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Jesus God, Leah!!

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I read somewhere that when players join the NFL, they have to go through mandatory money management classes/seminars, that include both some general investing advice (as these people have to be prepared to plan their retirement at age 22), and also some cautionary tales of players being taken advantage of by various financial predators (one story I remember that was frequently used was a guy who picked up a groupie at a bar, took her back to his hotel room, fell asleep with her in the room while wearing $200K of jewelry, and woke up $200K lighter). If production gave a shit about these girls, they would insist on the same, along with mandatory therapy.

I think most of Leah's financial woes now are related to drug problems, but even in the beginning she was super irresponsible about money. I remember her bitching to Corey when she was 17 that he was no "fun" because he wouldn't give her money to go to Outback Steakhouse (or maybe it was PF Changs? it was some chain restaurant). Corey reminds her that if he gives her money to go out to eat, they can't pay for diapers or formula for the babies. Leah then just gives him bitchface.


She's always been really selfish like that though. She expects people just to give her what she wants, and who cares what they have to sacrifice. Same with the girls, only instead of money, it's time, attention, inconvenience, etc. Leah wants to pick up her pillses at 11 pm? Well, the girls better be lugged along. Leah wants to sleep in on school mornings? Girls will have to wait to eat. Leah needs me time? Gracie will have to make the other two breakfast and feed the cat. Leah wants sexual and physical attention? Well, her exhausted husband needs to either rally and give it to her or deal with her infidelity.

  • Love 13
2 minutes ago, Mkay said:

Supposedly, her new house is in Clendenin where Corey lives and the girls go to school. 

If that's true, then that could be a good or bad thing. It's good since the twins have both parents in the same school district; bad since Leah no longer has an excuse if she drops them off late or they're tardy one too many times.

  • Love 6
3 hours ago, Tatum said:

I read somewhere that when players join the NFL, they have to go through mandatory money management classes/seminars, that include both some general investing advice (as these people have to be prepared to plan their retirement at age 22), and also some cautionary tales of players being taken advantage of by various financial predators (one story I remember that was frequently used was a guy who picked up a groupie at a bar, took her back to his hotel room, fell asleep with her in the room while wearing $200K of jewelry, and woke up $200K lighter). If production gave a shit about these girls, they would insist on the same, along with mandatory therapy.

I think most of Leah's financial woes now are related to drug problems, but even in the beginning she was super irresponsible about money. I remember her bitching to Corey when she was 17 that he was no "fun" because he wouldn't give her money to go to Outback Steakhouse (or maybe it was PF Changs? it was some chain restaurant). Corey reminds her that if he gives her money to go out to eat, they can't pay for diapers or formula for the babies. Leah then just gives him bitchface.


She's always been really selfish like that though. She expects people just to give her what she wants, and who cares what they have to sacrifice. Same with the girls, only instead of money, it's time, attention, inconvenience, etc. Leah wants to pick up her pillses at 11 pm? Well, the girls better be lugged along. Leah wants to sleep in on school mornings? Girls will have to wait to eat. Leah needs me time? Gracie will have to make the other two breakfast and feed the cat. Leah wants sexual and physical attention? Well, her exhausted husband needs to either rally and give it to her or deal with her infidelity.


Sorry to quote your whole post.  My phone hates me today.  Just wanted to say you are correct on the football thing.  My husband has taught the class in Indy.  Of course some pay more attention than others.

  • Love 1
16 minutes ago, HooHooHoo said:

Sorry to quote your whole post.  My phone hates me today.  Just wanted to say you are correct on the football thing.  My husband has taught the class in Indy.  Of course some pay more attention than others.

I'm sure. But at least they try. MTV just hands a pile of money to teenagers/early 20somethings that have already shown some pretty questionable judgment, and sends them on their way. Granted, Leah and Jenelle probably wouldn't even look up from their iphones during the class, but it still be a show of good faith for production to try.

  • Love 6
On 7/8/2016 at 5:56 AM, geekamonggeeks said:

The fact that Leah is moving again just shows that she throws her money away. She has well-documented financial issues---her credit cards got declined, she spent thousands on the Mary Kay pyramid scheme, she had to ask Jeremy to put money in their joint account because it got overdrawn somehow---and that's just the stuff I remember off the top of my head. She's constantly drownding in money issues...until the season ends and the cast get paid. Then she's riding high on Cloud 9 with new cars, houses, a goddamn therapy horse. She has no idea how to manage her money. I think all of the women except Chelsea play fast and loose with their paychecks, but Leah really has no idea what she's doing. She's going to crash and burn the moment this show ends and she doesn't get that chunk of change she's so used to.

Leah had tax issues. She owed a lot in back taxes. When Jeremy reminded her of their upcoming payment towards that debt, she was too busy bitching about her need for new a new washer and dryer. I still can't figure out how a person who doesn't wash clothes ends up with a broken washer and dryer. My thoughts are:

- Addie threw the cats in the machines and turned the machines on. 

- Gracie does the laundry and just fucked up the machines with using too much detergent and washing items such as couch cushions after her sisters dirtied them from eating too many Cheetos. 

- Leah was high and took a spin in the dryer to dry her hair. 

  • Love 10

I'm just going to say right now that I am pretty sure her backburner guy is her sister's husband. She may not be boning him on the regular, but I bet he does a lot of the "man" chores for her and some shenanigans have gone down after Victoria goes to bed early during family gatherings.

you know this is true, lol, poor Leah just cain't help herself yall! They were both drinking, etc.  Leah doesn't have a regular man now, so there ya go.  At least, I think I read somewhere that she and TR Dues have split up....

  • Love 3
10 hours ago, GreatKazu said:

I still can't figure out how a person who doesn't wash clothes ends up with a broken washer and dryer. My thoughts are:

- Addie threw the cats in the machines and turned the machines on. 

- Gracie does the laundry and just fucked up the machines with using too much detergent and washing items such as couch cushions after her sisters dirtied them from eating too many Cheetos. 

- Leah was high and took a spin in the dryer to dry her hair. 

Repeated cheating with Robbie on top of the washer while Germy was out of town.

  • Love 11
5 hours ago, blubld43 said:

you know this is true, lol, poor Leah just cain't help herself yall! They were both drinking, etc.  Leah doesn't have a regular man now, so there ya go.  At least, I think I read somewhere that she and TR Dues have split up....

TR and Mama Dawn are still friends on their respective private FB pages. I would assume if Leah and TR broke up, Mama would remove herself as a friend from TR and vice-versa.


3 hours ago, ghoulina said:

Repeated cheating with Robbie on top of the washer while Germy was out of town.


14 minutes ago, CofCinci said:

I can imagine her pushing a week's worth of household clothing into the washer and the poor thing just getting knocked off balance because of her laziness. 

That image has me laughing so hard.

  • Love 1

I think that's how the one she had broke! She said she needed the biggest washer and also the dryer because the one she has wasn't working right. Germy told her she has to clean the vent once in a while and stop shoving all the blankets in there at once. She said she knew that but it wasn't working right besides that. Yeah, she really thought the bigger, most expensive machines would make that chore easier! Dumbass didn't realize maybe she could shove more clothes in than with the older ones but, hello princess, that also means more clothes coming out as well. Either way, I'm sure folding the clothes is the part she hates the most*. Way to shoot yourself in the foot there, Leah.

*to be fair, it's the part I hate the most also. That's why I don't have the ultra huge models. Not to mention we live out in the country and don't have any special care clothes to speak of. There's no dry cleaner in town but there is one laundry mat. I used to drop off the comforters to dry while I was at the grocery. Two hundred years ago when I was just starting out with small children. I was lucky to have that option and I knew it. Not all of my friends had a pocketful of quarters or a washer and a dryer at home even if I couldn't put my king size comforter in the dryer because it wasn't an extra large capacity like my washer. That's what happens when you want a washer and dryer at home but have to buy used rebuilt ones because you can't afford shiny new ones with a credit card that got declined but the limit raised because you have a regular huge paycheck coming soon. Still have to fold damn things regardless. I have no trouble believing Leah's clothes piles are of clean clothes as much as they are of dirty ones. Must be interesting to live around a bunch clothes that move spots every now and then but never quite ever disappear. Now I'm wondering if their house even has drawers or hangers or laundry baskets. I don't think I've ever seen any. Hmmm...

  • Love 5
On 7/7/2016 at 8:54 PM, DangerousMinds said:

It's one of the only smart moves she's ever made, so I guess a little pride is ok. Leah hasn't had a daddy like Chelsea  does to take care of  things for her.

Smart move? A smart move would have been to purchase a house long before now. Where did her hundreds of thousands of dollars go to from 7 seasons of this show along with the money she stole from her children? It is not a bad thing for a young female to have a father in her life who can ensure things are financially set for her and his grandchild. Aubree doesn't have that going on for her. Back to Leah, she has a dad. Is it Chelsea's fault for having a father who didn't allow his ex-wife and kids to be on welfare and food stamps the way Leah's father left her mother to fend for her kids? Having a father in one's life is certainly something Chelsea can take pride in. If only the rest of the girls on this show were blessed like her. They may have turned out differently. 

  • Love 11

Maybe Leah should take pride in her children?

Big deal, she bought a house. Whoop-di-doo. Isn't that what parents are supposed to do when they have children, especially if they earn over six figures a year? Just like the fathers on this show are supposed to do what they do, Leah is no exception. We are not talking about a young, single mother who did it "all on her own" as much as Leah would love for everyone to believe. She didn't struggle. Leah wasn't on WIC. She didn't end up on welfare. She didn't have to chase down the fathers of her children to seek child support. She didn't have to deal with shitty bio fathers who have no interest in the kids they created with her. She didn't get kicked out of any place she lived in. She had a place to live in that was paid for by Cory after they separated because he wanted a roof over the head of his children. She wasn't having to look around the holler for a place to live in. She had her millions of relatives to care for her children at the drop of a hat. Not a lot of parents have that luxury. They have to pay for babysitters or daycare. Leah has the luxury of not getting an education or a job.  Leah doesn't know what it is to work one's ass off. The only time Leah worked her ass off was when she was in the backseat.

I wouldn't doubt MTV helped Leah with that house and I don't mean with  the paychecks she receives. MTV was there to help Amber pay for her past due and current rent on her place a couple of years ago.

  • Love 14
9 hours ago, Katt said:

Let's not forget, Leah had Lee as a step-dad from when she was pretty young. He's probably still there for her regardless of his divorce from Jabba the Dawn. Didn't someone say they were back together, though.

Lee was there to make sure some other dude was ready to take over supporting Leah. That dialogue of his with Jeremy where he told him that bullshit that Leah needed to be supported. Say what you will about Randy, but at least Randy didn't push some guy onto Chelsea to support her. If anything, Randy was instilling to Chelsea that she didn't need to put up with Adam's abusive and dickish behavior. He kept reminding her she was deserving of something better in life and it was in her best interest to have a career. Kudos to Randy.  Lee is all backwards in his thinking. Instead of trying to help his step-daughter to be a strong, independent woman, he pushes marriage instead.

  • Love 14

Oh, I always thought his advice was one-sided and he was another one letting Leah think everything she did was someone else's fault, but his presence while she was growing up (lol) probably made the household financially better at least and I really don't think if Delta Dawn WAS a single parent, it was for very long because that is not the modus operandi of the women in that family. Lee was most likely the smartest of the village idiots and therefore the sage of the family.

  • Love 4

I agree Katt. Certainly Lee was a step-up from the husband Dawn married at the age of 16. They legally signed over their teen daughter to be the wife of an adult. These people really push this whole "need to be supported by a man" crap.

I seem to remember Leah tweeting something about welfare a few years ago.  I think she got slammed on social media for her post. I remember some links to articles being posted. Anyone else remember what that was all about?

From one article that came out several weeks ago:

Delta Dawn Spears Messer - now a grandmother several times over at just 41 - reportedly had just $200 in her bank account when she welcomed Leah into the world at the age of 17.

Leah would eventually follow her footsteps into very young motherhood, but first she would endure crippling financial hardships throughout her childhood and teen years.

When Leah was 12, her mother - unemployed and unable to feed Leah and her younger brother on just $465 per month in food stamps - filed for bankruptcy.

At the time, Spears told the court that she was over $40,000 in debt and lived in constant fear that her mobile home would be repossessed.

Mama Dawn stayed with her first husband for nine years.http://starcasm.net/archives/132538

Mama Dawn (at the time of the article) mentioned being married to Lee for 12 years. That would mean they married in 1999 according to her own statement in that article. If she left her first husband after nine years (married in 1992) that means she left in 2001.

That don't make no sense.

  • Love 7
4 hours ago, GreatKazu said:

I seem to remember Leah tweeting something about welfare a few years ago.  I think she got slammed on social media for her post. I remember some links to articles being posted. Anyone else remember what that was all about?

I didn't see the post, but it was something to the fact of Leah bragging about her family and herself never receiving welfare, which according to that article is a lie if Mama Dawn was feeding them with food  stamps for a while. I think it was around the time that a) the big TM2 paychecks started rolling in and b) she had landed Jeremy and his handsome salary, so she was likely up on her high horse big time at the point. Technically, I guess Leah's never has been on welfare herself because of hard-working men and hitting the teen mom lottery, but life is long and she goes through money like crap through a goose, so we'll see where she ends up.

4 hours ago, GreatKazu said:

Mama Dawn (at the time of the article) mentioned being married to Lee for 12 years. That would mean they married in 1999 according to her own statement in that article. If she left her first husband after nine years (married in 1992) that means she left in 2001.

That don't make no sense.

Well, basic arithmetic is probably not Mama Dawn's strong suit. Actually, basic anything and most of the Messer clan doesn't go together well. What can I say, the school's aren't well in the holler;)

  • Love 7

Leah was born in April '92, wasn't she? So Jabba was either already pregnant or yeah, she's just really thick with numbers. Or both. So, Leah would have been around 7 when Lee became her step-dad, therefore, I'm not believing Dawn was a single parent for long. Not that I'm suggesting having 2 parents in the same house necessarily makes things economically and emotionally stable, but it at least really did seem like Lee gave a shit about those 3 kids.

ETA: I've just noticed this is the 100th page of Leah's thread. Is that a record for one person on PTV? LOL

Edited by Katt
  • Love 5
3 hours ago, Mkay said:

Is this poor girl wearing knee pads because she is falling a lot? How about, oh I don't know, USING HER WHEELCHAIR?!?!? 


Now, doesn't this picture say it all? We have...

gracie wearing a bikini while holding a baby doll...sounds like Leah's priorities to me!

ali clearly not coming close to using a wheelchair, but showing personality. 

poppa Jeff actually watching them. 

Miranda in the kitchen actually doing chores. 

The last two would never happen at Leah's house. 

  • Love 9
41 minutes ago, Christina87 said:

Now, doesn't this picture say it all? We have...

gracie wearing a bikini while holding a baby doll...sounds like Leah's priorities to me!

ali clearly not coming close to using a wheelchair, but showing personality. 

poppa Jeff actually watching them. 

Miranda in the kitchen actually doing chores. 

The last two would never happen at Leah's house. 

Not a Cheeto in sight.

The house is clean.

The girls are smiling and look happy.

I see that entrance there on the far right which appears to have been modified as if they made it larger. I am hoping that is easy access for the wheelchair that Ali is supposed to be in.

I took a look at the other photos on Instagram. Remi looks almost like Ali when she was 7 months old. Remi seems to have a lazy eye. I wonder if she will need glasses just like Ali?

  • Love 6

Doesn't Ali sit sort of bow-legged on her knees when she sits on the floor? Or maybe they were getting wet outside, like on a slip n slide, and the way she does it hurts her knees and that's why she has the pads? I'm not saying she shouldn't be in the chair. Of course she should be using it much more now but maybe she is doing something fun and wanted her pads on? She probably has them for t-ball anyway. Not that she should be doing that either but...  (I think you all know I'm trying to say.)

  • Love 5
15 minutes ago, Rebecca said:

Is it some kind of shadow or are Ali's feet like, covered in dirt/mud in that picture? That makes me think it's more likely they were doing the slip n slide like someone suggested. 

But why then is she wearing the knee pads in another photo while wearing a dress and sandals?

Edited by GreatKazu
  • Love 2

Most likely she's wearing the pads because she's falling and getting injured. Most normal parents would take that as a sign that the child needs to be in the wheelchair her specialist has been insisting on for years. But the denial runs deep.

I also want to note that Cory isn't getting a pass from me either. Him and Leah are equally responsible for making sure Ali is using her chair and neither one of them is doing so.

Edited by BitterApple
  • Love 10
On July 12, 2016 at 11:01 AM, Mkay said:

Is this poor girl wearing knee pads because she is falling a lot? How about, oh I don't know, USING HER WHEELCHAIR?!?!? 


Oh my!!! For a split second I thought Gracie was holding Remi all neglectful like  ?


I just don't know what to expect with this show that my mind instantly went that route instead of quickly noticing it was a baby DOLL.

Edited by Calm81
  • Love 5

I thought of Leah last week because I was at Disneyland and saw a dad give his baby a bottle of Dr. Pepper. Not even in a baby bottle, but handed her a straight up Dr. Pepper bottle. The kid was not much older than a year, I'm certain. She took it and handled it like she'd done it before. Double ugh.

Today: leahdawn92mtvYes, this was my life last night! I've always wanted to have just a place to relax, read/meditate, and grow all to my own, and Now I have it! ???#MommysRoom #Blessed #Live #BeBold #MakeaDIFFERENCE #LivingLife #LiveYOURstandard @liveyourstandard

She wants a place to relax? She already has one, I think that is called "everywhere". She wants a place to READ? I think that is called "an alternate universe."

I see she shops at Tacky Is Us like Kail does. Lord almighty how I loathe those cheesy inspirational signs that want you to be all you can be and say crap like "Live Love Laugh" and ANYTHING with the word "Dream" in it. I fantasize about making a bonfire with big piles of those. That would be nice. I can't even go into Michael's anymore and get those big cardboard storage boxes because they all say stupid shit on them.

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