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The GCEh?C: Canadian Episodes (Spoilers for Non-Canadians)

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May 6th is the onscreen day. Which puts it in the middle of sweeps. And it's just this guy's first day. So it seems they are "there" for at least a few days.

Thanks, Mia - I guess I misread it - (onset/onscreen).  This makes a lot more sense, since the picture is obviously already out there - duh.  Do you suppose I should put the vodka away?  I trust your judgement.

Edited by movinon
  • Love 3

Okay, spotty watching today but we have some developments of note.  At the very end of the episode we discover from Faith that she and Sharon were driving in the woods that Valentine night.  Actually Dylan discovers this.  He is quite chummy with Sharon and Faith this entire episode, and he even confronts Kyle re gaslighting Sharon.  BTW, Kyle has turned into a complete jerkified asshole.  Where is Blake Hood, sigh?  This Kyle is unlikeable and he tells Dummer that he returned for her cause he wuvs her (I think he said that last part, I put it on mute at one point).  


Gabe alerts Billy that someone has hacked Jabot, and Billy has to go sleuth whether its Newman who did it, via Vicky.  She says no.  Chelsea walks in on them alluding to "something that happened last night".  They are definitely careening toward a Villy reunion.  Chelsea and Billy actually had a "romantic breakfast" at the GCAC (I know how stupid that sounds, but that is what they said) to celebrate delaying their wedding.  Not a good sign.


At the end of the episode, when Gabe goes to talk to Jack in his office, the chair swings around and it is Pricktor with that stupid smug look on his face that he always has -- the one where EB is "acting".  Except its the only expression he has.  


There was some stuff between Sage and Gabe, but I kind of don't remember, same old same old.  Some fun stuff was when Sage all smiley goes to see Nick and he accuses her of going after him for his money!  She was wounded and is about to leave and he apologizes, and WAH WAH!!!  I am now picturing Nick as Baby Huey these days.  Earlier Nick confronted Pricktor and got really mad at him for saving his ass back then when he contributed to the girl's paralysis.  As much as I hate Pricktor, Nick sounded very stupid and childish and ungrateful. Perhaps instead of lashing out at Pricktor he should have been searching is own black soul.  Cause just earlier he again said to Dylan that he is worried about Sharon being with Faith.


Noah proposed to Courtney, which was unexpected and weird, so I am pretty sure she is the next victim now (at this point I would like it to be Kyle, well after Dummer of course).


Nicky was on today's show with Vicky also having breakfast at the club and at the end she finds a manilla envelope with photos of fingerprints.  


I didn't see the entire show, so that is all I got.

  • Love 7

I'm starting not to think at all - if I could think, I'm sure I would think this show is destroying my brain cells faster than the vodka.  I am even starting not to care at all about who the hell did it or why.  I'm sure they will continue the destruction of Sharon and the Sanctification of all things Newman, beginning with the one at the top.  Very, very tiring, this show.

  • Love 8

He is quite chummy with Sharon and Faith this entire episode, and he even confronts Kyle re gaslighting Sharon.  BTW, Kyle has turned into a complete jerkified asshole.  Where is Blake Hood, sigh?  This Kyle is unlikeable and he tells Dummer that he returned for her cause he wuvs her (I think he said that last part, I put it on mute at one point).  


There was some stuff between Sage and Gabe, but I kind of don't remember, same old same old.  Some fun stuff was when Sage all smiley goes to see Nick and he accuses her of going after him for his money!  She was wounded and is about to leave and he apologizes, and WAH WAH!!!  I am now picturing Nick as Baby Huey these days.  Earlier Nick confronted Pricktor and got really mad at him for saving his ass back then when he contributed to the girl's paralysis.  As much as I hate Pricktor, Nick sounded very stupid and childish and ungrateful. Perhaps instead of lashing out at Pricktor he should have been searching is own black soul.  Cause just earlier he again said to Dylan that he is worried about Sharon being with Faith.


Noah proposed to Courtney, which was unexpected and weird, so I am pretty sure she is the next victim now (at this point I would like it to be Kyle, well after Dummer of course).


Nicky was on today's show with Vicky also having breakfast at the club and at the end she finds a manilla envelope with photos of fingerprints.  


I didn't see the entire show, so that is all I got.

To me, the WeeKyle is beyond unlikeable--he's an entitled little toad, the way he's written. "Lipstick threats on Sharon's mirror? No biggie." Yeah, kid, for once in my life I'm with the Dylanator--just short of "You feelin' lucky, punk?" And then, to add to the toadiness--which is probably doing a disservice to amphibians everywhere, we have Summer [i've given up on names for her--I just can't--movinon, do not question the vodka; I'm killing the cheap Australian white at an ungodly rate just enduring the actress, the role, the lines--I can't go on; where's my fan?] who just coughs up Sharon's name like a hairball at regular intervals. Maybe that's what's left of her synapses firing.


Courtney, you are not Final Girl. You may be thinking "Ooh Newman money! No more scratchy cop uniforms! A better hairstylist!" Not so much, honey...


Nick as Baby Huey is certainly not without charm. But the thespianic [!] chops let him down when he tried for "Mean Nick" with Sage. And now I can only picture him wearing BH's giant diaper. Kinda suits him.


But, weren't those the shadows of the PortaConfessional grille? And haven't we got Mystery Hands [in said PortaC, in black gloves--looking like female hands] again? I think so. But then Show got all cutesie and cut to Nikki's black begloved hands elsewhere. Oh foxy show! You know how to lead us on. Now where's the wine?

  • Love 7

I have bits and pieces again today.  Stupid work keeps getting in the way.


Victor has a confrontation with Gabe in Jack's office.  EB does play nasty bastard well, because if I was Adam, playing Gabe, confronting Victor, I think I would have lost my shit with him too.  It looked like it might come to fisticuffs.  Pricktor's story now is that Newman has also been hacked.  Everyone at Jabot is in crisis mgmt mode.  Jack lectures Adam about his interactions with Pricktor etc.  I really liked JH in these scenes, we just need to keep him away from MCE, because he is much better, and more Adam-like.


Ben is going somewhere to get Kelly's remains, but I didn't catch where, and he doesn't want Vicky with him cause she didn't like Kelly.  Abby wants to go with him, not sure if that happens.


Nicky confronts Pricktor about his being at the chapel and finding the envelope with the fingerprints (btw, I am really confused, is this the same confessional at the hospital--is Pricktor actually going to the hospital chapel confessional to meet with THE SHADOW? Or is there another confessional on his mapquest?)


Pricktor assures Nicky that these fingerprints are critical to SAVING HIS COMPANY!  They are from the person or persons who broke in and hacked his system.  And basically tells her to butt out, and she does.  Earlier in the ep she had gone to Paul for help with the fingerprints but he told her to go suck eggs, cause Christine's are dead as dirt and they ain't gonna have babies thanks to Nicky.  At the end of the ep Pricktor calls THE SHADOW and tells him/her that he/she really messed up with the fingerprints, and should get a better calendar app for their phone.  And they need a different confessional to meet at, maybe the one at the GCAC?  And he says THESE FINGERPRINTS ARE VITAL FOR THE NEXT PHASE OF OUR PLAN, YOU GOT IT!


Kyle is such an asshat!  He was happy to accuse everyone else, and even push Sharon over the edge but now that they have a lead on Jack possibly being involved, he says he is SICK OF THESE ACCUSATIONS!  Ha ha!  At some point he kissed Dummer.  I just don't find this Kyle believable at all.  I think Frankenkyle was better.  Apparently Kyle has had a boner for Dummer since he went to NYC.  Dummer is all aflutter and says she can trust Kyle.  I could puke.


Kevin and Courtney decide to risk their jobs and hack into the police computer to get some security cam footage from Chancellor Park, to do with the Jack thing, and they get caught and Kevin gets suspended.  Mariah says Paul is a jerk for suspending convicted felon Kevin for breaking more laws at his charity community service job.  How dare he?  Now Courtney is going to try and get the footage, and Noah is not happy (wait till she dies from that anvil hanging over head, you'll have something to cry about then, Noah).


Billy and Chelsea blah blah Victoria blah blah Adam.  Just end it now and spare us all of this blah blah.


Previews:  Cane to Jill, we need to restructure Chancellor; Kevin to Michael, what are you lying about this time; Noah to Sharon, Austin was murdered and Dylan thinks you did it, with Dylan standing right there.

  • Love 8
Nicky confronts Pricktor about his being at the chapel and finding the envelope with the fingerprints (btw, I am really confused, is this the same confessional at the hospital--is Pricktor actually going to the hospital chapel confessional to meet with THE SHADOW? Or is there another confessional on his mapquest?)


Pricktor assures Nicky that these fingerprints are critical to SAVING HIS COMPANY!  They are from the person or persons who broke in and hacked his system.  And basically tells her to butt out, and she does.  Earlier in the ep she had gone to Paul for help with the fingerprints but he told her to go suck eggs, cause Christine's are dead as dirt and they ain't gonna have babies thanks to Nicky.  At the end of the ep Pricktor calls THE SHADOW and tells him/her that he/she really messed up with the fingerprints, and should get a better calendar app for their phone.  And they need a different confessional to meet at, maybe the one at the GCAC?  And he says THESE FINGERPRINTS ARE VITAL FOR THE NEXT PHASE OF OUR PLAN, YOU GOT IT!


Kevin and Courtney decide to risk their jobs and hack into the police computer to get some security cam footage from Chancellor Park, to do with the Jack thing, and they get caught and Kevin gets suspended.  Mariah says Paul is a jerk for suspending convicted felon Kevin for breaking more laws at his charity community service job.  How dare he?  Now Courtney is going to try and get the footage, and Noah is not happy (wait till she dies from that anvil hanging over head, you'll have something to cry about then, Noah).


I'm so confused about what's going on with this confessional crap. Is this the first time we're hearing of fingerprints or did I miss something? I thought NE was doing fine, why does it need saving? And why did that gloved hand look like it belonged to Nikki?


So stupid ass Paulie and his corrupt insect wife can break all kinds of laws and procedures in their quest for revenge but Kevin gets suspended because he hacked a computer? These people are sickening.

  • Love 5

I have bits and pieces again today.  Stupid work keeps getting in the way.


Victor has a confrontation with Gabe in Jack's office.  EB does play nasty bastard well, because if I was Adam, playing Gabe, confronting Victor, I think I would have lost my shit with him too.  It looked like it might come to fisticuffs.  Pricktor's story now is that Newman has also been hacked.  Everyone at Jabot is in crisis mgmt mode.  Jack lectures Adam about his interactions with Pricktor etc.  I really liked JH in these scenes, we just need to keep him away from MCE, because he is much better, and more Adam-like.


Ben is going somewhere to get Kelly's remains, but I didn't catch where, and he doesn't want Vicky with him cause she didn't like Kelly.  Abby wants to go with him, not sure if that happens.


Nicky confronts Pricktor about his being at the chapel and finding the envelope with the fingerprints (btw, I am really confused, is this the same confessional at the hospital--is Pricktor actually going to the hospital chapel confessional to meet with THE SHADOW? Or is there another confessional on his mapquest?)


Pricktor assures Nicky that these fingerprints are critical to SAVING HIS COMPANY!  They are from the person or persons who broke in and hacked his system.  And basically tells her to butt out, and she does.  Earlier in the ep she had gone to Paul for help with the fingerprints but he told her to go suck eggs, cause Christine's are dead as dirt and they ain't gonna have babies thanks to Nicky.  At the end of the ep Pricktor calls THE SHADOW and tells him/her that he/she really messed up with the fingerprints, and should get a better calendar app for their phone.  And they need a different confessional to meet at, maybe the one at the GCAC?  And he says THESE FINGERPRINTS ARE VITAL FOR THE NEXT PHASE OF OUR PLAN, YOU GOT IT!


Kyle is such an asshat!  He was happy to accuse everyone else, and even push Sharon over the edge but now that they have a lead on Jack possibly being involved, he says he is SICK OF THESE ACCUSATIONS!  Ha ha!  At some point he kissed Dummer.  I just don't find this Kyle believable at all.  I think Frankenkyle was better.  Apparently Kyle has had a boner for Dummer since he went to NYC.  Dummer is all aflutter and says she can trust Kyle.  I could puke.


Kevin and Courtney decide to risk their jobs and hack into the police computer to get some security cam footage from Chancellor Park, to do with the Jack thing, and they get caught and Kevin gets suspended.  Mariah says Paul is a jerk for suspending convicted felon Kevin for breaking more laws at his charity community service job.  How dare he?  Now Courtney is going to try and get the footage, and Noah is not happy (wait till she dies from that anvil hanging over head, you'll have something to cry about then, Noah).


Billy and Chelsea blah blah Victoria blah blah Adam.  Just end it now and spare us all of this blah blah.


Previews:  Cane to Jill, we need to restructure Chancellor; Kevin to Michael, what are you lying about this time; Noah to Sharon, Austin was murdered and Dylan thinks you did it, with Dylan standing right there.

Thanks Bannana! Great recaps my friend!! 

I know this is probably wrong as I usually am but could the fingerprints be Gabadam's?Victor seems suspicious of him.

  • Love 5

Kyle is such an asshat!  He was happy to accuse everyone else, and even push Sharon over the edge but now that they have a lead on Jack possibly being involved, he says he is SICK OF THESE ACCUSATIONS!  Ha ha!

He has accused almost everyone in GC, now that I think about it.  Makes me hope it's him, but I don't think he's smart enough to pull this off.  Thanks, Bannana, for the recap.  Sounds like maybe something is happening for us tomorrow.  It all doesn't make sense yet, but that's because I haven't watched today's US show yet - have to get the screwdrivers ready before I can handle it.  

Edited by movinon
  • Love 4


I don't remember but I'm sure he was.  Every female wanted to be Cricket, and every male wanted to do Cricket.  It was so nauseating, it was hard to watch - nepotism at it's worst, and I loved Bill Bell.  She and Paul did bring him to the US from Vietnam.

UGH this so much..no wonder I hate that freak Cricket.. she was rammed down our throats even more than Summer is.

  • Love 1

I finally watched yesterday's US show and it was wonderful  - such writing should be rewarded.  Griping storylines, fantastic sets, awe inspiring hair and make-up, and beautiful acting, especially by Summer,  APRIL FOOL!  Such dreg, per normal, but Nikki did look better than usual, and I liked Victoria's little pink necklace.  So disappointed that Dylan didn't knock out Kyle's perfect teeth.

  • Love 13
Now Courtney is going to try and get the footage, and Noah is not happy (wait till she dies from that anvil hanging over head, you'll have something to cry about then, Noah).


Noah is upset she will look at security footage of a public park? Is this a joke? She's covering up a MURDER. This writing. My god.

  • Love 8

At the end of today's ep Sharon has a flashback to being somewhere and seeing something, but from what I saw we only saw it from her POV.  In the previews for tomorrow's CDN she is worried that she was there and someone knows she was there (but didn't seem to be worried that she did anything).


But leading up to that final morsel of reveal, we had a lot of back and forth between Sharon and Dylan, and Noah was in there too.  He outed Dylan to Sharon as being suspicious of her as being the murderer.  Sharon and Dylan had it out and he asked her outright why she was in the woods and where she was etc.  Sharon Case was excellent today again in the argument with Dylan.


Here was something weird.  Lauren and Cane of all people were all chummy and flirty in the bar.  Michael saw them, read more into it, and cancelled his celebratory dinner with Lauren via text, and she was all, oh well, Michael can't make it, has to work--shall we have dinner and then go upstairs to my personal boudoir?  It's been a bit underused since Carmine, but I am sure the linens are fresh. (Okay, they just went for dinner but we know where this is going)


Jack and Phyllis have dinner with Joe and Avery to talk about Joe's charity.  First of all, I must have missed an episode because Avery is now positively chummy with Joe, and it seems so odd based on recent history.  Anyhoo, we learn from Joe that he was a physically abused child.  Hmm...and Avery look fondly upon him.


Noah and Courtney are getting married tomorrow!  WTF?!  Previews for tomorrow show Courtney in her wedding hooker dress.  Too bad she is wearing that necklace of anvils....

  • Love 10

Please not Cane and Lauren!!


This can't be happening. I won't stand for it.


Noah and Courtney are getting married tomorrow!  WTF?!  Previews for tomorrow show Courtney in her wedding hooker dress.  Too bad she is wearing that necklace of anvils....


LMAO can they make it any more obvious that Cop Girlfriend is about to die.

  • Love 9

So I missed a few things I will add here.  Sharon apparently had a panic attack and decided to drive into the woods to fix it.  Listen, I don't write this stuff, I just repeat it!  Oh, and since Noah actually did tell Sharon that Austin was murdered, half of Genoa City officially knows now.  And Sharon was pretty funny yelling at Dylan about how she had super human strength, murdered Austin and dragged him into his car and staged a car accident.


There was a bunch of Jill, Cane and Colin stuff.  Cane tells Jill she should restructure.  Hey, Jill, why don't you and Colin go downunder for a few years, whilst I run Chancellor?  Cause I deserve it.  Because....reasons.


Courtney is desperate to hack into the police computer to see that footage.  So I guess she will see who the killer is and then she gets murdered on her wedding day.  I am unspoiled, I am just speculating but there can be no other reason for this rush wedding.  For example, this line at the end:  I love you Noah and I look forward to spending many many years together.  Whoops, jinxed yourself there Court.  But hey, if Court is murdered, are they seriously going to accuse Sharon of murdering her DIL?  Of course they are.  


Previews:  Abby and Ben are in her/his/their room and says Kyle called and says suddenly Courtney and Noah are getting married, and Ben says, today, what's the rush (and I would like to know why Kyle, mortal enemy of Noah, is letting Aunt Abby know that her nephew is getting married);  Summer and Kyle with Courtney, with Summer saying, doesn't she look gorgeous.

  • Love 5
Noah and Courtney are getting married tomorrow!  WTF?!  Previews for tomorrow show Courtney in her wedding hooker dress.  Too bad she is wearing that necklace of anvils....


That Soaps in Depth cover I mentioned in the main thread shows all the kids on the cover (Courtney in her wedding dress I think) and

the words: Wedding Shocker! The big twist that will change everything!


So read into that whatever you want.

I hope Courtney is somehow involved AND gets killed. I don't want to see more of these shitty young actors grieving the loss of another pointless character. I'd rather see them try to portray ANGER. grrrrr. 

  • Love 4

Today was wedding day.  Courtney was going to be driven to Chancellor Park for the ceremony by Abby and Kyle, but she at the last minute remembered she forgot something at the office, aka the police station.  So off she goes in her wedding garb to fetch it.  No suggestion that they could drive her and swing by on the way to the park, like in the real world, where logic applies.  So I guess it was the marriage license or whatever, but while there, Court decides to hack into the cop computer.   And holy shit, she finds something.  She says something like:  It can't be.


Meanwhile Sharon on the way to her son's wedding drops by Dylan's to share her memory of seeing a car's headlights when she was up at the cabin having a panic attack.  Then she skedaddles out of there in the middle of an almost another panic attack but she never shows up at the wedding.


Dylan and Avery argue about Joe, this time she started it, and blah blah.  Meanwhile at the GCAC Lily thinks Joe is hitting on her.  And Hilary is chatting and flirting up the prosecutor.   And then Devon comes over and says stupid shit to her.  


The Winters are sitting around with Leslie trying strategize but Neil is in full on self-destructive snark mode.  My fave part of this was when Lily said: for the sake of Moses, and I initially thought she was talking about THE Moses...


Joe, Lily and Avery are planning a benefit fundraiser for his charity, but they don't want a lot of guests, just a few big spenders (I guess that is how they now justify that they have no budget for extras).  And they need to honour someone.  Should it be Pricktor?  Nah.  Jack? Nope.  They settle on humanitarian and warm hearted soul Avery.


Hey, back to the wedding, isn't Noah a Newman?  Where are Vicky, Johnny and Kate?  How about Pricktor and Drinki?  And his Uncle Dylan?  What about Faith?  At the wedding, Kevin and Mariah have some fun colour commentary on the guests.  Mostly because Abby shows.  Then Court texts Noah and says, change of plans, meet me at the cabin.  Seriously? ( I am guessing Noah finds a dead Courtney there.)  Even if you plan a wedding in 24 hours, you still cannot change the venue last minute to someplace out of the way and in the woods.  Against wedding etiquette. Doesn't matter, because this was Noah's cue to cancel the wedding.  After Nick and the other one guest leave, Noah and the Scoobys confer, and the Scoobys now officially includes grandpa Ben.  


Previews: Sage to Chels, you have no idea who the real Gabriel Bingham is (haven't we heard this before?); Avery yelling at Dylan, blah blah blah, get away from Sharon; Nick to Gabe,  accuses him of chasing after another woman.  So no Scooby mystery tomorrow I guess.

  • Love 4

LOLOL  oh avery, you're just so stupid..


you can't tell Dylan to stay away from Sharon while you're canoodling with joe and having erotic dreams about him and calling out his name in your sleep.


thank you bananas...


I hear the engine on that bus revving up with one foot on the brake and the other on the gas...

  • Love 3

The wedding guest list was hilarious, other than Nick it was just the cabin crew + Stitch who is also in on it. No Faith, nephews&niece,  Victoria, Victor, Nikki, Doris, even Dylan was sitting around in the apartment instead of at his nephew's wedding. 


Kyle who Noah detests is there, but no sister, uncle, aunt and grandparents?


The best part of the entire thing was Mariah and her commentary. Kevin and his responses to her. 

Edited by Artsda
  • Love 5
Meanwhile Sharon on the way to her son's wedding drops by Dylan's to share her memory of seeing a car's headlights when she was up at the cabin having a panic attack.  Then she skedaddles out of there in the middle of an almost another panic attack but she never shows up at the wedding.


Ah, so she will be blamed for Courtney's death (which is obviously coming). And Jack is apparently doing something unbelievable on that security footage (I'm guessing it's him since that is what they were looking for). So, great. Sharon will be unjustly charged and Jack presumably is guilty of something. Fuck off show.

  • Love 7

I will overlook much of Pratt's crap if he has Mariah and Kevin travel around Genoa City making smart-assed comments as other characters do their thing.



So, great. Sharon will be unjustly charged and Jack presumably is guilty of something. Fuck off show.

On second thought, I will never overlook any of Pratt's crap. No matter who the writers are, they always pull this shit with Sharon and Jack. Meanwhile, a rapist and a cave rat are held up as valuable prizes to be won.


Are they seriously going to honor Avery at this fundraising shindig? Is she receiving the coveted Genoa City's Worst Lawyer Golden Cupcake?

  • Love 11

The most interesting thing about today's show was Mariah, Abby and Summer all showing up at the park the first week of April wearing sleeveless or cap sleeve dresses. Not a jacket or sweater in sight. OK, it is one thing to wear this garb in the winter indoors (which is stupid enough) but outdoors at this time of year?  Didn't much of Wisconsin get snow a week ago?


That, and Ben attending his girlfriend's nephew's wedding, but his girlfriend is MIA. Ugh.

  • Love 7


The best part of the entire thing was Mariah and her commentary. Kevin and his responses to her.



So true!  Those two crack me up and what makes it even funnier is watching them on the verge of cracking up themselves!  Love those two just as they are!  

Edited by Foghorn Leghorn
  • Love 5

So I'm wondering now if the "bad guy" isn't Harding after all -- based on Courtney finding a computer with this "it can't be" stuff on it at the police station. It could tie into the confessional guy (who also could be Harding). Victor doesn't have a relationship with him and I don't know if he's had scenes with him but he certainly doesn't "know" him. And a cop would be able to make use of the prints (of whomever) that Victor provided.


Austin might have stumbled onto the crap Harding is doing for Victor (to take down Jack -- something involving a doppelJack or someone with Manchurian Candidate-like powers or a super drug that makes Jack be an asshole on cue) and he had to be taken out.


But why taunt the kids? I don't know.


Why would Harding hate Jack? No reason that can't be manufactured by the Pratt team.

  • Love 6


The Winters are sitting around with Leslie trying strategize but Neil is in full on self-destructive snark mode.  My fave part of this was when Lily said: for the sake of Moses, and I initially thought she was talking about THE Moses...


I loved this! So seasonal, what with Passover and all! Your genius knows no bounds!


I'm enjoying your recaps, Bannana for a lot of reasons, and one of them is that people, including daughter [just back from Seattle] keep arriving in my living room and wanting to chatchatchat when I've driven home like a mad woman to hit the Global 4:30PM broadcast. You know, the subtitles when you hit "mute" on the remote just aren't the same...

  • Love 3


miamama quote

make use of the prints (of whomever) that Victor provided.

I was amazed that Victor had a full ten card of fingerprints-but if you factor in Harding, then it makes some sense.  Maybe Victor had Adam's fingerprint card (next to the bronze baby shoes and first grade picture) and is getting Harding to run it against Gabe's.  Don't quite understand why that brings Jack down other than outing Jack for knowing who Gabe really is.  Jack isn't necessarily harboring a criminal* just because someone says he is Adam and he (Jack) believes it.  *Was Adam ever charged with Delia's death or just a person of interest?  Don't see enough to bring a whole damn company down with this.

  • Love 2

MollyB: I wonder if they're Jack's prints. Don't know what they could be used for but with all this bad *shit* going down in GC....could be useful.


I really don't think Victor knows about Gabe.


Also, just saw on Twitter that Courtney is officially dead in today's Canadian. Good fucking riddance. She was found in the armoire from hell.


Kelli Goss was the worst of that young bunch so I'm truly pleased she's gone. I was embarrassed I watch a show that she "acts" on.


I'm sure now the "kids" will stop all hanging out together. Mariah has called the cops and so this will no longer be the cabinistas' secret. 


small mercies.

  • Love 6

The most interesting thing about today's show was Mariah, Abby and Summer all showing up at the park the first week of April wearing sleeveless or cap sleeve dresses. Not a jacket or sweater in sight. OK, it is one thing to wear this garb in the winter indoors (which is stupid enough) but outdoors at this time of year?  Didn't much of Wisconsin get snow a week ago?


To me, this unbelievably stupid inattention to basic realities is one of the worst current aspects of the show. I walked into the room during the Allpurpose Park nuptials from outside in Toronto where it was 9C [48F], with no snow, admittedly, and thought, "What? Continuity people, what gives? A week or so ago you actually had characters in winter coats and sweaters under suit jackets? Did you all just experience neural blackouts?"


I am not a geography whiz, but I found out Toronto and Milwaukee WI are on roughly the same latitude, but Toronto doesn't even rank in the top 25 coldest winter cities in North America, and Milwaukee's in the top 10. No one would have an outdoor anything at this point--unlike A/P Park--no flowering trees [or even leaves yet] here. I admit it's been one of the slowest springs on record here, but...Wisconsin's always had worse weather than TO, the Manila of the North.


Oh, why do I bother?


From another thread--a related point, and a good one from Psychelic Trip:

The sets on this show now are so basic and sterile; there's no personality to them.  I can remember being so taken with Bill Bell's sets. They had sparkle and presence and they were their OWN character and alluded to things and feelings when the camera panned across them.  I can remember really paying attention to them to the point of distraction from the character on my screen at times.   Sometimes the show would open with just the shot of a set before we even saw the character.   These days it's all a bunch of modern cold furniture with personalities as dull and pointless as the character's who inhabit them.    The only time I enjoy a set is when we get to be at the Abbotts, but even that has been tweaked a bit here and there.


Absolutely! This is the kind of neglectful treatment and lack of attention to detail I'm talking about. And the sets did often mirror the occupants' personalities...not to mention the flowers, and the china! Katherine Chancellor's Royal Albert Heirloom while a bit crappy for a person of her wealth, at least had some charm to it. [i'm a china freak and I notice this stuff. Most of the rest of the china is Japanese...although I keep wondering about the GCAC dishes...] Big Blue Plate would shed a tear if she could.

  • Love 3

Okay, we all knew it was coming, Courtney is officially dead.  They didn't drag it out several episodes so that is helpful.  My favourite part is how the Scoobys just have lost any brain cells they may have had before they were drugged by Fen.  They move the body, and then Kevin finds evidence in her hand--she is clutching a note--so of course he touches her, touches the note (which says:  I TOLD YOU TO STOP DIGGING) and destroys any forensic evidence.  Didn't these kids grow up watching CSI?


Anyhoo, back to the beginning cause there was some funny stuff today.  Nick, once the wedding is cancelled, doesn't seem to be one iota worried that none of the Newmans had made an effort to attend Noah's wedding, nor does he seem too concerned about Noah once Court doesn't show up.  Instead, he heads back to the reno site and has monkey toe sex with Sage.  BTW, where the heck is Faith?  I don't recall what they said to explain that, but they really wouldn't have allowed Faith to go to HER BROTHER'S WEDDING?  Don't little girls, especially Faith, love weddings?


The Scoobys all get a text from Courtney's phone telling them to:  COME TO THE CABIN.  DON'T TELL ANYONE.   Except except, we find out later in the show that Courtney's phone is in the trash can in the Squad Room (as Avery refers to it, and she is the one who found the phone and answered it).  So how did the Killer text everyone to come to the cabin, unless he/she did so from the Squad Room.  Which wouldn't really allow enough time to get to the cabin and kill her and get out of sight, would it?  The Scoobys speculate that Court knows who the killer is but that doesn't compel them to call the cops.  Nope, they head to the cabin.  There, they cannot find Courtney.  They realize that everyone was texted by the killer except for Ben.  The Dummer predictably started ranting about SHARON.  Then they finally realize they should call the police, but they don't.  Meanwhile back at the Squad Room, someone wearing gloves uses a device on the computer to wipe out the system.  The monitors all went RED SCREEN!  So this could in fact be Harding since there was a cop who walked right by him and didn't even notice.  Too bad, I liked Harding.  Not sure why he would go around killing Scoobys.  I want to think it is Fen, not Harding.


Noah calls Courtney's phone again, but now suddenly it doesn't go to voicemail, so that means the Killer turned it back on after he wiped out the entire Squad Room's computers, eliminating all evidence etc.  Criminals will be going free in GC now.   Maybe this is how Adam gets out of being charged with killing Delia?  While Noah is talking to Avery on Courtney's phone, Abby discovers Courtney in the wardrobe.  They drag Courtney out of he wardrobe and after Noah tries to awkwardly do CPR, Ben says she is  dead and has been for  a while.  Which means that Ben, the former doctor, would have been able to determine that while she was in the wardrobe.  So they could have left her there and left the crime scene undisturbed.  Except, they have compromised everything since Austin died.  Somehow I thought having a grown-up there (I don't count Kevin as a grown-up), I would have thought they would do what normal people would do which is not move the obviously dead body.  


There were more Dylan/Avery blah blah Sharon blah blah scenes.  They went from fighting about Joe constantly to fighting about Sharon constantly.  


And we had Billy/Gabe/Chelsea/Victoria blah blah predictable stuff leading to the inevitable switching of partners.  Except that later Sage, who just had monkey toe sex with Nick, is in a pissy mood regardless, and tells Chelsea that Gabe has set up everything--the apt, not moving back into the apt, running out of gas, etc.  Previews imply she tells her the truth.  I don't think so, though, because we need Chelsea to get together with Gabe after she splits with Billy, so that she can be destroyed when she realizes he is Adam.  Speaking of which, there was a scene near the end where Gabe is going off on Nick and talks about Pricktor and the Newmans, and he is filled with vitriol, and Nick is taken aback.  JM has this funny look where he kind of looks up and down Gabe. I am sure this was supposed to be Nick becoming suspicious and maybe thinking, hey, this guy reminds me of Adam.  But it didn't play that way, it was more like Baby Huey's inside voice was saying: why is this guy picking on me, wah wah!


Did you ever notice how when a character's cell phone rings, they say:  I have to take this?  How is it possible that every single phone call is critically vital and cannot be ignored?  I get lots of calls I ignore and return later.  But I don't live in GC.


So Dylan is very suspicious of Sharon.  He knows she got a message on her home phone from the mechanic talking about Sharon's car, and chiding her for taking such a nice car into the woods.  He actually uses a key hidden under the "fake rock" to get in her house, when she's not there.  She doesn't even get angry about that when she gets home just worries that someone might see where she hides the key.   They agree she needs a new hiding place.  I am sure this will become important in a future episode.  Sharon tells Dylan that the wedding didn't happen and Noah was disappointed, making it sound like she was there, which we know she wasn't.  


I am still really liking JH as Adam.  I don't like that he is smitten with the unappealing Chelsea.  But I think the actor is doing a good job.  Some have said that this Adam is more stupid than the last Adam, but Adam did some pretty stupid things back then.  What irks me about the storyline is that both he and Sage are not even trying with their con.  I think it would have been a lot more interesting if the could have truly pulled it off, instead of bickering like a couple of kids.  It's a high stakes game for both of them, and Adam in particular is taking way too many chances.


Previews:  Nick to Gabe.  Who.Are.You?  you are not the Gabe Bingham I used to know (this sounds familiar); Sage to Chelsea:  Fine I will say it, but do not say I did not warn you!; Ben says the killer wanted us to find her, and Mariah says, OMG, they're trying to pin this on us.

Edited by bannana
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To me, this unbelievably stupid inattention to basic realities is one of the worst current aspects of the show. I walked into the room during the Allpurpose Park nuptials from outside in Toronto where it was 9C [48F], with no snow, admittedly, and thought, "What? Continuity people, what gives? A week or so ago you actually had characters in winter coats and sweaters under suit jackets? Did you all just experience neural blackouts?"


Exactly! I live in Kelowna, B.C. where hubby has been golfing for a month now. It is 15C on my deck, and there is no way I would be outside in a sleeveless anything. Let alone in Wisconsin. But then All Purpose Park does seem to be set in some mysterious area where visitors are shielded from the elements. I remember a scene this past winter where Phyllis was in the park wearing a dress and coat (hard to believe I know) but with bare legs and stiletto healed open toed shoes. In the snow, with the wind blowing.


Speaking of sets, I don't recall seeing the picture before of the stables at the Newman ranch. The outside seems much grander than the tacky house that Nick continues to reside in.

Edited by UsernameFatigue
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