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Bethenny & Jason: The Divorce Showdown

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4 hours ago, Yours Truly said:

... I don't really think Jason has risen to anything that doesn't make sense considering the circumstances. Eventually when pushed far enough people push back and I think Jason lost his sense of boundaries after such a long battle.

Too me this all seems like Beth thinks it's okay to behave in damaging ways trying to AFFECT someone else's life and then being completely outraged when she gets the reaction she desires.

I don't see this is a "blame the victim" view. There is also something very wrong when a person antagonizes you within an inch of your sanity and uses powerful weapons to do it. I believe Beth went down that path straight from jump...

... Yeah, Yeah "he/she made me do it" isn't a cute reason but I like to keep it honest. If I had someone in my life that was so dismissive of my very existence and decided that it would always be their way like it or not without taking any consideration whatsoever I'd be seething too.

No one is saying that Jason isn't entitled to his feelings.  He is free to seethe and simmer and waste as much emotional energy as he cares to squander being bitter and angry.  

The problem comes in when a person acts on their feelings in a way that is illegal.  And that is what Jason is being prosecuted for.  The feelings that motivated him don't mean squat in a court of law.

That being said, I have to add that I don't think what Jason has been through is that different or worse than what a lot of people experience during a divorce and/or custody battle.  There are people a lot worse than Bethenny Frankel out there divorcing people a lot more fragile than Jason Hoppy, yet they manage to show some restraint and dignity when things don't go their way.  Jason's situation really isn't that special or unique. There was some publicity, but lots of divorces have publicity.  And the people involved say much much worse things about the other person than was said here.  Embarrassing revelations get made.  I just don't see anything about what went on between Bethenny and Jason that sets their case apart and justifies the actions Jason allegedly committed. 

But if Jason is actually wallowing in the cesspool of anger and resentment described above, it would explain why he is appears unable to move on and continues to try to engage Bethenny (and even those around her) in conflict.  It's a very unhealthy response to hang onto emotions like that. I hope the people around him don't encourage such destructive thought patterns.

Edited by Celia Rubenstein
  • Love 8
1 hour ago, Celia Rubenstein said:

No one is saying that Jason isn't entitled to his feelings.  He is free to seethe and simmer and waste as much emotional energy as he cares to squander being bitter and angry.  

The problem comes in when a person acts on their feelings in a way that is illegal.  And that is what Jason is being prosecuted for.  

That being said, I have to add that I don't think what Jason has been through is that different or worse than what a lot of people experience during a divorce and/or custody battle.  There are people a lot worse than Bethenny Frankel out there divorcing people a lot more fragile than Jason Hoppy, yet they manage to show some restraint and dignity when things don't go their way.  Jason's situation really isn't that special or unique. There was some publicity, but lots of divorces have publicity.  And the people involved say much much worse things about the other person than was said here.  Embarrassing revelations get made.  I just don't see anything about what went on between Bethenny and Jason that sets their case apart and justifies the actions Jason allegedly committed. 

But if Jason is actually wallowing in the cesspool of anger and resentment described above, it would explain why he is appears unable to move on and continues to try to engage Bethenny (and even those around her) in conflict.  It's a very unhealthy response to hang onto emotions like that. I hope the people around him don't encourage such destructive thought patterns.

I think Beth using Brynn as a weapon is absolutely unforgivable. To think she could manuever around Jason's wishes regarding where Brynn resides and his role in the decision making in her life for self serving reasons and for her own benefit and comfort is as low down as you get. Especially when there was nothing to suggest he shouldn't be allowed to participate equally.

Just because that sort of playing dirty is somewhat legit or acceptable or common or within the realms of the law somewhat doesn't make it benign.

Imma give up a hypothetical example using absolute honesty.

Had my ex tried to pull some shit like that with my son when we first split??? Just so he could get his own way instead of having to be "bothered" to deal with me or ya know truly co parent with me which means active participation and negotiating on decisions involving OUR child.   That my investment in my childs development could be minimized for convenience sake? Awwww Hell Naw!! The insult alone would have had me toe up with him, ballin' fists. Letting  him know what's up. Straight aggression would be my go to.  That's just a human reaction.


Sorry. Not. Sorry.  Don't fuck with me and my child.

Completely Illegal but ya know what some actions that are borderline legal are just as morally reprehensible.

I feel Beth also crossed a line that is way worse than the "harrassment" and "aggression" Jason's supposedly displayed. I do give a pass on anger when justified. I don't give a pass on things getting physical but it didn't go there and highly doubt it was heading in that direction. Just some hot headed moments that didn't help anything. Throwing the term criminal around just seems like a sure fire way for Beth to yup you guessed it. To get what she wants.

I'm just not looking at this as black and white.

I understand some do but I'm not going to completely ignore the magnitude of that initial sucker punch that was thrown by Beth. I just can't and I know how I would have reacted.  Some hot head moments and foolish threats.

Edited by Yours Truly
  • Love 10

understand some do but I'm not going to completely ignore the magnitude of that initial sucker punch that was thrown by Beth. I just can't and I know how I would have reacted.  Some hot head moments and foolish threats.

I don't see filing for sole custody as that big a punch.  And if Jason is still punishing her 5 years later then he needs serious help.  But the bottom line here is that Bethenny filed for a TRO.  She presented documentation.  The matter was investigated.  And TEN DAYS later, after an investigation by officers of the court he was arrested and charged.  This isn't Bethenny charging him with criminal behavior, this is the State of New York charging him.  And it doesn't appear to be a knee jerk reaction to something Bethenny said.

So if Bethenny's original divorce filing hurt him so bad and made him so mad that he keeps escalating his behavior then it doesn't look so good for his future.  I suggest that this didn't really start until he found out he wouldn't be getting half her money for his little two year marriage.

But lucky for all of us next Tuesday he goes to court and we find out if he's just a poor victim that big bad Bethenny is being mean to or if he is a stalker with ill intent.

  • Love 10
Just now, QuinnM said:

I don't see filing for sole custody as that big a punch.  And if Jason is still punishing her 5 years later then he needs serious help.  But the bottom line here is that Bethenny filed for a TRO.  She presented documentation.  The matter was investigated.  And TEN DAYS later, after an investigation by officers of the court he was arrested and charged.  This isn't Bethenny charging him with criminal behavior, this is the State of New York charging him.  And it doesn't appear to be a knee jerk reaction to something Bethenny said.

So if Bethenny's original divorce filing hurt him so bad and made him so mad that he keeps escalating his behavior then it doesn't look so good for his future.  I suggest that this didn't really start until he found out he wouldn't be getting half her money for his little two year marriage.

But lucky for all of us next Tuesday he goes to court and we find out if he's just a poor victim that big bad Bethenny is being mean to or if he is a stalker with ill intent.

That set the stage for all the nonsense  that's turned into the hot mess of crap happening today.

It's not an on and off thing.

My point that seems to be missed is that I don't see it as Beth did one thing and Jason's just focusing on being mad about THAT ONE THING.

It's Beth's push back and determination to fight him on everything. Jason isn't in some vacuum by himself pacing the floors year after year creating some alternative reality of imagined slights and jabs worthy of his anger.

Beth is a contributor to the mayhem. I think it's fair to say that without the blow back being some technicality that she should be able to tap dance on his brothers grave and Jason still needs to maintain his composure and display the upmost of gentlemanly behavior with no harsh retort or reaction.  Give me a break.

That's my opinion of it all. I don't expect Jason to be a saint in all of this. I don't pretend that its just some one sided delusional rants of a crazy man that hates his ex because that's not what I saw from the short time he was in the public eye.

What I can believe if that Beth isn't innocent in all the chaos. That she decided war would be a better approach and to me that was a reckless and selfish decision. And fits right into her mode of operation.

I don't think it's okay to play with people that way and all too often Beth gets some sort of pass on that sort of damaging and cruel behavior.

I just think its so skewed and very sad overall.

  • Love 6
8 minutes ago, Yours Truly said:

I think Beth using Brynn as a weapon is absolutely unforgivable. To think she could manuever around Jason's wishes regarding where Brynn resides and his role in the decision making in her life for self serving reasons and for her own benefit and comfort is as low down as you get. Especially when there was nothing to suggest he shouldn't be allowed to participate equally.

Just because that sort of playing dirty is somewhat legit or acceptable or common or within the realms of the law somewhat doesn't make it benign.

Imma give up a hypothetical example using absolute honesty.

My ex tried to pull some shit like that with my son when we first split??? Just so he could get his own way instead of having to be "bothered" to deal with me or ya know truly co parent with me which means active participation and negotiating on decisions involving OUR child.   That my investment in my childs development could be minimized for convenience sake? Awwww Hell Naw!! The insult alone would have had me toe up with him, ballin' fists. Letting  him know what's up. Straight aggression would be my go to.  That's just a human reaction.


Sorry. Not. Sorry.  Don't fuck with me and my child.

Completely Illegal but ya know what some actions that are borderline legal are just as morally reprehensible.

I feel Beth also crossed a line that is way worse than the "harrassment" and "aggression" Jason's displayed. Throwing the term criminal around just seems like a sure fire way for Beth to yup you guessed it. To get what she wants.

I'm just not looking at this as black and white.

I understand some do but I'm not going to completely ignore the magnitude of that initial sucker punch that was thrown by Beth. I just can't and I know how I would have reacted. 

What exactly is the statute of limitations on your ex throwing a "sucker punch?"   How many years down the road are you still entitled respond to it by breaking the law?  LOL

Look, the custody case has long been settled.  Jason has joint custody, just like he asked for.  It's OVER.  If he can't get past how things went down by now, that's on him.  His inability to move on after this much time isn't Bethenny's fault.  It's his. Is her behavior going to excuse everything he chooses to do for the rest of his life or something? 

To be honest I just have to LOL at the idea that what has Jason upset is the way Bethenny sought custody years ago.  I think it has a lot more to do with his failure to collect the windfall he thought he deserved and being completely unable to handle Bethenny allowing another man to build a relationship with Bryn.  He is in the shit hole financially and seeing Bryn bobbing about town with a millionaire who looked like he was about to become her stepfather was more than he could handle.

But to the extent that Jason's motivation for how he has behaved really is the way Bethenny went after custody of Bryn, well ... he might want to do some serious thinking.  Because if having Bryn is that important to him, he should seriously knock off the nutjob behavior because all he is accomplishing is giving Bethenny the ammo she needs "to get what she wants."

  • Love 12
9 minutes ago, Yours Truly said:

My point that seems to be missed is that I don't see it as Beth did one thing and Jason's just focusing on being mad about THAT ONE THING.

It's Beth's push back and determination to fight him on everything. Jason isn't in some vacuum by himself pacing the floors year after year creating some alternative reality of imagined slights and jabs worthy of his anger.

I admit I don't follow every detail of this case on an ongoing basis.  Maybe someone can explain to me what Bethenny has done to Jason since their divorce wrapped that has been so evil.  

The only thing I can recall that she has done is sue those lawyers.  And move the hell on with her life, lol.  Not sure how either one of those thing involve Jason or should legitimately cause his anger to fester.

  • Love 8

Like viewers who think Bethenny is awful based on what they have seen on tv, I don't think I need a trial to have the opinion that Jason is a dick.  I feel justified in that opinion because a) what difference does it make -- his liberty is not at stake based on the opinion of a middle-aged reality tv viewer and b) he's actually shown himself to have a dickish side on the very same tv.



I don't see filing for sole custody as that big a punch.  And if Jason is still punishing her 5 years later then he needs serious help.  But the bottom line here is that Bethenny filed for a TRO.  She presented documentation.  The matter was investigated.  And TEN DAYS later, after an investigation by officers of the court he was arrested and charged.  This isn't Bethenny charging him with criminal behavior, this is the State of New York charging him.  And it doesn't appear to be a knee jerk reaction to something Bethenny said.

So if Bethenny's original divorce filing hurt him so bad and made him so mad that he keeps escalating his behavior then it doesn't look so good for his future.  I suggest that this didn't really start until he found out he wouldn't be getting half her money for his little two year marriage.



What exactly is the statute of limitations on your ex throwing a "sucker punch?"   How many years down the road are you still entitled respond to it by breaking the law?  LOL

Look, the custody case has long been settled.  Jason has joint custody, just like he asked for.  It's OVER.  If he can't get past how things went down by now, that's on him.  His inability to move on after this much time isn't Bethenny's fault.  It's his. Is her behavior going to excuse everything he chooses to do for the rest of his life or something? 

To be honest I just have to LOL at the idea that what has Jason upset is the way Bethenny sought custody years ago.  I think it has a lot more to do with his failure to collect the windfall he thought he deserved and being completely unable to handle Bethenny allowing another man to build a relationship with Bryn.  He is in the shit hole financially and seeing Bryn bobbing about town with a millionaire who looked like he was about to become her stepfather was more than he could handle.

But to the extent that Jason's motivation for how he has behaved really is the way Bethenny went after custody of Bryn, well ... he might want to do some serious thinking.  Because if having Bryn is that important to him, he should seriously knock off the nutjob behavior because all he is accomplishing is giving Bethenny the ammo she needs "to get what she wants."


  • Love 10

I guess I'm unclear about how B mentioning her childhood results in people saying "well, she's an adult now and she could move past it" and yet poor, beleaguered Jason is somehow vindicated in being a creeping stalker harasser (allegedly, of course), because B.  I mean, how could he overcome her ending the marriage or filing for sole custody or expecting him to follow the prenup?  That doesn't seem like a double standard at all?  It does to me.  

There is nothing that anyone does that warrants someone being a creeping stalker harasser, no matter how big of a bitch they are, how mean they are to other people, what have you.  IF Jason is found guilty of the charges (and, I'm not gonna lie, I do think he will be, but, hey, I could be wrong, it has happened before), then there's nothing B did that makes his actions ok.  Nothing she said makes it ok, period. 

  • Love 11
1 hour ago, smores said:

I guess I'm unclear about how B mentioning her childhood results in people saying "well, she's an adult now and she could move past it" and yet poor, beleaguered Jason is somehow vindicated in being a creeping stalker harasser (allegedly, of course), because B.  I mean, how could he overcome her ending the marriage or filing for sole custody or expecting him to follow the prenup?  That doesn't seem like a double standard at all?  It does to me.  

There is nothing that anyone does that warrants someone being a creeping stalker harasser, no matter how big of a bitch they are, how mean they are to other people, what have you.  IF Jason is found guilty of the charges (and, I'm not gonna lie, I do think he will be, but, hey, I could be wrong, it has happened before), then there's nothing B did that makes his actions ok.  Nothing she said makes it ok, period. 

Because I don't see creepy stalker harasser.

I see a lot of sensationalization of the case and Jason's behavior.

I guess that's what makes all the difference to me.

At least until we see what comes out at trial.


Edited by Yours Truly
  • Love 2
3 hours ago, Yours Truly said:

That set the stage for all the nonsense  that's turned into the hot mess of crap happening today.

(snip only for space)

I don't always agree with you, Yours Truly (for example, I think both Jason and Beth are dickheads) but I have to say, even your posts I don't agree with are a pleasure to read. 

Edited by film noire
  • Love 2

What I am not understanding is why its completely ignored that Bethenny isn't such a power house that she can snap her fingers and get a man arrested. She's not. I don't believe that every investigator involved was bought off or hoodwinked by Bethenny - she's honestly not a sympathetic character in this little morality play. Frankly if this court case finds that Jason crossed the line, as much as I think Betheny's a bitch... I'm not going to be pleased if Jason someone gets held up as a saint for breaking the law. If he's found guilty, then he's guilty and it doesn't matter if Bethenny started it, or emotionally prodded him, or anything else. They're both adults. If he's found guilty, then he's the adult who decided to break the law, he's not the hero and he's not Bethenny's victim. It feels like the arguing point here is that "Well, Bethenny was awful so she deserved it, poor Jason just lost it" - NO! Bethenny's an awful person, but that in no way entitles Jason to a few lawbreaking episodes and she is not to blame if he as an adult man with no mental illness, was unable to control himself. That doesn't mean, she's not an awful person, it means if Jason ends up convicted, then that happens because of what Jason decided to do and he has to own his own behavior.

  • Love 12
15 minutes ago, ZoloftBlob said:

What I am not understanding is why its completely ignored that Bethenny isn't such a power house that she can snap her fingers and get a man arrested. She's not. I don't believe that every investigator involved was bought off or hoodwinked by Bethenny

I don't think that's being ignored, I think people have a genuine disagreement as to whether an arrest means he's guilty, or even means it's likely he's guilty, or anything beyond he was arrested. Possibly arrested unfairly (as has been known to happen in the justice system) or possibly fairly (the evidence shown in court will actually prove the arrest correct) or possibly some combination of both (which is where I think Yours Truly stands, if I'm reading their posts right -- forgive me if I'm not @Yours Truly).

Edited by film noire
  • Love 7

May 2016 Jason Hoppy ordered to move out of the Tribeca Apartment Bethenny bought. The trust agreement was rendered void and invalid due to fraudulent behavior. 

End of June 2016 Jason Hoppy moved out of the Tribeca Apartment.

The divorce was finalized on July 18, 2016.

November 2016, Dennis Shields lawyers send cease and desist letters to Jason Hoppy.

November 18, 2016 Bethenny sues Jaime Andrew Schreck and his law firm who set up the illegal trust for $2 Million.

The divorce was dragged out for 4 years mostly on Jason’s part. He was to get nothing according to the pre-nup. He turned down 2 settlements, the second settlement offer was $10 Million. Once the offer was refused, they went back to square one.

Jason signed for a settlement so quickly after the illegal trust came to light – meaning I better collect now or else I might end up with absolutely nothing. While an attorney for Hoppy stated, Jason is thrilled that this chapter of his life is over, he is extremely pleased with the settlement that was reached. Why would a man pleased with his settlement, take out a second mortgage of $750K in June 2016?

I think Jason began his stalking when he finally realized how little he was going to end up with after they decremented the expenses incurred. I think he also began to panic as he knew the fraudulent trust would be pursued and examined by Bethenny’s lawyers.

Jason was arrested on January 27, 2017. He was not arrested at the place of the incident. The police interviewed various people, not just Bethenny and Dennis but other people who were at the school that witnessed his behavior.  He was not arrested at 8:00 AM when the incident occurred, he was arrested that afternoon.

We can look back at Jules/Michael. She called the police. Michael left the premises with his son in his custody, he was NOT arrested then or later in the day.  The fact that Jason was arrested, tells me the police had probable cause to believe he was dangerous.

The TRO was given to Jason at his arraignment by the Judge.

I think Jason’s BSC behavior was his way of trying to intimidate Bethenny into not pursuing the lawsuit against his buddy, Jaime Andrew Schreck.  If Bethenny decides to name Carole Hoppy in a future lawsuit – it would be a Federal issue as she crossed state lines to perpetrate the fraud. It would also be Grand Larceny as the value of the apartment was at least a million when she purchased it.

Give Super Douche hell


  • Love 10

Thanks for posting that, KFB. So interesting.

I am flabbergasted that he'd turn down a settlement offer of 10 million dollars. I don't see how he'd think he'd be entitled to more, given their relatively short union. Does he claim to have been a significant player in the creation of the Skinny Girl product line? Didn't Bethenny already have that started prior to meeting Jason?

  • Love 5
12 minutes ago, KungFuBunny said:

May 2016 Jason Hoppy ordered to move out of the Tribeca Apartment Bethenny bought. The trust agreement was rendered void and invalid due to fraudulent behavior. 

End of June 2016 Jason Hoppy moved out of the Tribeca Apartment.

The divorce was finalized on July 18, 2016.

November 2016, Dennis Shields lawyers send cease and desist letters to Jason Hoppy.

November 18, 2016 Bethenny sues Jaime Andrew Schreck and his law firm who set up the illegal trust for $2 Million.

The divorce was dragged out for 4 years mostly on Jason’s part. He was to get nothing according to the pre-nup. He turned down 2 settlements, the second settlement offer was $10 Million. Once the offer was refused, they went back to square one.

Jason signed for a settlement so quickly after the illegal trust came to light – meaning I better collect now or else I might end up with absolutely nothing. While an attorney for Hoppy stated, Jason is thrilled that this chapter of his life is over, he is extremely pleased with the settlement that was reached. Why would a man pleased with his settlement, take out a second mortgage of $750K in June 2016?

I think Jason began his stalking when he finally realized how little he was going to end up with after they decremented the expenses incurred. I think he also began to panic as he knew the fraudulent trust would be pursued and examined by Bethenny’s lawyers.

Jason was arrested on January 27, 2017. He was not arrested at the place of the incident. The police interviewed various people, not just Bethenny and Dennis but other people who were at the school that witnessed his behavior.  He was not arrested at 8:00 AM when the incident occurred, he was arrested that afternoon.

We can look back at Jules/Michael. She called the police. Michael left the premises with his son in his custody, he was NOT arrested then or later in the day.  The fact that Jason was arrested, tells me the police had probable cause to believe he was dangerous.

The TRO was given to Jason at his arraignment by the Judge.

I think Jason’s BSC behavior was his way of trying to intimidate Bethenny into not pursuing the lawsuit against his buddy, Jaime Andrew Schreck.  If Bethenny decides to name Carole Hoppy in a future lawsuit – it would be a Federal issue as she crossed state lines to perpetrate the fraud. It would also be Grand Larceny as the value of the apartment was at least a million when she purchased it.

Give Super Douche hell


WTF is his attorney thinking???????????????????????????????

Edited by Martinigirl
  • Love 9
5 minutes ago, Jel said:

Thanks for posting that, KFB. So interesting.

I am flabbergasted that he'd turn down a settlement offer of 10 million dollars. I don't see how he'd think he'd be entitled to more, given their relatively short union. Does he claim to have been a significant player in the creation of the Skinny Girl product line? Didn't Bethenny already have that started prior to meeting Jason?

Had he accepted the $10 million offer - this was 2 years prior - his lawyer fees would not have been so high. He might even have gotten away getting half the value of the apartment.

Not sure what he claimed. I do know when she was paying the temporary spousal support of $12K per month, he itemized the items and justified them by saying he had become accustomed to a certain lifestyle

8 minutes ago, Martinigirl said:

WTF is his attorney thinking???????????????????????????????

Which attorney?

  • Love 6
6 minutes ago, KungFuBunny said:

Had he accepted the $10 million offer - this was 2 years prior - his lawyer fees would not have been so high. He might even have gotten away getting half the value of the apartment.

Not sure what he claimed. I do know when she was paying the temporary spousal support of $12K per month, he itemized the items and justified them by saying he had become accustomed to a certain lifestyle

Which attorney?

Wow, well shrewdly played, Jason 

  • Love 5
1 hour ago, film noire said:

I don't think that's being ignored, I think people have a genuine disagreement as to whether an arrest means he's guilty, or even means it's likely he's guilty, or anything beyond he was arrested.

@Yours Truly).

If it's okay to assume Bethenny is lying about Jason because of what has been shown of her on TV and printed in the media, why is it not okay to assume Jason is guilty based on what has been shown of him on TV and printed in the media?  That seems rather inconsistent. Why is forming an opinion of one of them but not the other based on the same sources of information permissible? 

Personally, it doesn't seem right to me to judge either one of them before there has even been a trial or anything entered into evidence. But I certainly don't agree with the the idea that it's fair to judge one of them but not the other at this stage. 


25 minutes ago, Martinigirl said:

WTF is his attorney thinking???????????????????????????????

I would guess something along the lines of "my client is an idiot." 

  • Love 10
4 minutes ago, Celia Rubenstein said:

If it's okay to assume Bethenny is lying about Jason because of what has been shown of her on TV and printed in the media, why is it not okay to assume Jason is guilty based on what has been shown of him on TV and printed in the media?  That seems rather inconsistent. Why is forming an opinion of one of them but not the other based on the same sources of information permissible? 

Personally, it doesn't seem right to me to judge either one of them before there has even been a trial or anything entered into evidence. But I certainly don't agree with the the idea that it's fair to judge one of them but not the other at this stage. 


I would guess something along the lines of "my client is an idiot." 

OMG!!! Bahahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Love 5

Ten million?  According to who?  Two settlement offers?  According to who?

I would be pretty sure when Beth called her attorney for advice about filing a police report, a lawyer was there with her.  I also think that prosecutors and police investigators were well aware that Beth was a fairly well known celebrity.  Do I think it had influence?  Yeah.

From People Mag report:

Hoppy denies the charges, and his attorney Robert C. Gottlieb tells PEOPLE of the incident: “There are no words to express how saddened Mr. Hoppy is over his ex-wife’s unjustified actions. His only concern is his daughter and intends to vigorously fight these false charges.”

Frankel’s attorney Barry Zone issued a statement to PEOPLE: “Ms. Frankel’s decision to report Mr. Hoppy’s abusive behavior followed years of systematic bullying, harassment, stalking and torment on an almost daily basis.”

She was 'systematically' bullied on an 'almost' daily basis.  Where have I heard that before.  Tormented?  This is pure Beth in action.

Beth's lawyer:

According to the statement from Zone, “These acts of mental and psychological abuse are domestic violence, pure and simple. No woman, celebrity or not, deserves to have their allegations of such abuse taken lightly, and we are grateful to the NYPD for their immediate action to protect Ms. Frankel.” (According to legal documents, there is no evidence of physical abuse.)

Domestic violence?   I think that's pushing it a tad.


Edited by breezy424
  • Love 4
2 minutes ago, breezy424 said:

Ten million?  According to who?  Two settlement offers?  According to who?

I would be pretty sure when Beth called her attorney for advice about filing a police report, a lawyer was there with her.  I also think that prosecutors and police investigators were well aware that Beth was a fairly well known celebrity.  Do I think it had influence?  Yeah.

From People Mag report:

Hoppy denies the charges, and his attorney Robert C. Gottlieb tells PEOPLE of the incident: “There are no words to express how saddened Mr. Hoppy is over his ex-wife’s unjustified actions. His only concern is his daughter and intends to vigorously fight these false charges.”

Frankel’s attorney Barry Zone issued a statement to PEOPLE: “Ms. Frankel’s decision to report Mr. Hoppy’s abusive behavior followed years of systematic bullying, harassment, stalking and torment on an almost daily basis.”

She was 'systematically' bullied on a daily basis.  Where have I heard that before.  Tormented?  This is pure Beth in action.

Beth's lawyer:

According to the statement from Zone, “These acts of mental and psychological abuse are domestic violence, pure and simple. No woman, celebrity or not, deserves to have their allegations of such abuse taken lightly, and we are grateful to the NYPD for their immediate action to protect Ms. Frankel.” (According to legal documents, there is no evidence of physical abuse.)

Domestic violence?   I think that's pushing it a tad.


Some genius at RadaronLine looks around  and makes up a settlement amount.  If Bethenny was willing to go to appellate court over her interest in a $5 million dollar apartment-does it make sense Jason would turn down $10 million?  Of course not.  Bethenny's reported gross from the sale of SGM was $60 million (she had a partner).  Bethenny has said herself that she paid more than $8 million in taxes when someone made the claim that is what she made on the deal.  She had to pay off a former manager for screwing him over on a percentage of the sale of SGM.  SO $10 million cold hard cash would be a significant percentage of her estate and Jason would be a fool to turn it down.  Her stance from the beginning has been she has a pre-nup and Jason is entitled to nothing.. 

Wasn't it Bethenny that kept after Kelly like a pit bull over her use of the term systematic bullying? 

  • Love 7
5 hours ago, KungFuBunny said:

Hah! Years ago when GPS was new the 2 main ones out there were TomTom and Garmin.

Maybe Luann can work with TomTom to create an APP. Like BBHN suggested first insert one of those pet chips in his neck.

Oh lord.  Now he really will go on comparing marriage to a dog. 

4 hours ago, Martinigirl said:

WTF is his attorney thinking???????????????????????????????

Probably how much he hates his job and working with idiots. The attorney has to go along with the client's wishes--even if they are stupid. 

2 hours ago, Martinigirl said:

 Nah, not pushing it one bit. Hoppy's arraignment was listed as a domestic violence case.  

Yep, in NY, stalking falls under domestic violence. 

Also, big thanks to @KungFuBunny for the timeline on the latest with the divorce.  He should have just taken that $10 million and run to a tax-free country with it. He got greedy, gambled for more, and lost big time. 

  • Love 6
5 hours ago, Jel said:

I am flabbergasted that he'd turn down a settlement offer of 10 million dollars.

I've always thought it was the opposite --  that Hoppy offered to settle for ten million, and Bethenny said no:

"The divorce battle between Bethenny Frankel and Jason Hoppy has been raging for more than 15 months, and doesn’t appear headed for a resolution any time soon: RadarOnline.com has learned that the failed talk show host has turned down an offer from the pharmaceutical sales executive to settle the whole thing for $10 million."


  • Love 4

Wasn't it Bethenny that kept after Kelly like a pit bull over her use of the term systematic bullying? 

Well, Kelly was technically the one who kept going after Bethenny and others, and tried to turn it around and blame everyone else, and...

Wait. what does Kelly have to do with Bethenny's divorce from Jason? Absoeffinlutely nothing, I think. I mean, unless she was a sidepiece of his that was a factor in the divorce.

  • Love 8
4 hours ago, film noire said:

I've always thought it was the opposite --  that Hoppy offered to settle for ten million, and Bethenny said no:

"The divorce battle between Bethenny Frankel and Jason Hoppy has been raging for more than 15 months, and doesn’t appear headed for a resolution any time soon: RadarOnline.com has learned that the failed talk show host has turned down an offer from the pharmaceutical sales executive to settle the whole thing for $10 million."


They had a prenup.  If he offered $10 million and they had a prenup, then I would turn it down if I was Bethenny.  That's why you have a prenup.  Everything is outlined in it stating exactly what a person gets in the event of a divorce. 

  • Love 7
6 hours ago, film noire said:

I've always thought it was the opposite --  that Hoppy offered to settle for ten million, and Bethenny said no:

"The divorce battle between Bethenny Frankel and Jason Hoppy has been raging for more than 15 months, and doesn’t appear headed for a resolution any time soon: RadarOnline.com has learned that the failed talk show host has turned down an offer from the pharmaceutical sales executive to settle the whole thing for $10 million."


Gah, that makes it worse.  

  • Love 4


I've always thought it was the opposite --  that Hoppy offered to settle for ten million, and Bethenny said no:

"The divorce battle between Bethenny Frankel and Jason Hoppy has been raging for more than 15 months, and doesn’t appear headed for a resolution any time soon: RadarOnline.com has learned that the failed talk show host has turned down an offer from the pharmaceutical sales executive to settle the whole thing for $10 million."


I would like to point out that this was one of the sources close to Hoppy media plants.  They paint Bethenny in a bad light.  They prove that Hoppy was just as guilty as Bethenny in going to the press.  I know that it seems he never went to the press but articles like this show that he did.

I remember one of the previous leaks indicated that he was offered $7 million and turned it down.  But I have to say the very wording of this leak would be why I would turn it down.  No way would she settle with verbaige saying he was instrumental in SG from the start.  Besides the fact that that is a lie it would open her company up to a second settlement with him.

  • Love 9
1 hour ago, QuinnM said:

I would like to point out that this was one of the sources close to Hoppy media plants.  They paint Bethenny in a bad light.  They prove that Hoppy was just as guilty as Bethenny in going to the press.  I know that it seems he never went to the press but articles like this show that he did.

I remember one of the previous leaks indicated that he was offered $7 million and turned it down.  But I have to say the very wording of this leak would be why I would turn it down.  No way would she settle with verbaige saying he was instrumental in SG from the start.  Besides the fact that that is a lie it would open her company up to a second settlement with him.

I;m sure the long suffering, high-road taker, Jason Hoppy, "did it for his daughter" like everything else he does. The (alleged!) stalking, the high volume of emails and texts, the angry stares, the brooding, the thinly and not so thinly veiled threats to Bryn's mother -- it's all for his daughter, dontcha know!  Because nothing benefits a kid more than a hostile relationship between parents.  

(Out of an abundance of caution, I mention this post was written in sarcastifont)

  • Love 9
7 hours ago, diadochokinesis said:

They had a prenup.  If he offered $10 million and they had a prenup, then I would turn it down if I was Bethenny.  That's why you have a prenup.  Everything is outlined in it stating exactly what a person gets in the event of a divorce. 

I know they had a pre nup . I was  trying to find who asked /offered the ten million -- that's all -  not whether it was part of the pre nup, or not part of the pre nup or whether it makes him a bigger or lesser -- or whatever dick -- just who asked for what, when. 

2 hours ago, QuinnM said:

I would like to point out that this was one of the sources close to Hoppy media plants.  They paint Bethenny in a bad light.  

They do -- that's why I quoted just the number, not the stuff about her. 

1 hour ago, Jel said:

I'm sure the long suffering, high-road taker, Jason Hoppy, "did it for his daughter" like everything else he does. The (alleged!) stalking, the high volume of emails and texts, the angry stares, the brooding, the thinly and not so thinly veiled threats to Bryn's mother -- it's all for his daughter, dontcha know!  Because nothing benefits a kid more than a hostile relationship between parents.  

(Out of an abundance of caution, I mention this post was written in sarcastifont)

My guess is that Jason kept emailing Bethenny, her assistants, and Dennis because Bethenny not responding back to him via email. I'm sure Bryn was always where she was supposed to be, but Jason was worrying because he was getting nothing back from Bethenny and her people. I'm sure it was along these lines "Bryn's friend is having a party after school. Instead of picking Bryn up at school, pick her up at XYZ." And then just nothing. Bethenny picked Bryn up. Nothing is amiss, but Jason doesn't know what the fuck is going on because Bethenny won't communicate with him. So Jason is just getting angrier and angrier. And his emails and communication with Bethenny gets nastier and nastier. The only person you can control is yourself. Jason is running around being a dumb angry asshole in the hopes that he can get Bethenny to communicate with him. He's frankly too petty and dumb to realize that he needed to drop it.

The first time Bethenny fails to pick Bryn up or misses whatever he is emailing about, then Jason can go to his lawyer and the court. But at this point, he's got to rely on the fact that Bethenny loves her daughter enough that she's not going to intentionally hurt her. This emailing and ignoring the emails is only nominally about Bryn. It's basically a bunch of dumb petty games between the two them to exert control and measure their dicks.

  • Love 6

Jason could easily have gone to his lawyer and had something done (go back to court, his lawyer contact her lawyer, etc) about her not appropriately responding to whatever parenting plan they have in place.  If they have shared custody, there has to be a minimum level of communication between them (whether literally between them or through some intermediary) to address general life issues.   Trust me, parents take other parents back to court for other more ridiculous stuff, there are mechanisms in place for this without having to wait until she leaves Bryn by the side of the road at 3 am because she forgot her after a play date.  (Which, honestly, what is with everyone assuming that B is just a shit mother?  I'm not sure how there is any doubt that she loves her daughter and will do whatever she can for her. Hate her, think she's a harpy bitch, but she's never demonstrated anything that makes it look like she is a neglectful parent- note, not directed at you, Hunter, just a random rant)

  • Love 11

I'm trying to keep an open mind about this Jason/Bethenny fiasco. 

I work with a guy that has the philosophy 'you repeat a lie long enough, it becomes the truth.'  Oh, and he is one helluva liar too. 

Maybe that's why I'm still leaning toward Jason being innocent.  He doesn't talk.  And everything that is out there has originated with Bethenny. 

But I'm fair enough to also say by keeping quiet lies don't come back to haunt you.  

I guess we will find out what really happened or some of it anyway. 

  • Love 7
1 minute ago, Ellee said:

He doesn't talk.  And everything that is out there has originated with Bethenny.

See my post above.  A lot of stuff comes from Hoppy or his lawyer.  So he's not innocent on that.  He may be innocent on these charges but we need to wait till Tuesday.  TUESDAY. Yippee, I'm mentally popping SG lime popcorn in anticipation.  And like I've said before.  We'll all be chewing it up.  And in the end half of us will be right and the other half won't be wrong.  Can't wait.

I think this may be when we find out if they have a paid intermediary.  If they do then Hoppy doesn't ever need to contact Bethenny or her significant others or her employees.  Many things that have just wondering will be answered due to his emails and a criminal trial.

  • Love 8

I think Jason gives the impression of keeping quiet, but he doesn't or hasn't (however you want to look at it).  There have been plenty of anti-B stories that were floated, and they continue to be (let's not forget the cop that supposedly said that there was no real reason to arrest Jason!), and those have to be attributed to either Jason or someone close to him.  Just like you have to assume that when Carol is talking, she's doing so for B, it's the same principle.  Also, there's the fact that B is on tv, she makes appearances on a daytime morning show, what is the natural question to ask her? She gives relatively vague answers, we all know she wasn't divorced for 4 years so it's not like you can't extrapolate that it was a difficult process.  She is at a Ho reunion and the question comes up.  Same thing with being on WWHL.  I'm sure that Jason gets asked about things when he's out with friends or at his job, but, talking to your friend Bill about the situation doesn't really have the same platform as the Today show.

  • Love 5
2 minutes ago, smores said:

I think Jason gives the impression of keeping quiet, but he doesn't or hasn't (however you want to look at it).  There have been plenty of anti-B stories that were floated, and they continue to be (let's not forget the cop that supposedly said that there was no real reason to arrest Jason!), and those have to be attributed to either Jason or someone close to him.  Just like you have to assume that when Carol is talking, she's doing so for B, it's the same principle.  Also, there's the fact that B is on tv, she makes appearances on a daytime morning show, what is the natural question to ask her? She gives relatively vague answers, we all know she wasn't divorced for 4 years so it's not like you can't extrapolate that it was a difficult process.  She is at a Ho reunion and the question comes up.  Same thing with being on WWHL.  I'm sure that Jason gets asked about things when he's out with friends or at his job, but, talking to your friend Bill about the situation doesn't really have the same platform as the Today show.

Exactly. And just because Jason doesn't want to put his name to negative stories about Beth, what makes people think that he or people in his circle aren't putting this stuff out there? There haven't been as many negative stories about Beth since custody was settled, but back in the day, there were plenty of stories about Beth in the media, all with "sources" saying ugly shit. The fact that Jason is too chicken shit to come out in the open and put his name besides the allegations doesn't make him a better person. It actually goes along with the picture of him that has been painted. The kind of guy that wants to create an image of one thing, all the while whispering nasty shit to the person he knows will be hurt by it the most. 

  • Love 7

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