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3 hours ago, albarino said:

I don't know where Contessa is studying but I guess it is Vanderbilt and didn't she say she was gone 2 or 4 days a week?  None of this seems unreasonable to me.  Mr. Contessa seems unreasonable; is it women's work to know how to do laundry/feed kids/dress them for school?  If he isn't up for it, why don't they hire a maid/nanny?

Also Vanderbilt has a certain cachet that Emory and GA State don't have.  Good for Contessa to have a goal.  I think she is one up for her military background, race and gender.  They only thing riding against her is her appearing on this dumb show.

Ain’t no way a Vandy MPH > Emory. Emory is a pipeline to CDC.

OH  NO  SHE  DID  NOT  keep someone waiting 45 minutes & not apologize profusely?!!! Hell noo! I would have left after 10, filming or not. Fuck that. I don’t wait for my drs but 15 minutes.

34 minutes ago, albarino said:

Understandable but not for a political appointee like the Surgeon General.

Have to agree to disagree.

Fun fact: I work w David Satcher’s niece.

Edited by DrSparkles
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hold up... did I hear the already MD (internist/family medicine at that) studying MPH degree - career path to surgeon general, who just landed from a flight from nashville (ie a 4 hr car drive)... order at 8:45-ish pm .. 

3 hotcakes, large fry, a cheeseburger and 6-piece mc nuggets, supposedly for the kids? WTH?

Then she implied it would have been best for the whole family to go to Nashville??  Double WTH??


Also let me clarify something I said earlier - I am not knocking Vanderbilt. Fine school.

Its just that when someone already has a career going and mostly importantly already is close a fine school (ie Emory, or even Ga State), and the parent of 3 school-age children - something has to give No need to "name chase" a school . Since she served in the military that will go a long way into getting into the CDC. If she got veteran status - like Dr Britten did, that definitely will open a door into the federal service. I wonder did she talk to someone at the CDC before she started this pursuit ?

Edited by sATL
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38 minutes ago, sATL said:

hold up... did I hear the already MD (internist/family medicine at that) studying MPH degree - career path to surgeon general, who just landed from a flight from nashville (ie a 4 hr car drive)... order at 8:45-ish pm .. 

3 hotcakes, large fry, a cheeseburger and 6-piece mc nuggets, supposedly for the kids? WTH?

Then she implied it would have been best for the whole family to go to Nashville??  Double WTH??

that definitely will open a door into the federal service

Yeah, I had every thought you had, including "why the hell is she flying" andplusalso...

Conetessa just called Eugene...what was it again?  "The literal definition of a big baby bitch"?  She lost me with the fat-shaming, first at the reunion, and again last episode.  

Dr Scott has always been extremely supportive of his wife, even when she was wrong IMO.  If he's this mad, it's either for a storyline, or Conetessa's really not living up to some end of the bargain.

I was very turned off by her stopping at McDonalds (at first I thought the food was just for Conetessa, which would have been fine). I thought it was done just to be able to go through a drive-up fast food window with a chauffer, which is actually really cool, but 1) it's been done recently on Bravo and; 2) the fact that she was bringing the McDonalds home for her kids when they just ate a nutritious dinner and were off to bed was so wrong.  Yeah, that's some Surgeon General behavior right there!  Does she smoke two packs a day too?

I don't clutch my heart over how much I love these women, but each and every one seems to know how to play the reality show game, except Conetessa.  She is just very awkward around these ladies, and I wish they would cut her from the show.  As much as I love to hate, say, Mariah, not everything she does annoys me. If she would have tried to feed little kids fast food at 9 pm, I would give her the benefit of the doubt.  Conetessa just does stupid shit for no rhyme or reason on enough of a regular basis that she's constantly always on my last nerve.

She was bitchy when Heavenly accidentally mispronounced her name, she quit medicine, she went back to medicine, she fired her nanny but never replaced her, she acted like her surgery was an Act of Congress, she didn't know how to fight with Toya like a normal person--had to use her husband as a conduit for accusing Toya of assault--and she showed up to the last reunion basically topless.  I hate to bring up this name, because maybe it will summon Bettlejuice, but if we could exchange Lisa Nicole for Conetessa, I'd do it. 

I think it's extremely selfish to leave your husband and young children in Atlanta more or less because you have a bee in your bonnet, and your response to your husband's worry is that he should have brought the kids and joined her.  Yes, the children should uproot their lives (likely twice) because...of wanting to be Surgeon General?  What if she wanted to be Attorney General?  Should we just indulge Conetessa when she decides to jet off to an Ivy League law school for three years?  Sometimes responsible adults have to put off their dreams until their youngest is away at college, when it makes sense.  


Everyone else seems to be playing their roles just fine.  If the sky is blue, Quad is dating.  I'm taking an educated guess and putting it out there that she's dating a man who is not technically divorced yet, or doesn't want their romance on the show for other reasons of discretion, and that's why she's being coy.

I obviously feel really bad for Toya and her miscarriage.  That footage from the cell phone was devastating.  That said, I would never, ever, ever let my friend be my ob-gyn.  Separation of church and state!!!

I thought it was a little inappropriate that Jackie had her own minister there, Alyssa, to mediate.  Alyssa said something at the beginning that she was at the tea-bullshit-whatever-Jackie is calling it this season because Jackie is unbiased.  No, Alyssa, you are actually there because Jackie is biased, and so are you, apparently, judging from your reaction to Mariah.

Oh Bravo, you silly sad child.  You show Simone valeting her car at the restaurant only for her to retrieve It herself from the restraurant's parking lot, complete with a manufactured screech of tires as she pulls out.  Who at Bravo was like, "this scene is not dramatic enough!  We need to get the sound of screeching tires in there"?  Cause that's not unsubtle at all!

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Toya should never had told her kids that she was pregnant at 7 weeks. Way too early. I wonder if they went to school too and told everyone their mom was pregnant. There is a reason to wait at least 3 months before broadcasting the news. 

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18 hours ago, LibertarianSlut said:

I think it's extremely selfish to leave your husband and young children in Atlanta more or less because you have a bee in your bonnet, and your response to your husband's worry is that he should have brought the kids and joined her.  Yes, the children should uproot their lives (likely twice) because...of wanting to be Surgeon General? 

Beg to differ.  I was uprooted a lot as a military brat because my dad wanted a career as an Air Force officer.  With his engineering degree, he could have stayed put.  I think she can do what she wants.

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Certainly, Contessa can do what she wants.  I'm not saying she's being abusive.  I think she shouldn't be on the show because she doesn't fit.  

I am more sympathetic to an armed forces lifestyle, because at least it's generally something the spouses agreed to in advance of the union and the parents decided to accept a somewhat nomadic lifestyle for good of country.  

This Contessa "I want to be Surgeon General" seems more like a vanity project, which is super if you're single and/or have a spouse who believes in it.  I didn't agree with it with Britten on M2M:  LA, and I don't agree with it now, because it's not necessary, and it's impacting the spouses and children negatively when it can be achieved locally, or at least put off until the children are more grown up.  That's JMO.  

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On ‎9‎/‎12‎/‎2019 at 8:17 AM, sATL said:

Yes-it is highly possible  the ladies and the parties made the young man's grades fall real fast, that does seem like  a stretch for  someone  who went to one of the most prestigious  private  college  prep school  in town.  he got into howard, with I guess a very decent  SAT score, as the family  joked about at dinner. A young  person doesn't  just fall  off the course that quick.

Then to go from howard to GA state- that is a big jump. There are plenty of ladies and parties there too.  😁

I'm kind of an expert on this having graduated from the real HU. Howard treats all their students like they were adults - ie. nobody is going to look over your shoulder and check you if your academic game isn't cutting it. Even for students that come from rigorous HS programs can find the freedom and lack of oversight overwhelming. When mama isn't waking you up every morning, and there is a party going on every night, being in your seat for the 8am Chem class in the valley isn't quite so easy. That whole "look to your left, look to your right" thing isn't a joke and we used to always comment on how shell-shocked freshmen that made it through their first semester were when they came back after Christmas and half their class was missing. Some kids just need a little more maturity before they can make it work, and Miles definitely seems like the kind of kid that was a little sheltered and not quite ready for no-rules adulting 800 miles away from home.

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I think Morehouse also offers a MPH degree. And an executive Master of public health.

I also think there are a few more "steps" to be even in the running for surgeon general after getting an MPH. The picture of the past & present "generals" are in some kind of military uniform. And the current one served a few years as Indiana State Health Commissioner -appointed by the Governor.

Edited by sATL
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Episode 3: 


"Resuscitated Friendships"

Simone and Quad fight for their friendship; Toya and her family struggle with the healing process; Jackie and Simone plan a surprise dinner with Heavenly and Mariah to hash things out.

Airs September 22, 2019.

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3 hours ago, sATL said:

I think Morehouse also offers a MPH degree. And an executive Master of public health.

I also think there are a few more "steps" to be even in the running for surgeon general after getting an MPH. The picture of the past & present "generals" are in some kind of military uniform. And the current one served a few years as Indiana State Health Commissioner -appointed by the Governor.

To me, Contessa has an enormous ego. Good for her if she can be Surgeon General, but I really dislike her. I see her Surgeon General thing as a way to boost her storyline on the show. 

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Wow- not one comment about last night's show nearly 12 hours later.  It demonstrates how lackluster this season has begun. Every argument is a retread from last season.  I'm over the Heavenly/Simone, Mariah/Jackie, Quad/Simone and especially the Contessa/Toya beefs.

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So, I find the Heavenly/Simone disagreement to be the most interesting of this bunch because I don't think either one of them is wrong. Heavenly's position is basically that what she said about Curtis needing to get a job was her opinion, not some deep dark secret of Simone's. Simone felt guilty about having said anything to Heavenly (as she probably should) and was taking that out on Heavenly, rather than accepting that if she hadn't been complaining, Heavenly might not have had that particular bullet to shoot Curtis' way. Both of them are right in their feelings and wrong for what they did.

Also, is it just me, or is Jackie low-key making fun of Mariah directly to her face? That whole asking her to be plain-spoken is just another way of saying- you are doing too much and trying too hard. All that was missing was "Bless your heart"

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3 hours ago, walnutqueen said:

The only thing I remember about last night's episode is that Hellishly thinks she's a "world renowned dentist".

I laughed when Contessa pointed out that every time Heavenly remembers something about her past, she says she's the best at it - this time she was the best chess player in the world or some shit.

3 hours ago, Rlb8031 said:

Also, is it just me, or is Jackie low-key making fun of Mariah directly to her face? That whole asking her to be plain-spoken is just another way of saying- you are doing too much and trying too hard.

I think so too. That "you showed your slip"/"I was wearing pants" exchange cracks me up.

I don't know which of Toya and Eugene's sons is which (I know their names are Ashton and Avery but I don't know who is older and who is younger), but when one said "the baby died" and the other said "Let's not think of it like that," I was like "WOW, that is Eugene's child."

I continue to love Simone's family. From Cecil minding his business making a drink with his dog and then Simone coming home hot from her failed dinner with Quad and him saying "Aw shit," to the family meeting (when the younger son said "She got a whiteboard in there," I fell out) to the big family dog pile at the end of the meeting ... I just really like them. They seem to genuinely enjoy being together. You love to see it!

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On 9/17/2019 at 1:52 PM, LibertarianSlut said:

This Contessa "I want to be Surgeon General" seems more like a vanity project, which is super if you're single and/or have a spouse who believes in it.  I didn't agree with it with Britten on M2M:  LA, and I don't agree with it now, because it's not necessary, and it's impacting the spouses and children negatively when it can be achieved locally, or at least put off until the children are more grown up.  That's JMO.  

Also, isn't this the Dr. Contessa that quit her job last season (or season before?) to stay at home with the kids because she felt she was missing too much with the kids and the kids were unhappy with not having enough time with her and she felt hella guilty? What happened to that Contessa?  We spent an entire season watching her cry about being at work and not with the kids. She's full of shit. 

4 hours ago, Rlb8031 said:

Also, is it just me, or is Jackie low-key making fun of Mariah directly to her face? That whole asking her to be plain-spoken is just another way of saying- you are doing too much and trying too hard. All that was missing was "Bless your heart"

Oh, yes she was and I'm here for it! Jackie was throwing shade like crazy at Mariah! Talk to me in ebonics, lol, soooooooo good. Mariah is not too bright at all. She tries real hard, though, and Jackie can see right through her. 

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1 hour ago, Empress1 said:

I laughed when Contessa pointed out that every time Heavenly remembers something about her past, she says she's the best at it - this time she was the best chess player in the world or some shit.

Close - high school chess champion (because Hellishly is so modest about her accomplishments).  heh.

17 minutes ago, bichonblitz said:

Oh, yes she was and I'm here for it! Jackie was throwing shade like crazy at Mariah! Talk to me in ebonics, lol, soooooooo good. Mariah is not too bright at all. She tries real hard, though, and Jackie can see right through her. 

I lived for the "Speak to me in the Queen's English or Ebonics" shade - DEE-licious! 

Edited by walnutqueen
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5 hours ago, Rlb8031 said:

So, I find the Heavenly/Simone disagreement to be the most interesting of this bunch because I don't think either one of them is wrong. Heavenly's position is basically that what she said about Curtis needing to get a job was her opinion, not some deep dark secret of Simone's. Simone felt guilty about having said anything to Heavenly (as she probably should) and was taking that out on Heavenly, rather than accepting that if she hadn't been complaining, Heavenly might not have had that particular bullet to shoot Curtis' way. Both of them are right in their feelings and wrong for what they did.

Also, is it just me, or is Jackie low-key making fun of Mariah directly to her face? That whole asking her to be plain-spoken is just another way of saying- you are doing too much and trying too hard. All that was missing was "Bless your heart"

Hey, was that a Freudian slip about Curtis needing to find a job?  (I kid, and yet I agree at the same time)

But you bring up a good point:  If Heavenly has an independent opinion on a matter on which Simone also confides in her, is Heavenly breaching a confidence?  I don't really think so, even though I can see both sides.

If my friend "confided" in me that the grass was green, would that mean I was sworn to secrecy about the grass being green for the rest of my life?  Everyone knew Cecil didn't have a job, pretty much since he took $25k from a joint account to start a child labor app or something.

And didn't Heavenly only retaliate because Cecil implied Heavenly's house needed a power-washing? That's kind of a shitty thing to say, because it rings true.  As soon as I heard it, I believed it.  So Heavenly clapped back with info she could have surmised without Simone.  I don't know; it's tough to call.

I get the feeling there is more to the Heavenly/Simone fight than Simone "confiding things" to Heavenly and Heavenly putting it on social media.  A lot of these issues are based on contract negotiations, which they can't put on the show, so they pretend it's about something else.

Every season I try to like Mariah.  And then she goes and says stupid shit (I'm just going to put this in spoiler box to be safe): 


On WWHL last night, Mariah was asked about the receipts for Damon cheating as well as for Quad sleeping with her brother-in-law, and on both accounts, Mariah made it crystal clear that she has receipts, but she is just too much of a lady to bring them, and because she loves Damon.  Wow, so you love someone while you're saying you have proof he's cheating on live TV?  That's a strange kind of love...

I think I'm over Mariah for this season.  

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5 hours ago, Empress1 said:

I continue to love Simone's family. From Cecil minding his business making a drink with his dog and then Simone coming home hot from her failed dinner with Quad and him saying "Aw shit," to the family meeting (when the younger son said "She got a whiteboard in there," I fell out) to the big family dog pile at the end of the meeting ... I just really like them. They seem to genuinely enjoy being together. You love to see it!

Simone's son's (Why is the bottle green?  WHY IS IT GREEN?) had me cracking up!  I rewound it 4 times to see it again.  lol!!

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ok...sorry for being late to the party...

Yeah - Cecil's dry martini and Sam stole the episode... "oh sh*t" in response to Simone's screeching.. Poor men (Sam and Cecil) - probably thought they had a few hours of peace...

Actually I do believe Heavenly was the top-of-this-and-that. She was a bookworm, whose mom declared she would be a DR, in what I take in a not so great area , which meant the HS school probably was lacking in some areas. Sure you can be class president, if no one ran against you, sure you can be chess champion when only a handful of people are on the team. She knew she had to get good grades for college scholarship and some of that "full-ride" was probably financial need based.

Contessa worried me when she had no response to Heavenly meddling question of where is a woman's place is/should be..Say something woman..

Heavenly - learn to excuse yourself from when women are talking about their husbands. (1) look at what happened b/w you and Simone and (2) since you place your hubby on this glass pedestal, you will find fault too quick about every else hubby. Contessa - you vented to the wrong one...Heavenly would find fault in Mary's husband Joesph 

The family meeting at Simone/Cecil... too many years too late. And when your son-man is bold enough to keep his condom stash out, can't wash his own clothes, can't pick up his clothes b/c he is too lazy to go buy a hamper (hell he's only been gone a year - what happened to the one he used), can't wake up on his own, can't do simple chores (trash, walking Sam) , etc ---> time to go...

And didn't she say two weeks ago Miles is "doing better"??? in what area ? College is more than GPA - is also growing up time to become an independent adult...


Edited by sATL
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Heavenly raised her daughter to be "sassy" and now the chickens are coming home to roost. I'm not sure if Heavenly still thinks it's cute but I don't see it ending well. 

I find Contessa to be self absorbed and a bit emotionally dense. 

I hate to judge on these types of things, but I agree that Toya should not have told her kids about the pregnancy so early. 

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9 hours ago, PettyLabelle said:

I feel like the whole dynamic of the group has soured since Mariah has returned. She is like a cancer with her negativity. Not saying this group didn't have issues before but there is something so sour about Mariah, Lake and Lucy.

I totally agree.

I wish she and Quad would go away from my TV screen.

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Getting Quad off the screen would be a goal, but I will totally settle for half a season where someone says "it's good to see you," to Quad and she doesn't respond, "it's good to be seen."  (Cause that doesn't sound pompous or get old the first damn time she said it).

If I can get like six episodes without that unfortunate exchange, I'll die happy.

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I thought the Surgeon General comment was said in jest and suspect Contessa just wants a cake administrative job in a hospital or the like - no patients, no billing, just a nice salary and a 9 to 5.  Contessa is clearly unhappy being a practicing physician; also doesn't want to be a stay-at-home mom.  I've felt that way in life and thought wow wouldn't it be great if I could just go back to school - it is a vacation from real life! - and then after that I'll be able to be in an easier profession.  Not only a vacation from work but this chick figured out how to get a vacation from her family!  Kadooz as they say in Real Housewives Land! 

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On 9/25/2019 at 7:33 PM, AuntDahlia said:

I thought the Surgeon General comment was said in jest and suspect Contessa just wants a cake administrative job in a hospital or the like - no patients, no billing, just a nice salary and a 9 to 5. 

If that's the case, Contessa could've stayed in Atlanta, she doesn't need to go to another state to get schooling for an administrative job in Atlanta.  Contessa & Britten from M2M LA are trying to get away from their families and get those TV lights going ...kids and husbands kind of get in the way of that.

I'm not saying Contessa or Britten don't love their families but I think both of them are trying to get away from them and get up underneath some TV cameras and using Schooling for Surgeon Generaling and Finding Better Job Opportunities Across The Country as excuses to do it. 

Please don't have the Joseline woman on M2M on a regular basis.  Let tonight's episode be the last.

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Episode 4: 


"Ballin' on a Budget"

Jackie and Curtis have big dreams for their house but their budget may be too small; Contessa realizes her time in Nashville is hard on her family; things get ugly at a party thrown by Simone's friend; Toya hosts a get-together for her birthday.

Airs September 29, 2019.

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The $500 should have include hair-do... all weave costs $$.... bring out the naturals..  blow-outs, flat-iron, rollerset, etc

Speaking of "thrifty" anybody catch whose store brand of lemonade punch was pouring at Toya's party? Couldn't budget for Chickfila , Simply or at least store brand gallon from the refrigerator section?


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Aint no way in HELL I would let "Buffie" do my taxes/finances.. (website for practice). Looking for her bio - what school , degree, certifications, etc.. 

I mean if she 3rd generation tax/accountancy/book-keeping etc - I would think it would be a link as what grandmother started in 1947. At least state it on the website out of respect. And what did her parent do for the business?

I get a creepie vibe from the woman.. and her live-in house manager...

Double Hell NO Jackie - don't even think it, say it, wish it, proclaim it... the last thing you need is a live in...

Edited by sATL
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5 hours ago, sATL said:

Aint no way in HELL I would let "Buffie" do my taxes/finances.. (website for practice). Looking for her bio - what school , degree, certifications, etc.. 

I mean if she 3rd generation tax/accountancy/book-keeping etc - I would think it would be a link as what grandmother started in 1947. At least state it on the website out of respect. And what did her parent do for the business?

I get a creepie vibe from the woman.. and her live-in house manager...

Double Hell NO Jackie - don't even think it, say it, wish it, proclaim it... the last thing you need is a live in...

Based on her website, I am struggling to understand who her target audience is. No respectable business professional  would go to her for tax advice. I assume her clients come from the same client pool as Phaedra Parks. 

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4 hours ago, sATL said:

Double Hell NO Jackie - don't even think it, say it, wish it, proclaim it... the last thing you need is a live in...

And does Curtis work? Home alone all day with that attractive house manager and we know when Curtis gets lonely, he strays. Nah.

What is with this Love and Hip-Hop crossover? She's Joseline Hernandez, baby.

Toya and Eugene looked too casual at the under-$500 outfit party. Not sure how I feel about Buffie, who appears to be the new friend-of. 

Contessa's kids are funny. I'm still not clear on why Contessa couldn't pursue her master's in Atlanta.

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I don't think Curtis works. The whole thing with the designers coming to the house and Jackie basically wanting to rebuild the house was ridiculous. She was on WWHL and was asked if it made her mad that Curtis was against all of the big proposed renovations. She said no, because she never had any intention of doing them! Said something about wanting Curtis to feel like she took his concerns seriously etc, and lead him to believe THAT is why she didn't proceed with the reno----basically leading him to believe that he was right. What??? Is Jackie all about the man having the power and having to build your man up? Ugh. Not a fan of Jackie and her creep cheater husband.

Contessa needs to go.

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1 hour ago, Empress1 said:

And does Curtis work? Home alone all day with that attractive house manager and we know when Curtis gets lonely, he strays. Nah.

What is with this Love and Hip-Hop crossover? She's Joseline Hernandez, baby.

Toya and Eugene looked too casual at the under-$500 outfit party. Not sure how I feel about Buffie, who appears to be the new friend-of. 

Contessa's kids are funny. I'm still not clear on why Contessa couldn't pursue her master's in Atlanta.

Curtis said in the first episode that he has retired from teaching/coaching in the school system. Not unusual for someone his age, but normally folks get another job/pursue hobbies like golf or fishing and don't just hang around the house all day. And I think you're right, its a recipe for disaster.

Re: the crossover


Heavenly and Dr. Jackie were on WWHL and Heavenly shared her opinion that the JH appearance was a "set-up" because according to her JH showed up and beelined directly over to Toya and started in with her. She implied Buffy was trying to assure that she would get some camera time. Toya tweeted to the show and agreed. 

Buffie appears to be the definition of try-hard. She's a low-budget Mariah, and anyone that would voluntarily invite no-behavior having Joseline anywhere out in public deserves to be side-eyed into obscurity.

12 hours ago, drivethroo said:

Contessa & Britten from M2M LA are trying to get away from their families and get those TV lights going ...kids and husbands kind of get in the way of that.

Except that during the fight between Scott and Contessa in last week's episode, Contessa indicated that she originally wanted to take the kids with her to Nashville for the year and Scott said absolutely not. I just think that Contessa is frustrated that when she does it all its her job, and when Scott does it partially he thinks he deserves a medal and gets to guilt Contessa for not being around. What would he do if Contessa got ill, or god forbid passed? Raise your kids dude and make whatever sacrifices are necessary in your "schedule" to do so.

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2 hours ago, laprin said:

Based on her website, I am struggling to understand who her target audience is. No respectable business professional  would go to her for tax advice. I assume her clients come from the same client pool as Phaedra Parks. 

Well that Joseline woman was one of her clients.

Buffie's tax business looks like a more glamourous Mo Money Taxes.

10 minutes ago, Rlb8031 said:

Buffie appears to be the definition of try-hard. She's a low-budget Mariah, and anyone that would voluntarily invite no-behavior having Joseline anywhere out in public deserves to be side-eyed into obscurity.

Mariah was looking at the situation with Buffie and Joseline with disdain.  That's why she hustled Toya to the bathroom.

11 minutes ago, Rlb8031 said:

Except that during the fight between Scott and Contessa in last week's episode, Contessa indicated that she originally wanted to take the kids with her to Nashville for the year and Scott said absolutely not.

I agree with Scott on this.  Why should the children's lives and routines be disrupted because of Contessa's whims?

Who's going to be watching, feeding and caring for the children while Contessa is in class or in study?  Probably a nanny.

So leave the kids in Atlanta and hire Mrs. Doubtfire to watch the kids while Scott is at work and Contessa is studying.

If Contessa up and died, Scott would be remarried within a year so the new wife can take care of the kids (just like that dude would on Love & Marriage: Huntsville).

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1 hour ago, drivethroo said:

Mariah was looking at the situation with Buffie and Joseline with disdain.  That's why she hustled Toya to the bathroom.

I agree with Scott on this.  Why should the children's lives and routines be disrupted because of Contessa's whims?

Who's going to be watching, feeding and caring for the children while Contessa is in class or in study?  Probably a nanny.

I referred to her as a low-budget Mariah due to the propensity to start unnecessary mess. 

Contessa's whims will result in her being a doctor that has a 9-5 schedule which is more conducive to raising a family, which is what Scott has said that he wanted. Its a balance of short-term impacts vs. long-term impacts. 

As for who is watching, feeding and caring for the kids, is should be their daddy. But if Scott won't modify his schedule to make that happen, yes, a nanny while the kids were with mom would be the next best thing. Note, they didn't hire one while she was away, which leads me to believe that they don't want someone else helping to raise their kids. 

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3 hours ago, Rlb8031 said:

Curtis said in the first episode that he has retired from teaching/coaching in the school system. Not unusual for someone his age, but normally folks get another job/pursue hobbies like golf or fishing and don't just hang around the house all day. And I think you're right, its a recipe for disaster.

How old is Curtis? I always think of these two as in their early 50's because they both look great but I know Jackie is actually close to 60. She looks freakin' fabulous this season! 

I agree, Curtis needs something to do. Maybe he can hang out with unemployed Cecil. Talk about recipe for disaster. 

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51 minutes ago, bichonblitz said:

How old is Curtis? I always think of these two as in their early 50's because they both look great but I know Jackie is actually close to 60.

Which is a reason why they would want such a big house to upkeep. It's not like they have to room a dozen grandchildren for a sleepover. I also think they like to travel- meaning they won't be home much when Jackie retires.

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1 hour ago, bichonblitz said:

How old is Curtis? I always think of these two as in their early 50's because they both look great but I know Jackie is actually close to 60. She looks freakin' fabulous this season! 

According to the inter-webs, Jackie is 56 and Curtis is 60, so I suspect he's fully retired. The big house for empty-nesters (and one with a very busy professional life) is weird to me too; I think Curtis only has one child (an adult daughter who has been on the show before) so odds are good they're not going to have a litter of grandkids. A 2/2 condo would do them just fine.

4 hours ago, Rlb8031 said:

Except that during the fight between Scott and Contessa in last week's episode, Contessa indicated that she originally wanted to take the kids with her to Nashville for the year and Scott said absolutely not.

I agree with Scott too since their time in Nashville would be short. If they were going to permanently move to Nashville, that would be one thing, but it doesn't seem like that's the case.

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1 hour ago, Empress1 said:

I agree with Scott too since their time in Nashville would be short. If they were going to permanently move to Nashville, that would be one thing, but it doesn't seem like that's the case.

Her program is two years. That's short when you're an adult, but an extremely long period when you are a little kid. Having the kids go to school in Nashville and return to ATL on holidays and the summer wouldn't be the end of the world. 

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Toya seems to have grown a lot. I'm liking her so far this season.

I have said it before and I'll say it again. Contessa is emotionally dense. She asks her kids questions and then seems shocked "You're sad???" Ugh STFU woman.

Joseline is just a shit starter at heart. Not surprised at all by her antics. Buffie is questionable at best. 

I cannot STAND Curtis. He needs to go sit in a corner somewhere. He is just too tickled that he got away with cheating. I get zero remorseful vibes from him or his mole. He swears he something.

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4 hours ago, Empress1 said:

A 2/2 condo would do them just fine.

I’m going to respectfully disagree. As a recent retirees (4 years) with no grandchildren in sight and just one middle aged child. When you have been used to a large space it’s difficult to make such a transition. We just moved to a  3000+ townhouse. We like having our own  dens (no offices needed), still share a bed but like separate bathrooms etc. It’s a lifestyle more than anything else. 

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If I recall correctly, before the cheating, Jackie wanted a hip, happening condo in the city and Curtis wanted a big suburban house.  Jackie wanted the condo because it would be closer to her work and she felt they didn't need the big suburban house because they didn't have kids to put in the house.

Skip forward a couple of years and here they are with a big suburban house.  I'm wondering if Jackie is accommodating Curtis' desires *yet again* to keep him from straying again.

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5 hours ago, drivethroo said:

If I recall correctly, before the cheating, Jackie wanted a hip, happening condo in the city and Curtis wanted a big suburban house.  Jackie wanted the condo because it would be closer to her work and she felt they didn't need the big suburban house because they didn't have kids to put in the house.

Skip forward a couple of years and here they are with a big suburban house.  I'm wondering if Jackie is accommodating Curtis' desires *yet again* to keep him from straying again.

That's what annoys me SO much about the whole thing. He ought to be closing his mole...I mean mouth, holding her purse and saying Yes Dear. He is a petulant, insufferable cunt IMO. I wouldn't be surprised if he cheated again because Jackie is still chaaaaarting too much for his taste. Ewww. 

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Episode 5: 


"Naked And Not Afraid"

Toya shocks the ladies with her idea for an art class; Heavenly decides not to tell Damon about Toya's explicit birthday party; while Simone and Cecil give the boys a safe-sex talk, Jackie does some sexual research for an exciting new project.

Airs October 6, 2019.

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9 hours ago, OnceSane said:

Episode 5: 

Naked And Not Afraid"

Toya shocks the ladies with her idea for an art class; Heavenly decides not to tell Damon about Toya's explicit birthday party; while Simone and Cecil give the boys a safe-sex talk, Jackie does some sexual research for an exciting new project.

Airs October 6, 2019.

And all of this "sex" is still rated tv-14.

I'm really awaiting for the FULL conversation  b/w Contessa and Scott in the preview for this week..

Edited by sATL
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