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The GCEh?C: Canadian Episodes (Spoilers for Non-Canadians)

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So WTH happened between Ben and Victoria today? Most anti-climactic end to a relationship I think I've ever watched. Bizarre! Such a non-event.

This scene was one of the all time worst.  I don't know who was the worst actor. AH or SC. They were so bad. I think SC by a smidge but fuck me that was some bad acting in the total NON scene.

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 You are not alone. I hate stuffed shirt Jack. Yack is so much better. I love the no tie look. Yack has it going on.

Okay, so Fack/Yack/Jerk/Monterey must be AWESOME!! Crosby!! You like him. lol.

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Oh my god I am LOVING Monterey Jack. He's got swagger and oozes charm. Egads. How they have been wasting PB's straight up smartass hotness all these years. He's so fucking hilarious 


PB is the only redeeming factor in this mess. He's utterly brilliant!! Died laughing when he smacked GT on the ass.


Billy calling Kyle an idiot was gold. I love watching him get shot down. Even Dummer gets a nod for putting the brakes on their relationship. Face it Kyle. You don't have it goin'on like your Dad. HAHAHA!

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PB is the only redeeming factor in this mess. He's utterly brilliant!! Died laughing when he smacked GT on the ass.


Billy calling Kyle an idiot was gold. I love watching him get shot down. Even Dummer gets a nod for putting the brakes on their relationship. Face it Kyle. You don't have it goin'on like your Dad. HAHAHA!


Amen to DoppelJack! He's hitting every beat, and stealing scenes like crazy.


There can not be enough abuse of Kyle. Who does the little shit think is going to save him if he plunks his whatever down for Victor? Victor is many things but not usually strategically dumb --it took him a while to cook up DoppelJ, after all. Kyle could be headed straight to product research in one of Victor's petfood divisions--as product.

I thought Melissa Ordway actually did well with the stuff she was handed yesterday; she actually showed some maturity up against Kyle. And then, and then, they dress her up so nicely in red, and make her kiss Stitch! No!

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Oh my god I am LOVING Monterey Jack. He's got swagger and oozes charm. Egads. How they have been wasting PB's straight up smartass hotness all these years. He's so fucking hilarious and he has zero fucks to give about Billy and Ashley. It's spectacular. I so floved when he floored them with his Victor alliance. I didn't even mind EB in those scenes (but only those scenes). They were so ridiculous and funny as allies. Jack all sweet smiles shaking Victor's hand for the camera. Ashley had her bitch face on the whole time. Lol! Burn Ashley for all the times you threw Jack under the bus for Victor. ugh.


And Monterey's shoes and belt! Fab. The tie-less white shirt with the black suit. <swoon.>


I don't want him to go away. Ever.


They're giving Billy some seriously good zingers lately.


Kyle: I'm on my dad's side. Period.

Billy: You're an idiot. Exclamation point.


Stupid Kelly had a good line when she described Phyllis as that "bizarro Sleeping Beauty who woke up and ended our love." lol.


I'm enjoying the show like a drunk. The way I enjoyed MAB's Sharon as Victor's widow days. In fact, I would love to see Monterey woo THAT Sharon. lol. Perhaps a spinoff?

My two favorite characters and in my opinion the best actors on the show. They always take the writer's crap and spin it into gold!!!

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LMAO Victor has unleashed the beast. DoppleJack is one cocky smartass and is going to make the old fart's head explode!! All  he wants to do is make out with Phyllis (which is disturbing and I hate her so that lets you know how disturbing I find it ) and he thinks Ashley is hot. PB is killin' it!!! Victor has issued his usual warning and Yack doesn't bat an eye. He told Kyle that even Victor doesn't know what he will get up to.

Edited by PatsyandEddie
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Don't leave us in suspense...what happened?

Stitch banged Abby like five minutes after he and Victoria broke up. Blargh.

I will say that I laughed out loud a couple of times today, and it's been a while since that's happened. Abby and Ashley had a particularly hilarious conversation about Victoria.

Edited by Capricasix
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Yowza!  You go away on a biz trip and this is what happens!  I haven't seen last week's episodes, but watched yesterday and today and am trying to piece this together.  So Pricktor used Kelly to kidnap Jack sometime in the middle of his wedding?  And she is holding him hostage, and Pricktor found some guy in a Peruvian prison who he got (that same plastic surgeon that did Patty's face?) to make him look like Jack?  And now he has merged Newman with Jabot, and they are calling it Newman Abbott, and no one thinks this is strange?  By no one, I mean Victoria, who suddenly has turned into the biggest little bitch there is!  Oh Ashley, I have taken over your office and relegated you to the lab and by the way, get your shit artwork off my walls, I am going to bring my own personal Italian watercolour collection and hang it on my walls so I can admire my paint by numbers skills.


The world is topsy turvy because I am suddenly loving Billy--he has all the best lines.  He even implied "pod people" in reference to Jack.  And wow, we thought Adam was doing a shitty job of faking his identity, but Monterey Jack is completely obvious, even Pricktor thinks so.


Back to that, how does Pricktor think he gets away with this?  I guess he makes Kelly the fall guy for kidnapping Jack, but is he going to pretend that he had no idea that MJ was a fake?  In any case, once it comes out that MJ is a fake, doesn't the merger get undone?  So then what was the point.  And once again, how stupid is Victoria?


Even though the anvils were falling, seeing Abby and Ben do it was shocking.  As in EWWWW!  And once again, Victoria dumps the guy and then gets all pissy when he moves on, just like she did with Billy.  


Kyle looks more and more like a gnome each day, but even he today was somewhat puzzled by his dear old dad.  And MJ apparently is going to pull a fast one on Pricktor.


Back to his crimes:  kidnapping, fraud, theft, and rape by proxy.  And he is supposed to be the hero of this show?  And again, Victoria, with all of the times he has used and abused her, goes along with this and has no concerns that something is fishy?


BTW, Ashley and Victoria both looked stunning today.  But I still cannot believe that Ashley did not punch her.


Also a Gloria sighting today, that was strange.


So this whole show is crazy but it certainly was fun to see what happened next.  Cannot wait to catch up with last week's episodes.

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I will say that I laughed out loud a couple of times today, and it's been a while since that's happened. Abby and Ashley had a particularly hilarious conversation about Victoria.


I'm going to say it. I enjoyed today. People had zingers, Ashley and Victoria are awesome in business bitch mode (and Vicki is cleaned up and looking gorgeous). This is how I always wanted Victoria, power hungry bitch.


PB continues to rock as Fack. Watching Victor try to keep this overgrown infant under control is fucking hilarious.


Fack to Victor (in reference to Ashley): "That woman is hot but she's a pain in my ass." lol. 


They are clearly investing in Billy. I'm disliking him far less. He seems to be the smartest one in the room and if he keeps calling Kyle an idiot, I might actually like him. 


Stitch standing in a room with Ashley, Vicki and Abby. lol. All women he's fucked. Oh god that will be a fabulous workplace.


I was entertained. For pretty much the whole episode. Except Abby and Stitch in bed. Way way too soon.

Edited by miamama
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Yowza!  You go away on a biz trip and this is what happens!  I haven't seen last week's episodes, but watched yesterday and today and am trying to piece this together.  So Pricktor used Kelly to kidnap Jack sometime in the middle of his wedding?  And she is holding him hostage, and Pricktor found some guy in a Peruvian prison who he got (that same plastic surgeon that did Patty's face?) to make him look like Jack?  And now he has merged Newman with Jabot, and they are calling it Newman Abbott, and no one thinks this is strange?  By no one, I mean Victoria, who suddenly has turned into the biggest little bitch there is!  Oh Ashley, I have taken over your office and relegated you to the lab and by the way, get your shit artwork off my walls, I am going to bring my own personal Italian watercolour collection and hang it on my walls so I can admire my paint by numbers skills.


The world is topsy turvy because I am suddenly loving Billy--he has all the best lines.  He even implied "pod people" in reference to Jack.  And wow, we thought Adam was doing a shitty job of faking his identity, but Monterey Jack is completely obvious, even Pricktor thinks so.


Back to that, how does Pricktor think he gets away with this?  I guess he makes Kelly the fall guy for kidnapping Jack, but is he going to pretend that he had no idea that MJ was a fake?  In any case, once it comes out that MJ is a fake, doesn't the merger get undone?  So then what was the point.  And once again, how stupid is Victoria?


Even though the anvils were falling, seeing Abby and Ben do it was shocking.  As in EWWWW!  And once again, Victoria dumps the guy and then gets all pissy when he moves on, just like she did with Billy.  


Kyle looks more and more like a gnome each day, but even he today was somewhat puzzled by his dear old dad.  And MJ apparently is going to pull a fast one on Pricktor.


Back to his crimes:  kidnapping, fraud, theft, and rape by proxy.  And he is supposed to be the hero of this show?  And again, Victoria, with all of the times he has used and abused her, goes along with this and has no concerns that something is fishy?


BTW, Ashley and Victoria both looked stunning today.  But I still cannot believe that Ashley did not punch her.


Also a Gloria sighting today, that was strange.


So this whole show is crazy but it certainly was fun to see what happened next.  Cannot wait to catch up with last week's episodes.

Welcome back Bannana!  We are so glad you are back with all us Preverts!  lol  Missed you !! (:

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DoppleJack is hilarious. PB is absolutely killing this part. I hope they find a way to keep him around - he is the best part of the show right now. They threw Stitch and Abby together way too quickly, but not a surprise. Did love the whole Stitch/Victoria/Ashley/Abby scene in the lab. Eileen Davidson is doing a great job with the whole 'WTF is going on?' storyline.

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Maybe they could keep Yack as a lost Abbott twin. Keep him around like Stuart/Adam on AMC

EB's head would explode

PB could feud with himself. PICKTOR could retire



I'm pretty sure EB's inflated dome has been exploding every day since this storyline got rolling. And he just thought this storyline was going to headline the awesomeness that is EB. Ha! Joke's on you asshole.

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I enjoyed nearly the whole episode, too!


Great scenes, great lines, moving along fairly quickly--those Drake Hogestyn bumper-stares seem to have disappeared--good!


But right up there for me: my girl G L O R I A! [Just channeling Van Morrison, or whoever's version you like.] And putting her in the advisory mode with Chelsea--such a smart move! Gloria lays it out, and Chelsea gasps for air, or something. Then just gauchifies herself all to hell with the Suddenly Improved Victoria. I hope Gloria just infests all the plotlines and causes mayhem.


I hope they can keep some of this going. Please. Just for Pearlite.

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I keep hoping  Phyllis will turn out to be playing the long con... Syph of old would have spotted a strange penis in a second... still used it but  spotted it, unless it had spots... then she'd have used protection aeynd bit his head off after sex like a good praying mantis.


Hope As

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Hope Ashley has the patent for Hex... ha.


Newman/slash/Abbott?  Sounds like Y&R Slash fic. I always knew Vic and Jack 'hated' each other a little tooo much.

Nice that Vic watched Fack maul Phyllis - what is it called when you set up a woman to be raped.

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I keep hoping that Phyllis will say, "I knew all along and was screwing with Fack"  Come on! If anyone is an expert on certain parts of a man, It's Syph.


And Ashley will pull the patent for HEX out of her purse and tell them to shove it.

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Type CBS FEEDBACK into google or whatever... and sound off.


I tried to cut and paste. I let it rip about Yuck Pratt 's pro rape-anti mentally ill people bent.


Victor is helping someone rape a woman. Like he's holding her down for his buddy to rape her while he's manipulating an ill woman to torture and injure (Second time) another man.

Edited by crowsworks
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It was so disgusting. I felt dirty watching that shit.

We are ALL dirty - just from watching it - In fact, from watching the show in general.  I am stopping the FF for fake Jack, because he's the most entertaining thing I've seen in a while.  However, if they can't do he sex scenes right, they should just stop trying.  Two of my least favorite characters (ignoring Summer and Kyle for the moment) doing the dirty - badly.  I think I may be heading for the new cabin retreat.

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Oh wow, today's show was so boring it is going to be hard to recap it.  The only thing that could have made it worse was Nick and Sage having monkey toe sex on a dropcloth.  


So now that Hilary has admitted she still loves Devon and she was faking the faking(!), he doesn't care and he is angry that a) she faked faking it, and b) she boinked the Prosecutor so she could get Neil's plea deal.  I hate these two, so I really don't care what happens.


Lauren pops by Sharon's house to invite Michael to lunch.  Good idea because things were heated over there as Sharon overheard him telling  Dylan that Sharon has a shitty case.  At which point Sharon has a meltdown.  With Michael gone, Sharon and Dylan argue and he tells her he thinks she's guilty.  But that was all a ploy to get her to fight for herself.  Back to Michael and Lauren, they bump into Cane and Lily who in the previous scene had planned one of those icky romantic evenings they like to have, but Lauren tells Cane that they have to meet some reporter for dinner.  Lauren then realizes they have plans so she says don't worry about it. Michael intercedes and encourages Cane to dump Lily and go to the dinner, which he does.  Then at lunch Lauren rips into Michael for interfering, for working too hard, for looking like shit (he does), for pushing her away, for not caring about his health, etc.  They fight and she stomps off.  With Cane.


Jill and Colin observed this and Jill tries to encourage Michael to stop being so hard on Lauren (hey, she's the one who ripped into him!) and stop pushing her away.  There was a bunch of blah blah, and then Michael agreed he owes Lauren an apology.  Jill also questioned why Michael wasn't whisking Lauren away for a romantic celebration of his good health.  Yikes.  Anyhoo Lauren and Cane are somewhere looking at boxes of stuff she supposed bought for the Bowteek, and she breaks down, but by the time Michael arrives to apologize she and Cane are yukking it up and Michael sees them and leaves without them seeing him.  (Why are Lauren and Cane, presumably the owner and a senior executive opening boxes of merchandise?  Don't they have people for that?)


Colin in the meantime is planting seeds of doubt in Lily's mind reminding her that Lauren is a slut.


Avery (blech!) wants to go with Joe to Chicago for his rehab and she calls Dylan and he says okay.  Avery is a bit too thrilled.  Then she goes over to Sharon's but Dylan isn't there, he is visiting Joe.  She and Sharon have it out because she pretty much hates Sharon. Sharon suggests that maybe Avery is going out of town with Joe because that is who she really wants to be with. Avery says that Sharon wants Dylan to herself and that she would be happy if Avery was with Joe.  They have a big shouting match which is actually pretty funny and Sharon Case is fabulous.  Michael walks in and is alarmed and tries to stop Avery, and then he collapses.  They both then stand there with gaping mouths stunned at the sight of a collapsed Michael.  Meanwhile Joe tells Dylan he has been an asshole to Dylan and tells him that Avery should not be coming with him to Chicago and that she belongs with Dylan.


Colin and Jill debrief.  They speculate that Michael is pushing Lauren toward Cane.  Lily is now suspicious so she goes to retrieve Cane and take him to dinner, and he goes with her, but Lily sees something between them.


I was trying to figure out why Michael and Lauren were at the GCAC not having lunch and then moments later Lily toddles off to find Cane to take him to dinner (well really to prevent him jumping Lauren).  Also why the only customers at the GCAC are the owner, the manager, her husband, her inlaws, the owner of one of the tenant retail stores and her husband.  These guys should just throw in the towel and all go to dinner somewhere else because this place would be pretty easy to run with no customers in sight.


It was nice to Sharon at home dressed casually but there was something funny about her bra under her shirt and sweater and it distracted me from the show.


Previews:  Pricktor to Fack, you do as I tell you and you better behave when you come to dinner, you got that!; Sharon to Nick, if I am to blame for what our children are going through right now, then so the hell are you; Neil to Devon's fake girlfriend, you did a damn good job of pretending to be with my son when he was cheating with my wife.

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Why are they pairing an already happily married YOUNGER man like Cane with a woman old enough to be his mother?!  


So now we are expected to watch rape, disrespect for marriage and mental illness abuse at the hands of these writers?!  Is nothing sacred?   SHOW stop it! 

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Thanks for the recap Bannana. I couldn't bother watching today. I like Sharon but the Avery-Joe idiocy is more than I can handle. I'll enjoy watching her rip into Nick tomorrow.


My god this Devon Hillary stuff is off the wall lame. Are they going to be star-crossed lovers forever? It's clear Pratt has no energy to write for this Hevon pairing. He just keeps teasing their fans with the "longing looks" every once in awhile. In this instance I don't blame him. They can't drive story (certainly Devon can't). Free Hillary from that shit. It doesn't even make sense. They couldn't keep apart for five minutes when she was married and Neil was BLIND but now they are both capable of cutting the other off when required? Yeah, that's what Pratt is doing -- throwing their fans some crumbs.

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Oh wow, today's show was so boring it is going to be hard to recap it.  The only thing that could have made it worse was Nick and Sage having monkey toe sex on a dropcloth.  


So now that Hilary has admitted she still loves Devon and she was faking the faking(!), he doesn't care and he is angry that a) she faked faking it, and b) she boinked the Prosecutor so she could get Neil's plea deal.  I hate these two, so I really don't care what happens.


Lauren pops by Sharon's house to invite Michael to lunch.  Good idea because things were heated over there as Sharon overheard him telling  Dylan that Sharon has a shitty case.  At which point Sharon has a meltdown.  With Michael gone, Sharon and Dylan argue and he tells her he thinks she's guilty.  But that was all a ploy to get her to fight for herself.  Back to Michael and Lauren, they bump into Cane and Lily who in the previous scene had planned one of those icky romantic evenings they like to have, but Lauren tells Cane that they have to meet some reporter for dinner.  Lauren then realizes they have plans so she says don't worry about it. Michael intercedes and encourages Cane to dump Lily and go to the dinner, which he does.  Then at lunch Lauren rips into Michael for interfering, for working too hard, for looking like shit (he does), for pushing her away, for not caring about his health, etc.  They fight and she stomps off.  With Cane.


Jill and Colin observed this and Jill tries to encourage Michael to stop being so hard on Lauren (hey, she's the one who ripped into him!) and stop pushing her away.  There was a bunch of blah blah, and then Michael agreed he owes Lauren an apology.  Jill also questioned why Michael wasn't whisking Lauren away for a romantic celebration of his good health.  Yikes.  Anyhoo Lauren and Cane are somewhere looking at boxes of stuff she supposed bought for the Bowteek, and she breaks down, but by the time Michael arrives to apologize she and Cane are yukking it up and Michael sees them and leaves without them seeing him.  (Why are Lauren and Cane, presumably the owner and a senior executive opening boxes of merchandise?  Don't they have people for that?)


Colin in the meantime is planting seeds of doubt in Lily's mind reminding her that Lauren is a slut.


Avery (blech!) wants to go with Joe to Chicago for his rehab and she calls Dylan and he says okay.  Avery is a bit too thrilled.  Then she goes over to Sharon's but Dylan isn't there, he is visiting Joe.  She and Sharon have it out because she pretty much hates Sharon. Sharon suggests that maybe Avery is going out of town with Joe because that is who she really wants to be with. Avery says that Sharon wants Dylan to herself and that she would be happy if Avery was with Joe.  They have a big shouting match which is actually pretty funny and Sharon Case is fabulous.  Michael walks in and is alarmed and tries to stop Avery, and then he collapses.  They both then stand there with gaping mouths stunned at the sight of a collapsed Michael.  Meanwhile Joe tells Dylan he has been an asshole to Dylan and tells him that Avery should not be coming with him to Chicago and that she belongs with Dylan.


Colin and Jill debrief.  They speculate that Michael is pushing Lauren toward Cane.  Lily is now suspicious so she goes to retrieve Cane and take him to dinner, and he goes with her, but Lily sees something between them.


I was trying to figure out why Michael and Lauren were at the GCAC not having lunch and then moments later Lily toddles off to find Cane to take him to dinner (well really to prevent him jumping Lauren).  Also why the only customers at the GCAC are the owner, the manager, her husband, her inlaws, the owner of one of the tenant retail stores and her husband.  These guys should just throw in the towel and all go to dinner somewhere else because this place would be pretty easy to run with no customers in sight.


It was nice to Sharon at home dressed casually but there was something funny about her bra under her shirt and sweater and it distracted me from the show.


Previews:  Pricktor to Fack, you do as I tell you and you better behave when you come to dinner, you got that!; Sharon to Nick, if I am to blame for what our children are going through right now, then so the hell are you; Neil to Devon's fake girlfriend, you did a damn good job of pretending to be with my son when he was cheating with my wife.

Awesome thanks so much Bannana!!Love it that Sharon is getting her backbone back!!!

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Welcome back, bannana - we missed you.  Thanks for the recap and hope you had a good trip.  I hate storylines where Victor is in charge, but at least there's some humor in the show now, thanks to Fake Jack and surprisingly, Billy.  Vodka and watching the hot guys in the pool outside my window keep me from killing myself.  Thanks, Pratt.

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Isn't Michael supposed to not leave Sharon at all because she's a flight risk? lol Then Dylan goes too with Sharon left alone until Avery shows up. 


Go Sharon! Dylan fired her up and she's telling off Avery and tomorrow Nick too. 

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They could be the new Phick lol.

You read my mind! Lol

Isn't Michael supposed to not leave Sharon at all because she's a flight risk? lol Then Dylan goes too with Sharon left alone until Avery shows up. 


Go Sharon! Dylan fired her up and she's telling off Avery and tomorrow Nick too.

Loved how she handled Cupcake! Now hope she's just as strong with Dickweed!
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I actually watched yesterday's cdn eppy just to see Sharon scenes with Dylan, Michael and avery.

"Just Sharon acting crazy." I can hear them now. Can this show be any ruder toward the mentally ill. I'd think actors might cringe at some of the bullying lines. Not HK, it's her wheelhouse.

Explanation - HK's new movie has her playing... a bully. To goodish reviews, too.


(Juliet Lewis for a new generation)

Juliet, after playing something (Finger sucking nymph) very well in different movies to an Oscar nom and good reviews, someone in Hollywood whispered loudly...."She's not acting..."


She has since learned to act though.

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Okay the bad news is we get Devon and Hillary blah blahing two days in a row.  Kill me now.  So Hillary has flip-flopped completely and wants to get back with Devon.  And yes, they kiss, so he wants it to, but they don't sleep together because of ethics and integrity or something.  At this point, I don't see why they don't just fall into bed, everyone knows that they are trashy liars and traitors.


The good news is Fack is back, and he's ordering a red Ferrari which makes Pricktor nervous, saying Jack wouldn't be that flashy.  Fack says Jack has changed.  Pricktor says not that much--to which Fack correctly replies, you better hope he has because otherwise he wouldn't have agreed to the merger.  Good point, Fack.


So how many days has it been since Courtney was killed?  Because Noah is still lamenting that her parents won't allow him to come to her funeral.  But since she was killed, a lot of stuff has happened including Victoria getting super close to Billy, dumping Ben and Ben sleeping with Abby.  And Yack and Phyl getting married on an island and coming back and merging the companies.  And Neil's trial and Hillary sleeping with the Prosecutor.  And Joe falling off the balcony etc. and and and...But they still haven't gotten around to Courtney's funeral?  


So today Nick punched a reporter.  He was chatting with Noah and Faith in the GC hospital, er, Crimson Lights.  A reporter came in and blurted out that his ex-wife  is on trial for murder.  Then the reporter asked whether Nick was worried about Faith being bi-polar cause her mom is, and he punches him.  (Hey, they had some real customers and staff at CL today!).  Faith tells Noah she wants to see her mommy.  Nick has to stay at CL because the reporter is going to press charges for assault.  Noah takes Faith to see Sharon, and they tell her what's going on with Sharon.  I haven't caught up on last week yet, but I guess Faith already knew that her SIL-to-be was killed.  Sharon assures Faith that she would never have hurt Austin and Courtney.  Noah says he believes his mom and Faith does too.  Nick walks in.  Faith tells Nick that they have to make everyone believe that Sharon did not do what she is being accused of.  Noah takes Faith out.  Sharon thanks Nick for the punching the reporter and he says he didn't do it for her, he did it for the kids who are going through hell right now because of Sharon--that is strange logic, Nick!  Especially since he will probably now lose custody of Faith!  Sharon lashes out at Nick and points out that she is going through hell, and that he should take some responsibility for what his kids are going through.  Sharon says that Nick is the bad guy, paralyzing the girl and lying about it.  She has done nothing wrong.  Nick is pissed that Sharon is trying to make Nick the bad guy with the kids, and says that he knows better, he knows what Sharon is capable of.  Dylan walks in on them having a big fight. (You know I keep forgetting that Nick and Dylan are brothers.)  Nick asks Dylan why he is so invested in Sharon (what a moron!).  Dylan says that he doesn't want to see her judged for mistakes she made while she was sick, and that he has been there.  Nick goes to leave and says:  fine, don't say I didn't warn you.  Dylan hugs Sharon.


Avery brings Michael to the hospital. He says he is just dehydrated.  And he doesn't want Lauren to know.  Avery and Dylan bump into each there and blah blah blah.  Then Lauren shows up at the hospital and they get into another fight.    Man, I would hide from her too.  Michael admits that she is suffocating him and treating him like an invalid.  He tells her he is sick of it and he needs space.  He wants to separate.  They have it out and he says that he is exhausted with trying to meet her expectations and that their marriage is too much work (I am sick of her hair and hooker clothes, but that's just me).  And she just sort of leaves.  It was kind of weird.  Avery is supposed to go with Dylan on a romantic evening before she goes to rehab with Joe, but now Dylan of course cancels.  Cause his busy coffee shop had a water pipe burst.  And then Avery gets a call that tells her they have to go to Chicago tonight.  Doomed!  I really can't wait for these two to split up.


Neil bumps into Gwen and confronts her about her con with Devon pretending to be his girlfriend while sleeping with his wife.  She's surprised.


Fack and Pricktor's wives got together to talk about the merger, and Drinki is sure that Jack is up to something.  No kidding.  They decide to have a dinner that evening, to figure out if the boys are pretending for nefarious reasons and Phyll calls Fack and he agrees.  Pricktor doesn't want to do it, Fack disagrees.  Pricktor says that he calls the shots, and it is too soon for Fack to be tested like this, and that Drinki and Phylly can trip him up.  Fack says they shouldn't cancel, it will be a red flag.  He also says that he was brought into this arrangement more than because I am as devilishly handsome as Jack--I have skills, and I want to use them.  Hmmm...  Then Pricktor says:  You are a convict, I sprang you out of a Peruvian prison.  You do as I tell you and you better behave when we go to dinner, yougotthat!


Neil drops by Newman/Abbott.  Pricktor wants Neil to join them at NA.  Hey, what office is Fack using now?  It's in the lab.  What was wrong with Jack's office?  And what is the point of this merger anyway?  Pricktor has Jack tied up with Kathy Bates and now he is going to hire Neil to help him and Fack run the new company?  Why?  What is the end-game that would justify kidnapping and rape by proxy?  I find Fack hugely entertaining but the story makes no sense.  Anyways Neil talks about how Jack would be afraid that he would play cool jazz in the hallways, and employees would wear jeans, and Fack is all, why would I worry about that.  And Neil wonders why Jack doesn't remember when he did that last time around. Pricktor and Fack try to cover. But then he doesn't seem to know who Devon is.  Neil is still wondering what is off with him.  But he agrees to be the new CFO.


Gwen reappears at the GCAC, and tells Neil that she has something to tell him.  She had no idea that Devon and HIllary were screwing.  She did know that she was  a cover and that Hillary approached her to fool Neil. Gwen thought that Devon was gay!  Neil thinks that Devon was used by Hillary, but then he sees them coming down the stairs at the GCAC.  Hillary turns and goes back upstairs.  Devon tells Neil it's not what he thinks (but wait a minute, it is!).  Neil tells Devon that he is going to work at NA and he will be working closely with Gwen and Hillary.  He tells Devon he is sorry he jumped to conclusions about Devon and Hillary.  Many, this is going to be the same story all over again!


The dinner with the Newmans and the Fabbotts is on.  Drinki and Phylly are going to try to suss out what is really going on.  They don't want their husbands to tear each other up.  Pricktor tells them that Neil is coming on as CFO.  Phylly suggests that if decisions are being made for the greater good, and Jack had to fire Billy then Pricktor should fire Victoria.  Drinki defends the firing of Billy and kind of disses him, and then says no offense to Fack, and he says none taken, anyobdy ready for a drink?


So the wives bring up past battles between their husbands, but Pricktor and Fack reassure them that they are past all that.  Phyllis says she has orchids on the table in honour of new beginnings and Jack can explain it to the Newmans, but Fack doesn't know, of course.  To get out of it, he tells her he has to tell her the truth, that he changed when Pricktor saved his life, they bonded in the hospital and that they both are motivated by love (I don't think he meant for each other, but maybe he did).  Fack said he is not the man he used to be and that back then their hatred of Pricktor bonded them.  Really?  Is he forgetting when Phyllis sided with Pricktor over Jack in court?  Of course this is Fack, but Phyllis didn't seem to disagree.  Then privately Fack tells Pricktor to stop threatening him with sending him back to Peru and goes to finishing his order for his Ferrari.  And Pricktor just sort of seems amused and pleased with himself.


Previews:  Billy to Gabe, if you're looking for Chelsea, and Gabe says, no he wants to talk to Billy; Social worker to Nick, I think it is best if Faith stays with someone else, and Nick says, you are not going to take my kid away from me (hah!); Chelsea at NA says I quit, I am sorry Ashely but I am not going to get in the middle of this battle.  Pricktor, Ashely, Victoria and Gabe are all there. 

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Thanks for the banacap!


  Of course Nick is going to blame Sharon for losing Faith. Jackass! She didn't tell you to punch the reporter. I would have figured Noah, being a young man, would be the one to throw the punch but nope.


Fack is hilarious. Love PB like this! Hate the other side of this with Jack and Kelly. Wonder what PB and CMc really think of it.

WTH Michael! Where's Glo when ya need her? 

Haha Nick, your big bro told you to GTFOH with your big mouth!

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Sharon lashes out at Nick and points out that she is going through hell, and that he should take some responsibility for what his kids are going through.  Sharon says that Nick is the bad guy, paralyzing the girl and lying about it.  She has done nothing wrong.


If Nick is such a monster for what he did (nothing more than allowing an underage girl to drink alcohol and encouraging (but not forcing) her to jump off a roof) then what does it say about Sharon that she married him and kept quiet about it for 20+ years?

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If Nick is such a monster for what he did (nothing more than allowing an underage girl to drink alcohol and encouraging (but not forcing) her to jump off a roof) then what does it say about Sharon that she married him and kept quiet about it for 20+ years?

Yeah, I have to admit it was a weird argument to make.  She said she was protecting the Newman name.  Mostly she was lashing out at him because he was attacking her.  They made her seem like she is crumbling under the pressure of everyone attacking her.

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Regarding the spoiler re

Adam, I am disappointed because I thought Gabe would realize Fack is not Jack, but he would have to keep it a secret so as not to reveal himself.  And that maybe he accidentally reveals to Fack that he is not who he says he is, and then Fack has some leverage over Gabe--or he could use it with Victor.  In the comments section, some speculates that Fack is the killer, because maybe Austin had some info during his documentary.  And the Courtney found out and he had to cover.  But, Fack was boinking Kelly at the Underground before the explosion and the Scoobies were at the cabin.  Maybe he has the same kind of vehicle as Sharon which beams itself to the cabin at will.

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I just want Smelly to confess to Jack that she squashed Delia... but I still blame Billy. 


Someday Bill will dress Johnny in Camouflage PJ's and take him to opening day of deer season. "Put on that cute antler hat, Johnny."

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