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Kim Richards: No Escape from Witch Mountain

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Now that we know Kim smokes chiefa, Kyle's "ive smoked before but it's not my thing" all makes a tad bit of sense. Bet it was Kim who let Kyle have a few hits in the past.

No wonder when the space cake was brought up and Kyle/Brandi arguing tooth and nail over it, Kim was the quietest she'd been the whole reunion. Kim claimed in one of the Amsterdam episodes smoking is what she doesnt do. Guess that might be another lie.

Oh dont you just love how her son might have exposed alcohol as Kim's secondary problem but her pills are where her home is at. Most of us knew this was a problem for her it's all those pills she takes (hers and not hers) that has her messed up. It's no wonder she flipped during the interview taking the alcohol is one thing but her pills she might cut a bitch.

  • Love 11

State law requires health care professionals to report animal bites to the health department.

I never posted that they didn't report dog bites. I posted that one can state at the hospital that they have no idea who the dog belonged to. The hospital will report the bite, but they can't report who owns the dog, if a patient does not reveal any info. When I filled out the report, the questions asked on the form asked if you knew who owns the dog. If you didn't, you give as much info as you could about the dog such as what it looked like and where in the area it might be found. Now, I don't know what the Umansky's did as far as what they told the hospital. That is private information.  Strange that animal control has no actual complaint regarding Kingsley.


I agree that the dog bite is what caused the divide between the sisters and is the cause for why they are not talking now, but that doesn't mean Kyle was not enabling her sister prior. We don't even know if the Umansky's are still helping Kim financially. Maybe Kathy helps financially as well. The fact remains, there are many ways to enable and we are not privy to all the details.

  • Love 4

I think Kim and Brandi used each other. Right or wrong, I think both of them have a lot of anger and resentment towards Kyle and each enjoyed throwing their friendship in her face. Additionally, I think Kim was happy to have someone to hang out with who enabled her, made excuses for her and fed into her ego by telling her how wonderful she is. Brandi was happy to hang out with someone who is more messed up than she is and someone she can feel superior to and who won't 'mother' her but she can mother.

So basically, their friendship mutually feeds their narcissism and delusions and gives them someone to commiserate with about how awful Kyle is and how she has wronged them both so terribly, along with most of the rest of the world, and how nothing is ever their fault and how unfair everyone and everything has been to them.

It's a match made in narcissist heaven, which is hell for anyone who has to deal with them.


I've been away for 5 days on a recuperation vacation and coming back to all of these interesting and thoughtful posts has been like innumerable hugs from baby jeebus.


As always, I do love my fellow PTV'ers...You guys absolutely ROCK!


Regarding the above, you know, that made me recall a conversation the dreadful Aviva had with Ramona on NYC.


During that conversation, Aviva pointed out to Ramona that she felt her friendship with Sonja was because Sonja was such a hot mess, it made Ramona look better by comparison (paraphrased, but that was the gist of Aviva's message).


I suspect the same might apply at least to a degree with the sudden Brandi/Kim friendship.


Stacked next to the vile Kim, anyone, even the loathsome Brandi Glanville, looks good by comparison, a fact which I'm sure did not escape Brandi.


Unfortunately for Brandi, Kim turned out to be a giant albatross around her neck instead of the life preserver she had hoped for.


I'd love to know how much contact those two really had after that reunion taped.  I got the impression Brandi couldn't shake Kim and her 2 am phone calls off quickly enough.

  • Love 17

In their twisted minds they must have thought that she'd be able to spin a plausible, sympathetic story. They thought it would be better for her to try and control the narrative. They probably rehearsed with her what she should say. And maybe they really hoped someone else, an "expert", could get her into rehab. And she'd make some money, which she needs as she's probably going to lose her job. And then the real Kim Richards showed up to the interview.

I hope Dr. Phil asked her what options she thinks she has at this point. Broke, probably jobless, facing a couple lawsuits...what does she think her next move is? I'd like her to say that she expected her daughter and son in law to support her financially, or her sister Kathy, or whatever her plan to support herself is.

I only know of her lawsuit with Kay Rozario. What's the second one?

  • Love 1

When I was attacked by a dog, I went to the ER and there was no automatic report (I live here in SoCal). Animal control intervened when I chose to report the dog and the owner. If I had told the hospital I had no idea who the dog belonged to, there was nothing they could do.


I am going solely by the info that was reported by TMZ (don't judge). I have nothing else to go by since I don't have access to any records about this incident. Unless there was something in the legal documents pertaining to the Rozario incident that I missed, I am going solely by this below:



Does Dr. Phil pay for interviews?

According to this TMZ story there was a summer bite.  Kay's happened in March.


Again how does not prosecuting Kim for a dog bite enable her?  What I don't hear is that Kyle covered up and played the stray unknown dog ploy.  To hear Kim tell it the dog was sent to a trainer after the bite so either Kyle requested it or the authorities did intervene.  Kyle has been clear they had no desire to see the animal put down.  She also stated that the bite was small and the physician did not catch that it had nicked the bone. 


This is not personal towards anyone claiming that Kyle enables Kim and I am going by what we saw on the show.  The storyline was Kyle was off on chartered jets and private yachts (in July) and Kim felt that Kyle didn't make time for her.  Kim had grown closer to Brandi and had used Brandi as a confident because Kyle would not sign on to Kim's most recent troubles which did not involve her sobriety.  Once Poker Night (late August) happened the two had a very estranged relationship and Kim for 5,7 or 9 days was in the hospital. So from late August to mid-October Kyle and Kim were pretty much just filming together. They got together on Halloween and after the dog bite they did not speak until the Reunion.


What I am getting is that folks expect the family if they suspect Kim is using they make their suspicions public and cut Kim out of their lives.  I just don't think that is very realistic nor is stopping all contact with her.  Kim and her family may enjoy time with the good sister and Kim may not use in front of them.  For five years now there has been so much put on Kyle as a horrible person for outing her sister secret as an alcoholic.  I just don't see how repeating that claim or dogging her publicly furthers their relationship.  Lastly, these women sign contracts for services.  It may not be much of a penalty to Kim who just defaulted on a lawsuit and may end up with a million dollar judgment against her but I do think Kyle could suffer real consequences financially if she walked away from a contract.


I do think with the latest gossip the comment Kim made in the bathroom Poker Night makes more sense about her "not smoking" had to do with pot and not cigarettes.  Of course I am curious if the Daily Mail report is at all correct. 


For those who were wondering when the mug shot would appear -it won't.  Beverly Hills Police Department policy is not to release the mug shot.  Here is a story:   http://tamaratattles.com/2015/04/22/why-was-kim-richards-mug-shot-not-released/#more-15430

  • Love 3

I've been away for 5 days on a recuperation vacation and coming back to all of these interesting and thoughtful posts has been like innumerable hugs from baby jeebus.


As always, I do love my fellow PTV'ers...You guys absolutely ROCK!


Regarding the above, you know, that made me recall a conversation the dreadful Aviva had with Ramona on NYC.


During that conversation, Aviva pointed out to Ramona that she felt her friendship with Sonja was because Sonja was such a hot mess, it made Ramona look better by comparison (paraphrased, but that was the gist of Aviva's message).


I suspect the same might apply at least to a degree with the sudden Brandi/Kim friendship.


Stacked next to the vile Kim, anyone, even the loathsome Brandi Glanville, looks good by comparison, a fact which I'm sure did not escape Brandi.


Unfortunately for Brandi, Kim turned out to be a giant albatross around her neck instead of the life preserver she had hoped for.


I'd love to know how much contact those two really had after that reunion taped.  I got the impression Brandi couldn't shake Kim and her 2 am phone calls off quickly enough.

I thought the scene with Kim and Brandi and Kim professing how close she and Brandi had become was maybe one of the phonier moments on the show. (Secrets revealed.)


According to Brandi once the episodes aired with Brandi talking to Jennifer she and Kim did not really speak.  On the Reunion they made it sound as if this calm, reasonable Kim simply rang Brandi up with her displeasure over Brandi talking about her.  I do not believe that for a second and Kim stopped blogging right after the Lisar and Brandi lunch episode.  Then Brandi went on WWHL (after the Reunion taped) and claimed she had text Kim and Km claimed to be busy running family members back and forth to the hospital an doctors' appointments.  Cue the photos-Kim was on vacation is Cabo.  I think the two of them decided to maintain a polite existence and do battle  against the rest of the cast over the questions about their sobriety.  

As far as I know, one of her daughters works with Mauricio at the Agency as an agent.

One is in College in San Diego.

The other two, I have no clue.

Brooke is an agent at Hilton/Hyland not The Agency.  This can be found by checking the Hilton Hyland site.  Brooke was never an associated with The Agency.  Which made Kim asking for Brooke to get the listing on the Umanskys' Palm Springs home just unbelievable.  The fact Kyle and Mauricio allowed her any part of  it was generous.


Whitney works for Fatburger and Chad does not work.

  • Love 12

Article discusses whether or not Bravo will fire Kim and the "big debate" raging over there.  Nothing really new, but this one sentence made me LOL


"On the other hand, other series heads who want her to stay believe that Richards is actually doing better this season, and it would be very heartless of them if they decide to leave her during this troublesome time in her life."


This from the network that exploited the suicide of Russel Armstrong.  And they would have to be delusional to think for one second that she was doing better this season. 


Bravo - The Network with a Heart!



  • Love 3

Thank you, Zooeysmom about the Brooke info .I thought the co comission to Brooke was basically a gift to her. Maybe to soften the blow about the God damn house?

I think it was asking for money.  Nervy.  of course none of us know if she did co-list the house.


Maybe because the cousins are close Kyle thought Farrah would not mind.  The sad thing about it in Kim's zealous misrepresentation of the truth she forgets what her sister does for her.  I also kind of doubt that in December of 2013 until the house sold in March of 2014 Ki didn't have time to go the house and loot it or do whatever she thought she was entitled to.

  • Love 4

At that time, M was still with HH. Discussed ad infinitum already.

Mauricio left H&H during the filming in Season 2.  In the lost footage episode you see Kyle and Mauricio sitting on the beach discussing it.  The listing of the Umanskys' home would have been during the airing of Season 4. 


If this is in response as to when Mauricio and Kyle bought the house from the Kathy Richards Fenton Trust then Mauricio would have been at H&H.

  • Love 2

This was on Monty's IG today.  Interesting.  And, yet another diagnosis of what was wrong with Kim. 


Did you really give Kim the pill? @emo231
@damidoll yes. I take full responsibility. For the past month she had been in chronic pain visiting 5 Dr's. Couldn't figure it out. Ended up being a hernia disc problem. That night she was in so much pain they demanded her to shoot. It was not a cancer pill. It was a stupid vicoden pill which people take for pain tooth aches act. I told her this could probably take the pain away. I would never give medication to anyone but as much I cared I hated seeing her in pain and thought it might get her through the shoot. 2 days later she was in the hospital for the pain and as bad as I was feeling I only cared about her feeling better. When she was admitted to hospital i spent two straight nights in a chair to make sure she would be fine even though what I was going through in there for my family and friends and would never do anything to harm or hurt anyone. So that nights episode I blame totally on me. I do not lie. In my heart I thought I was helping her. So what people saw because of that night was my fault and didn't realize it would affect her like it said on the show. So I blame myself but my intentions was all out of love.

  • Love 5

I thought the scene with Kim and Brandi and Kim professing how close she and Brandi had become was maybe one of the phonier moments on the show. (Secrets revealed.)


According to Brandi once the episodes aired with Brandi talking to Jennifer she and Kim did not really speak.  On the Reunion they made it sound as if this calm, reasonable Kim simply rang Brandi up with her displeasure over Brandi talking about her.  I do not believe that for a second and Kim stopped blogging right after the Lisar and Brandi lunch episode.  Then Brandi went on WWHL (after the Reunion taped) and claimed she had text Kim and Km claimed to be busy running family members back and forth to the hospital an doctors' appointments.  Cue the photos-Kim was on vacation is Cabo.  I think the two of them decided to maintain a polite existence and do battle  against the rest of the cast over the questions about their sobriety.  

Brooke is an agent at Hilton/Hyland not The Agency.  This can be found by checking the Hilton Hyland site.  Brooke was never an associated with The Agency.  Which made Kim asking for Brooke to get the listing on the Umanskys' Palm Springs home just unbelievable.  The fact Kyle and Mauricio allowed her any part of  it was generous.


Whitney works for Fatburger and Chad does not work.

Wow. Thanks for the details.

Can't the guy die in peace, already?

This was on Monty's IG today.  Interesting.  And, yet another diagnosis of what was wrong with Kim. 



Did you really give Kim the pill? @emo231


@damidoll yes. I take full responsibility. For the past month she had been in chronic pain visiting 5 Dr's. Couldn't figure it out. Ended up being a hernia disc problem. That night she was in so much pain they demanded her to shoot. It was not a cancer pill. It was a stupid vicoden pill which people take for pain tooth aches act. I told her this could probably take the pain away. I would never give medication to anyone but as much I cared I hated seeing her in pain and thought it might get her through the shoot. 2 days later she was in the hospital for the pain and as bad as I was feeling I only cared about her feeling better. When she was admitted to hospital i spent two straight nights in a chair to make sure she would be fine even though what I was going through in there for my family and friends and would never do anything to harm or hurt anyone. So that nights episode I blame totally on me. I do not lie. In my heart I thought I was helping her. So what people saw because of that night was my fault and didn't realize it would affect her like it said on the show. So I blame myself but my intentions was all out of love.

  • Love 1

What really doesn't make sense is he posted a pic of Kim getting ready for Poker Nite  - Aug 22- and she certainly didn't look "in 100% pain", and the next day Aug 23, when she supposedly went to the hospital, he's got another pic of her, with all her kids, out to dinner at SUR, for her daughter Kimberly's birthday Aug 24th.    And Kim posted pics of that nite - "love, laughing, singing, dancing"  It wasn't until Aug 28th she posted a pic in the hospital.     Then on Sept. 1st she posted a pic of herself (not in hospital) with Brooke's mother-in-law.  So, 5, 7, 8 days in the hospital???

  • Love 15

This was on Monty's IG today. Interesting. And, yet another diagnosis of what was wrong with Kim.


Did you really give Kim the pill? @emo231


@damidoll yes. I take full responsibility. For the past month she had been in chronic pain visiting 5 Dr's. Couldn't figure it out. Ended up being a hernia disc problem. That night she was in so much pain they demanded her to shoot. It was not a cancer pill. It was a stupid vicoden pill which people take for pain tooth aches act. I told her this could probably take the pain away. I would never give medication to anyone but as much I cared I hated seeing her in pain and thought it might get her through the shoot. 2 days later she was in the hospital for the pain and as bad as I was feeling I only cared about her feeling better. When she was admitted to hospital i spent two straight nights in a chair to make sure she would be fine even though what I was going through in there for my family and friends and would never do anything to harm or hurt anyone. So that nights episode I blame totally on me. I do not lie. In my heart I thought I was helping her. So what people saw because of that night was my fault and didn't realize it would affect her like it said on the show. So I blame myself but my intentions was all out of love.

Oh, bullshit. One vike to make you completely loopy? How did I not luck out like that after my surgery? One Vicodin just dulled the pain enough that I could sleep until it wore off - 4 or 6 hours before the pain would wake me again. Don't remember which, exactly, but it was like clockwork. And is the herniated disc a completely new story?

Monty is just throwing caution to the wind and banking that his doctors won't cut him off at this late stage, imo. It says something about his feelings for Kim that he's willing to take the fall for her in the end, though. What a tragic last gift.

Edited by Found A Peanut
  • Love 18

Oh, bullshit. One vike to make you completely loopy? How did I not luck out like that after my surgery? One Vicodin just dulled the pain enough that I could sleep until it wore off - 4 or 6 hours before the pain would wake me again. Don't remember which, exactly, but it was like clockwork. And is the herniated disc a completely new story?

Monty is just throwing caution to the wind and banking that his doctors won't cut him off at this late stage, imo. It says something about his feelings for Kim that he's willing to take the fall for her in the end, though. What a tragic last gift.

She is the mother of his children after all.
  • Love 2

Very true and it speaks well of him that he respects that and cares for her but, if I were Brooke, I'd be really, really angry with Kim that any of my father's remaining time on Earth was taken up with this drama.

Those children are going thru so much. This is why I appreciated Lisa V when she was urging Kyle to go to the wedding.

They have been thru enough already.

  • Love 6

I bet they're all planning to fly to the second wedding (in Dubai, isit?) together, in a private plane. While fear of flying is a legitimate thing, and I do believe flying scares Kim, I wonder how the flight will turn out with her on it. Will she even make the flight? Will she be able to find her passport? I guess with a private flight there isn't a question of whether or not she'll be allowed to fly, but how will she be once she's on the plane? And how will it be for everyone else on the flight to be confined with her for however many hours? The thought of flying over with Kim would be enough to make me fly commercial.

Is this new? Is Kim now claiming to be scared of flying? I don't remember her ever being scared of flying, I remember Kyle has always had an issue with flying. Kim seemed to take pleasure in making fun of Kyle about it a few seasons ago. I guess Kim needs a new reason to say she needs meds. She already did the nose job, right out of rehab.

I think I remember Kim talking about how she was an adrenaline junkie (ok won't touch that), that she loved fast cars and motorcycles.

while Kyle was always the one who was always scared and nervous.

Edited by imjagain
  • Love 8

My guess is whatever blank airtime she left they can do one heck of an intro with highlights and lowlights of Kim's time on RHOBH.  What is interesting is Kim had quite a run with cocaine.  Maybe she just likes all drugs.  More than anything this year I found Kim to be amped up quite a bit of the time.


Many rehab facilities do not want to release people while they are in treatment the idea being they are committed to getting well and in the case of Kim it is an out of country week long event. Huge liability issues.  Also it is about Kim not being the one calling the shots.

Even for insurance purpose on in-patients it can be difficult to get them to pay if the patient says there last drink was over 30 days ago.  The idea is that in patient care is needed because her condition  is urgent and acute.


Whitney is manning the phones calling everyone who may have posted something negative about mom and guarding Kingsley.   


I've perceived her to be amped up a few times as well.


I've sometimes suspected Kim is making recreational use of Ritalin or another similar ADD-type of medication, probably snorting it due to her proclivity to hide in bathrooms.


Easy to get, easy to abuse, no problem with possessing a legal prescription for it.


In the interest of full disclosure, I have also suspected Sonja and Ramona also may be abusing this substance, especially with Sonja's obsession with her luggage in Morocco and the little mystery urgent trip she and Ramona took into town immediately upon arriving in Morocco.


It would certainly explain a lot of the bizarre, over-the-top behavior these 3 women exhibit...hell, there was even an episode of Desperate Housewives devoted to the soccer mom/Ritalin addict phenomenon.


Okay, off to set the DVR so I don't miss poor little Kimmie being 100% in goddamned pain and Dr. Phil not knowing what she goes through at night...

  • Love 10

Is this new? Is Kim now claiming to be scared of flying? I don't remember her ever being scared of flying, I remember Kyle has always had an issue with flying. Kim seemed to take pleasure in making fun of Kyle about it a few seasons ago. I guess Kim needs a new reason to say she needs meds. She already did the nose job, right out of rehab.

I think I remember Kim talking about how she was an adrenaline junkie (ok won't touch that), that she loved fast cars and motorcycles.

while Kyle was always the one who was always scared and nervous.



Whoops, Kim is always so messed up in airports, or when taking trips I guess I assumed that she was a nervous flier. Thanks for clarifying; I guess she's just an asshole/addict, not a nervous flier. I think everyone would still be apprehensive about being stuck on a plane with her for a long flight.

  • Love 7

Whoops, Kim is always so messed up in airports, or when taking trips I guess I assumed that she was a nervous flier. Thanks for clarifying; I guess she's just an asshole/addict, not a nervous flier. I think everyone would still be apprehensive about being stuck on a plane with her for a long flight.

lol, I think everything about Kim can be summed up with she's an asshole.

It wouldn't surprise me if she had been claiming that she had a fear of flying now. I have to takes breaks from Kim's thread, so I assumed I had missed it.

You could not pay me enough to go any where near Kim, let alone to be trapped on a plane with her.

Edited by imjagain
  • Love 4

Ok didn't Monty post that he didn't give Kim a pill and that her family knew the real reason? This family has more secrets then the NSA for crying out loud. I also doubt that 5 physicians failed to detect a herniated disk (what happened to her hernia/pneumonia/fx rib excuse?). If indeed she did go to 5 physicians, and that's a big IF they saw through her drug seeking behavoir and sent her on her way. Maybe she hit the lottery with dr number 6. Monty you will be leaving this earthly plane soon, it would be nice if your child (children?) had a sober parent when you're gone.

  • Love 20

This was on Monty's IG today.  Interesting.  And, yet another diagnosis of what was wrong with Kim. 



Did you really give Kim the pill? @emo231


@damidoll yes. I take full responsibility. For the past month she had been in chronic pain visiting 5 Dr's. Couldn't figure it out. Ended up being a hernia disc problem. That night she was in so much pain they demanded her to shoot. It was not a cancer pill. It was a stupid vicoden pill which people take for pain tooth aches act. I told her this could probably take the pain away. I would never give medication to anyone but as much I cared I hated seeing her in pain and thought it might get her through the shoot. 2 days later she was in the hospital for the pain and as bad as I was feeling I only cared about her feeling better. When she was admitted to hospital i spent two straight nights in a chair to make sure she would be fine even though what I was going through in there for my family and friends and would never do anything to harm or hurt anyone. So that nights episode I blame totally on me. I do not lie. In my heart I thought I was helping her. So what people saw because of that night was my fault and didn't realize it would affect her like it said on the show. So I blame myself but my intentions was all out of love.


So one lowly little Vicodin caused the behavior we all witnessed, which apparently lasted several hours if one takes into account Kim was already fucked up on her arrival to Rinna's house, all through the poker shenanigans, and in the limousine ride with Brandi on the way back home?


I call complete and utter bullshit, Monty.  Sorry you're dying dude but damn...quit trying to downplay this bitch's habit.


Chad reportedly called her out for abusing pills and weed as well.


This bitch has to have some degree of tolerance to opiates based on her elective surgeries and ER trips alone.


No fucking way did ONE VICODIN cause what the viewers saw and the other women were subjected to.


May a lightning bolt come out of the sky and strike me down at my desk if that's all that bitch took that night.  She had to have taken a lot more than one Vicodin or washed it down with liberal amounts of alcohol.


And, Monty, please check with Kim about her mystery ailments.  I believe you've confused her elusive "hernia" she discussed with Brandi (yet couldn't define) with a "herniated disc" (two completely different things).


Oy, these people.....

  • Love 17

Now that we know Kim smokes chiefa, Kyle's "ive smoked before but it's not my thing" all makes a tad bit of sense. Bet it was Kim who let Kyle have a few hits in the past.

No wonder when the space cake was brought up and Kyle/Brandi arguing tooth and nail over it, Kim was the quietest she'd been the whole reunion. Kim claimed in one of the Amsterdam episodes smoking is what she doesnt do. Guess that might be another lie.

Oh dont you just love how her son might have exposed alcohol as Kim's secondary problem but her pills are where her home is at. Most of us knew this was a problem for her it's all those pills she takes (hers and not hers) that has her messed up. It's no wonder she flipped during the interview taking the alcohol is one thing but her pills she might cut a bitch.

Oh please....Kyle has had more than a few puffs. She is a teen of the 80's from the party scene. It is no more Kim's fault that Kyle smokes pot, even recently, than it is Kyle's fault that Kim can use recreationally and responsibly.

Oh, bullshit. One vike to make you completely loopy? How did I not luck out like that after my surgery? One Vicodin just dulled the pain enough that I could sleep until it wore off - 4 or 6 hours before the pain would wake me again. Don't remember which, exactly, but it was like clockwork. And is the herniated disc a completely new story?

Monty is just throwing caution to the wind and banking that his doctors won't cut him off at this late stage, imo. It says something about his feelings for Kim that he's willing to take the fall for her in the end, though. What a tragic last gift.

Hasn't practically every adult had a Vicodin at some point for acute pain? You don't act loopy. You might get sleepy because the pain wore you out. Why does Monty think anyone would believe this?

  • Love 10

Very true and it speaks well of him that he respects that and cares for her but, if I were Brooke, I'd be really, really angry with Kim that any of my father's remaining time on Earth was taken up with this drama.

Does it speak well of him? I only say this because, I think Kim and Monty have a messed up relationship. I'm sure the 2 have shared many drugs over the years.


Monty will be gone soon and that leave his daughter Brooke still dealing with a drunk high mother. Monty might want to protect Kim but imo he is putting Kim's  needs over Brooke's. He should want Kim clean and sober, of course we don't know he might be fine with what Kim is doing.

What a messed up family.

  • Love 7

I've perceived her to be amped up a few times as well.


I've sometimes suspected Kim is making recreational use of Ritalin or another similar ADD-type of medication, probably snorting it due to her proclivity to hide in bathrooms.


Easy to get, easy to abuse, no problem with possessing a legal prescription for it.


In the interest of full disclosure, I have also suspected Sonja and Ramona also may be abusing this substance, especially with Sonja's obsession with her luggage in Morocco and the little mystery urgent trip she and Ramona took into town immediately upon arriving in Morocco.


It would certainly explain a lot of the bizarre, over-the-top behavior these 3 women exhibit...hell, there was even an episode of Desperate Housewives devoted to the soccer mom/Ritalin addict phenomenon.


Okay, off to set the DVR so I don't miss poor little Kimmie being 100% in goddamned pain and Dr. Phil not knowing what she goes through at night...

I agree although, I also think Kim might be bipolar with hypomania rapid cycle type. Substance abuse and bipolar go hand and hand and so do delusions.

  • Love 1

Man this is going to be a doozy but a hot mess.

Glad to hear Dr. Phil mention the "three year sobriety" that Kim has loved touting this whole season.



Hasn't practically every adult had a Vicodin at some point for acute pain? You don't act loopy.

Funny you posted this. Just the night before I took a pain pill for pain from an old injury that flares up now and again. It made my jittery and hyper. I didn't fall asleep until 5 in the morning. My guess is, after taking the stronger pain pills for five years (when I suffered my injury), my body reacts differently to the strong pain pills. With Kim, if she has been popping pills on a regular basis, her body may react differently to them as well. Throw in the liquor and anything else she might have ingested, it would surely cause her to behave like she did that night.

Edited by GreatKazu
  • Love 5

From radaronline.com


‘RHOBH’ Ultimatum: Bravo Demands Kim Richards Undergo Drug Testing & Addiction Treatment — Or Be Fired!
Posted on Apr 23, 2015 @ 4:15AM

One week after Kim Richards was arrested for public intoxication, The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills star has yet to check into rehab. But RadarOnline.com has learned that her Bravo bosses have come up with a plan of their own for dealing with her relapse: According to an insider, she’ll be required to do drug testing and addiction treatment if she wants to continue on the show.

As Radar previously reported, producers for RHOBH held an emergency meeting after learning that Richards was arrested at the Beverly Hills Polo Lounge on April 19. Subsequently, it was decided that they would implement a clause into her six-figure contract that would require Richards to stay sober.

“Her sobriety clause is going to include drug testing – both set and random,” an industry insider tells Radar.

“They are also demanding that she go to treatment, either in-patient or out-patient. But if she wants to remain on the show she will need to go and get some help.”


Also, Richards allegedly told the higher-ups that it is “unfair of them to tell her she has to do this when there are others on the cast who she thinks have just as much of a problem with drinking as she does.”

“Obviously, Bravo bosses are not taking kindly to her right now,” the insider says. “In fact, they are almost at a point where they are just ready to let her go.”

From radaronline.com


Broke Kim Richards Can’t Afford Rehab — Because She Has No Health Insurance!
Posted on Apr 23, 2015 @ 9:27AM

Real Housewives of Beverly Hills star Kim Richards secretly has one big reason accept Dr. Phil’s offer of an all-expenses-paid trip to rehab: RadarOnline.com has learned she has no health insurance!

“Not only is Kim broke, but she also doesn’t have health insurance and has no way to pay for rehab,” an insider told Radar. “She had been using that as a reason to not go back for treatment, as no one in the family was stepping up to foot the bill.”


Edited by quinn
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Wait. If Kim and Brandi are still going to be a part of the show, then Bravo should drug test BOTH of them, not just Kim.



I was sitting here saying "Yes Dr Phil. Do what scary cat Andy wont do - call her ass out!"

When he told her, "That's not good mothering", I smiled like the cat that swallowed the canary.  Interesting the kids are there as well! Good for them!

  • Love 13

Wait. If Kim and Brandi are still going to be a part of the show, then Bravo should drug test BOTH of them, not just Kim.


When he told her, "That's not good mothering", I smiled like the cat that swallowed the canary.  Interesting the kids are there as well! Good for them!


Considering Kimberly lived with her dad for years while Kim was dealing with substance abuse issues should had been a wake up call then she wasn't doing right by her children. 

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