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Murdoch Mysteries - General Discussion

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I was really thrilled to see the first episode of season 14, with OG use of famous people and Murdock inventions. 

Then came 14/2.  Extremely disappointing.  None of the plots seemed finished.  It's one thing to have recurring characters who pop up from time to time, like Terence Meyers and James Pendrick, but when characters that aren't liked and we thought we'd seen the last of appear, no, no, no.  The reappearances of Goldie and perhaps the kidnapper are not only unwanted, but we're left with the expectation that they will be returning yet again, since the questions that were raised remain unanswered:  Is Goldie a dangerous murderer or just lonely and weird?  Is the secretary really the kidnapper or her innocent sister?  

And killer Bobby Brackenreid?  He's barely been mentioned in 10 years and now we're supposed to believe that unbeknownst to his parents the sweet young boy has turned into an obnoxious, violent young man who supposedly killed another boy?  I kept expecting his father and the detectives to find out who the "real" killer was.  I wouldn't be surprised, actually, if it turns out several episodes down that road that we find out Bobby wasn't the actual killer.  Is the Hamilton cop covering up for someone or does he just have an active dislike for Inspector Brackenreid for some reason?

ETA: Thanks to the posters who have indicated which episode they were watching.  It does help.

Edited by buckboard
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14.09 The .38 Murdoch Special

Overall a sad episode with Momo getting killed and Watts in despair about his life.

It was a surprise to me (and probably everyone else) that Miss Hart is already married to whatever his name is.  It looks like the bloom is already off the rose for her though.  At least she was kind to Nomi.

Best part was Brackenreid acknowledging Nomi as his daughter. Too bad his 'help' got Momo killed.

Kind of a bummer overall though.


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22 minutes ago, Trey said:

14.09 The .38 Murdoch Special

Overall a sad episode with Momo getting killed and Watts in despair about his life.

It was a surprise to me (and probably everyone else) that Miss Hart is already married to whatever his name is.  It looks like the bloom is already off the rose for her though.  At least she was kind to Nomi.

Best part was Brackenreid acknowledging Nomi as his daughter. Too bad his 'help' got Momo killed.

Kind of a bummer overall though.


Timely though.

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14.09 The .38 Murdoch Special

3 hours ago, Trey said:

Best part was Brackenreid acknowledging Nomi as his daughter. Too bad his 'help' got Momo killed.

Agreed. Heartbreaking how it all turned out, but in his mind Brackenreid was doing his best to help, like he would with any of his family. 

I'm torn about Miss Hart's situation. I feel bad for her, but she went into this knowing she was marrying a rich idiot who was more interested in her for her shock value rather than her as a person. Hopefully she has a plan in place for when he gets bored of this little 'game' and dumps her.

Oh Watts! He's hurting and angry and he wants to get over Jack so badly that he's making irrational decisions. I really liked that Julia recognizes that and still does the hypnotherapy, because she wants to help him to stop hurting, even though she thinks it's bunk, and better her doing it as someone who cares. I keep going back and forth about what William thought about it with his advice though.

Incidentally I once read a Murdoch Mysteries fanfic where a character undergoes a sort of hypnotherapy designed to 'cure' homosexuality.

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14.09 The .38 Murdoch Special

I thought they did a good job with the subject matter and didn't sugarcoat things or have an artificial happy ending to any of the threads of the stories.  I don't like Miss Hart (although I think the actress does a very good job of playing her) but it was nice to see her offer advice to Nomi and to watch how she dealt with her husband when his wishes conflicted with hers but I too hope she has a good plan in place for when he tires of their relationship.

I liked the Nomi/Brackenreid scenes with both trying to do the right thing without necessarily thinking through all the consequences of their actions. It seemed inevitable that poor Momo was doomed but I liked the way the story was told and I liked that it used the parallels to how the Asian community was treated. And unfortunately it all still has relevance to the world today.

Finally my heart broke for Watts and as others have said, I liked the way Julia handled his situation - not really believing she could help but willing to try for someone she clearly respects.  

I like that this show alternates somewhat between the light hearted and more serious episodes - I was late to discover the show and took awhile to get caught up to the present season but I am very glad to have found it and hope for many more seasons to come (although I have to say with so many of my favorite shows going away last year and this - I might do the show big favor by not declaring myself a fan).  


Edited by Grundoon59
tired eyes lead to a typo
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14.10 Everything Is Broken Pt 1

Woo. Lots going on this episode. I'll go from least interesting to most (for me anyway):

-Ruth/Henry - oh dear god. I think this was supposed to be a lighthearted aside in an otherwise emotionally heavy episode, but it was just tedious. Julia was being way too nice.

-Miss Hart/Rich Idiot - well, the boredom came on quicker than I thought it would. Miss Hart is playing with fire; yes, he's a rich idiot, but one who knows what kind of power he has and how to wield it. I don't like her, but I don't want it to end horribly bad for her. Unless she kills him and gets away with it, maybe.

-The Brackenreids - usually they would be higher, but...there wasn't much to that plot this week. I always love seeing Margaret though, so I hope she gets more screentime next week. Her saying "I'm not ashamed of my family" made me happy.

-George/Effie - ohhhhh, why does this show hate George and love? I agree that Dr. Emily Grace was the best of George's sweethearts, but he was right; she's not an option because she's in London and, oh yeah, SHE LIKES LADIES. But of course Dorothy/Not!Dorothy just has to overhear and spoil it for Effie in the worst possible way. Poor George, waiting in that restaurant for so long! And they charged him for water!

-William/Julia - for being the main plot, I feel like very little happened (until the end). Most of the time was spent on flashbacks, which I appreciated since it's been a while that I last saw season 5, but it just spent a lot of time setting up the finale next week. 

So! William is Harry's father. He was very quick to acknowledge that, and he sent Watts out after doing the math of Harry's conception, so it seems to be true. Or he wants Harry to believe it's true. I don't think William would lie like that, though. I didn't watch the promo for next week so I'm interested to see how this will shake out. 

-Watts - oh poor poor Watts. Conversion therapy didn't work, so he turns to alcohol. His scene with Jack was heartbreaking. I really hoped they weren't done with each other, but Watts is right; Jack made a commitment to Clara, agreed to marry her and be the father of her child, and he needs to honour that promise. Good for him for doing the right thing, but how he must be hurting. Please don't give Watts the same love life as George!

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14.10 Everything Is Broken Pt 1

Poor Anna! I always liked her and thought she might have been a better fit for William than Julia. If it wasn't the Black Hand who killed Anna, then who did?

Did Dorothy/Not Dorothy kidnap Effie so she couldn't show up or did Effie not show up out of pique? Poor George, waiting so long.

Good old Margaret.  Sometimes I don't like her behaviour but she really came through in this episode.  I am so glad she loves Nomi. I certainly hope they win their fight against the narrow minded higher-ups.  And if they don't (but of course they will), I hope Brackenreid does bring down some others with him.

Ruthie is always just the same - totally wrapped up in Ruthie.  At least Henry stood up for himself.

I don't know what to say about Watts and Miss Hart.  I do worry about Miss Hart - her husband seems to be a control freak with a mean streak and some craziness mixed in there too.  I was glad Watts told Jack that it was over between them and for Jack to follow through with his marriage.

I am really looking forward to seeing more of Harry and how Julia deals with the situation.

Is next week the season finale?  I can't find any more episodes listed and I did think I heard it would be a shorter season - could easily be wrong though.







Edited by Trey
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I was watching The Outer Limits on the Comet channel. The was a child in the show, played by Lachlan Murdoch. I had no idea Higgins had been a child actor.  According to imdb, he was 11.

Because I knew it was him, I could see a resemblance to the adult Lachlan, but had I not known, I probably couldn't have guessed until his very last scene when he did that closed-lip smile that spreads straight across his face until the very fraction-of-an-inch corners turn up.

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14.4  Shock Value

I enjoyed this episode, other than the ongoing annoyances of Goldie and Dorothy/Not Dorothy.  Goldie is either crazy or just lonesome, but her behavior is very annoying.  At least Julia is beginning to stand up to her pushing herself on them.  Poor George with Dorothy/Not Dorothy.  It seems like an unbelievable coincidence that she would turn up working for George's girlfriend if she wasn't his kidnapper.  I hate that George's obsession with her is disrupting his relationship with Effie, although I don't particularly like that character, so maybe it's okay in the long run.

Otherwise, I enjoyed this episode.  I like it when Julia takes part in working a case with her husband.  Brackenreid had some humorous moments.  And the storyline was fun and didn't go where I expected it.  I enjoyed the scene when Julia wanted to put on the shock helmet and Murdock wouldn't let her.


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14.11 Everything is Broken Pt 2

Well, that was an interesting season finale for a show that hasn't been renewed yet.

Henry/Ruth - lol of course Ruth had the world's easiest labour. But that was a very sweet little scene at the end. And it's a girl! Well, a bundle of blankets anyway. 😂

Miss Hart/Rich Idiot - I honestly thought she was going to kill him, but I guess that wouldn't make a lot of sense for her end goals. I liked that she didn't sell William out over a petty grudge. I still don't really like her, but I'm respecting her hustle.

The Brackenreids - I knew Brack wasn't going anywhere. Good to see all the officers not hesitating to resign for him, even if Higgins was late lol. I liked Margaret's chat with Julia; no, their situations aren't exactly the same, but she can empathize. I guess we'll have to wait for next season to find out what's happening with Bobby.

Watts - oh dear. When he was talking to Miss Hart, it sounded good, like he had reached a point of acceptance after that last confrontation with Jack - "love requires vulnerability" ❤️ -  but I guess that was just a vain hope. I don't see it ending well for any of them, but I hope Watts doesn't get hurt even more. Come on, show, let the guys kiss!

William/Julia - oh Julia. I knew it was going to be difficult for her, considering all her fertility problems, and she was trying so hard to be accepting and welcoming to Harry. I feel for her so much, wanting to be the mother of her and William's baby. Being a stepmom to Harry would never be the same. Hélène Joy just knocked her performance out of the park tonight.

I know this show will never break Jilliam up, so I'm not concerned about the ending, but man, can't they have some domestic happiness? I'm glad Anna isn't dead, but I hope it all gets resolved in the first episode of the next season. 

George - okay, Dorothy/Not!Dorothy is actually Dorothy?? Effie is trapped in a tree?! I glad she didn't ditch George though, and that he didn't accept it, even going over the handwriting on the note. "Why does this always happen to me?" Because you keep messing up all his relationships, show! 

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Miss Hart/Rich Idiot - I honestly thought she was going to kill him, but I guess that wouldn't make a lot of sense for her end goals. 

I wasn't sure. Did she drug him?


I knew it was going to be difficult for her, considering all her fertility problems, and she was trying so hard to be accepting and welcoming to Harry. I feel for her so much, wanting to be the mother of her and William's baby.

I was rather surprised by her reaction, considering how much she loved Roland.

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17 minutes ago, peacheslatour said:

I wasn't sure. Did she drug him?


She dosed his opium with curare. Not enough to kill, but enough to make her point.


19 minutes ago, peacheslatour said:

I was rather surprised by her reaction, considering how much she loved Roland.

She told Margaret (I think) that the reason she loved Roland was that since he wasn't either of theirs biologically, he belonged to both of them. 

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Has everyone missed the huge plot hole? How can William Murdoch have fathered a child when he was a virgin (as a good Catholic would be) until he married Julia? I remember the scene in Brackenreid's office when William asks him for his advice about the wedding night and the Inspector tells him to let Julia take the lead because she is experienced, having been married before. Is this an alternative Murdoch universe or are the writers hoping we forgot this fact?

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31 minutes ago, captainsherry said:

Has everyone missed the huge plot hole? How can William Murdoch have fathered a child when he was a virgin (as a good Catholic would be) until he married Julia? I remember the scene in Brackenreid's office when William asks him for his advice about the wedding night and the Inspector tells him to let Julia take the lead because she is experienced, having been married before. Is this an alternative Murdoch universe or are the writers hoping we forgot this fact?

If I recall Murdoch wanted advice on marriage and Brackenreud gave him wedding night advice. From the look on Murdochs face he wasn't a virgin.

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8 hours ago, bobalina said:
8 hours ago, captainsherry said:

Has everyone missed the huge plot hole? How can William Murdoch have fathered a child when he was a virgin (as a good Catholic would be) until he married Julia? I remember the scene in Brackenreid's office when William asks him for his advice about the wedding night and the Inspector tells him to let Julia take the lead because she is experienced, having been married before. Is this an alternative Murdoch universe or are the writers hoping we forgot this fact?

If I recall Murdoch wanted advice on marriage and Brackenreud gave him wedding night advice. From the look on Murdochs face he wasn't a virgin.

Also, didn't William and Julia almost have sex when they tried absinthe? That was back in season 2 and they weren't even together then, IIRC.

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Acorn says season availability varies by region.

We usually get it in the US about a month after the season finale.

Acorn is also promotiong "A Music lover's Guide to Murdoch Mysteries" which is available on Acorn as S.13.20, and there's a BONUS I didn't know existed - Yannick Bisson FB Live. (which is, apparently, being counted at 13.19)

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Well the writers certainly threw up a whole lot of pins in the air to end the season. Guess we'll have to wait until the beginning of the fall to find out how it all plays out.

Here's hoping the revelation of William having a son with Anna doesn't mess things up for Julia. After all, she was engaged, and then married Darcy Garland when Anna was in North America with William. It's not like he was cheating on her, nor did he have any idea up until now he got her pregnant.

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On 3/18/2021 at 1:21 AM, auchic said:

Also, didn't William and Julia almost have sex when they tried absinthe? That was back in season 2 and they weren't even together then, IIRC.

No "almost" about it as I recall. He was also very chummy with Anna when she arrived in Toronto while Julia was off with other romantic interests.

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Last night I watched season 14 episode 3. I feel the Pendrick and Meyers episodes have run their course. 

It’s like they don’t know what to do with Julia. Is she a coroner, surgeon, housewife, detective? Watching her giggle giggle giggle through the season opener was a waste. When she asked where she should stand during the stakeout, I was thinking at home or the hospital would be a good place for her. Then she showed up at the morgue to test the dinner the neighbor made. Trying to soften her up to borderline dingbat is not working. Maybe they are going to phase her out? Fine with me.

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1 hour ago, Neiman said:

Last night I watched season 14 episode 3. I feel the Pendrick and Meyers episodes have run their course. 

It’s like they don’t know what to do with Julia. Is she a coroner, surgeon, housewife, detective? Watching her giggle giggle giggle through the season opener was a waste. When she asked where she should stand during the stakeout, I was thinking at home or the hospital would be a good place for her. Then she showed up at the morgue to test the dinner the neighbor made. Trying to soften her up to borderline dingbat is not working. Maybe they are going to phase her out? Fine with me.

Wasn't she also a shrink? 

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On 3/18/2021 at 7:06 AM, bobalina said:

If I recall Murdoch wanted advice on marriage and Brackenreud gave him wedding night advice. From the look on Murdochs face he wasn't a virgin.

What is wedding night advice if it is not about sex? Murdoch is a strict Catholic so he would abstain from sex before marriage. I thought he looked pained to have to ask and Brackenreid looked embarrassed. I found this statement on another Murdoch Mysteries site regarding 'Holy Matrimony', episode 804 when William and Julia get married. "Inspector Brackenreid makes a comment that Murdoch has no experience (in the bedroom) in comparison to Julia who is a widow at the time of this marriage." Or is that just Brackenreid's thinking?

Edited by captainsherry
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On 3/9/2021 at 12:42 AM, auchic said:

Poor George, waiting in that restaurant for so long! And they charged him for water!

That was my 1st response too. But I think that might have been a wink at today's norms. I've been to restaurants that require a minimum purchase once you are seated. If you are told that when you come you might actually order something in case you, too, are stood up.  I suppose George's restaurant assumed that if you could afford their prices you would already know about their policy. 😉

14.6  Ministry of Virtue

I didn't see that ending coming.  Well done!   It's interesting that the Ministry of Virtue was based on Salvation Army program to bring over criminals. 

Poor Watts.  What a horrible situation to be in.   Those of you who've seen the whole season may know what comes next, but since I haven't bear with me.  Jake arranged to get married awfully fast.  When Watts came by, he saw Jake pat his wife-to-be on the stomach.  Is she someone Jake knows and she's pregnant and they get married to cover his homosexuality and her status as an unwed mother?

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Acorn's gotten up to 14.7 Murdoch Escape Room.  They're dropping a new episode every Monday, so I'm caught up now, up to Ep. 7.

Goldie's going away for a long time and since Fellowes abandoned her to die in the sulfuric acid, I don't think he'll be helping her escape. I am SO hoping that will be the end of her. I don't mind seeing Pendrick again, and Myers is OK in small doses, but if I never see Allan Clegg or Effie Newsome again, I'll be very happy. I'd so love if for Not!Dorothy to go berserk and kill Effie and herself.

I think Higgins-Newsome may be more self-aware than we're led to believe - he did tell George he'd never murder him because it would double his work load. LOL.  (Watching 7 eps in a row tends to get me confused as to which episode I'm discussing.)

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On 4/5/2021 at 5:47 PM, Prevailing Wind said:

Acorn's gotten up to 14.7 Murdoch Escape Room.  They're dropping a new episode every Monday, so I'm caught up now, up to Ep. 7.

Goldie's going away for a long time and since Fellowes abandoned her to die in the sulfuric acid, I don't think he'll be helping her escape. I am SO hoping that will be the end of her. I don't mind seeing Pendrick again, and Myers is OK in small doses, but if I never see Allan Clegg or Effie Newsome again, I'll be very happy. I'd so love if for Not!Dorothy to go berserk and kill Effie and herself.

I think Higgins-Newsome may be more self-aware than we're led to believe - he did tell George he'd never murder him because it would double his work load. LOL.  (Watching 7 eps in a row tends to get me confused as to which episode I'm discussing.)

I also just saw 14.7 Murdoch Escape Room.  Hopefully Goldie will be going away for good now.  Still, she's not as bad of a recurring character as Allan Clegg or even worse, James Gillies.  Pendrick and Myers are my favorite recurring characters, and I always find them fun to watch.  Their storylines are always absurd but in a good way.  As for bad guys, I actually like Colin Mochrie as Ralph Fellows.  He's such a loser that I strangely feel a little sorry for him.  It's all in how Mochrie portrays the character.

This episode was so unbelievable, sort of like something out of the old "Wild, Wild, West."  There is no way that Goldie could have built anything like that even though she was only following directions.  I liked watching George and Brackenreid taking out the hive and actually solving the riddle.  Watts and Cherry were an interesting team, but now we have to wonder how Louise will handle the information about Watts that she seems to have put together.  As for aesthetics, I wasn't a fan of having the main characters locked up in a dark and dingy place for most of the episode.  Considering that they filmed this season around Covid, I am grateful for any episodes we get.

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14.8  The Dominion of New South Mimico  I usually find the Newsome episodes stupidly over the top and this was even more so, but it was more amusing than usual after the tense previous episode in the escape room.  (And about as believable.)  I looked at it as if it were an operetta, but without the music. 

Ruthie looked as if she was about to deliver the Dionne quintuplets.

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On 4/8/2021 at 7:52 PM, Possum said:


This episode was so unbelievable, sort of like something out of the old "Wild, Wild, West."  There is no way that Goldie could have built anything like that even though she was only following directions.  I liked watching George and Brackenreid taking out the hive and actually solving the riddle.  Watts and Cherry were an interesting team, but now we have to wonder how Louise will handle the information about Watts that she seems to have put together.  As for aesthetics, I wasn't a fan of having the main characters locked up in a dark and dingy place for most of the episode.  Considering that they filmed this season around Covid, I am grateful for any episodes we get.

Thank you!!!😘

I was getting a vibe from the show and I couldn't place it. "The Wild, Wild West" with their ridiculous over-the-top steampunk rube Goldberg-type apparatuses is what I was remembering. And I laughed like hell through the whole thing. Now....it was three in morning (little bout of insomnia) so that might have contributed to all the laughing😂. I'll have to sit thru it again and see if it's still as funny, or maybe not😂😎

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On 2/25/2021 at 5:34 PM, buckboard said:

How about this?  Apparently I'm not going to change any minds about individual per-episode forums.  Could posters try to do this?  Indicate when you post which Season and episode you are discussing?  "(14/01.  Murdock and the Tramp.)  

Excellent idea!

On 4/12/2021 at 10:06 PM, LisaM said:

I noticed all of the outdoor scenes during the New South Mimico episode - - likely due to Covid.

I usually can't stand the over the top Newsomes but I definitely laughed out loud several times during this episode. 

You've got me thinking now about a few of the episodes in Season 14 being outdoors- I think ep.1 was the Murdoch's camping trip. I believe there were others, but I'm fuzzy on the details, I'll admit.

Can I just say how much I love the Newsomes? The whole clan is batsh*t crazy, and I am here for it!!  Small doses is best, though.


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1 hour ago, TVForever said:

Excellent idea!

You've got me thinking now about a few of the episodes in Season 14 being outdoors- I think ep.1 was the Murdoch's camping trip. I believe there were others, but I'm fuzzy on the details, I'll admit.

Can I just say how much I love the Newsomes? The whole clan is batsh*t crazy, and I am here for it!!  Small doses is best, though.


There was one where he was panning for gold or something and he met Jack London.

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