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Mistresses - General Discussion

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April’s on a high after Blair agrees to a date. Karen deals with the aftermath of her scandalous encounter with Vivian and Alec, as they all try to figure out what this means for them moving forward. Calista meets the other ladies and finds a way to stay connected to Luca – only to be duped. Scott calls Joss to ask for his ring back and she finds out he's already engaged to another woman. Issues continue to ensue in Harry and Joss’ relationship pushing them to the breaking point on.

Is there something wrong with Karen that she only has sexual relationships that are unethical, inappropriate, creepy or all three?   She needs to be camping out at a therapists office until she learns that sex and relationships don't have to be so messy.

For real.  I think Karen needs to give up her job as a therapist and become a stylist, because her clothes are always awesome and to die for!  Like that black dress with the gray trim.

  • Love 1
Scott calls Joss to ask for his ring back and she finds out he's already engaged to another woman.


They're dragging Shoeguy back -- now we know they are desperate for filler for these episodes.


Joss should have given the ring back when they broke up and Shoeguy told her to GTFO of his house.  Is she holding onto the ring just in case things don't work out with Harry ?  </sarcasm>

  • Love 1

What?!!  Did I see Karen and Harry in that last shot preview?  Oh, noooooooooooooooooooooo.  Maybe I didn't. 


Well played sleazy ex husband, we all saw that coming, eh?


Joss, Joss, life was easy with Shoe guy because he bossed you around.  Harry's always been a difficult ass and you are really trying too hard.  But wow, great dress.


The whole cast except slurry designer girl was glam tonite.  That was fun. 


And...OMG!! April's hair is actually frizzy.  I always wondered. That must be a ton of maintenance!  Cannot see how she goes from headmaster to free spirit master of none guy? 


Karen must have used all her schooling to learn to compartmentalize very, very well.  Church counseling?  And she no longer works?  Who's paying for her house and stuff? 


Mistresses, where logic and reality must be checked at the door. 

  • Love 1

Joss is in a technology fight about Harry not acknowledging her text message.  Joss, some times tech just doesn't work and some times it's hotties working behind the bar after your man.  But you never know which.


Wow -- Harry and Joss just figure out that they have never been on a date together.  These two are too stupid for words.  I hope they get married and have lots of incredibly stupid children.


April shows up at the school headmaster's office in a hot blue dress, tossing her hair and showing him her legs under the guise of her fixed ankle.  Geez, April just go home and rub one out already.  And calm the fuck down.


Karen drops the bomb on April that she had a 3-way with the doctor and his wife, which causes April to drop something.


Joss tells her phone to call Harry and it turns out Shoeguy is calling her, and he wants the ring back.  And somehow the call to Harry went through and it recorded her conversation with Shoeguy.  Thanks Siri.


Karen is now leading the married couples class at the church. WTF ?  She is the last person that should be doing that -- I'm surprised she isn't banging the priest by now.


What the hell was that thing on Callista's right arm ?  It's the size of baseball. 


Karen has flashbacks of her 3-way from last night during the middle of the couples counselling -- it's like PTSD flashbacks, only sexier -- and gets all hot and bothered.  I bet all the guys in the couples counselling are all thinking about banging her -- maybe in a 3-way.


Could Joss just fuck right off about the text messages ?  Please.


Vivian calls Karen first thing in the morning to invite her to dinner.  Dinner and probably more sexy time.


April crashes Blair's yoga class which turns out to be hot yoga.  I would think that April would be all sweaty afterwards, but she is barely sweaty all and everyone else is soaked.  Her shirt is wet but her skin is wet at all.  But then after she makes the date with Blair, now she's wet all over.  How does that work exactly ?   And for some reason all the other women in the yoga class are watching Blair because they haven't been able to get a date with Blair. 


Callista is also banging her assistant.  Really ?  And she "accidentally" signs off on documents she really should have had her lawyer -- just because she wanted to keep Luca happy.  And she calls herself a businesswoman.


Shoeguy shows up at April's shop to hand over the ring.  And it turns out Shoeguy is getting engaged to his old college girlfriend -- which I guess explains why he's getting engaged only 4 weeks after Joss ditched him at the altar.


I'm thinking the doctor and his wife have a 4-way in mind, but Vivian asks him to leave early.


April: "I am sucking on this date".   She wishes, but it ain't going to happen.


Having a dinner date in your own restaurant isn't really a date.  Joss should just back the hell off about shacking up.  Harry should just dump her ass -- she's just not worth the constant hassles because of her immaturity and insecurities.  Thankfully Harry does just that.  But now Joss is sad.


How did Blair manage to hide that giant bouquet of flowers behind his back -- it was huge !  And he really likes her. He really does.


Oh FFS, the doctor loves Karen in order to save his marriage.  Uggh.

  • Love 2

This show is so stupid and yet I'm enjoying it more than I thought I would.  This has been the most interesting episode so far.  I actually got through it easily.


I thought without Alyssa I would just quit the show but I, disgusted with myself, carry on.


That woman who plays the blonde wife who is really sick is just the worst actor, even worse than Joss.


I was interested to see what Jennifer Esposito would bring to the table but the answer seems to be nothing :(

Edited by Ms Blue Jay
  • Love 4
Well played sleazy ex husband, we all saw that coming, eh?


Technically they're still married, which is probably one reason Calista was dumb enough not to read the papers before signing them.


Joss tells her phone to call Harry and it turns out Shoeguy is calling her, and he wants the ring back.  And somehow the call to Harry went through and it recorded her conversation with Shoeguy.


I don't know why she was so upset about that. Shoeguy gave Joss a family ring; it's totally right he'd want it back. There was nothing in that conversation that should raise any red flag, unless Harry were an abusive control freak, and we know he's not. Talk about manufactured drama. (I mean, it's all manufactured drama, but this instance was really one of the dumbest.)

Edited by dubbel zout
  • Love 2

Bringing Justin Hartley back really underscored one of the problems with this season. The guys this time around are all total drips and I'm not interested in seeing these women end up with any of them. I guess Harry being a douche is nothing new, but why are the actors playing Blair and Alec so wooden? Daniel and Dom, you are sorely missed.

  • Love 2

After Harry broke up with her and left, I noticed that Joss put her hand on her stomach in a way that made me think she's pregnant. Maybe that's why she seems to be (more) emotional. It was such a subtle movement though, and given the ham-fisted, convoluted writing, one would expect a twist like that to be spelled out in block letters with a jumbo crayon.

  • Love 2

After Harry broke up with her and left, I noticed that Joss put her hand on her stomach in a way that made me think she's pregnant. Maybe that's why she seems to be (more) emotional. It was such a subtle movement though, and given the ham-fisted, convoluted writing, one would expect a twist like that to be spelled out in block letters with a jumbo crayon.


Oh please, god, nooooooo.  That's the last thing this show needs.

  • Love 6

I've been quietly impressed that the show has avoided pregnancy and pregnancy scares since S1, especially since that was the obvious twist they could have done for Karen this season. That being said:

We know Harry's going to jump into bed with his bartender next week (which, didn't he do that in S1 as well?), I'm thinking she'll end up: a) accusing him of harassment, b) going psycho, or c) faking a pregnancy.

  • Love 2

I find Justin Hartley so much hotter than Brett Tucker.  But, I'm glad Harry ended things.  The show keeps telling me that Harry is an ass (and he can be), but in the context of that relationship, Joss has been all over the place emotionally and really needs to grow up.  I guess I understand wanting to talk intimate relationship matters while on a date, but I don't get why it had to be loud enough for the entire restaurant to hear, or it couldn't wait until they got to Harry's.  And Joss really needs to get her own damn place. I wondered if part of the reason she was pushing for them to live together was so SHE wouldn't have to live on her own.  


I feel like the show's style team hates Jess McClellan.  She always looks a hot mess to me, even when she's dressed up. Then again, the only one they seem to truly like is Yunjin Kim.  They're hit or miss with Rochelle Aytes at times as well (which baffles the hell out of me), but I think she's supposed to be more..bohemian or something. The blue dress was banging, nevertheless!   


I don't really care about Calista, but it has to sting to be duped.  She's kind of petulant (no wonder she and Joss are buddies), and it makes me wonder how she's run a successful business.   


I'm not sure how I feel about Karen's threesome situation.  I'm pretty sure I don't like Vivian, though. The woman was straight up rude and selfish at that dinner. Which is saying something, given how brash her husband is.    


April and the headmaster have ZERO chemistry.  And something wonky is going on with Brian's White's face.  I don't want her with Mark, either.  Shame that Daniel didn't work out - they were hot. 


I wish April and Karen had their own show - they're a mess no doubt, but I'd like to see more of their friendship. April is so inexperienced, it would be a hoot to see them talk through Karen's shenanigans.  I felt like the actresses wanted to bust out laughing with the threesome reveal.  Joss and Calista and Harry could be off on their own show that I'd likely not watch. 

  • Love 1

I'm really trying, but I end up fast forwarding out of boredom. Didn't even listen to the Joss and Harry drama, but I'm reading that he broke up with her?  This will probably last all of one episode just for drama.  Surely you don't totally risk your relationship with your sister for a few sexual dates.   All this, "I've loved you forever," is also crazy when they clearly showed Harry as being in love with his wife.  I find that whole relationship creepy, and Harry has always been boring and unattractive to me.  Unfortunately the actor playing Dom was also not appealing(they made him whine too much) so there was no "side" to choose in that triangle. 


I agree April has no chemistry with the headmaster, or with her house mate. I can't remember whom you guys posted he was, but both could go away at any time with no problem. I disagree, however, that Dom and Daniel were better. I question the casting on this show.  The headmaster delivers his lines strangely. I am not looking forward to the housemate falling off the wagon, or to both and April realizing that they "have" something.   She can afford to take men out on dates when she owes the insurance company? 


Big disappointment with Jennifer E, whom I like. Calista is boring, and her husband is unattractive.  I know he is supposed to be cheating on her and using her, but at least have some chemistry with the person you are willing to overlook that for.  She also just doesn't fit in with the other three...but hey, I've never thought the actress playing Joss fit in either.  They dress her terribly and she just looks awkward all the time.....and that statement goes for both characters.  Calista just looks dirty or something all the time, and NO WAY would I believe she was involved with her assistant...I might believe he was involved with the husband.  Something about the way he looks at him....


Can they please give Karen another job? Should we really take her seriously as a therapist?  Is she working? How does she pay for that apartment?  Both the doctor and his wife lack interest. 


I know this is supposed to be funny (at least i think it is?) but I  am not finding humor in this show.  They make the women so ridiculous and immature, it is hard to care about them on any level. 

Yes, the best thing they could have done was left Joss with the doctor. She seemed a tad bit more mature when she was in that relationship and he seemed to accept her as she was. So he is marrying someone else?  Didn't he move really quickly with Joss?  Maybe he has more of a problem than just shoes.  

  • Love 1

One Week Later ... reads the title placard. And we start out with Karen still doing the threesome thing with the doctor and his wife.


And after going through the morning routine, Karen realizes she left her phone in the house and the door locked behind her.  Why doesn't she just knock ? The doctor and Vivian are still at home.  And how did the door lock behind her -- it's a deadbolt ?  And would this couple really leave dirty dishes and half-full juice glasses on the counter all day ?


Why are Joss and Calista sleeping in Calista's bed ? Is Joss banging Calista -- because that is just creepy -- or is it just quality girl time (who does that with an employer ?), complete with empty ice cream tubs and empty cocktail glasses a plenty in the bedroom ?  And Calista bitching about the contract she signed for her husband -- she's still bitching about this after a week has gone by. 


Mark and Harry go surfing off-screen -- apparently Harry has been ditching work while moping about Joss. Whatever.

Luca asks Callista for a divorce. Yawn.


I thought Vivian was dying -- she seems to be completely cured know and chock full of horniness since she has been infused with Karen's blood.


Joss just happens to run into an old college flame looking for a gift at April's store.  Seriously ?


Mark decides to take Lucy and the other kid down to skid row to see some mural that April made when she was a rebellious teen (how did Mark ever see this mural in the first place -- he has been in LA for maybe a couple of weeks) and they end up going into a strip club to use the bathroom.  And Mark gets arrested.  And Blair is a bit of dick about it to Mark.


Callista does some shit to screw over Luca and his accessory line.  Nobody cares.


After an after-hours party at the restaurant (are employees really allowed to drink all the booze they want for free after closing ?), Harry bangs the hot bartender off-screen, and we only see the post-sexytime next morning.  Turns out she is also banging Ellis (Harry's business partner), I'm sure that won't complicate things. </sarcasm>


After going to a polyamory party that Vivian found out about online, and everyone gets a creeped out about, Karen tries to break up with the Doctor and Vivian because she feels like the 3rd wheel (which she is), but they give Karen her own key to their house.  The Doctor and Vivian won't even go to church services with her -- considering that the whole church sub-plot has basically been forgotten (except for the marriage counselling classes).  Seriously, Karen isn't bitching about having to force Joss or April to come with her to church at all, after moping about nobody joining her two episodes ago, so what was the point ?


And Karen's mother visits to end the episode against Mark's advice (who cares about Mark, but Mark thinks he's going to be able to bang April at some point), but we don't get to see functioning alchoholic grandma judge until next week.


It's all so boring -- especially the Calista stuff.

  • Love 1

That church scene with Karen and the Priest is both super-awkward and hilarious.

And at the poly-amorous party, I love how a complete stranger can be such a busybody, "Be careful with your heart, okay?" Gurl, you don't even know Karen Kim. She's always setting herself up for that kind of thing.


Ugh, why does Jes Macallan have chemistry with everyone? And since Savi is no longer here and Harry and Joss put their relationship on hold. Can we get rid of all Harry scenes especially the one with boring-not-even-remotely-interested Niko? Who even cares that they slept together?


Loving Calista's comeback.

God, I miss Toni-Tumbling-Out-Of-Her-V-Neck.

I didn't see it entirely because I had to fast forward through some of it, but Harry and Joss is just boringn. April and Markor April and whoever the headmaster this is boring. I agree, if her mother hasn't stopped drinking why would you want her around your child? Callista is a bust as a character, although I'm not sure if it is JE or the writing. I just can't with Karen. Surely they can find something to do with her that does not involve questionable relationships, AIDS pregnancy or even men.

I'm Way more interested in seeing Harry navigate sleeping with I guess it is his boss? Girlfriend, than with him getting back together with his ex wife's sister. The way she ran in and out of their house and lived with them can you imagine how many times she would have heard them having sex or saw them having sex or being intimate, why would you then want to sleep with the person you saw being intimate with your sister?

Show, you will NOT make me like Mark.  Despite the very poignant and subtly-acted scene with April and Mark and implicit/explicit discussion of abusive/alcoholic fathers/parents and the subtext of how that shapes you well into adulthood, I will not like him. Talk to the hand, show!


Knowing that little bit of April's childhood and relationship with her parents explains a lot about her.  I was hoping that she would have a good relationship with her mom, and maybe that's where they will end up.  I can sympathize with the struggle of how a mother presents herself one way to the outside world, and be someone very different, in a negative way, with her children.  She's in a tough spot - Lucy idolizes her grandmother, and isn't interested in connecting with her.  Plus, the headmaster's supercilious yet superficial advice has her snowed.  I get why she would be more influenced by him vs Mark, who was a trainwreck only days/weeks ago. I'm sure she'll learn.   


Joss actually looked great at that party! She should wear her hair up all the time. But I'm still trying to understand why her ass still doesn't have her own place. She's the ultimate bum in that regard. It's not like she's broke and unemployed.


Yunjin Kim's facial expressions are hilarious.  I just wish she had more scenes with April. Her relationships never end well, so I don't see the polyamorous thing working out for her. The wife is definitely the "center" of that trio. Having a literal key doesn't make the metaphor she used any less valid. Oh, Karen.   


Still don't care about Harry. I want to care about Calista, but...nope, not so much.      


I don't miss Savi at all. 

  • Love 5


I thought Vivian was dying -- she seems to be completely cured know and chock full of horniness since she has been infused with Karen's blood.

I guess Vivian is "dying" in the same way she's "part Korean," i.e. not at all.


This was the first week that Callista did something to justify all the hype they've built up around this character being fabulous and smart. I can't blame the actress, it's more the writers' fault for building a new main character out of nowhere, barely integrating her with the rest of the cast, and generally giving us not much material to care about.


God, I miss Toni-Tumbling-Out-Of-Her-V-Neck.

So much. I'd happily have bought a redemption arc for Toni, after Dom saved her and she helped out April. It just seems like ABC doesn't care about this show enough to really invest in it. So glad they moved filming to Canada and pushed Alyssa Milano out so that we could have a fun summer show where everyone is indoors, all the time.


Speaking of which, the missing $100K insurance settlement is a big dropped plot point.

  • Love 3

I guess Vivian is "dying" in the same way she's "part Korean," i.e. not at all.


This was the first week that Callista did something to justify all the hype they've built up around this character being fabulous and smart. I can't blame the actress, it's more the writers' fault for building a new main character out of nowhere, barely integrating her with the rest of the cast, and generally giving us not much material to care about.


So much. I'd happily have bought a redemption arc for Toni, after Dom saved her and she helped out April. It just seems like ABC doesn't care about this show enough to really invest in it. So glad they moved filming to Canada and pushed Alyssa Milano out so that we could have a fun summer show where everyone is indoors, all the time.


Speaking of which, the missing $100K insurance settlement is a big dropped plot point.


It's a very awkwardly handled transition, you can tell in the first 2 or so episodes that the writers wanted to do a subplot of Joss/Savi's fallout but instead used it as a messy exit for her character instead because of Alyssa's exit.  It's also affected Callista's intro and being integrated into the cast as they've struggled a bit trying to make her the 4th woman of the cast.

Didn't someone make a throwaway comment a few episodes ago that the first transfusion cured Vivian? Or at least got her out of immediate danger, or something? 


Did Karen really need a stranger at a creepy swingers party to tell her that she's the third wheel in the "relationship"? On the other hand, it's Karen we're talking about, so yeah, I guess she did.


I was surprised to learn that April comes from such an intellectual household and used to be an artist/activist in her youth, considering the mundane life she has now. But it also makes a little more sense now why she's so reluctant to discipline Lucy - she's trying to be the complete opposite of what her parents were.


I find the entire Calista plot incredibly stupid. What a waste of Jennifer Esposito.


The bartender that Harry hooked up with looks like she has an STD.

  • Love 2

I assumed that April eventually agreed to the deal that Toni set up.  She was resistant at first, but had her epiphany after talking to Mark. 


Karen's been polyamorous all of a week, and said as much to the woman at the party.  Which prompted the woman's advice.  Karen's never been swift on the uptake, but timing-wise, it makes sense that she wasn't circumspect on the arrangement. And yes, there was a reference, in an earlier episode, to the transfusion being a success for Vivian. 


While I don't care about Harry or Joss, I wish the writers would decide who the hell Niko is supposed to be.  Now she's Ellis' mistress? Next week, she'll be Calista's sister, or something equally as random. 

  • Love 3


I wish the writers would decide who the hell Niko is supposed to be.


It was absolutely amazing that she horn-dogged Harry, I mean like, bullied him into sleeping with her and then was the owner's mistress.  Even by Mistress standards that's low.  She had to have done it to get leverage on Harry or something.  If it was just a mess up Harry/Joss plot point it was a complete fail since she's been after him the whole time. And weird too that bossy boss guy didn't comment on that.


Calista was kind of brilliant this episode so I can hang with her, and Joss brought back the cute with that white dress.   Plus Joss' morning face looked very red cheeked morningly.


Karen, this is going to be worse than sleeping with your murdered? sort of lover's son. 


April, you don't even look black.  I hate it that you're becoming the poster child for black power here.  HATE IT. 



April, you don't even look black.  I hate it that you're becoming the poster child for black power here.  HATE IT.



Sure she does. Plus, sometimes the "poster children" look quite a bit like April and have family backgrounds not unlike hers. Considering what April is doing now and who her friends are now, 2015 April is unlikely to become the poster child for black power.


What seemed unrealistic to me was a California ethics professor who was the husband of a judge hit his 16 year old daughter with a belt in the late 90's as a response to teen rebellion. Background of the belt-wielding dad aside, the fact that adolescent, adult-sized April was getting hit with a belt seemed odd. Unless the point was that April's dad is a batterer/adolescent abuser. 


Also, regarding April's mom, a third drink after finding out that your rebellious teen is in trouble doesn't seem like that much to me. And, I don't drink at all mostly because my parents were "extremely functional" alcoholics.

  • Love 2

April must deal with the past when her mom pays her a visit. Meanwhile, Vivien goes out of town, putting Karen in unexplored territory with Alec; Harry faces the repercussions of sleeping with Niko; and Joss and Calista scheme against Luca.


It's just all so boring.


Vivien goes out of town, putting Karen in unexplored territory with Alec


Karen doesn't know if she should bang the Doctor while Vivian is away, so she tries to avoid him only to end up banging him anyway and feeling guilty about it afterwards.  Whatever.


Joss and Calista scheme against Luca


Joss conspires with Calista to get Luca on video trying to sleep with Joss -- after installing a spycam in the master bedroom, and "pretending" to fire Joss, Joss cosies up to Luca and then returns to the house under the guise of "forgetting her phone", and starts getting it on with Luca only to have second thoughts and then locking herself in the bathroom.  Then the power goes out and Joss starts searching for Luca only to find him at the bottom of the stairs with a gunshot wound in this chest (and appearing quite dead).


Harry faces the repercussions of sleeping with Niko


Only not so much -- Niko admits she was just using Harry to get a rise out of Ellis, and Niko gets transferred to a different restaurant for her troubles.  Heck , Ellis isn't even in the episode, so no repercussions.  Mark seems to think that Harry needs to become more famous and become his own boss, and he needs an agent -- and Mark (who has only been in town a few weeks) has banged to assistant to some famous agent.  When that doesn't work, Mark convinces Harry to hold a cooking class.  Whatever.


April must deal with the past when her mom pays her a visit


Grandma visits and Lucy loves everything she does despite the fact that April know she's an closet alcoholic -- and after dancing around what is really bugging April all episode, we finally learn that Grandma drove drunk with Lucy in the car and got into an accident -- and Lucy overhears this.  So Grandma leaves.

  • Love 1

Grandma visits and Lucy loves everything she does despite the fact that April know she's an closet alcoholic


I don't understand how she's still a "closet" alcoholic after getting into an accident with a young child. Lucy talked about sirens and a hospital stay - surely police would have made grandma do a breathalyzer test? And since grandma is/was a judge, a DUI would have ended her career in a very public way.


I didn't buy someone like Calista becoming genuine friends with someone like Joss, and now it looks like Calista only befriended Joss to set her up as the prime suspect in Luca's murder. I hope Dom or Toni can help Joss out.


Yunjin Kim and the actor who plays Alec have zero chemistry, so I don't buy that they couldn't keep their hands off each other for a few days while Vivian was out of town.


Harry's storyline is a snoozefest.

April must deal with the past when her mom pays her a visit. Meanwhile, Vivien goes out of town, putting Karen in unexplored territory with Alec; Harry faces the repercussions of sleeping with Niko; and Joss and Calista scheme against Luca.


April situation: I am thinking that Granny's drinking problem is a ruse.  She maybe suffering from some other issue and wants April to think its only that she drinks.

Karen/Alec/Vivien: gotta say was kind of hot this week even though for Karen it feels like rinse and repeat with her previous boyfriend. Why didn't they discuss this prior to Viv leaving? Laid out some ground rules?  

Harry: snoozefest

Calista/Joss/Luca: Joss is just stupid. I'm calling it. I think that Luca's mistress did it. Or Wilson.   This would be a GREAT entrance for another actress to take over the Savi role, come back and save Josh. 

  • Love 3
Joss starts searching for Luca only to find him at the bottom of the stairs with a gunshot wound in this chest (and appearing quite dead).


And she heard nothing, even though a gunshot would echo like crazy in that giant entryway. Yeah, yeah, silencer. The people on this show aren't that smart.


Harry's storyline is a snoozefest.


Deadly boring. There isn't even a snark factor, it's so dull.


Yunjin Kim and the actor who plays Alec have zero chemistry, so I don't buy that they couldn't keep their hands off each other for a few days while Vivian was out of town.


The actor who plays Alec still makes me think he has a hair-trigger temper and is going to punch Karen any second. He has a very aggressive vibe.

Edited by dubbel zout
  • Love 2

Ed Quinn does have that "I will hit you if you make me angry" kind of face.  But yeah, he and Yunjin Kim have no sexual chemistry.   


Joss has always been dim, but volunteering to seduce the cheating husband of a clearly emotionally raw and insecure friend? In what way is that helpful? We're also back to the stylists hating Joss again.  What the hell was she wearing with the weird sash? Why not keep it simple with a little black dress? 


I hope we're at the end of Lucy's rebellion. I loved April's maxi dress shown in her last scenes. I wish I could have seen Lynn Whitfield under better circumstances, but I ain't mad at April for kicking her to the curb.      


Harry and the publicist lady had some decent chemistry, plus she actually behaves like an adult.  Something that no other woman has managed to do, so maybe Harry will get it together. The Niko storyline was beyond dumb, and poof! She's gone. That was pointless.      


The Mark and Harry friendship is...weird.  But I'll just go with it.

That ending after the power out is nail-biting because tons of scenario are running through my head. First, I thought Luca figured out it was a trap and was lying in wait to ambush Joss, or it's Calista coming to confront them both or that model gunning for Joss.

But finding out that Luca dead is a letdown. I mean I'm rooting for Joss and Calsta to bring this jackass down.


Also, I agree with post above, Karen and the doctor has no sexual chemistry, compared with Sam Grey in S1or the men Karen bedded while she's in that serial-dater phase in S2.


I'm glad April kicked her mom to the curb and I think it's time that we got the nice hilarious version of Lucy back. I miss April-Lucy scenes.

Everything you guys have said. This show is floundering, which is a disappointment because I really looked forward to it. I guess the murder mystery is something to hook us in... but come on, we had to wait halfway through the season to get here? I still can't ship Man-child and April or Karen and her cardboard cutout of Bradley Cooper. Harry is not worth mentioning, other than the fact that the bar tray in his apartment appears to have a British (not Australian) flag on it. Intentional?


I like the idea that this opens the door to re-casting Savi and/or bringing back other characters, especially since Alyssa Milano tweeted something yesterday to the effect that she's not coming back to this show, period. In an ideal world, I'd love to see a resolution of the Savi situation in the finale (either re-cast her or kill her off, really), an exit for Callista (who, after this episode, I'm done with), and if they get a season four, do a two year time-jump or something to clean the slate.

  • Love 2

I like the idea that this opens the door to re-casting Savi and/or bringing back other characters, especially since Alyssa Milano tweeted something yesterday to the effect that she's not coming back to this show, period. In an ideal world, I'd love to see a resolution of the Savi situation in the finale (either re-cast her or kill her off, really), an exit for Callista (who, after this episode, I'm done with), and if they get a season four, do a two year time-jump or something to clean the slate.


It's clear that the writers intended on having a complete fallout between Joss/Savi, but couldn't because of Alyssa's exit, so they ended up with the rush job in the premiere and then tried to transition with Callista for Joss's storyline


Everything you guys have said. This show is floundering, which is a disappointment because I really looked forward to it. I guess the murder mystery is something to hook us in... but come on, we had to wait halfway through the season to get here? I still can't ship Man-child and April or Karen and her cardboard cutout of Bradley Cooper. Harry is not worth mentioning, other than the fact that the bar tray in his apartment appears to have a British (not Australian) flag on it. Intentional?


The new characters and storylines just aren't that interesting, especially this season.

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