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The GCEh?C: Canadian Episodes (Spoilers for Non-Canadians)

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3 hours ago, PatsyandEddie said:

I was rolling my eyes and snickering at Philly until they started making out on Mrs.C 's iconic staircase. Then I had a major rage blackout. #fuckchuckandjill

And the staircase just made everything look even more forced and mechanical to me. Everyone, the actors, directors, writers, are trying way too hard. Nothing has come off as natural or organic yet.

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58 minutes ago, HeatLifer said:

And the staircase just made everything look even more forced and mechanical to me. Everyone, the actors, directors, writers, are trying way too hard. Nothing has come off as natural or organic yet.

It won't be organic until Phyllis discovers she's contracted root rot and Dutch Elm disease from the Keebler.

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EWWWW!!!  I did my drive by watching again today, but saw a scene of Philly post boink, and he was blah blahing something about how hard he has been for her since forevah and she couldn't take it and fled Grey Gardens.  She's ashamed, embarrassed and furious with herself.  And she says she is never going to see him again.

It just occurred to me Phyllis has screwed another imposter.

Back at the GCAC Jack seems to be bonding with Hillary.  Not in a sexy times way, but I could see it headed there.

Later Jack and Phyllis are in the GCAC dining room, and he asks her if she has feelings for Billy!

Previews:  ShouldbeBilly offers to take Vic back to his place and she says: yes; the prison doc meets Drinki at the GCAC Bar and Drinki says, the new woman in my husband's life; Jack asks Phyllis, are you drawn to my piece of shit imposter brother, and Phyllis says: yes.

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Victor's doctor is so beyond stupid. He's playing her like a puppet just like Adam figured out.   Victor (who cut ties and declared his family dead to him) is pushing her to reunite with her judge father and how family is everything and she doesn't think there's anything ulterior or hypocritical about that?

Hilary and Jack's entire conversation was all really about Billy and Phyllis. Hilary talking about the fireworks of her and Devon, how they kept finding their way together and they tried to pull apart. How they couldn't resist their connection and then the next scene goes straight to Phyllis & Billy having sex.

Phyllis has always been a crazy cheater and never one to care about marriage vows hers or other peoples. She says herself "I can't believe I did this to him again." But Billy doing this to his brother is the worst part, he looks the worst and blaming others like Jack and Vicky. I hope Jack is done with him forever. I guess that's why they were using the Devon/Neil parallel of family.

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So, in a way,  This horrible Billy/Phyl betrayal of Jack storyline is somewhat reminiscent of the one, long ago, where Jack betrayed his John by sleeping with Jill. I remember the fallout of that story and the estrangement between father and son until John finally was able to forgive Jack. Jack was so humbled and apologetic for disappointing the man he so admired. I cried along with Jack when his father embraced him again. I wonder if the similarity is intentional. I know Jack isn't Billy's father, but he serves as the Abbot family patriarch since John's death, so this betrayal scenario feels much the same to me.

If the parallels continue, this is the beginning of the end for Phack.

Edited by granderobino
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I CAN'T with how they're writing Billy. He still doesn't give a flying fuck about Jack and basically tells Phyllis' that he's been fantasizing about this forever and Jack and Vic have been in the way? Did I catch that right?! Why is he such shit? Why?

And Phyllis....my goodness. She straight up acts like a horny teenager one-second and then goes "OMG, how could I do this?" the next. The girl gives me whiplash.

The sex scene was so overly directed and forced. And GT reminded me of how Nancy Lee Grahn portrays her sex scenes on GH and that's...not a compliment, lol. 

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Jack and Victoria were in the way? Since when? Shut up Billy. Just sounds lie he was talking that after sex mambojumbo, 

The sex scene laughable. What was the camera doing? So distracting and that song was atrocious.

I actually thought the best scenes of the show were Jack and Hilary,

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2 hours ago, granderobino said:

So, in a way,  This horrible Billy/Phyl betrayal of Jack storyline is somewhat reminiscent of the one, long ago, where Jack betrayed his John by sleeping with Jill. I remember the fallout of that story and the estrangement between father and son until John finally was able to forgive Jack. Jack was so humbled and apologetic for disappointing the man he so admired. I cried along with Jack when his father embraced him again. I wonder if the similarity is intentional. I know Jack isn't Billy's father, but he serves as the Abbot family patriarch since John's death, so this betrayal scenario feels much the same to me.

If the parallels continue, this is the beginning of the end for Phack.

If they are trying for a redux I don't see it. Jack and Jill had some sort of history before she married John. Nothing deep or serious but they were flirtatious. He went to help her when her car went into a ditch or something and they were trapped in a snowstorm in a cabin. He built a fire and suddenly it was charged and they had sex once. Done. Jack did not stalk Jill for months in order to hurt his father. Jill did not keep panting after Jack and lie to John's face about it. The two of them did not tag team John with disgusting insults. It was a soapy moment of passion. That's it. They had no connection, no longing looks. They were both stupid and impulsive and they fucked once.

Also Jack was not an asshole. He was charming and fun and light and an absolute ladies man (he did not have little children and and unresolved issues with an ex and he certainly had NOTHING resembling a "love of his life" as Billy has had in Vicki). Terry Lester was someone you loved to see be bad. He was a joy. He lit up the screen. Jill was a vixen and hilarious and over the top soapy fun. That was good soap. Jill and Jack were the type of people who would do something like this (and even THEY wouldn't do what Phyllis and Billy are doing now). It fit with their characters and history. John was Jill's much older husband. While PB is quite a bit older than GT, Jack is not supposed to be her "older husband." He's her long time love and Billy is the stupid little brother who was a teenager at Phack's first wedding. 

This shit with Phyllis and Billy is gross and contrived and unforgivable. It is all about Billy and we'll see him have a redemption arc I'm sure. But he's such a fucking asshole I never want to see Jack forgive him. Ever. And I don't want to see Phack reunite either after Jack dumps her cheating ass. However I believe both those things will happen eventually.

And as much as I want to see Ashley and Traci rip into Billy I won't buy those scenes. He is not their brother. Jack is their brother and this is some weirdo who walks around calling himself Billy Abbott. There will be no conflicted emotion in those scenes from my perspective. They should just tell this loser to fuck off and die in his stupid ass rolled up jeans. Instead Traci will probably support her baby brother and I'll puke.

Edited by miamama
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16 minutes ago, TwistedSoul7 said:

That love scene was tragic. 

It looked like he was extracting her tooth -without anesthesia.

And PLEASE, Keebler, shirt on at all times.  Show already has one plucked chicken, it doesn't need two.

Edited by boes
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39 minutes ago, TwistedSoul7 said:

That love scene was tragic. 

Had to watch this after all of you commenting.

I thought I'd be horrified but it was so paint by numbers. It's fitting they did an ET BTS segment on it because it was so staged. 

But WTF? Are they supposed to be falling in love? What WAS all that shit Billy was spouting about wanting her for so long and Phyllis saying Jack "has been so good to me" as though he's some kind of obligation and not the husband she loves? It was a weird conversation they had. Way too reasoned and -- what's that word that is always so fitting to describe their relationship -- contrived for a passionate affair. Jack and Victoria got in the way of this grand passion was probably the most astonishing thing I've heard in this whole storyline. Astonishing meaning stupid and a fuck you to anyone who gives a shit to what has actually gone on for about the past 20 years.

The Hilary speech to Jack was to feed the enormous bug in Jack's ear more than actually making sense. It didn't sound like what happened with Neil and Devon. She had known Neil for a few weeks before marrying him and already had a thing for Devon before that so all this "Neil was a perfect husband" but Devon and I were DRAWN to each crap was more WTF. 

And so now Jack will straight up confront Phyllis and she'll lie. How much more disgusting are they going to make Phyllis and Billy? Usually the spouse is deep in the dark. But he's going to ask her (has asked her in this episode) flat out. This is her out. Even blind Neil (despite hearing the sound of birth control pills) didn't suspect Hilary and Devon and ask them straight up (unless I missed that in FF).

I'm now cheering for Philly, if only so they can get together and live in their funeral home so Jack can be free. 

Another Pratt clusterfuck.

ETA: Also Billy said the reason he "held off" as long as he did was because of Jack. Huh? He's been trying to fuck Phyllis for weeks. And he's taunting Jack about it -- he did an hour earlier. This writing. Wow.

Edited by miamama
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Jack and Victoria got in the way of this grand passion was probably the most astonishing thing I've heard in this whole storyline. Astonishing meaning stupid and a fuck you to anyone who gives a shit to what has actually gone on for about the past 20 years.

20 years? Hell, a mere two months ago the piece of shit proposed AGAIN to Victoria. His DEAD DAUGHTER appeared to him to tell him to stop being a dipshit and here we are now....the show trying to convince us that Philly are the LOVE STORY. Alas, I don't care bc I want Jack far away from trashcans, so....

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2 hours ago, miamama said:

If they are trying for a redux I don't see it. Jack and Jill had some sort of history before she married John. Nothing deep or serious but they were flirtatious. He went to help her when her car went into a ditch or something and they were trapped in a snowstorm in a cabin. He built a fire and suddenly it was charged and they had sex once. Done. Jack did not stalk Jill for months in order to hurt his father. Jill did not keep panting after Jack and lie to John's face about it. The two of them did not tag team John with disgusting insults. It was a soapy moment of passion. That's it. They had no connection, no longing looks. They were both stupid and impulsive and they fucked once.

That's the other thing that drives me up a wall about soaps nowadays: no one is allowed to have a "one and done" deal with anyone. Not every sex experience needs to because Teh Greatest LUV Evar (tm), and never is this most apparent than with Billy and Phyllis who have both earned the bad blood that was once between them and which Pratthole has decided to ignore. Fuck him in the dick.

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ACK!!!!  Pricktor kisses the lady doc at the end of today's ep!

And I also caught something about Pricktor's soulful eyes, that Drinki said!  Is everyone crazy?

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5 minutes ago, bannana said:

ACK!!!!  Pricktor kisses the lady doc at the end of today's ep!

And I also caught something about Pricktor's soulful eyes, that Drinki said!  Is everyone crazy?

Oh, yuck. Just reading that made me want to douse myself in brain bleach. Blech. I hope they are giving Alicia Coppola some extra in her paycheck this week to compensate for hazard duty. Between this and THE SEX I really have to give credit to you preverts that are brave enough to watch this. You are made of  stronger stuff than I am.

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Knew that was coming, another Victor love story with the prison doc,  KMN!  Nikki is looking amazing!  Looks like the downtime gave her a new "freshness" on her face and I just love love love her hair parted to the side and that style!   Ashley is looking a little out of date in her long straight hair and bangs, she is too old for that look and it highlights her age rather than minimizes it.  She and Abby are not sisters!

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2 hours ago, bannana said:

ACK!!!!  Pricktor kisses the lady doc at the end of today's ep!

And I also caught something about Pricktor's soulful eyes, that Drinki said!  Is everyone crazy?

My rage blackout came before that when Phyllis actually had the balls to continue to defend Billy and lie to Jack's face. And LOL at the writers having Billy be all sweet and rainbows to Vic and bond with his son a half hour after he screwed his brother's wife. Sorry, show. I'm not that easy. He's trash. 

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Phyllis bullshitted herself out of the truth with Jack. He even thanked her for being there for Billy. Yikes.

Chelsea and Adam renewed their vows so we all know misery is coming.

Victoria fucked Travis and immediately regretted it.

Johnny is still cute.

Nikki's scenes were nice even if she a drunk again.

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I totally agree with @Foghorn Leghorn that I saw Turds hook up with prison doc coming a mile a way. And that ED/Ashley's hair isn't working imho. I think she's beautiful but the style doesn't work for her.

actually have more comments about her hair related to other stuff she's doing I'm taking to the media thread. 

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Where can I buy what Nikki's drinking. Being away from Prick is a tonic.

AC is looking worn as the prison doc.  Whatever Cane's makeup guy is doing is an improvement. Tanned and with lighter hair is much less pasty vampire.

Can you tell I caught few minutes yesterday and today.

Really! On Kay's stairway? Really?

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4 hours ago, bannana said:

ACK!!!!  Pricktor kisses the lady doc at the end of today's ep!

And I also caught something about Pricktor's soulful eyes, that Drinki said!  Is everyone crazy?

Only the writers banana.

At least those wizened lips only touched her cheek. That was enough. 

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I finally decided to catch up tonight and watched (listened more like it) three episodes in a row.

I had never been more bored in my life.

Phyllis and Billy had the sex and it was boring. And stupid. And boring.

Vicky slept with Travis and I pretended it was Billy Miller. It was less boring but still not spectacular.

Little Johnny is the cutest thing ever. I adore him so much.

I feel sorry for Jack who doesn't deserve to have Phyllis or Billy in his life.

Demon kid is being locked up in the hospital. So happy. His whole "but I said I was sorry!" without sounding the least bit sorry made me roll my eyes. There's a difference between saying it and meaning it kid. Look it up. It's called remorse, you little asshat.

Chelsea and Adam renewed their vows for the 1000th time. *yawn*

Sharon needs to stop being shifty and her panicking about Mariah moving in made me angry. She's your daughter, Sharon. You say yes, and support her ass when she needs you. I know she finally said yes, but her hesitation annoyed me.

I hate Dr. Chick. She's so boring and lame and easily manipulated but Victor. Blah.

Nicky looked fabulous. But stay away from the vodka, dear. Victor Newman is not worth it.

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Meredith and her daddy have mentioned the estranged brother/son a few times now. Even Victor talking about him. Let me guess. This is Travis? This why he hates the 1%? He was part of it but wasn't good enough? No way Victoria will fall for a bartender. But a powerful judge's son who was disowned and he is trying to make his own way? Totes. And insta family too! 

Right up Pratt's alley.

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On 12/05/2016 at 0:11 AM, HeatLifer said:

Ugh. THE SEX basically started at the end of the episode and continues tomorrow. Billy is so gross, I cannot. His passion just looks like a cross between anger and constipation and I'm like, go away. There's just absolutely nothing "hot" about what Philly are doing. No matter how scandalous they want to film it.

LMAO I totally disagree.. this was smoking hot.. I was cheering.. YAY DEATH TO PHACK.

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Mmm, as others have noticed, Show is kind of a sad mess right now.

So yesterday, my PVR brought me a rehash of sex I never wanted to see in the first place...oh, the guilt...oh, the unsavory nature of two people going straight into child-sitting or husband-dinnering without so much as a dab of soap and water. Then, PVR brought me new sex I wasn't interested in: Victoria and BasicallyBilly...a bit rushed, kids, and not all that interesting.

The Australian wine industry just tweeted me a thank you at this point in the show.

Adam and Chelsea, two characters I could give two tishes about, renewed their vows. I wept a quiet tear. I have hay fever. But her pink dress was nice.

The sudsy dramatic irony convo in the Park of Ubiquity [how close is it to the GCAC anyway] between Phyllis and Chelsea was duller than a plastic knife--but, wait, there was the MISSING BUTTON!

Dr Doubtful and The Demon Emperor of Wisconsin again? You could write this crap yourself and I don't feel like typing it. EB needs a hair trim--there was some long greasy piece hanging off the side of his neck. And the actress playing doctor evidently doesn't have any friends in hair and make-up.

OTOH, the only bright spot! Nikki! Providing a much-needed contrast to Dr Needy at the bar. "Oh, Victor just needs forgiveness..." Actually an upper colonic would be more to the point.

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5 hours ago, pearlite said:

The sudsy dramatic irony convo in the Park of Ubiquity [how close is it to the GCAC anyway] between Phyllis and Chelsea was duller than a plastic knife--but, wait, there was the MISSING BUTTON!

The outdoor patio at the GCAC was new, so I thought that was good until I realized it is the entrance to Chancellor Park!  So all this time, everything that happened in Chancellor Park was right outside the GCAC.  Prick shooting Jack, Cane macking on Lauren, weddings, etc, just steps from the GCAC.  And when Jack said they should send out a search party for Phyllis and Chelz, couldn't he just poke his head out the door?  That set confused me, but it doesn't enrage me like Grey Gardens does.

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And the actress playing doctor evidently doesn't have any friends in hair and make-up.

She has either a mustache that isn't concealed with makeup or a discoloration on her upper lip. What she needs is either a wax, or if it's the pigmentation she needs a better foundation that's very full coverage, like Kat Von D Lock It Liquid. Then put a bit of concealer on the upper lip as a highlight and that also will make the Cupid's bow of her thin lips look fuller. 

The makeup on this show is really bad and lazy. I read breakdowns of the products and application routines. The did the same stuff for ED and MO and they have different complexions and huge age difference, so require distinct products. And did the same (at least that week) on AH and MCE and their coloring is different and features are quite contrary. 

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22 hours ago, pearlite said:

[how close is it to the GCAC anyway]


17 hours ago, bannana said:

The outdoor patio at the GCAC was new, so I thought that was good until I realized it is the entrance to Chancellor Park!  So all this time, everything that happened in Chancellor Park was right outside the GCAC.*Prick shooting Jack, Cane macking on Lauren, weddings, etc, just steps from the GCAC.  And when Jack said they should send out a search party for Phyllis and Chelz, couldn't he just poke his head out the door?  

Was this the former basketball court where shirtless (and unwaxed) hotties played ball?  Miss it.

*So you think they could get better catering than a HotDogCart for the weddings, funerals, shootings, and tree plantings in memorium.

Edited by MollyB
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Billy: We made love, Phyllis. It was crazy, it was hot, you freaked out and you ran. Is it wrong for me to want a private moment?

Phyllis: No, it's not wrong. We should get some things straight.

Billy: I'll get a room.

Really, show? Really? A man sleeps with his brother's wife and this is his dialogue the next day? Y'all.

Edited by HeatLifer
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7 minutes ago, HeatLifer said:

Billy: We made love, Phyllis. It was crazy, it was hot, you freaked out and you ran. Is it wrong for me to want a private moment?

Phyllis: No, it's not wrong. We should get some things straight.

Billy: I'll get a room.

Really, show? Really? A man sleeps with his brother's wife and this is his dialogue the next day? Y'all.

Billy is just ridiculous to me. He's beyond a caricature. He's a joke. Phyllis asks him why he didn't come say hello (to her and Jack and Hilary sitting at the table) and Billy says "I didn't want to deal with Jack's condescension." And Phyllis lets this comment pass. This fucking asshole banged Jack's wife and he continues to speak like Jack is the bad guy and it doesn't bother Phyllis one bit. Nope. She probably still wants to fuck him because they are so HAWT.

At the same time Phyllis is jealous of Hilary moving in on her husband AND she spits at Jack for sharing their marital problems with Hilary. (Although I get that to a point; cheaters are the first to be jealous.) But it was still jarring as fuck.

I really enjoyed Hilary reading Phyllis though. Bwahaha. "Overcompensating? You sure this is how you want to deal with your little problem?"

I'm here for Hilary vs Phyllis. I think the actresses did a good job.

Hilary is going to find out about The Sex (I hope hope hope) and use it to her advantage. I don't care if she is using Jack. Jack can use her back. Just get him the FUCK out of Philly's revolting orbit.

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10 minutes ago, HeatLifer said:

Really, show? Really? A man sleeps with his brother's wife and this is his dialogue the next day? Y'all.

What makes it funnier is that he then gets all worked up because he realized Victoria is actually moving on from him. 

Billy just confirmed that him boinking Phyllis is just an ego trip. She is giving him the attention he craves and he is feeding off it. He seriously thinks Victoria will just sit there longing for him and not move on with her life. He got a nice reality check. Also explains Bethany. He can't get it with Phyllis or Victoria so he moves on to a new piece of ass. That is Billy. This who Phyllis will throw her marriage over for. Dumbass.

I also have to say I laughed at Phyllis getting all pissy with Hilary. Totally love this new development of Hilary having Jack's back. That is riling Phyllis up. A beautiful, smart, young, and driven woman like Hilary? Yes. Be nervous. 

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I also have to say I laughed at Phyllis getting all pissy with Hilary. Totally love this new development of Hilary having Jack's back. That is riling Phyllis up. A beautiful, smart, young, and driven woman like Hilary? Yes. Be nervous. 

All those things and also a cheater so she knows one when she sees one. This is going to be fun.

Edited by miamama
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True that too. Hilary does the long con well. She can spot bullshit. She already telling Phyllis as much. I totally think she will figure out that Phyllis banged Billy and blackmail them. I do think she cares for Jack, so I can even see her totally screwing with Philly by still telling Jack even after blackmailing them because she just don't care. Win/win for her really. 

Speaking of con... what is Luca's game plan here? Victoria is not married. Her hooking up with Travis is not scandalous. Am I missing something?

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I was wondering the same thing re: Luca and the spying on Victoria. An unmarried woman hooking up with a man? What's the problem?


I do think she cares for Jack, so I can even see her totally screwing with Philly by still telling Jack even after blackmailing them because she just don't care. Win/win for her really. 

Ashley's bizarre speech to Hilary (bizarre because Ashely doesn't talk like that usually) about the Abbotts and their power and greatness told me Hilary is going after the big fish himself in Jack. Hilary can get all she wants (respectability and power) through Jack so she'll push hard to win him over (which will be easy thanks to his cheating wife). I so wish they'd let them have a real relationship. I think they could be fun and hot and fresh. But they'll probably make Hilary crazy manipulative (helping Jack to booze and pills etc.) so that Phyllis can save him. ugh. Fuck that shit. I just don't see how Jack could possibly get past Phyllis and Billy. I'll never get past it. 

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I just don't see how Jack could possibly get past Phyllis and Billy. I'll never get past it.

I legit can't see how Jack would ever forgive Billy with Billy's current behavior. It's not even about the sex at this point. It's Billy CONTINUING the affair and not giving a crap about his own brother or how he's going to feel. I can't get over how deep in a pile of shit they've buried Billy. How do they resolve this? Will Billy have a breakdown? 'Cause I'm like...at a loss here.

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7 minutes ago, HeatLifer said:


I legit can't see how Jack would ever forgive Billy with Billy's current behavior. It's not even about the sex at this point. It's Billy CONTINUING the affair and not giving a crap about his own brother or how he's going to feel. I can't get over how deep in a pile of shit they've buried Billy. How do they resolve this? Will Billy have a breakdown? 'Cause I'm like...at a loss here.

Brain damage from Coma Week? 

I don't really think they will do that though since so many characters describe Billy as reverting to type lately rather than "Who the fuck is this guy?" -- which is how much of the audience feels.

I think someone thinks this is edgy writing and a "dark" bad boy. And I think somewhere in there we're supposed to see Billy conflicted about Victoria. 

I seriously can't look at Billy any more. And having Phyllis be attracted to this ass? She even asked him (during their post-coital chat) how he could do what they did and not consider Jack. His claims that he did consider Jack are outed as bullshit with today's dialogue. But she'll still want him. Which is why I know someone in the writing room thinks this is edgy rather than flat out character destruction. 

Maybe when Jack is destroyed by the fallout Billy will think oops and start his grovelling. I can't imagine what the plan is. Why he wouldn't get that now (i.e. that Jack could be hurt badly) however is unclear.

Edited by miamama
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I think Billy will have a breakdown. I truly do. Phyllis too deep in lust to see that he is spiraling but he is. Badly. And it will continue to the point that not even she will want to deal with it. So we the audience will see Billy hit rock bottom and will be expected to feel bad for the moron. I doubt it works but that is what I see happening.

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A breakdown is their only option because it's too outrageous at this point. And for Phyllis to like a man who completely disrespects the so-called "love of her life" is beyond my comprehension. I have no idea what Phyllis and Billy's POV's are, I really don't. And it's a failure in the writing. Quads nevvvvvver work. Phyllis loves Jack but is drawn to Billy. Billy loves-hates Victoria but wants to have sex with Phyllis to get back at Jack and bc he likes her? Jack is stupid oblivious. Vic loves Billy but likes Travis and is obsessed with her father. My head hurts.

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You may be right. What pisses me off about a "breakdown" -- whatever that is -- will be that this asshole gets sympathy AGAIN. What's his excuse now? Delia? Still? Why is he so messed up? I don't even understand it. He got his wife and children back. He got his family's forgiveness. Jack HIRED him back after he almost destroyed Jabot. Why is HE so messed up? He is the most fucking coddled loser on the show (after Summer but she's at least young). Jack cannot forgive him for this. He can't. Or if he "forgives" he can't let this jackass into his life again. And yet he will. Just like he'll forgive Phyllis.

And Victoria just can't help herself with her lurve for Billy. Whatever.

He'll probably crash that new motorcycle and everyone will weep and gnash their teeth and the audience won't give a fuck. 

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4 hours ago, miamama said:

You may be right. What pisses me off about a "breakdown" -- whatever that is -- will be that this asshole gets sympathy AGAIN. What's his excuse now? Delia? Still? Why is he so messed up? I don't even understand it. He got his wife and children back. He got his family's forgiveness. Jack HIRED him back after he almost destroyed Jabot. Why is HE so messed up? He is the most fucking coddled loser on the show (after Summer but she's at least young). Jack cannot forgive him for this. He can't. Or if he "forgives" he can't let this jackass into his life again. And yet he will. Just like he'll forgive Phyllis.

If anyone should be having a breakdown, it should be Phyl.  What with her escape from a year-long coma and the Marco/Jack debacle.  (Jack is a candidate, too-way ahead of NowayBilly).  It would make more sense to me if the writer's are going to stick with the Jack+Phyl=forever.  I'll give her a momentary lapse of any judgement and Jack forgiving her.  (after all, she is the love of his life-=barf=)  NonsuchBilly can be thrown off a bridge-by Jack, even if Jack forgives him.

Edited by MollyB
ValleyCliffe had my back on names. Thanks, Valley!
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^^That's the thing, Jack and Phyllis (more so Jack) have been through serious trauma but Billy is the one having a complete personality crash? WTF? He has been whining and messed up for three (or four, I can't recall) years now since Delia died. How much more do we have to watch of his fuck up? 

I don't know. I think JT is all about playing BAD and Billy will continue to be BAD. Jill wants him to be the big player in town -- on par and then beyond Victor and Jack -- so I actually don't see him breaking down or being redeemed. I think he's supposed to be awesome and deep and powerful. RME. And with JH either leaving or having much much less air time, I see Billy being GC's unquestioned leading man (or trying to). He won't need or want anyone's forgiveness. 

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2 hours ago, miamama said:

He'll probably crash that new motorcycle and everyone will weep and gnash their teeth and the audience won't give a fuck. 

You know what, you probably right! He will get into a bad accident and then everyone will once again hover over him. RME. 

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I feel like I'm supposed to view Billy as a victim and feel sorry for him, yet the writing refuses to show me WHY I should buy into his insipid woobie act. He's all shirty about how Jack treats him, yet I don't get scenes of Jack being a dick to him, unless Billy defines dickishness as a failure to indulge his every childish whim and whine (answered my own question there, didn't I). Am I supposed to pity him because Victoria doesn't want his jerk ass? I don't even like Victoria, but I can see exactly where she's coming from with Billy. Let me get a violin to play for the pasty asscake who decides to impose himself upon his brother's marriage.      



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