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Season 1 Discussion

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On 10/9/2018 at 4:55 PM, Browncoat said:

I swear I have had that exact washcloth conversation!

On 10/9/2018 at 8:22 PM, kaygeeret said:

As a 'long lived white person' I have always used a washcloth and never knew or even guessed that this was a topic of conversation much less a cultural "thing".  Who knew?

I'm white and have used a washcloth as far back as I can remember. We always a had a big stack of them in the linen closet, as I do to this day. It actually kind of grosses me out that so many people don't use them - including some of my family members, lol. 

  • Love 6

Dave really is kind of annoying. When you're the guest at another family's game night, be gracious and play the game they suggest, at least until everyone gets comfortable. You can make a suggestion later, if they invite you back and everybody is having fun. He knows Calvin has issues with him, and he really doesn't handle it well at all.

I like the friendship between the women a lot, and I really like Marty and Malcolm, too.

Edited by possibilities
  • Love 7

As much as I like Cedric, Tichina and Beth are stealing this show - they have some great chemistry and I love Tina and Jemma together. Marty and Malcolm are also really entertaining. Actually I think the Dave and Calvin are my least favorite aspect. Dave is super irritating and Calvin is kind of an ass., although I guess is they became besties the show would be over. 

  • Love 11

I hope they didn’t really have sex in that nasty elevator.

I’m sort of with Cal — no cobbler until you at least try the food on your plate.  You don’t have to eat it all, and you don’t have to like it, but at least try it if you haven’t had it before.  Says the pickiest eater in the world.  OTOH, I don’t like cobbler, so there’s that.  LOL

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On 10/1/2018 at 9:15 PM, jumper sage said:

It could have been a good show.  Maybe the west coast is very divided.

I have always lived in a diverse area and have friends of all races, religions and orientations.  We often ask if it's a (insert color) thing, (insert religion thing), or a (your crazy family thing)?  Nine times out of 10 it's a crazy family thing.  I was recently asked if my chicken and waffles is Italian style, white style or (my family name) style.  Ok so I make my fried chicken without bones and then you can actually eat the chicken with the waffles...................................................Sorry you don't have to cut around the bones.............................................Is that wrong?

They could have gone any number of ways just highlighting differences in culture.

But the white couple's kid said they bought the house because they couldn't afford anything more.  So this is the hood?  Pretty nice houses.


On 10/2/2018 at 5:15 AM, Empress1 said:

It's supposed to be LA, right? LA is crazy expensive (their sticker shock coming from the midwest would be huge). Black neighborhoods are often valued lower because racist redlining practices still affect housing prices today, so I'm sure houses in what looks to be a nice middle-class Black neighborhood are cheaper than ... I don't know, Silver Lake. (I don't know LA neighborhoods very well.)

I'm Black, with roots in Brooklyn and Philly, the former of which is crazy stupid gentrified and the latter of which is catching up. I spend a lot of time thinking about gentrification because it affects me and my family, particularly my Brooklyn home owning family, directly. I think a show about gentrification could be fascinating if done well - but this is not that show.

Okay I am from segregated Los Angeles and when we moved to within walking distance of Ray Charles, yes that Ray Charles, house we replaced that last white family with school aged kids on the street as most had already fled. There is nothing to so -called gentrify, the only thing that is happening is the white grandchildren of the fleeing folks have started to buy back in after 2010. Today you could be sure that when a house goes on the market a white family will buy it, at a $200K discount from across the major street where white folks held on during the 50's to 70's era of flight. Some of the older black landowners, perhaps wanting payback for their younger days being victims of Jim Crow wish that they could restrict future owners because when they pass if they have more than one kid that house is going to be sold and the Black Mecca, which spawned the BET show Baldwin Hills will be no more.

  • Love 2
9 hours ago, Raja said:


Okay I am from segregated Los Angeles and when we moved to within walking distance of Ray Charles, yes that Ray Charles, house we replaced that last white family with school aged kids on the street as most had already fled. There is nothing to so -called gentrify, the only thing that is happening is the white grandchildren of the fleeing folks have started to buy back in after 2010. Today you could be sure that when a house goes on the market a white family will buy it, at a $200K discount from across the major street where white folks held on during the 50's to 70's era of flight. Some of the older black landowners, perhaps wanting payback for their younger days being victims of Jim Crow wish that they could restrict future owners because when they pass if they have more than one kid that house is going to be sold and the Black Mecca, which spawned the BET show Baldwin Hills will be no more.

I think Cedric's character was explaining that in the last episode or so.

I just watched all the available episodes On Demand last night and I like it.  I don't watch too many sitcoms these days but this has made me chuckle a few times.  I agree that it got off to a rough start and the pilot felt all sorts of awkward but it's gotten better IMO.  I like all the characters...except for Grover.  What a rude little snot.  How can he have such awful manners when he has Gemma and super earnest Dave as parents?

  • Love 5

Tonight’s episode with the barbershop was pretty funny. I missed the interaction between Tina and Gemma. 

I watched the first episode and almost deleted the series from my season pass manager but I always give new shows 3 episodes, since pilots can suck so hard. I am glad I did as I feel that the show is getting better each week. 

The tertiary characters in the barbershop - I hope that they reappear in future episodes. No Grover so that was nice. 

  • Love 6
5 hours ago, yourdreamer said:

Tonight’s episode with the barbershop was pretty funny. I missed the interaction between Tina and Gemma. 

I watched the first episode and almost deleted the series from my season pass manager but I always give new shows 3 episodes, since pilots can suck so hard. I am glad I did as I feel that the show is getting better each week. 

The tertiary characters in the barbershop - I hope that they reappear in future episodes. No Grover so that was nice. 

I laughed out loud several times during this episode. I'm with you - I give new shows at least two episodes unless the pilot is so egregious that it's a clear no. This is one of those shows that was worth hanging in for, particularly once I realized Tichina Arnold was in it. 

"Are they stolen??"

  • Love 5

This show may be finding its feet - last night's Thanksgiving episode was not too bad.  But dude, you don't rescind a Thanksgiving invitation to your neighbors the day before!  Explaining his mom was good though, so they knew what to expect.  

I rolled my eyes a bit at the high heels Gemma was wearing to fix the dinner.  But I've always been about the comfortable shoe myself.  

Edited by zoey1996
  • Love 3
46 minutes ago, zoey1996 said:

I rolled my eyes a bit at the high heels Gemma was wearing to fix the dinner.  But I've always been about the comfortable show myself.  

Ha - I never wear shoes in my home at all, so I always laugh when people on TV and in movies are in not just shoes at home, but uncomfortable ones at that.

I laughed at Tina saying "Oh, she's racist," because it showed a certain kind of familiarity. Tina and Calvin are 50-ish; they've been around people like Dave's mom before. 

  • Love 4
1 hour ago, Dee said:

Marty's glee at any & all potential drama will never not be funny.

Ha, totally agree! And even Malcolm was all about it when Dave opened the door right when his mom said something dumb, nodding his head with gleeful anticipation. 

I'm starting to look forward to this and Happy Together, I think they make good companion shows. Cedric and Tichina Arnold are pros and have great chemistry, as do Damon Wayans Jr and Amber Stevens West on Happy Together.

  • Love 4
On 11/7/2018 at 8:41 PM, zoey1996 said:

I love fried catfish!  And cobbler, though I prefer cherry to peach. 

As a black man living in the northeast (with southern roots), I never got the "black folks love fried catfish" television trope.  Must be a bayou thing.  Most of my seafood-loving relatives in NC, SC and GA are all about the whiting (or as we pronounce it "whiteys").  I've tried fried catfish on a few occasions and found it much too gamey.  Different strokes, I guess.

On 11/8/2018 at 7:27 AM, icemiser69 said:
On 10/19/2018 at 7:59 PM, msrachelj said:

had to delete this crap off my dvr. no one has any chemistry with anyone. everyone in the white family are bad actors. not funny. could have been ok. but this is shit.

I absolutely agree with you.  They need to phase out that family and retool the show.  They need to build the series around Cedric and the rest of the cast that play his family.  They are such wonderful actors.  His wife on the show is especially good.

I think this is a show that's going to take one, maybe one-and-a-half seasons to find its groove.  So far it's been a little hit-or-miss, aside from the instant chemistry between Beth Behrs and Tischina Arnold (that CBS is trying to quickly capitalize on).  If the show hasn't begun to congeal in the next 5-10 episodes I might be among those moving on, much as I like Cedric.

  • Love 1

I'm giving this show a chance, but not so impressed so far. The white couple are written to act like idiots. I'm not caring for their characters much at all. I agree that they should drop this family and go with Cedric's family. The wife is very good in her role. I like her the best. Cedric seems to be a bit uncomfortable in his role IMO. Their sons are doing a good job; nicely portrayed.

5 hours ago, Dee said:

When Tina pulled Seasoning Salt out of her fannypack? I screamed.

That whole scene was great! I like everyone on the show, but Tina and Marty are my favorites. I loved when Dave was telling the story of the basil thief and when he said it turned out to be a deer, Marty says "wha-at?", like he was really interested.

  • Love 6
2 hours ago, possibilities said:

Great episode. This show has improved dramatically since the Pilot. I'm really liking it now.

Also, I kind of liked some of those self-defense ideas! I can stab the attacker and still look fly!

Listen! You could EASILY take out somebody's eye with a rat-tail comb!

(I still can't stand Grover.)

Edited by Empress1
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