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S10.E04: Patriot Love Games

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Too funny that it was in fact Tasos and a chunk of that bridge fell off... just funny timing. I read a story saying there are (or were) something like 40 tons of locks on that bridge, holy cow!  My husband looked at it and said "are these people crazy?"  I (the romantic one) said "awww well if we ever went to Paris I'd have wanted to do that, although I bet they stop it now" and I felt bad for the people who were probably wondering if their locks fell off. He (the practical one) said "hell no, I wouldn't have walked out on that bridge and I wouldn't have let you either, they're lucky the whole bridge didn't come down!"


Anyway back to tonight's show and my take on the whole deal with Nick.  The way the guys were all saying "I wanted to be the one to go up and comfort her" or "I wanted that extra time with her" drove me nuts. I was practically yelling at the TV "So why DIDN'T you? No one stopped you!" It could've been the edit, and of course maybe some producer did stop them, but it seemed fairly natural to me when Nick just went. It's not as if he told the other guys "You stay here, I'll handle this." I


I'm definitely getting more intrigued to see what happens next. Can't wait for the beautiful travel next episode!

For all we know, he was there for the full rose ceremony and this scenario did happen (though it would have been Eric, Tasos and 3rd guy being shown during dramatic pause before Andi gives out the final rose to the 3rd guy). Eric walking out the front of the hotel could have happened after the rose ceremony, not necessarily right after their confrontation. Perhaps Andi said some more pointed words at the start of the ceremony, as the Bachelor/Bachelorette often does, to reiterate how this is very real to her and she is taking it seriously. Perhaps the editors felt that tone wouldn't be kind to Eric.

OK, so none of that happened... 


Now I think they ended the footage where they did last week because there was a lot of other stuff besides Eric's fight with Andi and leaving in a taxi. There was not enough time to show the drama with the guys mad at Nick, the rose ceremony (in which Andi did not lecture people), Tasos' limo ride AND also discuss Eric's last appearance on the show, which I'm sure the producers wanted addressed.

Some of that drama seemed so contrived. Even the previews for next week. I'd bet it isn't as big a deal. I would guess it's only with Cody, not all the guys.

I was actually applauding Nick for going to see her. Loved the look on his face when they were annoyed….like WTF are you guys even talking about??

At the toast, Nick was near Josh with his arm around him, so apparently, the feud wasn't all that bad.

I think they did Andi a disservice by not showing the footage after her mini-breakdown on last week's episode.  She clearly came back and explained herself, and it was clear to me she was just hurt and responding in the moment.  Later on, I think she realized, per last night's catch up episode, that the other guys had nothing to do with what happened with Eric.  I don't think she is anything like Deanna personally....I really disliked Deanna quite a bit, and I don't see Deanna and Andi being all that similar.  I do think Andi is trying her best.  Is she annoying at times, yes.  But I think the guys do like her, and enjoy her company...  I think many of the guys in Deanna's season were not into her, and for good reason :-)

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I don't think she is anything like Deanna personally....I really disliked Deanna quite a bit, and I don't see Deanna and Andi being all that similar.  I do think Andi is trying her best.  Is she annoying at times, yes.  But I think the guys do like her, and enjoy her company...  I think many of the guys in Deanna's season were not into her, and for good reason :-)



I think there have been little hints about the guys not being that into Andi (and I freely admit that my impression may be colored by my dislike of Andi). 


For example, during the basketball group date, when Andi pitted the guys against each other, she made a couple of comments about "the bromance" being over.  She seemed to take joy in making the guys compete against each other rather than the guys competing for her.  I just got the impression that she's picking up the vibe that the guys are just as happy, if not more so, to hang out with each other as they are to be with her.


But, again, that's just my impression.  And I don't really like Andi, so it's far from unbiased.


There are some guys like Josh who seem really into Andi but I find it funny in the second episode when Chris Harrison asked the guys how they're liking the new house, there were a lot of cheering and hooting. Then when Chris asked something regarding Andi, the cheers and excitement were substantially less. Even Des got a better reception from the guys. Whether or not it's romantic, they really liked Des. I'm not feeling the same vibe with Andi.

Edited by waving feather
At the toast, Nick was near Josh with his arm around him, so apparently, the feud wasn't all that bad.



Josh seemed more annoyed with himself for not being the one to take the initiative and go after Andi, than being annoyed with Nick. Honestly the guys who seemed the loudest and most defensive are the ones who likely see or saw the writing on the wall - Tasos for example, who went home that night and Cody who is pretty much that contestant who gets strung along for numbers purposes and eventually gets eliminated. And then there was Andrew but Andrew just seems like a smarmy douchebag who is always going to have something to say. The preview for next week show him and Marquel going at it and if Reality Steve's spoiler is correct about what Andrew said about Marquel, color me not surprised. 


As for the guys not liking Andi, honestly maybe it's just me but I find that especially with The Bachelorette, most of the times you could tell that it is only a handful of guys who are really all in with the whole falling in love with the Bachelorette and the others are all clearly more in the friend zone but it's a show and they won't say that. I don't think the guys dislike Andi but I can absolutely believe people like Andrew, maybe Patrick, Chris and even Marquel have likely figured out already that it's not going to happen between them. Doesn't mean they don't think she's a cool woman and frankly, that doesn't bother me because we all know Andi likely already has her Final 4 and maybe even Final 3 figured out.

Edited by truthaboutluv
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I have seen most, but not all, of the Bachelor/ette seasons and I don't think I've ever seen a contestant hug the person going home on the way to accepting a rose as Marquel did with Tasos.  I think that speaks to the kind of person Marquel is and really impressed me more than I already was.  It would be great if he could be the next Bachelor, but I just don't think he's in the Final Four.

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Although I thought Eric made a lot of good points with Andi, and was quite articulate while making them, I do understand how she took offense at him calling her a "TV actress." Whether or not it was Eric's intention, he did cross a line from expressing his hopes and frustrations to name calling, and I can see how even the most reasonable person could be quite insulted. But I tend to give the benefit of the doubt to people in real life, and I really, really give the benefit of the doubt to people whose interactions are edited by a third party then aired for all to see. So in the end I just interpret it as two seemingly nice people having a really difficult time ironing things out in a very public, artificial, and stressful situation. No bad people on either side in my opinion, just really sad for both parties.


On a lighter note, when I was on vacation, I came back to my room briefly and watched a little of the group basketball date. As I was sitting in my hotel room, snacking on a little dry cereal, Marquel talked about how the "losers" were going to go back to their hotel room and eat cereal. The nerve! And to think that I loved his black and white cookie and was hoping he'd be the next bachelor (if, of course, he's not Andi's true love.) I'm sure he'll be devastated to know that I'm now fully behind the adorable, blushing Brian for the next bachelor. (Unless, of course, he's Andi's true love...)

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Supposedly they also felt they needed a little distance between Eric's last episode and the following ep, so since it coincided with the Clinton interview they just did it.


I think there have been little hints about the guys not being that into Andi



According to Reality Steve

many of the men did express little or no interest for Andi, more so than they have with other Bachelorettes, apparently.

 Of course, it's RS, so take it for what it's worth.

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While RS obviously has legitimate spoilers about the episodes (although he has seriously screwed up the ending of some seasons - see Desiree's season), I never fully take seriously his comments like the one above because in my opinion, how would he really know things like that and most of these just seem more like his opinions more than anything.


Like I said I'm sure there were guys who were there just for the adventure, just as with every season, and there were some who quickly realized nothing was going to happen between them and Andi but that's also true of every season. Like I said above, I honestly have never believed that more than maybe 10 guys are truly in with the whole idea of falling in love with the Bachelorette and that's likely true for every season. 

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Hi Previously.tv! I'm fionab from the twop forums.  I had vaguely hoped that the sad ending of TWOP would cure my reality tv forum addiction, but here I am… back to the show!

Perhaps its a bit early and a bit mean, but I had this revelation today that Andi really reminds me of the psychopath Amy from Gone Girl (the novel) when she was in her 'cool girl' phase.  As in, seems really cool, but in reality is a total control freak, and flips out when she loses control.  Its so mean, and I don't really think she'll go on to have the life of that character, but it just… rung true when it occurred to me. 


I totally agree about Marquel hugging Tasos - I'm really glad we got to see that.  He seems like a class act. 

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Hi everybody.  Came over from TWOP.  So happy to see the lot of you.  Okay, finally caught up on the episodes.  Nick totally reminds me of Vincent D'onofrio from Law and Order:  Criminal Intent.  Has the same quirky personality, sense of humor and looks.  Love the deadpan expressions.  I find him totally irresistible which probably means that he would break your heart into pieces.  Watch out Andi.  I'm still completely unsure what to think of her.  Although I'm fairly certain that I like her on my tv.  Would not want to tangle with her in person.  She's just too emotional and gets riled quickly.  I think she's got an intense everyday personality.  Also think she's getting help on 'reading' the men because she's been spot on every time. 


Found it heartbreaking that Eric died shortly after.  However, before I knew that he had, I thought he was clueless, really trying to get a read on her and somehow not being able to, and arrogant really.  Sorry.


My read on others:  Andrew, eww.  Just get him off my screen.  Marcus reminds me of Stephen Baldwin.  I cannot get past this so get rid of him also, he's smarmy, he's too clingy, gets involved too fast and he is an intense personality.  He tries to come across as sincere, lighthearted, loyal... but I don't trust this guy is genuine and I don't like him.  Marquel.  This guy is a class-act.  Not only is he good-looking beyond any reasonable expectation, self-possessed without being arrogant.  He's creative, surprisingly sweet.  He's got a great sense of humor, is not too intense and you just know the girl who gets him is going to be so lucky.  It's not Andi.  Definitely friend-zone, but I would be honored to have him as a friend.  Please keep him on a little bit longer?  Please?


My prediction is:  Brian.  He's the right amount of awkward, hot, clueless, hot, cute, smart, physical, dork.  I think he's perfect for her.  He's a guy who would bring out the funny girl in her and keep the loyal, true-to-himself humble confidence that is only his.  I think he would be able to ward away those bitchy tendencies of hers and bring out the sweet, quirky girl. They would be a great match. 


Andi... dump Josh M. immediately.  He is the exactly what you thought.  Not a good match.  He's got too much ego.


I love JJ.  But not with her.  Speaking very honestly here... 'some' people in her field are just not gonna dig him.  He's got too much style.  He's got 'Uniquity'.  Love him!  Just not for her.  Let him loose.


I love Patrick too.  He's solid.  I think he's stable, honest, a genuine guy.  I don't think they have the chemistry that she has with Nick or the long-lastingness and humor she would get with Brian.  Cut him.


Love you all.

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Forgot to write about Dylan.  He is going through too much grief.  Get him off this show immediately.  This is not healthy for him right now.  I really wish he wouldn't have signed on to do this show.  I could barely stand it when he was telling his story.  This guy is going through the loss of two siblings within a four year period, making him the ONLY child left of three?  I wanted to jump through my screen and hug him and just whisk him away into intensive therapy.  Now.  How can this guy possibly sort through 'romantic' feelings now?  How?  Andi did a disservice to him keeping him past that first one-on-one.  


Dear Dylan,


I'm so sorry.  Cannot imagine what you are going through with your loss.  You have so much support right now... please get someone who can do grief counseling.  Someone that you trust.  Noticed when you said that what you told Andi was more than some of your 'best' friends know that have happened in your life beyond the past four years.   That tells me that 'normally' you're closed up.  I think therapy would greatly benefit you because you've 'now' added additional layers on your heart.  I don't know you but I can read people.  You're a great guy.  You are an intense guy... just normally.  Right now?  You are in one of the most basic, deepest stages/needs of grief.  In No Way... should you be on a reality show right now.  I wish you the very best. 


From a Like Soul and Concerned Friend.

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Lindacht, I agree with a lot of the things you said, but I disagree about Dylan. Most people are able to deal with personal tragedies -- even multiple losses such as Dylan experienced-- without any kind of therapy. If he's like most people he doesn't need counseling, I just think he needs to step away from television and work things out in private. He seems quite nice and I wish him well.

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As I think about it, I do agree with you.  In my head, I was actually thinking about him just at least having someone on a consistent basis that he trusts that he can also vent to.  Something about him just read to me he would be more apt to... continue... talking about his issues with a stranger rather than him feeling that he was unburdening himself on a friend.  But you are absolutely correct in saying most people don't need therapy and get through grief naturally.  


My husband passed away three years ago unexpectedly after only seven years of marriage.  I was just broken.  Most people aren't sure what to do and how to help.  The people who really love you want you to move on quickly. (in my family, at least)  It's difficult to just keep repeating your stories, or expressing feelings and helplessness to the people close to you.  Went to grief counseling for just a little less than 3 months.  I was much more comfortable processing feelings with someone who objectively was paid to help.  That's just me, I have to talk out my problems.  And I wouldn't choose therapy for anything other than an extremely traumatic experience. 


However, on another note.... now all of America knows about Dylan's experiences so he'll probably have a ton of support.

Edited by Lindacht

I'd love to see Marquel as the next Bachelor- if they're ever going to take the plunge with an African American, he seems like he'd be a good choice.  Right now my money is on Farmer Chris for the next Bachelor- I find him a bit icky because of the sleazy pseudo-mustache and those squinty little eyes, but he's certainly earnest enough that people would want him to 'find love', and there'd probably be a lot of amusement in watching the contestants try to prove themselves 'farm worthy'.  


I do like Dylan- it's hard not to feel his pain, but I think that Andi showed a lot of how she reacts to other people just from the fact that she never even reached out and touched him while he was trying to get his story out.  If I'd ended up at a dinner table with even an acquaintance and he started showing that kind of pain, holding his hand while he got it out would be the least I'd do.  


I've known some people who present the way that Andi seems to be doing- they're extremely expressive when it comes to their own emotions and relationship needs (often in a drama queen kind of way), but if someone has emotions or life issues going on that aren't centered around them, they just check out.  Maybe it was just the editing, and maybe she was a very supportive listener, but throughout that entire sequence my daughter and I were yelling "touch him!" at the screen.  



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I do like Dylan- it's hard not to feel his pain, but I think that Andi showed a lot of how she reacts to other people just from the fact that she never even reached out and touched him while he was trying to get his story out.  If I'd ended up at a dinner table with even an acquaintance and he started showing that kind of pain, holding his hand while he got it out would be the least I'd do.



YMMV, but I would only do that with someone I knew well and only if I knew that they liked to be touched in emotional situations; otherwise I would feel like I'm being invasive. Usually when someone tells a story like that I sit quietly and let them finish, and only offer words of condolences/hugs/hand squeezing afterward.  

I know I'm really late. I was thinking about quitting on this season but I'm back.


First, I think it's adorable how excited they're pretending to be about staying at the Mohegan Sun. I mean, it looks alright and they seem to have a nice suite but calm the heck down, guys.


When I saw the bios of the entire cast, I picked out Dylan as one of the most conventionally attractive ones so it's surprising it took this long for him to get a one-on-one date. Although I do get a bit of a frat vibe from him. "Wow," "amazing," "nuts," "cool," "badass," and "awesome." He doesn't seem to be a great conversationalist. Not that Andi possesses a sparkling wit. You would get wasted in 10 minutes if you drank every time she said "yeah" on a one-on-one date. 


Putting my real-world hat on, I think it's normal and healthy that Dylan doesn't feel comfortable telling her everything about his family immediately. They've only known each other for a few weeks and they've spent most of that time apart. I went out with a guy who told me on our first date that he had a cousin in prison and he came from a family of alcoholics and drug addicts. It freaks you out. Both the information and the willingness to lay that all out there. It didn't seem like Andi was super empathetic or helping to draw the story out of him. All the "yeahs" and the nodding and head shaking. They were the tics of people who are trying to look like they're listening or of someone trying to act but being bad at it. On the other hand, Dylan seemed very natural, maybe because he's not super expressive and lacks the charisma or attempt at charisma of people who are trying to be actors.

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The basketball game was a lot of fun. Those women were great. It's not enough to make me watch basketball but it was entertaining for a few minutes.


What is that terrible tattoo on Patrick's arm? Oh, no. Oh, no, no, no.


I really, really hate Nick. I find something about the way he looks or his mannerisms just super creepy and his behavior doesn't make him any more likable. He just makes my skin crawl and I hate him more and more the longer he's on my screen.


At some point, I think she stopped liking Eric but she hasn't wanted to admit it. He on the other hand was spoiled by that first date and then didn't spend much time with her after that. Plus one of the times he was talking to her one on one he got interrupted by Nick's stupid flowers or note... I can't remember which, maybe both. So it's understandable that he'd be confused about where they stand and starting to see a bit of falseness in the way she behaves on the show. Um, maybe it's stalling and you can't keep the flow because you don't like him that much and Nick keeps interrupting? Maybe it's that. She was incredibly rude. She went on the attack during their talk. And in spite of that he just rolled with it and opened up about his family and his faith.


Based on what the guys were wearing I'm assuming it was cold. How was Andi not cold in that black mini dress with the open back?


I know Andi doesn't plan any of the dates but I wonder how much say she gets in what she will and will not do. Also, it seemed pretty damn windy. People have been unable to do challenges on The Amazing Race and ANTM when it's super windy at heights like that. I'm sure they wouldn't let them do something that would kill them but still...


It's not the best idea for Andi to constantly rely on having a stronger/more stable person with her to do things for her or coach her through things. This is the same behavior she exhibited with Eric on their first date. Even though they ended up not having to do anything when Dylan asked if she would teach him about the steam engine or whatnot she turned it around like, I think you'll be the one doing it. You don't have to pretend that you're not good at math just to get a boy to like you, Kady. Marcus really did a lot to win me over with the way he behaved while she was freaking out.

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So I realized I never actually finished this episode. Anyway, so Eric tells Andi that he feels like he's only got glimpses of the real her and that the rest of the time she has a poker face and is acting. She proceeds to play a typical reality show drama queen scene complete with forced tears and canned lines. Well, you sure showed him.

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