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Kim Richards: No Escape from Witch Mountain

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According to Radar Online, she has been fired "due to her lack of communication with her employer"  Per the article, she did not answer a single call from the network when she was missing in action, and that is what sealed her fate.

I wonder if this is where where her sisters cutting her off finally bit Kim in the butt. It's easy to imagine that in the past Kim's agent would have just turned to Kyle to pick up the phone and be all "Hi, Andy! I heard you're trying to reach Kim but she's at a spa/a turtle ate her phone/the hills are aliiiive with the sound of muuuuusic... What can I do to enable - no wait, not that word - help? Yes! Help!"

Is it a fact that Kim is at Bridges? That's actually really good news, if true, though I can't see how a mere 28 days is enough to tease out what issues are due to mental illness, or to addiction, or even to actual brain damage. I've asked Higgins for insight on this before, but it just seems like a gordian knot to me. I've just deleted a really long comment on various colourful examples of the problem from my family, but, what it boils down to at this point is I wonder if they will just go for harm reduction.

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If Bridges actually helps people with their mental issues underlying their addictions, and if Kim participates, this might do her some good. But I have my doubts. Also, 28-30 days can't possibly be enough time. How long will it take her to detox, and then how many remaining days will there be for her to work on herself? Left to her own choices I'm sure she'll refuse to participate or will rage at everyone or lock herself in bathrooms.


I really want the details of what happened in Mexico. I hope someone leaks them.

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She is so boring that she still gets daily posts weeks after the show is over.


There are two aspects to Kim Richard's life.   One part is drug-induced train wreck, pure and simple.  This is seen as those frequent, long bathroom breaks during filming, the arrogance and accusations against others, the delightful mixing of her meds, the slurred talking heads, etc....    The other part is training her dog, making 5 lbs of chicken salad with her hands for two kids going to the prom who just say "No thank you" to her, dusting pictures of her kids, praying to trash cans, speaking gibberish Spanish and thinking she's adorable, etc...  The train wreck, and ONLY the train wreck aspect of her life, generates any interest in her.


The Sober/Not Sober Battle has been going on for five years.  If she doesn't want to get off that merry-go-round, I do.  Enough.  The other part of her is just "off".  She's not witty, not funny, not adorable, not cute.  She's just "off" and nothing about her makes me want to invest any more of my time watching.  I am fine with finding out about her next arrest, her next rehab, her next court date from TMZ and not Bravo.  I would like Bravo to provide entertainment.

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Well... Remember when Andy contacted Kyle and not Kim after her arrest.  I wonder did Andy feel some type of way because Dr Phil got the exclusive one-on-one.  Andy might have taken that as a dis to his interviewing skills, LMFAO.  Kim didn't do a single WWHL all season but she can go on Dr Phil.   How dare she!



We'll have to see.  Sometimes Upfronts do tell us who will be back on the show, but sometimes it doesn't.  Heather from NY never goes to Upfronts and I think it's been the first of many Cynthia and Phaedra hasn't been to Upfronts this year.  However I think Brandi has been playing it right.  As shady as it is she's been keeping a low profile while Kim has been imploding in the media the last few months besides her occasional loose lips on when she last saw Kim.  Brandi also claimed she hasn't talked Kim lately.  That because true or false depending how one might look at it. 

Heather (NY) was there this year, I am not sure about last year but it could have conflicted with YT business needs/meetings or Jax's health problems. Brandi, though, has been there every single year since she got full HW status except for this year. Of course, Andy could just be screwing with us, making us believe she is gone then WHAM.......there she is but I suspect she is really gone.

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Thank you Jesus.

First, I am so thankful Kim has been removed as a "full-time wife". Second, I hope this facility will be able to get to the root of Kim's mental issues. Third, with the mental help, I hope the addiction issues will then be handled appropriately.

As for the newest lawsuit, there is that footage of Kim on the reunion where she is referring to the dog as her child. She made many references that implied she owned the dog. There are likely countless social media photos of her with HER dog.

Pathetic is what comes to mind as I read that she put the ownership of that dog on her dying ex love. It seems she expects Monty to die anyday and with his death, the lawsuit also dies. Sadly, that is not the case. His estate would have to pay damages if it was true Monty owned the dog and Monty was found liable.

Now, Monty has been thrown under the bus by Kim again, and he will have to answer to this legal matter and defend himself against Kim's allegation.

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Pathetic is what comes to mind as I read that she put the ownership of that dog on her dying ex love. It seems she expects Monty to die anyday and with his death, the lawsuit also dies. Sadly, that is not the case. His estate would have to pay damages if it was true Monty owned the dog and Monty was found liable.

Now, Monty has been thrown under the bus by Kim again, and he will have to answer to this legal matter and defend himself against Kim's allegation.

Maybe. But it's also possible she just said the dog was Monty's in the heat of the moment, or in trying to talk the victim down in that oh so special Kim Richards way (always evading responsibility), but she won't make that contention in court.

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Pathetic is what comes to mind as I read that she put the ownership of that dog on her dying ex love. It seems she expects Monty to die anyday and with his death, the lawsuit also dies. Sadly, that is not the case. His estate would have to pay damages if it was true Monty owned the dog and Monty was found liable.

Now, Monty has been thrown under the bus by Kim again, and he will have to answer to this legal matter and defend himself against Kim's allegation.


Just thinking about that makes me shudder. If this is how Kim treats those nearest and dearest to her, I wonder what seven hells are in store for those who truly incur her wrath.

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Full disclosure - not a Kim fan & I don't find her entertaining at all. She was Debbie Downer/judgmental in season one and her season two was just bad. I do love watching her scenes in season three when she stages her Kyle/Kim intervention with Taylor and juxtapose those scenes with her bat shit crazy reaction to season five sobriety questions.

That being said I've been wondering about Monty's financial situation. I just watched season one again and Kyle says right off that Kim was not in a good place financially. I know Monty was the heir of a supermarket chain, but not sure how much he's worth now. In the first four seasons, I don't recall any mention of him but for Kim saying that they were too young in regards to her first marriage.

Season four was all about Kim and Cujo. Season five - her whole life revolves around Monty. ....and just so happens he's dying. I can't help but wonder if Kim wasn't just interested in his powerful pain killers, but in being included in the Monty Brinson Last Will & Testament. The whole thing seems very off.

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Maybe. But it's also possible she just said the dog was Monty's in the heat of the moment, or in trying to talk the victim down in that oh so special Kim Richards way (always evading responsibility), but she won't make that contention in court.

Maybe. But it's also possible she just said the dog was Monty's in the heat of the moment, or in trying to talk the victim down in that oh so special Kim Richards way (always evading responsibility), but she won't make that contention in court.

Kim will handle it like the last lawsuit. She won't respond

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Kim will use a lawyer to respond to her "issue" w/LAPD regarding her mishap at the Polo Lounge.  She will be unavailable to respond to the latest dog lawsuit, and it will go to default judgement.  Meaning Kim has nothing, and won't have to pay.  And now that she's lost her job, they can't even attach her wages.    I wonder if she has ever actually gone to a courtroom to face consequences for her actions.

ROL said Kyle is now on the block to be fired.   I doubt it. 

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Full disclosure - not a Kim fan & I don't find her entertaining at all. She was Debbie Downer/judgmental in season one and her season two was just bad. I do love watching her scenes in season three when she stages her Kyle/Kim intervention with Taylor and juxtapose those scenes with her bat shit crazy reaction to season five sobriety questions.

That being said I've been wondering about Monty's financial situation. I just watched season one again and Kyle says right off that Kim was not in a good place financially. I know Monty was the heir of a supermarket chain, but not sure how much he's worth now. In the first four seasons, I don't recall any mention of him but for Kim saying that they were too young in regards to her first marriage.

Season four was all about Kim and Cujo. Season five - her whole life revolves around Monty. ....and just so happens he's dying. I can't help but wonder if Kim wasn't just interested in his powerful pain killers, but in being included in the Monty Brinson Last Will & Testament. The whole thing seems very off.

I am guessing Monty isn't worth squat. Maybe his daughters will get a little dribble down but the guy hasn't worked in 35 years and claims to be a professional poker player.  Kim has provided for him far more than he provided for her.  Let's revisit the 10 carat engagement ring.  Yeah right. 

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I can't help wondering what Kim had for dinner tonight -- lobster with drawn butter or filet mignon.  

Edited by Lura
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Maybe. But it's also possible she just said the dog was Monty's in the heat of the moment, or in trying to talk the victim down in that oh so special Kim Richards way (always evading responsibility), but she won't make that contention in court.

According to one report about the new lawsuit, it said that Kim had her lawyers send the victim letter saying the dog belonged to Monty, so it as not just said by Kim in the heat of the moment, it was a planned lie.



Edited by WireWrap
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According to one report about the new lawsuit, it said that Kim had her lawyers send the victim letter saying the dog belonged to Monty, so it as not just said by Kim in the heat of the moment, it was a planned lie.



Oh really? If that's true, that's different. Kim is vile. She truly has no empathy for anyone but herself. First Alexia, then her friend/mother-figure Kay, now Monty... Blame everyone else.

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That's likely. But then she's responsible, not Monty.

I am fully aware of that. I am merely pointing out how Kim has AGAIN thrown a loved one under the bus. I am not implying Monty is the owner, Kim is. Regardless if she just said his name to the victim, Kim still mentioned his name. That is so wrong on so many levels especially when the man is dying. It comes off so vile and scandalous.

By mentioning his name in her legal docs, she has now put him in this mess. What a psycho bitch she is.

Attack Turtle - Kim has been financially strapped for years because of her addiction, not because of Monty.

Edited by GreatKazu
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I am fully aware of that. I am merely pointing out how Kim has AGAIN thrown a loved one under the bus. I am not implying Monty is the owner, Kim is. By mentioning his name in her legal docs, she has now put him in this mess. What a psycho bitch she is.

Yes - I get that now. I didn't know that Kim named Monty in legal docs (read my post above). Sorry! I know you know Monty is not the owner! Kingsley is Kim's son. Duh.

So, are these reports of her in rehab and off the show from reliable sources? I don't want to waste a happy dance if not.

The first report from Radar - I just rolled my eyes. They make things up 50 times a day. But the article on the E! website seemed more credible. Maybe start a happy dance?!

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Oh really? If that's true, that's different. Kim is vile. She truly has no empathy for anyone but herself. First Alexia, then her friend/mother-figure Kay, now Monty... Blame everyone else.

Just when you think she couldn't get any lower, she manages to find a new deeper, darker low! IMO, she makes Brandi look like a novice in using/abusing people!

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Yes - I get that now. I didn't know that Kim named Monty in legal docs (read my post above). Sorry! I know you know Monty is not the owner! Kingsley is Kim's son. Duh.

The first report from Radar - I just rolled my eyes. They make things up 50 times a day. But the article on the E! website seemed more credible. Maybe start a happy dance?!

OK, I got one leg moving...

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I am fully aware of that. I am merely pointing out how Kim has AGAIN thrown a loved one under the bus. I am not implying Monty is the owner, Kim is. Regardless if she just said his name to the victim, Kim still mentioned his name. That is so wrong on so many levels especially when the man is dying. It comes off so vile and scandalous.

By mentioning his name in her legal docs, she has now put him in this mess. What a psycho bitch she is.

Like Ive said before Kim should be ashamed but shes not. I think you said it best Kim took him in not only for a storyline, drugs but also to also get a spot in his will.

Whats going to be interesting if he leaves her absolutely nothing in his will. Being that it goes to his daughters (as it should) or he didnt have much of anything.

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Absolute insanity!  It's almost unbelievable that Kim would shove her mess into Monty's lap, but then again, why should we be surprised?  This is Kim and her non-existent moral compass.  She'd sell her own children if she could get anything for them.  I can't believe this is drugs or alcohol talking.  I think this is really what Kim Richards does in life. 


I am so glad her sisters, especially Kathy, are ending  their financial support!  I'll bet they cruised a few message boards to see what we natives were saying, then realized that with all the snide remarks, they had their own reputations to save.  I can't believe they would reach this decision on their own.  Kyle maybe, but not Kathy.


Kim could always get a show on the Food Network making her chicken salad with her hands.  I'm not too worried about her.  Anyone who can shove a lawsuit at Monty could do just about anything.  She'll do fine in an apartment somewhere.  Let her see how the other half lives.

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It doesn't really matter who owns the dog-it happened in a dwelling that Kim was leasing so she is responsible. Instead of avoiding liability, Kim has just increased the number of defendants.  Pain and suffering claims are diminished with the death of the plaintiff not a defendant.  The plaintiff just sues the estate.  It is interesting how Kim always seems to blame the attacked and not the dog or the owners.  I wonder if Kyle was aware of this September bite by Kingsley. At the Reunion the previous season filmed in February of 2014, Kyle expressed concern over Kingsley and since that filming there are three parties, that we know of that have been bitten, Kay Rosario, March of 2014, Crosley in September of 2014 and Alexia in October of 2015. 


Last time Kim was sued it took 10 tries to get her served, I am wondering if she is going to make it difficult this time? 

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According to one report about the new lawsuit, it said that Kim had her lawyers send the victim letter saying the dog belonged to Monty, so it as not just said by Kim in the heat of the moment, it was a planned lie.



I pretty much stopped reading Tamara because she gets so bitchy with people.  Just so everyone knows there is a difference between Summary Judgment and a Default Judgment.  If a defendant doesn't file an answer it is a default judgment and you still have to prove damages.  Kay Rosario's counsel did a very poor job of doing this after Kim failed to file an answer and apparently she has either appealed or has a motion for reconsideration.  A summary judgment is a motion filed by either a defendant or plaintiff and is a claim there are no triable issues.  http://dictionary.law.com/Default.aspx?selected=2063  They include depositions, admissions and answer to interrogatories to support or defend the judgment.


Death will not dissolve Monty of liability.  IIRC correctly this dog was originally a gift to Whitney from Conrad Hilton and then Kim assumed ownership. Arguments could be made that Monty was not able to exercise control over the dog and of course his numerous absences from Kim's home.  Interesting this last dog bite happened during filming.  I wonder if it was during Kim 5,7,9 hospital stay or if she was in Calgary?  I hope Kim has some sort of insurance.  These people deserve to get paid for their injuries.

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I pretty much stopped reading Tamara because she gets so bitchy with people.  Just so everyone knows there is a difference between Summary Judgment and a Default Judgment.  If a defendant doesn't file an answer it is a default judgment and you still have to prove damages.  Kay Rosario's counsel did a very poor job of doing this after Kim failed to file an answer and apparently she has either appealed or has a motion for reconsideration.  A summary judgment is a motion filed by either a defendant or plaintiff and is a claim there are no triable issues.  http://dictionary.law.com/Default.aspx?selected=2063  They include depositions, admissions and answer to interrogatories to support or defend the judgment.


Death will not dissolve Monty of liability.  IIRC correctly this dog was originally a gift to Whitney from Conrad Hilton and then Kim assumed ownership. Arguments could be made that Monty was not able to exercise control over the dog and of course his numerous absences from Kim's home.  Interesting this last dog bite happened during filming.  I wonder if it was during Kim 5,7,9 hospital stay or if she was in Calgary?  I hope Kim has some sort of insurance.  These people deserve to get paid for their injuries.

From all the reports, it sounded as if Kim was present when the bite happened, not when she was out filming.

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From all the reports, it sounded as if Kim was present when the bite happened, not when she was out filming.

Thanks Wire, I think I am still in shock that Kim acted like such an ass over Kyle and the Instgram photos.  She had to know at some level she would have to destroy the dog.  Way too many serious injury bites for any other outcome. 

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Ok, so I was so slow on the uptake regarding Kyle cutting off Kim financially, did I miss the boat on Whitney too? Are Kim and Whitney's troubles all due to Kingsley?

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Kim can send all the letters she wants saying Monty owns the dog. The dog, her self-stated favorite child, was hers when the bites happened, she is liable.


The poor thing needs to be put down... I'm suggesting the dog...not Kim.



As far as the new Rehab, it won't work. She needs to be in a regular program and not some resort. A hospital program would be best for her, they can deal with her multiple issues better and she won't be coddled there. The "peasant/little people" addicts won't let her skate on how hard her life has been or any of her "it's different for me" games.

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Attack Turtle - Kim has been financially strapped for years because of her addiction, not because of Monty.

Oh I'm not claiming that Monty has caused her to be cash strapped. I believe she has taken in Monty for purely selfish reasons. It may just be for his painkillers. He may be broke .... I don't know. At one point he came from some serious money.

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In April Monty was posting pic of the Hilton's, (saying how grateful he is that they are in his life), and other pics laying out by their pool.  So, according the the ROL story, Monty & Kim had moved into their home.   Makes sense that he's with them now (on and off) , and she put all her stuff in storage when she had to move out of the other house (the one she had filmed in).   After the Polo Lounge issue when she went to rehab Kathy probably didn't want to pay rent on a house she wasn't using.   Plus Chad wasn't in the house anymore.  


I bet they use her "homeless" issue as leverage to make her stay in rehab much longer than 30 days. 

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In April Monty was posting pic of the Hilton's, (saying how grateful he is that they are in his life), and other pics laying out by their pool.  So, according the the ROL story, Monty & Kim had moved into their home.   Makes sense that he's with them now (on and off) , and she put all her stuff in storage when she had to move out of the other house (the one she had filmed in).   After the Polo Lounge issue when she went to rehab Kathy probably didn't want to pay rent on a house she wasn't using.   Plus Chad wasn't in the house anymore.  


I bet they use her "homeless" issue as leverage to make her stay in rehab much longer than 30 days. 

I suspect that Kim could no longer afford to rent any house after the season ended and then the landlord might have objected to the dog being brought back into the house which can make him/her liable for any injury that happens in the home. JMO

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She is so boring that she still gets daily posts weeks after the show is over.

I am sure you have been here reading through the links and the posts here. You are fully aware of what has been going on with Kim since the show has been over. Kim on the show playing sober is boring. Eating Cheetos while washing clothes? Eh. If her life were just as boring as that scene, this thread would have died long ago.  Kim's life outside of the show? That is another story. Her life has been a train wreck to the nth degree and that is what is generating posts.


Her nasty, vile, and questionable behavior on the show just brings things down.



Radar Online reporting Kim has moved out of her own home and will be moving in with Kathy when she leaves rehab.

Great. Enabling again.

Edited by GreatKazu
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I am sure you have been here reading through the links and the posts here. You are fully aware of

Great. Enabling again.

Well Kyle sure isnt taking her in and I dont blame her really. Kim is a nasty piece of work. Shes the only one willing to stop enabling her but Kathy. Guess Kathy dont want her being one of those real bums of Beverly Hills.

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Guess Kathy's going to re-opening that checkbook she shut!


Maybe her BFF Brandi can move in too, and they can stay up all night and watch movies and eat popcorn! 

Edited by mwell345
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Kim can send all the letters she wants saying Monty owns the dog. The dog, her self-stated favorite child, was hers when the bites happened, she is liable.


The poor thing needs to be put down... I'm suggesting the dog...not Kim.


Giselle, the fact that you had to specify to whom you were referring to be put down made me chuckle. The funny thing is that putting down the owner may actually be far more beneficial in the long run to all.

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Giselle, the fact that you had to specify to whom you were referring to be put down made me chuckle. The funny thing is that putting down the owner may actually be far more beneficial in the long run to all.


Well if the vet offers a two for one...just saying....then save the ashes and dump them in with Monte. They can all be together for eternity, one loving family.

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What may be interesting about

one's life outside "reality " tv, oftentimes, has virtually nothing to do with their tv personae. Kim is boring on THIS show. She shows no interest, absorption, or intellectual curiosity in ANYTHING other than gleefully torturing Kyle and laughably declaring that she is sober. Now, if she were truly willing to allow parts of her "real " life to dawn then, perhaps, a reality show filled with angst, addiction, woe, and delusion would be proper.

Lisa Vanderpump has few forum pages, yet viewers love her in general.

The number of forum pages doesn't necessarily equate to a "characters" popularity on a REALity show.

Edited by BookElitist
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Higgins if you are reading do you think a diagnosis of Kim having schizophrenia is likely or just a guess by the tabloids?  I think she is entitled to keep her diagnosis private.


Maybe Kim's brain damage is far worse than anyone expected.  I an see where she would be better off with Kathy rather than a hotel or at Kyle's with small children.  It may be time for Whitney and Brooke to step up to the plate and help with mom.  I really can't see Kathy giving up the fortnight in London to stay home and are for Kim and/or Monty.  Sainthood only goes so far.

Edited by zoeysmom
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