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The GCEh?C: Canadian Episodes (Spoilers for Non-Canadians)

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So I believe the writers want us to see a love under it all.

The fact that it is not at all clear is a complete fail of writing/acting/directing.

Why are these two assholes continually recalling The Kiss??? And yet they appear to feel no GUILT around brother/husband. What is that?

Yep, agree. I know TPTB think Villy is this great love still. But, like you said, they are failing in the writing/acting dept. 'Cause I'm not seeing it. Billy looks like he gives 0 fucks about her.

NO guilt about the kiss. None. It's so freaking odd. It's not even written that way, so I'm not blaming this on GT/JT. Although I do blame JT for having the most hilarious face when recalling it. Seriously, it's too funny. He just looks so angry.

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Okay, I'm going to be Pratt for a moment: Philly are so PASSIONATE about REVENGE that they are swept up in its all consuming force. It is pulling them along and towards each other and all Jack and Vicki do is FIGHT THEM and try to distract them from this powerful force that is too seductive to resist. But the passion of the revenge is getting muddled in a passion for each other. So as they get more and more insane with the revenge and more and more frustrated with their partners the kiss becomes more and more appealing until they will give in fully to THAT passion as they have the REVENGE passion.


Am I getting it?

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Maybe that's his "I'm aroused" face.


LMAO. I've watched this dude act for 10 years. That was not...that. I don't know what he was going for.

Okay, I'm going to be Pratt for a moment: Philly are so PASSIONATE about REVENGE that they are swept up in its all consuming force. It is pulling them along and towards each other and all Jack and Vicki do is FIGHT THEM and try to distract them from this powerful force that is too seductive to resist. But the passion of the revenge is getting muddled in a passion for each other. So as they get more and more insane with the revenge and more and more frustrated with their partners the kiss becomes more and more appealing until they will give in fully to THAT passion as they have the REVENGE passion.

Am I getting it?

Pretty much. People are attracted to people who AGREE with them and see things the way they see them. Jack and Victoria are outsiders who disagree and want them to stop. That's essentially pulling Philly together.

Edited by HeatLifer
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See, I always believed Billy Miller's Billy loved Victoria.  In fact, when they were at their best, he gave Victoria life like I hadn't seen since AH took over the role.  He brought it and she did too.  I could even believe that David Tom loved Victoria, although I could NOT believe it was reciprocated.

But with JT I just don't see anything even resembling cordiality, or friendship, and certainly nothing as demanding as love.  His acting choices, or maybe his style of acting, or maybe his utter absence of any talent or maybe even attempt at any makes it seem like he's someone who has just met Victoria and barely remembers her name.

I don't see anything with him and Phyllis, either, or with him and Jack or frankly, him and anybody.  He's a complete nonentity.


Worse, he's a complete nonentity who's FUCKED UP KATHERINE'S HOUSE.  


The guy is a disaster.

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^^Yup. I'm with you, Boes. This guy is like the grey/blue walls of Kay's destroyed house. 


Wrong. Blah. Offensive. 


I'm no fan of Villy (though I think they were great in the first year) but I bought their connection. BJ and AH were doing not badly before they decided to redirect Billy to Phyllis shortly before his departure. She is Billy's big love. And HeatLifer is right. He seems not to give a fuck about her. Twice now -- no three times -- I've seen him say to her, in an annoyed and exasperated way: "What are you doing here?" I think he could have delivered that differently. With a bit of hope in his voice. I'm picturing BJ doing it actually. He had a warmth about him. With everyone actually. This guy is cold. Cold and blah. 

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See, I always believed Billy Miller's Billy loved Victoria. In fact, when they were at their best, he gave Victoria life like I hadn't seen since AH took over the role.

Yesssss. Billy Miller brought AH out of her shell, I swear. She was so good with him and I'm usually not a fan of Victoria.

Twice now -- no three times -- I've seen him say to her, in an annoyed and exasperated way: "What are you doing here?" I think he could have delivered that differently. With a bit of hope in his voice. I'm picturing BJ doing it actually. He had a warmth about him.

And today was even worse, IMO. He was downright nasty to her. I don't know who to blame for it, tbh, but I know if the writers are going for "love" or even "angry but in love", they failed.

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"Bobby" the inmate (Age 30) vs Victor Newman (Age 75)


"Who's gonna need protection, Boy?"


Victor's prison is also the same color as the newly remodeled Chancellor funeral home.


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Oh I think they selling Villy as some epic love too. Billy even mentioned again how he loved her and the kids. Victoria is pissed that Billy is going after NE knowing she is now running it. She sees it as a personal attack and is not lashing out.


Billy will fuck Phyllis but I have no doubt he will still chase after Victoria too. They making them dysfunctional. Their transformation into Nikki and Victor is almost complete.

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I thought JT could make a good Billy, but I was wrong.  He has failed. Epic fail.


The writing is also shit but there was something that existed as a connection to Vic, that is just not there now.


It must be weird for the long time actors.

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Oh I think they selling Villy as some epic love too. Billy even mentioned again how he loved her and the kids. Victoria is pissed that Billy is going after NE knowing she is now running it. She sees it as a personal attack and is not lashing out.

Billy will fuck Phyllis but I have no doubt he will still chase after Victoria too. They making them dysfunctional. Their transformation into Nikki and Victor is almost complete.

Oh, I agree. I'm not saying that Villy are over or that they're not considered a "great love" on the show. I just think it's been written and acted terribly. They don't look or behave like two people in love in any way (to me).

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banana quotes

1.  and it happens to be the same nurse currently in charge of Shawn’s BABY.


2...unknown person: so it’s you, I should have known.


1.  oh, for the love of all that's holy-really, Show!!?


2.....Polo.  (nah, I know it's Ian Ward----not a spoiler, just a guess)


miamama quote

Why are these two assholes continually recalling The Kiss???

Now included with the Xanax Wine and Crackers package is a full body therapeutic massage on the Fan deck of the Miranda for any and all who actually watched this shit.  No waiting, either, I booked the entire cast of Chippendales.


boes quote

See, I always believed Billy Miller's Billy loved Victoria.

Remember 'Liam-the big heartthrob of Amber (most annoying blonde ever)?  When he came on (and we found out he was really Billy Abbot) he was a rake and a ramblin' man.  His family thought of him as a shallow fuck up playboy type, immature/drunk/gambler, and not caring about anyone.  Billy lived up to that profile-but Billy Miller played it as him pushing everyone away (so as not to get hurt) but creating the idea (in my mind, at least) that he really wanted to connect with his family, a wife, someone. Then he gets pulled out of the gutter by Victoria-and truly falls in love.  Enough to drop the shallow..etc facade, at least to Victoria.  (This is why Show needs Billy Miller back, he could pull this off).  Now, through a slew of Unfortunate Events and nunununuBilly (as played by this...elf), the character is back to actually being the shallow..etc. that his family thought he was.  Ahh, the circle of life.


spinxella quote

Victor's prison is also the same color as the newly remodeled Chancellor funeral home.

Must have been a helluva sale at Home Depot.

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In some light and expressions Billy doesn't look that much younger than Jack.

And certainly less pleasant. I actually wonder if Jack has a better body too since his chest is less hollow and he has broader shoulders. He is supposed to be his kid brother and in his early 30's though. His contemporary is Adam (who looks much younger and conventionally handosme) and would be Mac and JT.

It's crazy how the Chancellor family and legacy simply is dust on the wind now. Even the mansion is ruined.

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Sharon remembers that the nurse didn’t work at Fairview, and recalls the badge on her scrubs as being from Memorial.   She and Dylan go to Memorial and Sharon id’s the nurse.  Dylan questions her about why she was at Fairview.  She says she was called in as a neonatal nurse to examine the BABY.  This nurse is one cool cucumber.


Sage realizes it is the same nurse, when she talks about Shawn’s BABY in front of Sage and Dick.

Shawn is in great distress about the adoption so Sage offers an open adoption—one where Shawn could be part of the BABY’s life.  Everyone seems to be happy now.  When Sharon shows up they tell her about it and Sage isn’t even a bitch to her.  But she does get her back up when Sharon says something about  how she would have loved being a second mom to Cassie.  Sage says she will be the only mom.  Dick and Shawn talk about the open adoption.  Shawn says she is good with it, but I see trouble on the horizon.  When Dick talks to Sage, he is worried too.  He thinks Shawn is changing her mind.  He tells Sage and she flips out again.


Jack tells Billy he has to fix things with Victoria, but Billy seems rather unconcerned and just wants to proceed with the launch.  Jack says they have been accused of the worst kind of theft, and Phyllis says: No the worst kind of theft is when someone steals your husband and puts a psycho drug dealer in his place.   Hah, good one!  Billy is comfortable with any buzz for Passkey, even if it is bad publicity.  He thinks he and Phyllis have saved Jabot.  Billy starts drinking heavily, and Jack warns him not to bring down Jabot with his reckless actions.  Jack is trying to reason with Billy, and Phyllis tries to help.  She talks to Billy and encourages him to stop drinking and go home.  He invites her to go out with him and celebrate and make it a party of the two of them.  She says no, she is going to stay with her husband.  He is definitely hitting on her.



Mikey is at Vic’s office and tells her he is being disbarred and she offers him half a million dollars to work at Newman.  She wants to hire him as a consultant to go after Jabot.  He warns that she is starting something that could end up sending another person she loves to prison.  She is set on revenge.  Mikey advises her to reach a settlement, to talk to Jabot.

MollyB was right, it is Ian Ward who showed up at Pricktor’s cell.   Ian is taunting Prick and Prick tells him to get out.  Ian tells Prick he is going to need protection.  Prick stands their smugly laughing.  Blech.  Ian says in prison Prick is an earthworm, and Ian is King Kong.  Prick threatens Ian, and tells him to stay away from Prick.  Ian tells Prick he is all alone, no family or friends.


Phyllis tells Jack she doesn’t want to lose him.  She’s in pain.  She says none of her victory over Prick matters if she loses Jack.  That she will give up her revenge plan if that is what Jack wants.  WTF?  Jack is happy to hear that she will put the vendetta behind her.  They kiss and make up.  She apologizes for her OTT behaviour.

There’s a knock at the door at Grey Gardens, and Billy goes to answer the door thinking it is Phyllis, come to join him in his celebrating.  It’s Pricktoria.  Billy says it takes a big person to admit you’re wrong and says he accepts her apology.  Ouch.  She says she is not there to apologize.  She offers a compromise which is the same deal Billy originally offered, they will share the project and profits.  She doesn’t want to fight Jabot.  Billy takes this offer to mean they are getting back together and he kisses her.  They get into a big fight and she leaves shouting see you in court.


Prick is asleep in his cell.  He dreams of being at Newman and Victoria is apologizing and saying the company is a disaster without him, and they hug.  Creepy.  He wakes up in pain moaning and groaning.  Someone leaves his cell, and Prick is grabbing his stomach and there appears to be blood, so it looks like he was stabbed in the gut.

Previews:  Drinki to Sage and Dick: You don’t know, somebody tried to kill your father;  Billy shows up at Newman with a bouquet of flowers for Victoria; Jack tells Phyllis they need to try to get Villy back together and she says that is a terrible idea.

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Phyllis tells Jack she doesn’t want to lose him.  She’s in pain.  She says none of her victory over Prick matters if she loses Jack.  That she will give up her revenge plan if that is what Jack wants.  WTF?  Jack is happy to hear that she will put the vendetta behind her.  They kiss and make up.  She apologizes for her OTT behaviour.


Oh for fuck's sake.


And now Billy is openly hitting on Phyllis. And then this?


Jack tells Phyllis they need to try to get Villy back together and she says that is a terrible idea.




This is all utterly ridiculous. 


They just want to drag this into May sweeps.


ETA: Big thanks Bannana.

Edited by miamama
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She talks to Billy and encourages him to stop drinking and go home.  He invites her to go out with him and celebrate and make it a party of the two of them.  She says no, she is going to stay with her husband.  He is definitely hitting on her.


Ew omg what is this?



Phyllis tells Jack she doesn’t want to lose him.  She’s in pain.  She says none of her victory over Prick matters if she loses Jack.  That she will give up her revenge plan if that is what Jack wants.  WTF?  Jack is happy to hear that she will put the vendetta behind her.  They kiss and make up.  She apologizes for her OTT behaviour.


The only thing I can do is laugh at this. 

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Phyllis HAS to want Billy for this storyline to work. And Billy HAS to want her. But I still DON'T BUY that either of these people would fuck Jack over like this. Especially since they are not in love. It's one thing to destroy someone (you love) because you think you're in love. Quite another for what? Sex? Please.


And I don't agree that "Jack is the loner." I maintain what I said above. Phack and Villy are the real thing. Philly is a bad impulse waiting to happen. Phyllis doesn't have to sit around drunk and pining like Billy because Jack is with her and committed to her. She just needs a push towards Billy. And she doesn't have it in this moment.


She will though. RME.


I hate that this makes sense to me in some demented PrattLogic way.


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It is so odd that yesterday they had her spewing venom about revenge at all cost, and today, mere minutes later, she is over it and would never risk what she has with Jack to get more revenge.  They are going to have to have something to pushes her toward Billy.


Billy is pissed at Jack for admonishing him again.  He is acting like BJ Billy just before he got rolled over by Noah's car.  So that is his motivation for boinking Phyllis I think. Billy did screw Sharon when she was also screwing Jack, no?

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no banana, when sharon and billy hooked up, it was after she and jack had signed divorce papers and they were living apart.

sharon was living at the gcac.

thanks, so I recall that there was a three possible baby daddy scenario...Billy, Dick, and who else?

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Victor won another fight??  Unless the guy was overcome by the gaseous fumes emitted when he punched that rotting gasbag and Victor broke open like an aged pinata filled with turned cream of mushroom soup and Gorton's fish sticks, then it's total freakin' bullshit.  And it has to be dictated by EB.  

EB could - MAYBE, and I'm on the fence about this - take out Ellen Corby on the Waltons, but only after her stroke.  Otherwise anyone from Doris Roberts to Estelle Getty to Heidi could beat his ass right into the ground.







Super Post, as always, but my question is to you, boes, or anyone else out there, is WHY - to the bolded.  WHY does this man have everything he wants, WHY must he always be the winner, WHY do they expect us to believe he is strong, smart, or even human?  There must be some reason that he has such a hold over the entire show, no matter who the producer is, no matter who the writers are, or no matter how lame the story has to be.  He is an old, worn-out actor, who cannot even be bothered to learn his lines, or speak them clearly.  He is decidedly unattractive, arrogant, and incompetent: I am referring to the man, Eric Braeden - not Victor, the character he plays - although they seem to be one and the same.  I have watched this show from the beginning, and I simply cannot watch it again until this man is off my screen.  Truth is, he will probably outlive me, and I will never have the answer.  I have tried to keep my mouth shut, but when I don't vent, I drink more.  My Grey Goose budget cannot afford to be raised again, and my liver is probably not happy.    

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Billy and Phyllis are all OVER the place. And Billy is bordering on diabolical. Almost like if he can't be happy with Victoria, he's ready to screw up Jack and Phyllis.


I see that too. He says he doesn't care to run after Victoria and then proceeds to get wasted. Whatever you say Abbott. Misery loves company. He can't have Victoria? Well Phyllis is a fun second option.


Victor fantasizes about Victoria? Ew!!

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It is so odd that yesterday they had her spewing venom about revenge at all cost, and today, mere minutes later, she is over it and would never risk what she has with Jack to get more revenge. They are going to have to have something to pushes her toward Billy.

Billy is pissed at Jack for admonishing him again. He is acting like BJ Billy just before he got rolled over by Noah's car. So that is his motivation for boinking Phyllis I think. Billy did screw Sharon when she was also screwing Jack, no?

Interesting. Billy has needed a reason to do this IMO (ie fuck Jack's wife). So it will be some kind of resentment. Lame. Let's all fuck over our parents for not coddling us. RME

When Phyllis is in the throes of revenge mode she is nasty to Jack and runs to Billy. When she's sane she remembers she loves Jack. So it's clear where this is going. PassKey goes to Newman or something and this sends Phyllis into freak mode and she fucks Billy. Then she'll snap out of it but too late. Billy just needs booze to fuel his self pity.

What I don't get is what causes Phyllis to snap out of it like today? Nothing I'm sure. Just the writers needing to drag this out.

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thanks, so I recall that there was a three possible baby daddy scenario...Billy, Dick, and who else?

Jack. Billy was AFAIC sleeping with Jack's wife. Jack was still in love with Sharon and wanted to work it out.

Sharon then moved back in with Jack (after she slept with Billy multiple times). Jack was fucked over then too.

But this is worse. Phyllis and Jack are devoted and in love. Shack was in its death throes (but that fact doesn't get Billy - or Sharon - off the hook).

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I see that too. He says he doesn't care to run after Victoria and then proceeds to get wasted. Whatever you say Abbott. Misery loves company. He can't have Victoria? Well Phyllis is a fun second option.

Exactly. It's a combination of jealousy, resentment and just self-destructiveness.

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Interesting. Billy has needed a reason to do this IMO (ie fuck Jack's wife). So it will be some kind of resentment. Lame. Let's all fuck over our parents for not coddling us. RME

When Phyllis is in the throes of revenge mode she is nasty to Jack and runs to Billy. When she's sane she remembers she loves Jack. So it's clear where this is going. PassKey goes to Newman or something and this sends Phyllis into freak mode and she fucks Billy. Then she'll snap out of it but too late. Billy just needs booze to fuel his self pity.

What I don't get is what causes Phyllis to snap out of it like today? Nothing I'm sure. Just the writers needing to drag this out.

It was kind of out of the blue.  What I didn't recap was that there was a female reporter who kept trying to ask Jack follow up questions about Victoria's accusations.  He had to put her off (nicely) because he had to deal with the Billy situation.  This happened a few times and then Phyllis said she will ensure that Billy doesn't drive or whatever, so Jack finally does the interview with the reporter and the reporter is completely charmed by Jack.  Phyllis is very impressed at how good Jack is in these situations, and it warms her heart because it is after that, that she says no more revenge and that she loves him and doesn't want to lose him.  Even when Billy was trying to entice her to go out celebrating and saying something about Jack being boring, she did not waver.  It was like as soon as Billy started spinning out of control, Phyllis gained control of herself.

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Might it be that Jack, having had enough of his wife and that ...thing.... masquerading as his brother, shuts them both down HARD and hands Pisskey back to Victoria, and it's that which precipitates those two and their unnatural mating?

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It was kind of out of the blue.  What I didn't recap was that there was a female reporter who kept trying to ask Jack follow up questions about Victoria's accusations.  He had to put her off (nicely) because he had to deal with the Billy situation.  This happened a few times and then Phyllis said she will ensure that Billy doesn't drive or whatever, so Jack finally does the interview with the reporter and the reporter is completely charmed by Jack.  Phyllis is very impressed at how good Jack is in these situations, and it warms her heart because it is after that, that she says no more revenge and that she loves him and doesn't want to lose him.  Even when Billy was trying to entice her to go out celebrating and saying something about Jack being boring, she did not waver.  It was like as soon as Billy started spinning out of control, Phyllis gained control of herself.

Hmmm. When they had their makeup conversation and sex a few weeks ago (the last time she "softened" and seemed human again) she also said he was "smart" and made the right decisions -- specifically with business. 


I have no faith in the writers. But I do respect PB and GT. And I believe they would give thought to their characters' motivations and tweak the script to reflect that. I remember PB talking about how he and SC did this with Jack and Sharon's relationship (because of the dreck they were given). That's why I'm curious about the specific words and specific expressions. Pratt and the hapless scribes under him will shift motivation on a dime; but these two IMO will do the most honest job they can.


As per GT's FB chat she said Phyllis and Billy are caught up in the passion of what they're doing "in the moment" (someone wanted to know if they're heading into a pairing) and that Phyllis is fighting for her marriage. (The latter response when asked if she prefers Jack or Billy for Phyllis).


Might it be that Jack, having had enough of his wife and that ...thing.... masquerading as his brother, shuts them both down HARD and hands Pisskey back to Victoria, and it's that which precipitates those two and their unnatural mating?


This makes sense. But I think they'll somehow try to shoe horn Summer into this. I wonder if she outs Phyllis and the kidnapping and Jabot is forced to hand PassKey over to keep her out of jail. And Phyllis wasn't mad at Jack the day she kissed Billy. So I don't even think she needs to be pissed at him necessarily. She just has to be revenge dragon. 


I continue to be amazed at the time this Philly thing is being given. Pregnancies are shorter on this show. It's nuts.

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and that Phyllis is fighting for her marriage.

That's exactly how GT is playing it, IMO. She loves and wants Jack, but when she gets caught up in revenge and anger, she seeks out similar-minded Billy. That's why I hold Billy more accountable at the end of the day. He knows what he's doing. The drinking isn't an excuse. He screwed things up with Vic and now he's trying to screw with Jack/Phyllis. The "boring" comment and him saying that he and Phyllis need to "celebrate" was sooo telling. He has passed the innocence bus stop miles ago and is headed straight for the land of douchebag.

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In the real world Jabot would give Passkey to Newman then sue them for a billion dollars... Pack and Phyllis...Then Billy would sue for not having security cameras or security period in that garage.


Then Sage and Nick would do a petrie-dish baby and pay some nice lady to carry it.

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I finally bought some White Zinfandel and wasn't paying much attention while I binge watched two episodes in a row and played on my iPad.


But the one thing that did catch my attention was how everyone just kept walking into Victor's cell like they were opening the door to his office at Newman. Aren't inmates locked in their cells?  Don't guards have to open their cells to let them out? And I'm pretty sure they're not just allowed to wander about on their own.


What the hell is happening? What kind of jail is this supposed to be?


Also, Victor dreaming about Victoria pleading for him to forgive her was gross. As were his grunts after being stabbed. I kept cringing, ick.

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Also, Victor dreaming about Victoria pleading for him to forgive her was gross. As were his grunts after being stabbed. I kept cringing, ick.


What are the writers going for with this shit? It's seriously messed up. It's not bad enough Victoria is constantly whining to Victor "Do you love me? Do you hate me? Please love me! Will you ever LOVE ME the way you used to?" But now he's dreaming of HER and not, you know, his WIFE?




Victoria is in her 40s. This is not normal behaviour. Please make it stop.

Edited by miamama
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Victor is extra creepy with Victoria. I get why she has daddy issues. They just had a scene together with Victor in tears declaring her "His Victoria" with Nadia's theme underscoring it because she dared to do the right thing and turn his ass in. It is like they all hurt him but because she did it was the worst thing ever. Yet he yells at her and belittles her talent and always passes her up over his sons. It is very bizarre. I think he is in love with his daughter and the idea of her being better than him and not needing him freaks him out. 


Who would buy a security software projected created by a cosmetic company? This makes no sense. 

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I've given up on the character writing here, on the plotting, on logic...and after Grey Gardens, the decor...


What's left for me? Well Ian Ward, for one. Watching him do cat-and-mouse with Victor makes EB mildly bearable. Mind you, that's not saying much--he's down to the watery-eyed reptilian stare and the slight pull-back of the head, in terms of gestures. Ray Wise ought to make him up his game a bit, but I haven't seen it yet. Perhaps Ian will leave him a sample-size tube of lube on his pillow [rather than a chocolate] as a gesture of good will.


And Dr MEK for two. But where is he? Instead it's day after day of a horrendously bad umbrella plot. Oh, and Mariah, for three. And that's it.

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Victor is extra creepy with Victoria.

He is also extra creepy with Dummer.  There something fundamentally wrong with the way Victor has been written for many years.  For me, it started with Sabrina.  Then Sharon.  It's one thing to pair an old man with a very young woman, it got worse when it was his daughter in law and the mother of his grandchildren, but it seems now his own daughter and granddaughter are the targets for his ego.  If this is what EB thinks of himself, it's chilling. It's casting a pall over his legacy. That's why I felt relived when he finally got back together with Nikki.  I hoped he would just be back burnered into a benevolent patriarch and have no more romantic drama except his and Nikki's odd anniversary celebration. But it was not to be because of EB's colossal ego. The Great Victor Newman will have an asterisk next to his name in the Soap Opera Hall of Fame.  I wish he would have quit while he still had some gravitas

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^^I find EB creepy with women in every regard. Victor is either abusive or sickly predator sweet. I found Victor most tolerable with Ashley because she used to be written (and sort of still is) as a smart businesswoman with a fair bit of animus. Nikki has been presented as a little girl type of woman and pairing her with Victor always disgusted me. And the way he calls her "my baby" is seriously fucking gross. I have no issue with that particular term of endearment -- i.e. "baby" -- (stutter barker annoys me because he overuses it) but Billy Miller used it fine and so does Gina Tognoni. Eric sounds like, as I said, a sick predator. 


And so it makes the Victoria thing extra gross. Victor and Summer bothers me less because HK is very young and almost childlike.


Now all of this would not be a problem if Victor were presented as a sicko. Like when he would rage at women in the old days -- I remember him grabbing Leanna Love by the hair and pulling her head back over that Ruthless book, it was horrifying but it was a powerful scene. Bell played Victor as a fucked up man. He gave him backstory to sell him as a viable character but he also showed us shades of "bad" in the sense that he had a very, very dark terrifying shadow.


Now his shadow is front and centre and we're supposed to be buy him as the great patriarch/hero/star of the show all at the same time.

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peacheslatour quote

That's why I felt relived when he finally got back together with Nikki.

Thing is, when he 'found' Nikki she was a girl, naive and needing a father figure.  This is Pricktor's makeup-borderline child molester.  Getting back with Nikki doesn't negate this part of him.  It just gives him a beard while he scouts out the next sweet young thing he can legally (prey upon) marry.  [since marrying Victoria is out of the question even in GC.]  I agree with your entire post,too, Miamama.

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I caught up on my shows last evening and I couldn't believe the dream Victor was having about Victoria! Downright misogynistic, borderline incestuous garbage. Why are we subjected to this craptacular shit?  IF anyone still harbours any doubts as to whether EB runs the show BTS, they won't after this. 


I don't give a rat's ass that he got shanked in his own bed. WTF aren't the cells locked down? Seriousy show? 




ETA: More Ray Wise please!!!!

Edited by PatsyandEddie
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Drinki rushes to Pricktor’s bedside in the hospital, and tells him he is lucky to be alive and she is all atwitter. He tells her to get out! He says she betrayed him.


Phyllis, who appears to have had a hair and fashion makeover, is excited because of the great success thus far of Passkey sales—wait a minute, how do they even have a product to sell and distribute?  Doesn’t that take some time?  Jack is just relieved that the headlines are not about Victoria and Billy.  Jack and Phyllis discuss Victoria again, and he wants to end the feud, and Phyllis says Vic needs to meet them half way.  They discuss the possibility of Villy getting back together, and Phyllis thinks it won’t happen, but she just wants she and Jack to be happy and together.

Billy shows up at Newman with flowers for Vic.  Billy says he was wrong and out of line, and is embarrassed.  She tells him she is going to sue him for every penny he owes her.  He says that Prick stole from him. She says prove it in court.  Billy says whoever is giving you legal advice should be disbarred, and Mikey walks in and says:  you’re right.  They all start arguing.  Mikey tells them they need to get a room.


Oh man, more Sage and Dick BABY blah blah.

Sharon is dreaming about Sully, and the Nurse is there and takes the BABY for feeding and Sharon freaks out in the dream.  She wakes up and realizes it was not a dream, but a memory.


Drinki tells Sage and Dick about Prick’s stabbing.  Dick is worried about Prick, and they decide he needs to go to another prison.  He calls Dylan for help.

As expected, Shawn decides to keep the BABY.  She and the BABY are gone when Sage and Dick arrive at the hospital.  Shawn left a lovely note explaining it to Sage and Dick.  But seriously, they discharged both her and the premature BABY the day after surgery?  Yikes.  Later more blah blah about the BABY and Dick says he is relieved.  Sage doesn’t seem to be angry with him.  But she is defeated, and she crumples the note from Shawn.  So now I am thinking that Nurse stole Shawn’s BABY!


Dylan talks to Prick, to get information on what happened.  Prick tells him he doesn’t need his help.  Dylan says that the surveillance camera outside Prick’s cell was turned off at the time of the stabbing.  He wants to know who has it in for him.  Prick says he was asleep.  Dylan realizes that Prick wants to go back to the prison to repay whoever attacked him.  Dylan tries to get him to let the law help him, and Prick blames the law for what happened to him.  Dylan says that Drinki is worried about him, and Prick says:  who the hell is Drinki?

More Jack/Phyllis blah blah about their love, and her being better than she was.  Billy shows up to tell them that he tried to make peace with Victoria, he brought flowers, but she still wants to sue, and she’s got Mikey advising her.  Jack points out that this all started with Billy stealing Passkey to begin with, and Billy is pissed and stomps off.  Jack asks Phyllis if she wants to go after him, and she says: hell no.  BTW, Billy did not mention what happened with Vic at Grey Gardens.


Mikey tells Vic they should come to an agreement.  Vic says she tried that but Billy was inappropriate and arrogant.  She wants to sue.

Sully has a fever so Sharon brings him to the hospital.  The doctor says the baby is fine, but Sharon is still worried.  Then that Nurse shows up and starts oohing and ahhing over Sully.  Sharon asks Nurse questions about the meds that Dr. Anderson prescribed.  She says she knows nothing.  She wants to hold the BABY.  While she is holding the BABY Sharon has another flashback to Nurse with Sully in the hospital, and is clearly unsettled by it.


Phyllis to Jack:  Billy needs to put on his big boy pants and not self-destruct every time Victoria gets under his skin, especially if we are going to avoid a lawsuit.  Wow, Phyllis, I think you must get whiplash from changing your personality on an hourly basis.  Drinki shows up and Jack goes to talk to her.  Drinki says that she thought making Prick own up to his mistakes might be his salvation but instead it might cost him his life and it’s my fault. She thanks him listening to her in spite of what Prick did to Jack, but Jack says they are still friends.  She says she feels better, and too bad he is not her sponsor.  Jack says he could be her sponsor.

Phyllis goes to Grey Gardens to talk some sense into Billy, and he is all waa waa waa and big ol mean Jack.  He encourages Phyllis to have a drink with him to celebrate Passkey.  She reluctantly agrees and you can tell that she is actually struggling with her feelings for Billy.  She wants to leave and Billy doesn’t let her.  He is clearly hitting on her, and I think this is to spite Jack.  She leaves, and he continues drinking.  But then she looks through the window at him.


Back at Newman, Mikey and Vic are off to a good professional start, but when she suggests a drink, he passes.  So instead Vic toasts Prick’s portrait with tequila and says she will get their rightful share.

Previews:  Adam to Prick:  Why am I here; Prick: I want you to avenge me; Hilary to Devon: You sabotaged your own wife so you can get down off your high horse cause you are  no better than me; Ash to Abby, I am recovering, and Abby is pissed that Ash never told her she was sick; Neville is there too.

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...slow.....walk.....to....one....night....stand.....continues. I mean if you had a devoted, gorgeous, millionaire, loving, grown up, smart, long-time beloved husband who adores you, wouldn't YOU be lusting after this poor man's Ichabod Crane?




So Jack is everybody's fucking sponsor. I know why -- after his wife and brother fuck no one will be able to help him like he helped them -- but I'm still irritated by this shameful waste of an actor and character. 


Love Neville and Ash but sick of Ashley being isolated from front burner stuff.

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Michael changed his mind fast. So now he is Team Newman?

Why Billy upset? He won. So what is with his pity party?

Glad Phyllis finally seeing that Billy is a complete fuck up but she will still have sex with him.

Shawn and the baby is just gone? So what was the point? Nevermind. Bye.

STFU Victor.

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Michael changed his mind fast. So now he is Team Newman?

Why Billy upset? He won. So what is with his pity party?

Glad Phyllis finally seeing that Billy is a complete fuck up but she will still have sex with him.

Shawn and the baby is just gone? So what was the point? Nevermind. Bye.

STFU Victor.

Because Jack is a big, mean poopy head. Duh. ;p

Edited by peacheslatour
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Michael changed his mind fast. So now he is Team Newman?

Why Billy upset? He won. So what is with his pity party?

Glad Phyllis finally seeing that Billy is a complete fuck up but she will still have sex with him.

Shawn and the baby is just gone? So what was the point? Nevermind. Bye.

STFU Victor.

I think he's taking the job because she offered him half a million dollars.  Up until now he has been advising her to negotiate and settle and not feud, so he hasn't quite  switched sides, but he is working Victoria, aka Pricktor.

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