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Live With Kelly And Mark - General Discussion

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<<I’m sure they do that into tricking people into thinking it’s live>>.

Oh absolutely! 

However today was an exception given the terrible shooting at MSU.  They had it plastered on the screen from the minute Deja started talking.  Wanting everyone to know that the show was taped and that's why no mention of the tragedy.  Didn't watch past Kelllmeeee's gyrations so I don't even know if Gelman had a mention at the end of the show with a few words on the screen.

Can't imagine how the Consuelos family felt yesterday when the news came to light.  Had to be heartstopping for them.

*Adding I know Joaquin attends University of Michigan, but the thought of a shooter at a college/university in the state of your child's must be terrifying.

Edited by finnzup
2 hours ago, Cancun said:

And Mark Consuelos has been named as permanent replacement. That seems like a weird decision to me, as in short sighted for his career and the sustainability of the show. I wonder what we don’t know.

I’m guessing the head honchos don’t want the drama of another cohost search.  Considering that there’s no live audience anymore, it’s probably easier to let her bring her hubby to work with her and let them ride out their contracts and then either reboot or cancel the show if Kelly and Mark decide to leave. 

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Kelly's statement is so asinine. 

"I'm so grateful to have spent the last six years beside my dear friend of too many decades to count..."

Decades are easy to count, Kelly. They encompass a period of ten years. You recently turned 50. Can you not count on one hand?

The good news is when the Kelly & Mark era closes, they'll need to hire 2 new hosts as Live with Mark and... will never happen. All in all, a short-sighted and lazy and uninspired casting decision but hopefully a temporary fix and a new duo can try their hand soon.

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The spin seems to be that Ryan made his decision a year ago.  Somewhat explains why Mr Ripa was getting so many fill-in co-hosting opportunities lately.  And also maybe explains why the "suits" were in the audience the past few weeks.

Although I have never watched "Idol", I really like Ryan.  I used to listen to him hosting afternoons on LA Star 98.7 a few decades ago and have enjoyed his time on "60%Live".  He didn't seem to enjoy NYC.  While Kelly (and Regis before) seem to enjoy mocking the small WABC budget and operational deficiencies (editing by third graders, no dollars for crowd control), Ryan seemed to be irritated.  He was probably thinking he could fund a state-of-the-art production on his own.

Which is what I predict will happen in 3-4 years.

Kelly and Mark will close out their tenure with Kelly reaching Year 25 (more than Regis?).  All the kids will be done with school.  Gelman will find a replacement host duo who will crash and burn.

And Ryan will start his own version of "Live", based in LA, with one of his radio co-horts as co-host.  They will do more than read news clippings, as Ryan will be the sole Executive Producer.  He will still be a man-child.  I doubt that will ever change.


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7 hours ago, SanDiegoInExile said:

They will do more than read news clippings,

And won't that be refreshing! 

This current version of Live! has turned into a reading of the most inane news clippings and discussion of same ad nauseum. This trend began when Kellllmeee came on board because she was incapable of carrying on a conversation with Regis so Gelman changed the whole format and placed printed sheets of clippings all over the host desk.   

It will be interesting to see if Kelllmeeee and her 'immortal beloved' discuss topics other than "Kelly, what's the best day of the week to replace your lightbulbs?  Well, this article says most people......blah, blah, blah"

Happy for Ryan; Kelllmeee and Live! needed him certainly more than he needed them.  He's managed to bank a tidy sum for his tenure at Live! but at what cost?  It had to be draining to sit there and listen to her drone on trying to spit out a few cohesive thoughts.  

Run Ryan, run!  lol

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12 hours ago, ginger90 said:

I foresee many host/cohost fill ins. One goes on vacation, the other goes too.

I see many pre tapes and repeats in the future (not that I watch but once a week). 
Im not unhappy about Mark. I think they will work better than Kelly and Ryan did. Perhaps they can make some other changes now, too. Please make the stupid guess the wrong answer game go away.  Bring back a live audience. And change the damn name from Live to ‘Sometimes On Occasion Periodically Live’.

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I have enjoyed when Mark tries to *win* against the caller by picking the correct right answer. 

Unless WABC decides to spend some cash to re-configure the audience space, we are not going to see an audience.  I've noticed on other shows that the audience in at least 20-30 feet away.  The "60%Live" space is woefully cramped and small.

I wonder which Consuelos spawn will guest co-host first.  I put my money on Lola.

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On 2/20/2023 at 11:16 AM, juno said:

I have no idea if it’s true about him being exhausted from being spread too thin, but even before he was seen on air looking pretty scary that time his eye went wonky, I found his drive to be on so much stuff a turnoff.  He doesn’t need the money…just pick something you enjoy and go with it.  All that over exposure annoys me. Why can’t he settle down and enjoy his life?  And, he chose to work with Kelly? Hmmmmm…..man….that’s desperation.  

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They could easily do GMA3 from LA.  I do wonder if Ryan wants another five-day-a-week gig.  He seems more interested in doing some type of pre-taped worldwide foodie program.  While I think he is a good host, I wonder if he prefers being out of the spotlight and in a purely production/creative role.

Hoda and KLG turned Today#4 into a win.  They even instituted a 4-day workweek, with pretaped Fridays.   GMA may want to give it a shot.  

They could still have a news reporter as part of the cast.

Honestly, the more I think about it, it really makes sense. He would have no trouble finding a co-host. I just don't think Ryan will do it.  

And yes, Kelly's head will explode.  And it will likely cost ABC a few more million to keep her happy.

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I am guessing Ryan is one of those types who can't be still, or alone with himself for very long.  I know a few people like that.  One is my cousin.  When she isn't on a "whirlwind" of busybusybusy, she starts to get depressed.  And of course, thinks her one and only solution to that is take on more projects.  He may have his reasons.  It isn't to be discovered at this late date and he sure has enough money, we think. Maybe no amount is enough.

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45 minutes ago, lookeyloo said:

Ryan is one of those types who can't be still

I would tend to agree with this statement.  I think from a very young age, Ryan had aspirations of greatness.  His role models and mentors were Merv Griffin and Dick Clark who were involved in so many things in the industry seen and unseen.  I think he's set goals for himself and it's not so much about the money but accomplishments.

The LA setting is something that I think would intrigue him and also the fact that he would have a partner that could conceivably string some nouns, verbs and adjectives together to form a cohesive sentence unlike Kelllmeee, who still struggles with speaking even after all these years.

Who knows what he'll do but I'm kind of hoping he does take it to see what kind of temper tantrum Kelllmeee will throw this time and if her new co-host, MARK CONSUELOS!!!! follows her lead.


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17 minutes ago, finnzup said:

Who knows what he'll do but I'm kind of hoping he does take it to see what kind of temper tantrum Kelllmeee will throw this time and if her new co-host, MARK CONSUELOS!!!! follows her lead.

I don't see her getting upset at all. She is finding employment for her D-List husband and keeps money filtering into her household. I think getting her husband regular work was her goal all along. Now all she has to do is find employment on the show for her kids and "Kelly's ultimate nepotism plan" will take shape. The more money for the kids and the husband the more she gets to fill her own pockets with. The Consuelos ABC ATM machine.

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On 3/1/2023 at 11:36 PM, SunnyBeBe said:

I have no idea if it’s true about him being exhausted from being spread too thin, but even before he was seen on air looking pretty scary that time his eye went wonky, I found his drive to be on so much stuff a turnoff.  He doesn’t need the money…just pick something you enjoy and go with it.  All that over exposure annoys me. Why can’t he settle down and enjoy his life?  And, he chose to work with Kelly? Hmmmmm…..man….that’s desperation.  

Ryan Seacrest is the perfect example of how hustle culture might be good in the short term...but be bad for you in the long term. 

My guess was he dreamed of being the next Dick Clark..but he just didn't have that laid back charisma that mr Clark had.  Ryan always appears like he's performing instead of being himself.

With that said, Kelly is draining...and she's managed to drive off 2 of her  of co hosts (Michael and Ryan)..and Regis retired (but not fully since he ended up hanging out part time over with Kathie lee and Hoda for awhile).

Regis and Kathie lee made it look easy...

Edited by JAYJAY1979
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On 3/4/2023 at 8:51 AM, juno said:

I don't see her getting upset at all. She is finding employment for her D-List husband and keeps money filtering into her household. I think getting her husband regular work was her goal all along. Now all she has to do is find employment on the show for her kids and "Kelly's ultimate nepotism plan" will take shape. The more money for the kids and the husband the more she gets to fill her own pockets with. The Consuelos ABC ATM machine.

All possible.  there have to be enough viewers to make a show like this profitable. So, time will tell.  

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What an odd show today.  

Can someone remind me why Ryan has never been behind the scenes with Kelllmeee at the Oscars?  Was it because he was with American Idol?  They seemed to continue making the point that this was Ryan's first time backstage with Kellmeeee greeting the stars.  Which, btw, all the 'stars' seemed to be engaging with Ryan rather than Kelllmeee.  

Also thought it was ridiculous that Mark was there huckstering himself as the new co-host of Live!!!!  I know he always accompanies his lovely wife to these events but now I'm sure he's on the tab of ABC for his room, his clothing and everything else that goes along with being Mr. Ripa.

As far as the fashion goes, I thought Kellmeee looked beautiful last night even though her gown was see-through and lots of folks criticized her for her choice.  I thought she looked great; however, today's outfit and hair and make-up made her look like a drag-queen (my apologies to drag queens.)  She couldn't move her neck, it looked like she had a neck brace on and her make-up made her look years older than her 52.....I guess maybe last night all her pics did have a filter, lol.  Also her arms look like she could be one of the wrestlers on Quino's team, yikes!  Way too muscular for the outfit she wore today, imo.


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I think Kelly looked like a wax figure on Oscar night . She looked pretty, but very plastic . Her makeup and spray tan were so overdone she looked super fake . She also seemed to be very stiff .

Ryan could have easily handled back stage much better by himself , he has had many years od red carpet experience .

Kelly seems more worried about her look than the reason they are at the Oscars in the first place . .  The celebrities seemed much more comfortable with Ryan .  The fact Kelly had to comment that someone had the same manicure that she did was odd. 

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56 minutes ago, sugarbaker design said:

What is up with the studio that films LWK&R?

My gut reaction is that it's Kelllmeee's doing, making anyone in the studio wear a mask because of her aversion to germs, etc.  I'm trying to recall if the crew are wearing masks when we see them on camera?  

I don't get it but then I don't have to get it, I'm not one of the Executive Producers of Live! Not Live!  but Kellllmeeee is, lol.

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Wow!  Kellllmeeee pulling out all the stops and going balls to the wall with her new podcast.   In the preview, which is all over the internet, she calls out her immortal beloved MARK CONSUELOS!!!!! for his insane jealousy during their marriage saying how difficult it was being married to him.

I guess maybe she's thinking any publicity is good publicity for their new venture together with Live! Not Live!??


And, as I figured, she gets to drop the F bomb at will, lol.

Edited by finnzup
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