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Live With Kelly And Mark - General Discussion

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Hoping that Mr. and Mrs. Consuelos regale us with stories of the White House Correspondents Dinner they attended over the week-end.

I'm getting the sense that the Mr. is more apt to share personal stories and the Mrs. is a bit hesitant.  At least all of her stammering and 'ummms' and 'ahhhhs' would lead me to believe that.

Then again, maybe it's a 'pre-recorded' segment as they may need an extra day to recuperate, lol.

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Surprise, surprise, surprise!!  I wanted today's show while killing time before the 11:00 p.m. news.  Actually, I enjoyed the banter ... anniversary today, Mark talked about sports & Kelly talked about WHCD very glowingly & it sounded like they had a great time.  More of the same tomorrow?

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I have been enjoying Mark's stories too--because he is sharing their personal stories kind of like the way Reege did.  I disagree that he's 'way' better than Ryan only because Ryan was very adept at story telling.....it was Kellllmee that was NOT a willing conversationalist with him, imo.

With Mark, she is willing to talk and share things that she would never have even broached with Reege, Strahan or Ryan.  And furthermore, when she does try and converse with Mark to add to his story, she still stammers, and stutters and says 'ahhhh' and 'ummmmm' so many times it makes me sick, lol.  Mark has even filled in her blanks with the words she needs to say; I think it must be painful for him to watch his wife struggle to finish a thought and sentence.

He has improved a hundred-fold, imo.

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Just watched today's show ... FAB-U-LOUS ...  LOL'd at them discussing a show they were into about couples therapy.  Mark is a "jewel" & I've got the show on "record".  (Still need to watch the interviews ... so stand by!!)

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Anyone else think it was strangely odd when Kellllmeee and MARK CONSUELOS!! discussed selfies and the kinds of people who take them??  I don't know how they kept a straight face.  The both of them are the King and Queen of selfies and thirst traps.

And guess what??  The people that take selfies are narcissists!!  Can you imagine?? lol  How Kellllmeeee said she rarely takes them and only takes pics of the family is beyond me!

Most of their selfies are very sexual in nature or full of double entendre or they are exhibiting their fabulous bodies for everyone to admire.  But no.....these two....no selfies for them!

Narcissists, the both of them, straight from the horses' mouths, lol.

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He’s crusaded against his condition for most of  life. It makes me feel embarrassed at how little I’ve done in support Type I Diabetes research over the years.  It does inspire me. 

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On 5/15/2023 at 11:42 PM, TravelingLady said:

A Monday show today that was actually LIVE. Wonders never cease.

Well, wonders DO cease, because Monday may have been live, but today (Wednesday) was pre-recorded.  Wonder if that means tomorrow and Friday will also be taped. 

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On 5/17/2023 at 10:18 PM, Medicine Crow said:

I saw bits of the show while talking on the phone & noticed they "featured" a picture of Mark with their guest & the comparison was pretty "tacky"!!  Just sayin'.


I guess I didn’t see that .  What was this about ? 

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These two are just too much.  Just when I'm starting to think things are really good (I am enjoying Mark, Kellllmeeee still can't speak) they pull their favors for friends card.

In case anyone missed it, today's crap chat consisted of a full-blown commercial for good buddy, Andy Cohen's Vanderpump Rules show that airs tonight.

Make no mistake, I will be watching it but for Kelllmeeee and MARK CONSUELOS!!! to go on and on ad nauseum about the show as well as Kelllmeeee's podcast, which in case anyone missed it, drops today, lol, was just too much.  I'm surprised Gelman let them continue.

Then MARK CONSUELOS starts the recap of the show and the whole Scandoval debacle and then we get to hear how the Consuelos kids feel about everything.

And then MARK CONSUELOS, suave guy that he is, begins to give us the 3 cardinal rules of cheating men and the 'how and why' of how they get caught, much to the chagrin of Kelllmeeeee, lol.

I wonder how the suits at Disney/ABC feel about the free advertisement for Bravo.  I guess NBC felt pretty good about it though.

These two are a hoot!

P.S.  You know I still abhor Kellllmeee's dancing out to her chair, cheeks puffed, lips pursed, arms in the air.....omg, enough already, lol.

Edited by finnzup
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Kellmeee is very thin, I thought the green dress looked awful on her, I'm guessing she's a size 000, lol.

I have been enjoying Mark, I think he's found his groove.

I just don't understand why it's so hard for Kelllmeee to speak.  Even with Mark sitting next to her, it takes 10 minutes for her to spit out two sentences.  What are all of her pauses for?  Can she not think of her words?  I just don't get it.

I grin when Deja introduces them and she says ...."and MARK CONSUELOOOOS!!!!'


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12 hours ago, finnzup said:

Kellmeee is very thin, I thought the green dress looked awful on her, I'm guessing she's a size 000, lol.

I have been enjoying Mark, I think he's found his groove.

I just don't understand why it's so hard for Kelllmeee to speak.  Even with Mark sitting next to her, it takes 10 minutes for her to spit out two sentences.  What are all of her pauses for?  Can she not think of her words?  I just don't get it.

I grin when Deja introduces them and she says ...."and MARK CONSUELOOOOS!!!!'


I noticed this many many years ago, and that is why I couldn't understand how they made her a host of a nationally syndicated show.

A couple of things strike me about her. She is not very articulate or smart and as a result she doesn't have a very deep repertoire of topics that she can talk about so that is why we get the endless talk about fitness and food-2 subjects she seems to understand. She is not organically funny as well and as a result her humour and conversation is based on reactions from the other host. Reactive conversation seems to be her only skill as this requires the least amount of thinking.

Her pauses and umms and stuttering come from the fact that she is searching for funny lines, or funny stories and they aren't there. I think this causes a bit of anxiety and that is why it takes so long. I have never seen another host of a talk do this, as all hosts can talk freely about most subjects and are naturally entertaining. She is not. She has been blessed with excellent co-hosts that have done the heavy lifting for decades.

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Today they were talking about feeling their way around their homes (for whatever reason) at night.  Do rich people not spend money on Nite Lites?  I have them all over my place & can "see" my way around in the middle of the night, so ...

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Thank you!
They’re a mess over there. Too much for for Kelly and Mark to pretape new stuff, I guess.

A short break? They be not live more than they will be all summer.

Edited by justduckey
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An  actual "live" show today, lol.

Gotta say, I'm so enjoying Mark, he's a natural conversationalist.  Kelly, otoh, still has trouble connecting the dots.  You can tell he adores her, he just sits and smiles as she tries to string a sentence together, lol.

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Kelly & Mark were really hilarious today.  They were talking about taking "their boat" (which Kelly down-played to sound like a raft) to watch fireworks until Mark said something about the "twin Volvos" (which would sink a raft).  It was really funny.  Watch from the beginning.  Just sayin'!!

Edited by Medicine Crow
It was funny listening to Kelly side-step calling where their "boat" was docked as a Marina & their slip.
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I'm curious to see if Kelllmeeee and MARK CONSUELOS!!!! will be on the show now that SAG has decided to go on strike along with the writers.  If that's the case, I guess production would just show re-runs?

I also wonder what Kelllmeeee's "on assignment" was that would explain why she wasn't there Friday.  Btw, I'd prefer Andy and Mark any day over Kellmee with Mark.  

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Yes, I know today was pre-recorded, I meant moving forward with the actors' strike; will Kellmeeee and MARK CONSUELOS!!!!! honor the strike with next week's shows assuming they will be 'live.'  

And for sure they were a day late and a dollar short with 'french fry' day, lol.


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I can’t stand Andy Cohen and his sexist , degrading Real Housewives franchise , but he is good with Mark.

I think Mark is a good cohost , he reminds me of Regis in someways, and I have to say he’s better than Kelly . Kelly couldn’t the handle the show after 10 years on her own when Regis left !  Mark already able to handle cohosting guest cohosts , Kelly still barely can do that !

I do think Kelly needs to be careful with calling Mark out mocking him too much . It may be funny , but it can be an issue when a married couple doesn’t have any boundaries as to what they say on the air. Kelly once again has no limit to what she will say about Mark .


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So, Kelly always has a tantrum about the Bachelor and the Bachelorette because it is degrading to women.  Feminist Kelly even puts down the show when stars come on posting the show for ABC which is owned by Disney, like her show !

BUT - because Andy Cohen is her Buddy , she acts like Real Housewives are wonderful and even had her daughter watching it with her when she was younger !

Real Housewives where women are literally hired and encouraged to tear each other to pieces by sleazy Andy Cohen who get off on watching women being disgusting and nasty to each other !  Even the term “housewife “ should be concerning to any woman who pretends to be so concerned about women being degraded on reality TV.  But not Kelly !

Even Michael is working in production of  Real Housewives now ! 
Gee I wonder how he got that job!

I wonder if Uncle RyRy will be helping Lola with her singing career soon .

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It looks like Kelly can’t work more than her usual 3 days a week so Mark works 4 days and tapes the 5th day.

Maria Menounos is so annoying with that stupid laugh ! How did she ever get hired to host when she has that woody woodpecker laugh , and she can’t work on not doing that when hosting after all these years on tv? 

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5 minutes ago, goldenpuppy said:

How did she ever get hired to host when she has that woody woodpecker laugh , and she can’t work on not doing that when hosting after all these years on tv? 

Because next to Kelly she is Diane freakin' Sawyer.

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I loved Regis...never a fan of Strahan or Ryan. Ryan seemed to move from topic to topic too fast...but I rarely watched....so.

Never liked Kelly. She can't talk and is not interesting, imo. 

But I really like Mark and he even makes Kelly somewhat bearable.

I like Mark getting out and about in the city. And making a topic interesting unlike Ryan just moving from one to another.

Mark brings out the best in Kelly, I suppose.

Anyone notice Kelly has 2 pairs of shoes (bright pink and beige) and practically only wears pink, grey or black?

Wish they would have talked about Mark's ice bath and what he thought about it.

Edited by maggiemae
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Just watching the tape from Monday's show and am wondering if Kelllmeeee's "on assignment" was getting fillers and/or other work done, lol.

I realize it's most likely the magic of make-up, as she has claimed for years, but her face appears so much fuller and we can probably all agree it's not from food, lol.


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4 minutes ago, SunnyBeBe said:

How are people watching this show?  ABC is not available here on Spectrum.  

That’s interesting. I have Spectrum and I get ABC. I did lose the ESPN’s with this conflict they are having with Disney. 

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1 hour ago, Mindthinkr said:

That’s interesting. I have Spectrum and I get ABC. I did lose the ESPN’s with this conflict they are having with Disney. 

I just posted this about the same subject on another thread.

"I think it depends who you get your local channels through and where you are. I'm with AT&T in the Sacramento area and we haven't had Fox (local only) for the same amount of time but ABC has been fine yet if I go to the channel there is a message showing that says I can get Fox/ABC/ESPN etc through other means so everywhere is different."

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