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The GCEh?C: Canadian Episodes (Spoilers for Non-Canadians)

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I'm glad you're enjoying it pearl. But to me Jack is being written to be unsympathetic. And I LOVE Jack. He's just behaving unbelievably

This is the shit that has always made me not like Jack but now it is worse than ever.. and what is with PB and the stupid looks he is doing in these scenes.. he looks like a fool.


Everything is horrible but today Victor putting Abby in her place was divine!!  LOL

LOL you are right.. the only thing I have liked in a long time.. I can't stand that snotty little bitch.

  • Love 2



Watch Victor play bait and switch! Watch Jack gasp for air like a goldfish gasps for water!

Watch Phyllis consider turning on Jack!

LMAO the goldfish faces Jack makes is ridiculous.


 PLEASE let Phyllis dump this old loser.


If that was Sharon who kept the Adam secret from Nick, Nick would be kicking her out and refusing to have anything to do with her. Not even letting her explain.

You are so right and that is why I never understood the Shick appeal.  Nick has treated Sharon like shit for decades.

  • Love 2

Chelsea kind of annoyed me with her Adam hate though, she knew who she was marrying back when she did marry him (more than once?) also when she kept this secret. Adam shouldn't need to change for her to find him worthy.


Victoria sure started using "my brother" in the Adam reveal conversation quick. For someone she claims to hate so much, she uses that endearment a lot to refer to him as.



Chelsea was on my last nerve. It is become increasingly clear she only outed Adam because she is bitter that he picked his revenge over her. I get it but I wish she would own it. She wants Adam hurt. She doesn't want "justice" because if she wanted that she would have called the cops. Instead she ran to Billy and then Victor because she knew that they would try to kill Adam. Jack called her on it too. Also why was she acting like she did them all some huge favor but then got all defensive when they realized she knew for months. You can't have it both ways Chelsea.


Victoria and Adam have both been doing the brother/sister thing for a while now. Adam was worried how Brash and Sassy would take a hit. In his talk with Billy he said that he knew he only hooked up with Chelsea to stick it to him from beyond the grave and to make "my sister" jealous. No lies told there. Also of course his bonding moments with Abby. I think that was them trying to establish that this version of Adam does want a relationship with his siblings and this version of Adam can have one in some form that isn't completely bad.


As for Jack? I wanted to punch him in the face with all that Adam defending. Are you kidding me. He even dismissed when Victor reminded him that Adam TORMENTED ASHLEY. I wish Phyllis has slapped him. Awful writing for Jack. I get where he is coming from with Adam and Victor but all that other shit was disgusting.

  • Love 5

What is disgusting about Sage getting a pass is that the Gabe deception had to originate with her. I doubt Adam came up with it while bleeding and burning in that car or being subjected to multiple surgeries. He is responsible for running with it and using it to insinuate himself into people's lives, and he and Herb can be exiled from GC with their hairless sprout for all I care. Maybe Billy can give them a ride out of town.

  • Love 14

That was a great episode from start to finish with the reveal.


Chelsea kind of annoyed me with her Adam hate though, she knew who she was marrying back when she did marry him (more than once?) also when she kept this secret. Adam shouldn't need to change for her to find him worthy.


Victoria sure started using "my brother" in the Adam reveal conversation quick. For someone she claims to hate so much, she uses that endearment a lot to refer to him as.


If that was Sharon who kept the Adam secret from Nick, Nick would be kicking her out and refusing to have anything to do with her. Not even letting her explain.

As awful as Adam's supposed to be, he is her brother. I didn't see it as endearment so much as a statement of basic fact.


Maybe I need to watch the ep again? I was just glad that he was finally outed. 


Jack is STILL defending Adam? Ugh.

That didn't make much sense to me. 


Bring back Marco!


(Sorry, I couldn't resist saying that.)

Edited by C76
  • Love 5
Bring back Marco!


At this point, they may as well kill Jack (I can't believe I'm typing that). Pratt has made such a mess of this character. Marco at least lets PB act. 


I have less than zero interest in Billy and Adam arguing about what Adam DID. Adam killed Delia in an accident. He covered it up like a coward, destroyed evidence and then took the girl's corneas without letting her parents know he's the reason she's dead. It's all horrific. But BILLY ALREADY HAD HIS SCENES OF FINDING OUT ABOUT IT AND GOING AFTER ADAM. We saw FOUR FUCKING EPISODES with Billy Miller and Michael Muhney hashing it out after MONTHS of laptops and eery music and TENSION. 


Why do I need to see it AGAIN with two different actors? I don't give a fuck. Billy kidnapped Adam, terrorized him, refused to let him go to the police, then drove him over a cliff/shot him and left him for dead. Then he moved in on Adam's wife and proceeded to father his son more than his own kids. What is Billy playing such a fucking victim about? Oh Adam/Gabe cheated with Chelsea. I'm pretty sure Chelsea was more than willing. And as I recall Billy was still jonesing for Vicki (and even making out with her) while with Chelsea. So can he please SHUT THE FUCK UP with his wounded grieving father BULLSHIT? 


Paul didn't pursue kidnapping charges against Billy after Adam DIED but Chloe ended up in Fairview for taking Connor for a few days and returning him unharmed. aaaaaaaargh. This show and it's goddamn MANPAIN.


Why isn't Billy shitting in terror that Adam will tell everyone what he did to him that night? About how many crimes Billy committed?


I don't understand Victor's rage either. His first thought after learning Adam is alive is to punch him. What a disgusting creature he is.


But as I said above everyone on this show is allowed to be angry and have HUGE reveal scenes and retribution (in some cases, as with Billy, TWICE), but not Jack. He's just a loser chump. Yeah, the character is pretty much dead. He certainly isn't behaving like a human being, let alone Jack Abbott.

Edited by miamama
  • Love 13

Why do I need to see it AGAIN with two different actors? I don't give a fuck. Billy kidnapped Adam, terrorized him, refused to let him go to the police, then drove him over a cliff/shot him and left him for dead. Then he moved in on Adam's wife and proceeded to father his son more than his own kids. What is Billy playing such a fucking victim about? Oh Adam/Gabe cheated with Chelsea. I'm pretty sure Chelsea was more than willing. And as I recall Billy was still jonesing for Vicki (and even making out with her) while with Chelsea. So can he please SHUT THE FUCK UP with his wounded grieving father BULLSHIT?



Hey,Billy. Halloween and hunting season are both coming up, time to buy Johnny his Bambi costume. Then you can take him for a walk in the woods. You are such a remarkable father.

The clip of Victor having to jump up to hit Adam was kind of hilarious. Does Eric Braden does know how pathetic that stuff makes him look.


And Jack - I'm really glad I stopped watching. I loved Peter Bergman since his All My Children Days. I don't think I'd have the heart to watch the 'powers that be' emasculate him. (His character at least.)


Sage should be delivering her baby in prison. She kidnapped an unconscious man and while he lay in a coma she had surgery performed on him to make him look like another man so she could use him in a con. Remember when they first showed him, back when I was watching, he was bandaged up and couldn't talk. This whole storyline is such a waste.


How cool would it have been, when he was pretending to be Gabriel, to have one of Gabriel's old lovers show up in town. And make that lover a man. That would explain Real-Gabriel's pretending to be a playboy and marrying his grandmother's nurse to get an inheritance. Of course that would have made precious Sage a lowly beard. And it might have been cute and interesting so....no.

Edited by crowswork
  • Love 9


At this point, they may as well kill Jack

 I would be thrilled. Jack makes me hurl so much.. I can't even stand to watch him any more. He is such a fucking goof. And really PB needs to stop with all these ridiculous faces. He is starting to remind me of Sharon and her damn bug eyes all the time in every scene.



Adam killed Delia in an accident

First, I agree with your post.  The manpain is getting really old.  But...I don't remember it being proved or shown that Adam actually killed delia.  I really don't care who killed her-but treating this assumption as a fact makes it too easy to beat up on Adam (except for Victor who apparently has to use Darvon's steppy-stool) and ignore Billy's part in a) her death and b) the evolution of Adam/Gabe.




How cool would it have been, when he was pretending to be Gabriel, to have one of Gabriel's old lovers show up in town. And make that lover a man. That would explain Real-Gabriel's pretending to be a playboy and marrying his grandmother's nurse to get an inheritance. Of course that would have made precious Sage a lowly beard. And it might have been cute and interesting so....no.

You should write for this show.  I'd start watching it again.

  • Love 4

i read a rumor that sage knows who really killed delia and it was gabe bingham.

LOL  could have also been her leverage to get him to marry her and sign the agreement that she would get half of his inheritance.


of course, this would clear adam of all charges except for destroying evidence i.e. when he burned delia's scarf in the fireplace.


can you imagine the look on dick's face if it came to be?  his "angel of mercy" and "them most honest person he had ever met" was nothing more than a lying liar who lies and master manipulator.

  • Love 7

^^^I would LOVE it if Adam were cleared of the hit and run. I am beyond sick of Billy's charge that Adam "murdered" her. Whatever idiot parent who left a child and a puppy in a car at night.

Since I'm ranting about manpain, isn't it outrageous that of all the things Adam has done (to Ashley, Sharon and Patti), the "crime" the show has focused on *for years* is Delia and how Adam hurt poor Billy?

Where is Ashley's revenge? Sharon not only forgave him she stayed in love with him. And Patti is an expendable nutcase.

Edited by miamama
  • Love 9

How cool would it have been, when he was pretending to be Gabriel, to have one of Gabriel's old lovers show up in town. And make that lover a man. That would explain Real-Gabriel's pretending to be a playboy and marrying his grandmother's nurse to get an inheritance. Of course that would have made precious Sage a lowly beard. And it might have been cute and interesting so....no.



Am I the only one viewer who thought there were plenty of hints about Gabe's sexuality and his sobriety? Sure, the relationship between he and Sage could simply have been on of two childhood friends, "family" members, or it could have been that Sage's unrequited passion for him was unrequited simply because he preferred guys. There were also plenty of dialogue referencing his sketchy behavior and sobriety. Constance spoke about Sage being a minder of sorts for her grandson, and based on the later conversation Nick had with him about the sailboat he wrecked and left to founder, he was reckless and not a slave to authority. Pratt should make the late Gabe Bingham the fall guy for the H&R, and Sage just doing her job by trying to cover it up - and using it to manipulate him into marrying her so they could both share the Bingham riches before his grandmother's demise, because Constance had already made provisions that would have precluded either of them from having done so.

  • Love 3

Hey,Billy. Halloween and hunting season are both coming up, time to buy Johnny his Bambi costume. Then you can take him for a walk in the woods. You are such a remarkable father.

The clip of Victor having to jump up to hit Adam was kind of hilarious. Does Eric Braden does know how pathetic that stuff makes him look.

And Jack - I'm really glad I stopped watching. I loved Peter Bergman since his All My Children Days. I don't think I'd have the heart to watch the 'powers that be' emasculate him. (His character at least.)

Sage should be delivering her baby in prison. She kidnapped an unconscious man and while he lay in a coma she had surgery performed on him to make him look like another man so she could use him in a con. Remember when they first showed him, back when I was watching, he was bandaged up and couldn't talk. This whole storyline is such a waste.

How cool would it have been, when he was pretending to be Gabriel, to have one of Gabriel's old lovers show up in town. And make that lover a man. That would explain Real-Gabriel's pretending to be a playboy and marrying his grandmother's nurse to get an inheritance. Of course that would have made precious Sage a lowly beard. And it might have been cute and interesting so....no.

And Gabe's former lover is.....


  • Love 1


There were also plenty of dialogue referencing his sketchy behavior and sobriety. Constance spoke about Sage being a minder of sorts for her grandson,

This is a lot (too much, maybe?) like "Suddenly Last Summer"  Elizabeth Taylor is used by Katherine Hepburn to "mind" "Sebastian", her cousin.  He uses her to attract young men for purposes of procuring them for his own desires.  And then they eat him, so that would be a good way for GabAdam to go.


miamama quote

And then they eat him, so that would be a good way for GabAdam to go.

Damn, girl!  I don't think that's gonna fly on daytime tv-but I don't watch enough of it to know if it's already happening. Too bad Billy sold the restaurant.

When I first saw the Sage/Adam story, I was leaning towards "Sabrina" as in poor girl gets rich boy. (I'm such a romantic...)  But as you explain it, Mia, (coupled[tripled?] with toomuchsoap and crowswork observations) it is closer to "Suddenly Last Summer" and would make a good twist, especially for Nick and Grampire.  Cause then we could see their heads explode.

Note:  love your new avatar but it does remind me of Carol Burnett's curtain rod dress scene which I fcking loved.

  • Love 1

I didn't catch the whole show because the DVR fucked up but it was beat up on Adam day literally and figuratively.


NE can end up in the shitter for all I care. Sick of Nick's man pain. And seriously Nikki? Defending Sage when you threw Phyllis and Sharon to the wolves for lying? The Newmans are such pompous assholes that I hope they end up on the street ( not the kids though) . # STILLnotrootingforVictor.

  • Love 1

i just read a recap and as herb and adam are talking in the park and adam APOLOGIZES to her she goes into labour..


isn't she only like 5 mos or so?  her miracle baby.


oh, and as far as changing the paternity test, she then said is that what you want me to tell you?  i started skimming after that..

  • Love 2

Damn, girl!  I don't think that's gonna fly on daytime tv-but I don't watch enough of it to know if it's already happening. Too bad Billy sold the restaurant.

When I first saw the Sage/Adam story, I was leaning towards "Sabrina" as in poor girl gets rich boy. (I'm such a romantic...)  But as you explain it, Mia, (coupled[tripled?] with toomuchsoap and crowswork observations) it is closer to "Suddenly Last Summer" and would make a good twist, especially for Nick and Grampire.  Cause then we could see their heads explode.

Note:  love your new avatar but it does remind me of Carol Burnett's curtain rod dress scene which I fcking loved.

All this praise is for peacheslatour, Molly. Or should be. ;) I didn't say any of that clever stuff.


I am so not here for Poor Billy. Apparently if a MAN loses a child, he can continue to cash his cheque on that "grief" for all eternity (see also Nick). Billy had his REVENGE. He pretty much killed Adam after waving a gun in his face for HOURS. And then with respect to Chelsea, he humiliated her publicly at her own wedding for sleeping with Gabe/Adam. I'm pretty sure that he got rather kinder treatment for cheating on HIS wife with Kelly.


And what is Billy suggesting? That he would have denied Connor, an innocent baby, his eyesight (if we accept show's fantasy that Connor's eyesight could only have been saved by Delia's corneas. RME). It's done for fuck's sake. Adam should have told Billy and Chloe. He didn't. And Billy should not have left her alone in the car either. I really don't get how anyone thinks Billy is still deserving of some kind of revenge AGAIN. ugh.

  • Love 8

so, did dick forgive herb?


No, but Nikki has. Regardless of the fact that Sage has said in front of her that the baby is not NIck's. If there ever was a time to have a paternity test done in Sweden (or Switzerland?) it would be now. I love how people just blithly claim that they have changed paternity results, as if it is as easy as buying a shipping company online.


Nikki was pretty funny when she told Nick that he should forgive Sage, but then immediately went into a rant about Adam. Practice what you preach, Nikki. I did love that Nick told Nikki that if he didn't forgive Sharon or Phyllis why would he forgive Sage? At least he has known them longer than a New York minute. When Nick asked Sage if that was her real name I thought for sure she was going to say "No, it's Herb". I really did.


I hope that the little actress who played Delia is getting paid every time her picture has been shown in the last two years. Dead Delia has had way more screen time than Not Dead Delia ever did.


Sage had some nerve blaming Adam for Gabe's death. I know everyone in GC hates Adam for everything, but really? The reason Adam ended up in a burning car being rescued by Gabe is because Billy shot him and caused the accident. Sheesh.

Edited by UsernameFatigue
  • Love 7

i read a rumor that sage knows who really killed delia and it was gabe bingham.

LOL  could have also been her leverage to get him to marry her and sign the agreement that she would get half of his inheritance.


That Would be good... so course they would never do it.

Gabe trying to save Adam was may be the first heroic thing you ever did. Adam was unconscious at the time so how they can blame him I don't know. This show is such a mess.

As for Billy leaving a little child in a car, at night, with a puppy – don't forget she was wearing all black. He should have just shot her.

This show shouldn't do mysteries, they don't know how to resolve them. Oh well, Adam will pull a Jack and deliver Sage's baby on the park bench. Then we can have more man pain as he wonders if it's his baby. Did I mention this show is such a mess.

It's getting to the point where you should only watch on your oldest television set, in case - like me - you're tempted to throw something heavy at it.

Sad but I think JH is a fail. Very few actors can play likable bastards. If really, really nice guys who aren't exactly DeNiro,  try to play dark characters – well, not so good. JH should stick to the noble good guys that nature built him to play.

  • Love 8

I always felt sorry for poor, gay, Montgomery Clift in suddenly last summer. The moviemakers were so timid about the subject matter that they made it worse than it actually was.

Why would Sebastian, a rich handsome American, need a woman to attract gay men. He didn't want men. He wanted horny, hungry little boys who would be fascinated by Elizabeth Taylor in a transparent white swimsuit. Sebastian was a pedophile.

  • Love 2


miamama quote

All this praise is for peacheslatour, Molly. Or should be. ;) I didn't say any of that clever stuff.

oops! brain freeze.  Sorry, peacheslatour-I should watch my quotes.  great post ya made there.  and you say a lot of clever stuff, too, miamama.  Apologies all around.  (Molly goes to take her meds....)

edited to add:


peacheslatour quote (see, I got it right!)

New motto: The Secret's In The Sauce!

You make good quote, but you are one sick puppy!

Edited by MollyB
  • Love 1

I'm glad you're enjoying it pearl. But to me Jack is being written to be unsympathetic. And I LOVE Jack. He's just behaving unbelievably.



I completely agree with you insofar as his (and Phyllis's) response to what they learned about Victor and his responsibility for the Marco fiasco. Their responses to that were totally out of character and completely indefensible IMO.


BUT, as to his decision to sit on the knowledge that Gabriel is Adam is another matter. I find his actions understandable and believable, actually. In the year or so before Delia was killed, Jack and Adam had begun a complicated friendship, much of it based on Jack's understanding of Adam's tangled and twisted relationship with Victor. Jack identified with many of his feelings of frustration and fury because not only had he been the victim of Victor's machinations and derision for decades, and the taunts from Turd that he was spoiled brat that didn't live up to his father's loftiness. This was a grown ass man bear bating another much younger man about the relationship that man had with his father, which only reinforced Jack's sense of unworthiness and failure he had felt when he measured himself against his family patriarch. Couple that psychological and emotional preexisting condition with the knowledge that his younger brother, Billy, had tried to kill Adam and would possibly face criminal charges for that act, I could see him trying to justify maintaining Adam's secret in order to prevent his brother's possible prosecution - and the very real possibility that he might try again to finish the job that wasn't completed previously.


So, Paragon Prattle be damned, IMO. Jack gets a pass for protecting Adam's secret and trying to keep Billy out of further troubles. I don't see it as a betrayal of Billy, because he literally had blood on his hands deliberately, while any blood spilled by Adam was accidental (in the case of Delia).

Edited by Toomuchsoap
  • Love 11

Absolutely agree with you TMS! Jack sincerely thought he was protecting his brother. I want NE to go straight down the shitter and Victor with it.

If Show gives Victor a pass on all he's done, Adam deserves one for Paragon. I don't think he hit Dee either so that truth needs to come out.

Victor seriously needs to STFU! I can't bear his pomposity any longer.

Off to bitch to CBS yet again.

  • Love 7

Adam gave a premature baby CPR??????? This takes the cake. He even has training in reviving a preemie???????


Or did he pound its wee chest. lol.


When will this show stop with the Adam saving babies and small animals????? It doesn't undo his crimes (and I'm actually talking about Ashley more than the Billy crap here).


ETA: I just noticed Valley's post above. This happened in The Park. It really is an all-purpose park.

Edited by miamama
  • Love 6

OK, what? The park is in the middle of the city, and they couldn't even call 911? Babies don't come that fast! I didn't watch (and am glad I didn't) because my kids were playing on the Wii..

Day of the damned tropes!


First babies, definitely not so much. Yup, a little angst and whoops! Water broke and premature labour--uh huh. A sterling opportunity for some medical lingo courtesy of Dr Doughboy, and excessive misty-eyed shit from all males involved re the birth of a BOY.


Do not get me started on Neil, please. Gwen, an attractive woman, just suckedthehellin to an irrational degree? Fershure.

Colin lurking? Ah, who knows? It's a waste of an actor.

Don't even get me started on the waste of Jill...

  • Love 5
Don't even get me started on the waste of Jill...


Agree with your whole post, pearlite, except this. JW asks for massive time off. It can't be easy to write around 4- to 5-month breaks. She's essentially made herself part-time.


A total shame since I'd love to see her in the thick of Abbott stories (not Cane's shit).

  • Love 5

So was it a bloodless birth, a la Chelz and Connor? Did a halo form around Sage's head as the parsley bloomed? Was a choir of heavenly angels heard rejoicing in the background? Did Stitch at least have enough respect to place the child in a manger? Genoa City has one wise man, but I doubt Nick wants a gift from Ian.

I suppose the Pope has already left American soil and will be unable to bless the Newman boychild. Or sprinkle holy water on Victor.

  • Love 12

So was it a bloodless birth, a la Chelz and Connor?


Apparently there was huge blood loss (600 ccs according to the nurse at the hospital)  just none got on Sage, Adam or the baby. All Purpose Park must be awash in red. The baby was born with a receiving blanket, and a clamp and sissors to cut the umbilical cord. A miracle, really.

  • Love 6



Sage birthed that Park Bench baby in 5 seconds.


Gabadumb nodded his head & said "Push".


Sage squeezed some grass.


Suddenly a baby appeared in his arms wrapped in a blanket that materialized out of nowhere.


Apparently Gabadumb is also an expert at Infant CPR & revived the stillborn off-screen. <insert massive eye roll>

Edited by spinxella
  • Love 9

That gif of Sage squeezing grass will give me lulz forever.

Maybe Neil should ask Adam to lay hands on Hillary. She'll be awake in no time at all.


That someone decided on that moment -- "the grass, grab the fake grass" -- is such an indescribable gift.

Edited by miamama
  • Love 8

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