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S04.E05: Parasite Lost

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Ugh.  I wish this arc would be over soon.  This show sledgehammers it's political views into most every episode.  Now it's pretty much like a jackhammer -- over and over and over again.  Enough already.  We get it!

Anyway, most everything has been covered already that I wanted to talk about.  I will just mention a couple of other issues.

Can't J'onn turn himself invisible?  You'd think it would make it a lot easier to sneak around undetected.

And why would the aliens decide NOW would be a good time to come out?  You just had the world discover that our President was an alien.  And you have anti-alien fevor at (most likely) at an all time high.  And now you have some dude walking around turning aliens into lifeless husks.  Gee, what a great time to come out of the closet.  ;)

One other thing that wasn't explained (or at least I missed it -- always very possible).  How the heck did that mother get the amulet from Mr. Healer Alien in the first place?  Was that ever explained at all?

Just wish this Agent Liberty stuff would be over and done with soon.

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On 11/11/2018 at 8:24 PM, GHScorpiosRule said:

That said, I don’t know if I can stick with this show anymore. The anvils were so heavy they crushed me. I watch shows to escape real life.

The writers are not subtle. Nor are they clever.

I'm with you. I'll be back for the crossover, but that is about it.

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4 hours ago, brgjoe said:

And why would the aliens decide NOW would be a good time to come out?  You just had the world discover that our President was an alien.  And you have anti-alien fevor at (most likely) at an all time high.  And now you have some dude walking around turning aliens into lifeless husks.  Gee, what a great time to come out of the closet.  ;)

One other thing that wasn't explained (or at least I missed it -- always very possible).  How the heck did that mother get the amulet from Mr. Healer Alien in the first place?  Was that ever explained at all?

Just wish this Agent Liberty stuff would be over and done with soon.

One of President Wonder Woman's accomplishments was getting a bill passed that guaranteed aliens rights. So that guarantee may have made people feel more emboldened. (Hopefully the show will address that, because there is no way that there would not be an effort to undo that law after PWW was shown to herself be an alien).

I am fanwanking that all mom did was give the Sons of Liberty (or is it the less sexist Children of Liberty?) the idea to steal the amulet, rather than steal it herself. Doesn't seem in her skillset to go to Healer's compound and get it herself without being noticed. It also makes more sense to me that Healer was thinking of his daughter as in "Oh I'm dying and my big regret is not getting to know my daughter" rather than "Mom attacked me so I'm going to be thinking of daughter instead for some reason."

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I like Kara using super-speed to make a roof garden in one day - using superpowers for mundane things just for the heck of it makes me happy.

Also making me happy?  Drunk Brainy.  That was a delight.  I also laughed at him rattling off everything he'd "found" about Nia and Alex trying to reassure Nia that he wasn't actually as stalkery as he sounded.

I'm excited about both James and J'onn's plots.  There were a few "Really?" moments in both (no young person has ever said the phrase "I'm reading the Internet," and that fedora was way too cheesy,) but overall, they seem like good directions for the characters.  This will be a new way for J'onn to contribute and probably bring in some new episodic plots, and this is the most interested I've ever been in a Guardian story.  I'm especially interested to see where James goes from here.

The Haley stuff is interesting.  I like that she's not who Alex thought she'd be and that she and Alex work well together, and while I was disappointed at the more anti-alien stuff later, I like that it's grayer than "kill all the roaches."  It makes me wonder if she actually knows Brainy is an alien and what might happen to him if she decides he's not trustworthy.

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On 11/12/2018 at 2:43 AM, Trini said:

Speaking of; that was a nice scene, but what was the occasion for the party again?

To celebrate the arrival of Arrow's third favorite roof - proof that roofs can travel between worlds?


On 11/12/2018 at 6:13 AM, ottoDbusdriver said:

Curious question -- does Kara own the entire building where she lives ?  Why would she think she could just re-model the roof ?  Wouldn't building mgmt. have issues with that ?

Maybe she figured that since the roof was from Arrow, only the Star City police/city officials would notice - and since they can't even stop city officials from dying, or investigate crimes without vigilantes, they certainly wouldn't be able to do anything about roof decoration. 

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17 hours ago, shantown said:

Does Colonel Haley know Brainy is an alien? Alex kept referring to him as "Agent Dox" when all three were together, it's possible Haley thinks he's just a (slightly weird) human.

We don't even (as far as I know) have space aliens among us in real life, but if I ran around in real life acting like he does, everyone would still assume that I was a space alien. People believing "Barney" is from Earth is as ridiculous as people not noticing that Kara looks exactly like Supergirl.

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6 hours ago, angora said:

The Haley stuff is interesting.  I like that she's not who Alex thought she'd be and that she and Alex work well together, and while I was disappointed at the more anti-alien stuff later, I like that it's grayer than "kill all the roaches."  It makes me wonder if she actually knows Brainy is an alien and what might happen to him if she decides he's not trustworthy.

I would say she has to know, it was never hidden, and if she read any reports about the members of the D.E.O., it would be in there.

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Come on Lena -- put it all together.  You're at a party hosted by Kara, and 3 people from the DEO are there.  And the only person missing from the DEO with close ties to both Alex and J'onn and Brainy is the Kryptonian that looks a lot like Kara.

Not only that, but Colonel Haley hears Kara's voice and instantly recognizes it as Supergirl's, whereas Lena knows both women and doesn't realize they have the exact same voice. {headsmack}

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On 11/12/2018 at 3:04 PM, sonyab said:

That is interesting! What makes you think that?

No. Too bad too. I was wondering where he was. :(

Not to get too spoilery but he is in the Legion with one of her distant relatives . He recognized her name when he met her at the Pizza Joint of Assholes in 4.02

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5 hours ago, Humbugged said:

Not to get too spoilery but he is in the Legion with one of her distant relatives .

WHOA! Holy crap! :0

Pizza Joint of Assholes in 4.02


Edited by The Crazed Spruce
quote formatting
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On 2018-11-12 at 12:41 AM, VCRTracking said:


I think we have to accept they retconned the history of Earth-38 that aliens have been public knowledge for years as is their living among us. What I still don't get is why so many aliens would want to live on what for them must be a primitive, much less technologically advanced society from where they're from. For me it seems less like a metaphor for real life immigration and refugees they're trying to do and more like a scenario of instead of trying to conquer and colonize Asia, the Americas and Africa hundreds of years ago, imposing their culture and religion, Europeans actually tried to peacefully live and assimilate among the native populations instead.


And what has happened to all the meta humans? It’s like they got rid of Livewire and Psi and promptly forgot they had an even more theat for Agent Liberty and humanity. It seems now it’s just aliens of the week fare.


So does anyone want to guess if Haley is actually Amanda Waller? I mean she could be using a different name and she seems to have a interesting influence on the POTUS. Given her alien displeasure etc she kinda fits the profile.

Edited by rtms77
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On 11/13/2018 at 12:33 AM, brgjoe said:

Ugh.  I wish this arc would be over soon.  This show sledgehammers it's political views into most every episode.  Now it's pretty much like a jackhammer -- over and over and over again.  Enough already.  We get it!

I came into this season looking forward to the foreign Supergirl storyline they teased, instead we get this crap. I may need to take a break from it and come back when it's over.

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7 hours ago, Writing Wrongs said:

I came into this season looking forward to the foreign Supergirl storyline they teased, instead we get this crap. I may need to take a break from it and come back when it's over.

5 episodes in and we still don't know how Kasnian Supergirl was created out of the events of the S3 finale, or how she got to the border of Kasnia/Siberia, or why she has no memory of who she is or how the Kasnians knew she was susceptible to kryptonite radiation.  That does come off as the writers dropping the ball somewhat.  Or even what she was training for by punching tunnels underground.  Heck, I bet even the Kasnians know her real name is Kara. </snark>

Edited by ottoDbusdriver
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Anyone know when will the second story arc be? After winter brake? 'Cause I really don't like this aliens migration and the view of one country's nationals towards them parallel to our real world migrants, because if I wanted to see this, I'd tune in the local news.

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On 11/13/2018 at 1:33 AM, brgjoe said:

Can't J'onn turn himself invisible?  You'd think it would make it a lot easier to sneak around undetected.

Yep.  And he could use his telepathy to uncover Agent Liberty's true identity.  Wouldn't leave the writers any story to tell, lol.  As another poster said, it's difficult to think of a situation where J'onn isn't more useful than Kara.  I think the writers realize this too, but haven't found a work-around yet.  The actor is great, and the writers clearly want to use him, but it's probably very challenging finding a way to keep MM in play without upstaging the title character.

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On 11/11/2018 at 9:19 PM, sonyab said:

Alex's hair is so confusing and distracting. At work she has no bangs, but then when she isn't at work she has bangs. She needs to get her bangs cut. It's way too long.

Awww, I like it. She can slick it back for work and then let the anime bangs fly when she's off the clock!

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