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Game Of Crowns - General Discussion

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I agree that Shelly is gorgeous but she has had a nose job.  If you see photos of her from her teen-age pageant days, she does not have the same nose.  Regardless, she is definitely the most beautiful, elegant, intelligent and articulate of the bunch.  I also like Lori-Ann too -- I like her spunk and attitude.  My husband (he hates this show but I force him to watch it) has nicknames for the cast which are:


Vanassa is "Pocahontas" for obvious reasons (I do love her though -- she really brings the drama, flappy ass and all)

Suzanne is either "Morticia Adams" or "Lily Munster"

Shelly is "Betty Draper" because she is the perfect suburban ice-queen housewife

Leha is "Me-Ha" because everything is about her

Lori Ann is either "Lori Man" or "Short Arms" (my husband thinks she has unusually short arms. I think she's adorable)

Lynne's nicknames we got from this wonderful board -- love My Little Pony and Smurfette


I LOVE this show and could watch it for days on end.  Please Bravo -- bring this show back for another season!

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I share everyone's love of this show. It is so much more interesting than some of the other drivel Bravo has been putting out lately. Sort of toddlers and tiaras meets early housewives (back when the shows were remotely interesting). But I also liked Gallery Girls because it was fresh and interesting, and we saw what happened with that. Still, hope springs eternal that this show will be back.


To me, it looked like Leha's face was totally broken out but heavily covered in makeup in the scene where she decided she couldn't be in the pageant due to big bad Lynne. My guess is the breakout was the reason she withdrew from the pageant.


I really do think Shelly is head and shoulders above the other women in looks and elegance, with maybe the exception of Lori Ann, who is fresh, pretty, and young. Shelly also seems effortless as far as the whole pageant thing. She doesn't seem "pageanty" like the other women. I love Lori Ann's bouncy walk on stage as opposed to the glide all the other women try to do. I like that she brings something different to the table. 

Edited by NoWhammies
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The Legends of the Crown winner is announced. Lynne and Leha head to court to get the temporary restraining order settled once and for all. With a clean bill of health, Vanassa has a plastic surgery consultation. When Leha confronts Lynne, will the truth come out about the conflicting allegations and accusations?


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You'd think her husband, a physician, might have thought to give her some Xanax so she could calm down if being so distraught was dangerous.  I just can't buy that whole scene, the complete lack of tears, etc.  Of course, the tearlessness can be chalked up to Botox.

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Did anybody else notice Vanassa's jiggly flat ass as she walked away in her bathing suit competition. Wow, not a good look.  I'm surprised these women aren't seething with jealousy over Shelly because she really does have it all.


Ditto to this! As a gay man I admittedly don't spend much time ogling women's bodies, but I couldn't not notice that deflated ass! She definitely looks like she has lost weight (through starving and small parfaits loaded with Splenda, most likely) but hasn't toned up. I don't think she exercises very much; she could learn a thing or two from Lori-Ann.


Shelley ROCKED that one-piece bathing suit. Agree with all who said she exudes elegance and grace. But she still has a bit of attitude and edge and isn't a total Stepford wife. Love how she does her own make-up -- it looked great, and she really is just a natural beauty. That's why she stands out. In a BEAUTY competition, she is truly beautiful. She isn't a butterface shellacked in 10 lbs of make-up, extensions, fake tans, etc. etc. etc. like many of the others are. She's kind of the polar opposite of Lynne, appearance-wise.


Don't flame me, but I find Lori-Ann's husband sexy. Can't explain it. I find it amusing how he shoots most of his scenes in his PJ's -- and they're the same every time. White T-shirt with baggy sweats. He's the guilty pleasure dumb jock for me -- something we don't get enough of on Bravo.


I like Lori-Ann but think she came into the pageant just a little too hot. Her strut and the flowing fabric she worked in the swimsuit competition were fierce, though.


I'm not a big fan of the waxy Botox look, but my God did Leha NEED that forehead botox! I'd been thinking it from the first episode. She had very deep, masculine-looking wrinkles. I can't believe I'm agreeing with Vanassa, but they really did make Leha look harsh. She looks much better with the botox.


I really hope this show leads to a second season...

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Don't flame me, but I find Lori-Ann's husband sexy. Can't explain it. I find it amusing how he shoots most of his scenes in his PJ's -- and they're the same every time. White T-shirt with baggy sweats. He's the guilty pleasure dumb jock for me -- something we don't get enough of on Bravo.


I think Lori-Ann's husband is sexy, too.  Very, very sexy. I like his attitude, too, he seems like a funny, pleasant, down to earth guy.  I think Lori-Ann is a lucky woman.

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I really hope this show leads to a second season...


One more season? Yes. More than that? No. Otherwise these women will go down the same route as the real housewives and start buying into the idea of their own "celebrity." One of the things that makes these women so interesting is their so into themselves and their pageant world, they already think they're important. Right now, that's amusing. If the public actually starts paying attention to them, the overinflated egos will lead to a lot of overacting and blantant self promotion and they would all be completely unbearable.

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YES!  Shelley is such a ringer for Betty Draper!


I can't believe this pageant is put together by Bravo and Shelley was sweating it so much.  It's not a real crown so why worry about the results.


I cannot stand Leha and her huge face, and her gum-chomping husband.

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I can't believe it's over!  ::sad face::  This was pretty epic and I will be writing some very angry letters if it's not brought back for season 2.


I had no doubt the restraining order would be thrown out -- can't believe Leha let her husband talk her into pursuing it, but she seems very intimidated by him.  The whole calling a dinner to clear his name BS?  She doth protest too much.  And this is catty but I cannot STAND her face and the way she talks!  She moves her mouth to the side and goes "...and..." instead of speaking in proper sentences, which emphasizes her very wide face.  Just drives me nuts.


Earlier this season an article was posted about how Nick bit Vanassa's husband's ear; anyone know what precipitated that argument?  Anyone find an update on Nick (I assume he's suspended) and Leha?


Lynne was on fire at that dinner, and I'm not a Lynne fan.  She was very calm and rational.  I cannot believe I just typed that.


Susanna looked like an Oompa Loompa.


Lori-Ann FTW!

Edited by Sapphire
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Sapphire beat me to it.  I came here to post that as the episode went on, Susanna's accent got heavier and heavier and she got more and more orange.  As much as I want to rip those Smurf extensions out of Lynne's hair, I want to chop some of Susanna's.  She's like a Bratz doll - - with a jewelry line.


I laughed myself silly over Lynne claiming that the court hearing on the TRO was no problem and she could handle it, being an attorney and all (although non-practicing like that Well Wisher Aviva).  This coming from the chick who was having a panic attack and needed her blood pressure checked.  Ha! 


I'm disappointed this is over.  I loved these crazy women.

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Count me in -- I love this show and really want it to return!  Totally agree that Susanna looked way too orange at the dinner -- LOL.  I wasn't surprised that beautiful Shelley won the beauty contest -- she was a shoo-in from the beginning.  Weird that her husband did not attend it but that only made Shelley look even better -- someone who is independent and down-to-earth.  She does not need an entourage of fans attending a non-event, two-bit pageant that no one cares about.  I love that Shelley's kids look like real kids and not little girt pageant contestants too.


Sapphire, you are so right about Lynne owning the dinner with her cool, calm, collected demeanor. It made me feel a little bit sorry for Leha.  They really need to have a reunion for this show.  

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I was so expecting Vanassa to win that by the way she was "in" with the pageant directors and such.  I'm glad it was Shelley if it couldn't be Lori-Ann.


All I read about that ear biting incident with Nick is that it happened at a premiere party for the show.  I can't remember everything that happened in that first episode.  Did Vanassa say anything about Leha that would've upset Nick?  He's explosive, that one.  The articles I read said that Nick is on leave for an injury sustained on duty, not that he was suspended over the brawl. 


My guide says there's a "secrets revealed" episode coming up.  I hope so; I'm not ready to let these ladies go.

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I so need a reunion show!

There are two big points that were made at the "clear the air" dinner. One: it seems like Leha has a stalker, and he gave Nick bad information when he was caught stalking the family. Why didn't Leha at least consider this option when the incident happened? Seems like she was so angry at Lynne that she wanted to get her at any cost.

Two: Lynne lied about Nick saying he was going to kill her. Every time Lynne is asked a direct question about when the incident occurred she ducks the question and refuses to answer. Unless it is editing, in my opinion it never happened.

So both of these women are wrong on at least one account, and I believe they both know it. Usually I would hope they make up, but these are some very vicious charges, and I would never trust a friend who could sink so low as to make those kind of allegations and go to those lengths just to hurt me.

Edited by mothmonsterman
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I so need a reunion show!

There are two big points that were made at the "clear the air" dinner. One: it seems like Leha has a stalker, and he gave Nick bad information when he was caught stalking the family. Why didn't Leha at least consider this option when the incident happened? Seems like she was so angry at Lynne that she wanted to get her at any cost.

Two: Lynne lied about Nick saying he was going to kill her. Every time Lynne is asked a direct question about when the incident occurred she ducks the question and refuses to answer. Unless it is editing, in my opinion it never happened.

So both of these women are wrong on at least one account, and I believe they both know it. Usually I would hope they make up, but these are some very vicious charges, and I would never trust a friend who could sink so low as to make those kind of allegations and go to those lengths just to hurt me.


The stalker!  Why wouldn't Leha connect the private detective to that obsessed person?  If that person really exists, like the PI, which could both be figments of Nick's imagination.  I'm starting to suspect that he may invent danger in order to have something to protect Leha from. 


Lynne and the supposed death threat from Nick.  I think she's a person who thrives on drama, like Nick, and she has convinced herself that she actually heard it.

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The stalker! Why wouldn't Leha connect the private detective to that obsessed person? If that person really exists, like the PI, which could both be figments of Nick's imagination. I'm starting to suspect that he may invent danger in order to have something to protect Leha from.

Lynne and the supposed death threat from Nick. I think she's a person who thrives on drama, like Nick, and she has convinced herself that she actually heard it.

Yes, and it would frighten me that the stalker had information on who I was bickering with. A stalker has got to be quite close to know that.

I am really wanting to know why Nick bit Vanassa's husband's ear. But, Nick is nuts and Vanassa loves saying nasty things to people and she has called Leha ugly all season. Plus, she will go get her husband when a man confronts her (which I can't fault her for). So I can see reasons it happened.

I am very disappointed in Nick, I date a Cop, and they are held to higher standards to keep the peace. They should know better than to blow up like Nick does. A person with an anger problem and a gun is scary.

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So true; Nick kind of paints a bad picture for police officers because we know they are not like that but he's not a good public representative.  If you watch Real Housewives of Orange County, he's VERY similar to Ragey Ryan, Brianna's husband, who is in the military.  There was and still is a LOT of talk about how someone like RR (and probably Nick) shouldn't be allowed to carry a gun since they are so dang hot-headed.



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Has Bravo done a lot of promotion for this show?  I haven't seen much and I don't think it has been on a repeat cycle like some other Bravo shows.  That doesn't bode well for renewal.  I hope I'm wrong. I don't for one minute believe all of the over the top drama and events, but for some reason I don't care.  These women crack me up!   I hope we get another season. 


Susanna and her daughter actually came off decently during their talk on bullying.  I was surprised by that. 


These ladies have to do some traveling when they get together.  Lori and Shelley live fairly close to each other, but they're close to an hour drive from Vanessa and further than that from the Rhode Island women. 


Leha's husband reminds me of Ray Liotta.

Edited by ichbin
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Susanna and her daughter actually came off decently during their talk on bullying.  I was surprised by that. 


I was surprised by it, too.  I think those kind of talks are really needed nowadays.  There is a lot of bullying going on, even more so than when I was in school.  I hate to see these kids in so much pain, it really breaks my heart.  It is shocking that Susanna's daughter was beaten so severely.  To have her cheek smashed in and her nose broken in several places.  I wonder if it was a group of girls who jumped her or one girl-that seems like way too much damage for one teenage girl to dish out.

Edited by mothmonsterman
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Leha is a horrible actress. I agree with whoever upthread said that her husband probably talked her into the restraining order. And yes, her facial features are skrong (as folks say in some parts)...


Shelley is such a class act. She apologized to Leha, but stood her ground that they had a right to be concerned by how her husband was acting that night. Leha doesn't seem to get that he was out of line and instead of trying to suppress the high emotions, the hysterics and drama only served to heighten it.


Lori-Ann just seems like a space cadet. I know she took issue with Vanassa belittling her age, but she does act very young and a bit immature. Also, who in the hell is she looking at in her talking heads? Her eyes wander off and it bothers me.

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Lynne showed everyone that despite her theatrics and over-the-top attire she has both smarts and savvy. She came across as rational, calm, and well thought out. So I have to wonder if which is the real Lynne? The one who rinsed the blue dye out of her hair before court and calmly broke Leha down during dinner? Or the bright pink, sparkletastic, boobalicious caricature she embodied for most of the season?  Either way, I actually cheered when she got Leha to admit that they had no clue (much less any proof) as to who hired the PI, or if there was ever a PI to begin with, that Leha had never felt Lynne was a physical danger, and all Leha's histrionics about feeling threatened were based on nothing. Lynne's careful non-answers to the questions about the threat were very crafty, and I'm still convinced that's a load of horse poop, but Lynne is the one who came out of this smelling like a rose. Leha and her husband looked like a couple of idiots.

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I was surprised by it, too.  I think those kind of talks are really needed nowadays.  There is a lot of bullying going on, even more so then when I was in school.  I hate to see these kids in so much pain, it really breaks my heart.  It is shocking that Susanna's daughter was beaten so severely.  To have her cheek smashed in and her nose broken in several places.  I wonder if it was a group of girls who jumped her or one girl-that seems like way too much damage for one teenage girl to dish out.


They call that bullying these days?  Sounds like flat-out assault and battery.

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Congrats to Shelley!!!!  She was MOST deserving of the five ladies who participated!


No doubt the contest was rigged.  Vanassa should never have been 1st runner up, not by a long stretch.  But it was at her own (husband's) venue so no surprise there.  She definitely needs to cool it with the botox because her eyes are frozen into that scared to death look, and her lips are lumpy and bumpy from too many injections.


Leha OWES Lynne an apology big time, but I doubt she will ever get it because Leha has no class at all.  I was so glad Shelley called her out about her stalker.  She had the deer in the headlights look and knew she was busted.  Nice try pinning it all on Lynne, Leha, you just look like a bigger jerk than your out of control angry husband.  Please leave the show already! 


I wish Lynne would get rid of that ridiculous blue hair, and stop with the fake crying.  She is a likeable person and needs to just be herself instead of ramping it up for tv.  It's a major turn-off.


It probably doesn't sound like it, but I really do enjoy watching the show and hope they add more cast next season because I'm bored with the first two people I mentioned earlier. 

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My guide shows one more episode on the 11th, "Secrets Revealed".  I really need more than that, and I hope the show gets renewed, minus Leha and her crazy ear-chomping husband.


Vicki, the cameras weren't there for the brawl, isn't that a shame?

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Sadly, I don't think there is a snowball's chance in hell this show will be renewed. The ratings were dismal, which is why they kept playing around with the scheduling and putting that horrendous "Don't be Tardy" garbage on first. Why the hell that thing draws more veiwers than this I do not understand, but then I am still trying ot figure out "Shah's of Sunset" and "Below Deck" coming back.


I enjoyed this, and wish it would be back. Leha has bugged me all season. I just think her stupid loyalty to her lunatic husband was absurd. I haven't liked Lynn either, but I agree she came out way ahead in this last episode. You don't go to court and take out a restraining order because you, or your idiot husband, gets into a verbal brawl with someone else on the show. If that were the norm, BRAVo would have to set up filiming for all their shows at the nearest courthouse.

If anything, I'd be willing to allow Lynne a restraining order against nutcase Nick. That man is dangerous. So nice to know he is also armed.


I will miss this. Other than the Housewives, I have liked very few BRAVO shows. I enjoyed this and "Ladies of London" and they both bombed. It took me a while to warm up to "Southern Charm" but ultimately found it watchable, if not a fave. Looks like that one may be back, but otherwise, I may have to quit BRAVO at least for the time being. 

I won't watch RHONJ, because even I have standards,  and with this show finished, i guess I am too, at least until RHOBH comes back.

Edited by OnceSane
Using "transvestite" as a negative
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You don't think either this or Ladies of London will be back?  Nooooooooo!  My husband says that if I really like a show, it's the kiss of death because they're never heard from again.


I don't really understand how tv ratings are compiled, though.  How do they know what I'm actually watching, as opposed to the tv just being on in one room, and I could be in another room vacuuming.

Edited by technorebel
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I don't really understand how tv ratings are compiled, though.  How do they know what I'm actually watching, as opposed to the tv just being on in one room, and I could be in another room vacuuming.

I think through Nielsen ratings.  Oddly enough, I was once a Nielsen family.  And, man, the crap I was watching.  I was pregnant and couldn't sleep & was usually in bed, so a lot of 5th wheel, cheaters-just awful, awful stuff.  I apologize for helping keep that crap on the air.

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I think through Nielsen ratings. Oddly enough, I was once a Nielsen family. And, man, the crap I was watching. I was pregnant and couldn't sleep & was usually in bed, so a lot of 5th wheel, cheaters-just awful, awful stuff. I apologize for helping keep that crap on the air.

I've wondered if my satellite tv provider sells that info or something. I didn't know there were still Nielsen families. Sounds like a lot of work recording everything you watch.

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This special bonus episode goes deeper for never-before-seen footage and secrets revealed. Susanna takes pageant directors to task for not giving her the respect a titleholder deserves. Lori-Ann dishes on some crazy backstage gossip from the Mrs. America pageant. Tensions run high when the ladies arrive at their Tucson hotel for Mrs. America with tempers still flaring over outfit-gate. The ladies also join their husbands for some heartwarming and hilarious candid moments


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I'm surprised there's a special episode when Ladies of London performed better and a couple of the LoL ladies were even on WWHL.


I actually thought this show would be a bigger hit than it was though, considering that those Dance Mom/Toddler & Tiara type shows seem to generate a decent amount of buzz. Could it be because it aired on a different channel?

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I am pissed that I missed this episode and it is not on On Demand.  Boo!  I really want to see it. I LOVE this show and really want it to return. The cast is very engaging and the storylines are entertaining and funny.

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LoriAnn is so not cute with her rabbity teeth and no upper lip. Actually, none of these women are beautiful, with the exception of Shelly, who is like a Palm Beach socialite, plopped down in the middle of a group of tacky, low-rent "beauty" queens. But I love this show! My favorite is Vanessa because she cracks me up!

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It's strange, I think Vanassa was very entertaining when she was with one or more of the other women, but on her own she is just a snorefest.  


I wish they would do a reunion for this show.  I am so sad this show didn't take off.  This show was so much more entertaining than any housewife show has been for me in a while.

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The clothes, the clothes!  What was that dress Susanna was wearing in town, during the day, to go diamond shopping? Meanwhile her husband looked like he was ready for a picnic.  The meeting with the pageant directors was over the top shiny too.  Sequins, glitter, metallics....SOLD...particularly among the Rhode Island ladies on this show.


Shelley saying Susanna was looking like a "total friggin' chooch".  OMG that brought me back to hanging with my Connecticut friends.


When Dina from RHoNJ was recently on Watch What Happens Live she mentioned that Jim Marchese is Lori's husband's cousin.  I had forgotten about that.  Probably because Lori's husband hasn't been shown causing any drama.


Not much to this episode.  In case Vanessa's having had breast cancer was driven home enough during the season it was a focus here...again.    I wouldn't mind a second season though but I won't hold my breath.

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I've wondered if my satellite tv provider sells that info or something. I didn't know there were still Nielsen families. Sounds like a lot of work recording everything you watch.

My mother signed our house up to be a Nielsen family. Yes, it was a huge pain in the ass. We each had to record our tv habits for a week straight. It was kinda fun at first, but by the end I was sick and tired of filling out that evil booklet. I think our whole household was compensated like $20 for it. What a joke!

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My mother signed our house up to be a Nielsen family. Yes, it was a huge pain in the ass. We each had to record our tv habits for a week straight. It was kinda fun at first, but by the end I was sick and tired of filling out that evil booklet. I think our whole household was compensated like $20 for it. What a joke!

That's definitely not worth the bother!

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How funny was it when Leha said at least Vanassa doesn't have a face that is motionless, then the producers cut to a shot of Vanassa looking bewildered and frozen-faced.

I also that it was funny when Vanassa's husband said she had just won a Coach bag, and Vanassa said she wasn't getting no damn Coach bag.

It was snobby, but made me laugh, and I do have and love a Coach bag.

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I am re-watching this show. God, I miss it. So much trashiness all over the place. Love all of the over the top hair and makeup, still hate Lynne. I really wish that this show would have come back.

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