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Jesus God, Leah!!

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Leah's on the cover of US Weekly being delusional and blaming Corey for taking her girlses away. Because she's just SUCH a great mom and he's so mean, y'all!!! And her hoards of empty headed supporters will use this as fuel for their "evil jealous ex takes innocent mom's kids away" narrative. Look at Ali's face. She knows the truth. 



Leah is so damn delusional. Most folks know that you have to be a piss poor mother to lose custody of your kids to the father who earns LESS money. Instead of doing interviews, she needs to go back to rehab. The longer it takes for her to get her act together, the harder it will be for her to even get 50/50 custody.
  • Love 6

Leah will soon join the ranks of Adam and Jenelle in the "I'm doing everything to get custody of my kids by actually doing nothing at all" club. I bet this will be her storyline in the next season and beyond. 10 years from now when they film the where are they now special she'll still be shit talking Corey and blaming everyone else for her shortcomings.

  • Love 5

LMAO I see how dumb that sounds! Just curious if the word rehab is even mentioned. Will Corey and Miranda be on next week's cover telling their "side"? I don't know how these tabloidses work.

Can I please get paid to lie in magazines and on TV? It sounds like such a sweet deal. Oh wait, I'm not a shitty person.

I highly doubt it. Pubs like People and US Weekly have sweetheart deals with different celebs so they won't ask any hard hitting questions nor will they run rebuttals. Wasn't Leah's wedding to Jeremy on the cover of US Weekly too?

I don't have the magazine, but the website printed a couple excerpts, including this gem:

"“I talked to the superintendent,” she adds, “and I’m sending them the [time-stamped] pictures I took to prove the girls were not tardy. They’re going to take them off.” (School officials could not be reached for comment.)

(The above comment is from Leah explaining that she was only tardy once, not the multiple times she's been accused of).

Pardon my language, but what the fuck does this even mean? The SCHOOL SYSTEM was in on this plot to discredit Leah by falsely marking her kids as tardy? And they were thwarted by time stamped pictures Leah just happened to have taken every day she was incorrectly marked as tardy? Does she have any idea how ridiculous she sounds?

Eta: let me again interpret the Messer branded PR:

"I ignored Corey's accusations of being late or absent because I figured it was his word vs mine. Once I realized the judge could access school records to back up Corey, I called the superintendent, listed a bunch of medical emergencies, cried hysterically, and eventually, in a desperate effort to get me off the phone, the superintendent agreed to overturn a number of tardies and I plan on taking the updated records to the judge and pass it off as if the tardies never happened."

Edited by Tatum
  • Love 17

Now Leah is sounding like a crackhead. Time stamped photos? Of what? The girlses posing on the school steps? Them in the car? Also, why did it take so long to produce these time stamped pictures? Corey has been talking about the tardiness situation for MONTHS. What about Goggles' therapy sessions? Is her physical therapist lying too? GMAFB.

  • Love 11


"“I talked to the superintendent,” she adds, “and I’m sending them the [time-stamped] pictures I took to prove the girls were not tardy. They’re going to take them off.” (School officials could not be reached for comment.)


I was just coming here to post this. So basically it comes off as her saying the that Corey fabricated what evidence he had gotten about the twins being late for school. Because one would assume he showed the judge evidence from the school documenting this and wasn't just allowed to pull it out of his ass.  Now Leah is trying to say it was all made up and she has the proof? OKay, what the actual fuck?! Does Leah understand how freaking ridiculous that sounds? She herself has admitted in the very recent past that she wasn't getting the twins to school on time, so what next? She was under mind control when she said it?


Let's be real, while I do believe Leah loves her children, she isn't looking out for their best interests by crying to whoever will listen about how she wants them back and that they were stolen from her. She is butthurt, plain and simple. I'm sure Mama Dawn the enabler and the rest of her hillbilly clan are feeding her the same ol' same ol' "poor, pitiful Leah" BS and what will the neighbors think? If she truly loved her children her happy ass would be in therapy and not playing the blame game to anyone who would listen.

  • Love 4

It would be funny if it weren't so sad.

Judge: Leah, Corey is complaining that you are frequently late bringing the girls to school.

Leah: Corey's a liar. He made that up. I'm never late.

Judge: the official school records show 10 tardies in the last month.

Leah: well that's wrong. I was only tardy once.

Judge: here is a list of all days you were tardy.

Leah: well that's bullshit. And guess what? On all those nine days I was incorrectly marked late, I just happened to take a dated, time stamped photo of them in their classroom. I don't do it everyday, but for some reason I was compelled to those nine days. And I still have the photographs!

Corey and the kindergarten teacher who was part of the nefarious plot, collectively: Curses, foiled again!

  • Love 10


Let's be real, while I do believe Leah loves her children, she isn't looking out for their best interests by crying to whoever will listen about how she wants them back and that they were stolen from her. She is butthurt, plain and simple. I'm sure Mama Dawn the enabler and the rest of her hillbilly clan are feeding her the same ol' same ol' "poor, pitiful Leah" BS and what will the neighbors think? If she truly loved her children her happy ass would be in therapy and not playing the blame game to anyone who would listen.

Call me a cynic but I think she did this cover story more for cold hard cash than getting her insane sob story out. Besides the fact that she blows through money like crazy, she is going to need an attorney if she wants to retain her last paycheck, I mean child.
  • Love 7

Call me a cynic but I think she did this cover story more for cold hard cash than getting her insane sob story out. Besides the fact that she blows through money like crazy, she is going to need an attorney if she wants to retain her last paycheck, I mean child.

This x 1,000. Leah is getting a nice chunk of change in child support from Germy. If she loses Addie and pisses away her MTV money, she may actually have to get a real job to support her Oxy habit.

  • Love 7

I think the court conversation went more like this:




Judge: Leah, Corey is complaining that you are frequently late bringing the girls to school.



Leah: Corey's a liar. He made that up. I'm never late.



Judge: the official school records show 10 tardies in the....


Leah: Monkey!!! Monkey, Monkey, Monkey!!!!


Judge: Order! Order in the court! Escort this crazed lunatic out. 



Leah later sells some BS story to the press that she believes will immediately exonerate her.And the US weekly "journalists" never once have to hear the word "monkey". 

  • Love 7

Despite it's lofty-sounding name, IBT is a mishmash of articles covering everything from business to sports to "media & culture" as they put it.  Employees on Glass Door talk of being told to produce click-bait rather than informative business articles.  There's currently an article about Kourtney Kardashian's nude photo shoot under a heading entitled "Art."



Ties to a cult? I wonder which one.

Yes Leah, it's all about hurting you. Because Lord knows most judges (especially in West Virginia of all places) are conspiring with the fathers to take custody away from the mother. For fuck's sake you can be a wonderfully competant baby daddy fighting a complete crackhead baby momma and you will still have a hell of a time getting custody, especially in super conservative states.

  • Love 9

Ugh,everything has already been said I am just dumbfounded at how dumb she thinks we are.

How is it that one person ALWAYS has misdocumentation about her that has to be cleared up? I get that it can happen sometimes but with Leah she always has a reason or excuse or it was a mistake. The thing is she always says there is a reason, Corey's not arguing about why they are always late or absent, but getting them to school on time should be a priority enough that all these little things that come up wouldn't put her so far behind. And time stamp photos!? Because it's impossible to ever doctor those and make them say the time you want,.. And I'm guessing the school probably had their own time stamped photos or videos to show.

Her going to a tabloid barely a week after losing custody of her children says it all in my opinion (I know it's been about 2-3 weeks, but I'm guessing she did the interview and everything sometime last week). I guarantee you if I had children to lose and I lost them that I would be fighting everyone possible for my children and would not have time to do interviews with a tabloid.

And Corey will do anything to hurt her?? There has been a lot of back and forth fighting between them, but Leah and her family are the only ones I have seen any vindictive behavior from. Beyond that, it has nothing to do with her, it's about the girls' safety. I guess maybe Corey came and got Addie out of bed and let her out of the house?

Leah's level of delusion is actually really worrisome to me, I'm really not joking or trying to be funny, but if she really believes half of the crap she spews, she really needs to be under constant psychiatric care, if she is that paranoid that everyone is out to get her or make her look bad and she is always the victim there is more than just a little bit of anxiety/depression.

  • Love 8

"Corey will do anything to hurt me."


Hey Leah, maybe it isn't about you.  Maybe Corey and the Judge are doing what is best for the children.

"As she breaks her silence."


Silence for what, the last five minutes? Between her and her family it's like a 24-hour news channel on social media.

Anyone doing a jack-o-lantern this year that pokes fun at Teen Mom 2? :)

Edited by cheatincheetos
  • Love 8



Interesting post on The Ashley. Apparently Leah lost custody in August? I thought it was a typo but it says it twice in the article. I wonder how it managed to stay under wraps for so long? Her facebook rants sound just as paranoid and nonsensical as I imagined they would. 

  • Love 2

Huh, per The Ashley, Leah actually lost custody in August, not October. It's just now getting out. However, earlier this month the girls were supposedly questioned at school about Leah- it doesn't say about what or by who. And she's on Facebook bitching about "someone" who is spreading lies and making low blows.

I am officially done feeling sorry for Leah. Corey has been very accommodating of her and very involved as a father for the past 6 years. For her to suggest that Corey is uprooting his daughters and slinging mud at their mother just to hurt Leah is beyond absurd. I get that she is mentally ill, but her level of self absorption is incredible.

Eta: jinx, spacecow

Edited by Tatum
  • Love 6

Oh wow, I didn't realize it had been that long, I thought she had a court date in October and that's when custody was changed. If it truly was August and it was just released a few weeks ago, to me that is more evidence Corey in fact does NOT have it out for her. We know if Corey lost custody there would have been a tweet about it before they were out of the courthouse parking lot.

  • Love 7

So I'm way behind; binged watched the season today and just finished watching the reunion. Jesus Christ I want to blow my brains out.

Wtf is all this coddling of Leah from her family and Sad Panda? Fuck me, I wish my therapists would buy into my shit like this. I am hospitalised for anorexia and I'm an addict (I am not clean because I am prescribed diamorphine which I have no legal right to refuse to take since my hospitalisation is forced) Leah would last about three and a half seconds with my psychs - oh and there's no safe words either - because they nail my arse to a wall on a regular basis... As they should. Addicts are experts at denial (and anorexia is no different in that respect, it's just another form of addiction) Mama Dawn has spent the entire season playing into Leah's denial and victimhood. You know, this is all Jeremy's fault for not being supportive and divorcing her and Corey's fault for daring to be interested and concerned about the welfare of his children.

When I gave my husband similar bullshit (not about lack of support, just overall denial and outright lies; "eh? What? I'm fine! No, I ate before when you were at work") the response I got was "I love you but I don't believe you."

Addicts do not get better with coddling. It is absolutely possible to be honest while being empathetic and supportive. My husband, friends, family and therapists manage it. Addicts already think their addiction is everyone else's issue because they're FINE, they're just a bit tired and stressed out. Even buying into that a teeny amount is not going to do anyone any good because addicts can take that teeny amount and run a marathon with it. We hear what we want to hear and make the rest up to justify our addiction.

Support from family and friends is so crucial in recovery and they're actively preventing her from getting well because they won't tell her the truth.

Drew is also full of shit that children aren't damaged by this. Yes, yes they are - even if the parent gets well. I have three daughters and every night, I hope that when they're older, if they can't understand, then they forgive me and that I haven't wrecked too much damage on them with my many absences (this current one is more than a year, so far) among other things. I really, really wanted Drew to say "you know what, Leah? If you don't sort yourself out and get better, your children will become you" but of course he has to do all the kids will be fine, you're fine, there's nothing wrong now, you're all better shit instead.

This show is bad for my blood pressure, and I have a bad heart!

Edited by FaithsMum
  • Love 16

Yes, the reunion was filmed in July.


Apparently, Jenelle wasn't supposed to leave the state because of her probation status, but being under contract with MTV allows her to do so:



FaithsMum hang in there! Props to you for acknowledging your health issues. Thank you for sharing with us something so private. It is definitely an eye-opener, but very insightful. Agree that one of Leah's major problems, aside from her addiction, is the enabling and the coddling that she is given by everyone around her, including that quack, Drew.

  • Love 10

Thank you for sharing FaithsMum. You've got a lot of courage and I wish you nothing but the best. Keep working on bettering yourself sincerely and your daughters will see that. Their forgiveness will come. Kids are resilient. The best way you can show them you love them is by getting yourself well.

If you ever need to vent or get something off your chest, I've been there so feel free to message me.

Topic....uh...Leah sucks.

  • Love 8


Interesting post on The Ashley. Apparently Leah lost custody in August? I thought it was a typo but it says it twice in the article. I wonder how it managed to stay under wraps for so long? Her facebook rants sound just as paranoid and nonsensical as I imagined they would.

If it was August, I'm surprised. When did the twins even start kindergarten? I thought Corey's dad was still posting what appeared to be weekend pics through September (Not that pics tell the whole tale. Looking at you, Leah.) Edited by Evie

FaithsMum hang in there! Props to you for acknowledging your health issues. Thank you for sharing with us something so private. It is definitely an eye-opener, but very insightful. Agree that one of Leah's major problems, aside from her addiction, is the enabling and the coddling that she is given by everyone around her, including that quack, Drew.

Thank you! It's really pissed me off - one of the other things about addicts is that we all suffer from Special Snowflake Syndrome during the height of our addiction. The whole safe word shit just buys into it; Leah is so fragile and so different from the other girls (and their families) that she's given a safe word for her mother to yell out and the conversation ends. Other symptoms include Leah's never ending whines of "no one understands what I'm going through" all freaking season long and the perpetual victimhood.

It is one of the more difficult things to overcome because it means accepting that actually you're not all that special, all that different or all that complicated. Everyone has problems which are important to them; yours are no more or less important and the world doesn't owe you a free pass when you fail to take your disabled child to therapy or your kids to school. It means accepting that you are responsible for your actions. While you hope the people who love you and who you love can forgive you, addiction isn't an automatic free pass for bad/reckless/hurtful behaviour. In many ways, my husband and children are greater victims of my addiction and eating disorder than I am.

So Leah, you're not different or special - you're an addict. There's lots of us about.

  • Love 14

Leah's on the cover of US Weekly being delusional and blaming Corey for taking her girlses away. Because she's just SUCH a great mom and he's so mean, y'all!!! And her hoards of empty headed supporters will use this as fuel for their "evil jealous ex takes innocent mom's kids away" narrative. Look at Ali's face. She knows the truth.


Typical addict, signs of mental issues, or takes no responsibility. Blames others for what they've done. Leah put the blame on yourself

  • Love 4

So I'm way behind; binged watched the season today and just finished watching the reunion. Jesus Christ I want to blow my brains out.

Wtf is all this coddling of Leah from her family and Sad Panda? Fuck me, I wish my therapists would buy into my shit like this. I am hospitalised for anorexia and I'm an addict (I am not clean because I am prescribed diamorphine which I have no legal right to refuse to take since my hospitalisation is forced) Leah would last about three and a half seconds with my psychs - oh and there's no safe words either - because they nail my arse to a wall on a regular basis... As they should. Addicts are experts at denial (and anorexia is no different in that respect, it's just another form of addiction) Mama Dawn has spent the entire season playing into Leah's denial and victimhood. You know, this is all Jeremy's fault for not being supportive and divorcing her and Corey's fault for daring to be interested and concerned about the welfare of his children.

When I gave my husband similar bullshit (not about lack of support, just overall denial and outright lies; "eh? What? I'm fine! No, I ate before when you were at work") the response I got was "I love you but I don't believe you."

Addicts do not get better with coddling. It is absolutely possible to be honest while being empathetic and supportive. My husband, friends, family and therapists manage it. Addicts already think their addiction is everyone else's issue because they're FINE, they're just a bit tired and stressed out. Even buying into that a teeny amount is not going to do anyone any good because addicts can take that teeny amount and run a marathon with it. We hear what we want to hear and make the rest up to justify our addiction.

Support from family and friends is so crucial in recovery and they're actively preventing her from getting well because they won't tell her the truth.

Drew is also full of shit that children aren't damaged by this. Yes, yes they are - even if the parent gets well. I have three daughters and every night, I hope that when they're older, if they can't understand, then they forgive me and that I haven't wrecked too much damage on them with my many absences (this current one is more than a year, so far) among other things. I really, really wanted Drew to say "you know what, Leah? If you don't sort yourself out and get better, your children will become you" but of course he has to do all the kids will be fine, you're fine, there's nothing wrong now, you're all better shit instead.

This show is bad for my blood pressure, and I have a bad heart!

Thank you for sharing some of your insight from an addicts point of view, I wish you all the best in your recovery, and I know you will get through it. This is exactly what Leah is missing at this point is the clarity of how big this problem really is, and as long as she is surrounded by enablers she never will.

  • Love 3

Oh, now she wants to do 50/50 custody with Corey now that he's the primary caregiver. Remember when she didn't want to give him that?

She wants that now because that is the best she is ever going to get now. I don't think Leah really gets how serious this is. She probably thinks that she can swan into family court in a couple of months with fairy tales of how much better she is at handling her "stress" and get her kids back. Well Miss Leah, it don't work that way. It could years before she gets 50/50 and that would be contingent on her being sober, having no incidents while the girls are with her on weekends and a stable home.

  • Love 1

I think she's going to start getting more old school and vague. "I have the galloping consumption". "I've got a touch of the vapors"

"Apoplexy" and "dropsy" (find those a lot on late 19th century death certs when doing genealogy)

Typical addict, signs of mental issues, or takes no responsibility. Blames others for what they've done. Leah put the blame on yourself

I think Leah is doing the magazine stories and media appearances as much for the professional styling as the actual check. It's the only time that she looks groomed lately.

Huh, per The Ashley, Leah actually lost custody in August, not October. It's just now getting out.

Well, Mama Dawn, you were right after all...waited and waited, and the truth "done come out".

  • Love 9

I hope that Leah is held to the same standard as Jenelle and Adam when it comes to getting custody of the girls back.  I hope that she has to be completely clean for more than 6 months with regular drug tests (and explain the need for every milligram they find in her system - prescription or otherwise) prove that she has a form of income that isn't Jeremy's child support, prove that she has a sanitary and safe home and prove that her personal life is stable.  And every time she fails one of those criteria, it goes back to square one just like it has for Jenelle and Adam. 

I'm not saying this because Jenelle and Adam deserve custody but rather that all three are currently unfit caregivers for their kid(s).  They should all be held to the same standards.  Leah doesn't get a pass because she is *anxious* or *depressed* or has *narcolepsy*.  

  • Love 6

Leah really is a huge piece of shit! This whole conspiracy theory of Cory scheming with the school district is freakin' hilarious. Next she will be claiming the "black helicopters"are after her. She seriously thinks "crying her eyes out" over the phone to the superintendent is enough to have ten tardies removed from the record? Dumb bitch! I'd like to see truancy officers after her skank ass.

Steven Yuen should have been the main focus of the cover. Him and his marvelous cheekbones are so much nicer too look at and the possible fate of Glenn is far more tragic than Leah losing custody of her girls to their loving father.

  • Love 6

She wants that now because that is the best she is ever going to get now. I don't think Leah really gets how serious this is. She probably thinks that she can swan into family court in a couple of months with fairy tales of how much better she is at handling her "stress" and get her kids back. Well Miss Leah, it don't work that way. It could years before she gets 50/50 and that would be contingent on her being sober, having no incidents while the girls are with her on weekends and a stable home.

I agree how it's funny that 50/50 is a good idea now that she has the short end of the stick. And I also agree with your point that she does not realize how serious this really is. At this point she will probably never have them more than 50 % of the time, if even that much. I don't have kids so I'm not exactly sure how it works, especially in the case of regaining custody, maybe someone can give some insight to this, but I would think that the court system would not want to be flipping the girls back and forth as far as their primary residence goes, so now that they are in Corey's primary custody, and seem to be doing well, my guess would be that Leah would have to be able to live up to his standard he is setting, and then some to regain custody, is that right? I know courts tend to rule on the side of the mom, but since Leah has proven to not be a competent parent, and the girls are with their father, it's not like they went into foster care or anything where the court would want to have the family back together, is it going to be hard for Leah to get custody back? I mean I know nobody knows if it'll be hard or not, but I am just wondering what the procedure would be, I know when children are placed in foster care the court generally tries to get custody back to the mother, but since the girls are with Corey I'm wondering if the courts will be so anxious to get custody back to Leah? I feel like I said that in the most confusing way possible... Sorry.

There were no complications. The girl just couldn't deal with the pain that comes with having a C-section. She is just dramatizing  the whole thing, making it sound as if she broke her back. Typical addict.


Leighrhoda you are correct about the courts not wanting to play flip-flop with the girls. The courts are serious when they take away custody and retaining custody or even a change-up with custody is not easy as Leah makes it seem. The fact she wasn't at all concerned about changing her ways because she thought being the primary custodial parent gave her the upper hand, is exactly how she will handle this new situation. She thinks packing a few lunches (yeah right) and posting photos of lovely letters to her kids will be enough to get her children back in her home. It will take a lot before the court even considers hearing her case. Look at what Cory had to go through for these past two seasons before they took his concerns seriously. The same will hold for Leah, and more so, because she is the one who has a lot more to prove. We are not privy to all the details, but surely there was a lot more dirt on Leah than is being released.



Leah was spending $1000 a week on pain killers.



Yeah, that info came from this old article that was posted here last year. The article is an exclusive with Leah's drug dealer:



Just remember, a drug addict will go wherever they can acquire their supply.

Edited by GreatKazu
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