be the butt of joke is the real Kim.  The Kim telling Kyle she wants nasty margarine for her potatoes and then boo-hoo-hooing when Ken and Lisa look aghast is the real Kim Richards.  The Kim who won't help Kyle with Portia's birthday party because she is moving for the 3rd time in 18 months is the real Kim. Kim knows that Kyle and Mauricio don't want super raunchy sex talk on camera because they have four daughters.  So dildo talk is out.   Just like Yolanda doesn't like finger banging talk. So any sisterly tidbits Kim has released to Brandi to torment Kyle in the future is the real Kim.


Kim will never grow and Kyle will always be there.  At some point Kim will have to concede that her sister is not "dial a Kyle" they have many years together and many wonderful memories but they are very different people.  Kyle is all about her marriage and kids and has a boatload of friends.  Kim seems like the type that finds a friend and that becomes the center of her universe.  The good Kim is the aunt who takes center stage to congratulate the first college graduate in the family.  The good Kim was the Kim that defended Adrienne and support Mauricio when Brandi was telling lies about Adrienne and Paul.  The real Kim is the one who won't write a blog this week or do anything to show support for Kyle on social media.

There is also the Kim that tells the incredibly long stories about meeting Nils Van Patten, courtesy of Tom Selleck and has to name drop Charlton Heston's name so we all know how important she is.   The Kim  that in the morning is BFF with her sister and repeatedly listens to Brandi talk nasty about her sister.

  • Love 6

As a teenager, I delivered papers for a bit out in the country. Some people are as crazy as their dogs and twice as mean.

I believe you're right about Kim liking having a dangerous dog that loves only her. I have a former friend who had the same dynamic going on with her dog, and I actually said it to her face, that she liked it that her dog was dangerous to everyone but her, that it was like having the bad, rebel boyfriend that only you get because your love is so true. She just laughed. Damn thing bit I don't know how many people including me. She was quite the narcissist, too. *Former* friend. That shit gets old.

You know, I don't hold out a lot of hope that Kim will surprise me, but I will say that, rehab or not, I don't think she's yet been sober. Maybe it's possible that there are kinder layers in there, somewhere under the addiction. Maybe.

ETA: Oh, WireWrap, I am so sorry for your loss. How awful. I have to believe that somewhere where all wounds are put right that Gus is the happy dog he deserved to be and that he understands and knows how much you love him.

Thank You, I held him as he went over the Rainbow Bridge. I do believe he is whole now and running around chasing butterflies! LOL

  • Love 8

WireWrap - my heart is breaking for your loss and impossible decision.  The pain never goes away, does it?   As a virtual hermit, I could take on an impossible dog (walkies in the middle of the night, no contact with humans are my forte); I've done it before, but these days I couldn't afford the food, much less the vet bills.


My last remaining indoor cat still alerts to the mailperson-de-jour every fucking day; and the ways the Postal Service has fucked me six ways from Sundays make it difficult (but not impossible) to commiserate.  I think it is a "uniform" response;  I suffer from white coat Doc office high blood pressure, until they test me after I've tested the Doc; so maybe animals have a similar reaction?  Just spitballing - dog bites are no joking matter - I got some doozies that had me puking from the antibiotics alone, not to mention the crippling pain.  But the dogs weren't trying to bite me - they went after each other under a patio table where little children were swinging their legs; I dragged them away by their scruffs and happened to be in between some snapping jaws. 


I also saw Dogtown rehabilitate the "most dangerous" Michael Vicks dog long ago.  Hey - there are killer kids with a silicone chip gone wrong in their heads, and their own parents can't protect us from them by euthanization or lifetime incarceration, so the possibility that Kingsley was born bad is a sad reality.  But Kim isn't fit to feed a goldfish, so I choose to believe that Kingsley is redeemable - just not via a self-promoting famewhore "trainer to the stars". 

  • Love 4

WireWrap, I am so sorry for your loss. How awful. I have to believe that somewhere where all wounds are put right that Gus is the happy dog he deserved to be and that he understands and knows how much you love him.



WireWrap - my heart is breaking for your loss and impossible decision.  The pain never goes away, does it?   As a virtual hermit, I could take on an impossible dog (walkies in the middle of the night, no contact with humans are my forte); I've done it before, but these days I couldn't afford the food, much less the vet bills.


My last remaining indoor cat still alerts to the mailperson-de-jour every fucking day; and the ways the Postal Service has fucked me six ways from Sundays make it difficult (but not impossible) to commiserate.  I think it is a "uniform" response;  I suffer from white coat Doc office high blood pressure, until they test me after I've tested the Doc; so maybe animals have a similar reaction?  Just spitballing - dog bites are no joking matter - I got some doozies that had me puking from the antibiotics alone, not to mention the crippling pain.  But the dogs weren't trying to bite me - they went after each other under a patio table where little children were swinging their legs; I dragged them away by their scruffs and happened to be in between some snapping jaws. 


I also saw Dogtown rehabilitate the "most dangerous" Michael Vicks dog long ago.  Hey - there are killer kids with a silicone chip gone wrong in their heads, and their own parents can't protect us from them by euthanization or lifetime incarceration, so the possibility that Kingsley was born bad is a sad reality.  But Kim isn't fit to feed a goldfish, so I choose to believe that Kingsley is redeemable - just not via a self-promoting famewhore "trainer to the stars". 

Thank You BOTH. I love my furbabies! We have 2 dogs, a Malt (9lbs) and a Newf (150lbs) and 2 cats! We even have our Chiropractor come to our house every other week to adjust our dogs, both are older and it really helps them. 


Kim needs to stick with plants, outside plants, cactus plants so she doesn't have to worry about watering them! LOL

  • Love 3

Ooh, WireWrap, I love all animals, but Newfs are so totally cool, eh!  Has yours rescued a swimmer in need, yet?  Because it's only a matter of time & place ...  ;-)


I live in So Cal and have plenty of plants that never get watered.  I still wouldn't give one to Kim, because they're alive, and deserve better than she is capable of, from what I've seen.

  • Love 1

Ooh, WireWrap, I love all animals, but Newfs are so totally cool, eh!  Has yours rescued a swimmer in need, yet?  Because it's only a matter of time & place ...  ;-)


I live in So Cal and have plenty of plants that never get watered.  I still wouldn't give one to Kim, because they're alive, and deserve better than she is capable of, from what I've seen.

He does not like getting any part of his body wet above mid leg, we have a very large plastic kiddy pool for him though because he loves to splash water with his paws! LOL He is now 11 years old which is ancient in dog years but is still doing great. I have gone through 4 vacuums though due to him "blowing" his coat twice a year and I routinely have to scrub our walls and 12 foot ceilings to get drool off. He is a sweetie, through and through.


Kim's old dog seemed fine living in her house but she had kids living with her then. Other than Chad, who has his own very real problems, and Monty with his health issues and his coming/going, there is no stable person living in that house so it is better, IMO, for her to not have any pets at all of any kind. I do sympathize with her love of animals but for now, she should just volunteer at a pet rescue shelter but not bring any home with her. 


I loved Eileen's dog, he is a little spitball of energy! Kyle's pups and of course, for me, Lisa's furbabies always look happy. Brandi's pups, not so much.

  • Love 3

Newfs are a trip.  I've a couple of friends who have had them.  They're so lovable but sooooo much work.


It's disturbing to see how Brandi treats her dogs.  I can't even go there. 


Kim should never have a dog with a strong personality.  She doesn't have the mentality to deal with it.  I don't have a problem with Kim having a dog or a pet.  It might even be good for her.  But she needs a dog that is calm. 

  • Love 5

Every Newf I have ever met has been a total love bug. They are awesome dogs. You have the oddest of odd couples at home, WireWrap. Your Newf could probably wear your Maltese for a hat.

It's always a pleasure to hear of elder animals being doted on. I hate when people don't appreciate how loving they are or seem to understand that their responsibilities to their companion animals are total, from cradle to grave.

  • Love 4

Too fuckin' funny that you have the one Newfie averse to swimming the riptides, WireWrap!  I have a huuuuge aversion to saliva of any kind, yet doggie drool doesn't faze me a whit - especially when it is splattering the 12' walls.  Go figure.  :-)


I totally agree with your assessment of the howives' animals - that is how I judge everyone!  Because if you have great critters and treat them well ... I may just have to like you. 


If Kim's kids are a reflection of any good parenting, love and stability (which animals & children need & crave), I highly doubt the praise lands solely on her doorstep.  Because she's a hot mess, and they've risen above it, somehow.

Every Newf I have ever met has been a total love bug. They are awesome dogs. You have the oddest of odd couples at home, WireWrap. Your Newf could probably wear your Maltese for a hat.

It's always a pleasure to hear of elder animals being doted on. I hate when people don't appreciate how loving they are or seem to understand that their responsibilities to their companion animals are total, from cradle to grave.


Found A Peanut - I've recently seen my 4 eldest cats to their graves, so this resonates with me like nothing else.  The best, yet worst, times of my life, in a nutshell (so to speak).

  • Love 1

Too fuckin' funny that you have the one Newfie averse to swimming the riptides, WireWrap!  I have a huuuuge aversion to saliva of any kind, yet doggie drool doesn't faze me a whit - especially when it is splattering the 12' walls.  Go figure.  :-)


I totally agree with your assessment of the howives' animals - that is how I judge everyone!  Because if you have great critters and treat them well ... I may just have to like you. 


If Kim's kids are a reflection of any good parenting, love and stability (which animals & children need & crave), I highly doubt the praise lands solely on her doorstep.  Because she's a hot mess, and they've risen above it, somehow.


Found A Peanut - I've recently seen my 4 eldest cats to their graves, so this resonates with me like nothing else.  The best, yet worst, times of my life, in a nutshell (so to speak).

Sorry for your loss WalnutQueen.


I think Kim's kids spent more time with their fathers, Kyle/Mauricio and nannies than 1 on 1 time alone with Kim. I have no doubts that Kim loves her children deeply but her addictions are stronger than any love she has for anyone.

  • Love 3

Very few dogs are born vicious. More often than not, owners make them so. If I had to spend any time with the hot mess known as Kim Richards, I'd bite my own arm off to get away.

I doubt Kim made Kingsley dangerous. I think it was more a case of Kim adopting a dog who had been abused thinking saving Kingsley would give her something to do and being completely unable to deal with the responsibility. Both Kim and Kyle kind of like to be the maternal savior, they're just really bad at it.

  • Love 2

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