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Kim Richards: No Escape from Witch Mountain

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TOUKIESMITH, ON 18 APR 2015 - 4:34 PM, SAID:

Here (waves hand franticly)!!! Student food trail mix from Whole Foods would not be the same with out big juicy raisins balancing the saltiness of the peanuts and sunflower seeds. Oatmeal cookies would not be right without raisins to punch them up a bit. If you cannot tell a chocolate chip cookie from a cookie with raisins, then that's your issue. I have never confused a raisin with a chocolate chip in my life.



I may have to organize a protest to reinstate TOUKIESMITH...

Edited by Lnmop
  • Love 4

Not everyone reacts to abuse in the same manner.  My sister and I, abused by one of the same people, did not.  We're total opposites.  She's a straight laced over achiever with a cold, not very affectionate disposition.  I'm an odd, wild child who's an overly emotional, oil spill of a mess of a girl.  lol  


Again, I'm not saying that it's definite, I don't know.  Just that it's probable given the circumstances and it wouldn't shock me if it happened.  


Sounds like me and my sister......


Except for the financial side of things, I think Brandi doesn't give a hoot about whether she stays on the show or not.  Last night, I would have said that the snitch was either Brandi or Lisa R, but I suspect now that it's Brandi alone.  IMHO, this person knows far too much about what Kim is thinking and feeling, and Lisa R doesn't fit the bill there.  Brandi does.  Besides, who else but Brandi likes to spread rumors and have the inside track on what's going on?  If she doesn't know something, she makes it up. Plus, pinning the whole thing on LVP is pure Brandi. 


I'm dying to see what Bravo decides to do about this.  The Bravo site, plus a number of leaks, indicate that the opinions of TPTB are divided.  I don't see how adding a clause to her contract is going to be any help to Kim or to Bravo.  All she would have to do is fall off the wagon and keep on drinking.  I don't know.  Her financial situation is such that she can't really afford to lose the show as a source of income.  Andy managed to dodge the question by saying that he only wants the best for Kim and her family.  Who knows?


Sword Queen, my brother and I suffered years of every kind of abuse -- mental, emotional, physical, even sexual -- beginning at the age of 3 -- by our mother (who didn't drink alcohol).  This is the first time I have told anyone outside of my closest family members.  My other brother (the youngest) escaped all of it.  My mother never touched him.  My abused brother and I are completely different people from our happy-go-lucky younger brother.  In a sense, Kim has abused her children by her drinking and not being there sometimes for her children.  When I think of what Kim has done to them, I hate her with a passion!!!  No child deserves abuse.  Whether Kim meant to hurt them is beside the question, but the fact that she has continued to drink is nothing short of appalling to me.  The things that I have written about Kim have come from a combination of pity and hatred.  I pity her for her situation, but I hate what she's done and is still doing.  No one who hasn't lived with fear of a parent and lived with the unpredictability of what will happen next can have any complete understanding of just how much harm Kim has done, IMO.  It makes you feel damaged, and it makes you hate yourself because your own parent must have hated you (you think).  To this day, even an apology wouldn't help me, although my mother is gone now.  I couldn't even cross the country in a plane and attend her funeral.  The hurt runs deep.


Your hurt should run deep.  Its a terrible thing when you cannot trust your own folks to do right by you.


There are so many people who were not raised in a supportive environment that its mind blowing.  I wonder often whether people who hate children know that they don't have to have any.  Of course, they are too stupid and selfish to do the right thing by not having kids in the first place.




C'mon.  I have other redeeming qualities......

  • Love 9

Casting decisions/discussions are ongoing, they may not ink deals until right before filming starts but the discussions are happening well before them even if the talent is not directly involved.

Sure, but I was referencing the fake tabloid stories alleging that emergency meetings were held and sobriety clauses were discussed...stuff like that. The season just ended, so if the producers are doing anything at all, they're probably assessing how the season went and what changes they'd like to make. I think Kim was a goner even before this happened, but regardless, now that it has, even if they're on the fence, they need to wait and see if anything happens, ie. legally, or in respect to rehab. Or worse, no rehab.

  • Love 3


All of these folks need a real job.  With all of the money and influence they have, they choose to act like high schoolers.  What a waste.

Edited by ToukieSmith
  • Love 4

That's it. I'm banning the next person who professes their love of raisins.* They have no business existing, let alone skulking about in good dessert foods, pretending to be chocolate.

*Including the 80s supergroup, the California Raisins.

(Kidding of course. Don't go reporting me for cracking a joke. :p)

I will be banned. I love raisins and I make oatmeal raisin cookies that have converted the most die hard raisin haters.

Since she says she wasn't drinking I wonder what Kim's excuses will be. She's already used the bad reaction to/mixed up medication. I can see her using that one again. Didn't she blame the Dr. for that one?

I'm sure somebody slipped her something in her god dann glass of water. I'm very curious to hear what her excuses will be.

The biggest lie she tells and the one that seems to be the lie that a lot of people think is true is her saying she is "only" an alcoholic. I have never believed that alcohol is her only addiction. I think at the very least she abuses prescription medication.

How else do you explain somebody getting out of rehab and getting a nose job right away? It probably took her a while to come up with a way to legally get them and not count it as a relapse. Enter painful elective surgery.

  • Love 9

Sword Queen, my brother and I suffered years of every kind of abuse -- mental, emotional, physical, even sexual -- beginning at the age of 3 -- by our mother (who didn't drink alcohol).  This is the first time I have told anyone outside of my closest family members.  My other brother (the youngest) escaped all of it.  My mother never touched him.  My abused brother and I are completely different people from our happy-go-lucky younger brother.  In a sense, Kim has abused her children by her drinking and not being there sometimes for her children.  When I think of what Kim has done to them, I hate her with a passion!!!  No child deserves abuse.  Whether Kim meant to hurt them is beside the question, but the fact that she has continued to drink is nothing short of appalling to me.  The things that I have written about Kim have come from a combination of pity and hatred.  I pity her for her situation, but I hate what she's done and is still doing.  No one who hasn't lived with fear of a parent and lived with the unpredictability of what will happen next can have any complete understanding of just how much harm Kim has done, IMO.  It makes you feel damaged, and it makes you hate yourself because your own parent must have hated you (you think).  To this day, even an apology wouldn't help me, although my mother is gone now.  I couldn't even cross the country in a plane and attend her funeral.  The hurt runs deep.


Bunches of hugs, Lura.  I am so sorry for what you and your brother have gone through at the hands of your mother. Thank you for sharing this with me and the board.  Abuse, especially I think, the kind from one's own family, is a cut that never does quite heal.  There are plenty of things that can act as a salve though and I've found that being able to give and receive support from other survivors is a bittersweet comfort, because while I hate so much that anyone else went through abuse, it's good to feel like someone "gets it", you know?  The abuse by my brother also began at age 3 and then it just snowballed from there with different people and I never told anyone directly but one bf, until I was 21 and I was forced to because I had been hospitalized for trying to kill myself and I really had no choice but to tell by that point.  So it's been about 10 years from that time and some days I'm unsure of how much I've actually progressed.  


I understand your feelings towards Kim.  It's like on one hand, I get her and understand the kind of pain and rage she exhibits along with the self-destructive/self-preserving cycles that are hard to give up because they become your identity, in a way.  I really feel for the child she was.  But, as an adult, she also chose to have four children and chose to bring her sister and the rest of her family members into those cycles, so now it's not just her, who is suffering.  Honestly, my own destructive cycles are why I haven't and won't have my own children.  It's been so hard to watch Kim, along with Kyle, play out such a familiar script.  I'm sorry that you, and everyone else here who has experienced similar situations, have had to relive it through this show.  This is not entertainment.  


Moar hugs!




Sounds like me and my sister......



LOL  Uhoh, forget wondering if someone on this board is Brandi, what if someone were my sister.  Not sure which would be more awkward.  ; - )

  • Love 12

Abuse, especially I think, the kind from one's own family, is a cut that never does quite heal.


Those of you who see an abuse victim in Kim's actions and demeanor are, I believe, quite intuitive. Doesn't matter if none of the sisters has ever alluded to that level of victimization -- we'll know only if one of them chooses to speak of it. It's a 50-50 possibility.

  • Love 6


Those of you who see an abuse victim in Kim's actions and demeanor are, I believe, quite intuitive. Doesn't matter if none of the sisters has ever alluded to that level of victimization -- we'll know only if one of them chooses to speak of it. It's a 50-50 possibility.


I really hope nothing like that happened to them.  It's awful to speculate about but also an awful reality.  Just as recovered addicts and those who've dealt first hand with addiction can often see the addict others, when it comes to sensing the survivor in others, it takes one to know one, sometimes.  It's that same "knowing" that many abusers are able to use to sniff out and exploit in order to re-victimize.  I think we all, when we're trying to hide/suppress things, have tells which is why so many of us knew that Kim wasn't clean and sober, even when she was trying her best to appear that way.  

Edited by SwordQueen
  • Love 8

Sure, but I was referencing the fake tabloid stories alleging that emergency meetings were held and sobriety clauses were discussed...stuff like that. The season just ended, so if the producers are doing anything at all, they're probably assessing how the season went and what changes they'd like to make. I think Kim was a goner even before this happened, but regardless, now that it has, even if they're on the fence, they need to wait and see if anything happens, ie. legally, or in respect to rehab. Or worse, no rehab.


I certainly take tabloid stories with a grain of salt and think the TMZ story about what circumstances led to Kim ending up at The Polo Lounge was a bunch of hooey, my guess is that the source wasn't even Brandi, rather it was her goofball ghostwriter.


On the one hand I think that when there is a hot story and a tabloid wants clicks that they will run with a story even from sketchy sources, however ROL has inside sources when it comes to Real Housewives - the descriptors for the story about the meetings were, "a source who works in production" and "the well-connected insider."  


I do side-eye that it was NBC-Universal execs that called an emergency meeting, but I can believe that higher ups at Bravo and/or Evolution held impromptu/emergency meetings - Kim is talent for Evolution's top show and Bravo's second or third highest rated show.  Now my guess is that the main crux of the meetings were related to handling media inquiries, but I would not be shocked if they discussed her fate as well.


The talent and their storylines / connections are the critical element in "assessing how the season went and what changes they'd like to make," so Kim and her fellow castmates are / have been under discussion, which was the point I was making in my previous post.  In Kim's case, I don't think that TPTB do "wait-and-see."  If they have firmly decided they don't want her back, they may inform her management, or alternatively do like they did Camille after season two, tell her that they are casting and if they fill all the slots there will probably not be a spot for her in the upcoming season.  However if they are interested in having her back but have concerns, TPTB may end up expressing those concerns and set some conditions that they want to have met, like rehab and/or a commitment from her to get therapy/join a program, before re-signing her.

Edited by quinn
  • Love 4

On the one hand I think that when there is a hot story and a tabloid wants clicks that they will run with a story even from sketchy sources, however ROL has inside sources when it comes to Real Housewives - the descriptors for the story about the meetings were, "a source who works in production" and "the well-connected insider."

Keep in mind those "inside sources" are the same that said everyone from the NY cast would be fired except Aviva, and Aviva's father was getting a spin-off. Not sure if you watch RHONY, but everyone returned except Aviva and her awful father. Bottom line - they throw things at the wall to see what sticks. Every blue moon something does, but it's rare.

I do side-eye that it was NBC-Universal execs that called an emergency meeting, but I can believe that higher ups at Bravo and/or Evolution held impromptu/emergency meetings - Kim is talent for Evolution's top show and Bravo's second or third highest rated show. Now my guess is that the main crux of the meetings were related to handling media inquiries, but I would not be shocked if they discussed her fate as well.

Kim is not a star for the network. She's not even the star of RHOBH - it's an ensemble cast, and I would argue that she's more peripheral than say LVP, who's more popular and has another show on the network. And what happened was not all that serious. I think Russell's suicide a few years back was a lot more serious than this. A) it was so tragic; and b) it happened just a week or so before the show's premiere. I'm sure that's an instance where they scheduled emergency meetings, and scrambled to figure out how to handle the situation, seeing that the season was in the can, and they had only days. Here, it was just an arrest for drunk and disorderly, involving a cast member who's been an alcoholic since season 1. Plus, there's no rush. It's a big deal for us - because the reunion just ended with Kim proclaiming she's "fine" and not struggling at all with her sobriety, so there's a lot to snark on. But not so much from the network's perspective. Notice they didn't even release a statement. (The only comment coming from Andy, but even that wasn't a statement. He answered a question when giving a radio interview promoting his tour. And of course what he said was pretty innocuous.)

However if they are interested in having her back but have concerns, TPTB may end up expressing those concerns and set some conditions that they want to have met, like rehab and/or a commitment from her to get therapy/join a program, before re-signing her.

Been there, done that. How'd that work out for them last time? :)

They've given her enough chances.

Edited by LotusFlower
  • Love 7

For Zoesmom.

Brooke Shields and Kim Richards had the same type of mothers and are from the same generation.

I think we will have to agree to disagree on that subject.

It is not one size fits all.  I really can't say too much about Terry Shields as she is dead and has ZERO to do with Kim or the show.  Brooke Shields was 1000 times more popular than Kim.  Very different successes.

  • Love 4

Earlier, in some of the article quotes, it said that friends and family said "Kim has hit rock bottom."

No she hasn't. Not by a long shot. One arrest? Nope. That won't do it.

Unfortunately, someone will have to be killed or badly injured, and she spend some real time in jail, before she hits "rock bottom." She could prevent any of that from happening, but she's too self-centered to admit she needs help.

I can't figure out any redeeming factors that have come of this, thus far, and I still feel badly for her and her family. I feel worse for whoever is getting hurt by Kim's actions.

I agree this isn't rock bottom.  The biggest thing facing the family-can mom make it through the wedding and then go to rehab/

I wrote that!!!!



Fantastic-I am going to read it in its entirety.  You did an excellent job of cutting to what the issues are with Kim.

  • Love 1



You're saying that you like hateful raisins?  


All of this raisin love has made me so on-ery, I had to go eat a piece of bread to calm down.  But this Muffin seems to be disagreeing with me, so I don't think I can be held responsible for my actions.

  • Love 6

Who watches Little Women NY there is a woman named Lila whos a recovering alcoholic.

She decided to quit drinking when she was so drunk once, blacked out in a strange place and in a dog collar. That was her reality check.

The viewers get to see her struggle not being the life of the party because she doesnt drink, shes brought on her life coach and talks about her insecurities being around a group that drinks. I can actually root for her, though she can stir the pot in other situations, she acknowledges being sober is not easy.

Kim could learn so much from her.

  • Love 5

Keep in mind those "inside sources" are the same that said everyone from the NY cast would be fired except Aviva, and Aviva's father was getting a spin-off. Not sure if you watch RHONY, but everyone returned except Aviva and her awful father. Bottom line - they throw things at the wall to see what sticks. Every blue moon something does, but it's rare.


I doubt if they are the SAME inside sources.  My take on RH related Radar Online stories are that some are hooey, some are "take to the bank" true, and some are more true than not with the untrue parts being mostly due to the "telephone" effect plus Radar's tendency to give stories a hyperbolic slant.


Kim is not a star for the network. She's not even the star of RHOBH - it's an ensemble cast, and I would argue that she's more peripheral than say LVP, who's more popular and has another show on the network. And what happened was not all that serious. I think Russell's suicide a few years back was a lot more serious than this. A) it was so tragic; and b) it happened just a week or so before the show's premiere. I'm sure they scheduled emergency meetings then, and scrambled to figure out how to handle the situation, seeing that the season was in the can, and they had only days. Here, it was just an arrest for drunk and disorderly, involving a cast member who's been an alcoholic since season 1. Plus, there's no rush. It's a big deal for us - because the reunion just ended with Kim proclaiming she's "fine" and not struggling at all with her sobriety, so there's a lot to snark on. But not so much from the network's perspective. Notice they didn't even release a statement. (The only comment coming from Andy, but he didn't release a statement. He answered a question when giving a radio interview promoting his tour. And of course what he said was pretty innocuous.


I agree that Kim is not THE star for the network and (arguably) not the star of RHoBH but she is still a cast member on Bravo's second or third highest rated show and as such is worthy of an emergency meeting.  I am not saying that people cancelled vacations and were flown across the country, but it's not hard for me to believe that the relevant people in the office that day gathered in a conference room to discuss the matter.  I don't think that there is a rush other than how to deal with the media, even if it is to order people not to talk about the matter in any official capacity.  And once again, I think that discussions about "the talent" and casting are ongoing, so it is not hard for me to believe that there would be a briefing/update on something like the response to Kim's behavior about the dog bite.


Been there, done that. How'd that work out for them last time? :)

They've given her enough chances.


The way it worked out last time was high ratings and cult status. And let's be very clear about how the cast and TPTB hoped this season will play out. Prior to the premiere Andy Cohen, Lisa Vanderpump and Kyle Richards were going around discussing how season 5 was one of the best/the best season ever, and they were not saying that because of yacht trips and a HW being awarded a star on some random Walk of Fame, they were referring to Kim's relapse and the fallout from it.  I remember Kyle, Brandi and I am pretty sure Lisa telling people, probably Twitter followers, to hang on just a little longer because the season was going to take off and they were basically counting down to the Poker Night episode. 

I don't think that Kim has been "given chances" out of benevolence or Kyle throwing her weight around, I think that she pulls her weight even in ways that don't seem that dramatic.  Before people knew about Kingsley's aggression issues, Kim and Kingsley were a topic of discussion when most people believed that he was an energetic dog that Kim was not equipped to handle.  People talked more about Kim and Kingsley than Lisa Vanderpump making a site visit to one of her businesses.  Again I don't consider Kim the star but she isn't deadweight either.


I am not trying to argue that Bravo and Evolution were thrown into a tizzy because Kim Richards got a drunk and disorderly charge.  But again, casting and dealing with talent is an ongoing thing and I do think that Kim's arrest is a significant occurrence and will be incorporated as one of the factors in how they plan to proceed for next season, whether it is used as a cudgel to get Kim in line, assuming that she's considered a problem employee, or that they planned on not having her back and now have information that she may be in a bad place with the media / public is following her situation, and TPTB want to make sure that they handle the situation with care.

Edited by quinn
  • Love 5

I say this to you Cosmic.....DROP IT.  Leave the raisins alone.  They are like my Son's, the pecans too!  If you don't stop this, I will tell, and you won't like that.



I feel like I am five typing that.  



It's really shocking when you see pictures of Kim when she had her children.  She looked so young, like a child herself.  It's amazing what 20 plus years of drug/alcohol abuse does to the body/face.     


I was looking for pics, but found this instead.





  • Love 4

I am not trying to argue that Bravo and Evolution were thrown into a tizzy because Kim Richards got a drunk and disorderly charge. But again, casting and dealing with talent is an ongoing thing and I do think that Kim's arrest is a significant occurrence and will be incorporated as one of the factors in how they plan to proceed for next season, whether it is used as a cudgel to get Kim in line, assuming that she's considered a problem employee, or that they planned on not having her back, and they now have information that she may be in a bad place and the media / public is following her situation, and they want to make sure that they handle the situation with care.

You can't order an addict to "get in line." Well, you can, but we saw how that worked out for Kim after she last went to rehab after season 1 to save her job. Orders, stipulations, or clauses in contracts will never work, and there's no reason for Bravo or Evoltion to even entertain the idea. Movie studios sometimes make this bet, but only because they need a movie star with big box office appeal, and b/c the production time is very limited, so the risk is worth it. Kim Richards? She's one of seven HW's of the Beverly Hills show, which is one of five Housewife shows on the network. And, she's been a high maintenance and problematic HW at that. The lawsuit alone is reason enough for them to cut her loose. Frankly, I think this makes their decision easier. After Russell's suicide, I think they wanted Taylor off the show pronto, but felt a certain sense of allegiance and compassion for her situation, so they kept her on for one last season (part-time, maybe?). With Kim, they've already given her so many chances. Her presence is too toxic, her story lines are too dark, and now she's a public drunk. Her time is up.

  • Love 5

I've been out of "likes" for several hours now, so in case you think I'm indifferent to your posts, please think again!   I am almost overwhelmed by your messages and posts of support, and I thank you from the bottom of my heart.  I am stupefied (you thought I was going to write "stupid"?) by your support and your understanding.  Finally, I broke down and fixed myself a bowl of rum-soaked raisins.  I;m felling btter by the minuet.  (((Thank you, sincerely.)))

  • Love 12
Oh he also hit a gas station attendant while high and was sued for 4 millions.

The other brother Conrad created a scene on an airplane a while back while you guessed it, high as well.

This entire family is the modern days version of the Bucanan.

Trashy, trashy people...

  • Love 4

Well if Bravo/Evolution actually brings back Kim and before she signs off on a new 6-figure contract, I hope they put a rehab/sobriety clause in. If she refuses to do rehab or still keeps up her farce she has been sober all these years then just fire her on the spot. Take the contract away from her before the pen hits paper. But I keep in mind Bravo wont have the nerve. I would prefer they let her go anyhow but im growing ever so pessimistic.

  • Love 3

Well if Bravo/Evolution actually brings back Kim and before she signs off on a new 6-figure contract, I hope they put a rehab/sobriety clause in. If she refuses to do rehab or still keeps up her farce she has been sober all these years then just fire her on the spot. Take the contract away from her before the pen hits paper. But I keep in mind Bravo wont have the nerve. I would prefer they let her go anyhow but im growing ever so pessimistic.

They already did that (sent her to rehab, or she volunteered as a way to keep her job), and it didn't work. Why do you think they'd do it again? And why do you think her sobriety is so important to them? It's not like she's a star athlete and the team needs her. She's a reality star, one of seven on just one show, and she can be replaced easily. I think the sister relationship with Kyle was a compelling storyline at first, but they've milked it for so long, and it finally took such a dark turn.

  • Love 6

I feel the need to mention this anytime a crazy days and nights blind item is posted. He is notorious amongst blind item followers for making up stories with the hope of a name to come up that he can pin the story on later. The expression even a broken clock is right twice a day is appropriate for that site. Not saying it couldn't and didn't happen but please take that site for gossip not fact.

That being said, I don't doubt that there could have been abuse in kim's past, but for her sake i really hope none of it is true. No child should be made to feel unsafe and unfortunately it is too common. All of you who have shared are incredibly brave and you have my utmost respect.

If this were to be true, it would make her close relationship with brandi, with her admission of being jealous of her sisters abuse, even more disturbing.

It feels so awful to even think this but I hate that abuse has been brought up because I feel like she is probably searching for an excuse right now and she will run with the story regardless if it is true or not for sympathy and to "explain the truth" aka excuses for her addictions. I worked with a kim Richards clone for years and she would make up/twist stories to hide her alcoholism amd drug abuse but also to get attention. She went really far to garner sympathy, even lying about her child beating her so we would all be concerned for her and not question why she was taking a pain pill. Some of the lies were even more extreme resulting in the theft of thousands of "sympathy" money from coworkers and friends. She has now passed this on to said child who is now an addict adult and in and out of jail for drugs.

It is frustrating to watch a grown woman repeatedly ruin her life and the lives of the people who give a shit. She is so lucky to have people that care about her and she continues to be abusive toward them. It infuriates me that she has an audience because ultimately that is what she craves.

On lighter note, I still just love that this happened at the polo lounge. Perhaps kim accidently watched the Alison Dubois dinner party from season one instead of the reunion that night and just wanted to go meet kyle and the girls.

  • Love 10

In my state battery on a police officer is a felony, but I guess it's just a misdemeanor in CA, although the bail seems more in line with bail for a felony. Those charges against Kim should give the court a minimum of a year's jurisdiction. I can see her entering a plea to a lesser offense and being placed on supervised probation with a number of conditions. She may be required to go to either inpatient or outpatient drug and alcohol treatment. She may be ordered to submit to random drug and alcohol testing. If she is not in compliance she can be jailed for the remainder of her sentence. So even if Kim is in denial and not ready for treatment, this arrest takes things out of her hands and will impose consequences if she doesn't follow the conditions set for her.

Even at arraignment, before it is even determined whether she committed the crimes she has been charged with, she will have to comply with conditions of release which are fairly standard: don't leave the jurisdiction without permission of the court, no drugs or alcohol and in the case of tresspassing, do not return to where you were accused of tresspassing. Further special conditions can be set. If she violates any of the conditions, her bail could be revoked and she would have to await trial in custody.

I have a difficult time picturing Kim doing well on probation for a number of obvious reasons. She may actually spend some time in the county jail if she violates the conditions of her probation.

So, ready or not, Kim is probably going into treatment at least one more time. Sadly, it is difficult to picture her being successful.

  • Love 7

Not saying it couldn't and didn't happen but please take that site for gossip not fact.

That being said, I don't doubt that there could have been abuse in kim's past, but for her sake i really hope none of it is true. No child should be made to feel unsafe and unfortunately it is too common. All of you who have shared are incredibly brave and you have my utmost respect.

If this were to be true, it would make her close relationship with brandi, with her admission of being jealous of her sisters abuse, even more disturbing.

It feels so awful to even think this but I hate that abuse has been brought up because I feel like she is probably searching for an excuse right now and she will run with the story regardless if it is true or not for sympathy and to "explain the truth" aka excuses for her addictions. I worked with a kim Richards clone for years and she would make up/twist stories to hide her alcoholism amd drug abuse but also to get attention. She went really far to garner sympathy, even lying about her child beating her so we would all be concerned for her and not question why she was taking a pain pill. Some of the lies were even more extreme resulting in the theft of thousands of "sympathy" money from coworkers and friends. She has now passed this on to said child who is now an addict adult and in and out of jail for drugs.

It is frustrating to watch a grown woman repeatedly ruin her life and the lives of the people who give a shit. She is so lucky to have people that care about her and she continues to be abusive toward them. It infuriates me that she has an audience because ultimately that is what she craves.

This is another reason why Kim AND Brandi need to get off this show. This show is dark enough the last thing I want to see is that on my screen. I dont trust them since most of the viewing audience is against them they are that scary together to use something so traumatic/sensitive to get the viewers to shift in their favor. Even if it's true it would explain why Kim is the way she is and hold resentment towards Kyle especially if Kyle never went through it. And why maybe Kyle has always wanted to protect Kim's well-being mainly since Kim has been using and boozing. Plus say IF Kim ever decides she has a problem with drugs and alcohol and gets clean finally and eventually distance herself from Brandi, Brandi has diarrhea of the mouth! She is just itching for the next storyline and use what she did to Adrienne onto someone like Kim. I would hope Kim has a wee bit of sense not to tell Brandi something like that (if it's true) after how she "joked" about her own sister's abuse. I hope that blind item is not true. Please no.

  • Love 5

Was she even arraigned?

Not until June.  Usually drunk in public is cite and release.  The trespass will go away and I think the misdemeanor assault on a peace officer will probably be something she fights.  I think her attorney will cite an established anxiety disorder.  I just see Kim getting zero time and probably no probation.  For Kim the consequence is she has had a very public break from her sobriety and one that can be established by the number of drinks she ordered.  What I do enjoy is Kim will now have a record for an arrest for assault and battery the very thing she accused Rinna of having.


There is a part of me that thinks Kim wanted to get caught and went out as big as possible.  I feel for her daughter the bride-now the attention will be on Kim.  All the talk of what triggered it, speculation about her childhood, her dead fiancé, her dying ex-husband, the stupid decision she made with her dog.  Will she be at the wedding, will she be sober, will she be inviting Kyle?  I am thinking at the very least Kyle's daughter Farrah will be going since she did go to the bachelorette party.

  • Love 11

Everybody remember Lindsay Lohan? She got off time and again for her drunkeness and drug use. One excuse after another. Kim is just Lindsay 2.0, and probably won't see any serious repercussions from this arrest.

It reminds me of the sentencing in Conrad Hilton's case:  http://www.cnn.com/2015/03/04/entertainment/conrad-hilton-flight-attendants-plea-deal/  For all of his asshole behavior he got probation. 


It is sad that a 50 year old woman is being lumped in with Lindsay Lohan.  Kim won't even see the inside of a courtroom.  The saddest thing is during plea negotiations Kim's attorney can feign it is an aberration for this mother of four who had a slip and the public humiliation is punishment enough.

Edited by zoeysmom
  • Love 4

It bothers me that she keeps being referred to as a "mother." Obviously, she is one but that's not really her job anymore. She isnt, currently, raising kids. They are grown adults with their own homes, families, and lives. Yes this will be awful for them but it's not like her time in the drunk tank kept her from packing lunches and getting the kids to soccer practice. I feel like it's used to garner sympathy for her. A more appropriate indentifier would be "50 year old dried up former child star, dangerous dog owning, current reality show participant."

  • Love 11

I get why we are all trying to find a causation for KIms problems. If she has been abused or had a horrible life then we can "understand" why she is like this. Nothing may have happened to Kim. People can have great lives ,great childhoods,  and become addicts, or be  narcissists.  If something has happened to Kim , then we can cut her a break.

 I don't know what is "better". That Kim is just a mean, narcisstic addict, or that Kim had a horrible childhood and turned to drugs and alcohol.

  I'd like to add that I actually liked Kim and was rooting for her prior to this season. 

  • Love 11

Ok so with Bravo being Bravo and Kim Richards being Kim Richards ....

Rumor has it that the cast of Beverly Hills will experience a big shake up this next season.

Inside sources are telling anyone that will listen that they think that Kim Richards will be dropped from the cast. No surprise there I would think but Bravo being the go-to-source of all things reality have something up their sleeve.

The knowledgable source continued on to say that replacing Ms Richards will be a known figure whose reputation already is need of rehabilitating and who has been muzzled in the past. They just know that once toxicity is gone life will be better for all. With phrases like 'don't kick a dog when he's down' and 'their bark is worse than their bite' the source started going on about lifestyle changes will be the replacement's storyline, an unusual friendship is made causing Lisa V some stress and Kyle finds herself in a situation where she has to tolerate a former threat to her family.

Despite repeated attempts the Bravo source stopped short of naming the replacement.

Oh for the days of Jill Zarin when she would spell out in no uncertain terms the who's and what's of Bravo.

Oh...and one other thing...she said 'Lassie, the replacement will have the ladies watching their backs. There will be no finger pointing this season.' Kind of odd, don't you think?

(Yes, I'm full of shit this morning. Yeah, yeah, most mornings.)

  • Love 5

It is not one size fits all.  I really can't say too much about Terry Shields as she is dead and has ZERO to do with Kim or the show.  Brooke Shields was 1000 times more popular than Kim.  Very different successes.

Different people have different brain chemistry. Some people go to war and don't end up with PTSD, others become incapacitated by the same experience.

  • Love 7

Wondering why Kim hasn't had a statement yet.  From her lawyer at the very least.  I can imagine the strategy calls between Kim and her team -  You don't know what I go thru at night!  100% pain is now an understatement, goddamn it.  Drop it! I was in a holding cell for 5-7-9 hours like a low-life, don't they know who I am??   Kyle made me go there -  My son, Kingsley was at home alone....  The police are HORRIBLE...

  • Love 9

I think I have a different take on Kim. Kyle has to be added in because these two have been in a perpetual mess since childhood.

           I think Kim as the addict who has excellent manipulation skills (among many other skills) has used Brandi as a buffer, someone to lean on and hide behind and as a punching bag for Kyle to deflect from her own behavior.    

            Kyle is doing the same thing however.   Using Brandi as the supposed villain who is coming between her and her sister and as an excuse for her own behavior.

 While Brandi is no angel and there is no excuse for a lot of her own behavior, I honestly think she just wanted to be wanted and liked by someone.   I also think she has no clue and no desire to play the games people like these housewives play in order to live their silly fantasy lives on a daily basis. 

             I really think she thought she could help Kim , or at least wanted to try and had no idea how deep and fucked up this co-dependent mess between them was. 

 I also think Brandi comes from something dark and creepy herself. Her father gave me Ted Bundy vibes.

            So, the bottom line for me is that this is only about Kim and Kyle.   Both of them have used Brandi and at least for me I saw right thru it.

            At this point I think Kyle is even more guilty because she as the healthy one should face Kim head on and with only the truth and only an offer of help. Brandi has nothing to do with Kyle as she has stated herself.....so Brandi did nothing to stand in her way of actually helping Kim.     Of course I am talking about real help, not some stupid staged nonsense on the show.

          If Kyle has had enough and feels like a 30th attempt at intervention will not help, then she should of honestly stated that and be done.    Let Kim hang out with Brandi or any anyone else she wants to.   Because its not Brandi or anyone else who hangs out with Kim. ITS KIM.

  • Love 8

I get why we are all trying to find a causation for KIms problems. If she has been abused or had a horrible life then we can "understand" why she is like this. Nothing may have happened to Kim. People can have great lives ,great childhoods,  and become addicts, or be  narcissists.  If something has happened to Kim , then we can cut her a break.

 I don't know what is "better". That Kim is just a mean, narcisstic addict, or that Kim had a horrible childhood and turned to drugs and alcohol.

  I'd like to add that I actually liked Kim and was rooting for her prior to this season. 


Agree.  I think some of us, instead of gleefully withholding our empathy and hoping she dies, are looking perhaps for a way to empathize with her, even if we don't like her or won't give her a pass for it.  It's also a self-comforting thing.  People like to know why others do horrible things, either in an effort to be understanding or to be able to distance ourselves from them.  The unknown is almost always scarier than the known, so if we know why people act like monsters we can either say "Oh, I can see how they'd be driven to do something like that.  That might have been me (at some point/if not for...)", or "I could never be like that.  That'll never happen to me".

  • Love 8

Everybody remember Lindsay Lohan? She got off time and again for her drunkeness and drug use. One excuse after another. Kim is just Lindsay 2.0, and probably won't see any serious repercussions from this arrest.


Clearly Lohan had a screwed up home life as evidenced by the fools that claim to be her parents.  However, she is responsible for her antics as an adult.  She has been exposed to better choices and has had the money to pursue better choices for some time now.  Yet, she chooses to roll with a bunch of rich lowlifes that that have nothing better to do with their time than act like fools and commit misdemeanors.  If these folks were poor and minority, they would be called thugs.


I have empathy for Kim (and Lindsay), but they have to be responsible for their choices.  I suspect there have been many people that have reached out to Kim over the years and recommended things that would be good for Kim in the long run.  She chose a different path.


I think Bravo is monitoring this situation so they can respond appropriately.  I don't think they have had any internal meetings about personnel issues because those decisions don't need to be made any earlier than originally planned.  Bravo is a business and they will keep Kim in front of the camera as long as viewers can stand it.  If they cared about Kim's sobriety, they would not have her on the show in the first place.  They knew she would be a compelling trainwreck and the conflict she brings is genuine. 


If this is suppose to be reality tv, then it would not make sense to remove Kim from the show.  Her reality affects her and her sister.  Bravo has a gold mine of stuff they don't have to contrive with the Richards.

  • Love 7

Agree.  I think some of us, instead of gleefully withholding our empathy and hoping she dies, are looking perhaps for a way to empathize with her, even if we don't like her or won't give her a pass for it.  It's also a self-comforting thing.  People like to know why others do horrible things, either in an effort to be understanding or to be able to distance ourselves from them.  The unknown is almost always scarier than the known, so if we know why people act like monsters we can either say "Oh, I can see how they'd be driven to do something like that.  That might have been me (at some point/if not for...)", or "I could never be like that.  That'll never happen to me".

I have to do this every day. I have to look beyond the behaviors caused by the illness and separate them from the humanity of the individual. Unfortunately, it is not possible unless you really take time with the person and watching a highly scripted show makes this impossible. Whatever caused Kim's problems are impossible for us to know and frankly, ragging on people with mental illness is something I'm not okay with. IMO it's time to leave her alone and Bravo should do so.

Edited by Higgins
  • Love 7

I have to do this every day. I have to look beyond the behaviors caused by the illness and separate them from the humanity of the individual. Unfortunately, it is not possible unless you really take time with the person and watching a highly scripted show make this impossible. Whatever caused Kim's problems are impossible for us to know and frankly, ragging on people with mental illness is something I'm not okay with. IMO it's time to leave her alone and Bravo should do so.

So far I have read the goldmine that is Kim with her addiction for Bravo and programming.  Problem is Kim didn't want it to be about her addiction.  To me, what was going to be entertaining was to watch Kim with some other old time Hollywood families and see her thrive among her own kind.  Instead, and I don't mean to sound like Brandi, one night ruined my hope for Kim having a good season.  It just seemed and I know this is part of her personality disorder(s), apologizing and having that talk with LisaR and Eileen she went on the attack and lost her way.  I don't know if perhaps producers intervened and told her to withhold any off camera apologies, if she was taking guidance from Brandi who is self-described as bringing the conflict to the show-something that sounds like she has heard a time or ten from producers.   My other thought is her ego kicks in and she starts running her mouth to top the others and resents when she is not the center of attention.  I see the same behavior in Sonja from RHONYC.  There are times I just want to take them by the hand and say-just stop making everything into you and your accomplishments (Sonja's had far more to do with who she married and less to do with talent).  Listen and let someone else have a moment.  I guess that is what makes for a show though.


Kim never has to make another statement and the downside of that is she loses her job. There will be a statement to the Court where she apologizes for kicking the cop-if the case makes it that far.  There may be begging and pleading by her agent with Bravo for her to sign to see what happens with she and Monty or if she and Kyle make nice again but I don't see Kim ever being in a place where she will admit to any issues or misbehavior.  I saw her first post rehab interview and was left unmoved at that was as friendly as an atmosphere as will happen for Kim.  I too, believe it is time the bid adieu.  It doesn't have to be a bitchy adieu like Andy pulled with Adrienne just a we will call you if and when we need you.  Most of all after providing a personality to a reality show I would like to see Kim find some peace.  She doesn't have to write a book, uncork her bottled secrets or make any more apologies until they are for the right reasons and sincere.

  • Love 6

So far I have read the goldmine that is Kim with her addiction for Bravo and programming.  Problem is Kim didn't want it to be about her addiction.  To me, what was going to be entertaining was to watch Kim with some other old time Hollywood families and see her thrive among her own kind.  Instead, and I don't mean to sound like Brandi, one night ruined my hope for Kim having a good season.  It just seemed and I know this is part of her personality disorder(s), apologizing and having that talk with LisaR and Eileen she went on the attack and lost her way.  I don't know if perhaps producers intervened and told her to withhold any off camera apologies, if she was taking guidance from Brandi who is self-described as bringing the conflict to the show-something that sounds like she has heard a time or ten from producers.   My other thought is her ego kicks in and she starts running her mouth to top the others and resents when she is not the center of attention.  I see the same behavior in Sonja from RHONYC.  There are times I just want to take them by the hand and say-just stop making everything into you and your accomplishments (Sonja's had far more to do with who she married and less to do with talent).  Listen and let someone else have a moment.  I guess that is what makes for a show though.


Kim never has to make another statement and the downside of that is she loses her job. There will be a statement to the Court where she apologizes for kicking the cop-if the case makes it that far.  There may be begging and pleading by her agent with Bravo for her to sign to see what happens with she and Monty or if she and Kyle make nice again but I don't see Kim ever being in a place where she will admit to any issues or misbehavior.  I saw her first post rehab interview and was left unmoved at that was as friendly as an atmosphere as will happen for Kim.  I too, believe it is time the bid adieu.  It doesn't have to be a bitchy adieu like Andy pulled with Adrienne just a we will call you if and when we need you.  Most of all after providing a personality to a reality show I would like to see Kim find some peace.  She doesn't have to write a book, uncork her bottled secrets or make any more apologies until they are for the right reasons and sincere.

She is not sound mind so those who are should chose to take her out of the limelight( Bravo).

Edited by Higgins
  • Love 6

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