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Live With Kelly And Mark - General Discussion

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13 hours ago, SunnyBeBe said:

I thought Pippa was a term of endearment.  

He called her Pippa because he could not recall her name.  I suppose Pippa is a step up from "It", which was his original term of endearment.

It's also telling that the Gelmans no longer socialized or had much contact with Regis and Joy once the retirement was forced.

46 minutes ago, BuckeyeLou said:

Kelly Ripa was on The Tonight Show last night, she was trying waaay too hard to be "Cutesy" with Jimmy, she made fun of Jimmy's dancing at the Harry Styles concert & then Kelly had to get up and show him how to dance :)

Everyone has at least one fatal flaw.  Kelly's: trying too hard instead of just being herself.

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Gelman die write an essay for EW when he died as a tribute .Regis also talked about Gelman fondly in and interview. Sure seemed like they were still friends after he retired . Here’s a link to the essay:


Edited by goldenpuppy
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Anybody else see Kelllmeee on Andy Cohen's Live show last night?

She looked good, I thought, but then again she's in her element with Andy and no parameters on her behavior so she was much more ebullient, lol.

She was there mainly to push her book, what a surprise;  she was the only guest, he usually has two so the entire show was all about her.  Have to say I watched from beginning to end because she did share some tidbits from her book and it was a different setting than Live! and she was a bit more forthcoming, I thought.

So Andy coaxed her to tell the story about Melanie Griffith when she was a guest on Live! back when Reege was still there.  She told the story, much to Andy's delight, because she got to say pu$$y....a word Kellllmeeee says she rarely if ever uses but she was more than tickled to tell the story.  

Then, she doubled down on the Regis story about her not being in touch with him after Live! and not being asked back to the show.  Well, according to Kelllmeeee, it's all untrue and the reason she never corrected the untruth as told by Reege is because she was told by her advisors that she "should let it go, who cares, you know the truth, what's the big deal, blah, blah, blah."  And, just to be clear, in TV speak that means "Shut the fu*k up" when you're a woman in the entertainment industry.  Once again, Andy almost soiled himself he was so thrilled she used the F word.

Another big push for the book and they were out.  

P.S.  She did tell an endearing story about Reege when he babysat her kids (a total ruse, she and Mark were there the whole time, lol) and when Reege had toddler Lola brush her teeth, he said, "You're a little lady" and Kelllmeee thought that was so sweet.  She's right, it was.  Kudos to her for sharing that and I do remember that segment and it was a very sweet moment with Reege and Lola.

Edited by finnzup
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39 minutes ago, justduckey said:

I’m off today so i turned it on.  Why is Kelly living with her parents now? 

I doubt she's living there, but she might be staying there helping out her mom who just had a heart procedure done.


So Kelly writes a memoir but leaves out four years or cohosting with Michael and her abc issues . She waits until Regis dies to basically call him a liar and trash him .  Since she changed her story about a few things already thar she  talks about on the air and lies and exaggerates all the time , I can see why she waited to write about it until Regis was gone. 

Kind of like how she changed the reason for passing out when Mark told her to the ER to make it sound sexual .  And like how she said she was living without internet and water during Hurricane Sandy , when she was living at the Mark hotel that costs thousands a night for one room !  But her kids had to stand outside of Starbucks to get internet service ! LMAO

So it seems like we have to wait for her to trash Michael , even though she did it on the air .  

Edited by goldenpuppy
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I just don't understand her writing a book. When did she become an author? Imagine real writers looking at this and wondering what she did to be able to publish a book. 2 main things. She is a celebrity and she's got garbage to sling.

It is a new thing, celebrities tell all. Can she write a book of original ideas? Hell no. She can't even complete a sentence while hosting. So she goes out and dumps trash all over Regis and her earlier career.

Did she quit? Did she talk to the producers? Her agent? Regis? Maybe. But it sure sells more books by painting herself as this poor victim.

I wonder if she needed to do this? Did she hate Regis so much that she needed to release this. Was she so incable of dealing with these issues behind closed doors that she needed to wail to the public about her experiences.

The reason, I think, that she doesn't go after Strahan is because she is gutless and is too scared to take on someone living that can fight back and also the network he is attached to. Easier for her to go after deceased people that can't fight back.

Edited by juno
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16 hours ago, goldenpuppy said:

So Kelly writes a memoir but leaves out four years or cohosting with Michael and her abc issues . She waits until Regis dies to basically call him a liar and trash him .  Since she changed her story about a feee things already thar she aloes about on the air and lies wnd exaggerates all the time , I can see why she waited to write about it until Regis was gone 

Kind of like how she changed the reason for passing out when Mark told her to the ER to make it sound sexual .  And like how she said she was living without internet and water during Hurricane Sandy , when she was living at the Mark hotel that costs thousands a night for one room !  But her kids had to stand outside of Starbucks to get internet service ! LMAO

So it seems like we have to wait for her to trash Michael , even though she did it on the air .  

Don’t forget when she was pretending she was in NY during the height of COVID but she was really in the Bahamas (or somewhere (tropical). 

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7 hours ago, goldenpuppy said:

Found this blind item :

This daytime talk show host is misremembering her out of studio times with her former co-host. She treated him miserably outside the office to get back at him for perceived slights in the office.

Kelly sure “misremembers “ a lot! 

She had nowhere to put her computer at a time when no onecarried laptops and when she repeatedly said she was “computer free” for years ! Oh and she had no dressing room when they showed her in her dressing room !  She was like Oliver Twist begging mean producers and cohosts for morsels ! 

Her passing out during sex was a new version of the story she repeatedly said was the flu , and it also now was an ovarian cyst .  

Hurricane Sandy , when she couldn’t even shower and her kids had to use internet service outside of Starbucks to do their homework, when they were  at a suite in the Mark hotel . Of course she called it “one room”, as if she was staying at the Holiday Inn with her whole family sleeping on the floor ! lol 

Interesting that Regis spoke about their relationship when he knew Kelly could respond , but she waited him to die to talk about him , so her “misremembering “ couldn’t be challenged.

It’s interesting she can’t remember so many things , even when they are happening  ! It’s so bad she can’t even remember she’s on a private island or a luxury hotel when she is talking about where she was in real time !! LOL

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Yes, yes and yes, marmalade!

I guess the term 'misremembering' is the entertainment industry's synonym for 'big fat lie!'

Her book is full of misrememberings I'm sure, although I have not bought it and don't intend to.  I make this statement just based on her recollections that she's spread all over IG and other media outlets.  She is absolutely shameless and I just wish someone in the industry would call her on it.

In the real world, not Kelllmeeee's world, any joe schmoe that looked to publish a book of 'short stories' would be laughed out of the publishing world, lol.  Who are these celebs that get to tell a paragraph a page as a story and call themselves "author?"  It's laughable and only in their world does this make any sense.

On a more current and Live!!! related topic, I have another gripe (what a surprise, lol.)

For several months when Kelllmeee and Ry Ry make their entrance, they are enthralled in a very private conversation, mostly Kelllmeeee yipping and yapping to him, laughing hysterically at their private joke.  Don't know why but that bugs the heck out of me.  Then she sits down, crosses her arms, starts shaking that leg and stares at the camera.  How about you share the funny as hell story you and Ryan were just talking about?  And....speaking of shaking that leg, noticed Ryan has been nervously shaking his foot almost non-stop when interviewing and only stops when he must realize he's doing it or maybe Gelman magic-markers him a message to 'stop!'

The both of them are a hoot.......pull the plug!!!!!!!

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According to US Magazine,  KLG has commented about Kelllmeeee's book and was interviewed by Roseanna Scotto today, I'm sorry I missed it.  The details of the interview are reported in the US Magazine article.

KLG seems to be as upset with Kelllmeee's misrememberings as Reege's fans are and said she hoped that Joy and Reege's girls haven't read the account.

Also mentioned in the article is the fact that Kellllmeeee is now griping about "seniority" as it applied to Reege and not to her in later years.  And also that her name had to appear smaller than his name in all the branding.  

Kellmeeee's hubris is astounding!  

On another note, thought Michael's interview was ok, of course he was there to plug a movie executive produced by his parents' company which they all joked about.  He seemed a bit more sure of himself than his previous interviews but I could not take my eyes off of his unpolished shoes, yikes!  He seems so meticulous in his styling I was surprised daddy Mark didn't school him in the fine art of a good shoe-shine.   

Pull the plug!!!  lol

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Kelly has a long enemy list and treated Michael and Regis like crap on the air when she  got kissed about behind the scenes issues   She also had a tantrum , didn’t show up for work and talked about issues on the air with her speech .

I think her behavior on the air speaks for itself   -@8’t with “misremembering “ , which is usually calling “lying” !

BTW I remember Schully  going to Hoda and Kathie Lee’s show and sitting in the studio to see Regis when he guest hosted . He seemed to be liked and Rachael Ray used to have him on her show a lot .

Kelly is just spoiled IMO. She got a job in a difficult industry since she was a teenager and has no clue about really struggling , that is why she is such an entitled and whiney twit, and is so unprofessional she can’t keep her personal issues off the air , and is tacky enough to lie about so many things! 

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I think Kelly Ripa is very good at her job. However, she isn't better at than the legendary Regis. He was on television for decades before Kelly even entered the arena. People forget that Live was like Regis 5th 6th show. It makes sense that he would be paid more and would be the star because he already had a following. I see Live a lot like I see the Tonight Show.  It doesn't take a way from Jay Leno's talent to say that a lot of people stuck with the show because they had been watching for years under Johnny Carson. That's why it was #1 for so long. The same goes for Live. People stayed because Regis originated the show. But yes, Kelly is great at her job.

I have no problem with Kelly discussing her real life work experiences - and I'm sure she experienced unfair treatment in the workforce as a woman. But she just seems a little full herself. I hope I'm not reading into it but it comes across like she's in competition with Regis, which is just odd. Again there is no comparison. 

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11 hours ago, Miss Slay said:

I think Kelly Ripa is very good at her job. However, she isn't better at than the legendary Regis. He was on television for decades before Kelly even entered the arena. People forget that Live was like Regis 5th 6th show. It makes sense that he would be paid more and would be the star because he already had a following. I see Live a lot like I see the Tonight Show.  It doesn't take a way from Jay Leno's talent to say that a lot of people stuck with the show because they had been watching for years under Johnny Carson. That's why it was #1 for so long. The same goes for Live. People stayed because Regis originated the show. But yes, Kelly is great at her job.

I have no problem with Kelly discussing her real life work experiences - and I'm sure she experienced unfair treatment in the workforce as a woman. But she just seems a little full herself. I hope I'm not reading into it but it comes across like she's in competition with Regis, which is just odd. Again there is no comparison. 

I don't disagree - but we really don't know what the dynamics were behind the scenes.  Maybe Regis was wonderful with KLG and her football husband and maybe he was Pissed/sad/disappointed when she left and just wouldn't like the next cohost no matter what.  Maybe Kelly was a relatively naive young woman and had no real fame for Regis to admire.  Kelly was on Seth Meyers the other night plugging her book and she was delightful.  Very different.  So, yes, she stayed raking in the big bucks and I guess we could say she could have quit if it was so dreadful.  Or she was like the frog in the water and sort of got used to it.  And the money.  Complicated issue I think, and we don't have all the details.

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If there were issues that Kelly had when she first joined the show with Regis, I think it's in bad taste to air those grievances now if it paints Regis in a bad light.  He's not here to defend himself.  I don't agree with people who do that. 

She became a success, so why drag Regis through the mud at this point?  I think it would be okay for her to say that she had certain struggles breaking into the industry, but I don't agree with her bringing him into it now just to sell books.  He's beloved by so many people.  I think it was a dumb move on her part to put anything negative about him in the book, whether it was true or not.  What purpose does it serve at this point, other than her saying "look at me and my struggles."   

Sometimes one just needs to leave certain things alone and curl up with your millions of dollars and know that you came through whatever tv industry struggles you had just fine! 

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Ok.  This is total BS, imo.  So, Kelly claims she didn’t know she was auditioning for the show one day when she filled in…..right. Lol   And, if she had known how things were behind the scenes there, she wouldn’t have taken the job!  WTH?  You know, I hope her book and these comments she’s making about Live and Regis are worth it.  Apparently, she feels the need to expose these thoughts about her time with Regis and Live.  It’s so distasteful to me.  

I don’t find Kelly talented or good at her job. Others disagree.  I get it.   I used to like her and enjoy watching her some time ago, because she could be charming at times and had a pretty good deprecating sense of humor.  She worked well with Regis.  Now, she has lost most of those things to me. (I don’t enjoy her with Ryan at all.  She’s better with her husband or Andy Cohen.)Her revisionist history is not amusing.  What’s wrong with her?  


Oh, I also read she Thanked Kathy Lee for NOT reading her book.  🙄

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Kelly has every right to document her experiences.  From Day One, I always noticed that the "Kelly" font was smaller, almost an afterthought when KLG left. Regis and KLG had the exact same font size and were presented with equal billing.  Honestly that is Kelly's "fault".  Her attorneys should have negotiated things like that in advance. 

KLG is nearly two decades older than Kelly and was married to a man older than Regis.  Regis and Frank could take their second wives out on the town, showing off their arm candy.  Regis worshiped athletes, so hanging with Frank was a dream come true for him.  Just this week, Kelly and Mark rhapsodized about coming from families with 60+ years of marriage.  Different worlds X10. 

None of us will ever know the interpersonal dynamics of the super-rich and super-successful.  Did Kelly feel wronged?  If my work partner called me an "it" when I showed up on Day One with makeup and hair staff I was paying for out of my own budget, it might throw me for a loop.  It's hard to recall all the dynamics from the KLG departure, but I always got the impression that Regis would not have chosen Kelly as the replacement.  Kelly clearly had high level executives at ABC promoting her for the cohost role.  Regis was always the corporate man, eager to please anyone who would write him a check. 

I don't plan on reading Kelly's book, but I also imagine that the publishers are thrilled with the "negative" publicity.  

The message board will go bonkers when Lifetime options the movie rights.

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6 hours ago, SanDiegoInExile said:

The message board will go bonkers when Lifetime options the movie rights.

It's not going to be pretty.  Every once in a while I make a plea to the mods for two threads, one for the actual show, and another one for blind items, Kelly's IG, Kelly's book publicity tour etc.  This way the posters who don't hate Kelly don't have to be subjected to most of the vitriol.  This is the only thread that has impelled me to use the ignore feature.

I DVR the show everyday, and while I agree that LIVE is not like the glorious Regis/KL days of yore, and that host chat segment is essentially unwatchable (Kelly and RyRy are too much alike: weight-obsessed, middle-aged 1%ers), sometimes there's a celebrity interview I enjoy.  Some of the celebs actually like Kelly and Ry.

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Speaking of guests, WTH happened to Michael Buble.  He looks so.....different.  At first I thought it was just natural aging and weight gain, but his body is still svelte and proportional.  But his face and hair?  Was it red?  Bad toupee?  Hairweave gone awry?  

It was just a bit of a shocker.

Latest - Kelly wouldn’t have taken  the job on Live if she knew about the drama behind the scenes !

Poor baby ! All jobs have drama and people don’t make 20 million a year to “endure “ the trauma ! Also we don’t walk into work in our PJ’s and get hair  and makeup to work for one hour a day so we can be gym rats all day !   Poor thing  had to tape shows ahead so she can get a 3 day work week ! How abusive to maybe work the number of hours normal people do five days a week  for less than $100,000 a year ! Poor victim Kelly !

Kelly is totally spoiled and out of reality because she has never had to really struggle in a business with over 90% unemployment.   
She and Mark would be unemployed soap actors lucky to work on Hallmark  movies if she didn’t get Live.

She also wouldn’t have been able to buy her NYC home that Nicole Kidman owned , and live in a luxury hotel while if was remolded for a year  

She also wouldn’t have a Hamptons mansion, a Colorado and Caribbean mansion and a home in Michigan to follow her  son to college .  

Speaking of her kids , they wouldn’t have her had the money to afford her kids’ very expensive education at elite schools , along with a very specialized school  for a child with multiple learning disabilities .  Not to mention they probably paid hefty “donations “ to get that child into the university he is attending .

Beyond all of that , cowardly Kelly waited until someone died to play victim and say that  he lied .  

She lies so much she forgets her own stories which is apparent with  revised history of stories she told on the air in hee new book !

She also didn’t even have the sense to not lie about not having a place to “put her computer “ when no one had lap tops at the time, and she repeatedly said that she was computer free !

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14 minutes ago, goldenpuppy said:

Latest - Kelly wouldn’t have taken  the job on Live if she knew about the drama behind the scenes !

Poor baby ! All jobs have drama and people don’t make 20 million a year to “endure “ the trauma ! Also we don’t walk into work in our PJ’s and get hair  and makeup to work for one hour a day so we can be gym rats all day !   Poor thing  had to tape shows ahead so she can get a 3 day work week ! How abusive to maybe work the number of hours normal people do five days a week  for less than $100,000 a year ! Poor victim Kelly !

Kelly is totally spoiled and out of reality because she has never had to really struggle in a business with over 90% unemployment.   
She and Mark would be unemployed soap actors lucky to work on Hallmark  movies if she didn’t get Live.

She also wouldn’t have been able to buy her NYC home that Nicole Kidman owned , and live in a luxury hotel while if was remolded for a year  

She also wouldn’t have a Hamptons mansion, a Colorado and Caribbean mansion and a home in Michigan to follow her  son to college .  

Speaking of her kids , they wouldn’t have her had the money to afford her kids’ very expensive education at elite schools , along with a very specialized school  for a child with multiple learning disabilities .  Not to mention they probably paid hefty “donations “ to get that child into the university he is attending .

Beyond all of that , cowardly Kelly waited until someone died to play victim and say that  he lied .  

She lies so much she forgets her own stories which is apparent with  revised history of stories she told on the air in hee new book !

She also didn’t even have the sense to not lie about not having a place to “put her computer “ when no one had lap tops at the time, and she repeatedly said that she was computer free !

I think she said she was computer free because Regis was and she was "going along to get along".  Can't be sure about the rest of it though. Wasn't there.

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Kelly needed hype to sell her book . Her stories about  passing out during sex were hardly exciting, especially since she changed the story she told many times on Live .

So, she uses Regis when he can’t defend himself so she can get media posting about an excerpt from her book all over social media .   
She was too much of a coward to post anything about her 4 years hosting with Michael since he can talk back and defend himself.

Edited by orangekit
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13 hours ago, lookeyloo said:

Latest - Kelly wouldn’t have taken  the job on Live if she knew about the drama behind the scenes !

Crazy, right?  The little excerpts that are talked about are really unbelievable.  She really wants us to believe that she would have turned down Live! because Regis and the suits disagreed?  Well she was a quick study then because she certainly caused her own drama with Strahan when she threw her hissy fit, very unprofessional, btw.  

I also laughed at her comment about Reege 'looking past her' and couldn't look her in the eye, rofl.  What in the fresh hell is she talking about??  I don't believe that for a second and she was either the most insecure person on the planet to take everything he said or did as a slight to her or she really is the biggest jerk in the business.  I have a feeling it's a bit of both with a healthy dose of narcissism thrown in for good measure.

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4 hours ago, orangekit said:

 They would better off doing one skit with a pop culture  and not do so many stupid skits

I agree.  Admittedly, I haven't watched a full Halloween show in years so when I saw this one, I wondered why they had so many costume changes.  I'd rather see one or two clever ideas and run with it the whole show.  When did it become this frenzy of characters that I would venture to guess a majority of their viewing audience has no idea who they are.

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Tuned in this a.m. for 1st time in a long time.  Nothing has changed but my, why is Kelly so angry?  Arms crossed, leg constantly moving, she is just SO snarky and condescending toward Ryan.  It is uncomfortable to watch!  I had to turn the channel.  If she doesn't want to be there, why doesn't she just quit??  In contrast, I am watching GMA3 with Amy Robach.  I know this is more of a news show than entertainment show but my gosh, she is SO pleasant and professional compared to Kelly!!  Why do the higher ups at Live put up with her?

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On 11/4/2022 at 1:36 PM, NYCRunner said:

she is just SO snarky and condescending toward Ryan.  It is uncomfortable to watch

I agree NYCRunner.  In crap chat, I noticed Kelllmeee being doggedly aggressive with Ryan with something he said.  She continued that in a few other chats and it made me wonder what had changed that she would become so antagonistic towards him?  

On the other hand, Ryan did have quite a great dig himself the day a viewer sent in a picture of her toddler sitting with Kelllmeee's book.  Ryan made sure to announce the vocab in the book was not appropriate for a toddler.  In fact, he made the comment several times and then Kelllmee said something about momhaving to do 'creative reading.'

On that note, it makes me wonder why Kellmeeee felt the need to use so much profanity in her book.  F words galore.

I read a review on her IG account where one of her sycophants said we now know Reege was the crotchety old man everyone always thought he was.  What a cheap, dirty deal she dealt the man that gave her the world on a silver platter.  She was so bad at her job when she first came on, it was pitiful.  But as Executive Producer, he still kept her on.  She is such an ingrate.

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2 hours ago, finnzup said:

I agree NYCRunner.  In crap chat, I noticed Kelllmeee being doggedly aggressive with Ryan with something he said.  She continued that in a few other chats and it made me wonder what had changed that she would become so antagonistic towards him?  

On the other hand, Ryan did have quite a great dig himself the day a viewer sent in a picture of her toddler sitting with Kelllmeee's book.  Ryan made sure to announce the vocab in the book was not appropriate for a toddler.  In fact, he made the comment several times and then Kelllmee said something about momhaving to do 'creative reading.'

On that note, it makes me wonder why Kellmeeee felt the need to use so much profanity in her book.  F words galore.

I read a review on her IG account where one of her sycophants said we now know Reege was the crotchety old man everyone always thought he was.  What a cheap, dirty deal she dealt the man that gave her the world on a silver platter.  She was so bad at her job when she first came on, it was pitiful.  But as Executive Producer, he still kept her on.  She is such an ingrate.

This is what I said on October 11th:

"I don't disagree - but we really don't know what the dynamics were behind the scenes.  Maybe Regis was wonderful with KLG and her football husband and maybe he was Pissed/sad/disappointed when she left and just wouldn't like the next cohost no matter what.  Maybe Kelly was a relatively naive young woman and had no real fame for Regis to admire.  Kelly was on Seth Meyers the other night plugging her book and she was delightful.  Very different.  So, yes, she stayed raking in the big bucks and I guess we could say she could have quit if it was so dreadful.  Or she was like the frog in the water and sort of got used to it.  And the money.  Complicated issue I think, and we don't have all the details."  We don't know what Regis did/said/behaved to or about her.  We don't know that he gave her the world on a silver platter.  I think they go for ratings and if the ratings are good, keep on keeping on.  Apparently the ratings must be good enough for whoever decides or they would have canned her or dropped the show.  

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Honestly, I enjoy the snarkier Host Chat.  I think it's closer to their legit personalities. Regis could be brutally sarcastic and snarky.  

It was remarkably insightful when Connie Seacrest revealed she made her 30-something son sleep in separate bedrooms than his romantic partner.  I used to think the reason Ryan hasn't come out was mostly due to this southern military retired attorney father.  Now I think the closed-minded mother may be at the root of it.  He put the entire family on a cushy payroll, jets them wherever they want to go, and they treat him like a horny teenager.  As if anything indecent would happen in Ry-Ry's childhood bedroom.

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9 hours ago, SanDiegoInExile said:

Connie Seacrest revealed she made her 30-something son sleep in separate bedrooms than his romantic partner

I thought she was kidding....because hadn't Ryan already answered Kelly's inappropriate question about where he slept?  I thought he said that 'they' slept in the same bedroom, lol.

I was only half listening, so I could have heard it wrong.

P.S.  Kelllmeee's PR firm working overtime to get Michael on the "sexiest man alive" roster.  Are you kidding me??  No offense Michael, you are handsome, you seem like a great kid, but he's basically an unknown in the industry and he makes the list? 

She's a hoot!!

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Just finished Kelly’s book and what a tacky filled mess it was. Constant sexual innuendos and dirty humor. Did you guys know Mark Consuelos is quite the Sex God? Or that they made love six times one night in Montreal? Can’t believe this was on the bestseller list, but I’m sure Kelly and Mark purchased thousands of copies to inflate the sales numbers.

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Regis' shtick was to be the put-upon male.  To that end, he was forever griping to and about Gelman, and even Art on occasion.  Kathy Lee certainly took her fair share, too.  But, KL managed to return fire brilliantly every so often and Rege would happily give her the moment.  He came to genuinely respect her.  She genuinely came to love him.

I worked on a famous show and a young person trying to establish themself was brought in.  This young one resented the heck out of the older and established star.  The star was always sure to make the young one understand that if respect wasn't given, it would be a bad deal for that person.  After a difficult, for the youngin, first season, respect arose for each other.  Today, nobody on earth is more fiercely loyal and loving to the older person than the youngin.  

Kelly, imo, never understood the natural personal dynamics of an established star with a newbie.  Respect for the star must be the order of the day.  From there, things can work out beautifully.  But, if the newbie has an ego that cannot or will not cede superiority, they will suffer the consequences.  Kellmee just would not and/or could not bring herself to appreciate what Rege was.  She saw everything through a self-centered prism.  Hence, Regis was a bad guy. 

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