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Kyle Richards: Pantene Poster Girl

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Wearing black to a wedding is not new nor is it taboo anymore. I went to a wedding, nephews, this June, and there were quite a few in black dresses, all formal dresses and they all looked lovely IMO. No women's tuxedos though, I guess no one was into trend setting! LOL


I had all of my bridesmaids wear black at my wedding 11 years ago. I have never been a fan of pastels so black and white was the way to go for me. 

Edited by MatildaMoody
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This black outfit is a perfect example of why I've always felt, since Day 1, that Kim has more common sense than Kyle does.  Put aside the drinking and other addictions, and Kim is actually way ahead of Kyle in many ways, IMHO.  Kyle is still stuck in her junior high days, like an older Portia, and she makes rash judgments all the time.  Sometimes, I wonder whether she has anything between her two ears.  At least, Kim has good sense in the basics and, if she isn't drinking, seems to make sound choices.


Even a moderately good designer could have put Kyle into a dress that hid her flaws and made her look terrific.  In a family of fighters like the Hiltons are, it raises the question of why Kyle was wearing it, whether the sisters were feuding, etc., etc.  If I were Kathy and Nicky, I would honestly be offended, and I'm not easily offended over things like that.  Do we know that Kyle and Kathy are getting along well?  I can almost hear Kyle laugh and s This black get-up was a major, major flaw where mindful society is concerned.  Most of us regular people already know not to wear black to a wedding because it signifies wishing the couple bad luck. 







I've always felt Kyle is not bright at all. She doesn't seem to grow and gain a self awareness most women get at her age. Arrested development.

What she wore was like she has no awareness to anyone but herself. Maybe if the pantsuit was a pastel it wouldn't have been so shocking.


Had a black and white evening wedding myself. Many years ago. I don't believe any of those old wives tales or what mindful society thinks. Beauty of gaining wisdom with age. 


The grooms dad didn't commit suicide cause the son was marrying a Hilton, did he? 

Edited by This2getsold


I've always felt Kyle is not bright at all. She doesn't seem to grow and gain a self awareness most women get at her age. Arrested development.

While I would totally agree that Kyle is not bright AT ALL. I don't know about the not growing and gaining self awareness part. When I look at it in terms of relationships, I think that she does grow and she is aware of how her behavior impacted that relationship. She had issues with Camille, but was the first person to reach out to her after the divorce. She had issues with Brandi, but continually reached out to her again and again even if it was just to keep things civil between the two of them. She and Lisa V had a major falling out and are not in a much better place because they were able to let go of the hurtful things they each did to each other. 


So, I do think she is capable of growth and has even shown growth in many ways. It's just not in the way that someone with more intelligence or even plain ol' common sense would. 

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Kyle got hacked and apparently people unknown to her decided to call her.  I bet she has a whopping phone bill when she gets back from Europe.


I have to say I think Kyle is smarter than she comes off as on this show.  She has managed to put together several business deals, kept a family and marriage together for 20 years and supported her husband in his business growth.  I think what she has working against her is she has a bit of a temper and suffers from anxiety.  As far as common sense--she obviously used poor judgment giving Brandi several second chances but with Carlton she knew when to cut her off.  In comparing her to Kim there is very little Kim has going for her.  Kim has never been stable and has had a pretty much nomadic lifestyle for the 15 years coupled with what is it now six rehab stays.  A great example of Kim not using common sense is going to her daughter's wedding as a condition of rehab.  I also question her repeated alliances with Monty her party buddy and of course she showed -100% common sense when it came to her dog, Kingsley.


I think what Kyle will struggle with this upcoming season is not necessarily being the center of attention--tough competition with Lisa Rinna.

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I read somewhere that Mauricio wasn't invited due to the bad blood, and I don't see him in any pictures (although I quickly scanned). Anyone know if it's true?

I've seen it reported that he was there as well as the stories claiming he wasn't. Have seen no pictures. Seems like it would be super tacky to exclude the father of the flower girl just over business friction. And Mauricio did attend the soirée the Hiltons threw for Brooke at their home. Basically, the Hilton's are a tacky lot, though, so who knows.

Edited by Found A Peanut
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The first thought I had when I saw the pics of Kyle in this article was that she does a great Joan Crawford impersonation. She should've saved this one for the show as its awfulness rivals the blouse with the bow.



I can't access the link, but I did see several nice pictures of Yo's hair online.  I liked it immediately and thought that it suited her face very well.  Some people might look shorn like a sheep in a short style like that, but Yo's hair has a  number of tricky cuts in it that make it look like the hairdresser knows what he/she is doing.

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Faye Resnick gets married- http://www.usmagazine.com/celebrity-news/news/faye-resnick-marries-everett-jack-at-kris-jenners-house-wedding-pics-20151210  Portia is becoming a professional flower girl-three weddings in about four months.  Interesting Rick Hilton & Mauricio walked Faye down the aisle.  Faye is controversial but good luck to her.  Kris Jenner officiated-the wedding was at her house.

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If it's true that one is known by the company one keeps, I have even more doubts about Kyle's character.  I hope she isn't pushing for a Faye Jack return to the show.

All I can say about Faye is every single thing she predicted was true.  Lisa used Brandi to get reactions-something Lisa would ultimately regret and Brandi is trash and should have never outed the Maloof children's surrogacy..  Camille Grammer has apologized for her comments about her and she dines at Lisa's restaurants.  It just seems strange to me that the people closest to Nicole Simpson-Kris Jenner don't see to have the same hatred for her others who didn't even know her had.  So for purposes of the show-what has she done that is so awful?   I think one of the new RH has issues with Faye-so whether or not she is back on or not remains to be seen.   I felt bad for Faye when people threatened to kill her after she told Brandi off at Kyle's dinner.  Kill her.  Who does that?


In the world of Kyle Richards she also made mention of the fact Gail Zappa, her second other had passed away.  All I can say is Kyle had a very interesting childhood.  Very interesting. 

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I found this deleted Faye blog that had all the death threats:  http://www.realitytea.com/2012/12/19/kyle-richards-insists-she-didnt-tell-faye-resnick-to-attack-brandi-glanville-plus-yolanda-foster-speaks-out-against-faye/  My how times have changed.  Yolanda's daughters are besties with the Kendall Jenner.  Note_Yolanda wasn't at the dinner.

Well, Faye made money off of Nicole Simpson's death by writing a book about it, and I have little doubt that she'd do the same thing to Kyle if the opportunity arose.  That wasn't on the show, but it reflects on her character.  So, I guess we have opposing personal viewpoints, and we'll just have to remain good friends despite it!  :)  LOL

Edited by Lura

Well, Faye made money off of Nicole Simpson's death by writing a book about it, and I have little doubt that she'd do the same thing to Kyle if the opportunity rose.  That wasn't on the show, but it reflects on her character.  So, I guess we have opposing personal viewpoints, and we'll just have   (to remain good friends despite it!  :)  LOL

Well, Faye was a drug addict who owed many thousands of dollars to her dealer at the time of the book writing.  Since then she went to rehab and has gotten her life in order.  I try to give people who have gone to rehab/served time in jail some slack and a clean slate.  Why make people do stuff like that if you are never, ever going to forgive them?  (Although I do not extend this to multiple offenders like Kim Richards.) 


I honestly don't know if Faye has ever apologized to the family for what she did as I am really not that interested to find out.  However, until I know for sure that she has not I will give her a pass for her past transgressions.  I may be reaching in thinking that her continued friendship with the entire Richards clan means that she did make some kind of amends.

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Well, Faye was a drug addict who owed many thousands of dollars to her dealer at the time of the book writing.  Since then she went to rehab and has gotten her life in order.  I try to give people who have gone to rehab/served time in jail some slack and a clean slate.  Why make people do stuff like that if you are never, ever going to forgive them?  (Although I do not extend this to multiple offenders like Kim Richards.) 


I honestly don't know if Faye has ever apologized to the family for what she did as I am really not that interested to find out.  However, until I know for sure that she has not I will give her a pass for her past transgressions.  I may be reaching in thinking that her continued friendship with the entire Richards clan means that she did make some kind of amends.

I think this is such an important point. Why expect anyone to seek help and change their life if they can never be considered a worthwhile person again? If you are always going to be judged for the terrible thing that you did (and what Faye did was terrible), where is the incentive to change? 

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Oh bangs were the thing for little girls during that time. Bangs, short dresses and knee socks. And ROLLER SKATING! That brings back a lot of childhood memories. I used to love roller skating and the rinks. Do kids nowadays even have that kind of fun or is it considered dangerous?

Not as dangerous as that damn Heelies trend that refuses to die.

I appreciate the love Kyle has for River the wonky eared dog. I am just wondering how Mauricio is going to feel when instead of his wife's famous mane he wakes up to the underside of River's tail?  Cute picture.  https://www.instagram.com/p/-irCzwP9Yq/  It looks like little Portia may still sleep with mom and dad.

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I think one of the major storylines will involve Kyle and her sister Kathy Hilton.  Since many people despise the Hiltons it should be interesting to see how this plays out.  I am not quite certain what is up with these wedding uninvites but here is to Kim and Kathy grow the hell up.  You can't just photo shop people into the photo and pretend they were there.  Here is a clip of Kyle telling Lisa she has been advised not to attend:  http://www.bravotv.com/the-real-housewives-of-beverly-hills/season-6/episode-2/videos/kyle-richards-is-no-longer-going-to


I do not understand these folks but if this over Kim and her lunacy, Kathy needs to get a clue.  Maybe it was Kim misbehavior in Mexico that caused the no crazy Richards aunts at weddings.

I think one of the major storylines will involve Kyle and her sister Kathy Hilton.  Since many people despise the Hiltons it should be interesting to see how this plays out.  I am not quite certain what is up with these wedding uninvites but here is to Kim and Kathy grow the hell up.  You can't just photo shop people into the photo and pretend they were there.  Here is a clip of Kyle telling Lisa she has been advised not to attend:  http://www.bravotv.com/the-real-housewives-of-beverly-hills/season-6/episode-2/videos/kyle-richards-is-no-longer-going-to


I do not understand these folks but if this over Kim and her lunacy, Kathy needs to get a clue.  Maybe it was Kim misbehavior in Mexico that caused the no crazy Richards aunts at weddings.

IMO, the uninvite was Kathy's/Rick Hilton's idea because Mauricio left his REA. I mean ....." How DARE he leave and become more successful than a Hilton"! LOL

Edited by WireWrap
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IMO, the uninvite was Kathy's/Rick Hilton's idea because Mauricio left his REA. I mean ....." How DARE he leave and become more successful than a Hilton"! LOL

I'm guessing it's worry that Mauricio is going to cozy up to all the extremely wealthy friends and relatives of the Rothschilds, thereby "stealing" even more clients from Hilton and Hyland. The Faye wedding was fine, because comparatively riffraff showed up to that. 

Edited by Atwood
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I was talking about this pic in Yolanda's thread. I will continue here.  


I understand why Kyle likes to wear long flowing dresses or mumus as Ken calls them.  It elongates her figure.  Low cut short dresses are not her friend.  Most everyone in that pic has high necked dresses on and there is a reason for that.  They make you look taller, especially in a photo.  Four of them know this trick!  

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Kyle, imo, is the heart and soul of the show. She better get a contract for this upcoming year and I'm sure she will. Yo, with her somatoform disorder, should stay away from the show. She gives people horrible ideas--like stem cell treatments for some undiagnosed "I'm tired disorder" (aka I'm scared my husband is going to leave me and I'm still trying to save my image from my bullying/racist-pro-bg anti-Joyce team supporting).

I fully own my pro-Kyle anti-Yo bias. Yo "advertises" unsafe medical practices and some viewers think this is the way to go since it is done by a celebrity. Yo, go see a psychiatrist. You are making yourself sick by "alternative treatments" for a constellation of symptoms of unknown etiology (most likely psychiatric; unconscious motivation imo without reviewing her medical charts/tests/exam/etc..).

I can't wait to see Kyle without Kim and hopefully without bg (the one housewife I really dislike…even Tamara from the OC is loved compared to bg).

I brought this over because it was in June.  It seems this poster pretty much wrote Season 6.

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I was talking about this pic in Yolanda's thread. I will continue here.  


I understand why Kyle likes to wear long flowing dresses or mumus as Ken calls them.  It elongates her figure.  Low cut short dresses are not her friend.  Most everyone in that pic has high necked dresses on and there is a reason for that.  They make you look taller, especially in a photo.  Four of them know this trick!  


I think Kyle's issue is, because she is short and has large breasts, she looks short-waisted and chunky, even though she is not chunky.  The camera is not her friend, especially when she's standing next to the tall Amazons. 


Her hair and make-up are doing her no favors in those pics, either.  She looks kinda witchy-fucking-poo.

Edited by izabella
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I think Kyle's issue is, because she is short and has large breasts, she looks short-waisted and chunky, even though she is not chunky. The camera is not her friend, especially when she's standing next to the tall Amazons.

Her hair and make-up are doing her no favors in those pics, either. She looks kinda witchy-fucking-poo.

Kyle seems pretty physically fit, and I think she's the type to get bulked up versus "long and lean". Think Shawn Johnson versus Nastia Liukin.

Question to all: I've always read that Kyle helped put together the cast and pitch the show. Am I misinformed?

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Question to all: I've always read that Kyle helped put together the cast and pitch the show. Am I misinformed?

It's always been said, but was confirmed on the recent "secrets revealed" episode. She was the first one cast, then she recommended Lisa and Adrienne (in the past it was always said the Lisa was the one to recommend Adrienne). Kyle also suggested and convinced Camille to join, and of course she brought along Kim. The only one she had nothing to do with was Taylor, who was recommended by Adrienne. I am sure she also recommended lots of others as well, including Faye.

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It's always been said, but was confirmed on the recent "secrets revealed" episode. She was the first one cast, then she recommended Lisa and Adrienne (in the past it was always said the Lisa was the one to recommend Adrienne). Kyle also suggested and convinced Camille to join, and of course she brought along Kim. The only one she had nothing to do with was Taylor, who was recommended by Adrienne. I am sure she also recommended lots of others as well, including Faye.

Thank you. That's what I thought. I mentioned it on a blog I frequent (along with my distaste of some comments LVP made about Max) and a fellow poster absolutely eviscerated me. She called me delusional, unhinged, and a liar. She also adamantly insisted that LVP put the whole show together, and Kyle was cast fourth. It made me realize Lisa's fans are similar to Brandi's.

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So Kyle is doing the standard PR tour for RHOBH.  Of course reporters are always going to ask about Kim and Brandi to a lesser degree.  Brandi who is having a hard time getting press, threw this latest temper tantrum:  http://www.allabouttrh.com/kyle-richards-slams-brandi-glanville-says-theyre-done-being-friends/  Newsflash to the fired Brandi-you are the one who is desperate for press not the rest of the cast.  I do believe she came for the money and to say derogatory things about the others.


Kyle and the rest can't control what questions the press ask.  I do think Kyle gave a good response.  She has been asked about other departed cast members and has always indicated her past and present relationship with the departed.

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Brandi who is having a hard time getting press, threw this latest temper tantrum:  http://www.allabouttrh.com/kyle-richards-slams-brandi-glanville-says-theyre-done-being-friends/


What was she throwing the temper tantrum in response to?  It sounds like something that happens during the season?  Else why mention VDP,Rinna and whats her name?


I can't stand Brandi, but I have to admit that if the other women keep her name in their mouth this season, I'll believe there's some truth to that.  The villains of any season, or any reality show, are the cogs that keep the show moving along.  Remove the cog and sometimes the other wheels have nothing else to grind against so they keep grinding on the missing cog.  LOL.  Did ya follow that?

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What was she throwing the temper tantrum in response to?  It sounds like something that happens during the season?  Else why mention VDP,Rinna and whats her name?


I can't stand Brandi, but I have to admit that if the other women keep her name in their mouth this season, I'll believe there's some truth to that.  The villains of any season, or any reality show, are the cogs that keep the show moving along.  Remove the cog and sometimes the other wheels have nothing else to grind against so they keep grinding on the missing cog.  LOL.  Did ya follow that?


Kyle was asked about Brandi and her friendship by ET and she said that they weren't friends. She said that it wasn't like they were friends who had a falling out and just needed to work through it. They were never close, so there was no love lost there. All in all, Brandi got excited that her name got a mention and decided to bring it to Twitter, probably hoping one of the RH would respond. 


To me it sounds like Kyle is doing standard RH press and is trying to be accommodating in answering press questions. The only one making it a feud or tantrum worthy is Brandi as nothing Kyle said was untrue and it isn't as if Kyle was the one to bring Brandi up in the first place. 

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