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Jesus God, Leah!!

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5 hours ago, Birdee said:

They do look alike, and I wouldn't be surprised if they had actually been related somehow. Reminds me of two people i grew up with. They had to check with their parents to see if they were related before dating. Turns out they were, but "barely" so dating and sleeping together was fine. And if you're wondering, I don't miss my hometown at all.

I did a family tree a few years ago and found that my mother's grandfather and my dad's great grandfather were brothers. Mom and Dad didn't even know that. Of course, that was in the 1800s in a rural area. I'd be more shocked if they weren't somehow related. I picked up my husband from England. Trying to add a branch to the family tree and all. 

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3 hours ago, Abmis said:

What's even scarier are all the comments under the article saying "don't judge" "it was grass, what's the big deal" "ignore the haters" and other ludicrous statements. There must be a lot of shitty parents in this country if Leah is some sort of Mom Hero. Poor Dr. Tsao, wasting all those years in med school when Leah is the one who knows what's best.

  • Love 16

Haha yeah, the online commenters who time and time again back up Leah and Jenelle are really disturbing. My theory is they are all very much like them, bad moms who have kids by several dads and probably have been called unfit themselves. I especially don't understand people who defend Leah and jenelle's drug use, because of "anxiety." Sometimes you just have to put on your big girl panties and deal with your problems so your kids don't suffer!

  • Love 10

I don't usually like to snark on physical appearances but I'm in a bitchy mood and procrastinating on a difficult work assignment. Bitching on here helps clear my head for ideas. LOL.

Excuse the preamble. :-)

What is UP with Leah's appearance this season? She used to be kinda cute and lately her looks are not cute at all, in fact, her appearance is getting rather annoying to watch. i.e. weird facial expressions she makes like in that sneak peek clip for the next episode


where she just kept making weird faces while sipping her soda on the porch when calling Germy.

And her teeth? What is up with her teeth? I couldn't tell by looking at the screen but the bottom ones look like they have a dark looking plaque in between each one and the top are starting to concave a bit. Scabs. Her nose looks like it's getting longer looking all squid worth like from Spongebob. I dunno, it's hard to explain but if someone were to put up a still shot of her from the days of being engaged to Germy and to what she looks like now you'll be able to see what my rambling is trying to get at.

  • Love 11

I'm guessing horrible eating habits and minimal hygiene. And drugs. It's not like it's a big surprise when the cameras are coming. Seems she can't even clean up when she damn well knows she could have prepared the night before. The girls get ripped off a couch and thrown in the car. No time to piss and brush their teeth let alone have a meal at the table. 

  • Love 6
1 hour ago, Miss Chevious said:

Yes I noticed Leah rarely shows her teeth when she smiles in those endlessly nauseating pics she's continually posting on social media. Maybe all those pillses affected her teeth.  

Yes ! My Doctor told me to double down on cleanings when I received them, opiates, for chronic pain. I never had an issue but I still think she's mixing with uppers as well. She spent all that money on adult braces just to ruin them. 

  • Love 3

Leah's extensions remind of that cheap, plastic Barbie wig Kim Zolciak used to wear on the early seasons of RHOA.

And sorry, Leah. You haven't beaten the odds until you graduate, which we all know isn't going to happen. College isn't high school where they push you through because it cost taxpayer money to have you repeat a grade. You have to put some effort in and that just ain't your game.

  • Love 7
On 1/17/2017 at 2:40 AM, FairyDusted said:

Her and Tail both did braces with fresh MTV cash. I think they both married their 2nd, er, runner up guys.

My computer refuses to let me Jail.

LOL @ tail. Perfect name for Kail - piece of tail. That's all she is. Leah too.

I see Leah is again using the "it's raining, that means good luck" motto. Hell naw. It rained at your wedding to Germy. Look at how that turned out.

Help Fight #PEDIATRICCAN?  First of all, that spelling. Second, what the fuck?

  • Love 4
10 minutes ago, GreatKazu said:

LOL @ tail. Perfect name for Kail - piece of tail. That's all she is. Leah too.

I see Leah is again using the "it's raining, that means good luck" motto. Hell naw. It rained at your wedding to Germy. Look at how that turned out.

Help Fight #PEDIATRICCAN?  First of all, that spelling. Second, what the fuck?

Pediatric Cancer. I just had to crop the photo to get it to upload. 

  • Love 1
4 minutes ago, leighroda said:

lol I thought that too about rain, I think it may have rained with Corey, they were in that awful hall so I'm not positive it just seemed dark/dreary

i think the hashtag was beat pediatric cancer, but I'm not sure how a selfie looking like a witch helps cancer... I'll see myself out.

Oh I see. Part of the hashtag word was cut out. I thought Leah was pissed at Dr. Tsao and was pushing for a movement for people to fight against pediatricians who think they know it all.

  • Love 7

When she got nursing school handed to her (I'm still bitter about it because getting into nursing school is not easy, I worked really hard at it and it still took me a few years because of wait lists etc) I think she lasted a week... so I give it about 2, at that time she has 2 babies one with special needs, now the girls are in school so I think she might last a little longer, we'll see.

  • Love 1
3 minutes ago, leighroda said:

When she got nursing school handed to her (I'm still bitter about it because getting into nursing school is not easy, I worked really hard at it and it still took me a few years because of wait lists etc) I think she lasted a week... so I give it about 2, at that time she has 2 babies one with special needs, now the girls are in school so I think she might last a little longer, we'll see.

I don't even think she lasted a week. I believe she was told she would have to take a bunch of non credit prep classes in order to qualify to be enrolled in basic classes (like generals) after doing poorly on the placement exam, and the courses were 8 hours long (vs the three or so hours of class time that usually constitutes a full time status) for at least one semester, so she gave up.

I'd be shocked if she even makes it through one semester. I predict she'll quit within a few weeks.

  • Love 5
4 minutes ago, ghoulina said:

FIRST college class? Didn't she already attend college briefly? She's just trolling for men.

Exactly. She probably decided blue collar workers just work too much and she'll try her luck with the white collar. Because future hedge fund managers and physicians have so much free time and would totally hitch their wagon to a twice divorced reality show basket case.

  • Love 5
26 minutes ago, Miss Chevious said:

I'm betting those barely used and discarded binders and notebooks will be covered with crayon doodles and magic marker drawings very soon.The girlses will have a field day with Leah's leftover school supplies. 

Covered in hashtags and burnt with her cigarette ashes.

44 minutes ago, FairyDusted said:

I'm sorry but I don't buy for a minute she was volunteering anydamnwhere. No kids=drug binge! I see ya Leah! Why on earth wouldn't be she be glad that her baby is safe and away with her town was truly a disaster area? It was a tweakable moment my friends! The guys must have done that special during this time as well.

It was filmed during that flood. The weekend special was filmed in June 2015.

Leah probably offered her bed to any lonely guys stuck during that flood.

Edited by GreatKazu
  • Love 5
8 minutes ago, leighroda said:

I also really hate selfies that are just posted because you think you look cute, and humble brag about what you are doing... that picture has nothing to do with school shopping. But I'm just a grumpy old woman who hates selfies lol.

I'm a grumpy young woman who hates selfies too! Pursing your lips and squeezing your boobs together has nothing to do with school supplies. 

  • Love 9
2 hours ago, ghoulina said:

FIRST college class? Didn't she already attend college briefly? She's just trolling for men. She'll drop out as soon as she realizes none of the young men at her school are interested in a twice divorced mom and 3 kids who has a history of drug use and infidelity. Or she'll find some scumbag who IS interested, and drop out anyway. 

HAHAHAHAHA this rings so true! I actually wanted my education and planned to work hard, but I was so excited about guys when I left for college! I pictured a chance meeting with an attractive guy while walking down the street, or that first frat party where our eyes meet and the rest is history. I didn't realize until I got there that the female/male ratio was 70/30, and most of the guys I met were either gay or in saccharinely sweet long term relationships with girls they met in ninth grade. Despite what a lot of people think, it actually is hard to meet guys in college, especially if you want a relationship and not just random hookups! I did actually have a healthy dating life after I really got in the swing of things and widened my social network, but I gave up actively looking for the most part after a couple of weeks. The upside was that dating was effortlessly easy after I graduated and moved away! Found a guy after literally two weeks in my new city that I went on to almost marry!

Just looked up the female/male ratio at WVSU, and it is 55/45. Not as bad as my school, for sure, but the odds are not in Leah's favor! With more women, a 10 in real life is a 7 at those schools. You have to be extraordinarily attractive with a lot going for you to get noticed, and there are a lot of desperate girls willing to do anything. Anytime you went by a frat house on Friday or Saturday, there would be four or five attractive, overly-made-up girls throwing themselves at one frat guy with a beer gut. Guys openly bragged about how there was an endless supply of girls to sleep with for a week and dump. Leah's ratio is a little better, but I felt like hot stuff (in my small town, where I was about the only one of my friends to have had a (crappy) boyfriend) before I left for college, and QUICKLY learned I was more on the average side, and needed to be taken down several pegs. And for Leah, who is used to being queen of the Hollar, that fall will feel much worse. She too will learn she's closer to average than she thinks, and with all her baggage...her best bet might be a famewhore, and that is sad. 

Edited by Christina87
Stupid autocorrect
  • Love 3

If Leah thinks she'll stand out at college among the fresh-faced, straight outta' high school girls, she is in for a very rude awakening. At 24 she is over the hill for the average college student. I'm in my early thirties going to a decent sized state university and I feel like a grumpy old lady yelling at the college kids to get off my lawn, and with all her baggage and her haggard appearance Leah probably won't feel much different. If she is at college trolling for anything other then her education she will have to trade in on her fame for attention or her "reputation" or she'll be disappointed.

Not that I think she'll be at college long. She really should've stuck with beauty school or took a page out of Chelsea's book and went back for some similar trade career.  Forget intelligence, she doesn't have the drive or determination to actually complete her education.

  • Love 13

When I transferred to a new uni when I was 23, I felt ancient. It's normal here for people to start uni after taking a gap year or two to travel or work, so I was only a couple years older than the first years, but damn it felt like a decade. I can't imagine Leah, with her three kids, two divorces, and inability to stick with anything for long, fitting in with the 18 year olds. Especially when she looks like this:



9 minutes ago, CofCinci said:

I'm all about empowerment through education, even for Leah. Perhaps she'll learn to respect the treatment plans of allied healthy professionals once she recognizes how much effort it takes just to be able to get to the point where you're allowed to accrue expierence. 

I certainly hope so! Poor Dr. Tsao.

  • Love 5
18 minutes ago, BitterApple said:

Jesus, Leah looks bad. I've never seen a 24 year-old with so many deep lines on her face. Im actually loving that shade of red lipstick though. It reminds me of MAC Diva, which is a favorite of mine during the winter months.

I am sure you rock that color. I can't. That color does not work for Leah.

How is Leah going to handle homework, essays, reports, deadlines and all that college entails when she cannot even handle the stresses of looking for lost car keys without blowing up? Take that image of her in the kitchen from the recent episode and imagine her becoming upset about homework that is due the next morning while  the girlses are running around like scared cats.

  • Love 10
43 minutes ago, monicageller said:

When I transferred to a new uni when I was 23, I felt ancient. It's normal here for people to start uni after taking a gap year or two to travel or work, so I was only a couple years older than the first years, but damn it felt like a decade. I can't imagine Leah, with her three kids, two divorces, and inability to stick with anything for long, fitting in with the 18 year olds. Especially when she looks like this:



I certainly hope so! Poor Dr. Tsao.

She also commented under this same picture: 


21 minutes ago, GreatKazu said:

I am sure you rock that color. I can't. That color does not work for Leah.


I have sort of Monica Bellucci-like coloring (dark hair, dark eyes, olive skin) so a bolder lip usually works well on me. Although I'd happily toss Leah off a cliff to be anywhere near as gorgeous as Monica is. I think Leah is so haggard and underweight, the red lips look like some sort of slash marks on her face.

  • Love 3
2 minutes ago, BitterApple said:

I have sort of Monica Bellucci-like coloring (dark hair, dark eyes, olive skin) so a bolder lip usually works well on me. Although I'd happily toss Leah off a cliff to be anywhere near as gorgeous as Monica is. I think Leah is so haggard and underweight, the red lips look like some sort of slash marks on her face.

Ahh yes, that is why it works so well on you. I'd love to be able to wear a color like that red. I did only once when I attended a roaring 20s costume party. I am very light-skinned.

  • Love 1
11 minutes ago, Mkay said:

She also commented under this same picture: 


I would be so pissed if someone was filming in my college class.  

Also I don't recall buying a lot of binders for school work. I think I used a lot of spiral ring notebooks (ya know, for notes) and peechee folders.  Is she getting that Lisa Frank Trapper Keeper that she was denied in junior high?

  • Love 11

I was a total Lisa Frank whore during my school years. Remember the sparkly pencils and cool erasers that would crumble to pieces the second you rubbed them across paper? Those were the good days.

All snark aside, I hope Leah does find some sort of motivation to stay in school. Has she declared a major yet? It sounds mean to say it, but I honestly can't picture her in any field of study. 

Edited by BitterApple
  • Love 1

It'll be a miracle if Leah even manages to show up on time for her classes. In my experience, Professors usually start on time and if you're late, it's too bad so sad they go on without you. Once the novelty wears off, it's going to be harder and harder for her to show up for class in a timely manner. I can just hear the excuses now. The cat ate my homework, I overslept, I lost my car keys and so on....

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