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Watch them dedicate the entire first episode of Season 7 to Carol and Morgan getting the tour around the Kingdom and no word at all about who Negan killed. 


According this article, Gimple claims that it will be "addressed in the...Season 7 premiere:" http://comicbook.com/2016/04/04/the-walking-dead-season-7-premiere-will-show-negans-kill/


Sounds like more of his double-speak. At this point, I think that I would rather see the tour of The Kingdom.


EDIT: adding this interview with Nicotero: http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/live-feed/walking-dead-finale-death-spoilers-880475

Of note is this comment:


What can you say about who is killed off? Does the victim know? Have you filmed it?

We have not filmed it yet and I don't know if the person knows yet or not.

Edited by Ellaria Sand
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Watch them dedicate the entire first episode of Season 7 to Carol and Morgan getting the tour around the Kingdom and no word at all about who Negan killed. Episode two will then be about Gabriels PoV of the events of the finale.

Dear lord, don't give them ideas.


Although yes to the Kingdom, if people there really do speak in short, to-the-point sentences.


Next on TWD: Gabriel rescues Enid from a closet.

Edited by EllenC
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Yeah, I saw Norman Reedus on TD. Here's my take: he was there to tout his new show, pure and simple. Maybe I'm wrong. Maybe he still likes TWD. Maybe it's just the mood I'm in.



I started to watch it, but I've had a very bad/disappointing day, and I'm not in the mood to hear them all talk up the show, so I left it for another day - if I even finish it. One thing is for sure: I won't be talking about their cliffhanger for six months.


With all of the comments about J.R. I keep picturing *him* underneath a dumpster. That gave me a chuckle, at least. 

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Hopefully, it's okay to post this here. Here's a link to Forbes. They discuss 5 ways to make TWD better (very interesting comments). Also, within the article there's a link to a review of last night's episode.



It's a bit odd to me that this was written after 6 seasons, as it has suggestions that don't seem relevant to the show's history, especially "get new showrunners." The show had many of the same problems it has now with Darabont and with Glenn Mazzarra. I'm all for some new blood, but the idea that Gimple should be forced out when he was a big reason the show held together after the messy and borderline disastrous season 3 - I can't agree with that. And I doubt they even could force Kirkman out at this point. 


I also don't get this:


The characters never look or act hungry. That deep hungry that makes you delusional and angry and territorial. They never act weary from starvation.


We saw this last season on the way to Alexandria. If we saw this more often, fans would complain, because they'd say they don't watch the show for that. It's the same reason the characters don't have hair or teeth falling out.


Don’t try to get us to care about a bunch of new characters like the extras and bit characters in Alexandria. Give us interesting, compelling characters like Eastman—the guy who saved Morgan.


I cared a lot more about the bit characters in Alexandira and "a bunch of new characters" (they realize Eastman was new, right?) than I did Eastman, who was just another variation on noble warrior who is killed in a cruel world. And if they don't want to care about new characters, why are they asking the show to bring in a ton of new characters?


It sounds like they have problems with the basic presentation of Walking Dead itself, not just season 6. The show has never and will never constantly go on the road. The show has never and will never cart in a slew of one or two-episode characters with no one staying around, especially since the episodes that do have one or two episode characters are often panned by fans (like the Governor episodes were).


If they don't like the show, I get that, I don't like a lot of shows either, but about 70% of that article is irrelevant to season 6.

Edited by Pete Martell

Telephone interview with Scott Gimple and TVLine: http://tvline.com/2016/04/04/the-walking-dead-season-7-spoilers-who-negan-kill-death/

You thought the final moments of Sunday’s Walking Dead were tough to watch? Wait until you get a load of the first scene of Season 7.
In a conference call with reporters on Monday, showrunner Scott M. Gimple revealed that the opening sequence (which will pick up right where the finale left off) will “be pushing some boundaries” in terms of blood and gore. “Things are going to start of very, very, very dark,” he said, before adding, “But that won’t be the whole season. It’s not going to be darkness upon darkness upon darkness.”

Gimple went on to tease that in the first eight episodes of Season 7 “the world is going to open up even more. We’re going to have a wide variety of locales and a wide variety of tone. I’m very excited for all the different stories that are going to be told, and there are going to be a lot of different stories told… There’s probably going to be the biggest variety of stories we’ve had yet.”


So the first 8 episodes are planned out (written?) and we get our answer and a gory scene in the first episode of season 7?

Edited by slade3

Ahh, oh well. Someone mentioned Z Nation a couple of days ago and said it was cheesy but fun, but I'd never heard of it.


It literally is 7 or 8 characters traveling to California.  And they meet various groups and weird characters along the way, some good, some bad.  The first two seasons are available on Netflix right now.  Not sure when season 3 will appear on Syfy.  It has some great cheesy humor, so it isn't so dark, dark, dark all the time, but it's also a full on great zombie show, imo.  The pace is just so much better, and the writers even make a few "wink, wink" jokes about The Walking Dead.  There are times I feel like they created this show just to address some of what's annoying about TWD.  Anyway, it would be good spring/summer fare during the break.  Give it a shot!

Telephone interview with Scott Gimple and TVLine: http://tvline.com/2016/04/04/the-walking-dead-season-7-spoilers-who-negan-kill-death/

So the first 8 episodes are planned out (written?) and we get our answer and a gory scene in the first episode of season 7?


If Gimple says this:


In a conference call with reporters on Monday, showrunner Scott M. Gimple revealed that the opening sequence (which will pick up right where the finale left off) will “be pushing some boundaries” in terms of blood and gore. “Things are going to start of very, very, very dark,” he said, before adding, “But that won’t be the whole season. It’s not going to be darkness upon darkness upon darkness.”


Then how can the actors not know who it was?  Surely they filmed the whole scene at one time.

  • Love 3

Telephone interview with Scott Gimple and TVLine: http://tvline.com/2016/04/04/the-walking-dead-season-7-spoilers-who-negan-kill-death/

So the first 8 episodes are planned out (written?) and we get our answer and a gory scene in the first episode of season 7?


So it sounds like the first episode of Season 7 will show Glenn's, Daryl's or Abe's brains hanging out of the skull, and then the rest of the first half of the season will feature Alexandria, Hilltop, Negan's camp (most likely) and the Kingdom.  It will be a bit scattered with all of those locales and our group splitting up in different ways.


I've heard about Z Nation but I only ever seem to hear about it (not here, I mean in general) in the context of how bad TWD is and that show is better. I tend to be wary of shows in that context because they often end up disappointing me (one of the reasons I started Game of Thrones was because I was told they had great female characters compared to other genre shows - by the time I quit watching it had some of the worst written female characters I've ever seen on television).

Edited by Pete Martell

It literally is 7 or 8 characters traveling to California.  And they meet various groups and weird characters along the way, some good, some bad.  The first two seasons are available on Netflix right now.  Not sure when season 3 will appear on Syfy.  It has some great cheesy humor, so it isn't so dark, dark, dark all the time, but it's also a full on great zombie show, imo.  The pace is just so much better, and the writers even make a few "wink, wink" jokes about The Walking Dead.  There are times I feel like they created this show just to address some of what's annoying about TWD.  Anyway, it would be good spring/summer fare during the break.  Give it a shot!


If Gimple says this:



Then how can the actors not know who it was?  Surely they filmed the whole scene at one time.

Thanks for the description. It definitely sounds like something I should look into while waiting for Season 7 to start.


I just threw California out there, but I wouldn't mind watching Rick and Co head elsewhere.


Yes, this interview sounds like they must already know. And catcory's post about Danai's interview also indicates they must have the first script already. I think TSDF posted several weeks ago that they may start filming in April instead of May this year. I just checked the TSDF tumblr and it says: #WhoIsIt ? Yikes… You sure you wanna play with fire? Challenge accepted!! And under that: We are going to spoil this shit so quick I can already taste AMC's tears.

I'm looking forward to it!

  • Love 2

I've heard about Z Nation but I only ever seem to hear about it (not here, I mean in general) in the context of how bad TWD is and that show is better. I tend to be wary of shows in that context because they often end up disappointing me (one of the reasons I started Game of Thrones was because I was told they had great female characters compared to other genre shows - by the time I quit watching it had some of the worst written female characters I've ever seen on television).


I like TWD and Z Nation both.  Honestly, I find Z Nation more satisfying because they wrap up their storylines and keep it moving.  But Rick and Co are in muh blood, so I can't quite give up on them.  After the first half of this season of TWD, I was ready to just break up with TWD, but they pulled me back in. Richonne bait.

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I tried one episode of Z-Nation (the one with zombie George RR Martin) and it was a little too cheesy for me without being actively funny -- it sort of fell in an uncanny valley between Shaun of the Dead and The Walking Dead.


I think random episodes of Z Nation would not be particularly good without the context of what is happening overall.  Murphy's journey and his past experiences all were important backstory to that episode, especially.

  • Love 2
I think Rick really was breaking but I also think that it was strategic breaking.  Negan wanted to punish HIM.  He didn't care about the others - they are just new slaves.  But he was going to make Rick pay for his actions.  It was the first thing he said.  I think if Rick stared him down like Carl, Michonne and Abe he would have killed every last one of them.  He dared Rick to defy him.  Just like Joe and the Claimers, Rick was told that his punishment would be to watch the people he loves killed in front of him FIRST.  Negan wanted a show of bravado.  Rick instead showed him his belly.  Why do I think that was calculation?  Because in the moment of your death, when you are actually with the people closest to your heart, you look at them.  You die with their image in you retinas.  That's instinct.  That is natural.  But notice Rick looked at the ground, he never once looked at Michonne, never once at Carl.  He didn't want Negan to know which death would hurt him the most.  That was strategy - to make Negan pick rather than showing him who to choose.  To the bitter end Rick protected who he could the only way he could.




I think this is an excellent assessment, and I think it leads into season 7.


I thought I posted this already, but I can't find it, so my apologies if I'm repeating myself. I was reading the comics wiki page to find out how the Negan stuff plays out in the books

After Dwight is captured by Rick and Co., Rick releases him. Andrea (Rick's girlfriend) gets so angry, she decides to leave Rick, and that's when he admits he's planning to take Negan down over time, but needs Negan to believe Rick and Co. are submitting to his rule. He explains he kept Andrea and Carl out of it to keep them safe.

So while I believe Rick is broken, and shell-shocked, and scared for everyone he's trying to protect in that final finale scene, I also think he's beginning this ruse of submission. And I think the above is a great description of what he's doing and how it's going to play into his take down of Negan in season 7.


I also agree about Glenn. I'm still not sure he's the victim, but if we find out he is the victim, I will believe his reaction to seeing Maggie, and his concern for her, was the reason Negan chose him.

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I actually saw an interview that Danai did and she was asked if she would like to write an episode of TWD and she said not really because the writing staff is already writing for the new season.  She said that when they start filming for the new seasons all the episodes are already written.

Finally, confirmation from an actor. I don't know where this idea that TWD scripts are churned out just before the episode and that stories are changed in reaction to fan reaction comes from.

Edited by SimoneS

Finally, confirmation from an actor. I don't know where this idea that TWD scripts are churned out just before the episode and that stories are changed in reaction to fan reaction comes from.


That may be because while the episodes are written, the cast and crew don't receive them much in advance.  They keep it all locked down, plus they don't want the actors to know the outcome of situations which might affect their acting choices.  So maybe when people hear interviews where certain actors talk about not knowing what was going to happen, they're assuming it hasn't been written yet.

  • Love 3

Then how can the actors not know who it was?  Surely they filmed the whole scene at one time.

Exactly what I have been saying all along. They had to have filmed the death. How could they not? They could not recreate the exact scene and could not take the chance that any of the actors and extras looked different or were not available. And all the actors who have been let go when their characters die say that they were told one, two, or more episodes in advance. There is no way that the actor and other cast members did not know. It is clear that the actors are playing the publicity game.

The one thing that FTWD has proved to me is that given free reign Kirkman would make TWD boring as hell.

About Z Nation, I have watched a few episodes. I find laughable when anyone claims that it is better or even on par with TWD. It isn't dreck, but it isn't compelling drama. Different strokes and all that...

I'm not happy with the ending, but that seems sorta like they're being crybabies about it.

They will be crying over those lack of hits for sure.

Edited by SimoneS
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Eh, maybe they filmed a couple versions (which I've also heard happening) or maybe they will film it in a month and just to tight shots so that we don't see the whole crowd of Saviors circling them in the dark. It's a night shot so making the scenes match is pretty easy. Which is easier - keeping secrecy for an extra 6 months or just shooting it later and processing it to match?

  • Love 3

I think the assorted criticism and commentary from both media and Average Joes alike is showing that people do not like to be (what they feel is) jerked around with their TV shows.  Many years ago -- like back in the "Who Shot J.R." days -- there were fewer options for TV viewing.  Not as many channels.  Nothing on cable of any note (other than movies).  Much "safer" TV -- nothing like the mature content we see today.  So, a major "Who Died" cliffhanger, or just a "What Happens Next" cliffhanger was fine... because there were no other choices and we had to deal with what they gave us. 


These days, though, there are so many choices of what to watch on TV.  We have all seen some of our favorite shows jump the shark at various times.  Sometimes we stick with them.  Sometimes we move on to something else.  A lot of people just don't have time or patience these days to deal with manipulative storytelling -- especially when it keeps right on manipulating throughout a season, and when we can turn to so many other shows for viewing enjoyment.


While I do think that some of the backlash over this season finale of TWD is a bit extreme and overly dramatic, I can't say I'm surprised.  Crazy though this may seem, I saw people flipping out when the Hallmark Channel broke a recent Christmas movie into 2 parts, vowing to air Part 2 during the holiday season of 2016 -- almost a full year after Part 1 had aired on the channel.  And that was just a Hallmark Christmas movie!  Lol.  If you have ever watched a Hallmark Christmas movie -- or any Hallmark movie -- you already know how it is going to end in the first 5 minutes.  There is no guesswork.  There is no suspense.  There are no major twists and turns.  It's just enjoyable, lighthearted fluff. 


But when Hallmark dared to split up their movie The Bridge into 2 parts, the viewers went nuts.  They felt jerked around.  They yelled, huffed, puffed, stomped, pouted, grumbled, complained, threatened, demanded... they angrily insisted that they might not live long enough to see Part 2, and that Hallmark wasn't thinking about the elderly and infirm viewers who have nothing else to live for.   They lashed out at not only Hallmark, but at the writer of the story upon which the movies were based, accusing her and Hallmark of just trying to manipulate them.  And Hallmark eventually caved in, airing Part 2 just a couple of weekends ago.


So if that much outrage can arise from a 4-hour predictable Christmas movie being split into 2 parts and separated by 11 months or so, I fully expect a small segment of the passionate critics and fans of The Walking Dead to say and do all kinds of things in the heat of their anger over the finale.


I mean... I am not a fan of this particular cliffhanger and I didn't like how the episode ended at all, but I'll still watch the show in October.

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I read some spec in the regular thread that someone felt that Enid gave Maggie poison and is working with the Saviors and that is the reason that they knew about the crew trying to get to hilltop. Anyone buying this? I would be pretty surprised about that turn of events, but I don't think that any prior information points to this connection with Enid. 

I read some spec in the regular thread that someone felt that Enid gave Maggie poison and is working with the Saviors and that is the reason that they knew about the crew trying to get to hilltop. Anyone buying this? I would be pretty surprised about that turn of events, but I don't think that any prior information points to this connection with Enid. 


I saw that comment.  I don't think so.  At least I never thought of her as poisoning the pickles to make Maggie ill, as part of a secret Savior master plan.   Maybe I am completely naïve.  I know there was some question as to whether or not Enid was a member of the Wolves a while back, but the Wolves disappeared from the show so quickly that it would seem almost irrelevant if Enid were one of them at this point. 


Huh, so the Hollywood Reporter and Alan Sepinwall are both dropping their weekly critical reviews of The Walking Dead. I wonder how many more reviewers the show lost last night.


I don't remember most reviewers ever having that positive an opinion of the show. Some have been balanced and reasonable, but others have been pining for Darabont or saying "the show sucked less this week, but..."


I learned to ignore reviews of this show years ago. 


The only time it seemed to improve was the first half of season 5, for reasons I still don't quite understand.

Actually, their traffic and clicks per article is likely what caused them to drop the reviews. Professional reviewers don't just drop a show on a whim-this is business.


It depends on the site. I think The Mary Sue even suggested they were hurting themselves by no longer covering Game of Thrones after a certain storyline last season, but they felt they had no choice for their own personal standards. 


If anything sites would probably get more clicks and traffic if they kept reviewing TWD and did "hate reviews," but for their own standards I guess they won't. I don't really remember Sepinwall and others being all that enamored of the show in the first place so I would guess it's something they've been tempted to do for a while.


I could see the lower ratings this season indicating less interest and making the decision easier.


Apparently Sepinwall had already decided last week anyway.



Edited by Pete Martell
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People will always complain no matter what, if they had filmed the violent death the reviewers would be saying that it was not necessary to show that, nobody is ever happy. So they are dropping the reviews, psst, the season is over so there is nothing to review. But they will review the show when it comes back in October.

Not Sepinwall. I used to love his podcast. If he ays he's giving up on a show, he means it. He has a lot of TV to watch, and it's his job to cover it, so he's more than happy to stop watching a show he isn't pleased with. He had been thinking about giving TWD up and wanted to see if the finale would change his mind. It didn't.


While the Enid-poisoned-Maggie idea is creepy, I read that

Spencer turns on the group in the comics and helps the Saviors

. Given the show's choice to change characters up, this person is on to something.

  • Love 1

While the Enid-poisoned-Maggie idea is creepy, I read that

Spencer turns on the group in the comics and helps the Saviors

. Given the show's choice to change characters up, this person is on to something.

Um, the original spoiler is EXACTLY what I would expect.  I think I even said so on this thread.  lol


I don't think Enid did anything, because this show isn't that complicated, generally, and because Enid wanted to go with Maggie on the Hilltop trip. 

Edited by peach
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I've heard about Z Nation but I only ever seem to hear about it (not here, I mean in general) in the context of how bad TWD is and that show is better. I tend to be wary of shows in that context because they often end up disappointing me (one of the reasons I started Game of Thrones was because I was told they had great female characters compared to other genre shows - by the time I quit watching it had some of the worst written female characters I've ever seen on television).


 I know. Brienne is just awful!

 I know. Brienne is just awful!


Brienne has become extremely one-dimensional and tedious in the last few seasons (and a lot of book Brienne fans hate the TV version), but I mostly meant Margaery (who went from a fairly savvy schemer to an idiot and a child predator), the Sand Snakes (a laughingstock), Sansa (who lost about 50 IQ points during season 5 and probably should have been dead after she began telling her psychotic rapist that he was a bastard and worthless - yet according to the show this just proved her intelligence, so...OK...?)  and Ellaria Sand. 

Popsugar website has a theory that given that the first and last shots were povs  - you need to figure out whose pov it is.  The pov shots in the show look to be coming from inside a van - and Popsugar speculates that the pov shot appears to be from Michonne.


Unfortunately, sadly I believe this would be true.  I love Richonne but it coming so late in the series right after Rick's relationship with Jessie - it appears that this was merely a plot contrivance to make Michonne's death more devastating for Rick. And that pisses me off as the character of Michonne deserved so much better.


When one of the saviors told Rick what if it was him or "someone he loves" who ends up dead - that was another clue.  The others in the RV were a red herring. Rick also showed his hand when he got enraged at seeing Michonne's hair attached to the Walker, so Negan already knows he loves her.  The fact that the word "pick" during the eeny meeny was on Michonne was another clue.    


I think that it being Michonne would definitely mean a new story would begin.- as Gimple has said.


I also think the cliff hangar would be a means of softening the news for fans.  Have it leaked out with news that Danai was looking to leave TWD - she has 2 shows on Broadway so this may be the case. Maybe take the sting out of her death and lessen the rage.  But I can assure you  - I will be gone if it ends up being Michonne. 

  • Love 3

I know the show is often tone deaf, but I'm not sure they would beat a black woman to death. I tend to assume there is some awareness of the ugliness of some of these tropes, as they chose to skip the rape storyline even though some fans insisted it was necessary for viewers to relate to Michonne. 


I also feel like we haven't really seen enough of Michonne in this back half for her death to have a big impact, compared to various other characters in the finale. 


I know it will probably be Glenn but my gut says Eugene or Abraham...especially Abraham, with that shot of him stoically facing possible death.

  • Love 5
I know the show is often tone deaf, but I'm not sure they would beat a black woman to death.


 I would hope so too, but I really don't trust the storytelling at this point. And showing the killing the way that they did would mean you wouldn't have to see the bat connect with Michonne's head.  


The idea is appalling to me.  I really hope that this wasn't their choice.   If you really want to show who's boss - you take out the biggest guy - which would be Abraham.  But I see a lot of big men in his crew and not a lot of women.

I wonder if the reason they went the cliffhanger route is because they knew the audience was expecting a big death, they didn't want to kill one of their big characters, and knew the audience would be disappointed with an Abraham or Eugene death. I mean it will be brutal and horrible and everything, but for people expecting a Glenn or Daryl death, the reaction would be pretty meh. 


I'm assuming it's Abraham or Eugene. Everything about their interactions this season felt like tying up loose ends. 

 I would hope so too, but I really don't trust the storytelling at this point. And showing the killing the way that they did would mean you wouldn't have to see the bat connect with Michonne's head.  


The idea is appalling to me.  I really hope that this wasn't their choice.   If you really want to show who's boss - you take out the biggest guy - which would be Abraham.  But I see a lot of big men in his crew and not a lot of women.


I can see what you mean. I guess I'm telling myself it isn't her because that would mean her story with Rick being about his pain is true, and I can't let myself believe that. It would mean investing in the character for the last 3-4 years was a lie. I'd never be able to get past that with this show. For right now I don't think she's dead, but I guess we'll see. I hope if she isn't we get a lot more of her.  


I was a bit snotty in an earlier post about reviews, but aside from a few bits (I don't think the Abraham or Carol stories were unbelievable - I just don't think the writing was smooth enough), I think Tim Goodman got it right.



  • Love 1
That guy's either an idiot or the most inattentive viewer ever. There was no lead up to Abraham dumping Rosita for Sasha? Carol changed for no believable reason? Does he even watch the show? I don't think the writing is fantastic, myself, but Abraham breaking up with Rosita and Carol's breakdown were clearly and carefully telegraphed for anyone who bothered to pay attention. Edited by Eyes High
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