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Kim Richards: No Escape from Witch Mountain

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I love this because it is Kim overlooking the obvious someone had to be with Kim and then Kyle and Kim for those careers to flourish.  Big Kathy could not have maintained an outside job and been there for Kim. I have some assorted articles and they all say pretty much the same thing-a parent must be present during filming.  Even Kay Rosario (second mom to Kim and second course to Kingsley) has said that Big Kathy earned a cut of Kim's earnings. 


http://www.todayifoundout.com/index.php/2014/10/child-actors-origin-coogans-bill/  I threw this one in because it talks about LeAnn Rimes and how she had to sue to get $7 million back because of excessive management fees.

http://www.actra.ca/main/resources/stage-parents-guide/  Talks about parents on the set

http://www.dir.ca.gov/dlse/childlaborlawpamphlet.pdf   Page 36 forward outlines what child actors may and may not work and their schooling


The question for me remains-what exactly is it Kim expects from her younger sister some 40 years later?  Does Kim want reimbursement for her mother's management of the money she earned as a child actor?  Did Kim expect to be the sole heir to the Big Kathy estate (one which might be a bit light if the sole source of income was from Kim's childhood earnings since Kim had not worked, as a child actor, in almost 20 years at the time of her mother's death)?  Why does Little Kathy get to inherit apparently guilt free?  Would Kim have been able to maintain a $40,000.00 a year second residence for the past 12 years?  What about the over $600,000.00 Mauricio and Kyle paid out over the years to buy and maintain the house for the 10 years Big Kathy asked? 


If Kim's outrage is at the industry for its failure to forever and ever care for Kim after a 10 year childhood career?  Kim had at  least 15% of her earnings when she turned 18.  She was also working after her mother had control of her money most notably on a feature film Tuff Turf.  According to Monty, they were together at the time so I think Kim needs to take responsibility for blowing through her own fortune and lived the high life with two ex-husbands.  It just seems that Kim wants to hold on tight to the theory she was an exploited child star.  Maybe the reason Big Kathy wanted her daughters to keep their private lives close to the chest is because Kim can't keep a story straight and a balance sheet might reveal that Kim was a pretty big spender and in fact most likely was heavily subsidized over the years by Big Kathy, Kyle and Little Kathy.  I am still curious what the hell Monty contributes to the equation financially-it would seem if he is holed up at Kim's and still travels quite a bit he and his trust fund should be picking up the bill.

Thanks, zoeysmom for your sleuthing -you are awesome!  Not only for this post, but the one downthread breaking down the numbers.


I am also wondering what Kim's real issue is - if she is playing the Exploited Child Actress card, then 1) take it up with your mother next time you go to a psychic or are at a seance, and 2) move over, because Kyle might have the same complaint.  Not meaning to be nasty, but......come on.  And WTH is Kyle supposed to 'make right' when, if the ECA card is still being played, she was also cheated out of her earnings?  Good grief.  I also don't get why Kathy Hilton gets a pass - maybe because Kathy would turn her back on her in a heartbeat.


On another blog back in Season 1, there was a very interesting post from an individual who was a child actress at the same time Kim Richards was in demand.  This individual helped to explain Coogan's Law and also gave some interesting insight into her experience with the child actor process.  She described Big Kathy as a very assertive/borderline aggressive stage mother who understood her commodities (Kim "A" list and Kyle) and commanded respect.  She seemed to be alternately respected and feared by the other stage parents.  Kim usually got every role that she auditioned for.  This poster wasn't throwing stones or being bitter, just sharing her observations.  No doubt Big Kathy went the extra mile for her kids and earned her agent fee. 

Edited by Aunt Kiki
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zoeysmom, thanks for all the info.

IMHO re the goddamned house, the truth lies somewhere in the middle as usual. You got me hooked on reading about the Coogan Law haha and, evidently there were loopholes that parents and guardians used to their advantage, so the law was amended in 2000.


From the various descriptions of Big Kathy here and online, she comes across as a user of people - husbands, friends, and yes, even her daughters.  Not saying she didn't love her girls, but sounds like she loved herself more.  Maybe she did use the Coogan Law's loopholes to her advantage or maybe not...I think neither Kyle nor Kim is totally wrong with regard to the story of the house - I wonder if either of them even knows the full story.


Sounds like a Movie of the Week LOL.

Great post.  IMO Big Kathy ruled her roost with an iron fist - and lived large and loved large.  And she took her secrets to her grave.

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Kim's 12 step program:


1)  Pretend to get sober, but really just cut out alcohol. 


2)  Don't apologize to ANYBODY for anything you did all the years you were drunk.  Hell, if you don't remember, why should they.


3)  Buy a dangerous dog that you have no control over. Whatever happens, it isn't your fault.  He's your friend and that's all that should matter.


4)  Lean on your kids so hard they are afraid to stand up to you for fear you will relapse. 


5)  Remind everyone you were a B list child star, haven't done anything since, but demand their respect.


6)  Move.  Seriously this will keep you busy, and annoy the hell out of the people who have to find you a new place, pay deposits, help you pack, etc. 


7)  If possible, go on a REALITY show, but don't let anybody talk about your life. 


8)  Pretend you have money.


9)  Go back and rehash every slight, hurt, problem since you were 8.  Above all, don't listen to reason.  These are the people who made you a drunk.  Go after them.  All the time.  Don't let up.  And for God's sake, don't listen to reason.


10)  Hook up with a known enemy of your family.  Get close, spill as much family gossip as possible, then sit back and allow this person to speak for you, and enable you.   This can only have the healthiest of results.


11)  Be proud of your sobriety, after all, rehab said prescription drugs "may" be necessary.  They never said it had to be your own prescription!  If questioned just say "I took the wrong pill", or "somebody gave me a pill".   Nobody is allowed to question you.


12)  This is probably the most important of the 12 steps.  Never, ever, ever take responsibility.   Deflect, lie, ignore, scream "you lie".   Demand respect for not taking responsibility - not just now, but all the years you were too incoherent or drunk to even know what day it was.

I love you, notnowimbusy!

Brandi's injured her hand a few days after the drunken tampon string incident, she supposedly injured her hand while taking a self-defense class that was filmed.  The injury was some kind of fracture / break, I don't think that a dog bite can be pawned off as a fracture.  But now that you are hmmm-ing, I wonder why Bravo/Evolution did not pay for Brandi to get her hand treated - according to Brandi she did not go see a doctor because she did not have health insurance.  The thought occurred to me that Brandi's contract may have terms that state Bravo/Evolution is not obligated to cover injuries, nevertheless it would've been the decent thing to do and just have Brandi sign papers stating that they are not on the hook for her injury beyond x dollar amount and/or a certain length of time.  So to me if there is a hmmm in there, it may be that it is suspected that Brandi did not injure it at that filming event which aligns with your original suspicion.

I think most of Brandi's injuries are alcohol/drug-related.

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This evil devil has me in ruminative preoccupation mode over my own Nmom's 52 years of systematic mindfuckery.  I just finished another cycle of abuse with her a month ago and finally decided to go No Contact, and watching the fugly soulless bitch that is Kim Fucking Richards is not helping me move on.  My only positive takeaway watching this malignant Narcissist all season is that I need to get into CBT PDQ.


Addiction is the least of KFR problems.  Addicts can recover and be sweet, normal people.  KFR will be never be a normal person.  The only way in which she will ever change is to get even more joyfully cruel as she ages.  She and her Narcissistic ilk are untreatable, irredeemable, evil facsimiles of human beings hellbent on destroying everyone around them in order to feed the bottomless pit of need for their false selves, and no one close to them will ever find peace until they cut them out like the cancer that they are.






Knowing Brandi is KFR "best friend," which means her primary source of Narcissistic supply, almost makes me feel sorry for her.

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IF RumRaisin invites Brandi to the second wedding, shouldn't she be giving CHAD the STD talk and not his friends?? I mean, Brandi dates guys right in Chad's age range.  What would stop her from wanting to screw Chad?

And just a thought.... If Kingsley had bitten BRANDI and she'd had to have two surgeries, would RumRaisin have a different attitude about her dog?

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IF RumRaisin invites Brandi to the second wedding, shouldn't she be giving CHAD the STD talk and not his friends?? I mean, Brandi dates guys right in Chad's age range. What would stop her from wanting to screw Chad?

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I was giving some thought about that disturbing scene with Kyle and Kim over the dog bite.  I don't think even after FIVE YEARS Kim has fully comprehended that the show requires year round appearances by the cast.  LvP certainly keeps her brand and the show out there year round as do Yolanda, Brandi and Kyle.  Kim though really goes into a hole and expects the others to do the heavy lifting.  Biggest thing she did last season was send some of her daughter's wedding photos out on social media-Instagram no less. Now it is the wedding that was held just so Kim's best friend could walk his daughter down the aisle.  The one suffering from lung cancer-which was totally okay to use as a publicity marker.   It just makes it all the more offensive when she attacks Kyle for making her daughter's health concern public.  Kim calling it a private matter is ridiculous.  I think it is wonderful that a cockroach organization like Radar On Line refuses to release the name of Kim's adult child with mental health issues but Kim certainly has no standing as the dog owner to expect the victim to hide her injuries and recovery from the same.

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"Recovering in the public eye is a lot of pressure. It's difficult. But it helps me that all eyes are on me."


Of course KK have a disagreement about Portia's bday party towards the end but Billy Bush owns Kim. If only he hosted these reunions.

Could Kim have been anymore long winded about her sobriety?  Geez she said the same thing over and over.  I think she did it to keep Kyle from talking.  Again further proof this nitwit doesn't even watch the show.  I agree he would be a good host.

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Of course KK have a disagreement about Portia's bday party towards the end but Billy Bush owns Kim. If only he hosted these reunions.


Well my favorite part is the beginning of the clip where Kim is acting like 'I'm 10 and just as cute as a button'.  She's delusional.  (credit to Kristen for that)

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Could Kim have been anymore long winded about her sobriety?  Geez she said the same thing over and over.  I think she did it to keep Kyle from talking.  Again further proof this nitwit doesn't even watch the show.  I agree he would be a good host.


I tried to tell you all in the Kyle thread. ;)

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I'm sorry but she seems like she's on something in that clip! That's why I believe alcohol is the least of her problems. Xanax maybe? She's not sober in that clip. Might not have had a drink, but she's not sober

ETA...she references her time in treatment. Didn't she leave a rehab facility after about a week? I assume the program was for at least 28 days. She didn't complete treatment

Edited by Socwkr34
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I'm sorry but she seems like she's on something in that clip! That's why I believe alcohol is the least of her problems. Xanax maybe? She's not sober in that clip. Might not have had a drink, but she's not sober

ETA...she references her time in treatment. Didn't she leave a rehab facility after about a week? I assume the program was for at least 28 days. She didn't complete treatment

Kim left treatment after one week after Season 1 aired.  She completed another rehab after Season 2-not the 90 days that was prescribed but she was in at least 30 days.  In her interview with Andy she claims she has to still take regular medication for anxiety and panic attacks and supposedly with the blessings of her rehab physicians.  What struck me as strange is the number of times she repeated had hard because she was in the public eye to stay sober.  She also saw it as a one way street all the people she was helping. . . I would like to see I meaningful piece or correspondence where Kim really said anything meaningful to all these people that looked to her for help.  Not little emoticons and turtles after a thank you tweet.

Edited by zoeysmom
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Kim left treatment after one week after Season 1 aired.  She completed another rehab after Season 2-not the 90 days that was prescribed but she was in at least 30 days.  In her interview with Andy she claims she has to still take regular medication for anxiety and panic attacks and supposedly with the blessings of her rehab physicians. 

I don't have a problem if Kim needs meds for anxiety/panic attacks but she can not take them willy nilly as I suspect she does. IMO, she is taking her "medication" in doses/frequencies to obtain the same "high" she got when she was drinking. and mixes in narcotic (pain meds) drugs to bolster that high.


I am not sure that only staying 30 days, in a program designed to take 90 days, can/will do much good in the short term let alone the long term quest for sobriety.

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In that picture up at the top of the page, posted by Nexxie, has anyone noticed how the girls all slant their faces to the side in that "Aren't I cute?" look that Kim does?  The girl on the far left has her head tilted so far over that she looks like she's about to fall!  Monkey see, monkey do.  It just goes to prove how much children pick up on the mannerisms of the parents.  I s'pose all the girls twist their hair, too, like Kim and Kyle do.  I'll bet we wouldn't be too far off if we found out that Big Kathy played with her hair.  I wonder about Little Kathy.  Does Paris Hilton play with her hair?  What a band of crazies!

Edited by Lura
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Rum Raisin = drunk and dried up = FRUITCAKE?  No wonder I don't like Kim!



Love Kim's newest nickname.

Thought rum raisin sounded familiar...sure enough...one of the lipsticks in my rotation is Revlon's

RUM RAISIN! Grrrrrrr. Thankfully it's not my go to like it used to be, but now when I apply rum raisin I will giggle and think of you all!

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Thanks, zoeysmom for your sleuthing -you are awesome!  Not only for this post, but the one downthread breaking down the numbers.


I am also wondering what Kim's real issue is - if she is playing the Exploited Child Actress card, then 1) take it up with your mother next time you go to a psychic or are at a seance, and 2) move over, because Kyle might have the same complaint.  Not meaning to be nasty, but......come on.  And WTH is Kyle supposed to 'make right' when, if the ECA card is still being played, she was also cheated out of her earnings?  Good grief.  I also don't get why Kathy Hilton gets a pass - maybe because Kathy would turn her back on her in a heartbeat.


On another blog back in Season 1, there was a very interesting post from an individual who was a child actress at the same time Kim Richards was in demand.  This individual helped to explain Coogan's Law and also gave some interesting insight into her experience with the child actor process.  She described Big Kathy as a very assertive/borderline aggressive stage mother who understood her commodities (Kim "A" list and Kyle) and commanded respect.  She seemed to be alternately respected and feared by the other stage parents.  Kim usually got every role that she auditioned for.  This poster wasn't throwing stones or being bitter, just sharing her observations.  No doubt Big Kathy went the extra mile for her kids and earned her agent fee. 

Thanks for the story about Big Kathy, stage mother.  It is strange because you never hear either Kim or Kyle talk about acting lessons, singing or dancing lessons.  I know Little Kathy had a nice voice and I do believe Kyle pointed that out when she was explaining how the worked when they were young.  I think most child actors have pretty assertive parents and/or managers.  It is once they become teenagers they need to decide if they are going to work on their craft or go on to something else.

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I don't have a problem if Kim needs meds for anxiety/panic attacks but she can not take them willy nilly as I suspect she does. IMO, she is taking her "medication" in doses/frequencies to obtain the same "high" she got when she was drinking. and mixes in narcotic (pain meds) drugs to bolster that high.


I am not sure that only staying 30 days, in a program designed to take 90 days, can/will do much good in the short term let alone the long term quest for sobriety.

Kim always seems to be taking something because she "needs" it.    I can't imagine any reputable clinic saying it would be perfectly fine for a newly sober person to take anti-anxiety medication (which can be highly addictive).  All alcohol & medications would have been addressed during rehab.   Then whatever "prescription" she was taking in Paris - then blaming the dr, saying he gave her the wrong medication, another case of being on drugs and saying she "needed" them.     To this year and taking something of Monty's - and vehemently denying it was in any way a relapse.  "It was something I needed".    Also, she said she had been very sick for two month and in pain, but in all that time she never went to a dr?  Why.  It was only after she realized she made an absolute fool of herself at Poker Nite, did she (after she got together with friends for dinner the next night), decide she needed to go to the hospital.   Poker nite - smoking a cigar - no coughing, laughing loudly, screaming, and still no coughing.  Anybody who's had pneumonia knows the coughing that goes along with it.    And why, during the reunion, didn't she address Brandi's claim that the only thing she was using was a "patch".  Oh, right, that's just another something she needs.   


I think Kim thinks giving up alcohol is enough.  Prescriptions are fine - her own, or anybody else who happens to be nearby.  

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Kim talks about Kyle's daughter:  "I went to the hospital, she couldn't even fall asleep, she had 25 people there and taking pictures.."

It must really piss off Kim that she wasn't able to get her hands on any of the pain meds. 

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I might have missed something, but has anyone from the show ever explained why Queen Kim never deigned to write any blogs since Poker Night? The other housewives have repeatedly stated that they are required to do them.

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I still maintain Kim has no connection to her opportunities and responsibilities when it comes to the show.  Begrudgingly watching the episodes, writing strange blogs if she writes at all, trying to rewrite what we see to buttress her already weak arguments.  By now, Kim should have opened a store, a website, endorsed a product done something with her fame-heck even some glossed over book.  Instead Kim sits on her pity pot and cries the blues. I think it is perfect that Kathy calls her three times a day.  Something tells me once Monty passes and this next wedding is over Kathy calls will dwindle.  I think Kathy likes to be in the thick of it as long as there is some action. 


At this point would anyone from Kyle's family want to go out to dinner with Aunt Kim-I would not let her in my house.  I can picture Kim claiming she was bitten by Bambi, Alexia's  dog, so she could have the satisfaction of having the dog destroyed to show Kyle and Alexia how it feels to have a dog taken away from her.  I am sorry but I think she is that sick.


The final straw last night was Kim saying she had the goods on Alexia and saying she didn't take her antibiotics.  They had a hard time showing the other ladies' reactions-good thing Brandi had her face frozen. 

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I know Im not a Kim fan but she looks very nice this picture



Looks like Kim or one of her kids figured out how to use filtering applications on her phone.


That is so freaking touched up it doesn't even look like the Kim on the reunion last night.


Speaking of Kim, the comments on this Instagram post have to be people just fucking with her, right?


I mean...are they not looking at the same Kim Richards that we're all looking at?



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SO Monty is doing some major sucking up to the Hiltons.  https://instagram.com/p/1g0kOjQfP-/?taken-by=montybrinson


I guess he is a very thoughtful man.  Nice to see he is still traveling between LA and Las Vegas.

Looks like Kim or one of her kids figured out how to use filtering applications on her phone.


That is so freaking touched up it doesn't even look like the Kim on the reunion last night.


Speaking of Kim, the comments on this Instagram post have to be people just fucking with her, right?


I mean...are they not looking at the same Kim Richards that we're all looking at?



Then there is this one https://instagram.com/p/1KAJ6Hhxt2/


She must have left quite a mess in Westlake

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I don't think Kim is a bad person because she is an addict. My sister is in recovery and she is the one person I know who NEVER EVER LIES. Not even the social lubrication lies like " I would love to come to your dogs birthday party but I think we are busy". She never says an unkind word about anyone and she always keeps her word. In fact, watching this season has made me appreciate and respect her even more :) I think Kim was a narrcistic asshole before she ever picked up a drink or drug.

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Kim Richards Arrested In Bev Hills... Alcohol Suspected

5 minutes ago BY TMZ STAFF


Kim Richards was arrested at the Beverly Hills Hotel early Thursday morning -- and according to police, she was a drunken mess.




Cops say Richards -- who has struggled with substance abuse in the past -- was belligerent, slurring her speech and reeked of booze.


Story developing ...



Read more: http://www.tmz.com/2015/04/16/kim-richards-arrested-in-bev-hills-alcohol-suspected/#ixzz3XUuAhX1A

Edited by quinn
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