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The GCEh?C: Canadian Episodes (Spoilers for Non-Canadians)

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miamama, I feel your pain.  I watched yesterday's show-in its entirety-just because I had to see how bad this show has become to justify my boycott.  I can. not. believe that Pratt expects us to feel sorry for Victurd because he made bad choices. "the road not taken...."  [Robert Frost is rolling in his grave at Turd's interpretation of that poem!]  Hey, doucheturd, those are choices.  That means you made a conscious decision to do something.  Your choices!  Tell me again how a man who 'built himself up from nothing' and runs a major business cannot see the consequences of his actions.  And how those actions would impact (negatively) his family.  Set aside the fact that Summer thought Jack was her dad and treated his as such for a while-and he is actually her step-dad.  Even if no one cared about Jack or Phylis at all, the kind of choice/s Victurd made shows him to be a rotten, despicable waste of life.  Someone no person should want in their life.  He wants to quid pro quo his guilt feelings for forgiveness of his 'bad choices'.  F*ck you and Pratt, too.  Feel guilty all you want-doesn't change what you did.



miamama quote

What happened, the undead thugs suddenly felt like being honest?

Bet they can walk underwater a la The Pirates of the Caribbean.



peacheslatour quote

If we were wondering what Pratt thinks of women (NOT) now we know.

It took me awhile (between bouts of nausea and shock) to realize that if Nosferaturd wasn't around it would only impact the wimmins.  How is Drinnki being married to him a good thing?  She drinks better booze and only has to beg him?  And why would Abby and Victoria and Lily become wanton women?  (answer=money).  Nick and Billyboy just become substitute Victors.  So it boils down to Victor's money and (ruthless) business sense is what is best for the family.



miamama quote

Oh, was thinking in reference to Summer's "You are a warrior king who slays dragons for us."

PatsyandEddie quote

I actually burst out laughing, rolling my eyes when Dummer said that. Then I was nauseated.

The only thing that made sense was having Dummer be the one to listen to the crappola Turd was slinging.  You can see her struggle with the obvious depravity of Victurd's choices - I actually think she has enough brain to know what he did was wrong, especially re her dead husband - but she manages to get sucked in to his plan to use guilt as a chip for forgiveness.  Dummer is the only one who would be able to listen to this without slamming his face into the table, several times.  And stupid enough to guilt-trip the rest of the family.


So I'm done.  Not going to watch anymore.  Thanks to all the Preverts that do-your insightful comments and recaps are greatly appreciated.

  • Love 8

Thanks, Bannana, for the brilliant recap that insures my NOT watching yesterdays episode.  I enjoyed the attacks on Victor and watched it 3 times.  I have it saved so that I can watch it again, after Victor is declared the savior of the entire world.  I was looking forward to seeing him taken to jail and some kind of confrontation with Jack, but that is not going to happen, I see.  Back to the FF button and probably just an entire delete of Wednesday's show.  I have missed your recaps, and this one is a beauty.  Mia, I know this is probably the end of the road for you, and I am sorry.  Its just never gonna get better.  Too early for Vodka - more coffee, I guess.

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Half watched again.  Hillary is a royal bitch now and doesn't care if everyone knows it.  Dr. Tad Martin is very upset, he clearly is in love with Ash.  Abby is pissed too.  Ash wants to be cured quickly so she and the doc can bring the bitch down.  Her words.


Dullen suddenly supports Sharon and her defence of Noah.  Noah is worried about Marissa being convicted.  She thinks they should go on the run.  Noah suggests marriage instead.  But she's married to Luca.  oops


Phyllis wants Michael to defend Pricktor.  But not to get him acquitted.


Damien seems to be warming up to Abby, but now Ben is being investigated for being an abusive father.


Sage is going a bit stalkerish on the teen baby mama, and it is worrying Nick, and Sage wonders whether he is trying foil the whole adoption.  They go with baby mama to the ultrasound.  Baby mama is definitely having second thoughts.


Previews:  Jack angry with Phyllis, I have had it with your reckless attitude.  Phyllis:  You're not the only one who's had it. Prick to Pricktoria in his office: Get out of the chair, I have work to do.  Drinki looks on with contempt.  Ben seeks Michael's assistance to keep his son.


BTW, Preview Pricktor is the same as pre It's a Wonderful Life Pricktor.

  • Love 6

Thanks, Bannana.


STFU, Phyllis. What could you possibly complain to Jack about? He's done nothing but support your lying ass. So it seems he learns about the PassKey plot. But she can't say sorry?? Who the fuck is this person? Obviously manufactured angst so Phyllis fucks Billy. <puke> Still not buying it, Pratt.


And Victor, a billionaire who has committed international crimes galore is not a flight risk? He gets bail? Whatever, show.


What is Marissa's crime? huh? Did I miss something?


Hillary has now become so hateful that she is blackmailing a seriously ill woman while being married to a BILLIONAIRE? She was beholden to Jack and Jabot and now this?


So basically women are stepford wives or they are heinous lying (and cheating) shrews. (Phyllis and Hillary have been one or the other since Pratt came on board).


There is nothing. NOTHING that is worth watching on this show. And I'm trying. I've been hooked on this show for so long I WANT to have a reason to tune in. And yet... 

  • Love 11

Thanks, Bannana.


STFU, Phyllis. What could you possibly complain to Jack about? He's done nothing but support your lying ass. So it seems he learns about the PassKey plot. But she can't say sorry?? Who the fuck is this person? Obviously manufactured angst so Phyllis fucks Billy. <puke> Still not buying it, Pratt.


And Victor, a billionaire who has committed international crimes galore is not a flight risk? He gets bail? Whatever, show.


What is Marissa's crime? huh? Did I miss something?


Hillary has now become so hateful that she is blackmailing a seriously ill woman while being married to a BILLIONAIRE? She was beholden to Jack and Jabot and now this?


So basically women are stepford wives or they are heinous lying (and cheating) shrews. (Phyllis and Hillary have been one or the other since Pratt came on board).


There is nothing. NOTHING that is worth watching on this show. And I'm trying. I've been hooked on this show for so long I WANT to have a reason to tune in. And yet... 

It's so bad I don't even wonder why things make no sense.  I am assuming that Marissa aided and abetted Noah?  As for Jack and Phyllis, I think he may have found out that she was trying to get Michael to defend Pricktor and throw the case since she is at the same table at the GCAC as when she was talking to Michael.


The Hillary storyline makes no sense, but I don't like her so I kind of ignore it.  But there is def a romance a brewing between the Doc and Ash.

  • Love 6

She wants Michael to take the case and then purposely throw it.


Points for Phyllis for knowing Victor woke her up to ruin Sharon, that he didn't care about her. He only cared for her to stop Sharon's wedding to Nick. She should point out all that to her dumb child.


Noah wants a quickie wedding to someone still married. At least Marissa remembers.


Sage is showing her crazy and Nick totally doesn't want that baby.



What is Marissa's crime? huh? Did I miss something?

Accessory. She is on video being the one getting rid of Noah's tires. She's his accomplice. 

Edited by Artsda
  • Love 8

Mad Max fessed up that he lied to the teacher because he was angry with his dad.  But he still has to go with the SW until a judge says it is okay for him to be with Ben.  Meanwhile, Abby is starting to realize that Max is really Damian and is going to mess up her happy life with Ben.


Phyllis wants Michael to defend Prick and throw the case but both he and Jack agree that is a stupid idea.  


Drinki (with a fabulous new hairdo!) and Victoria get tossed out of Prick's office by Prick who is out on bail.  They say they are going to the Board to have Prick ousted and he yells a bunch of mean stuff at them.  He even yells mean stuff about Jack and Phyllis proving once again that he has no remorse whatsoever.  Then Judge Moxley shows up and Prick tells her to bend over, again;  she says she knows what she needs to do.  Drinki sees the judge, who points out the legal problems the Newmans have been having, first Adam, then Noah now Prick.  Drinki and Vic wonder if the judge will get Prick off, but Drinki says he'll get his no matter what.  Vic wants Dick to come help her with the Pricktor problem at Newman.  Dick actually says something smart!  He says they should all walk away and leave Newman to Prick and let the whole thing implode.  While Prick says everything he does is for his family, it's really about him and his company.  I like this idea.


Jack and Phyllis show up at Newman to harass Prick but he shouts them down.  Jack tells Prick that he didn't kill anyone, but Prick already knows that since he paid off everyone.  Prick says he won't spend very long in a cell, thinking he has the judge in his pocket.


They later see the judge and wonder if that is why Prick was so smug.  But then moments later, in the time it takes to go have a pee, the judge has informed her husband and her children about her dalliance with Prick (ewww, poor them!) and called a press conference to tell the world that she is recusing herself from Prick's case because of their affair.  Prick's reaction is the usual crossing of the arms, leaning back in the chair and looking like he is having a shit right there.


There's a bunch of wacky-eyed Sage the stalker mom, with Dick telling her to cool it, Sage ignoring him and continuously saying stupid things to teen baby mama.    I mean seriously, they just met her five minutes ago and Sage is criticizing her for being late for her appointment and now for eating a jelly donut.  Run, baby mama, as fast as you can.


Previews:  Neil realizes the bitch is back and tries to warn Devon.  Dummer tells Victoria and Prick that Swiss Miss is in cahoots with Billy.  Jack says something about Phyllis and Billy doing stuff behind his back.

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So what is everyone's take on the insta adoption storyline? Will baby mama change her mind and Herb kidnap Sully as a substitute? Is that how they will get rid of Herb? Because she has never and will never be leading lady material. And why does baby mama have such a horrible hairdo? That is how I looked 40 years ago but I can't say I have seen it much since then. Sad that that is my main concern regarding this whole storyline.


Thank goodness the judge finally stopped the Newmans from holding her bad taste in lovers over her head. One would think though she would be investigated both for letting Adam go free and giving Noah a slap on the wrist. I don't care though as long as we are no longer expected to believe that anyone would care who the judge slept with years ago.


Unfortunately (or fortunately?) I ff through much of the other storylines so really don't know or care what is going on with Billy, Phyllis, Swiss Miss, Dummer, the Hamiltons, etc. The only couple who have any chemisty at the moment are Ashley and Dr Neville. ED and MEK are magical.

Edited by UsernameFatigue
  • Love 9

Vic wants Dick to come help her with the Pricktor problem at Newman.  Dick actually says something smart!  He says they should all walk away and leave Newman to Prick and let the whole thing implode.  While Prick says everything he does is for his family, it's really about him and his company.  I like this idea.


It's a sad day when Nick is the one making the most sense. 

  • Love 7



They later see the judge and wonder if that is why Prick was so smug.  But then moments later, in the time it takes to go have a pee, the judge has informed her husband and her children about her dalliance with Prick (ewww, poor them!) and called a press conference to tell the world that she is recusing herself from Prick's case because of their affair.  Prick's reaction is the usual crossing of the arms, leaning back in the chair and looking like he is having a shit right there.

bannana - I am so glad to see recaps again.  You saved my life by having me skip the Victor/Summer shit, and now I know to FF until I get to watch the bolded above.  I said I was never going to post again until I had something intelligent to say, but its never going to happen, so I'm just jumping back in.  I never stopped reading - just stopped posting.  I have missed the interaction with such crazy and witty people.  I actually got out of bed to make this post because I forgot to thank you earlier.  

  • Love 10

bannana - I am so glad to see recaps again.  You saved my life by having me skip the Victor/Summer shit, and now I know to FF until I get to watch the bolded above.  I said I was never going to post again until I had something intelligent to say, but its never going to happen, so I'm just jumping back in.  I never stopped reading - just stopped posting.  I have missed the interaction with such crazy and witty people.  I actually got out of bed to make this post because I forgot to thank you earlier.  

movinon, I do appreciate your thanks, it actually means a lot to me.  I cannot say if I will be able to bannanacap on a consistent basis as I did last year.  I didn't really come back to the show until recently, mostly because I am hoping beyond hope that Pricktor gets his.  I also love reading the snark here.

  • Love 9

QuoteMar 5 2016. 8:00 pm


I think the pregnant teen is going to change her mind and Sage is going to go crazy. Probably steal the baby and run off with it. Sage is trying and pushing way too hard, she's not showing any logic or care for the mother. Just wants that baby no matter what.


Too bad that Nick isn't rich enough to hire a surrogate to hatch his and Parsley's eggs and bacon. Hell with the 300 million he sued pappy for, he could hire Heidi Klum.

  • Love 5

Good show today with great performance from PB; Jack is finally back.  However there is  a lot of stupid to go around as well.


So Jack finds out that Billy and Victoria are in cahoots re pass key.  That's cause Luca leaked it to the press.  Jack is pissed that they are working together on this behind his back and that they are taking on Pricktor, reminding Billy how well that ended last time with Paragon.  So all those days at the hospital where everyone just wanted Billy to be better, and Jack was so sorry he didn't support him, well, that's over.


Meanwhile at Newman, Prick is accusing Victoria of helping Billy against Prick.  But Dummer says it is not Pricktoria, it's Swiss Miss, and that she has been communicating with Billy.  Prick is pissed with Dummer  because she was supposed to keep an eye on SM, and Dummer fesses up that her mom told her not to tell Prick, cause she was working with Billy.  Prick actually says:  Your mother, Phyllis Abbott?!  Dummer then sets up a meeting with mommy where she confesses that she told Prick the truth.  Phyllis gives her a pass, and says it's not her fault.  But she realizes that this will crash Billy's relationship with Vic.  Phyllis tells Dummer she is a smart girl.  Hah!  She then points out that Dummer has given Prick ammunition to destroy a lot of people, with Vic and Billy at the top of the list.


And Vic and Prick are having it out because he is accusing Billy of betraying her once again.  They have a heated argument hurling insults and accusations.


Billy tells Jack that he is in cahoots with Luca and against Prick because he is trying to help Jack.  Jack totally figures out what Billy has been up to.  He argues with Billy.  Billy is offended, and says Prick is getting what he deserves for what he did to Phyllis.  Jack tell him he doesn't need him to defend his wife.  Billy says someone has to.  Rut roh.


Abby and Damien are at CL and he is being a brat, and she doubles over in pain and asks him to help her.  She has figured out that he really is Damien.  Later she tells Ben what happened, and that she worried he might  not help her on purpose.  Damien, with his own creepy background music now, walks in and says he was scared and is happy that the baby is okay.  Abby looks terrified.


Ash and Doc Neville are still tight, and I really do like this couple.  But the storyline now is all about Hillary having reverted back to evil conniving bitch.  Neil is onto her, and points this out to Devon.  He then goes to Ash to offer a job heading some new foundation and he and Jack are creating, and Hillary is all for ushering out the door.  But Ash stays as she has to, to get better.  And why does Hillary who is now hooked up with a billionaire care about working at all.  I would be focussed on spas and vacations.  Devon wonders why Ash stepped down, but he is an idiot.  Meanwhile, Hillary is all over the Doc, and not in a good way.  She gets very nasty with him.  


HaHaHa!!!  Luca and Swiss Miss show up at Dummer's place and she blames him for her having to tell her gwampa the truth about Billy and Phyllis.  That's because he gave the proof against Prick to Billy.  She says the truth destroyed her family!  Wow, and this is the daughter that Phyllis is protecting.


Prick confronts Jack and Phyllis about them plotting against him.  He and Prick go toe to toe and Neil is trying to calm things down.  Jack is great and standing up to Prick, and at the very end his reaction had a little Marco in it!


Previews:  Billy says he had nothing to do with it and Vic says he is lying.  Sage thinks Dick is trying to sabotage the adoption.  Jack calls Paul and tells him Prick is out of control and he should lock him up again.

  • Love 12

I love that your recaps focus on Jack, Bannana! And I"m glad he gets to show some fire. 


Billy tells Jack that he is in cahoots with Luca and against Prick because he is trying to help Jack.  Jack totally figures out what Billy has been up to.  He argues with Billy.  Billy is offended, and says Prick is getting what he deserves for what he did to Phyllis.  Jack tell him he doesn't need him to defend his wife.  Billy says someone has to.  Rut roh.


But fuck if they say ONE MORE TIME that this was ALL DONE TO PHYLLIS I'm going to fucking scream. Jack was CHAINED UP AND TORTURED AND KEPT AWAY FROM HIS FAMILY.


I hate this version of Billy. Apart from JT's weird performance -- which I could get over if the writing were remotely in character -- the idea that Billy Abbott would defend Phyllis as some kind of victim while attacking his brother for failing to protect her????? It's too asinine to believe. Billy knew better than anyone what a psycho self-serving harpy Phyllis has always been and she has seen him as a complete loser. If she and Billy ever had a civil conversation, it was about their shared love of Jack. Otherwise they had a quiet, mutual loathing.


And we are to believe they are bonding over how much Jack has failed them in their Victor revenge?????? aaargh. Can Phyllis and Billy PLEASE FUCK so we can stop watching this horse manure, please?????????

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This is such a tiny thing to get hung up on, but is the show contractually obligated to have characters tell Summer she's smart?

Yep, the same way they had to keep telling us about Private Plywood's BLUE eyes and general gorgeousness. If they say it enough it automatically becomes true.  Right Show.  Uh huh.

  • Love 8

And she is always coddled. WTF? Phyllis RIPPED into Jack when he told Neil about what happened to HIM (which he cannot do without people knowing what happened to her) and SCREAMED that HE HAD NO RIGHT. She said she wanted to break a vase on his head (that really offended me; I think I've mentioned it before). She stayed away from their home overnight she was so angry.


And yet Summer fucking blabs because of loyalty to the man who had Phyllis and Jack RAPED and is responsible for the DEATHS of Summer's husband and best friend and she just pats her on the head and says "it's okay, sweetie. You're smart."

  • Love 9

And she is always coddled. WTF? Phyllis RIPPED into Jack when he told Neil about what happened to HIM (which he cannot do without people knowing what happened to her) and SCREAMED that HE HAD NO RIGHT. She said she wanted to break a vase on his head (that really offended me; I think I've mentioned it before). She stayed away from their home overnight she was so angry.


And yet Summer fucking blabs because of loyalty to the man who had Phyllis and Jack RAPED and is responsible for the DEATHS of Summer's husband and best friend and she just pats her on the head and says "it's okay, sweetie. You're smart."

And I believe Dummer said something to like Phyllis like, I am sorry for what happened to you, as if it was as serious as breaking a nail.  Dummer has no perspective whatsoever re the scope of Prick's damage to so many people, and as soon as Prick starts blaming Vic, five seconds in, she throws her own mother under the bus.  Which I think is kind of serious. Because couldn't Phyllis and Billy be charged for their corporate shenanigans?  Maybe Phyllis needs to remind Dummer about the whole peanut butter incident.  Dummer's entire defence was that she could no longer stand the secrets and the lies.  Sheesh.

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Dummer's entire defence was that she could no longer stand the secrets and the lies.  Sheesh.


that's hilarious seeing as how the simpleton used a fake name to bully a kid so much he almost attempted suicide...


of course, he apologized to her for the whole thing...shit, my eyes just got stuck i rolled them back so far, good thing i'm a touch typist.

  • Love 8
He and Prick go toe to toe and Neil is trying to calm things down.  Jack is great and standing up to Prick, and at the very end his reaction had a little Marco in it!


I watched it because Bannana wrote this. When I say "it" I mean scenes with PB in them. And I peeked at MEK. ;)


There were shades of Marco! Nice to see PB get to unleash some fury. I dislike JT more and more each time I watch him. He just sits there emotionless/smug (can't tell which) as Jack is hollering at him. I don't know what degree of my dislike is  the writing or his acting, but I'm not a fan of low-energy performers. That has always been my biggest complaint about AH. And he has the disease. Even up against a powerful actor bringing it he stays in that doped up state. It makes him seem like an asshole who just doesn't give a fuck. Billy has been a lot of things but never that, not where Jack is concerned.


Glad Jack wasn't buying any of his bullshit.


Yeah, Phyllis would choose Billy Munster over Jack for even a nanosecond. Whatever, show.

  • Love 10

Summer is so awful, I liked Luca knocking her down a peg and telling her that it's Victor's fault when she tried to blame everyone but him for what is going on. She's really a horrible daughter, Phyllis should have told her off. She didn't care about her mother, Vicky or anyone. Only bowing and catering to st. grandfather who had her mother raped. What an awful child. 


I loved Jack being back and finding out about everything, then also going toe to toe with Victor at the end. 

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I hate that Michael's given in and is willing to lose his career over Phyllis's rabid demands. She talks about Victor being a dog that needs to be put down? She's just as crazy. 


Nice to see Lauren, but her taking Phyllis's side is nuts. Way to support your husband's career. Lauren doesn't care if he is disbarred?


Sage doesn't even have the baby legally yet and is already taking clothes from Chelsea? Chelsea shouldn't be encouraging her crazy. Nick was right that Sage is not ready for this and trying to hard. She also seemed to dismiss anything Nick has going on like it's nothing. She's angry he left her because Victor was arrested and the family is doing a vote? Sage acted like Nick left because he went to stop by the store. 


Loved Sharon and Nick's conversation and her having his back against Sage. That Sage was not helping matters with the push of the adoption.


Victor can stay in jail forever.

Edited by Artsda
  • Love 6

Victor's got his bail revoked because he threatened Phyllis and Summer's crying and visiting him? The writing for her is ridiculous.She's whining that she tried to make them see his side? What side? The side that threatened to kill her own mother?

Why is Stitch being called in to look after Victor? Big conflict and he also just assisted in her death. He should have had that other doctor assigned to his case to begin with.

Sage and Nick are fighting, then she tells pregnant teen they weren't, it was an intense discussion. lol She's pregnant not stupid. Glad she asked if she and Nick fight like that a lot.

Adam's excitement over his new job and his voting over the phone was great.

  • Love 5

Wowza, what a show today.  I am off the grid for the next week or so, but here's a quick recap.


Dummer is truly living up to her name these days. She has no concern for what Pricktor did to her mother and step-father, but unlike everyone else in GC she has great concern for Prick, so she is visiting him now that he is back in jail.  During this visit he trashes people important to her and says he will never lose control of Newman (cause he cannot count, I guess) and gives her his proxy.  Then he kind of "strokes" out and she calls for help and he is back in hospital.  Everyone is certain he is faking it including his Doc, Ben, who mysteriously had to be called in to treat the man who is responsible for his sister's death.  WTF?  I LOVED Drinki's scenes where she is splaining to the children and grandchildren that of course Prick is faking in order to delay the board meeting.  They go ahead with the meeting, and oust Prick and name Vic CEO.  Later Vic goes to visit Prick in the hospital and he verbally shits on her once again.  I am not clear on how much abuse a daughter should be expected to take.  She should have spit on his face and walked away.


So I guess we can surmise that Prick gets off as follows:


  1. Michael defends him but throws the case, leading to the opportunity for Prick to appeal.  I assume that is why Prick accepted Michael as his attorney, knowing full well he is loyal to Phyllis.
  2. Prick has some kind of brain lesions (see, Tracey Quartermaine, GH) that caused him to lose his mind and think it was okay to kidnap, torture and almost murder Jack, and rape Phyllis, and kill people, and chortle all the while he was doing so; except, he has been doing this shit for some time now, so I cannot wait to hear what kind brain problem he has....sigh


Other than that, there was Ash/Doc stuff that was nice.  Boring  Ben/Damien/Abby.  Boring Dick/Sage/Baby Mama.

  • Love 9

It is so fucking beyond fucking ridiculous that Summer is being written like this. What a hateful waste of space that girl is. Who could feel sorry for this asshole? Even that Victoria bothers to talk to him and say things like "I still love you and you WILL forgive me" is insane. Let the actress play that she is conflicted but not actually say this shit. Be cold and finished with him as a normal human being would be. And yes that would hurt because he is her father and she does love him. But having her say "Daddy, I LOVE you but you did BAD things" turns her into a snivelling idiot.


Victor keeps having these "fake outs" and of course he will have a real massive stroke or something and no one will believe him and they will all feel soooo guilty. And once again it will all be poor Victor, he was suffering. He is a good good good man. And we were so so so cruel to him.


Nikki's been talking shit about "saving Victor" from himself as though he's an addict and not a sociopath. It's fucking ridiculous.


I hate Eric Braeden's stranglehold on this show. As I've said before it is poison. Kills everything.

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miamama quote

Nikki's been talking shit about "saving Victor" from himself as though he's an addict and not a sociopath. It's fucking ridiculous.

I want to see him in the courtroom trussed up like Hannibal Lecter- mask and all.  Not in some country club rehab.  (That will probably be run by Kneel.*)

* with Lily as the concierge.

Edited by MollyB
  • Love 11

I deserve this for bothering to watch but I cannot take one. more. second. of Phyllis and her FUCKING sneer-whine. ugh. SHUT THE FUCK UP. I remember years ago when Jack told Phyllis to shut up. She had inadvertently let slip about Billy and Sharon hooking up and then was blathering on about it and he screamed in her face "SHUT UP!" MS did a great shocked reaction. lol. Fuck that was sweet.


He needs to do it now. She is a freaking shrew. I don't feel at all sorry for her and her NEED FOR REVENGE. What the fuck does she want? She's the reason Victor wasn't arrested 6 months ago when she swore Jack to secrecy. And now that he is behind bars and awaiting trial with incontrovertible proof against him she is still stomping around spitting our her RAGE RAGE RAGE. ugh. The woman who got away with murder, actual murder, on this show is screaming about justice. Summer, the woman widowed because of this plot, is just fine, btw. So too is Jack, the man kidnapped and tortured and raped. But poor poor poor Phyllis.


GT and her anger mode is really irritating too. It's cold and nasty and reptile-like. I don't want to watch it any more. 


Also, Keebler Billy grovelled to Victoria again only to be kicked to the curb. Again. Is this entertaining to anyone?


Okay, show, you have enough build up now. We've watched Phyllis and Billy bond for months. We see the fractures in their respective relationships. Please let Billy and Phyllis fuck. They are gross and chemistry-free but the anvils are causing serious head injury. And if nothing else, Phyllis banging Billy will get her to stop YELLING AT AND ATTACKING Jack. Even if it's only out of guilt.



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I actually liked Jack defending Victoria. I don't get Victoria's POV because this lie is so small time. I mean, honestly? They gonna break up over this? But regardless I like that Jack has her back. Phyllis is so full of rage and she can't see clearly. I also loved his reaction when she said she had Adam kidnapped. It was like he realized she had lost her damn mind. Jack really does need to tell Phyllis to STFU. He wanted to handle this months ago and she begged him not to. So she doesn't get to come at him now.

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Phyllis is just nuts, she's hating on Jack for being angry she kidnapped Adam? Claiming he chose Adam over Billy and wouldn't give Billy money. Good for Jack for defending himself, for pointing out that Billy went to a bookie to get the money and for pointing out Billy hasn't learned a thing. He rather win and get back at Victor than actually work at his relationship and be honest with Vicky.


Victor wants Adam to run Newman? What? Didn't he just fire him too? 


Billy's then showing up at Newman, and say he's not lying to Vicky, but she still doesn't know he's known all along about Adam's kidnapping.  So he's still lying. Billy woke up lying to Vicky and he knew that she'd dump him over it and he lied anyways.


Poor Michael, taking this case he's got people pulling at him from all sides. First he's got Phyllis demanding he throw the case for her. Now he's got Chelsea wanting to help him win the case to save Adam from Victor. 


"We're going to the Big Apple, you're going to the Big House!"  LMAO at Adam.

  • Love 6

Ok, I just can't with Shawn. Why does she keep questioning whether Herb and Nick are a stable couple?


Do a little research hon. You would quickly find out that babymama-wannabe was married to her brother in law for a New York minute (and for money to boot). You might even find out that she helped said brother in law change his appearance and hide his identity from, well, pretty much everyone.


And while you are at it check out the stability husband-wise of babydaddy- not-so-wannabe. You'd find that he has three children from two different women. You might even find out that he conceived his second child while cheating on his first wife and his third child by cheating on his second wife with his first wife. Oh, and that he was about to remarry his first wife when his second ex wife appeared at the church and ruined the ceremony. Add in another almost wedding where he got left at the alter by his fiance (who was neither his first or second wife),  and the fact that Herb and Nick only got together because she was preggers, and you've got a couple that really should not be able to adopt a dog, let alone a kid.


You're welcome Shawn.

Edited by UsernameFatigue
  • Love 13

I actually liked Jack defending Victoria. I don't get Victoria's POV because this lie is so small time. I mean, honestly? They gonna break up over this? But regardless I like that Jack has her back. Phyllis is so full of rage and she can't see clearly. I also loved his reaction when she said she had Adam kidnapped. It was like he realized she had lost her damn mind. Jack really does need to tell Phyllis to STFU. He wanted to handle this months ago and she begged him not to. So she doesn't get to come at him now.

I also like Jack defending Victoria. For a long time only he and Victoria have made any sense regarding Billy. Plus despite Phyllis's deep bond with him (RME), Jack knows Billy and Victoria far better than she does, so once again Phyllis STFU. And for her to say: "What happened to you forgiving him in the hospital and wanting him to live blah blah..." Is she serious? Because he stupidly got himself almost killed that gives him a lifetime free pass?


With Victoria, I actually am on her side (yes I said it). I think Villy needs a big, long break or some serious attempt to rethink them or better yet both of these things, but in this case his lies this time were egregious. He woke up from being "dead" -- having been given a second chance at life -- and chose to lie to her from his hospital bed. It really speaks to the depth of his stupidity and as Jack said -- his refusal to put Victoria first. I'm not sure he's ever done anything quite so cruel before. She believed that he, like her, realized that in the face of mortality all this revenge/business/oneupmanship is INSANE. But he didn't realize that. And as part of his defence he said he couldn't "let Phyllis down for having gone out on a limb for him." wow. 


And while Victoria is disgustingly attached to needing her father's approval, she did hand over the evidence to Paul (evidence that Billy put her in a position to deal with). That was huge for Victoria. Even then he was fucking lying. He could have let Phyllis have the evidence. Why make Victoria publicly betray her father like that? I mean it would be fine if he wasn't making a fool of her at the same time. But since he was to additionally do that? That's unforgivable. He is a colossal ass.


I cannot wait until Jack and Victoria "bond" -- just to see the sad sack of self pity ASSHOLES, Billy and Phyllis whine about it. That I will enjoy.

Edited by miamama
  • Love 6

You make good points that I didn't think about. Victoria has turned her back on Victor. She gave the evidence that got him arrested. She took over the company. She is making an enemy out of her father and the man she expected to be by her side instead is not because he can't stop lying to her. But that is always their relationship. The last time he was pissed she went back to NE, so she quit. He started gambling. Funny enough Jack was on her side back then too. 


The set up is clear. Victoria has dumped Billy. They will have Billy all sad panda right into Phyllis to make him feel better. I also would guess the kidnapping is going to come out in some way that make Billy feel the the need to run to her rescue. Jack will be done. Then Phyllis and Billy will fall into bed from their sadness and rage! Victoria will be disgusted by their hook up, but ultimately she is not with Billy. So whatever. Jack, though, will be devastated. This wife and brother. All this talk of their about family and then they do this.


Also Ashley ever going to join these story? Why haven't we had a Billy/Ashley scene since he was in the coma?

  • Love 7

Yeah, where's Ashley in this story???? I think she told Victor to "be there for Abby" WTF? She should have told him she wished to god Brad Carleton had remained her father instead of this psychopath.


Yeah, poor Jack. I've noticed in his dialogue that they seem to be playing it as Jack has been doing whatever necessary to stay close to Phyllis. He won't risk anything that could separate him from her -- the fear of extradition or her anger at him outing her story. He was kept from her first by her coma and then by Kelly and chains and then by HIS coma. And now she's going to fuck his brother and destroy him. Yeah, he's hitting pills. No question. 


I wonder if Phyllis will "think" Jack outs her on the kidnapping -- because yes I think it's coming out somehow -- and runs in a rage into sad panda, lol, and they fuck. I just cannot see Jack ratting her out. 

Edited by miamama
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