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Also back when Maci had Bentley she wasn't supporting a man. At least Ryan had an apartment for them to live in. The new guy moved in with Maci and then rode her ass to buy them a bigger house. Remember when Maci was all pissed off because Ryan wouldn't pay for some cake mix to bake bentleys cake that time? Her standards are way lower now imo.

Well now Maci really has the stink of desperation on her. The "oops I got caught" was cute when she was 17, not so much at 20 something and still begging guys for commitments.

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According to this article, he is a granite company employee: http://hollywoodlife.com/2013/08/21/maci-bookout-boyfriend-taylor-mckinney-marriage-interview/


However, that was back in 2013 when he lived in Texas. He now lives with Maci in another state.


How is it that a guy who lived in Texas, manages to have friends in Maci's state of Tennessee, that look just like him from the neck up with regards to the beards?

Edited by GreatKazu
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I won't go too forums on forums talk, and will try to address this to share my opinions versus being confused about everyone else's.  My feelings are that Maci is pretty harmless, there is nothing so out there about her having a second child in her 20s given that she has waited several years.  She does make money in some fashion, she is not living on the street and seems to provide a stable home to her existing child.  I personally feel she has good intentions when dealing with Ryan and other people in relation to her son.  She may not always please everyone in how she does it, but I truly see her as the one with the least issues of the 4 moms and I don't find a lot to get upset about in regard to her storyline.

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Taylor made some comment, when looking at rings, that he'd need to get a second job. So I guess he DOES have a job? Unless he was just using that expression. 


Yeah, I don't think he's like, a kept man or anything, but he probably doesn't earn much money, compared to Maci. I would guess any mortgage amount would be based on his income alone (since Maci's is considered non stable), so Maci probably had to put a pretty large chunk down to get the mortgage down to what the lender would be comfortable financing (based on someone who probably earns $30-40K a year- I'd guess the most Taylor could qualify for is around $100K, unless his income and job history is much better than I estimated). So, maybe he has a $100K mortgage and she put down $100K? I don't know what Chatanooga real estate looks like and if you can buy a nice house there for $200K. According to a three second google search, the average listing in 2015 is $244K. But there are obviously some ritzier areas than others.


I work on the commercial side of real estate investment financing, so I don't know about consumers, but we would not accept an applicant who's income (regardless of how high) was based on earnings from a reality show, particularly if negotiated on a season by season basis.

  • Love 1

Kyle King's credit had to be used when he and Maci bought that one house together because Maci's credit was bad. I assume that meant it was non-existent (I hope) or like someone noted above, her salary from MTV is not considered stable work.


My feelings are that Maci is pretty harmless,

Until she lies, and tosses her birth control pills away. 



there is nothing so out there about her having a second child in her 20s given that she has waited several years.  .

Waited? More like she had to wait because Kyle King, her ex, wouldn't give in to her demands of wanting another child. Do people watch this show and remember what happened? I realize I don't remember all the details, but that whole season with Kyle and Maci was all about Maci pressuring him into marriage, buying a home, and having a kid. I guess some people forget entire seasons and storylines.

Edited by SPLAIN
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Kyle King's credit had to be used when he and Maci bought that one house together because Maci's credit was bad. I assume that meant it was non-existent (I hope) or like someone noted above, her salary from MTV is not considered stable work.


Could be a combo of both.  To get a mortgage you have to have a pretty decent credit score - which doesn't include your regular income, just takes into account any types of loans or credit cards you have out there and if you're good at paying them off on time and how much outstanding debt you have.  

And you also generally have to have so many weeks worth of paystubs so that might be where she got into trouble. I think they also take into account how much money you have in your accounts so maybe that could be balanced out with one lump paycheck but not sure. 


I'm sure it was a Maci lie where the truth is hidden somewhere in her explanation. 

On the one hand, I can kind of sympathize with Maci's rush to have another kid. If you know you want other kids so the siblings can be close, and you're watching your firstborn get older and older, it can be tough. I have a girlfriend who split from her ex shortly after her daughter was born. She has basically been single since then and her daughter is almost 4. I have 3 kids close in age and she has expressed several times how much she would love her daughter to have siblings she can be friends with. I know it bothers her. So I get that desire. But sometimes things don't work out as planned. My girlfriend could have gotten herself pregnant to fulfill her dream, but logically she knew that wasn't wise. Is it the worst thing ever that Maci is having another baby? No. But was it wise at this point? My opinion, no. I doubt this relationship will last and eventually she'll have another kid growing up without daily access to their father. And the siblings will be split up for family vacations, holidays, etc. And with Bentley going to school, now would have been the perfect time to figure out what she wants to do with herself, once the MTV money is gone. But she just didn't think any of this through. Or didn't care. 

  • Love 6

On the one hand, I can kind of sympathize with Maci's rush to have another kid. If you know you want other kids so the siblings can be close, and you're watching your firstborn get older and older, it can be tough. I have a girlfriend who split from her ex shortly after her daughter was born. She has basically been single since then and her daughter is almost 4. I have 3 kids close in age and she has expressed several times how much she would love her daughter to have siblings she can be friends with.

Is that really a thing, though? It might be because my brothers never played with me as children and have not bothered to talk to me in over 20 years as adults so I don't really get having more than one kid so they can be friends. Do we see Maci and her siblings hanging out as friends ever?

  • Love 2

I can understand wanting your kids to be close in age so that they will be friends, but your kids' longterm relationship with each other is something that is really out of the parents' control. It all comes down to personality types and temperament. I have a friend who has two sisters, one three years older than her and one six years older. The middle sister (who is 3 years apart from both of them) doesn't get along with either of them, and barely talks to them now that they are all adults. My friend and her oldest sister are much closer. They're both in different very places in their lives, but they still get along great and always have. I guess the point I'm trying to make is that planning to have another child before you're really ready just so your first child will have a friend doesn't always work out. It's kind of a disservice to both the first kid and the second. In Maci's case, as far as the teen mom girls go, she was probably in one of the better positions to have another kid, but she's up against Jenelle, Adam and Leah so that doesn't say much.

Do we see Maci and her siblings hanging out as friends ever?

Have we ever even heard about her siblings? I vaguely remember them referring to her having and older brother that her parents had as teens before having her. Basically it was just to give background that her parents where teen parents too.

  • Love 5

As was her reasoning for wanting another kid, "I'm bored".

What is it with these girls being bored? Jenelle, Amber, and Maci are all fucking bored. Maybe they all need to get a fucking life! No parent should be bored if they have a child. When that child goes to school, that parent should involve themselves in something that keeps them busy such as volunteering at their child's school, getting a part-time job, doing something.

  • Love 3

I understand wanting children close in age too but that's why I didn't have a child at age 16 with my douchebag high school boyfriend. What did she really think would happen? Did she think she would pop out multiple children with Ryan before she turned 22? Now she's in a race against the clock to find a willing man to impregnate her so Bentley isn't 10 years older than his siblings. Stupid.

  • Love 7

My biggest concern is that Taylor does not seem the least bit interested in her and only seems to be sticking around for the fleeting fame and fortune.  I feel no desire in him to be with her the rest of his life.  In fact, if it was not for the fleeting fame and fortune I do not think he would be with her at all.


Maci is making the same mistakes over and over again.  You can not force a guy into fulfilling you wish of a perfect family, if that guy does not want the same thing.  She is so desperate to be married because I think she honestly looks at it as some sort of accomplishment.  Anyone can plan a wedding, but it takes hard work to have a successful marriage and a fiance who is reluctant in the first place, does not bode well for long term success.

  • Love 5

Is anyone else sick of Maci using her pregnancy for every situation that she doesn't like? Example tonight's show (Unseen Moments) when she teared up over the Taylor/Bintley scene she announced to Dr. Drew that "you can't do this to me, I'm pregnant" and tweeting stuff like "too much for a pregnant girl".


We get it Maci. You're pregnant. Get over yourself. You aren't the first to get pregnant and you won't be the last.

  • Love 7

6 years ago Maci was a 16yo teen mom. 6 years later she's a 23 yo single mom of two with two baby daddies. Both baby daddies could care less about her. Maci is still trying to work on her TWO year degree. How long will it take Maci to finish her two year degree and realize a baby won't make him stay or marry her?

A)Never-Maci will continue living in her own world & will never get her degree or get married.

B) Only a few more years-Maci will finish her TWO year degree and pressure her baby daddy to marry her.

C)Another 6 years- Maci will still be chasing after a ring, maybe get a wedding & might have baby daddy number three. She completely dismisses her TWO degree and wants to be a SAHM.

D) 10 years - Maci will be broke still dreaming of a wedding. She will have to deal with two men she had children by. She will continue to deal with their bullshit while complaining how stressed she is. No TWO year degree in sight.

  • LOL 1
  • Love 9

Definitely C.


2015- Maci will maybe get engaged to Taylor and will start planning a wedding. Between a new baby, wedding planning, and Bentley's pee wee soccer schedule, school will have to wait a year.


2016- after Taylor realizes MTV is not funding the wedding or giving Maci her own show, he suggests they take a break. Maci is too distracted to finish her TWO year degree.


2017-2018- Maci decides baby Jayde has a calling as a baby model. Managing her career is too stressful to think about school. Maci is dating someone new.


2019- Maci has to get a job as the baby modeling isn't that lucrative, and her teen mom money is almost gone. Maci has invested a lot of her money in legal fees suing Taylor for child support. Working 40 hours a week is hard, y'all. Maci continues to date.


2020- Maci gets in touch with Teen Mom producers about an update show. Resolves to get back in college to show you can be a teen mom and get your degree. Negotiations are pending, but Maci takes online classes just in case. Maci continues to date.


2021- Negotiations fell through, no Teen Mom windfall. Maci has one class left to graduate. Would skip it, but it's only one class and Maci's job really sucks. Maci bitches and moans about how hard it is to be a Teen Mom. Friends kindly refrain from pointing out she is almost 30. Maci's boyfriend agrees to propose after she graduates college.


2021 continued- Maci passes her last class! Gets engaged. Realizes there is not much of a market for TWO year degrees in Social Media. Has to continue working shitty job. Decides to get pregnant immediately after wedding. Gives up on fancy wedding as it will take too long to plan and Maci wants to quit her job like yesterday.


2022- Pregnant, can't work while having morning sickness. Maci quits her job. Maci's fiance wonder why a certain slow looking blond man regularly points and laughs at him. Inexplicably receives a fruit basket annually with a "better you than me, bro" letter from someone named Kyle King. Odd, Maci's ex Taylor gets the same arrangement. Oh well, the fruit basket is the only thing fiance looks forward to anymore.

  • LOL 1
  • Love 8

Maci's fiance wonder why a certain slow looking blond man regularly points and laughs at him. Inexplicably receives a fruit basket annually with a "better you than me, bro" letter from someone named Kyle King.

I always suspected that poor Kyle was the bastard albino son of the Jolly Green Giant.




"Maci bitches and moans about how hard it is to be a Teen Mom. Friends kindly refrain from pointing out she is almost 30."


Maci: "I'm a teen mom. I'm 29-teen years old!"

Edited by cheatincheetos
  • Love 4

What is it with these girls being bored? Jenelle, Amber, and Maci are all fucking bored. Maybe they all need to get a fucking life! No parent should be bored if they have a child. When that child goes to school, that parent should involve themselves in something that keeps them busy such as volunteering at their child's school, getting a part-time job, doing something.

In the words of Betty Draper, "Only boring people are bored."

And Maci and Amber are boring. (And Jenelle's a psychopath.)

  • Love 4

Amber and Jenelle are taking Amtrak to an MTV all-seasons Teen Mom reunion in Pittsburgh.


If Amber leaves Indianapolis IN at 8 am Central at 110 mph and Jenelle leaves Florence SC at 9 am Eastern at 90 mph, at what time will their colossal tempers collide and form a nuclear fireball?


A) Never. Amber turned around and went home when they wouldn't let her drag the couch on the train. "I'm done! I'm DONE!"

B) Never. Jenelle broke up with Nathan over her favorite color, then they had loud make-up sex and broke up again, three times before making it out the door, so Amber got off the train before Jenelle even left.

C) Never. Leah and Mama Dawn texted Jenelle that Elkview WV wasn't that far off her route and "we haves pillses". Game over.

D) Never. They're awesome special snowflake TV royalty and should not have to travel with the common folk. Someone might stare at them.

E) Never. No way in hell Amber would get up before noon.

  • LOL 1
  • Love 6

Amber and Jenelle are taking Amtrak to an MTV all-seasons Teen Mom reunion in Pittsburgh.

If Amber leaves Indianapolis IN at 8 am Central at 110 mph and Jenelle leaves Florence SC at 9 am Eastern at 90 mph, at what time will their colossal tempers collide and form a nuclear fireball?

A) Never. Amber turned around and went home when they wouldn't let her drag the couch on the train. "I'm done! I'm DONE!"

B) Never. Jenelle broke up with Nathan over her favorite color, then they had loud make-up sex and broke up again, three times before making it out the door, so Amber got off the train before Jenelle even left.

C) Never. Leah and Mama Dawn texted Jenelle that Elkview WV wasn't that far off her route and "we haves pillses". Game over.

D) Never. They're awesome special snowflake TV royalty and should not have to travel with the common folk. Someone might stare at them.

E) Never. No way in hell Amber would get up before noon.

The answer is E. I would totally pass this exam with flying colors.

  • Love 5

In the words of Betty Draper, "Only boring people are bored."

And Maci and Amber are boring. (And Jenelle's a psychopath.)

Who is Betty Draper?

I don't think it's really fair to say Taylor doesn't give a shit about Maci. We have really only seen maybe 30 minutes of them together.

A lot of guys aren't comfortable showing affection to their partner in front of other people. In his case it's in front of a million people. He doesn't seem to me to be super comfortable with the cameras either.

Amber and Jenelle are taking Amtrak to an MTV all-seasons Teen Mom reunion in Pittsburgh.

If Amber leaves Indianapolis IN at 8 am Central at 110 mph and Jenelle leaves Florence SC at 9 am Eastern at 90 mph, at what time will their colossal tempers collide and form a nuclear fireball?

A) Never. Amber turned around and went home when they wouldn't let her drag the couch on the train. "I'm done! I'm DONE!"
B) Never. Jenelle broke up with Nathan over her favorite color, then they had loud make-up sex and broke up again, three times before making it out the door, so Amber got off the train before Jenelle even left.
C) Never. Leah and Mama Dawn texted Jenelle that Elkview WV wasn't that far off her route and "we haves pillses". Game over.
D) Never. They're awesome special snowflake TV royalty and should not have to travel with the common folk. Someone might stare at them.
E) Never. No way in hell Amber would get up before noon


Can I pick a combo of B and E? LOL!.


Who is Betty Draper?

I don't think it's really fair to say Taylor doesn't give a shit about Maci. We have really only seen maybe 30 minutes of them together.
A lot of guys aren't comfortable showing affection to their partner in front of other people. In his case it's in front of a million people. He doesn't seem to me to be super comfortable with the cameras either.


Betty Draper is a character from Mad Men. 


And you may be right about Taylor. But we can only comment on what we see, and develop our own opinions based on that. I mean, we only see a few hours of Amber's life. It is quite possible she spends tons of time OFF that couch, but all of those scenes end on the cutting room floor. ;)

  • LOL 1
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Bristol Palin & Maci both worked for the Candies Foundation giving speeches about preventing unplanned pregnancy before marriage (and in at least Bristol's case, abstinence before marriage).

In light of the news that Bristol is pregnant again and her initial non-joyous announcement and then clarification to all the "haters" that the baby was planned (but she got ahead of herself, etc) with her now-ex-fiancé, Bristol probably should have called Maci as soon as she saw that positive on the pregnancy test. Maci would have been able to give her some tips on how to act surprised over the "oopsie"/"planned" pregnancy and how to announce it and explain it. It seems pretty obvious to me that since Bristol's baby was "planned" just as her engagement was being called off, that this baby is a Trap Baby, much like Jayde is/was for trapping Taylor. Maci at least had a better reaction when initially telling people the news, like telling Bentley God decided to give them a baby, as well as a better cover story (this is a miracle baby I didn't think could happen cause I have PCOS! The doctor said so!). Bristol should have taken some notes from Maci.

Maci, girl.....if it works out with Taylor and you make it to the altar, I'm suggesting that you write a manual on Trap Babying 101. The first chapter can be about how to announce the pregnancy in a way that acknowledges that some may be disappointed (Jen, Larry, your grandparents) but still is full of excitement and joy, as well as coming up with a good backstory (an idiot doctor & PCOS = it's a miracle baby! You can't not be happy about a miracle, right?!).

Also, the Candies Foundation may just want to hang it up. Just spend the money spent on speakers like Bristol and Maci on free condoms available anywhere Candies brand is sold (like Kohl's).

ETA: I'm really hoping Bristol names her baby "Trapp." It fits with the hideous white-trashy baby name theme her family and a lot of the TM girls have going on, it fits the whole Tripp-Trigg thing the Palins have going, and it's fitting in this situation. (Although it appears Bristol's baby daddy is harder to "Trapp" than Taylor.)

ETA again: apparently the Candies Foundation's goal is preventing TEEN pregnancy, so I guess since Maci & Bristol are in their early 20s, it's all good and since they're not teens anymore that automatically means they are now stable, have their lives together & are ready for babies, etc. /sarcasm

Edited by MyPeopleAreNordic
  • Love 8


Bristol Palin & Maci both worked for the Candies Foundation giving speeches about preventing unplanned pregnancy before marriage (and in at least Bristol's case, abstinence before marriage).


Who is in charge of the Candies Foundation. They are clearly total morons. Maci was living with Kyle and had it documented on a tv show and was always whining about having another kid. What imbecile hired these two?

  • LOL 1
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In light of the news that Bristol is pregnant again and her initial non-joyous announcement and then clarification to all the "haters" that the baby was planned (but she got ahead of herself, etc) with her now-ex-fiancé, Bristol probably should have called Maci as soon as she saw that positive on the pregnancy test.

Well, to be fair, I don't think Bristol ever called anyone haters...she did call people "giddy a-holes," which might have to work itself into my vocabulary. Except I would say giddy asshole, because unlike Bristol, I'm a foul mouthed sinner.

Has anyone on this show actually had success with a trap baby? Leah's didn't work out (sorry Addy), No matter what Jenelle and Nathan say they will never have a stable relationship, so that's not working (sorry Kaiser) and I would bet Javi and Kail get divorced within three years (sorry Lincoln). Of those three, Javi and Kailyn probably have the most potential, but that's not saying much. Then for the OG's, both Maci and Cate have new babies. They are both still with their babies' dads, so I guess they've got that going for them which is nice. But I still wouldn't jump to call those relationships successful.

ETA sorry I failed at quotes

Edited by truelovekiss
  • Love 2

Trap babies are rarely successful ventures long-term.


Yeah, I don't understand the logic. So, you are taking a relationship that is already fragile and likely to end soon (I am assuming if one of the two in the relationship are contemplating a baby as a means to save the relationship), and adding in a third party to the mix, who's needs will automatically be first priority, leaving little room for individual needs of the parents or their joint needs as a couple, and then throw in sleep deprivation, hormones, a financial crunch of adding diapers, formula, baby equipment, daycare, medical bills, the lack of autonomy over your daily schedule, the additional chores of cleaning bottles, laundry, etc- and anyone with an IQ above Forrest Gump thinks this is going to improve a relationship that was on the brink of ending?? (Well, maybe there's my answer right there with regards to the people on this show).


This brings to mind an interesting conversation between Maci and Ryan at the end of her 16P episode. Now, while I frequently disparage Maci, I don't think she intended to get pregnant with Bentley and as Ryan was the older, more experienced one, I blame him more than her for the lack of protection used. Anyways, Maci and Ryan are engaged and do regular couple things- go out to eat, drive dirt bikes, take maternity photos, and while you can tell Ryan's heart isn't in it, he does appear to be trying. I think the first half of 16P is the nicest I've seen Ryan during the duration of this show. During Bentley's birth, Ryan stays with Maci overnight in the hospital and Maci does a voice over that they are really happy now and things haven't been this good since before she got pregnant, and you can hear the hope in her voice. However, that all goes to hell when Bentley comes home, and Ryan pretty much leaves Maci holding the bag, and turns into a complete jerk.


Anyways, at the end of the episode, Maci says something like, we wouldn't be fighting this much if it weren't for trying to take care of a baby, or something like that, something that indicates Maci has enough insight to see that taking care of a baby full time pretty much kills any romance, at least in the beginning. Ryan responds, no, if it weren't for him, we wouldn't be together. Anyways, Maci's face just falls, and I actually felt really sorry for her at that moment.


Anyways, Maci seemed to be on the right track that adding a baby to the mix before a couple is truly ready for one (and not willing to commit to see it through, good or not) will likely end the relationship, and then Ryan hints to her that if she hadn't gotten pregnant, they would have already broken up by now, as their relationship would have ran its course. I wonder how much that conversation played into her feelings years later about having another baby with someone who seemed at best ambiguous about it.

  • Love 4

Is that really a thing, though? It might be because my brothers never played with me as children and have not bothered to talk to me in over 20 years as adults so I don't really get having more than one kid so they can be friends. Do we see Maci and her siblings hanging out as friends ever?

It's absolutely a thing.  I have a lot of friends who are super close to their sibilings and their ages range from 4-7 years apart. 

My brother and I are 5 years apart.  We aren't super duper close but I can call on him if needed. Would we hang out if we lived closer? That I'm not sure, although I am sure that I would likely be called on as a baby sitter quite a bit lol

  • Love 4

Whenever I hear anyone I know say they want to have their kids be close in age, I cannot help hearing in my head "This is just an excuse."  I am not saying all females who do this are lying,  (btw I have never heard a male ever say they want kids close together, anyone else?) but I can't help but notice that the females who do have kids close together, tend to be the ones who are not eager to go back to work, they are on the system somehow, they are not married, they have mentioned being somewhat stunned at finding out they are pregnant so then they decide to throw in, "Oh well, better for my kids to be close in age" after revealing they are pregnant.

  • Love 4

My husband wanted our kids close in age as well. But part of that was OUR ages. We had some trouble conceiving and I didn't have our first until I was 28 and he was 34. He both just really didn't want to have kids in our late 30s, so we ended up having 3 kids who are all 19-20 months apart. Also, my husband is an only child and he said he always was jealous of kids who had siblings to play with, he really wanted that for his kids. For me, even though it's really challenging in a lot of ways, I liked knocking out that waking-in-the-night/diaper changing stage and not having to go back to that again. 


But I'm sure it is an excuse for some people. 

  • Love 4
Anyways, at the end of the episode, Maci says something like, we wouldn't be fighting this much if it weren't for trying to take care of a baby, or something like that, something that indicates Maci has enough insight to see that taking care of a baby full time pretty much kills any romance, at least in the beginning. Ryan responds, no, if it weren't for him, we wouldn't be together. Anyways, Maci's face just falls, and I actually felt really sorry for her at that moment.



Thank you for reminding me about this scene.  The Teen Mom series has turned into such trash that it is sometimes hard to remember that the original 16 and P series has some very powerful moments.


I think this is also what frustrates me most about Maci.  She come from a relatively loving and stable background and was blessed with good amount of money for someone of her age and skills.  However, she is still making the same mistakes over and over again.


Whether it be Ryan, Kyle, or Taylor...she always wants to put the cart before the horse and force her happy family situation to happen.  I never understood her rush.  She is relatively young and has plenty of time to meet a guy organically (who is really into her) and then let things happen in there own time.

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