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Game Of Crowns - General Discussion

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Yes, Lynne and Susanna getting those crowns was strange.  There was no pageant?  They competed online?  I thought the Mrs. America pageants, even at the state level, were a big deal.  I don't know if it was just me, but everyone in the audience at that crowning ceremony seemed to be side-eying them.

Edited by technorebel
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I've heard of temporary restraining orders that don't go before a judge, that can be based on just statements. It gives time to investigate if a "real" restraining order is necessary. I know a girl who did this with multiple ex boyfriends. But that's only in PA where I live, I have no idea what the rules are for any other state.

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I've heard of temporary restraining orders that don't go before a judge, that can be based on just statements. It gives time to investigate if a "real" restraining order is necessary. I know a girl who did this with multiple ex boyfriends. But that's only in PA where I live, I have no idea what the rules are for any other state.

Then anyone with a grudge can just go in and file one on someone they're pissed at?  Doesn't seem fair, but I don't doubt that what you say is true.

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Lynne's endless dry-eyed weeping over the restraining order, complete with her husband checking her blood pressure at intervals.



I am obviously a blackhearted bitch because these scenes made me laugh and chuckle.  It's hard to take someone with blue tipped hair seriously. 


And a blood pressure cuff?  Really?  Someone needs to call Shannon from the OC to show up with her herbal remedies.  Or at least a Xanax.


I don't know about the laws in Connecticut but it's not that easy to get a TRO here in California.  Somebody pissing you off doesn't exactly cut it.  However, Leha's husband is a police officer so it's possible he pulled a few strings or called in a favor.

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Then anyone with a grudge can just go in and file one on someone they're pissed at?  Doesn't seem fair, but I don't doubt that what you say is true.

I'm pretty sure there has to be a police report, and the temporary order is only good for 90 days. Maybe less. To get it extended you have to appear in court.

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I wasn't really sure what was going on at the photoshoot. That couldn't have been for a fitness magazine, could it? And then why did they take photos together? 


Charlie was a little creepy. I thought there was going to be more to the coaching than that as Shelley seems to have issues with public speaking.


Is it possible that most of the ladies in the cast won't place as semifinalists? If Leha and Lori-Ann can compete then a lot of presumably younger state title holders could be going. I think Shelley is definitely taking a risk. If she doesn't even make the semifinals that would be a big embarrassment. 

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The Legends of Their Own Minds pageant - was that just set up by production so we have yet another contest?

 We'll see next week. It's a little shady that it's at Foxwoods but if the auditorium is full and there are a lot of ladies competing then I don't think it's something production set up. 


And a blood pressure cuff?  Really?  Someone needs to call Shannon from the OC to show up with her herbal remedies.  Or at least a Xanax.

It's a little dramatic but not crazy. It's just one step up from a reflex hammer. I wonder if she really does have a preexisting heart condition. If she does, I doubt it was actually aggravated by the situation but if she did have a heart condition it's weird she hasn't brought it up until now. 

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I laughed at the tearless sobs, too.  And the husband reminds me of one of My Three Sons, all grown up (showing my age, there)


So Mrs Massachusetts lives in CT?  (They made sure to point that out)  And you just submit an application and check and get picked that way?  And purchase your own tiara and sash?  O-kaaaay, then.


Vanassa's husband, who's "part owner" of Foxwoods.  It's owned by the tribe, as far as I was aware, with tribe members getting a cut, getting priority jobs, etc.  Is she really going around saying "he's one of the owners" when his share is 1/5000th or something?  Or is he actively involved in some directorship capacity with a larger stake? Does his money come from something else? 

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So it's a tribal casino.  Well I guess if you're a member of the tribe, you can rightfully call yourself an owner, but Vanassa makes it sound like he's some bigshot or something.

Edited by technorebel
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Because I don't know how to leave well enough alone, here's what some quick googling turned up. http://indiancountrytodaymedianetwork.com/2014/07/15/game-crowns-native-beauty-queen-sparks-ear-bite-fight-foxwoods-155863




On Sunday, at a series-premiere viewing party at Foxwoods Resort Casino, a brawl erupted between Vanassa's husband and the spouse of one of her beauty-queen rivals; when all was said and done Brian Sebastian, Mashantucket Pequot, was whisked to the hospital with a badly bitten ear that required stitches.
Vanassa is married to Brian Sebastian, a member of the Sebastian family that figures heavily in the running of Foxwoods. The Bravo website states that Brian Sebastian's "family owns one of the world's largest casinos, Foxwoods Resort & Casino" -- which is incorrect, as pointed out by indianz.com. Foxwoods is owned by the Mashantucket Pequot Tribal Government.
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This is the best comedy on TV at the moment!   The upcoming Legends of the Crown pageant?  I can only find one mention of it and that was on the Facebook page of some salon in Rhode Island that was going to be involved backstage.  That post said the pageant would be featuring contestants from CT and RI, had free admission, and would be televised. 

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This is the show that keeps on giving. Though how I wish the ear biting was kind of televised because even the Joes didn't go there. Actually I wouldn't have wanted to SEE that but you know what I mean.

How can Lynne not view herself and realize just how fake she appears. Fake hair, fake eyelashes, fake tears, fake drama.

I still love it and please don't take it away Bravo. I have almost forgiven you for taking away the Princesses.

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Oh my God, what are those state costumes? I can't. I cannot. I demand that someone explain them to me. Is one woman dressed as a totem pole? What the heck is Mrs. New York... the jolly green giant? Most original costume... I don't get it. Do they just give best costume to whoever shows up in a Native costume with a war bonnet? Those gowns! I think my new career ambition is designing terrible sparkly pageant gowns for Mrs. pageants. And I really want to watch the talent portions. I can't even imagine. I basically want to watch Miss Congeniality every week. 


How many seasons of Toddlers and Tiaras are there? Surely we can at least get a second season of Game of Crowns.

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Because I don't know how to leave well enough alone, here's what some quick googling turned up. http://indiancountrytodaymedianetwork.com/2014/07/15/game-crowns-native-beauty-queen-sparks-ear-bite-fight-foxwoods-155863



... at the Game Of Crowns premiere party things got violent between  Vanassa Sebastian ‘s husband Brian and   Leha Guilmette ‘s husband Nick.



Edited by JerseyGirl
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Oh my God, what are those state costumes?

I want to know about the pink clad dancer at about the 1:40 mark who appears to be enticing the contestants in evening gowns to come on stage.

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I want to know about the pink clad dancer at about the 1:40 mark who appears to be enticing the contestants in evening gowns to come on stage.

Gasp! Have you competed in a pageant before? I thought only pageant contestants could see the pageant genie! She embodies the spirit of pageants and guides and watches over all the contestants if you truly believe in her. She used to be a pageant fairy but in an attempt to appeal to keep up with the times she ditched the wings and took some hip hop/belly dancing/pole-dancing classes. 

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I think Shelley is taking a bit of a risk competing in this pageant.  It is very obvious Vanassa is itching to beat her.  Vanassa competes well in pagaents, but there is something very beautiful and graceful about Shelley.  


Man, Lynne's skin is busted.  She is a good warning about the dangers of sun damage (she even said she had skin cancer before). Her chest is covered in sun spots.  Sunless tanner doesn't cover stuff like that up?  

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I think Shelley is taking a bit of a risk competing in this pageant.  It is very obvious Vanassa is itching to beat her.  Vanassa competes well in pagaents, but there is something very beautiful and graceful about Shelley.

I think it's a big risk now that I know A) It's happening at Foxwoods and Vanassa's husband's family is apparently very involved in the running of Foxwoods and B) ichbin's info makes it seem like something the Bravo producers might have set it up. You would think that if they really cared about the prestige of the real titles (instead of the ones Lynne writes in to win) they wouldn't place so much importance on a fake competition Bravo makes up. Then again, maybe Vanassa doesn't care as long as she gets to beat Shelley. 

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Susanna implied that even though there's no actual "pageant" to win Mrs. Rhode Island/Mrs. Massachusetts, the selection process is quite rigorous because there are a lot of questions. I looked up the pageant website and the requirements are as follows:

• Entrant must be married and living with her husband.
• Entrant must be at least 21 years of age
• Entrant must be of good moral character
• Entrant must be a citizen of the United States
(The term entrant is defined as a naturally-born female meeting the criteria outlined in the rules and regulations.)

Other than the applicant's contact information, they only ask for your occupation and which state you represent. There's also an open-ended "tell us about yourself" question, including any other states "You may feel qualified to represent." 

Maybe that's not the rigorous part. Surely the rigor comes later, because they don't even ask for a headshot. Or proof of age or marital status.


Speaking of which:




At least Susanna is recognizable. Lynne looks nothing like herself. That's no so much airbrushing as complete facial replacement.

I am sorely tempted to inflate my resume and apply for every single state. Or maybe skip that and apply to be a state pageant director. There's a button to apply for that too. How hard could it be?


I think Vanassa is jealous she didn't think to apply for - er I mean compete - for the title.

Edited by sleepyjean
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I agree it's a risk, but I also think she isn't drawing a show paycheck to weasel out of competing in this goat rodeo.  She knew the terms when she signed up.  


If the pageant itself is a Bravo fabrication, then I suppose losing it would still give her the out of it not being a "legitimate" competition.

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I would mot compete...Id wear my national crown and sit in the audience, and whisper how "quaint" thus lil pageant is.

Also...didnt Leha file the restraining order because the other chick hired private detectives? Once she did that, its Game On as far as Im concerned.


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I would mot compete...Id wear my national crown and sit in the audience, and whisper how "quaint" thus lil pageant is.

Also...didnt Leha file the restraining order because the other chick hired private detectives? Once she did that, its Game On as far as Im concerned.


Yes, but we don't actually know that it's true. That's just what Leha's husband told her, and I'm not too sure he's playing with a full deck.

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I'm curious to know what "reliable" source told Leha that Lynne had hired a PI. That information wouldn't come from Lynne or Guilio. And no PI worth his salt has loose lips about who has hired him and for what purpose. This does seem like the kind of irrational bullcrap Leha's husband would come up with. He's the kind of guy who goes from 0 to 80 in ten seconds, so I can easily imagine him taking gossip/speculation and blowing it up into some huge threat against his family.


Yet hiring a PI isn't a threatening act that would be sufficient grounds for a restraining order. This is fishy all the way around.

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The newspaper articles I read said that the police department is investigating Nick for his part in that brawl with Vanassa's husband. I don't know if he's suspended or not. One article said he is listed as off due to an injury sustained while on duty.

He does seem like a powder keg ready to blow. I'd be leary of him.

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I’m really curious about this also. Unless things behind the scenes are dramatically different, it seems the majority of the Leha’s complaints were complete bull. Can you really get a restraining order without any proof the other person has threatened or harmed you? 


Both Leha and her husband seem crazy vindictive. I mean security guards, restraining order ….. they can’t really think Lynne is going to hurt them.


That being said Lynne’s reaction made this episode. Over the top crying is a staple on these shows but the blood pressure thing is completely new. Got to give her credit for thinking that up.

Anyone check for actual tears?

It's the New England version of having asthma.

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I'm noticing that a couple of these ladies, including Leha, wear kind of tacky and outdated jeans. At least they seem that way to me. You know the ones? With the very decorated back pockets, lots of contrast stitching and rhinestones or both?


Aren't those out of fashion? I do not at all consider myself a fashion maven, so I don't mind at all if I'm wrong.


Another thing: Did anyone catch when Vanassa said she was terrified of being evaluated for cancer again? The camera lingered on her eyes, which are constantly in a state of looking terrified. I think it's the botox in her brow that gives her that wild mare look. I thought production was trying to make a point with the lingering shot of her eyes there in the car. 

Edited by jennylauren123
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I'm pretty sure there has to be a police report, and the temporary order is only good for 90 days. Maybe less. To get it extended you have to appear in court.

Sadly, I filed one once, in California in 2012. There was no police report, but I did have to fill out a pretty long form stating why I felt threatened. The document is filed with the court, the person against whom it is filed is served by a process worker or someone who is not a family member, and a judge either grants or denies a temporary restraining order. I cried with relief when the judge granted mine. 


It's important that you get the order quickly, and proving a threat might take some time. Better to be safe than sorry, literally, in this case. The police advised me to file it when I called to ask what I could do if I was feeling threatened in my own home.

Edited by jennylauren123
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I'm noticing that a couple of these ladies, including Leha, wear kind of tacky and outdated jeans. At least they seem that way to me. You know the ones? With the very decorated back pockets, lots of contrast stitching and rhinestones or both?

Aren't those out of fashion? I do not at all consider myself a fashion maven, so I don't mind at all if I'm wrong.

One of the reasons I love these women is that they wear terrible clothes. Because someone has to. I think the embellished jeans were more of a late 90's/early 2000's thing but I don't know if they've ever gone away. They aren't really the fashion now. I think popular consensus is fairly unembellished skinny jeans with distressing making a comeback every now and then. I read an article that tried to make the case for patches but I don't know how widespread that is.

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Embellished jeans! That's what they're called. Thank you. I guess it had been so long that I had even forgotten the term.


I was a surprised when Leha turned around, and there were those bedazzled pockets. I think she has worn them more than once, something I've never noticed on my beloved Housewives shows.

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Embellished jeans! That's what they're called. Thank you. I guess it had been so long that I had even forgotten the term.


I was a surprised when Leha turned around, and there were those bedazzled pockets. I think she has worn them more than once, something I've never noticed on my beloved Housewives shows.

I think they are coming back a bit. I just saw some in a local store that is  pretty fashionable. Leha really bugs me. I can't stand Lynn  either but I feel like all this crap from Leha and the restraining order is just manufactured drama. I might buy into it if her husband wasn't a raving lunatic, but since he is...

As for Leha I have said it before, but that woman is not even a 40 footer. She is, IMO, downright fugly. Not that the other wormen, with the exception of Shelly, are raving beauties, but Leha is just bad. Always having her face scrunched up in anger probably doesn't help.

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The mystery remains whether Lynne or Leha can compete at the Legends of the Crown pageant given the recent temporary restraining order. Meanwhile, Vanassa gets a second chance to beat the former Mrs. America, Shelley. With Shelley being out of the pageant game for so long, can she pull off a win?

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I finally reallized who Lynn's husband reminds me of.  He looks like Barry Livingston when he played Ernie on My Three Sons way back in the late 60's-early 70's. 

Yes he kind of does- he also reminds me of the kid from Napoleon Dynamite - any way he gives me the creeps. I loved that he was wearing  what a local DJ calls " a sleep suit" the old time mens PJ's 

Edited by Carolyn15
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I was bummed when we didn't find out who got the final space. I hadn't even realized the show was almost over.

It would be funny if Vanassa didn't get a spot, but I think she will.

I think Shelley is a shoe in. She really does have a grace. I was impressed with Lynn, too. I don't even remember Sussana. I do remember thinking Vanassa looked like a demented mannequin at times. Her eyebrows are arched to hell and back.

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Of course they had to leave the episode on a cliffhanger!  I'm picking Lori Ann to win just because I like her.  They did all look great, though.  Susanna's evening gown was lovely.  Just please, don't let Vanassa win.  I don't think I could take her ego getting any bigger.  Or Lynne with that bleached blonde blue-tipped hair.

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Did you see the couple laughing in the audience?   I know that would have been my husband and me.   TLC needs to get in on these adult pageants.  The kids on Toddlers and Tiaras can be blamed on their families, but these adult women are totally on their own.   

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I only like Shelly and Lori-ann. The rest of them have a screw loose. I want to duct tape Lynne to a chair and dye her hair a color that exists in humans. The other two I have trouble telling apart, both are a little whackadoodle, but Lynne is up there too.

I would love someone to explain how the restraining order was warranted but that won't ever happen. Also nobody will ever tell Lynne that she didn't win that Oscar she was trying for.

Shelly looked amazing in the blue lace dress. I'm jealous.

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I was surprised there weren't more people that turned out for this Legends of the Crown thing. 


I am still puzzled as to how Lynne can say she's from Rhode Island and yet is Mrs. Massachusetts.  Er, huh?  Are there no women in MA that fit the criteria?  If I was a MA resident I think I'd be peeved that this Smurf was representing my state.


Speaking of, how Lynne and Susanna keep winning pageants is a mystery to me.   Lynne trying to explain about these plastic pageant Pattys was unintentionally hilarious.  Pot, meet kettle.


And did Lynne really worry for her daughter being in the audience along with Leha and her anger-challenged husband?  Really?  What did she think Leha was going to do?  Throw a coochini at her?


I can't imagine that Vanassa won't get the final spot.  It would be too embarrassing if she didn't.  I hope Mr. Lynne is on standby in case Blue Tips doesn't get it - - we know her blood pressure will be through the roof.


Can't believe next week is the season finale.  I love this mess.

Edited by psychoticstate
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Me, too. I would gladly watch 20 episodes of this show instead of Real Housewives, which are all boring me this year.

The Housewives have all become tired, esp. NYC. I'd glady have Alex, Kelly and even stupid Cindy back over the current group.

This episode of Lame of Crowns was the worst, simply because this "pageant" was clearly thrown by Bravo and wasn't a real pageant. Even the audience of family members was bored.

I did laugh when Lynne went to get her butt glue and turned around, and the camera zoomed in on her bikini bottom and held it there for a bit. Her butt and the backs of her thighs are all dimples and cheese!

Edited by Shelby
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I was curious about Lynne's comment to her husband about possibly being admitted to the hospital. For what? High blood pressure is not that big of a deal, especially if you have meds to control it which was told to us that she does.

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Shelly has to be in her 50's right?  Her body is flawless and I love the fact that she doesn't wear those rediculous extensions. Just a natural beauty. Sure, she has probably has had some botox and a face peel here and there but she knows how far to take it.

Did anybody else notice Vanassa's jiggly flat ass as she walked away in her bathing suit competition. Wow, not a good look.  I'm surprised these women aren't seething with jealousy over Shelly because she really does have it all.  

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I was curious about Lynne's comment to her husband about possibly being admitted to the hospital. For what? High blood pressure is not that big of a deal, especially if you have meds to control it which was told to us that she does.


There's no way that a moderately high blood pressure (I think he said 145/90) would require hospital admission.  Lynne is quite the drama queen, but I gotta hand it to her.  She managed to have both Susanna and her husband fussing over her (plus the cameras), so I think she achieved her goal.

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Shelly has to be in her 50's right?  Her body is flawless and I love the fact that she doesn't wear those rediculous extensions. Just a natural beauty. Sure, she has probably has had some botox and a face peel here and there but she knows how far to take it.

Did anybody else notice Vanassa's jiggly flat ass as she walked away in her bathing suit competition. Wow, not a good look.  I'm surprised these women aren't seething with jealousy over Shelly because she really does have it all.  


Shelly is 41.



The Legends of the Crown pageant does not really exist. It was created for Bravo and this particular show. This news is very disappointing to me, but it explains why there is no information available about this pageant.


I knew something was up!!  I googled to find the results last week before this episode aired and didn't find ANY information on it.  Definitely put together for Bravo.

Edited by JerseyGirl
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