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Jesus God, Leah!!

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I am seriously addicted to Dr Pepper. As I write this I have 7 20 packs in my closet. It's the only soda I drink.

It's a hell of a lot better than alcohol in my opinion.

I gave up soda six months ago. My gosh, I was addicted to Dr. Pepper. I then switched over to Dr. Pepper diet when I started my diet. Nope. Doctor informed me not good either. Read up on the effects of soda. I won't go into detail here. Quit cold turkey. I do crave it once in a while. I do agree though, Dr. Pepper is so tasty! Shit, now I am wanting one right now!! lol


Don't bring Dr. Pepper to the round table please!! Only Mountain Dew, which I hate!


This past episode, Leah was driving Evil Twin to the doctor's office and she had a can of soda in her hand. I think it was Mountain Dew. Leah smokes and drinks Mountain Dew.

Edited by GreatKazu
  • Love 1

Lord, so much to say about that clip. 


First, of all. There was clearly another adult there, so could SHE not have taken Ali to therapy? Or had her stay while Leah does it? Or maybe Miranda could have done it, since she was supposed to pick the kids up from school anyhow? Communicate, Leah! When you get the call that your kid is sick and you have to take her to the doc, call Miranda/Corey up and say, "Hey, Aleeah is sick and I have to take her to the doctor. Could one of you guys get Ali after school is out and take her to therapy?" Simple as pie. And, given how concerned Corey seems to be about Ali's therapy (rightly so!), I bet he'd be willing to figure something out. 


Second - snap! Corey was on it like a bonnet in that conversation. He's finally had enough. That dude has been respectful of her for a long time, but it's all over now. Sorrynotsorry, but I love it. 


The kids are hiding in the laundry room while they fight? Believable and sad. 


Still waiting on Leah to start listing the things the girlses tell her about Corey's house.....yup....still waiting.....


"They brush my hair, mommy!"

Honestly, I'm a mom but not one with an ex. I would think parents who aren't coupled anymore would keep the other parent updated about visits to the doctor and whatnot. Even if it isn't anything you think is serious. To me a text saying "fyi...took Gracie to the doctor-stomach bug" would be the considerate thing to do and that would work both ways. I do that for my husband, after all!

Edited by lilmarysunshine
  • Love 3

I gave up soda six months ago. My gosh, I was addicted to Dr. Pepper. I then switched over to Dr. Pepper diet when I started my diet. Nope. Doctor informed me not good either. Read up on the effects of soda. I won't go into detail here. Quit cold turkey. I do crave it once in a while. I do agree though, Dr. Pepper is so tasty! Shit, now I am wanting one right now!! lol

Don't bring Dr. Pepper to the round table please!! Only Mountain Dew, which I hate!

This past episode, Leah was driving Evil Twin to the doctor's office and she had a can of soda in her hand. I think it was Mountain Dew. Leah smokes and drinks Mountain Dew.

Hey! I need something to drink dammit! I'm brining the fucking Dr. Pepper and you'll deal with it OK?

I'm drinking one right now. It's as yummy as you remember...

I drink water, iced tea (unsweetened, half black/half green decaf), and wine. I'll try a moonshine mimosa, or 3, though. :) more dr pepper, green, and coffee for all y'all!

I don't text my ex about anything medical. (I would for emergencies) Our kids are older but I tried to do that when they were younger. It wasn't worth it. One is a teen and one is an adult now and they see their dad about 3 or 4 times a year. (His choice). Their stepdad and I handle all the responsibility and my dad is always informed. It's just how it all worked out.

Leah has that type of situation for the taking. Cory's family is more involved and able to coordinate these things. Going through another marriage breakup and divorce right now, forget anything else, it would help her out a lot. Life gets really complicated sometimes and if there's an option that puts a safety net under everyone involved? It deserves a try.

I wouldn't be surprised, in her 16 and pregnant episode she made the comment that "We don't do that" in regards to terminating the pregnancy. So I would assume that it was probably a Christian based home for them, abstinence and all that jazz.

Lol, remember how well that worked out for MacKenzie Douthit's parents. The girl was on her second pregnancy by her junior year in high school.

I think overall Chelsea is doing well. She seems to be able to handle her child without a steady stream of relatives and friends picking up the slack, and Aubree is one of the few kids on this show where you don't worry about how she's being treated when the cameras stop rolling.

  • Love 3

I think Leah had this idea in her head that in order to be the perfect mother, she had to do everything all by herself. Unfortunately, she's not physically or mentally up to that, but who is? So she slips, hiding her slips hoping no one will notice. That feeds into her depression, which makes her slip more, which pushes her further downhill... Add in drugs, and not a lot of intellect, and you get Leah. If you notice, though, as soon as anyone points out the times the girls are late, or appointments missed, or even just offers help, she immediately turns that into "they're calling me a bad mother!"

If she accepted that being a good mother means doing what's best for the kids (including asking for help) I think she'd be a lot better off.

Honestly though, these girls... In my experience, the best parents I know have always been the ones who constantly question whether they are good parents, and who always look at how they can do things better.

  • Love 10


Honestly though, these girls... In my experience, the best parents I know have always been the ones who constantly question whether they are good parents, and who always look at how they can do things better.


Totally agree. Reminds me of when on Teen Mom OG, Amber was going on a rant about how Gary was implying she was a bad mom, and she says, I'm an amazing mom. Pretty sure no amazing moms have ever referred to themselves that way.


But yes, I agree Leah thinks that asking for help means calling herself a failure, so she thinks continuing to do a subpar job on her own is better than asking for help, even though it would only benefit her kids. Too bad she can't see the big picture.

  • Love 4

Why couldn't Leah call up Miranda and ask her if she could take Ali to school? I'm sure she would have understood the situation and would have taken Ali. Leah makes life harder than it has to be.


Because then she wouldn't get to play the poor, tired, overwhelmed mother.

Also, if she is paranoid that Corey wants to take the girlses away, that is something Miranda can keep record of and Miranda might need to go into the house and may see other things that she could report back to Corey.
  • Love 5

Also I don't think Leah has a good support system at home. I have as much of a problem watching all of these things as the next person. And that dinner scene, where she was just "What you are saying is affecting ME" as opposed to Corey constantly mentioning the girls IRRITATED ME.

BUT, Corey and Miranda work as a team, they seem to be there for each other, and support each other. Jeremy isn't that way for Leah, and seriously has always just gave me a -side eye- kind of vibe. And I seriously think that when Leah needed him the most, he felt it was too much to handle and bailed.

Now I also think that Leah has issues with not receiving attention, and when she doesn't receive it in the way she believes she should, then she finds someone who will give it to her. I think Corey loved her VERY much, but he didn't show it the way SHE wanted, so she turned to Robbie. Then when Corey didn't bend to her will over the house/truck fiasco she did what she wanted anyway, and thats when he found out about Robbie. It was easy for her to be like "Well you had to have this TRUCK" when you could see it was more than that. 

Sometimes I feel Leah can just be as manipulative as Kail is, she'll twist things to go her way. And I think Jeremy is just as bad, and they were far too toxic to be together. But that is just my personal opinion, and I know we only see a glimpse into these peoples lives. 

  • Love 10

Leah has daddy issues. She needs a man to always be there for her--physically, and so someone like Jeremy, who she sees only on weekends, is not a good fit for her. 


She'd be good with Javi.  Javi also needs a lot of time with his woman, and Kail needs her space and a paycheck. Jeremy should get together with her.  They can both do their cheating while Jeremy's away, he could send her his check...it would be a perfect scenario.   They could be the new Brady Bunch.  Javi would bring the boys and Leah would bring the girls. 

Edited by zenme
  • Love 19

I watched Leah's 16+P episode again. When she is first introduced she says that her mom has "spoiled [me] rotten" because she's "her first born." I think that is why Leah has never felt like she had to work or really DO much of anything and seems entitled a lot. People were wondering how that was possible since her family seems anything but wealthy but if Delta Dawn spoiled the hell out of her, her attitude makes more sense. Most people, even those who know they're spoiled and admit it, probably wouldn't say they were "spoiled rotten" making me think it must've been BAD. Also, remember her wanting the $1,000 wedding dress and Dawn giving in and buying it even though she had already said a few times it really wasn't friendly with her budget. Seems Leah's used to getting what she wants. It doesn't matter how much money a parent has, kids can still come to be entitled and spoiled if the parents perpetuate it. Wonder who bought Oreo's dress and how much it was? I bet most in their area spend nowhere near $1,000 on just the dress. I hope Delta made her buy her own for her second wedding...

It seems like Dawn has always been more like Leah's friend than her mother. Might be what Aubree ends up like with how Chelsea always wants to be her BFF.

By the way, Corey and Leah also had more "issues" with Gracie being loud and "defiant" as a baby than with Ali based on earlier footage: Seems it's just always been Gracie's temperament.

Edited by Rebecca

I would not be shocked to find out Leah was a victim of some kind of sexual abuse as a child. I hope that's not the case, but with her issues...I dunno. I just wouldn't be surprised. Could be a reason why her mother would spoil her, as well.

It wouldn't surprise me either. Hyper-sexual behavior is often a sign of previous abuse. There was definitely some serious dysfunction in Leah's background to create the mess we see today.

  • Love 4

I would not be shocked to find out Leah was a victim of some kind of sexual abuse as a child. I hope that's not the case, but with her issues...I dunno. I just wouldn't be surprised. Could be a reason why her mother would spoil her, as well.

Could be. I wouldn't be shocked, but I always pegged her as the type of teen who didn't have much supervision and was allowed to run wild and started having sex pretty young. My guess is around 13. She's always been a weird mix of tween and middle aged divorcee. I think handling Leah was too much for her mom (who seems a little slow in general) so she was allowed to run around acting out some hillbilly soap opera with her boyfriends.

For what it's worth, I do think getting pregnant with the twins was a complete accident. I think she was trying to use Corey to make her boyfriend jealous (what was that guys name?) and nine months later...

  • Love 2

How are people watching the old episodes? All I can find on MTV are clips, and they're not on Netflix. Are you just watching MTV marathons?


E: found it on Hulu but it requires a subscription. Not sure it's worth it just to have background noise on while I'm at work. Is there anywhere else to watch it?

Edited by monagatuna
  • Love 2

I ponied up the $2 to download each 16 and Pregnant from itunes (except Jenelle and Kail, because I can't stand the screeching).


You can buy seasons off Amazon Prime or Itunes, but that gets expensive. MTV does air marathons of older seasons pretty regularly, and usually before a new season starts, or the season finale, they'll air all episodes of all seasons. If there's a free way to download older episodes, I don't know about it.



I think Leah said she had seven boyfriends by the time she was 16 years of age. Or was it fifteen years of age?

Really? During her 16 and pregnant episode, she said she had been dating Robbie for 2.5-3 years, and she had probably just turned 17 when she got knocked up by Corey. So her first six boyfriends were prior to age 14-15? Hopefully when she said boyfriend, she means like when you're in 6th grade and you "go out" with a boy which basically just means you pass notes a lot and sit together at lunch (then again, I was in 6th grade in 1995, while Leah would have been in 6th grade in 2005 so maybe the shenanigans were different by then).


I suppose if they were relatively short term relationships she could have squeezed in 6 guys in 2-3 years (if she started before age 12 I don't want to know about it).


Makes me wonder if Leah has always suffered from depression and used the novelty of new relationships as an instant high to combat and distract herself from depression even as a very young teen. Dammit Dawn, good for you for putting her on birth control but maybe you could have focused on WHY your 13-15 year old daughter felt it necessary to be having sex at that point in her life instead of just trying to mitigate the possible damage.

  • Love 7

Leah always talks down to Cory. I wish she could show him the respect that he shows her. He is the father of two of her girlses for goodness sake.

In her world, father's don't deserve respect. Mothers are the only parents that matter, and then comes whoever the mother is dating/married to. All fathers are good for, in her world, is a check and free babysitting when she wants it.

  • Love 2

In her world, father's don't deserve respect. Mothers are the only parents that matter, and then comes whoever the mother is dating/married to. All fathers are good for, in her world, is a check and free babysitting when she wants it.

Mothers are more better at nurturing.  Just ask Super Moms Leah and Dawn.



1.  To feed and protect.

2.  To support and encourage, as during the period of training or development.

3.   To bring up; train; educate.

  • Love 1

Mothers are more better at nurturing. Just ask Super Moms Leah and Dawn.


1. To feed and protect.

2. To support and encourage, as during the period of training or development.

3. To bring up; train; educate.

1) Leah's obviously a pro at feeding them. Cheetos, mountain dew, lunchables and little hugs. The best money can buy! As for protection, there's the laundry room for when shit gets bad between her and Jermy. The girlses can seek refuge under all the clothes she hasn't warshed in her $3000 warsher.

2) well, I think we've all seen Leah encourage her girls. Like all those times Leah spoke about Ali's disability and the hard road ahead of her, as if Ali-girl wasn't right there listening. Those were some good pep talks. And the times where she encouraged Gracie to not hurt her sissies, by wearing out her bottom.

3) As far as educating goes, do I even need to say it? I'm sure Leah found her girlses the wellest school in wv.

  • Love 4

Really? During her 16 and pregnant episode, she said she had been dating Robbie for 2.5-3 years, and she had probably just turned 17 when she got knocked up by Corey. So her first six boyfriends were prior to age 14-15? Hopefully when she said boyfriend, she means like when you're in 6th grade and you "go out" with a boy which basically just means you pass notes a lot and sit together at lunch (then again, I was in 6th grade in 1995, while Leah would have been in 6th grade in 2005 so maybe the shenanigans were different by then).


I suppose if they were relatively short term relationships she could have squeezed in 6 guys in 2-3 years (if she started before age 12 I don't want to know about it).



If I recall correctly, Leah tweeted that she had only had sex with 7 men when she was confronted by fans on Twitter. I believe this may have been somewhere around the time that the Corey divorce was airing, but I could be wrong. I tried to google it, but felt weird about having that in my search engine!


EDITED: Ah, I found it!


Edited by dreamkiller
  • Love 3

I went into Wal-Mart today and the first item that hit me on the seasonal display was a cargo container sized box of Hugs! High fructose corn syrup for everyone!!!

Regarding Ali, yes, she has a disability that presents unique challenges for her family, but she's also capable, smart and independent. I think Leah would still be a hot ass mess even if Ali hadn't been diagnosed with MD.

  • Love 1

How are people watching the old episodes? All I can find on MTV are clips, and they're not on Netflix. Are you just watching MTV marathons?

Google "watch series teen mom 2" and it should find several sites that "host" videos on file sharing sites. Legality is not guaranteed but you can watch pretty much ANY show this way, even new eps, just minutes after they air...

While I'm thrilled about Corey and Miranda not being on the show anymore, it made me wonder if Leah will use it to her advantage.  I could see her making nasty comments about Corey and the girls knowing that Corey can't respond. Like if she says that the girls came home from Corey's place tired, hungry and grumpy and since Corey isn't on the show anymore, he can't argue back.  She's been pretty happy to diss him to Germy, Dawn and her billion "friends" when he has been on the show so I would think that it will get worse once he is off. 

That said, I don't think that Corey will care too much and I think that it will be better for the girls to experience a normal house which isn't filled with cameras.  I wonder if it would help Corey in a court case to show that the girls have a more normal living situation with him? 

  • Love 1

Since Corey has more days than Leah, can't he petition the court to remove the girlses from the show?

I hope he does. Then again, that would guarantee a contract-renewal baby with new boyfriend in order to keep the MTV checks rolling in. She's already tried supporting herself with Mary Kay and an illegal salon. Them plastic bike-handle tassels she glues to her head ain't gon pay for their self, y'all.

  • Love 4

Since Corey has more days than Leah, can't he petition the court to remove the girls from the show?

This could be rumors, but I think on RHONJ, Dina's daughter's father said she couldn't film anymore after the first season, and he only saw her a few times per year (I think he was a Greek businessman or something.) Anyway, I definitely think Corey could make a case for getting his girlses off tv. The one thing that stands in the way is the mom-biased courts of WV.

  • Love 2

This could be rumors, but I think on RHONJ, Dina's daughter's father said she couldn't film anymore after the first season, and he only saw her a few times per year (I think he was a Greek businessman or something.) Anyway, I definitely think Corey could make a case for getting his girlses off tv. The one thing that stands in the way is the mom-biased courts of WV.

And, on RHOOC, Simon wouldn't allow the kids to be filmed anymore after he and Tamra divorced. I think both parents  have to give permission for minor children to be filmed. If that's the case and Corey decides it's time for the girlses to be done with MTV, it'll just be Leah and baby Adderall. I'll miss seeing Ali but agree that it's better for them to not be followed around with cameras any more. Shall we start a betting pool on when the next pregnancy will be announced? Winner gets a case of moonshine and a case of orange juice for hillbilly mimosas. Plus a bonus of pint mason jars for serving!

Edited by lovesnark
  • Love 4

Noooo. I remember her saying that she had slept with like 6 people before Cory.

Edited to add: What dreamkiller posted! I knew it was something crazy.

To be fair, the tweet dreamkiller posted says 7 guys by early 2013- not that Corey was #7. That to me means there were 4 other guys- possibly between Robbie and Corey, but I bet she got at least a couple in between Corey and Jeremy. I don't think they were all before Corey.

  • Love 1
To be fair, the tweet dreamkiller posted says 7 guys by early 2013- not that Corey was #7. That to me means there were 4 other guys- possibly between Robbie and Corey, but I bet she got at least a couple in between Corey and Jeremy. I don't think they were all before Corey.


That's what I think she meant as well. But still....7 by age, what? 23? And she was married part of that time, has kids, etc. I'm not trying to judge, but I just found it funny that was she was all, "I'm not a whore! I've ONLY been with seven guys!" 

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