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Pop Up Victor

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The very few times Victor and Stefano got together and talk is pretty funny.  They are very polite to each other while insulting each other.  Victor is fearless.  He's not afraid of Stefano at all.  I caught some old clips of Victor and Stefano snarking at each other during Kate and Stefano's wedding.  It was very funny and witty.  I would love for Stefano and Victor to sit down and insult each other again.

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"Where's my grandson, ya little tramp!"  And I hear birdies singing in the treetops, now that Victor is on the show today. 


Man oh man, he can turn my frown upside down.  Now just imagine the sneer and the snarl and the comeback if anyone every actually said something like that to him.


Every day with a Victor pop up is a good one, and day it's just rainin' snark!

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I decided a few minutes into today's episode that I'm totally and completely obsessed with Victor. I could never entirely give up this show as long as he's still occasionally on it. I just want a months' worth of episodes where he and the 4-5 other characters I actually like spend the entire hour verbally eviscerating the many I loathe.  Is that too much to ask?! The fact that we only get sporadic snarkfests from Victor and a seemingly endless amount of show-marring agony from Dannifer just proves that the TV Gods are cruel and unjust. 

Edited by mstaken
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Today's episode featured the best Pop Up Victor to date -- him skulking around town, reading the riot act to Brady and Kate was the highlight of the show. I'm only sorry Julie wasn't on his agenda. He needs to do this at least once a week. At least. 



I decided a few minutes into today's episode that I'm totally and completely obsessed with Victor. I could never entirely give up this show as long as he's still occasionally on it. I just want a months' worth of episodes where he and the 4-5 other characters I actually like spend the entire hour verbally eviscerating the many I loathe.  Is that too much to ask?! The fact that we only get sporadic snarkfests from Victor and a seemingly endless amount of show-marring agony from Dannifer just proves that the TV Gods are cruel and unjust. 


Completely agree.  I wish they'd put out one of those desk calendars with Victor sayings for each day of the year.  Hell, I'd go for Victor coffee mugs, Victor Vitamins - "If you have a laugh reaction lasting more than 4 hours contact your physician", Victor Halloween masks, the whole megilla.  Victor makes every day feel like Snarky Christmas.


Just his bon mots from today's show - 


Can I get you anything?

How about some disinfectant?


I'm not much for small talk and I doubt you have the capacity for it.


You also inherited Kimberly loose sexual mores.

I know what you're up to, you little golddigger.


i'm not the one with the tacky tattoo.


I'll kick you out on your drunken ass.


The man is a daytime treasure.

  • Love 7
How about some disinfectant?

When he said that I kept thinking of the Dimera couch. I so want a scene between Stef and Vic where Stef offers him to sit down and Vic makes a crack about what goes on in Stef's house.  Speaking of Stef and Vic--what a waste of opportunities there between two daytime veterans and Salem's biggest bad guys. Why in the world do TPTB not pair them in scenes together???  There could only be comedic greatness if written right. They could even be like the two old guys in the balcony at the Muppet theater and end the show each day with their commentary. 


 Bonding moment between Stef and Vic 

Victor: "My grandson is getting wasted and having sex with Kimberly Brady's trampy daughter."

Stefano:: "My son was banging Abigail Deveraux and he was sober!"

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While I'm fine with Victor's insults usually, I wish the writer's would take out such insults as Bitch, Whore, Slut, Tramp and any other one that insults a woman's sexuality.  Call Nicole a liar, stupid, manipulative....whatever you want.  But the sexual insults, ESPECIALLY considering 99% of the women in Salem have been raped or abused sexually, just perpetuates that and I hate it.  


There are other ways to insult a woman that do not include making it sound like she sleeps around when she doesn't.

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I agree that the word "slut" is way overused, but I would be okay with it if the men were called sluts/tramps/whores too.  If Nicole is a slut then so is Daniel (sleeps with his patients!) and Brady (sleeps with thieving drug addicts!) and EJ (cheats on his fiance!! What a SLUT!).


I guess I don't mind Victor using the word slut because he's an old school mobster and it's within character.  I don't want to see the word used by a lot of others though.  I wish Victor would call someone a floozy - that would totally make my day.

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I suppose Marlena could try to counsel Victor to use more PC terms. She is so emotionally detached these days that things like this should just roll off her tongue and actually sound normal:

Brady isn’t drunk he is simply an anti-sobriety activist.  (Can you see Victor repeating that one to Maggie—priceless!)

Abigail isn’t a tramp; she is just horizontally accessible to men already in committed relationships.

Heck, maybe Mar could even convince Julie to consider Nick simply living impaired.

Meanwhile, we all are not hooked on soaps, we are melodramatically fixated!

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Despite my love for Pop-Up Victor, I'm not so in love with the slut/bitch/whore trifecta. In addition to the reasons caughtontape enumerated and the double standard sunnyheart mentioned, it's just kind of lazy. Vic's much more entertaining when insulting someone's intelligence. NBC's webpage used to have a "Stuff Victor Says" section that included such classics as "The Three Stooges on crack could have come up with a better plan" and "There's an old Groucho Marx movie on TV dubbed in Italian. It's sort of like talking to Vivian." 


I think I'd be okay with Victor calling someone a floozy, though, because that's just an inherently funny word.

Edited by kellinatorjones
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I suppose Marlena could try to counsel Victor to use more PC terms. She is so emotionally detached these days that things like this should just roll off her tongue and actually sound normal:

Brady isn’t drunk he is simply an anti-sobriety activist.  (Can you see Victor repeating that one to Maggie—priceless!)

Abigail isn’t a tramp; she is just horizontally accessible to men already in committed relationships.

Heck, maybe Mar could even convince Julie to consider Nick simply living impaired.

Meanwhile, we all are not hooked on soaps, we are melodramatically fixated!


Your post should be enshrined in the classics!  VERY funny, and in our cases, spot on.  Now you'll have us thinking up more Marlena Explanations.


I guess I don't mind Victor using the word slut because he's an old school mobster and it's within character.  I don't want to see the word used by a lot of others though.  I wish Victor would call someone a floozy - that would totally make my day.



I think I'd be okay with Victor calling someone a floozy, though, because that's just an inherently funny word.


I could do with fewer sexual insults, but I give Victor a little leeway for the reason you stated.  And, he's currently married to St. Naggie, who has managed to combine the best of the Joan Collins 80-style bighair & clothes look with a definite sisterwife vibe.  Living with Maggie whose main concern is for her Egg Baby and his love affair with the Virgin Queen of Mean Jenn must put the poor guy on edge.


I wouldn't mind seeing Eve upset that particular applecart just a bit.


And THEN we should definitely hear "floozy" flying around Salem.

Edited by boes
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So disappointed in Victor because after calling out all of the other bad girls in Salem he did not call out abifail out for being the tramp that she is.

She is a Horton and he did not care about Sami and EJ's pain....He is not going to let Will off the hook that easily....I wish Kim was in town to see Victor going after Will.. She would not put up with that....

For posterity, bcause it was beautiful! Victor at his finest.

Victor: You betray your husband, my nephew, and you think you can put some kind of a spin on it?!?!?!? You listen to me, you little... I love every member of my family, but Sonny has always been something special to me. That's why I wanted to host your wedding here, in my home. But the thought of you making a mockery of that ceremony, treating it like some cheap floozy in a bar somewhere...

Will: That's not what happened, Uncle Victor! I never intended...


Like the wrath of an elder god. Long live Victor the Great!

Will: Victor, this is important. Can I say something?

Victor: NO! Get the hell out of my house!

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Victor rules!!! I SO loved him tell the little weasel exactly what he thought. 

After Victor schooled Will on how he blames everyone else for his problems Will told DHer she would be to blame so he didn't absorb an iota of the spankdown. 

Maybe John can handle him. Will knows that Paul is John's son and is keeping it from him. Sami kept Belle from him years ago. That is a mother and son that has screwed John over. Everybody has a threshold. Let's hope that John has reached his!

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Victor's best lines of the day

Victor: Not so fast, Lucas. I'm just getting started with you.

Lucas: Well, you've already fired me, I'm not sure there's any more you can do to me.

Victor: Then you haven't learned much over the years, have you?


Victor: That's it. Get the hell out. (pause) You're going to have to call a cab. I had your car towed.

Victor is my favorite person on earth!!! Edited by minirth
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I could listen to Victor talk trash about Nicole all day. I used to think his insults towards her were a little much at times but now I think she deserves to hear every nasty thing he has to say about her.

I don't and I'll tell you why, misogyny for one, a man that old marrying someone that young who was a victim of abuse doesn't get to cast stones. Two, every goddamn woman in Victor's mind is filed under virgin or whore as if that isn't bad enough, guess who the virgins are? Marlena, Hope, Carrie, Jenn, Maggie and Abigail. Pretty much every sanctimonious asshole I've ever hated in Salem and probably Melanie too since she's safe under the magic sperm of Saint Jonas. Every single thing about this chauvinist old goat makes my vagina stabby. Malaka (as the Greeks would say)

Edited by slayer2
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Victor: There she is! My god, woman, you know, I don't know whether to wring your neck for swiping that address off of my desk or... well, considering how things turned out, maybe I ought to just throw you a party.

John: What the hell are you talking about?

Victor: Marlena finally did something right. She killed Kristen DiMera.

Marlena: *pained look*

John: You killed Kristen?

Marlena: Victor, please. I mean, it was an accident. She was trying to kill me, and we struggled, and

Victor: And all of a sudden, Kristen went out the window! Fell 500 feet before she hit the water. They're still looking for her body! Wouldn't you love to be there for something like that? Gives me goosebumps. Let's raise a glass of bubbly here, shall we? What? You're going to pretend you're sad about that bitch finally going to Hell?

John and Marlena: *look horrified*

Victor, grumpily: Oh, fine, I'll drink alone. You two catch up. I'll let you know when Brady gets here.

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