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Jesus God, Leah!!

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@Uncle JUICE, good point about the show's premise. 

These moms and dads would have to be busting their asses to make ends meet, but not a single one except Javi, Corey, and Kail either works or goes to school full time. They're not showing the problems of teen parents now, or the aftermath. They're just showing dysfunctional 20 somethings have MTV careers and live in huge homes. 

  • Love 6
12 hours ago, starfire said:

I'll send some helmets for the girlses, so they don't get knocked unconscious by all the stuff raining down on them from the back of Leah's vehicle.

And a case of Lunchables.

It's funny you mentioned "Lunchables."   That episode where Gracie opens the fridge and laments the fact that her mother didn't buy Lunchables made me think --  just for a minute, mind you -- that Gracie was turning a bit bratty and, for that matter, turning on her mother as well.  I know she's only - what? - six? - but geez....

Edited by StayingAfterSunday
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If Leah was my mother, I'd turn on her too. I feel like Gracie does more caring for the kids (and pets) in that house than Leah, but she cannot go to the store. So when Leah can't even do THAT, she is nothing but irritated. I used to think Gracie was a bit ol brat, but now I'm just like - "You go, Gracie, make her life hell for the next 12 years then GTFO!"

  • Love 18
15 hours ago, StayingAfterSunday said:

It's funny you mentioned "Lunchables."   That episode where Gracie opens the fridge and laments the fact that her mother didn't buy Lunchables made me think --  just for a minute, mind you -- that Gracie was turning a bit bratty and, for that matter, turning on her mother as well.  I know she's only - what? - six? - but geez....

Someone who at six already knows that her mother on many and most occasions can't do the basic things in order to take care of her and her sisters.  

  • Love 4
1 hour ago, Elizabeth9 said:

A Lunchable is probably the only meal Leah is capable of "preparing."  The girls know if they're not there, they won't be fed anything resembling real food.

I hope Gracie takes her current child-rearing experience and becomes vigilant about birth control in the future.

She don't need no more babies!

I do think Gracie plays up her brattiness around her mom, perhaps for attention. The episode where she was demanding drinks in the fridge-- clearly there was water, so that wasn't about neglect, but wanting soda or juice or fruit punch or something. I'm sure she can sense the atmosphere of the shitstorm and pushes the envelope to get attention.

Leah and Corey have both practiced and promoted spanking with her...I'll never forget the creepiness of the episode where Leah spanked her semi on-screen (hearing the hits, really?!) or when Corey told Leah Gracie needed more spanking and Leah said she "pulls her pants down and wears her out" and he was approving. Ugh. It makes me wonder if Ali gets corporal punishment, which wouldn't be good for her, but if she doesn't it's also unfair to Gracie. What Gracie needs are fun activities and an atmosphere of calm, not spanking. 

Edited by Lm2162
  • Love 4
26 minutes ago, GreatKazu said:

Gracie demanding juice and soda is because that is the stuff Leah gives them. When they run out, it makes sense that Gracie will want those drinks. If Leah had them accustomed to water or milk, then those are the drinks they will request. 

Of course. It's just that in and of itself is not a sign of neglect. She is used to the chaos her mother causes and knows how to get her attention.

  • Love 1
10 hours ago, Lm2162 said:

Of course. It's just that in and of itself is not a sign of neglect. She is used to the chaos her mother causes and knows how to get her attention.

The only way to get her attention is to show her pillses and dickses.

I will send Leah a dildo. I will send Mr. Dues a box of condoms so he doesn't get any STDs from Leah and not impregnate her.

  • Love 1
6 hours ago, GreatKazu said:

The only way to get her attention is to show her pillses and dickses.

I will send Leah a dildo. I will send Mr. Dues a box of condoms so he doesn't get any STDs from Leah and not impregnate her.

Dildos are useless to Leah. A dildo can't tell her how pretty she is. I'm pretty sure that 99.99% of the appeal of sex is based on the validation she gets from the guy, not the actual sexual gratification. I'm sure Robbie was in and out but Leah thought that was worth risking two marriages.


Sending condoms to Dues though is definitely warranted. Both for safety and contraception.

  • Love 9

That is so awesome. Who was it that predicted the next Instagram pic would be of Leah combing one the girlses hair? I am sure that is coming. 


Also, I don't really drink lemonade, but isn't one Tbs of sugar not much? Back when I used to mix kool aid in the 80s we dropped it in by the cups. After a steady diet of sugar packets, frosting, and Hugs, I don't think one tablespoon is going to cut it. 

  • Love 11
23 minutes ago, MaddyMaeboxerbabe said:

Oh leah.  1 tab of sugar, right.  Recipes call for between 2 and 3 CUPS of sugar per gallon.  Maybe she thinks a cup is called a tablespoon.


Maybe our white trash recipes call for 2-3 cups, but Leah is a health nut who only uses the bare amount of sugar, which she has taught her kids to enjoy, and any possible depictions of her children consuming excessive sugar has obviously been doctored footage/pictures.

  • Love 17

Maybe she put a tablespoon on that slice of lemon? Because that pitcher would need at least a cup. Or she used nasty sweet-n-low stuff. I can't imagine that child would really suck on a plain lemon slice. Not after seeing her eat sugar substitute packets and frosting (at the table with a spoon, of course).

Edited by MissMel
  • Love 8
On June 6, 2016 at 1:33 PM, Tatum said:

Dildos are useless to Leah. A dildo can't tell her how pretty she is.

OMG they need to make dildos with a voice box, like a talking barbie. "Girl you are so pretty, I want to be with you forever." "I love you." "All other women are bitches, only you are perfect."

And she obviously means 1 TBSP per ounce. Or 1 TBSP per small child's cup.

Oh, one more edit. She posted a screen grab about teen pregnancy rates in WV, which are down. But all I saw was "45th in the nation, behind only XYZ states" and Leah's caption of "omg I'm so happy". My brain immediately went to how happy she was that they were so high on the list.

Edited by DoctorWhovian
  • Love 9

Been meaning to post this, but kept forgetting.

I watched Leah's 16 & Pregnant episode a few weeks back. After she had the twins, there was no mention by her or  anyone else that Leah was in pain or was suffering physically.

Leah was shown driving around, carrying the twins, she went to school functions and even left her children with Cory as she went out for the evening to see friends (and Robbie). 

In another scene, she rattled off a list of things to Cory about what she has been going through including carrying the twins for 9 months. But, she never mentioned being in pain or suffering from the "spinal tap". That girl walked out of the hospital after giving birth. 

The girl got herself hooked on pills through a drug dealer, not a doctor. She may have gotten a prescription later on, but my opinion is her initial dabble in drugs was not legal.

  • Love 10
6 hours ago, SPLAIN said:

Been meaning to post this, but kept forgetting.

I watched Leah's 16 & Pregnant episode a few weeks back. After she had the twins, there was no mention by her or  anyone else that Leah was in pain or was suffering physically.

Leah was shown driving around, carrying the twins, she went to school functions and even left her children with Cory as she went out for the evening to see friends (and Robbie). 

In another scene, she rattled off a list of things to Cory about what she has been going through including carrying the twins for 9 months. But, she never mentioned being in pain or suffering from the "spinal tap". That girl walked out of the hospital after giving birth. 

The girl got herself hooked on pills through a drug dealer, not a doctor. She may have gotten a prescription later on, but my opinion is her initial dabble in drugs was not legal.

It's my understanding that the spinal tap occurred when Addy was born. However, she was photographed jet skiing and boating literally 2 weeks after the birth.

  • Love 6
On 6/3/2016 at 9:34 PM, Miss Chevious said:

More like 10 years at the most. Gracie will most likely be a teen mom by the time she's sixteen.

Unfortunately, out of all the kids on the show, Grace is the one that I think is most likely to repeat her mother's mistakes. She already doesn't get much positive attention from her parents. Leah only encourages things like cheer, and I'm sure when she starts dating, Leah will be the cool mom from Mean Girls

On 6/3/2016 at 10:06 PM, CofCinci said:

And the sick thing is that Leah will be so excited to be a grandmother.

Not as excited as Mama Dawn will be to be a great grandma before she's 50.

  • Love 17

Leah did say she's putting the twins on birth control at age 13. Which is sad...but in her case, probably smart. What would be better would be to break the cycle that her family perpetuates by having girls seek all their self worth from boys, which leads to having sex at an early age. I would bet Leah was probably 14 or 15 at the oldest. But kids learn by example and Leah is going to have a hard time convincing her kids that they don't need  boyfriends as preteens and teenagers when she herself is so desperate for male attention.

  • Love 12

I think that tweet was posted after Leah was with Jeremy, so I believe Jeremy, Corey, and Robbie made up three of the seven partners, and the other four were squeezed in somewhere between (I think Leah lost her virginity to Robbie, given that they were like 14 when they started dating, I hope there wasn't anyone before him. Not slut shaming, it's just my opinion that 13-14 year olds don't need to be having sex).
I am not sure how long the gap was between breaking up with Robbie and getting knocked up by Corey, but I don't think it was more than a few months. Then she was single for approximately 4 months in 2010 (she broke up with Corey in early 2010 and they reconciled shortly after her high school graduation in May/June 2010). Then I believe she and Corey split up for good around June of 2011, right? And she and Jeremy got together around August 2011. So yeah, no shade at the number, but I am guessing the sexual activity was prompted by Leah's emotional issues, not a high sex drive.

  • Love 8

I think it is a sad indication that by the age of 22 Leah has

- 3 kids

- 1 case of losing primary custody

- 2 ex-husbands

- 6 or 7 sexual partners (probably closer to 8 by the time you count the new penis)

- 0 qualifications

- 0 post-school education 

A woman has the right to control her body but even in the holler that has to be abnormal.  Girl has issues that she thinks only someone with a dick can fix. Her long term plan seems to be living off Corey and Jeremy's child support because goodness knows that the MTV money won't last long. I really dislike the way that Leah makes herself out to always be the victim and complains about everything while she neglects to feed her children or get them to school on time but it's a sad state of affairs when she achieves all that by 22/23. 

  • Love 11

Leah's sister has announced that she's having a girl (due Nov. 21) and she's naming her Camillia RaeLynn. (http://www.teenmomjunkies.com/teen-mom-2-2/tmj-catch-special/#comments) I really wonder how she's going to pronounce it - is it like Camilla the Duchess or Camellia the flower? Or something all together different like Camil-eah or Camil-Leah? I really wish this "unique" spelling and extra vowel fad would just die already. It doesn't make the name unique, it makes it look like parents can't spell and means the kid will spend his/her whole life explaining to people how to say their name. Ugh. 

ETA: confusion about how to pronounce the name aside, congratulations Victoria and good for you for being the first one in your family to be married and not a teen before getting pregnant. 

Edited by MyPeopleAreNordic
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