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The GCEh?C: Canadian Episodes (Spoilers for Non-Canadians)

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Can't put my finger on it, but I think her nose looks different...or maybe she's had Botox or something. Her hair is a darker red; that much I do know!


She has been doing things to herself for years, she is a plastic icon, yikes.  I am watching RHOBH right now and TB and Brandi look very similar...

  • Love 2

Can't put my finger on it, but I think her nose looks different...or maybe she's had Botox or something. Her hair is a darker red; that much I do know!

I used to think she had some sort of scar on her forehead because she always wore that weird side-part with her hair swept over her face.

  • Love 2

TGVN seems to be triumphant with every regime. He saves Jack?! Nikki was actually apologizing to him today. She practically said that he walks on water.

Lauren has a second job as emergency services dispatch?! Wow

"Mr. Bingham is a hero. We need more people like him in Genoa City." Oh Chelsea ...

Emergency services at the coffee house because Paul remembered that Dylan bought a generator? Geez.

Nick and Dylan are the search committee instead of rescuers? Okay then.

  • Love 3

Today's show was really not very entertaining.  It does appear they are setting up for musical chairs and couple trading, so we may end up with Sharon and Dylan, Villy, Gabe and Chelsea, and I guess Ashley and Stitch.


It was kind of hilarious to see Dylan help Police Chief Dad look at a map and figure out where to put police cruisers to control traffic.


Crimson Lights is the new GC General Hospital because I guess it is the only place in town that has a generator.  They brought all injured people there, except for the ones that they ignored at the fire.


So everyone is rescued at the UG except for Drinki, Pricktor, Jack and Philly, and maybe any extras--staff and customers--who nobody seemed to care about.  Drinki apologized to Pricktor who is now her hero again.  Jack was brought back from the dead by the undead Pricktor, and then tried to tell Pricktor something about Adam, but that didn't pan out.


Nick and Dylan are helping with the rescue but they have no hardhats.  Kind of like over at the fire scene with the most nonchalant EMTs/Firemen ever seen.


Even though Gabe saved Billy's life, Billy is highly suspicious of him--probably because he keeps saying things in his outside voice about who he really is around Billy, and revealing his bullet wound scar to the EMT (the only one who seemed to treat anyone, nobody bothered with Billy who had just moments before been unconscious from smoke inhalation).  Adam and Sage are the worst cons ever.  Oh, and Billy to Victoria, who is standing right below a burning building holding her infant daughter, is it safe for you to be here?  Sure, why not, but then she decides to take Katie to warmth and safety at the emergency room at Crimson Lights.


In the previews, Abby tells Mariah that Summer killed Austin because she knew he was cheating on her, and Pricktor, Drinki, Philly and Jack are all still trapped and they are asking him what he knows about Adam.


BTW, Jack was real Jack, wearing the tie.

OMG! Freaking Hilarious! LMAO! Thanks Bannana! (:

  • Love 2

Okay, and even if the power is out, cell phones would still work, no?

For a while, C6, but living where I do in TO, we have maximum power outages every damn time.


What happens with cell phones is that the circuits/networks get overloaded fast, and nothing goes through--your charge runs out before you can do anything or call anyone, or they can receive your messages. Then, if you have a wireless house phone service, like Rogers, it only has about a 2-hour reserve charge on it, so you're over and out. Useless, if as I am, your power goes out for 1 to 3 days. Hence, you pay Bell for a landline you have no other use for.

  • Love 5

For a while, C6, but living where I do in TO, we have maximum power outages every damn time.


What happens with cell phones is that the circuits/networks get overloaded fast, and nothing goes through--your charge runs out before you can do anything or call anyone, or they can receive your messages. Then, if you have a wireless house phone service, like Rogers, it only has about a 2-hour reserve charge on it, so you're over and out. Useless, if as I am, your power goes out for 1 to 3 days. Hence, you pay Bell for a landline you have no other use for.

Geezus, I'm glad that the last time we lost power for any length of time was during the August 2003 blackout! We didn't even lose power during the ice storm.

  • Love 2

Holy Shit, again!  Turns out Abby and Austin have been having a fling, all along.  Prior to yesterday, I didn't see any anvils on this.  We know Austin was texting with someone, but I thought that might be an off screen someone.  Good twist.  We even got flashbacks.


In other news, there was a bunch of boring stuff between Michael and Lauren, and a bunch of arguing at the plane crash site.  When they woke up Lily called out for Neil and he was in the plane.  I am sure he was looking to see if any of the booze survived the crash (I know I would be).  Devon is going to trek into the wilderness looking for help.  Cause that is the smart thing to do.  Luckily, Colin found a map in the plane that shows hills and roads.  So he'll be fine as long as he keeps the hill to his left.  Alas, Neil pulls a fast one and sneaks off with the map.


Over at the Crimson Lights emergency room, Nick and Dylan return from almost getting crushed (again, no hardhats, duh!).  Dylan has actually been the voice of wisdom throughout this disaster, funny that.  Nick interrogates Sharon about the injury to her head, she said she had an accident. He is YELLING at her, that she is an idiot, endangered Faith's life by going on the roads, didn't she know she shouldn't be driving? (I thought that a couple of days ago Nick said that Sharon was taking Faith to a hotel because of no power, but maybe I dreamt that, today he acted like she was a lunatic for going out.)  Anyhoo, this leads to Dylan dressing down Nick, pointing out that Sharon did nothing wrong, but because she expected this crazy overreaction, Dylan was going to lie and say he was driving, and then suddenly Avery was not too happy to hear that. (P.S. Earlier Avery was calling out Joe's name whilst dreaming, and Sharon heard it.)  I also like that Dylan said maybe if Nick spent less time trying to keep Faith away from Sharon and more time making sure her car had snow tires...well, you get the gist.   I liked it.  Suddenly, I like Dylan, WTF!  Nick finally realized he was an asshole and apologized.  Crazy! 


So in spite of all of the searching Nick did for his parents, the guys with hardhats found them.  Drinki and Philly are rescued but Jack and Pricktor argue about who should be the last out of the wreckage and of course the debris crashed on them again.  So Jack and Pricktor are still buried.  Hah!  


Of interest, Fen announces he will bury the murder weapon (in the snow?  that doesn't sound so smart) and get the ladder that sets up their convoluted accidental fall cover story.  But he did this rather suspiciously, suggesting maybe he conked Austin?  And then the shocking twist, Fen comes back in and says that Austin is gone!  


Previews:  cops arrive at the cabin, Lily yelling at Cane, and Kelly telling Philly that she boinked Jack, and of course Philly slapping Kelly.


An aside--a colleague of mine worked for a Government Cabinet minister, and they were on a helicopter flight that crash landed on a lake in Northern Canada. She was wearing a business suit (skirt) and heels.  They had to sit on the frozen lake, no boots, they had gloves but no hats etc, cause it was meant to be a quick trip in and out to the constituency.  Ever since then, when I fly (which is frequently) I always wear flat comfortable shoes, long pants, and never take my shoes off during take off or landing.  And I have gloves, scarf, sweater, etc!

  • Love 6

peacheslatour, It wasn't much of a flashback, it was a convo at CL (now the CLGH) between them and how Abby was touched by his thoughtful loving actions toward Summer, and she slightly flirted with him.  I always thought that Abby disliked him because she judges everyone else's criminal actions except for her own.

  • Love 5

Sharon doesn't lie to Nick about the accident, she knew she had to tell him the truth! Nick starts yelling at her, Dylan jumps in and tells Nick to just listen to her explanation, that this was why in the beginning they planned on lying to him and he was going to say he was driving the car...Sharon tells Nick she feels as though she is walking on egg shells as far as Faith is concerned, she is terrified that she will do even a simple thing wrong and he will keep Faith away from her, after Dylan takes a strip off Nick for the way he treats Sharon, Nick apologizes to her and tells her he doesn't want her living in fear that way....Avery is upset that Dylan was ready to lie for Sharon, she asks him why he would do that, Dylan says because he is sick of the way Sharon gets treated...later Sharon tells Avery she is sorry for getting Dylan involved in her mess and to thank him for her, Avery is very rude in her answer to Sharon...then Avery showing jealousy asks Dylan to talk more about what went on with him and Sharon, he says they'll talk later when everyone is safe..

  • Love 5


(now the CLGH)

Hilarious!  Thanks for the reply,


Avery is very rude in her answer to Sharon...then Avery showing jealousy asks Dylan to talk more about what went on with him and Sharon, he says they'll talk later when everyone is safe..

Oh shit, so now it's going to be Sharon with Dullan and Boobies with my beloved Joe Superman.  Strike that- reverse it!

  • Love 2

Well wow that Abby and Austin have been having an affair all along. Good twist and love that Mariah called her a ho. Abby and Summer have been on their high horeses against Sharon and Mariah. Now Summer's a killer and Abby's been sleeping with her husband.


She also asks him in flashbacks if he has a brother? Maybe there's a twin?


Loved Dylan coming to Sharon's defense on how she's been treated. Dylan and Adam would be good Team Sharon friends.

Edited by Artsda
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When they woke up Lily called out for Neil and he was in the plane.  I am sure he was looking to see if any of the booze survived the crash (I know I would be).

Too funny, bannana - I know I would be looking, too.  This is insane - Devon wandering in the wilderness,  Neil running off with the map, and nobody trying to build a shelter of any kind.  Guess they're just going to wait for Dylan or Gabriel to rescue them.

  • Love 6

Here in Doppelganger City, we have shades of "Lost" put together with every disaster movie and slasher flick, with Puck cavorting through the forest making people fall in love with the first person (or thing) they see.  Most are still in character, except Lily is still a judgmental bitch, Nick is a Neanderthal douchebag, and Lt. Lumber is even more of a hero.  I'm getting whiplash!

  • Love 5

Dylan says because he is sick of the way Sharon gets treated...


Well fuck me... hell has officially frozen over.   It's about damn time someone (other than Sharon supporters) feels this way.   Oooooo Nikki's gonna be so proud of her gallant son Private Pinocchio... she'll be needing the nearest barstool to soothe her chapped ass.

Edited by klopek
  • Love 12

I hate Nick and he is truly a douche but boy is that some serious Dylan propping there. I don't believe even douche Nick would be that fucking vile to Sharon. "What are YOU doing here?" is the FIRST thing he says to her???? Maybe a panicked "Where's Faith?" I'd buy.


And then he just lit into her. All so Dylan could defend her. <eye roll>


I enjoyed Dylan defending her. But that was the intention. And it pisses me off that this lame character keeps being shoved down my throat.


I thought that final scene of the building collapsing on Jack and Victor was very well done. The rest of the show has been better than usual but still soap quality -- however that last shot --  which appeared sped up -- as Jack looked up and the ceiling came crashing down on him was almost scary. Nice editing.

  • Love 4
I don't believe even douche Nick would be that fucking vile to Sharon.


oh, haven't you been watching since the end of the non-wedding ceremony?


IMO, that's when nick started his vileness to her and he just hasn't stopped.

maybe now with big brother being disapproving of him, he will.


besides, he will need a babysitter for his spur of the moment meetings with slag.

  • Love 4

Too funny, bannana - I know I would be looking, too.  This is insane - Devon wandering in the wilderness,  Neil running off with the map, and nobody trying to build a shelter of any kind.  Guess they're just going to wait for Dylan or Gabriel to rescue them.

I was thinking that the woods where the plane crashed might be in the vicinity of the Haunted Castle.

  • Love 5

It is very funny watching Lily give Cane the cold shoulder at their friggin' crash site.  

I'm glad you're able to laugh. All I want is for someone to shove her off of her high horse. ;) 


I'm watching today's show. The last I saw of Lily, she was sparring with Jill and Devon, spouting gems like,"Cane lied, blah, blah, blah."


Meanwhile, in the real world, I know someone who thinks that people who lie deserve to burn in hell--and even she thinks Lily ought to pick her battles.

Edited by C76
  • Love 1
oh, haven't you been watching since the end of the non-wedding ceremony?

IMO, that's when nick started his vileness to her and he just hasn't stopped.

maybe now with big brother being disapproving of him, he will.


Yeah, I just thought that nonsense he was spouting to Sharon was bizarre. He left her a voicemail earlier saying "I'm glad you and Faith will be staying in a hotel. Be safe." So it just made no sense that he suddenly thought it so stupid she tried going to a hotel or that she had an accident like everyone else on the road was having in that crap weather. I'm not defending Nick but that whole scene was heavy handed IMO. 


I'm also not convinced Sharon will not eventually be thrown under the bus for the great block of wood Steve Farren Phelps. So I'm not super shipping that pairing. 

  • Love 6
I'm also not convinced Sharon will not eventually be thrown under the bus for the great block of wood Steve Farren Phelps. So I'm not super shipping that pairing.


Well, I am of the opinion that if anyone can take that block of wood and turn him into a fine piece of art, it will be Sharon.


I love the fact that Dylan is being a friend to Sharon and not turning his back on her because his cupcakes who is having wet dreams about her ex-husband and dickweed don't approve.

  • Love 8

Sharon does make Dylan more interesting. No question. But it peeves me that she is being used to prop Dylan's useless ass now. Yet another hero to save her. sigh. I really don't get why Sharon can't be written as having her own heft as a character. But I'm crying to the wind on that.  


I'll just enjoy her NOT being with Nick or pining for Nick.

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I'll say one thing. I actually like the fact that over the last few days, things have actually happened on the show. It beats the past while, where if someone asked me what went on The Y & R, I'd probably have said something like, "Um...Well...Uh...Actually...Not that much."


I used to use the story of how Christine met Nikki.  Once upon a time Y&R was doing a chem test on Christine and Victor (I know!) and even though I didn't watch the show that much, I knew enough to know both Nikki and Christine had been on the show a very...long...time (it was like the mid 90s).  So I was kind of confused that Victor introduced Christine to Nikki because they had never met each other before.


But really, jumping all the way to a Pratt/Phelps style February sweeps is overcompensating.  There are reasons I quit GH and that was one of them.

Maybe Victor is dead.

We can only hope!

Well, I am of the opinion that if anyone can take that block of wood and turn him into a fine piece of art, it will be Sharon.


I love the fact that Dylan is being a friend to Sharon and not turning his back on her because his cupcakes who is having wet dreams about her ex-husband and dickweed don't approve.

That was some dream of Superman Joe! lol

  • Love 3

Yeah, I just thought that nonsense he was spouting to Sharon was bizarre. He left her a voicemail earlier saying "I'm glad you and Faith will be staying in a hotel. Be safe." So it just made no sense that he suddenly thought it so stupid she tried going to a hotel or that she had an accident like everyone else on the road was having in that crap weather. I'm not defending Nick but that whole scene was heavy handed IMO. 


I'm also not convinced Sharon will not eventually be thrown under the bus for the great block of wood Steve Farren Phelps. So I'm not super shipping that pairing. 

Well Sharon was right. She knew exactly how Dickweed would react to her wreck and he didn't disappoint. That's why she was so terrified that he would find out! It was so nice to have someone finally defend her and tell Dickie to knock it off.YAY Dylan. I hope he and Sharon are just friends for now because as much as I like them I am still holding out for Shoe!!

  • Love 5

I used to use the story of how Christine met Nikki.  Once upon a time Y&R was doing a chem test on Christine and Victor (I know!) and even though I didn't watch the show that much, I knew enough to know both Nikki and Christine had been on the show a very...long...time (it was like the mid 90s).  So I was kind of confused that Victor introduced Christine to Nikki because they had never met each other before.


But really, jumping all the way to a Pratt/Phelps style February sweeps is overcompensating.  There are reasons I quit GH and that was one of them.

Cricket...and Victor were almost an item?


You know, I like to say that I've watched this soap since childhood, but I forget that there were certain eras when I didn't have the time. I have no recollection of Christine and Victor circling each other. I suppose I should be thankful.

  • Love 2

I can't decide if today's show was boring or entertaining.  My favourite moments were:


  • Kelly telling Philly that Jack boinked her but good on Valentine's Day in the supply closet (she really did say on Valentine's Day), followed by,
  • Philly slapping the crap out of Kelly, who didn't really seem to care.  Still high off that boink amidst the cleaning supply fumes, I guess.
  • Lily still laying into Devon and everyone else, while they face possible hypothermia--and I am being serious, I know everyone hates Lily, but I love this Lily, followed by,
  • Neilsicle's trip down memory lane which culminated in Lily laying into everyone and slapping Devon on the plane--good times!
  • Drinki looking like the Ghost of Christmas Past with her perma explosion dust on her face
  • Vicky pretending that Connor is at a real hospital being checked out for smoke inhalation, when we all know he's out on the terrace part of the CLGH.
  • Chief Williams immediately figuring out something is amiss with the Scooby Gang, and especially fake cop Courtney
  • The cops entering the cabin and saying, who would like to tell us what happened, when they have their own fake cop colleague right there.  Law and Order this ain't.


Things I didn't like:


  • Pretending that Victor or Jack is dead at the end.  We know it's one of the extras, either customer or staff, they can't fool us (although they weren't searching for them at all before).  Then again, maybe it is doppelganger Jack, that would be good.
  • The idiot Scooby Gang.  Nothing is good about this, not even Mariah's snark.  We can't even rely on Austin being dead.
  • Nick once again inserting himself into the rescue mission, sans hardhat--and Drinki yelling, bring back your Dad  for me!  BTW, when Vicky said she would get Nicky tea, I was sure she was going to say, forget that, where's the vodka?


Which leads to my fave preview:


  • Drinki back at the ranch pouring a big ol glass of vodka in front of her kids--finally, embrace your inner Drinki!
  • Love 10

Cricket...and Victor were almost an item?


You know, I like to say that I've watched this soap since childhood, but I forget that there were certain eras when I didn't have the time. I have no recollection of Christine and Victor circling each other. I suppose I should be thankful.


There is not much evidence this ever happened.  But I found this and Nikki agreed with me they were really toying with going there..



Could someone puhlease give Phyllis a jacket and her lips back!  Nikki's ashen face wins Best Ashen Face!  


I too wondered why they jumped to the conclusion Jack and Victor were dead just because there was another cave in but then again I forgot about Paul being such an experienced COP and saying they are usually deadly.  


Devon leaning over Hilary and rubbing her body parts and breathing on her while she moans and he speaks low to her...EW!


Looks like they put Lauren's red hair extensions back in.  

  • Love 5

Sharon does make Dylan more interesting. No question. But it peeves me that she is being used to prop Dylan's useless ass now. Yet another hero to save her. sigh. I really don't get why Sharon can't be written as having her own heft as a character. But I'm crying to the wind on that.  


I'll just enjoy her NOT being with Nick or pining for Nick.

She definitely does.....anytime the writers want to prop anyone they usually bring in Sharon to do it...I think the writers will always have Sharon pine somewhat for Nick, he is the father of her children and it makes what she felt for him very real, nothing wrong with that, her feelings for Nick go deep, but she needs to move on from him now and realize that he is not good for her....I think she and Dylan can have a great love story of their own...he is not a Newman, which is a plus, his being Nikki's son brings drama and some angst along with Avery and her snot nose attitude...I am really rooting for this relationship....SBu seems to come alive in scenes with SC, it is amazing to watch...

Edited by Canadian
  • Love 9
Drinki looking like the Ghost of Christmas Past with her perma explosion dust on her face



Nikki's ashen face wins Best Ashen Face!


She's positively in black face. Between her and Nick (shades of Ross with too much teeth whitener) I couldn't stop laughing. 


I found the episode quite lame for the most part. The "concern" was weak and probably because the actors can't even pull off remotely believing mainstays Jack and Victor could be dead. I hate Kelly. And CM has at the weirdest intonations. "Jack made love to me on VALENTINES [read in high-pitched whine] day." Phyllis could not have slapped the delusional annoyance hard enough for my liking. 

  • Love 6



Cricket...and Victor were almost an item?

You know, I like to say that I've watched this soap since childhood, but I forget that there were certain eras when I didn't have the time. I have no recollection of Christine and Victor circling each other. I suppose I should be thankful.

I remember this vaguely, and I was so nauseated that I didn't pay much attention.  They didn't take it very far - just flirting and crap like that - I imagine the reaction of disgust from the fans was epic.  The only thing firmly in my memory is a conversation between Victor and Cricket, talking in riddles, and she walks out.  She had the last word this time and it was something like "Maybe someday, you and I will have an honest conversation and admit what we're really saying." That was the end of the whole thing, I think.  

Edited by movinon
  • Love 5

I remember this vaguely, and I was so nauseated that I didn't pay much attention.  They didn't take it very far - just flirting and crap like that - I imagine the reaction of disgust from the fans was epic.  The only thing firmly in my memory is a conversation between Victor and Cricket, talking in riddles, and she walks out.  She had the last word this time and it was something like "Maybe someday, you and I will have an honest conversation and admit what we're really saying." That was the end of the whole thing, I think.  

Wow, how long ago was this?  BTW- glad you're back on line, we missed you!

  • Love 4

She definitely does.....anytime the writers want to prop anyone they usually bring in Sharon to do it...I think the writers will always have Sharon pine somewhat for Nick, he is the father of her children and it makes what she felt for him very real, nothing wrong with that, her feelings for Nick go deep, but she needs to move on from him now and realize that he is not good for her....I think she and Dylan can have a great love story of their own...he is not a Newman, which is a plus, his being Nikki's son brings drama and some angst along with Avery and her snot nose attitude...I am really rooting for this relationship....SBu seems to come alive in scenes with SC, it is amazing to watch...

I am ready to accept this relationship, too, Red.  First, since Steve Burton is JFP's God, the storyline should be good, and front and center.  He does seem to have more life to him when he is acting with her and I love him with Faith.  I'm still very sad about Shoe.  I really wanted a chance to put Sharon with someone outside the Newman circle, and he is so epic looking, they would have made a gorgeous pair.  Still, it is what it is, and I'll take either one.  I would also be happy to have Sharon just get independent and live without a man for a good while - I just don't want her on the back-burner.


Edited to add "Thanks, peaches - missed you, too".  Too long ago to remember when - VERY!

Edited by movinon
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movinon and ParadoxLost, thanks for the recap of the romance that never was. I shudder at the thought of Victor being connected to every woman in town.


Today we had another hot ending--Nikki was drinking, and unashamed. Long live Drinki!!


And as Nikki's children looked on in horror, a disheveled Victor appeared at the house and asked her to pour one for him. 


But the killer happened shortly before that. I've got to hand it to the woman who plays Kelly. She can make CrazyFace like no other!!  


I won't even get into why she went over the edge. Forget Hex--I'm convinced that she drugged Jack.

Edited by C76
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