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I think that DR has been promised a lot of storytelling for Diggle in S8...

'Arrow' Star David Ramsey Says There is More to Learn About Diggle
By RUSS BURLINGAME - April 22, 2019


"I think that’s the great thing about John Diggle," Ramsey told ComicBook.com. "The writers and I have always talked about this, that the characters on Arrow are so rich and they really have been from the beginning. You can tell the story you want, but if you want to tell a story about any of those characters, you’re not hurting for story. You can do a six- or seven-episode arc on any one of these characters and get great storytelling out of it. You haven’t seen a lot of his backstory...and I think people are curious about it — particularly when you find out that his father’s name is Stewart, for God’s sakes, and he has a mother who’s alive and well, that he doesn’t call. These types of things make the character rich. I think that’s the type of stuff that makes a seventh or eighth season interesting — that there is more interesting story to tell. 'Is he Green Lantern? Is he not? What’s going on with his family?' You’re asking these questions at the end of the seventh season of a show. That’s a testament to the storytelling of the show, but I think John Diggle is a really rich character, and I think we’re still scratching the surface to all of his story, both backstory and future. I mean, he adopted a son at some point [in the flash forwards], and there’s conflict between his biological son and his adopted son. How did he play into that? Just tons of story left to tell."

'Arrow' Star David Ramsey on Why He is Excited Going Into the Final Season and 'Crisis on Infinite Earths'
By RUSS BURLINGAME - April 22, 2019


"It’s bittersweet, right? You do a show and you play a character for this long, and you’ve established these relationships with the actors. That’s the thing you’ll miss the most — going to work and working with these people who you love," Ramsey told ComicBook.com when we asked about the series' end. "But also, sitting back and just seeing where the story has gone, and the opportunity for where the story can go in the following ten episodes, is exciting. It’s bitter because you know it’s going to come to an end, but also I think there’s an opportunity to take the gloves off and just kind of tell whatever stories you want to, and just go wherever you want. Where do things go now without Felicity? What happens in the future? What happens with The Monitor? All these stories that we can really tell, and go as big as we want. And this crossover is going to be huge. That type of opportunity to tell some stories, because you only have ten episodes left is exciting."

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12 hours ago, Trisha said:

I’m guessing this is more of a case of DR trying to put a nice spin on things and/or needing better media training, but the not canon thing confuses me. And implying that Felicity or OTA was holding them back from storytelling is a bad look.


This particular interview reads better in context after reading the other interview TVEcho just posted.  Clearly DR means the limits removed on stories they can tell comes not from EBR and Felicity leaving the show but just that it's the final season and there's no holding back anymore on the stories they are allowed to tell so even if Felicity is gone, he thinks they can tell a compelling story because they have no show restraints and not that Felicity was a restraint.    

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You may wish to read the entire interview...

Arrow star David Ramsey thinks Oliver and Diggle need to 'shed some tears'
By Chancellor Agard April 22, 2019


With both Emily Bett Rickards’ departure and Arrow‘s final season on the horizon, Ramsey hopes Diggle and Oliver get a similar moment where they hash out their differences once and for all, especially after the big fight they had last season.

“Personally, [I want] the heart-to-heart of really laying out there how different these guys are and now saying, ‘To hell with all that. Let’s go bust some ass and fight some crime’ over a drink,” says Ramsey. “I think the fight that they had still lingers in the air someplace even though they’ve made up. He just left A.R.G.U.S. He was away for a long time and it was because of this whole break-up and differences between these two guys. So, I think it’s worth some place in the storytelling of saying, ‘Let’s say this out loud. Let’s clink our glasses, and then throw it to bed and move past it finally.'”
*  *  *
Do you think we’ll meet Diggle’s mom before the show ends? 
You guys found out when I found out that he had a mother. Yes, without a doubt. I think we’ll come to some conclusion as to what the first steps of this relationship between him and his stepfather mean to John Diggle.
*  *  *
I’ve been rewatching Arrow and one of the main differences that comes up for Oliver and Diggle is how they approach family. It’s been said time and time again that Oliver has a blind spot when it comes family and always gives them the benefit of the doubt. Diggle, on the other hand, is the opposite. In season 4, he was initially wary of Andy and reluctant to let him back in his life. Did finding out about Diggle’s relationship with his stepfather retroactively help make that distinction between these two men clearer for you? 
Not only did it make it clearer, I think you have other examples of that as well. That’s part and parcel of who John Diggle is. This gives us a good piece of exactly what you said, why he didn’t exactly accept Andy with open arms at first. Ultimately, he did and it was a mistake, and led to Black Canary’s death, among other things. But his father dying and feeling as if his stepfather was responsible, that now-stepfather being in the house and not feeling a connection to him, feeling the fact that he’s a foreigner in this house and he’s responsible for his father’s death, I think all of that kind of formed who John Diggle is and you see that with how he responded to his brother.

So, yes, it’s another clear distinction between him and Oliver, among other leadership differences and philosophical differences that these two men have. That came to a head also last season. I think the two guys — and we’ll even be exploring that even deeper next season because we only have 10 episodes. The relationship between Oliver and Diggle will be explored even deeper next season and that’s just how these two guys have to put their differences aside. It’s something we’re going to get into more next season.

After seven seasons, is there something you and Stephen haven’t done on screen together that you’re dying to do? 
There are times in the past you’ve seen these guys have a drink together in the restaurant together. Being able to see that type of thing again with some levity, with “Okay, we’ve grown. Yeah, we’re freaking different. It is crazy. Look at all this stuff we’ve been through. Look at the things we’ve accomplished. Now, let’s go kick some butt.” For this storytelling, it’s worth you seeing these guys actually shed some tears and not in anger, but in actual real understanding and compassion for each other. It’s been seven seasons, and I think these guys have earned it. I don’t think we’ve had that. We’ve had tears, but we’ve had it in anger, in fighting. We’ve had the handshakes afterwards, but there’s still something a bit hollow in that. We need something where you see these two guys really lay it on the line and then go out and save the city together — obviously now in the absence of Felicity, which I think lends itself even more to that being said because they don’t have Felicity’s genius to help them, so they need each other than they ever had before.
*  *  *
Is there anything else you wanted to add? 
We have 10 episodes next year and I’m really, really looking forward to just taking the gloves off in terms of the storytelling. What’s happening with John Diggle’s stepfather? What does OTA mean after we lose the T and me and Oliver have to move on past that? What does that all mean? I’m really looking forward to the final 10 episodes because I believe those will give an energy that we haven’t seen on the show in a long time.

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So after seeing the comic book.com and EW interviews, I wonder if it’s the same interview given to all the outlets, and TVInsider was the one that edited the quotes to sound unfavorable about Felicity/Emily when what David meant was that the 10 episode final season was going to take restraints off of the storytelling.

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20 minutes ago, tv echo said:

What does OTA mean after we lose the T and me and Oliver have to move on past that?

Oliver should...IDK be with his wife and kid? If it's too dangerous for them to be in Star City, it should also be too dangerous for them to be alone. If he's gonna be away they better come up with a really good reason, like the Monitor sending him on a mission or disappearing him into another dimension or something.

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42 minutes ago, apinknightmare said:

Oliver should...IDK be with his wife and kid? If it's too dangerous for them to be in Star City, it should also be too dangerous for them to be alone. If he's gonna be away they better come up with a really good reason, like the Monitor sending him on a mission or disappearing him into another dimension or something.

I was assuming that the Monitor would send Oliver away and that maybe SA wouldn't be around Starling City a whole lot in S8 (which would make Felicity's absence more palatable to me), but the way DR is talking in these interviews about how Oliver and Diggle have to learn how to be a team without Felicity makes me think he'll actually be around. Unless DR doesn't know what's going to happen next season and is just speculating/hoping.

If Oliver does stick around SC in present day, I'm going to need a REALLY good explanation about why they had to send Felicity in hiding to keep her from the Ninth Circle/SCPD/etc. but he's able to walk around safely -- and why he feels like he should be there instead of with his wife and daughter. I can't think of what that could possibly be. 

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David could always mean another version of diggle. Like E90 version. Also one has to consider that he is staying misterious regarding the fate of the team in the finale. All people know is that Emily is leaving the show. Does not mean the team will stay intact beyond the finale. 

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Damn, she even has Roy in for questioning. 

Anyway, it'll be interesting to see if she gives her friends the benefit of the doubt, or if learning that lesson was reserved just for Laurel, LOL.

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A lot of DR'S hopes for storylines about Dig don't turn out anything like he said and he does get clumsy with how he words things. A short final season does mean they can go for broke but it's unlikely he has too many specifics yet.

Oliver (and Diggle) don't necessarily have to be in Star City to rebond or whatever. They better have a good reason why Oliver isn't with his family beyond the usual "save this city" shtick. Because they have the oh so awesome Z Team Arrow now, oh wait.

@Mellowyellow I guess they could do a multi verse GA/BC romance if they are doing random stuff and set up for COIE but the actors still have anti chemistry with each other.

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I also think that some scenes filmed with the Monitor might not be for the finale but for the premiere. Unless they planning a time jump in the finale. Since there was a baby doll during the shooting at the cabin on Emilys last day. 

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At least three or four media reviewers (including IGN) are suggesting that Felicity saying (in 719) that she wants to create her own legacy and make her own mark on the world apart from being Overwatch for Team Arrow is a set-up for her exit from the show (like Curtis).

That makes no sense to me. That would only work if Felicity was not personally attached to a member of Team Arrow. But she's married to Oliver, the effin' Green Arrow.

These reviewers are acting like Felicity moves away and leaves Oliver behind in order to  do her own thing. They just ignore the flashforwards that we've already seen where she's still with Oliver and hiding in a cabin in the woods to give birth and then later when she's alone with Mia but still helping out the Canaries in secret. If anyone's left, it's Oliver.

Am I missing something?

Edited by tv echo
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It's probably setting up Smoak Tech for the future and whatever happens in the FFs or with Archer  (going wrong). I can't actually see her leaving Oliver for anything other than Mia's safety, even if there's a fake split/divorce. She's (hopefully) not leaving to forge her path when they've just had a baby they're both extatic about. Plus Will if they ever remember him in the current time line.

That would have been a S4/5 storyline if they'd never reconsiled or she'd only ever been the Tech Girl with an unrequited crush.

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It bothers me that DR is talking like Diggle and Oliver are moving on without Felicity in S8, while some reviewers are talking like Felicity takes off to go do her own thing.

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Well he has to promote his story and they won't have Oliver wallowing in not being with Felicity and Mia every episode.  Plus a lot of his hopes for Dig don't pan out. I wouldn't put too much emphasis on reviewers just yet. Even if part of it ends up being an opportunity for Felicity it will probably be after the events of COIE and god knows what's happening with Oliver there. She's still most likely to leave for her safety. Maybe we'll get mentions of Oliver disappearing to meet her ala visiting William in S4.

Of course I could be completely wrong and Felicity waltzes off with the baby leaving a heartbroken Oliver and they never talk about her again in present time but I don't think so. *touches wood*.

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I could almost understand the "Felicity leaves to do her own thing" theory if Star City 2040 didn't exist but it does. Unless Felicity's idea of a legacy is raising a child in hiding (to the point no one but Dig and Nyssa know about Mia's existence) without her husband and other child while seemingly running her company remotely, it's pretty clear that her absence from SC and especially Oliver isn't voluntary. 

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First of all, it is absolutely ridiculous that they’re being interrogated in their suits in the 720 photos. I can’t take any of that seriously. Just in photos. It'll be funnier in the episode. It’s just too bad Dinah isn’t dressed as BC. They should’ve went all in with that. 

Also, Oliver should not move on in any way while Felicity is isolated raising their daughter alone. If he’s away from his family — to the point that he may not spend any time with Mia beyond when she’s a baby — he should be focused on whatever is keeping him from them. Not on a team or whatever. Not even on Diggle, sorry. 

I get they have to write to EBR’s exit/absence, but I hate that Felicity’s always the one alone. Grieved alone in 509. (I will always be angry about that.) Alone in witness protection (with William). Left to deal with everything alone at the beginning of the season. Seemingly mostly alone except for Mia and Nyssa and rare visits to SC for 20 years. Then alone once again because she couldn’t trust anyone (and I can’t blame her — they believed way too easily she was evil/dead) when she went undercover as the Calculator. Ugh

It really is going to be stupid how they explain it if Oliver is in SC for most of S8. Especially taking into account what we’ve already seen of the future (the cabin in 716, the FFs all season). 

The rest of DR’s interviews aren’t as bad as that first one from last night, but I’m still not looking forward to S8.

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7 minutes ago, insomniadreams88 said:

Also, Oliver should not move on in any way while Felicity is isolated raising their daughter alone. If he’s away from his family — to the point that he may not spend any time with Mia beyond when she’s a baby — he should be focused on whatever is keeping him from them. Not on a team or whatever. Not even on Diggle, sorry. 

This is large part of why I lean into S8 being mostly Oliver honoring whatever deal he made with The Monitor, I just don't see how else they can sell Oliver abandoning his family. Oliver leaving his young child to continue trying to save a city that turns on him if he blinks the wrong way isn't appealing (at this point, him leaving a cool rock he found to protect SC wouldn't be appealing, the city sucks that bad) or in character. Right now, Oliver is trying to save Star City for Mia, that doesn't really work or mean much if he abandons her to do it.

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Did EH confirm that he would be back to play Diggle's stepdad in season 8?  I thought I read that somewhere.

8 hours ago, tv echo said:

By RUSS BURLINGAME - April 22, 2019


...the opportunity for where the story can go in the following ten episodes, is exciting. It’s bitter because you know it’s going to come to an end, but also I think there’s an opportunity to take the gloves off and just kind of tell whatever stories you want to, and just go wherever you want. Where do things go now without Felicity? What happens in the future? What happens with The Monitor? All these stories that we can really tell, and go as big as we want. And this crossover is going to be huge. That type of opportunity to tell some stories, because you only have ten episodes left is exciting." 

With all due respect to DR, they could be doing that in the last 15 episodes too.  This backstretch of 4 or 5 episodes should be Felicity/Olicity heavy since this is all they've got her for. Do everything you've wanted to do with Felicity now instead of spending time on Emiko unless she's a part of s8, or killing an excellet Big Bad or all the Dinah and Rene  stuff. 

They apparently haven't learned that the less Dinah and Rene there is, the more they are liked. Spending so much time on them now when they'll be in next season just makes me not want  to watch next season.

Also unless the Ninth Circle is in s8 or Emiko joins the Team if is still exists, all this is just filler and this is not the time to have filler. They need a solid base of storytelling to get people to come back to a season that is different from everything they've been building for 7 years.  It was a spectacular fail for OUaT and even Stargate SG1 had trouble following Richard Dean Anderson leaving when everything else was pretty  much the same.

They also have to come up with a damn good story as to why Felicity isn't in the picture any more and I have little faith that they will.

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33 minutes ago, statsgirl said:

They also have to come up with a damn good story as to why Felicity isn't in the picture any more and I have little faith that they will.

Maybe they’ll treat Felicity’s absence like they did with William after he moved away with his grandparents. We’ve already seen that Oliver is easily thwarted by a mailbox full message so maybe the explanation will be Felicity goes into hiding with baby Mia, Oliver tries to call her to check in, gets no answer so he...moves on past it. 🙂 

Felicity leaving do her own thing only works if we overlook the fact that in the flash forwards Felicity is still wearing her wedding ring and her computer screen has a full length picture of Oliver in his Green Arrow costume. If she left Oliver behind voluntarily why is she still holding onto either of those things? 

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4 hours ago, kes0704 said:

Maybe they’ll treat Felicity’s absence like they did with William after he moved away with his grandparents. We’ve already seen that Oliver is easily thwarted by a mailbox full message so maybe the explanation will be Felicity goes into hiding with baby Mia, Oliver tries to call her to check in, gets no answer so he...moves on past it. 🙂 

Felicity leaving do her own thing only works if we overlook the fact that in the flash forwards Felicity is still wearing her wedding ring and her computer screen has a full length picture of Oliver in his Green Arrow costume. If she left Oliver behind voluntarily why is she still holding onto either of those things? 

Because Felicity was there when Oliver gets taken by the Monitor. Its not a question about Olicity being seperated but of Oliver not even being on this earth lol. I think what you hearing from David is overselling stuff, he has done it in the past. I remember in s5 he wanted to sell how Diggle was worried about Felicity due to her involvment with Helix and it actually never happened on screen. 

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DR has not always had the best grasp on what’s happening with his character in the future. (Although sometimes he does have the best spoilers, like Mia, so it could go either way.) Let’s hope he’s just speculating about S8 and the team won’t try to do their usual thing without Felicity. I read a really good theory on Twitter yesterday and I wish I remembered who tweeted it so I could credit them. It was basically that the Monitor will come to get Oliver in the finale to prepare for Crisis by sending him to different earths to gather heroes to fight, and all the pre-crossover eps of S8 will have Oliver recruiting alt versions of Tommy, Dig (John Stewart), etc. 

Maybe they’re going to treat S8 like JJ Abrams treated Felicity when the WB unexpectedly ordered 5 more episodes after he’d already wrapped it up with a bow. They had the main character time-travel back a year to change things — which I personally liked as a weird little coda to the series but lots of fans just disregard completely and consider the finale of that show to be when it was supposed to end. I could see the first 8-9 eps of S8 being treated as a weird “Oliver doing his own thing” experiment (like an extreme version of the prison arc), and the show returning to some semblance of normalcy in 9-10. Personally I’d prefer that. I don’t want to go back to a Felicity-less bunker with Oliver acting like it’s ok he’s not with her and Mia.

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14 minutes ago, Trisha said:

I read a really good theory on Twitter yesterday and I wish I remembered who tweeted it so I could credit them. It was basically that the Monitor will come to get Oliver in the finale to prepare for Crisis by sending him to different earths to gather heroes to fight, and all the pre-crossover eps of S8 will have Oliver recruiting alt versions of Tommy, Dig (John Stewart), etc. 

It was this person:

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I agree that s8 up to the crossover will be Oliver getting the heroes together. I also think we could also se double Diggle. The one on E1 who tries to establish his anti Argus organization, and one with Oliver as the Green Lantern. Dinah probably going to start working on the Canary network, Rene on his mayor aspirations. Depending on how they end the season i could see Emiko being redeemed and becoming the only archer in Star City as Oliver and Felicity go to the cabin. I see the season ending with them getting the tattoo promising to help each other in time of need. The only way the tattoo makes sense if the team is parting ways. 

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I don’t know if that theory is happening but part of me hopes it’s true because there really needs to be a good reason Oliver leaves his wife and baby alone in a cabin in the woods, haha. If he has no choice leaving them, that I’d understand. But if it really is just a case of still trying to save the city or Emiko or Tommy, I will be kinda annoyed. 

But then there’s part of me which is like I HATE THIS IS EVEN HAPPENING!! Should’ve just ended it nicely in S7 and been done with it. All this for a dumb crossover. 😩

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1 hour ago, Velocity23 said:

 I see the season ending with them getting the tattoo promising to help each other in time of need. The only way the tattoo makes sense if the team is parting ways. 

I totally forgot they still have to get their group tattoos. 

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18 hours ago, statsgirl said:

Did EH confirm that he would be back to play Diggle's stepdad in season 8?  I thought I read that somewhere.

-- Ernie Hudson: "Worked on Arrow, um, and played a really fun character there. I'll probably go back next year." (Midwest Gaming Classic, Apr. 13, 2019: Apr. 14, 2019 Ghostbusters Medi-Corps video of EH panel, page 11 of Spoilers thread and page 128 of Spoiler Discussion Sequel thread)

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I wonder if so much Dinah/Black Canary screen time this season was dictated by DC...

-- On DC Comics' involvement with Arrow, EP Beth Schwartz: "So DC, they're very involved in the sense of, they're on all our notes calls and read our scripts and, you know, when we do want to use - they give us - in the beginning of every season, give us a list of characters that, um, that we're allowed to use and that they encourage us to use, which is cool. And then, you know, we have a lot of Easter eggs on our show. So they're the ones who are kind of, like, you know, you can this or you can't use this. So, yeah, they're great, they're really great." (Apr. 9, 2019 The Writer Experience Podcast titled “Ep 44 - Beth Schwartz, Showrunner and Executive Producer of CW's Arrow”)

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5 minutes ago, tv echo said:

I wonder if so much Dinah/Black Canary screen time this season was dictated by DC...

-- On DC Comics' involvement with Arrow, EP Beth Schwartz: "So DC, they're very involved in the sense of, they're on all our notes calls and read our scripts and, you know, when we do want to use - they give us - in the beginning of every season, give us a list of characters that, um, that we're allowed to use and that they encourage us to use, which is cool. And then, you know, we have a lot of Easter eggs on our show. So they're the ones who are kind of, like, you know, you can this or you can't use this. So, yeah, they're great, they're really great." (Apr. 9, 2019 The Writer Experience Podcast titled “Ep 44 - Beth Schwartz, Showrunner and Executive Producer of CW's Arrow”)

It would make sense for them to push the idea of Canary/Canaries with the upcoming movie.

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38 minutes ago, Trisha said:

Anyone have any idea what the big announcement DR keeps teasing will be about?

I saw some spec that they might be doing a Supernatural crossover. No idea if accurate though. Does Supernatural air on Thursdays??

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3 hours ago, Angel12d said:

Ah, I'm gonna go with that guess then. Maybe Oliver and Diggle crossover?

It would be kind of fun to bring Supernatural into the Arrowverse.  All the stuff our heroes know so little about.  Just a fun mind game.  And I don't even watch that show.

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Not sure if this has been discussed before or not - but am now curious about when the S8 10 episodes will air.  I've assumed most of the story is driven by the crossover, but I had also assumed that the season would start in the fall, and wrap up an ep or 2 after the crossover.  I suppose it's also possible that the season begins mid-season, and the crossover is very early in the season.  I'm not wild about that idea - I'd rather wrap this up sooner rather than later.

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2 minutes ago, Kymmi said:

Not sure if this has been discussed before or not - but am now curious about when the S8 10 episodes will air.  I've assumed most of the story is driven by the crossover, but I had also assumed that the season would start in the fall, and wrap up an ep or 2 after the crossover.  I suppose it's also possible that the season begins mid-season, and the crossover is very early in the season.  I'm not wild about that idea - I'd rather wrap this up sooner rather than later.

From what i understand SA said it would air in the fall when they announced the final 10 episodes.

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I had wondered about that as well but that kind of takes any suspense out of Oliver's fate in COIE which seems largely/likely why it's 10 eps. There could be a couple of wrap up eps at the end depending  on "stuff" unless the the aftermath means everything has changed and they want 5-6 eps to have fun with that. Eg. Dig was always GL or something.

Going back to the Felicity "legacy beyond Overwatch" well that's Mia but also could be the cover story for why she isn't around for Dinah and Rene/media possibly in ludicrous get a fake split or paper divorce.

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8 minutes ago, Featherhat said:

I had wondered about that as well but that kind of takes any suspense out of Oliver's fate in COIE which seems largely/likely why it's 10 eps. There could be a couple of wrap up eps at the end depending  on "stuff" unless the the aftermath means everything has changed and they want 5-6 eps to have fun with that. Eg. Dig was always GL or something.

Going back to the Felicity "legacy beyond Overwatch" well that's Mia but also could be the cover story for why she isn't around for Dinah and Rene/media possibly in ludicrous get a fake split or paper divorce.

I dont get why people always come up with the Olicity split, when nothing indicates that. And they not going to do that when its 10 episodes left. And it has hinted at from BTS pics that Oliver definetely wont be running around Star City. But there is a question if something happened to Lyla since her biological son turns to DS gang. And why Diggle forms Knightwatch. 

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Not a real split obviously given he's there at the birth, still wearing her wedding ring etc but to keep her and Mia secret and safe hidden in a cabin in the woods whilst he's elsewhere. And explain in show why she's not Over Watching.

Of course they could just say she's on an extended business trip and then COIE happens/the show ends.

Sadly I could see Lyla dying or going Evil Argus from Zari's Seattle 2042. Which is just as shirty as Star City 2040.

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8 minutes ago, Featherhat said:

Not a real split obviously given he's there at the birth, still wearing her wedding ring etc but to keep her and Mia secret and safe hidden in a cabin in the woods whilst he's elsewhere. And explain in show why she's not Over Watching.

Of course they could just say she's on an extended business trip and then COIE happens/the show ends.

Sadly I could see Lyla dying or going Evil Argus from Zari's Seattle 2042. Which is just as shirty as Star City 2040.

If Oliver is not there anyway, and it looks like vigilantes are not welcomed in star city. It just makes no sense to pull a fake divorce. Especially knowing about  the Monitor/Oliver/Felicity scenes at the cabin. Because that implies Oliver leaving together with Felicity. And i doubt he will leave his pregnant wife alone at the cabin. 

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1 hour ago, Velocity23 said:

And it has hinted at from BTS pics that Oliver definetely wont be running around Star City.

Have they? I don't remember these.

Also, looks like DR's big announcement has nothing to do with Arrow. This is kind of cringey.

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Just now, Trisha said:

Have they? I don't remember these.

Also, looks like DR's big announcement has nothing to do with Arrow. This is kind of cringey.

Well it was the pap pics from Emilys last day. SA, EBR and DR and also the actor who plays the Monitor were the only ones at the set that day. Now i might completely wrong but it looked like they were shooting scenes that sets up Olivers journey with Monitor. The fact that the crew was there the whole makes me think they filmed quite a lot of material. Maybe even beyond just for s7. 

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4 hours ago, Trisha said:

Also, looks like DR's big announcement has nothing to do with Arrow. This is kind of cringey.

I am baffled by this tbh. He’s charging fans for content most actors just post on their IG for free? 

Whoever advised him to do this...😬

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I never would’ve picked David as the cast member to do an app that asks fans to subscribe and pay for content.

It baffles me because he’s never really been that active on the SM accounts he already has. 

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