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20 minutes ago, sATL said:

welcome back !! I will be back later to chat more about the season premiere.. I have to watch it again... I was kinda bored, so to be fair I want to make sure it wasn't me.

What man.... what man... is going to allow his wife to be oogled by a "trainer" in his driveway?? let alone entertaining the thought wifey is going to be doing a "fitness" competition ? I would have signed her up for the Boston Marathon and then access her "fitness" - ie commitment ..

My mouth was hanging open when the trainer told her what exactly to change into ??

I would like to know why Scott didn't sign the divorce / house sale papers?? cheaper to keep her ???

I think that was edited to be salacious. They showed him asking her to change into that well before - at least 5 minutes - before she indicated she was actually signed up to be in a competition. Her in heels and a bikini is what she' would look like on stage with flexed legs. It completely made sense once she explained that she would actually be competing and he wasn't just training her to get in shape.

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Just watching and I’m really glad to see most of these people back.  I do enjoy them and their banter, and HALLELUJAH!  The Contessa-Scott storyline is behind us.  I’m glad they’re having luck with counseling, because I didn’t want to hear another damned word about it.  

Good on Quad for taking her nephew in, very sad about her brother’s death.  I was very touched by the emotional scene between Quad, her mom and nephew.   I’m glad they have one another.  I do believe this might be a good thing for her and she obviously had a solid bond with the little cutie - he’s blessed to have an auntie who cares and is investing in him.   Her brother sure was young…

Heavenly always drives me nuts, but she’s easy to shake off.  She’s like a gnat.  She’s slow enough that she’s generally harmless, but I didn’t always feel that was the case.  Looks like she’s about to get bit in the ass for some recent shenanigans.  Not sure how much of Contessa we’ll have to see on our screens for that, but hopefully her dreams of an Oscar are behind her, so it won’t be over the top.

Very happy to see Simone and Jackie back at it, like the good ole days.  Their friendship is one of my favorite things about the show.   

I always enjoy Eugene, Toya has her days, but for now, things are chill enough that it’s all gravy.  Important to remember how that can turn on a dime, when it comes to Toya…😬

Loved the Diwali celebration - and I do enjoy Anila’s family.  I think her hub is a sweetheart. 

Happy to finally have seen the premiere - looking forward to the season!

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4 hours ago, Empress1 said:

Quad losing her brother/her nephew losing his dad is really, really sad. I do wonder why Mason isn’t with his mom, but it does seem like Quad is a good “mauntie” and Lord knows she has plenty of space. 14000 square feet for one person is insane to me, but it’s not my house.

Toya and Eugene bought more land and are building a new house like a year after finishing their old one because… their pool was too small? What?

That is a big ole 6 yo!! Good on you Mauntie Quad!!!!!!!!!

ETA: that Diwali Party was EVERYTHING!!!!!!

Edited by DrSparkles
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Just what was Contessa wearing to the party?  Party City costume with the wrong theme was right!  I mean, come as you are, but I would almost find it insulting.  She’d have been better off just wearing a nice summer dress.  Not going to get into that wig with bangs.

I’m here for Heavenly getting her comeuppance.  She’s had it coming for years and Deserves. It. All.  I just hope it’s good.

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So Contessa's 'hair brained scheme' du jour is fitness modeling? Ummmm ok. 

Alaura has always looked grown and now is no exception.  

Anila has lots of unnecessary shit everywhere. The kitchen though,  the kitchen is amazing. 

And Toya..... just ugh. Build a house from the ground up, customize everything then claim its not 'large enough'. Sure Jan 

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I also wondered if Mason was brought in to film with Quad. His mom was on the show when he was a toddler. Either way he’s cute and it’s a nice side of Quad. Sad about her brother. 

Glad the Scott and Contessa problems seem to be better now,. I still think that was for the camera because in her early seasons they seemed fine. I really don’t like the fitness competition storyline. It’s been done on Bravo already. 

I am ashamed to admit this but last summer I remember watching some of Heavenlys YouTube videos. She did diss some of her cast mates. I remember more about Toya and selling her house than any Contessa stuff.  Which btw, Toya selling the dream house is odd. I hope she doesn’t work Eugene into the ground keeping up with all of this mansion nonsense. Also it’s very stressful to move so to do it repeatedly seems unnecessary. Her and Anila might be slightly better now but Toya is definitely not happy for her.

Did Anila overdo the fillers? She looks more artificial in her talking heads. 

Edited by Chatty Cake
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I don't think Heavenly knows how to be a good friend. You don't publicly talk about your friend's marriage, even if what you're saying is true. 

Quad's conversation with her nephew was so touching. I think she would be a good "Mauntie". I know she said she didn't want children in the past, but I think she didn't say the quiet part out loud. I don't think she wanted to have children with her ex. I could be wrong.

What was the point of Toya building her "dream house", just for her to sell it? How was the pool too small when she approved the design? Toya's need to live like a Kardashian is beyond selfish. Does she even care about how hard Eugene has to work to keep her happy?

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4 hours ago, spunky said:

Quad's conversation with her nephew was so touching. I think she would be a good "Mauntie". I know she said she didn't want children in the past, but I think she didn't say the quiet part out loud. I don't think she wanted to have children with her ex. I could be wrong.

So far, it seems like she is being a great “Muantie” I applaud her.

4 hours ago, spunky said:

What was the point of Toya building her "dream house", just for her to sell it? How was the pool too small when she approved the design? Toya's need to live like a Kardashian is beyond selfish. Does she even care about how hard Eugene has to work to keep her happy?

I think, no, no, no Toya doesn’t seem to understand or care how hard Eugene has to work.

He looks so tired from working so many hours.

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Anila's nanny just up and leaves for Houston? With no notice???? There has to be more to this story🤔🤔 Did Anila forget to pay her? She didn't want to be on camera and/or live in a 14000 sq ft house?

What's with this show and nannies? Its like they have the most trouble in not keeping them. I know good help is hard to find, but still. I do feel bad for the kids if Ms Gonzalez has been there since before the child was born.

Contessa's nanny I kinda understood - that situation was a family friend who started helping and the became difficult to be around. This story is a life lesson to those who hire nannies....

Edited by sATL
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On 7/11/2022 at 10:20 PM, For Cereals said:

Just what was Contessa wearing to the party?  Party City costume with the wrong theme was right!  I mean, come as you are, but I would almost find it insulting.  She’d have been better off just wearing a nice summer dress.  Not going to get into that wig with bangs.

I’m here for Heavenly getting her comeuppance.  She’s had it coming for years and Deserves. It. All.  I just hope it’s good.

Contessa always gets the party theme wrong Lol !!! She looked like some type of Egyptian .

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6 hours ago, sATL said:

Anila's nanny just up and leaves for Houston? With no notice???? There has to be more to this story🤔🤔 Did Anila forget to pay her? She didn't want to be on camera and/or live in a 14000 sq ft house?

What's with this show and nannies? Its like the they they have the most trouble in not keeping them. I know good help is hard to find, but still. I do feel bad for the kids if Ms Gonzalez has been there since before the child was born.

Contessa's nanny I kinda understood - that situation was a family friend who started helping and the became difficult to be around. This story is a life lesson to those who hire nannies....

Anila's initial shock is understandable, but the nannie has her own family and grandkids and I know that she missed them. Maybe this was her 2 week notice for them.  Anila has to learn to cope the same way other working parents do everyday . 

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are the majority of the picture on the beauty store walls Allura ?

And yes - I give Heavenly credit for getting a hair contract with a funeral home.

I give the Brother credit for owning 25 funeral homes. Speaking of which- do families choose the location that is closest to them? Do people comparison shop locations , just like other stores?  "Girl, you better go to the location on xxx street, their selection is so much better than the one on yyy street"... 

Wonder how he handles a grand opening of a new location- advertise on tv/radio/church, people on the corner waving signage/flags, and have a mini celebration with stuff for the kids and some kind of free sample, like its done when a new store opens?

I really now need to think of a side hustle,..

Edited by sATL
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I'm so over Contessa and Scott. Always looking for a storyline. 

First, she wants to go away to study to be surgeon general some day. 

Then, it's trouble with Scott. Is he or isn't he cheating? Divorce. No Divorce. 

Now she want to be a fitness model and train for a competition. 

Why can't she just stick to doctoring at her new facility she shares with Scott? 

I think everything she does is bullshit for the camera. 

I can't quit awful Heavenly. He visit with Dr. Jackie had me LMAO. Yes, it's real. You get older, menopause, your lady parts dry up and you have no sex drive. Sucks. 

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Heavenly makes me laugh. Whether she’s pretending she thinks she’s pregnant at 50 or she’s dropping it multiple times at her beauty supply store, she’s too much. I’m liking Quad and Mason this season too.

Toya as usual is negative and never happy for anyone else.

I don’t blame the nanny for leaving that job. It annoyed me to listen to Anila go on about her blogging. Imagine cleaning up the for the brats while the Mrs is twirling for tik toks. 

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"i saw you drop it" lmao daddy loves him some heavenly and i was giggling right along with eugene when he said that. 

i just want to give a shout-out to mason because that poor baby is just going through it on that schoolbus. he needs some peace and quiet at the end of a long school day and his classmates just don't understand! but i do though. i used to come home from work and sit in near silence for a hour afterwards. let mason decompress!

Edited by cyberfruit
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On 7/19/2022 at 6:51 AM, Chatty Cake said:

Whether she’s pretending she thinks she’s pregnant at 50

I knew a woman who was positive she was pregnant at 52 and we were like “very, very likely not.” It wasn’t welcome news, either - she was like “how could I have been so careless?” and everyone in her life said “go to the doctor. We bet you’re not pregnant.” Spoiler alert: she was not.

13 hours ago, cyberfruit said:

I just want to give a shout-out to mason because that poor baby is just going through it on that schoolbus. he needs some peace and quiet at the end of a long school day and his classmates just don't understand! but i do though. i used to come home from work and sit in near silence for a hour afterwards. let mason decompress!

He’s also been through a LOT - he’s grieving and he lives in a new place (even if he lived in the ATL before, Quad’s house is new). He’s probably just stressed!

On 7/18/2022 at 9:38 AM, byrd said:

Anila's initial shock is understandable, but the nannie has her own family and grandkids and I know that she missed them. Maybe this was her 2 week notice for them.  Anila has to learn to cope the same way other working parents do everyday . 

It bugs me when people take leaving jobs personally. The nanny has her own family; she wants to be with them. Okay! She doesn’t need a reason to leave - anyone can leave any job at any time - but “I want to move to be with my own family” is very valid.

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yes - no person in chained to any job, but my heart still goes out the kids.. I know in time they will get over their "Gika" . the look on the hubby's face was shock - I don't think he did that for the camera. I do wonder if they knew or suspected her family was in Houston all of this time... 

Those pinto beans must really be something .. a 4 yr old has mentioned them twice.  Hopefully she left the recipe..

when I first saw the pink Halloween bucket - I thought it was candy or some kind a ticket for a prize/game. I do like toya's technique - no phone no entry. I too would have been right out of the door. they make mute and vibrate settings for a reason.

Edited by sATL
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Any body have it on their reading list for 2023 Simone and Cecil's marriage book, promised to be a best seller,  that Omnarosa gave professional writing advice ?

Lord - please find Cecil meaningful employment ( to put that $25K back into the account) or a worthwhile hobby/volunteer gig, Brother has been floundering and flopping since he got laid off. -- I'm thinking one reason they stayed married this long is that they both were wrapped up in their careers and raising children.

Edited by sATL
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2 hours ago, byrd said:

That baby said, who's going to cook my Pinto Beans ! Lol !!!!!! too cute !! 

I really want to try those beans now!  She needs to write a cookbook lol!

Man, Heavenly cackling while everyone else looked like they were going to cry…wow.  She’s awful.  But yeah, there was no way that was going to go well.

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Heavenly was out of line but I thought Contessa was absolutely ridiculous. She starts screaming at Heavenly that her marriage is not a joke. Contessa, you put your marriage out there for a storyline so you can’t get mad when people give their opinion. I thought what Heavenly said about everyone else was unnecessary but she did have a point about Contessa.

The show is shading Toya. Every time they show her home Toyas Rental House appears on the screen. 

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18 hours ago, sATL said:

Lord - please find Cecil meaningful employment ( to put that $25K back into the account) or a worthwhile hobby/volunteer gig, Brother has been floundering and flopping since he got laid off. -- I'm thinking one reason they stayed married this long is that they both were wrapped up in their careers and raising children.

Right?? They were on the verge of divorce. Papers filed and everything. Then Simone pulled back and now they are happily ever after. Why would she want to put up with floundering Cecil this time? What's changed? I'm not buying what they are selling (including the book)!

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Quad is such a loving and supportive Mauntie. Marlo on RHOA can learn a few things from her. Heavenly was 100% wrong for talking about her "friends" on YouTube. If you consider someone your friend you don't publicly embarrass them. Then to sit there and cackle while her castmates were fuming, proves that she did not care about their feelings. 

Even though she was wrong, she didn't lie about Toya and Contessa. Toya is beyond lazy and Contessa's husband came across a verbally abusive. 

Edited by spunky
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On 7/16/2022 at 11:36 PM, Trac3 said:

Toya: "The last house....wasn't large enough for kids and adults".

A house over 9000 square feet isn't large enough for 2 adults and 2 kids?

GTFO. Just tell the truth - you wanted to make a profit.

First of all, I agree what's wrong with making a profit? People buy and sell homes all the time. You can always find another dream home. Those McMansions are a dime a dozen where they live and if they want to build again they sure have a beautiful rental to live in for now. I think one of Toya's problems is her Indian friend (sorry, forgot her name) built bigger and better in her neighborhood and Toya won't put up with that! Which brings me to my second point:

 Eugene is working his ass off and seems to be unhappy but does Toya catch a clue or does she even care? He was giving her every hint on earth that things need to change during the kitchen table convo. She will always want bigger and better and he is going to work himself to death trying to please her. She's an awful wife and I wish Eugene would grow some balls,  dump her, go in to private practice, work less hours and find a woman that appreciates him. 

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Heavenly. Damn I think she was right about ALL the women but you don't put your close friends business out there on front street like that. What makes matters worse is that she took such glee in doing it. Malicious, hateful, joyful glee. Keep your mouth shut and talk about your friends screwed up lives behind closed door with Dr. Daddy and nobody else. Shame on her!

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Contessa can be dramatic sometimes. But she is allowed to feel how she feels about what Heavenly said. I thought Quad and Jackie might be hiding secret men on their phones lol is the reason they wanted to keep their phones. When Heavenly and Contessa first got in each other faces it was so over the top it seemed like they were acting lol. My reaction would have been just like Simone's with Contessa. I thought Toya looked very pretty in the last scene. 

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On 7/26/2022 at 2:57 PM, bichonblitz said:

Eugene is working his ass off and seems to be unhappy but does Toya catch a clue or does she even care? He was giving her every hint on earth that things need to change during the kitchen table convo. She will always want bigger and better and he is going to work himself to death trying to please her. She's an awful wife and I wish Eugene would grow some balls,  dump her, go in to private practice, work less hours and find a woman that appreciates him. 

So true.She even started the  "you don't pay attention to me" I have a feeling she is setting up  the justification of an affair. She thought she did well with a doctor...should have married a business man, or someone who could pay and play. 

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The little Indian girl had me in tears and the little lad cracked me up. "Who's going to make the pinto beans?" I hAnila'sope the mother got the recipe!

I knew Omarosa when she worked for the Clinton-Gore administration. I don't know what kind of relationship advice she can give but she is strategic and mercenary AF.

Toya with the phones? What a ditz. I loved how Jackie was, like, take a seat, Mrs. MD, you're talking to the M and the D.

Contessa's house is as bland and unstylish as she is.

I used to kind of like Heavenly even though she has no class but she was funny. But this YouTube stuff was awful. Did Dr. Daddy know she was doing that?

Anila's husband is smelling himself as they say in the south. Eugene is the nicest of the husbands and an OG. Dr. Sajiit needs to stand back!

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Dr Daddy lost me with that meek and soft shit. Might as well say keep sweet pray and obey.  GTFOH! I’m so sick of the women’s drama vs men’s drama and husbands coming to the rescue. However, I do not like to see Eugene hurt.

Things may have gone left but I think Heavenly deserved every minute of it.  I didn’t find it to be mean or wrong.  And I agree with Simone, they’ve talked to her repeatedly about her talking about them.  They held a mirror up to her to show her her own behavior.  Her trying to say that Contessa is mad at her husband is a separate issue.  I’m sure she was, but as a friend, you don’t use that as fodder for likes or laughs.  So now she’s mad at you too. Annnd if you know what you did to Quad was wrong, you know you were wrong for what you did to everyone.

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To me it was telling the way Anila treated the Nanny when it was the Nanny that cleaned up the cow shit in the house and not Anila, her husband or the mother and also how Anila was highly offended that the Nanny would pick spending time with her family over Anila's.  Bet they did not give her any type of bonus after 5 years of loyal service (a car seat they were too lazy to take out of her vehicle does not count).  Guess Anila needs to actually raise her own kids.  Seriously how long does it take to post videos on SM?

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12 hours ago, For Cereals said:

Dr Daddy lost me with that meek and soft shit.

This is why Heavenly is the way she is. Dr. Daddy coddles her, he needs to get real with her and tell her if she wants any friendships at all she needs to change.  I can not believe she told Anila that Quad was cheating with married men, (we have it on tape), then she flat out lied in her confessional and said she never said that! That is some sick psycho shit right there! Did she forget her convo with Anila was being filmed? 

I enjoyed seeing Contessa at work. She better doing her job then she is outside of work. 

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14 hours ago, For Cereals said:

Dr Daddy lost me with that meek and soft shit. Might as well say keep sweet pray and obey.  GTFOH! I’m so sick of the women’s drama vs men’s drama and husbands coming to the rescue. However, I do not like to see Eugene hurt.

Things may have gone left but I think Heavenly deserved every minute of it.  I didn’t find it to be mean or wrong.  And I agree with Simone, they’ve talked to her repeatedly about her talking about them.  They held a mirror up to her to show her her own behavior.  Her trying to say that Contessa is mad at her husband is a separate issue.  I’m sure she was, but as a friend, you don’t use that as fodder for likes or laughs.  So now she’s mad at you too. Annnd if you know what you did to Quad was wrong, you know you were wrong for what you did to everyone.

Daddy is just a mild mannered guy and he knows Heavenly is a hot mess . Heavenly needs to listen to him actually.  He is far more mature than she is. 

2 hours ago, bichonblitz said:

This is why Heavenly is the way she is. Dr. Daddy coddles her, he needs to get real with her and tell her if she wants any friendships at all she needs to change.  I can not believe she told Anila that Quad was cheating with married men, (we have it on tape), then she flat out lied in her confessional and said she never said that! That is some sick psycho shit right there! Did she forget her convo with Anila was being filmed? 

I enjoyed seeing Contessa at work. She better doing her job then she is outside of work. 

Heavenly is classic for an apology , and then will keep on doing the shame shit ! 

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4 hours ago, bichonblitz said:

This is why Heavenly is the way she is. Dr. Daddy coddles her, he needs to get real with her and tell her if she wants any friendships at all she needs to change.  I can not believe she told Anila that Quad was cheating with married men, (we have it on tape), then she flat out lied in her confessional and said she never said that! That is some sick psycho shit right there! Did she forget her convo with Anila was being filmed? 

I enjoyed seeing Contessa at work. She better doing her job then she is outside of work. 

Heavenly strikes me as one of those women who have few female friends outside of professional connections. She thinks what is funny, isn't really and she's too much into other folks business.Based on her back story she shared a couple of seasons ago, she probably never learned, since she was coupled up at home most if the time. Then when she went to undergrad, sounds like she was busy man chasing, while getting into dental school. She caught her man , her forever friend. No other personal female friends needed until this show came along.

Edited by sATL
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On 7/28/2022 at 6:16 PM, politichick said:

Contessa's house is as bland and unstylish as she is.

Congress & Dr Scott remind of those who worked hard to get the house, but too busy or perhaps cash strapped to do anything with it. after one closes on a McMansion, payments, utilities and other bills can send a shock to the system. I forgot which DR specialty he is . Contessa probably does well,but not overly well, as if $$ is endless.  Sidenote: the GA state surgeon general makes $237k. Contessa, still looking for a government job?😁

As long there is a place to lay their head, a place to put food on the table, kids are fine in their spaces, guests can come and go without being in the way,  a bathroom to get ready for going to/from work, and he can go in the movie room and check out in a leather seat, all is well with the house.

Edited by sATL
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Okay, he isn't my man but I like him very much.  Indian guy, if Eugene thinks your stupid joke isn't funny, it isn't.  But what do I know, I think renting a UHaul is cute and funny....And then doubling down on the "joke?"  Not.

How about this?  Have your wife get a better nose job.  I can't remember their names but the Indian-American wife has a terrible nose job. 

Don't dis my Eugene.  Just don't. The End.

Edited by albarino
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1 minute ago, albarino said:


Okay, he isn't my man but I like him very much.  Indian guy, if Eugene thinks your stupid joke isn't funny, it isn't.  But what do I know, I think renting a UHaul is cute and funny....And then doubling down on the "joke?"  Not.

I'm not going to do some sort of curry joke (mostly because I don't know any of them) but don't dis my Eugene.  Just don't . The End.

I’m with you about Eugene. I just wish his wife would get a clue about how much he does and sacrifices for her to live the way she does.

I just think he must be exhausted all the time from working so many hours.

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I think all that working is making Eugene a very mad man!  I've never seen him  act the way he was acting at the Halloween party and even at the guy's hatchet throwing.  He just seems to be worn down to a nub.

This is all thanks to Toya.  Too bad SHE can't get herself a j-o-b doing SOMETHING to take her mind off spending Eugene's hard earned $$$ all day every day.  It's gotta be boring just sitting on your ass all day spending money.  Ugh.  Do something, Toya!!

Edited by goofygirl
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Is Heavenly hurt or just mad that she got called out? She could try apologizing if she really wants the friendship back. 

I thought Kiran (I had to look up his name) acted like a bitch. Dressing up to piss off Eugene and Toya was petty. Anila is also pathetic. She can’t handle her kids and the little boy seems like a brat, last week crying about pinto beans and this week just being bad for his mom. Maybe she should cut down on her stupid blogs. Does anyone watch her? She looks overly plastic and what’s with the neck fat? Does she have a condition of some kind?


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