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The GCEh?C: Canadian Episodes (Spoilers for Non-Canadians)

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Ninja, forget a new keyboard, you owe me new nostrils! I'm just catching up with my morning coffee and I read THIS!! Thank you for starting my day off with such perfection. LMAO!


Just seconding this - Ninja has been on a real roll lately, and this is one of the best.  We have so many witty people here - this board has become my drug of choice.  Well, to be perfectly honest, we have to deal with the Grey Goose, but it's a good contest.  


Edited to add extra thanks to bannana for these hysterical recaps - even though I'm a day behind, US, I love these. 

Edited by movinon
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So Dylan is visiting with avery and the first thing she does is be sarcastic to him

Guess this is where he breaks up with her..


Sharon, Sharon, Sharon, WTF is chuckles doing to you now...

Yeah, when they said goodbye they were both mutually supportive, and then she called his phone and Sharon answered, but then handed the phone to Dylan and now Avery has gone to the I am a complete bitch, all day, all the time, side.  She was even bitchy to the guy who fell off the balcony and is paralyzed.  She's making it mighty easy for Dylan to dump her.

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Why on earth would Jack call Kyle? Why not Billy or Ashley, or hell, why not Adam? If I were kidnapped by a psycho ex, I'm pretty sure I'd call someone with at least one brain cell, and enough power and clout to get a rescue effort going. Not some whiny, self-absorbed adolescent. He might as well have called Summer.

Show, stop trying to make the Garden Gnome relevant.

THIS.^ Today I was really annoyed. Jack had the good sense to make another call, and he didn't call Phyllis.  


I don't know. I suppose what I'm feeling is supposed to be the equivalent of when you hear about a missing person's case that turned out ok, yet you find out that the police wasted all their time combing an area that was merely blocks away from where the victim was hiding. I realize there's going to be tension, and I reckon I'm going to be pissed for several more weeks, but geez.


I won't even get started on Kelly, Jack, and those useless police. (Long story short, Jack called for help and the Island Police, aka the Keystone Kops arrived. Kelly batted her lashes and they went away.)


WTH, Sharon? Why is everyone in GC an idiot?


I skimmed, but I saw that someone upthread mentioned that she's probably supposed to be having an episode of mental instability. Do the people who work on the show realize that it's not coming off that way?  Opinions will vary, of course, but to me, these days Sharon's just being straight-up stupid. (ETA: I don't mean to be mean. There's just something about her performance that I don't believe.) When she showed up at The Underground and started blabbing, I wanted to slap her.

Edited by C76
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Jack called kyle cause he thinks phyl is dead.

she showed him pics/newspaper article.

it turns out, Sharon thinks she forgot to take her meds.

Mariah (where she got one from) gave her one when they were in the interrogation room.


she was just so excited to think the case would be over I guess.


I really hate you pratt.

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^Right. I don't have a problem with Jack not calling Phyllis. I think he should have called Billy instead of Gnomie. But we are all supposed to believe Gnomie is IMPORTANT. 



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I really hate you pratt.


Hey Valley: Isn't it entertaining watching Sharon have a bipolar episode and everyone yelling at her and Victor (currently facilitating torture, rape and fraud) having her arrested????


I don't hate Pratt as much as others but on this, WTF is he thinking?

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valleycliffe and miamama, forget I said "Phyllis". Jack calling her wasn't my point, so much as I wanted him to call someone that he knows. ;) He could've called anybody, for all I care, so long as it brought him closer to getting home.

Edited by C76
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Hey Valley: Isn't it entertaining watching Sharon have a bipolar episode and everyone yelling at her and Victor (currently facilitating torture, rape and fraud) having her arrested????


I don't hate Pratt as much as others but on this, WTF is he thinking?

Victor: "Sharon was breaking the law!"


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Are we sure Sharon didn't take her meds, or did Victor have someone switch them as he did in the past? His rage and venom towards her is irrational. Why gaslight her, frame her for murder (twice!!!) and expend all that energy hating her?

I really hope when all this is done Victor will be found responsible and get real punishment!

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valleycliffe and miamama, forget I said "Phyllis". Jack calling her wasn't my point, so much as I wanted him to call someone that he knows. ;) He could've called anybody, for all I care, so long as it brought him closer to getting home.

Just watched. Looks like Jack called the house and no one picked up. Then he called the police to come find him. Kept phone on for GPS. Not a bad move. But still makes no sense he wouldn't phone Billy or Ashley or his assistant, whoever the hell that is now (Hilary?).


Jack in a straitjacket made me lol. He had this pouting expression that reminded me of my six-year-old. Oh dear. 


So now Jack knows cops won't help him. Yup. He's going to kill Kelly -- that's how she leaves the show. That's what this is all leading to... 

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Yes, today was a rage-inducing episode for the Canadian viewers.  Two main storylines.  Kelly and Jack.  And Sharon.  There was the Dylan Avery stuff but I barely watched that.


Jack calls the Abbott mansion I think and no one is home and then I think he makes a second call to the police, saying it is a matter of life and death.  Let me just PB's acting is amazing in this episode, more on that later.  So Jack is talking to the police, and says he doesn't know where he is but he can hear the beach and he is in a shack.  He says he will leave the phone on so they track him.  Kelly comes to and lunges at Jack and he pushes her away and tells her:  this is over, the police are coming to get me.  She is holding her neck wound and she has that BSC look again.  And strangely, her wound made her pass out, one assumes due to loss of blood, but she is super-fine now and for the rest of the show.   Rut roh.  Jack can hear the sirens and he thinks it is over.  But the "island" police come in with their weapons drawn on him.  He is handcuffed to the bed and the cops think he is the criminal!  He tells them he has been kidnapped and tortured.  They ask for his passport which he doesn't have of course.  He tells them to call his family to confirm who he is:  Jack Abbott from Genoa City Wisconsin.   He suggested they call his work and ask for Ashley or Billy.  The police say they will take him into the station, but Kelly stops them from arresting him.  They say they will take Jack to headquarters and Kelly to hospital.  She tells them she is fine and the bleeding has stopped.   Apparently they believe that Kelly is a "doctor" and Jack is her patient, and that he is crazy. Yeah, cause that makes sense.  All doctors restrain their patients in shacks by the beach.  I guess they do on whatever island we are on.  (I find this pretty offensive, that the writers are presenting these island cops, both black, as complete idiots.) So not only do they not release Jack, they help Kelly put him in a straitjacket.  The look of pure hate that Jack has toward Kelly is chilling.  PB is awesome, and he is finally being given some really good stuff to do, in both roles.  Maybe he read all of our chides re his weird acting choice where he looks perplexed at the end of  a scene and he decided to stop phoning it in. Regardless, these cops should be taking both Kelly and Jack in for questioning and medical attention.  I can only guess that we are supposed to think that Prick owns the island and the government and the police.  Prick calls Kelly on the phone that Jack called Fack on and he berates her.  He tells her to get rid of the phone.  She says:  Don't worry about Jack, things got a little tense but it is under control, and we see Jack in the straitjacket with utter contempt in his eyes.


Fack is at the hospital and Kyle is barely injured, but he feels responsible for the accident.  Dummer shows up and comforts him.  Kyle tells Dummer about the phone call that Fack answered that distracted Kyle.  Dummer calls Phyllis at the UG and she shows up to the hospital.  Lots of anxiety and to and fro'ing, but eventually the doctor--not Leslie's husband, why not?--tells Phyllis that Fack's injury is to the same part of his brain as he endured in the building explosion, so who knows how messed up he will be with a "double double" brain injury. Phyllis is with him, and encouraging him to come back to her and wake up--and he finally does and he says the word:  Victor.


The evil dead arrives.  With Prick in earshot, Kyle explains to Dummer that someone called his phone and it upset Fack and he couldn't believe what he was hearing.  Prick is listening attentively and then later an idiot staff person wants to give Kyle his stuff from the accident, which includes the phone.  Prick convinces her he will take it and give it to Kyle.  He finds  the phone, and calls Kelly. 


Sharon walks into the UG and everyone acts like it is the arrival of the most hated person in the world.  No, wait, Prick is there, but he didn't get that kind of welcome.  Sharon is definitely off--and later we do find out she had forgotten to take her medication while under house arrest, because of the excitement.  Okay, I can accept that she forgot.  The people who care about Sharon, Noah, Mariah and Kevin, try to reason with her to go home but she doesn't get what the big deal is.  She thinks the charges against her are virtually dropped so why not go clubbing?  Do you know how hard it is to be cooped up in her house for days now? (If it was the tacky house I would agree, but I kind of like her house.)  Sharon wants a Chardonnay but no one is serving her.  There is a scene where Sharon is actually chatting up the other patrons in the background (the handful of extras).  BTW, as clubs go, this one sucks.  Nick is sort of an asshole but he is trying to help her in his own neanderthal way, and encourages Noah to get her out of there.  Prick is on the phone to the police (Abby volunteered first), and Nick knows it.  He tells Nick that Sharon is BREAKING THE LAW.  Hah!  My hatred for this man is immense but my contempt for his idiot family who tolerate him is greater.  Sharon is oblivious and the police come.  The cop actually looks like a day player as he makes his way through the not crowd at the UG.  Sharon says it is ludicrous that they would arrest her.  Noah has Michael on the phone listening in.  She tries to convince them they don't need to arrest her because the charges against her will be dropped. Paul even shows up and he is having none of it and she gets arrested.  Noah and Mariah try to help Sharon get a grip and understand the situation.   I have to say I am loving how these two are there for Sharon when the rest of her family is not.   I love Mariah and Noah!  Sharon has one phone call and she wants to call Dylan cause he will make her feel better (anvillicious!). Michael tries to convince Paul that Sharon was not a flight risk, she just went clubbing cause she had cabin fever.  Paul says he has no choice but to arrest her and also to detain her at the jail.  No more house arrest.  After Sharon realizes that she messed up, she tries to appeal to Paul that he must know there is no case against her.  He begrudgingly acknowledges that the case is problematic/flawed. But she is still going to jail.  Michael tries to protest, but Sharon says that she is fine with staying in jail. I think she thinks it will prove she is not guilty, maybe that if something happens while she is locked up that will vindicate her.


Also at the UG, there is a convo between Sage and Prick and he is trying to get to know more about Gabe through her.  Nick walks up and says Gabe is a jerk, but Prick wants to know what Sage thinks.  Prick gets a call that Fack is in the hospital so he heads there.


Dylan and Avery:  she has moved into the family and caregivers' room at the hospital.  Dylan is concerned to find out that Avery is his rehab partner.  Avery is pissed that Dylan is jealous and insecure (hah!).  These two are on a fast path to splitsville.  Does anyone out there care?  Sharon calls Dylan and he doesn't take the call but Avery is bitchy anyways.  And Dylan highlights that Joe has managed to hijack her life.  Dylan:  I am your future, he is your past, or so I thought.  Joe manages to stand up, Avery hugs him and Dylan sees it.


Michael informs Kevin that he and Lauren are separated because expectations are not being met.  Kevin correctly says that they went through the worst with Fen's arrest, the Carmine thing.  But Kevin doesn't know that Michael thinks getting a boner is more important than being a husband and partner.  I personally think Michael should separate from Lauren due to her horrendous hair and wardrobe choices.  But he liked those.  


There's a cute moment between Kevin and Mariah, so they are a couple now.


Previews:  Dylan to his dad:  I come back, Sharon is locked up and the real killer is still out there; something about Michael and Lauren, I couldn't quite catch it.  

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Shouldn't Smelly be lying on the floor dying from blood loss? How did she explain the gaping wound in her neck? Please don't tell me Jack kept that bitch from dying.

He didn't help her and this is completely unbelievable.  So Kelly passed out from loss of blood but was suddenly fine later.  Yeah.

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Have you noticed going unconscious on this show means NOTHING? It's a plot point and so stupid. Billy passed out from smoke inhalation and just kind of got up and stumbled for a second. Everyone was unconscious after the plane crash but no one was seriously injured (even Hilary after all that blood loss spent a day or two in hospital). Phyllis of the one year brain injury got smacked with a champagne bottle and was absolutely fine. I was 100% positive Kelly would be totally fine. I'm actually surprised they let Jack push her away with his one free hand. Wee Kelly managed to knock Jack out with a baseball bat (oh yeah, another one) and (we are to assume) drag him back to his bed, lift him onto it and tie him up again.


Maybe he read all of our chides re his weird acting choice where he looks perplexed at the end of  a scene and he decided to stop phoning it in.


I don't think PB phones it in. I think there are only so many ways to play "Jack is confused. Jack is afraid Kelly/Phyllis/Ashley/Nikki is pissed off at him. Jack is frustrated Victor beat him." This is why I was actually pleased he was getting a doppelgänger storyline. He needs material to play.


I have a feeling those island cops had more information than we know. I hope they reveal that because I don't like the "Island cops can be easily fooled by rich Americans" trope at all either. Kelly looked pleased when Jack said he was calling the cops. She probably had somehow alerted them that she would be there with a "patient" and to expect trouble. When Jack was going on about running a big company the cops were looking at each other as though they expected this shit. Kelly probably said this guy thinks he's "jack abbott" the guy who is in the news. And since Jack is miraculously clean shaven and appears not to be living in his own filth (despite never being released to use the toilet or bathe), they bought that he was a patient.


The "Let's make Gnummer" all important theme continued. Jack is seriously hurt and who is the first person at the hospital? Not Phyllis, not Ashley, not Billy. Summer of course.

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I don't think PB phones it in. I think there are only so many ways to play "Jack is confused. Jack is afraid Kelly/Phyllis/Ashley/Nikki is pissed off at him. Jack is frustrated Victor beat him." This is why I was actually pleased he was getting a doppelgänger storyline. He needs material to play.

I totally agree - I think Peter Bergman is the best actor on this show - prepared, professional, and always good.  I will admit I posted "Jack - close your mouth" once, during the Kelly - Phyllis crap, but it was done with love - lol.  I am enjoying having him playing some comedy, anger, desperation, and at last having decent material.  Loving it - and loving him with GT.


Edited to add 'Another great one, bannana' - loving you, too.

Edited by movinon
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I don't think PB phones it in. I think there are only so many ways to play "Jack is confused. Jack is afraid Kelly/Phyllis/Ashley/Nikki is pissed off at him. Jack is frustrated Victor beat him." This is why I was actually pleased he was getting a doppelgänger storyline. He needs material to play.


I have a feeling those island cops had more information than we know. I hope they reveal that because I don't like the "Island cops can be easily fooled by rich Americans" trope at all either. Kelly looked pleased when Jack said he was calling the cops. She probably had somehow alerted them that she would be there with a "patient" and to expect trouble. When Jack was going on about running a big company the cops were looking at each other as though they expected this shit. Kelly probably said this guy thinks he's "jack abbott" the guy who is in the news. And since Jack is miraculously clean shaven and appears not to be living in his own filth (despite never being released to use the toilet or bathe), they bought that he was a patient.


The "Let's make Gnummer" all important theme continued. Jack is seriously hurt and who is the first person at the hospital? Not Phyllis, not Ashley, not Billy. Summer of course.

I love PB, but I don't think he has had the material, hence my "phoning it in" observation.  He is bringing it with both these roles.  I am happy for him as an actor, he must be loving this.


And yes, I have to assume the evil dead Prick has the island cops on his payroll.  Sigh.

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PB has been stellar. His rage and desperation with Kelly was great again today. But even when Fack woke up and looked at Phyllis, he had this dead glass-eyed stare that was awesome. You just didn't know what was behind it. Fack has depth -- along with humour -- and I look forward to seeing it. 


Sharon was great today too. I thought she went from manic to normal beautifully. Very believable. I've been around manic people and they are impossible to reach in that state (they are also very frustrating to deal with). And she was pulling that off. Hate Pratt all you want but (I must admit) this is the type of acting I think Sharon Case can shine with. Not the crap of her crawling around Phyllis's unconscious body in the stairwell. But subtle slightly off behaviour from an otherwise normal person. 

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Such an annoying episode. Jack calls the police and tells them that he doesn't know where he is, only that he is in a shack and he can hear the ocean. He could be anywhere in the world. But when the police show up, does he ask them where in the world he is? Nope. Now maybe they are on Vic's payroll (he does own an island somewhere, doesn't he?) but wouldn't that be one of your first questions if you have been kidnapped by a loony ex and have no friggin' idea where you are? I know it would be mine.


Sharon apparently needs her meds adjusted as missing just a dose (or maybe two?) has put her back into a manic phase where she does absolutely ridiculous things. Riigght. On the other hand, how could she take her meds when apparently Mariah is carrying them around in her purse, for some unknown reason.


I hope PB gets nominated for an Emmy for his portrayal as Fack. He is doing a great job as Jack as well, but as Fack he is amazing. From the confusion on his face when someone brings up something he should know but doesn't, to his glee at the fiasco that was Billy's non wedding, to standing and staring (you could feel the lust and all you could see was his back - lol) when Phyll walked away at the GC club when he was there with Vic, to calling Victor Vic. And as Miamama said above, his blank look when he woke up today and saw Phyllis. Absolutely fantastic acting.

Edited by UsernameFatigue
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PB has been stellar. His rage and desperation with Kelly was great again today. But even when Fack woke up and looked at Phyllis, he had this dead glass-eyed stare that was awesome. You just didn't know what was behind it. Fack has depth -- along with humour -- and I look forward to seeing it. 


Sharon was great today too. I thought she went from manic to normal beautifully. Very believable. I've been around manic people and they are impossible to reach in that state (they are also very frustrating to deal with). And she was pulling that off. Hate Pratt all you want but (I must admit) this is the type of acting I think Sharon Case can shine with. Not the crap of her crawling around Phyllis's unconscious body in the stairwell. But subtle slightly off behaviour from an otherwise normal person. 

Thank you for that.  I was watching it and I was getting annoyed with Sharon, but realized, no, this part of her illness.   Not sure if Show did a  good job with it, but watching her kids, Noah and Mariah, try to help her, that is something I can relate to.  And probably others can too.  I was annoyed with this Sharon storyline today but happy that she had Noah and Mariah, and Kevin and Michael trying to help her, and trying to understand what was going on without the usual idiots in GC just calling her crazy.   There was a moment when Phyllis said, if I didn't hate her so much, I would like to be in her world, delusional (or whatever her words were).

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I laughed out loud when I heard Phyl say that because we all know from show's history her world is always so stable and real uh huh stable and real.

They need to stop the white washing of her character just because they got an actress that can be a little less, Ok a lot less,buffoonish as her predecessor.

We have all seen the jazzed up version in action and how she has never been what you would call a normal person.

Sharon has an illness . Phyllis is just mean.

Edited by Slowpokey
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I love little Faith.

I can't stand brats in reel or real. Faith is such a spoiled rotten BRAT.


Yes, that too! You're almost free of murder charges, Sharon. Why don't you try to stay out of trouble for at least a day. Sheesh.

She is such a fucking idiot. I just can't. I tried not to bash her for a few days but the second that moron shows up on my screen all I can do is bash. Fuck they like to write her as such a dolt.


Sharon, Sharon, Sharon, WTF is chuckles doing to you now...

He is writing her like I have always seen her. A big pathetic mess.


I skimmed, but I saw that someone upthread mentioned that she's probably supposed to be having an episode of mental instability. Do the people who work on the show realize that it's not coming off that way?  Opinions will vary, of course, but to me, these days Sharon's just being straight-up stupid. (ETA: I don't mean to be mean. There's just something about her performance that I don't believe.) When she showed up at The Underground and started blabbing, I wanted to slap her.

Trust me ,, you are not alone. She is acting like an idiot. AS USUAL. Please do slap the moron.


Sharon wants a Chardonnay but no one is serving her.

She sure as fuck shouldn't be drinking.. good god

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 Now maybe they are on Vic's payroll (he does own an island somewhere, doesn't he?) but wouldn't that be one of your first questions if you have been kidnapped by a loony ex and have no friggin' idea where you are? I know it would be mine.


Sharon apparently needs her meds adjusted as missing just a dose (or maybe two?) has put her back into a manic phase where she does absolutely ridiculous things. Riigght. On the other hand, how could she take her meds when apparently Mariah is carrying them around in her purse, for some unknown reason.


I hope PB gets nominated for an Emmy for his portrayal as Fack. He is doing a great job as Jack as well, but as Fack he is amazing. From the confusion on his face when someone brings up something he should know but doesn't, to his glee at the fiasco that was Billy's non wedding, to standing and staring (you could feel the lust and all you could see was his back - lol) when Phyll walked away at the GC club when he was there with Vic, to calling Victor Vic. And as Miamama said above, his blank look when he woke up today and saw Phyllis. Absolutely fantastic acting.


I was coming to the same conclusion re Victor and The Island of Dr Newman...or maybe Gilligan should have showed up... I never apply reason to the show, nor do I ask for credibility--I watch it for the later-afternoon zone-out. But, having said that, I believe I thought the island must have been the same one where Jack and Phyllis were honeymooning, maybe. 'Cause that's how the switch-over could have taken place--oops, I hurt my brain there. Then, I thought, "Whoah, what gives here? Who would portray island Black cops as buffoons?" Eugh--I don't think you could get away with that on CDN broadcasting. Or UK for that matter--I remembered a good UK show called Death in Paradise, with island cops...certainly not shown as just short of 1930s studio-era Black characters.


Then reason reared its ugly head again--I must apply more Kangaroo Blanc to this immediately, I thought. I have no idea about, nor am I particularly interested in, how long patients taking various psychotropic drugs have to lapse before the systemic levels drop too low. Somehow, I doubt it's a few days, but I'm not a medical doctor. Then the writers cap this off by having Sharon shape up immediately after taking one dose. Wow. Perhaps Mariah had a dose of the new, instant-acting type of anti-depressant or whatever. All I'm saying is that if this stuff hits me, and I do not ask for any form of verisimilitude from the show, then...


But enough bitching--mostly I do find it more entertaining than it's been in a long, long time. And, yes, Peter Bergman is taking it home with him at this point.

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Yeah, Pearlite, the holes hurt. Like Jack dialled Kyle but was not prompted to use international codes? And 911 is emergency in North America but not necessarily random Caribbean island. So what did Jack dial?

I laughed at Sharon's insta fix pill too.

But I am entertained. What can I say. Never watched soaps for intellectual stimulation.

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Chuck Pratt's comment via the Michael Fairman interview:

" And so I thought, “If ever there was an underdog … it’s Sharon!” We have one of the most beloved characters on the show, and the other characters treat her like dirt! I thought we have got to give Sharon a chance to get resurrected, and then make a lot of mistakes, because she can be very interesting when she has a bipolar episode. I have said she is one of those characters who plants the landmine, and then forgets where she put the map, and then steps on it."


I believe it's safe to say that we can expect more of the disgusting,misogynist mental shaming writing for Sharon. Chuckie finds her "very interesting" when she has a bipolar episode. Sharon's long time fans?  Eh? not so much! 

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I'm pretty sure the only thing Phyllis bangs on is a dumpster.

She sure was BANG on right about that wackjob Sharon.


Chuckie finds her "very interesting" when she has a bipolar episode.

I think he is right. That is the only time she is entertaining. It sure does look like this is what is in store for the fair haired idiot. YAY

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I'm pretty sure the only thing Phyllis bangs on is a dumpster.


LOL, this made me chuckle, she bangs pretty good in horse manure and desk tops too...but the dumpster seems to be her trademark...:0)

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Chuck Pratt's comment via the Michael Fairman interview:

" And so I thought, “If ever there was an underdog … it’s Sharon!” We have one of the most beloved characters on the show, and the other characters treat her like dirt! I thought we have got to give Sharon a chance to get resurrected, and then make a lot of mistakes, because she can be very interesting when she has a bipolar episode. I have said she is one of those characters who plants the landmine, and then forgets where she put the map, and then steps on it."


I believe it's safe to say that we can expect more of the disgusting,misogynist mental shaming writing for Sharon. Chuckie finds her "very interesting" when she has a bipolar episode. Sharon's long time fans?  Eh? not so much! 

SC does such a good job of bringing it in whatever scene written for her character that I think CP wants to make use of that talent..by having SN bounce back and forth with her bi polar episodes, he is getting the very best from this actress, he gets the normal Sharon and then every now and then she forgets to take her meds and he gets the out of control Sharon, best of both worlds, if SC wasn't so good at playing it both ways, CP may not be so quick to write her having bi polar episodes... 

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LOL, this made me chuckle, she bangs pretty good in horse manure and desk tops too...but the dumpster seems to be her trademark...:0)

Yep that will always be a part of her!lol

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Yeah, Pearlite, the holes hurt. Like Jack dialled Kyle but was not prompted to use international codes? And 911 is emergency in North America but not necessarily random Caribbean island. So what did Jack dial?

I laughed at Sharon's insta fix pill too.

But I am entertained. What can I say. Never watched soaps for intellectual stimulation.


Oh, yeah, that 911 thing hit me too, because it's so not the same outside of North America. Maybe the phone has Victor and the island cops on speed-dial. But then I was mesmerized by Kelly actually selling the doctor-patient thing to the cops. It's the Island of Retro-Racist Stupidity--one of the lost colonies, presumably. Does Victor teleport himself and others back and forth? Maybe he could export Paul.

Edited by pearlite
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SC does such a good job of bringing it in whatever scene written for her character that I think CP wants to make use of that talent..by having SN bounce back and forth with her bi polar episodes, he is getting the very best from this actress, he gets the normal Sharon and then every now and then she forgets to take her meds and he gets the out of control Sharon, best of both worlds, if SC wasn't so good at playing it both ways, CP may not be so quick to write her having bi polar episodes... 



That's true Canadian. Sharon does an amazing job and makes the show more interesting that's for sure!


SC does such a good job of bringing it in whatever scene written for her character that I think CP wants to make use of that talent..by having SN bounce back and forth with her bi polar episodes, he is getting the very best from this actress, he gets the normal Sharon and then every now and then she forgets to take her meds and he gets the out of control Sharon, best of both worlds, if SC wasn't so good at playing it both ways, CP may not be so quick to write her having bi polar episodes... 




That's true Canadian. Sharon does an amazing job and makes the show more interesting that's for sure!

Sorry don't know what happened! Tried to correct it but no luck! lol

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I know slowpokey sometimes those things are just out of our control..the more you try to fix them the worst they get..happened to me a short time ago with one of my posts..

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Sharon thinks that being in Jail will protect her from future-framing. Wana bet that since murderers wander in and out of Paulie's Playhouse at will she will get attacked in her cell in a fake suicide thing.


Victor owns half the cops in GC so why not some servile colonial rejects on an Island. (Racist much, show?) I'd have more respect if they were corrupt. I think they were just portrayed as frightened or too dumb to disagree with the white lady.

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They are certainly digging Victor a deep hole to crawl out of. I know that when he is finally arrested and shipped off to the minimum security jail {where visitors can come 24/7...}


He'll be in the prison transport and... OH NO! A school bus holding all 4 children in GC has gone over a cliff and only 80yr old Victor can rappel down to rescue them and then fall a few feet to have a brain fart and be in a coma while EB is in Europe and then when everyone has apologized for being SO Mean to him will he stir in Nikki's arms to an angelic choir and the smell of vodka.

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I didn't like what Sharon did today on the Canadian show..


Sharon picks up Dylan's phone when it buzzes and reads a text from Avery:
Sorry we quarreled. I miss you. Coming home.
Sharon saying to herself, as though she is talking to Dylan who is out of the room..Now it’s my turn to help you.
Avery then receives a text from Dylan...sent by Sharon..
You made your choice. I made mine. Finish what you started. So will I.



I am not impressed with Sharon for doing that........all charges have been dropped against her as well..

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I didn't like what Sharon did today on the Canadian show..


Sharon picks up Dylan's phone when it buzzes and reads a text from Avery:

Sorry we quarreled. I miss you. Coming home.

Sharon saying to herself, as though she is talking to Dylan who is out of the room..Now it’s my turn to help you.

Avery then receives a text from Dylan...sent by Sharon..

You made your choice. I made mine. Finish what you started. So will I.



I am not impressed with Sharon for doing that........all charges have been dropped against her as well..

Yup, they sowed some new material-seeds with the fake messaging there, didn't they?


But, a kinda nice switch with Neil displaying how he's learned some lessons [oh, who knows--do I look like Lake Ontario Medium?] re fake sigs on the contract. Neil could potentially be another wrench in the works where Victor's concerned--who knows if they'll go there?


And on the cheap and unworthy front, did anyone notice the nasty job Hair and Make-up did on Christine? Her skin had that dried-up cakey glow that any good mortician could fix in a jiffy.


BTW, I'd say Fack's going to have some loss o' memory [recent as his are] issues re the rest of the family. Like a kind of crappy Frankenstein's Creature [c'mon, I teach literature sometimes--can't say "monster"], he can only say "Daddy," or name his creator. Uh, maybe that's a bit high-toned for Pratt.


Sorry to say, I did not enjoy Michael's visit to the Exposition Fairy during his sojourn with the very attractive hooker.

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Joe is walking, and tells Avery she can go home to Dylan but she doesn't want to.  I really loathe Avery so I really don't care what she does.  She texts Dylan to tell him she is sorry and coming home.  But Sharon takes his phone out of his jacket when he is out of the room and reads it.  She says to herself that she is helping Dylan and then sends a text telling Avery to stay with Joe, but it was snarky as Canadian described above.  Then Avery tells Joe that Dylan told her to stay.  Then Joe tells her he wants her to stay.


Dylan arrives at Sharon's to find out from Michael that she is in jail. Michael tells him the whole story of the UG. Dylan heads to the police station to argue with Paul some more about the case.  Paul tells Cricket that maybe Sharon is innocent.  Cricket meets with Sharon alone.  Sharon appeals to Cricket as a woman who has lost a child, and says that she would never murder a young woman like Courtney, because she knows what the loss of a child is.  Apparently this conversation is effective because Cricket drops the charges and Sharon is free to go.  Plus Sharon did point out the idiocy of the case, which we all have been doing for weeks.  Anyways, now that she is free, this makes her so happy that she and Dylan KISS! Later they try to pretend it was nothing, just a friend kiss.  But they are definitely heading to a romance.  Sharon tells him she cannot lose him as a friend.  Wait till he finds out about that text.


Neil got a haircut.  He's talking to Lily about his new job and he is worried about the Prick/Fack partnership.  Then they talk about Devon and Hillary.  Cane assures Lily that he is not keeping secrets from her about Hevon.  Lauren bumps into Michael at the GCAC and wants him to come home, but he overreacts and tells Lauren to let him go.  Cane intervenes.  Lauren is wearing a tight dress but she doesn't look like she's going clubbing for a change. Michael says he is staying at the club.  Lauren is crying, and Cane blows of Lilly so he can comfort her.  He puts Lauren in a taxi.  And tries to make it up to Lily--who has in fact been alone for approx 5 minutes.  But Lily lets Cane know she is not happy and she implies that she thinks this is more than business.  So tells him no nookie and goes home.


Phyllis is happy that Fack is awake, but Fack looks absolutely freaked out.  And Dr. Evil himself is peering through the window to see what's up.  Ash and Billy show up and accuse Prick of looking forward to taking over the company if Fack dies.  Prick tells them that he and Fack are friends now.  They go in to see Fack, and Fack has this stunned look and suddenly the machines start beeping and it looks like he is having a heart attack or seizure.  Today the doctor is Leslie's husband but I am pretty sure it wasn't yesterday.  Prick is comforting Phyll but Billy thinks Prick wants to throw dirt on Fack's grave and implies that he is not just after the company but also Phyll.  Ash says one thing is for sure, Prick love Drinki.  Dr. Leslie says they have put him an induced coma to protect him.  Phyllis realizes that this is what Jack must have gone through when she was in a coma.  She starts talking about their honeymoon and how Fack continued it after they returned, and she mentions his silly bright ties and golf pants, and the sports car.  This was a weird place for her to go.  She says she loves the man he was and the man he is now, and she'll love any version of him that comes back.  Ash and Billy tell Phyll she needs to take a break so Ash takes her for dinner.  Billy talks to Fack and tells him he has always ignored Billy, and he fired him, but he doesn't want this to be the end, and he doesn't want Prick to get the company.  He implores Fack to get better, because they need him.  Ash and Phyll return and Ash tries to talk business but Phyllis thinks that is inappropriate.


Prick is talking to Neil about business, and Neil tells him that he can count on him.  Apparently the merger documents have not been signed and Prick says if Fack dies, the merger can't take place.  So he wants Neil to FORGE FACK'S SIGNATURE!  Oh yeah, that sounds like a good idea.  He is worried that Billy and Ash will find out about the lack of sig and wrestle back Jabot.  And that Jack's dream of a merger will be dead.  Neil points out that this is breaking the law but Prick says his hands will stay clean, because he will hire an expert to forge the signature.  So what does he need Neil for?  Ah, he wants Neil to vouch for Prick in case there is a question about the signature.  Neil doesn't want to end up in prison but Prick says he could be in prison now and that he is a drink away from that.  Prick is giving him a lifeline and a chance at redemption.  Neil feels he is being pressured and that Prick wants payback, but Prick says the Abbotts turned their backs on Neil when he was blind (I don't think this is true at all?), as did his wife and son.  Neil realizes that Prick wants him to do this for him, but Prick says he can do it for himself.  Looks like he wins him over.  


I thought Sharon and Dylan KISSING was going to be the big thing today, but then Michael went and HIRED A HOOKER!  Wow, I have hated this storyline a lot and I guess I just don't relate to it, but I am thinking if I had cancer I would be more worried about my health than whether I can get it up so I can hang on to my cheating wife.  So there are these weirdly uncomfortable scenes between Mikey and the hooker with a heart of gold, and I think this is meant to be serious drama, but it really made me want to laugh, plus it was skeeving me out.  Blech.


Previews:  It's the next day, and Phyllis says to Ash:  Wouldn't it be sweet satisfaction for you to take the helm as CEO with Jack out of the way and Ash says, how dare you; Billy to Victoria about the contract:  I am beginning to wonder if that damned thing was ever signed, you might know something about that; Lauren to Mike: what the hell happened last night, and Mike says he payed for a hooker.

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Yeah, when Neil lost his sight, Jack was adamant that Neil could take as much time off as he needed, and that his job would be waiting for him when he was ready to come back. So the Abbotts didn't abandon him at all.

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I didn't like what Sharon did today on the Canadian show..


Sharon picks up Dylan's phone when it buzzes and reads a text from Avery:

Sorry we quarreled. I miss you. Coming home.

Sharon saying to herself, as though she is talking to Dylan who is out of the room..Now it’s my turn to help you.

Avery then receives a text from Dylan...sent by Sharon..

You made your choice. I made mine. Finish what you started. So will I.



I am not impressed with Sharon for doing that........all charges have been dropped against her as well..

It is precisely this that scared me about a Sharon-Dylan pairing. JFP's golden boy always has to be a saint, so he can't simply dump Avery for helping her ex. Sharon has to be the conniving woman who orchestrates it all. ugh. Why this show keeps on insisting a woman who LOOKS like that and has money and a brain needs to play these games to snare a man I will never know. 

Yeah, when Neil lost his sight, Jack was adamant that Neil could take as much time off as he needed, and that his job would be waiting for him when he was ready to come back. So the Abbotts didn't abandon him at all.

Right. In fact it was Victor who kept promoting his children over Neil that finally forced Neil to leave Newman. 

Ash and Phyll return and Ash tries to talk business but Phyllis thinks that is inappropriate.


It's completely inappropriate. She brings it up in front of comatose Jack and minutes after he's had this terrifying seizure. I thought the writing was pretty silly with Billy and Ashley. Their beloved brother is in serious trouble and they are snarking with Victor about Jack's grave??? That's nuts. And Burgess. sigh. I was liking him for a bit but he positively sucked today. He can't do emotional scenes. He just came off glib. I felt no emotion from him for Jack, despite him having that soliloquy at his bedside. I don't like to harp on this but BM would have made me sad in that same scene with his delivery. They are determined to push BJ's Billy. That scene with unconscious Jack should have been Ashley's. 


ETA: I meant to post this yesterday but that actor who played the doctor treating Jack yesterday (not Leslie's husband) was excellent. He was a really believable actor. Those day players can be pretty bad but he was zinging off his lines like a pro. I'm far less impressed with Leslie's guy.

Edited by miamama
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Getting arrested sure did work out well for Sharon, she's free!  But wouldn't it be smarter on Paul's side and Sharon/Dylan/Christine to work out a plan so the killer doesn't know they're looking for someone else again? 

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I think they'll Finally do Victor fools with Sharon's meds. Maybe. Maybe Mariah carries some spares and those are good. Please do that story. Have hottie guy come back and testify against Prick and bring it up. If that comes out Drunkki and Mop will have to stay angry for at least an extra hour.


Maybe Sharon drives recklessly and the do a drug test and find NO drugs. Not even the good ones.

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Let me just say this about Sharon's duplicitous text today: NOOOOOOOOOO!!! Why even bother sending that to Avery? Woody Woodenpecker and his branch pruner would have drifted apart naturally, as cheating cheaters are wont to do. But no, Sharon self-sabotages in pursuit of Captain Conifer.

Michael's obsession with his own boner is getting disturbing. Fluffers at a porn shoot are less concerned with erections.

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Yup, they sowed some new material-seeds with the fake messaging there, didn't they?

This is how Sharon has been for years. A manipulating witch. And then she sure did mack on Dylan. Grabbing him and kissing him.  And she is the first to cry that someone does that to her. She disgusts me.


And Burgess. sigh

He is so bad. I can't even watch him. I have to ff. And wtf was up with Michael renting a pro? WTF is this show doing.

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It is precisely this that scared me about a Sharon-Dylan pairing. JFP's golden boy always has to be a saint, so he can't simply dump Avery for helping her ex. Sharon has to be the conniving woman who orchestrates it all. ugh. Why this show keeps on insisting a woman who LOOKS like that and has money and a brain needs to play these games to snare a man I will never know. 


This....that is the $64,000.00 question....

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Guess I watched a different show because I never saw Sharon grab Dylan and kiss him. I saw her hugging him after her charges were dropped but she also hugged Paul and Christine.

Dylan was hugging her back and they came out of the hug staring into each others eyes and then both of them went in for the kiss. It was a mutual kiss not all one sided.I have watched it 3 times now. Lol

I am not happy with what Sharon did and I guess this is Pratt's weird way of making her stronger. Maybe she did it as a f*@k you to Avery for barging into her house and treating her like she was scum on the bottom of her shoe.

Or maybe the way she has seen Avery treating Dylan and his hurt over it. In her mind she thinks it is a way to help him get over her.

I don't know what the reason is behind her sending that text but it is wrong what she did.I guess this is Pratt's new kick ass Sharon and that's fine with me if she gives it back to all the hypocrites but her sticking it to Avery will also hurt Dylan and he does not deserve this as he's been her only friend.

And I also know for every little forward step she makes she will still be punished and made to pay for all of it and knocked back a couple of feet.

I miss my show and dread what Pratt is going to do next!

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Avery has always hated Sharon.

Yes she has and she has been super rude to her so I am not that upset about her as I am Dylan. He is Sharon's only friend and he is going to be hurt when he finds out what happened. I wish Sharon would tell him before they get any closer but I am sure she will not do that as per Pratt and will be punished severely over this.

Edited by Slowpokey
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It's like...for every triumph or bit of happiness Sharon enjoys, the show feels the need to balance it out with some bizarre deception that will eventually ruin everything. I don't particularly enjoy watching and waiting for her to get caught and punished.

You know what would be awesomely entertaining? Victor being humiliated, loathed, and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law for even a tiny sliver of the shit he's pulled throughout the decades. Let him become the town pariah. Subject him to an intensive psychiatric evaluation (and a session with one of those FBI peeps who profile serial killers, cause Victor is some kind of evil, yo).

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It's like...for every triumph or bit of happiness Sharon enjoys, the show feels the need to balance it out with some bizarre deception that will eventually ruin everything. I don't particularly enjoy watching and waiting for her to get caught and punished.

You know what would be awesomely entertaining? Victor being humiliated, loathed, and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law for even a tiny sliver of the shit he's pulled throughout the decades. Let him become the town pariah. Subject him to an intensive psychiatric evaluation (and a session with one of those FBI peeps who profile serial killers, cause Victor is some kind of evil, yo).

Ninja, I am usually looking for something funny from you, and this isn't the usual post.  I so agree with you that if the show has to have someone to punish endlessly, it should at least be someone who deserves it.  Not saying Sharon's perfect (that text was dumb) but nobody on the show is perfect.  Victor is just the most evil and sinister person on the show, and yet, he never is punished.  It makes me sick.  

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