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Spoiler Discussion Thread: The Sequel

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6 minutes ago, Morrigan2575 said:

It might not be fair to judge Beth and what is a mostly new Writers Room to what happened under Mercle's watch. I hesitate to say give her a chance but, people spent months complaining endlessly about Prison storyline going too long and it was going to be awful and yet the response after actually watching was very positive.

And yes people hated how Diggle treated Felicity and that she turned to BS but, people here also reacted positively and commented several times on how much they enjoyed Felicity/BS.

Maybe, just see what happens? You (plural you) might end up liking it.

Hmm. Well, I still thought the prison arc went on 2 episodes too long tbh. And while I didn’t hate Felicity/BS, I’s rather have seen Diggle be a decent friend and team up with Felicity to take down Diaz so...While you might have a point, I can still verbalize my wariness and frustrations about how the storyline is potentially handled.

I do think Oliver should be angry at Diggle this time and Diggle should be making apologies. Let’s hope it gives me something satisfying at the very least.

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53 minutes ago, apinknightmare said:

It makes sense—in a way—that Oliver would blow it off. He's always been willing to do exactly what Diggle's doing and work with unsavory characters if he thought that's what he needed to do in order to make a plan work. I can see why he wouldn't hold it against Diggle considering he was willing to work with Slade and Malcolm. 

Despite what Diaz has done to him and his family, I can buy Oliver realizing that he doesn't have a leg to stand on when it comes to lecturing other people about working with evil people for the greater good. (I wish he'd demonstrated some of that same awareness when he was tsk tsking at Felicity for working with Laurel and Anatoly to get him out of prison, but I understand the reasons why he holds her to a higher standard.)

 But what he should absolutely be pissed about is the lack of support his "brother" gave his wife when she needed it most. I need for Oliver to know that Diggle told Felicity to move on with her life without Oliver and that Diggle was more concerned about playing by ARGUS' rules than doing whatever it took to help Felicity free Oliver. And then they can move on. As much as I've hated this recent version of Diggle, he can earn my forgiveness with a simple acknowledgement that he hasn't been a great friend to either of them for the past year and he regrets it. I'm hoping against hope that, for once, the writers can have someone apologize to Oliver and Felicity without the two of them having to "be the bigger person" by apologizing first. But, knowing this show the way we do, it's more likely that they'll have Oliver apologize to Diggle for putting him in an uncomfortable situation and Felicity apologize for not realizing how hard it was for Diggle to sit on the sidelines doing nothing while she was fighting for her family.

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11 minutes ago, KenyaJ said:

But what he should absolutely be pissed about is the lack of support his "brother" gave his wife when she needed it most.

The part of my comment that you quoted was only in reference to Beth's answer about Oliver and Diggle not having a problem regarding the Suicide Squad.  

I totally agree with you - Diggle has been a shit friend, and I would very much like to see him answer for that. I just meant to convey that I understand why there isn't an issue where working with Diaz is concerned.

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What I hate the most about the Diggle/Diaz storyline is that Oliver and Felicity right now think Diaz is locked up at Slabside. Sure, he may be under watch and locked up at ARGUS, but come on, that's obviously going to go south. Diggle should have told Oliver and Felicity as soon as Diaz was transferred. I'd still be mad about him working with Diaz, but at least he'd warn his friends that the man who has been trying to kill them and almost succeeded is close? I guess? I don't really know where ARGUS is in relation to everything else. 

Also, I think I'm also annoyed because of the mention of Curtis being upset about the Ghost Initiative in 711's description. If it at all feels like -- I'm not seeing this will be the case -- they only want one person to be mad about it and it's Curtis, oh, I'm going to be even more pissed every time he's on screen than I already am. 

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43 minutes ago, Morrigan2575 said:

It might not be fair to judge Beth and what is a mostly new Writers Room to what happened under Mercle's watch. I hesitate to say give her a chance but, people spent months complaining endlessly about Prison storyline going too long and it was going to be awful and yet the response after actually watching was very positive.

And yes people hated how Diggle treated Felicity and that she turned to BS but, people here also reacted positively and commented several times on how much they enjoyed Felicity/BS.

Maybe, just see what happens? You (plural you) might end up liking it.

Beth was there under Mercle though. She's been here since the beginning. And I remember reading a tweet from her saying all writers have a say in storylines in the writers room. So she is as equally involved in the choices in former seasons as Wendy and Marc were. And to be honest, imo so far Beth hasnt shown much distinction from how the show was formerly run. Plot still is placed over character, the show still moves in terms of hitting tent poles without progressing naturally, they still write characters and relationships illogically to fit or justify storylines and they still over crowd the show with characters then can't seem to reasonably juggle them all. 

36 minutes ago, KenyaJ said:


 But what he should absolutely be pissed about is the lack of support his "brother" gave his wife when she needed it most. I need for Oliver to know that Diggle told Felicity to move on with her life without Oliver and that Diggle was more concerned about playing by ARGUS' rules than doing whatever it took to help Felicity free Oliver. And then they can move on. As much as I've hated this recent version of Diggle, he can earn my forgiveness with a simple acknowledgement that he hasn't been a great friend to either of them for the past year and he regrets it. I'm hoping against hope that, for once, the writers can have someone apologize to Oliver and Felicity without the two of them having to "be the bigger person" by apologizing first. But, knowing this show the way we do, it's more likely that they'll have Oliver apologize to Diggle for putting him in an uncomfortable situation and Felicity apologize for not realizing how hard it was for Diggle to sit on the sidelines doing nothing while she was fighting for her family.

Especially since when LYLA came/comes to Oliver for help Oliver immeadiately and without question always helps her. In fact didn't he even emotionally support her in 3x08 when Diggle was upset at her about Argus choices.

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9 minutes ago, Mary0360 said:

And I remember reading a tweet from her saying all writers have a say in storylines in the writers room. So she is as equally involved in the choices in former seasons as Wendy and Marc were.

Having a say is so definitely not the same as "being equally involved in the choices in the former seasons as the showrunners were"

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2 hours ago, insomniadreams88 said:

The thing is, there should be friction between Oliver and Diggle about Diaz and this Suicide Squad. But I feel like because they had that stupid fight over being GA last season, they don't want to have them at odds again.

But gee, it's nice to hear that Oliver and Diggle have each other's backs while Diggle didn't have Felicity's in 7A and I highly doubt I'm going to like how they resolve the Felicity/Diggle problems. (Please surprise me there, Arrow.) 

I mean, let's be fair here. Dig didn't have Oliver's back either. He went to visit him once, then expected for Felicity to accept him either rotting away in Slabside or get killed there. And then he effectively let Oliver's family at a psycho's crosshairs. #2018digistheworstdig


TVLINE | The “Ghost Initiative” that Diggle and Lyla put together in Episode 11 (airing Jan. 28), comprised of Diaz, China White (played by Kelly Hu), Cupid (Amy Gumenick) and Slade’s son (Liam Hall) — is this your workaround to not being able to use the Suicide Squad?

It’s a new group but with the same kind of M.O. as the Suicide Squad. Diaz is going to be our leader of that, which is really fun. We’re going to get to see a lot of that in 11, which is [cast member] David Ramsey’s directorial debut. He did such an amazing job; I just had the mix this week and it’s so much fun seeing China White back, and Cupid and Kane Wolfman, with Diaz leading the charge. It’s a really, really cool episode.

I think we have the polar opposite definitions of fun, Beth.


She knows that Oliver is her brother and she knows that he's been doing this whole thing. What is their relationship like?

He's not her favorite person. And we'll see in this last half that Oliver is going to try to redeem himself to her, redeem his family, because he really feels like she was wronged. By their father.

A) What the fuck does Oliver have to redeem himself for? B) I think he's been redeeming his whole family long enough now. Come on.

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24 minutes ago, way2interested said:

Having a say is so definitely not the same as "being equally involved in the choices in the former seasons as the showrunners were"

Considering during that time Beth quite often  wrote episodes with Wendy and was seen as Wendy's natural successor I hardly think she was under duress and had absolutely no involvement in storyline choices now. And again, this season of the show is not really distinctive from prior seasons as being of higher quality. They still show the same pattern of problems that previous seasons of Arrow have had that seem consistent with the show as a whole. 

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'Arrow' Showrunner On Making Their 150th Episode Special
By RUSS BURLINGAME - January 21, 2019


Arrow showrunner Beth Schwartz told ComicBook.com during a recent interview that the show's writers' room were very cognizant of making its upcoming 150th episode something special for the fans, who have been with the show for seven seasons.

As with the show's hundredth episode, which took place during the "Invasion!" crossover and featured an artificial world created around Oliver that brought back several old friends and foes, "Emerald Archer" will explore the history of the show. The episode will be a faux-documentary narrated by Cheers and Frasier star Kelsey Grammer, dealing with the rise of vigilantes following the appearance of Oliver Queen as "The Hood" at the start of Arrow.

"When we knew our 150th episode was coming up, we obviously wanted to do something special," Schwartz told ComicBook.com. "I know for our 100th episode that we were all very pleased with how that turned out and it felt so nostalgic and perfect, and so we knew we kind of had to try to one-up ourselves. The room came up with the brilliant idea to film it documentary-style, and it allowed us to use all of our favorite characters from past and present in this format, which was something that was really important to us because as you're hitting such a milestone, you want to see those characters that made the series what it is."

Edited by tv echo
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2 minutes ago, tv echo said:

I know for our 100th episode that we were all very pleased with how that turned out and it felt so nostalgic and perfect, and so we knew we kind of had to try to one-up ourselves.

LOL. Nostalgic and perfect for who? The people who live in an alternate timeline where Arrow stuck with its original plan? Because the 100th was a tribute to a show that never actually aired. 

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'Supergirl' and 'Arrow' Showrunners Talk Mixing Up The "Big Bad" Formula
By RUSS BURLINGAME - January 19, 2019


Several seasons in, both Arrow and Supergirl seem to have changed the way they deal with their big bads -- and it is working for a lot of fans.

According to executive producers on both shows, the changes are in the hopes of getting different reactions out of the audience than they have in the past.
*  *  *
In its seventh season, Arrow is taking a lot of chances and making a lot of big changes to the show. Its traditional flashbacks have been replaced with flash-forwards to a bleak future, and the traditional formula of a single big bad fighting Team Arrow for the whole season has been...well, if not outright replaced then at least modified, with Ricardo Diaz now in prison and Oliver and company facing a new battery of challenges.
*  *  *
Arrow is a bit different, since its flashbacks often had a separate-but-related villain in the past...but putting together a Suicide Squad-style team of baddies in the Ghost Initiative under the ARGUS imprimatur and the command of John Diggle and Lyla Michaels would usually be enough of a challenge to feed six episodes of story. This time around, it is one of a half-dozen challenges facing Oliver as the season winds down. Some of these stories will play to the strengths and motivations of different characters, allowing Arrow's numerous heroes to each have their own "thing" going on, without dividing them into tribes like last season.

"I've been on the show since season one, and we've done all different types of storytelling," Schwartz told ComicBook.com. "Last season, I felt like everyone was kind of on the same story, and for me, I feel like having everyone having different storylines, you can get a little bit deeper into the characters. Because we have such a large cast, it's nice to have them more one-on-one than eight people in a scene at times."

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17 minutes ago, Mary0360 said:

Considering during that time Beth quite often  wrote episodes with Wendy and was seen as Wendy's natural successor I hardly think she was under duress and had absolutely no involvement in storyline choices now.

I never said she had no involvement, just that it was nowhere near showrunner level. "Having a say" means "Hey, we have to reveal that Stan is actually a bad guy in the next episode, does anyone on our staff have an idea on how to do that or how we can hint at it in 706?" "Hey, room, we're doing FFs this season, is there any characterizations that we think fits Future William?" not "I, as a staff writer, say we won't end the prison arc until an all-out brawl episode in 707 because I have the same sway as a showrunner." The most sway being someone will suggest something but then the showrunner will be the one who decides to change something.

17 minutes ago, Mary0360 said:

And again, this season of the show is not really distinctive from prior seasons as being of higher quality. They still show the same pattern of problems that previous seasons of Arrow have had that seem consistent with the show as a whole. 

That's a fine opinion and logical since Beth has worked on this show for the whole time she would probably know and be comfortable with the way they run the show. However, I just have a different opinion. Yeah there are problems, but I think concerning some of the the things that weren't carryovers and definitely Beth's ideas (execution of prison arc, Felicity's arc, BS and Felicity interactions, the new GA and the FF even though I'm in an island of one on those) have actually been running pretty smoothly and are an improvement of 6b

Edited by way2interested
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TVLINE | Get me excited about “Oliver Queen, SCPD-sanctioned fighter of crime.”
Having our entire series based off the vigilantes not being in partnership with the SCPD, we found it super-exciting in the writers room to make this happen. But it’s not going to be without conflict. And the rest of the team is going to have to find their way as well, to figure out how this is all going to work.

They did not succeed in getting me excited about the new SCPD sanctioned fighter of crime.   In fact, the fact they found it "super exciting" only serves to worry me that this is not a temporary thing.  Even the "not without conflict" sounds like code for a couple episodes and all is running smooth.  I HATE the crime fighting vibe right now.  The entire series not being in partnership with the SCPD was in the show's DNA for a reason.  Not having them still being outsiders and essentially on their own is a negative not a positive. It seriously cuts the cool factor.  It feels just underwhelming and off.  Like having a master chef taking orders from the manager at McDonalds.   

I feel we might get that team within a team thing more with Felicity and Oliver but I'm still wary how integrated Overwatch will be during missions.  But beyond them, I'm not interested in how Rene and the rest find their way to be a part of it (since I don't want them a part of it) except for that part where Oliver needs a team to be the leader of and right now, Dinah's the leader and Oliver is the cop that does it his own way.  But without any grudging respect from his coworkers. 

I also worry that Felicity won't be his partner, but just the wife that helps him out in her spare time.  I want more for Felicity than just the mission but they have not yet reassured me that saving the city is still just as much her mission as Oliver's.    

21 minutes ago, Primal Slayer said:

Now that Oliver suits up again please give him or Emiko a different suit. Still not sure why she is running around in the same exact suit as he is.

Shhh. Your need for logic is showing.  I mean, why wouldn't the NGA dress up just like the Old GA when she has had a grudge against the brother that never knew she existed the whole time.  

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*sigh* I don't know why they think introducing a petulant, got a chip on her shoulder (and a grudge) character that Oliver will now need to grovel to is a good idea to endear her to audiences.  Terrible idea if they are trying to launch Arrow the next generation. 

This show likes to portray its supposedly "kickass" female characters as humorless shrews. It would take some good acting to make the character likeable and this is CW so I haven't got though hopes of relying on that. 

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22 minutes ago, insomniadreams88 said:

I want this to be Olicity, but I feel like it's Adult Zoe to Dinah, about Rene. 

If this is a quote from the FF, maybe this promise is made during the super fun group tattoo party Oliver organizes. 

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I was randomly checking on Colton's IG account and caught a video where he mentioned that "Joe Jones" was playing Connor Hawke on the show. The video was deleted almost immediately, but I guess now we know that John Jr is still going to change his name for some reason in the future.

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At least we now know Oliver and Laurel’s storylines are separate in the next episode and they’re not going to be trying to somehow tie the two together like I’m sure some fans hoped. 

9 minutes ago, Chaser said:

Ben Lewis liked a comment about how William and Maya better be siblings. 

Considering how inconsistent the FFs are (seriously, someone tell me if future Dinah likes/liked Oliver and Felicity - I don’t think she even knows), this is still possible even after their interactions in 708. 

Also, I now suspect 716 will reveal that Rene’s chief of staff has Felicity locked up somewhere and she triggered some alarm to get William to get Roy. 

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16 minutes ago, insomniadreams88 said:

Also, I now suspect 716 will reveal that Rene’s chief of staff has Felicity locked up somewhere and she triggered some alarm to get William to get Roy. 

Yeah, I wouldn't be surprised if there's something more to it considering she obviously developed the Archer program and it's seemed to have caused some trouble, LOL. No reason to kill her off when they can try to use her brain for other nefarious purposes.

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7 hours ago, BkWurm1 said:

I don’t know who slimy guy that “killed” Felicity was but Zoe was Rene’s Chief of Staff.  

Hello, nepotism.

A few things pinged my radar in this episode. One, mentioning Walter as the addressee of Robert’s lame pass the hot potato letter. It could point to him showing up in episode 150 as one of the interviewees. This could have been a way of reminding viewers who he is. Aside from liking Walter, I really would like to hear what he thought of Oliver outing himself as GA.

Then there was Oliver and Feliciy talking about his reaction to Thea’s birth. Foreshadowing to another boy finding out he’s about to get a baby sister?

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17 minutes ago, bijoux said:

Hello, nepotism.

A few things pinged my radar in this episode. One, mentioning Walter as the addressee of Robert’s lame pass the hot potato letter. It could point to him showing up in episode 150 as one of the interviewees. This could have been a way of reminding viewers who he is. Aside from liking Walter, I really would like to hear what he thought of Oliver outing himself as GA.

Then there was Oliver and Feliciy talking about his reaction to Thea’s birth. Foreshadowing to another boy finding out he’s about to get a baby sister?

Oliver made Thea his CoS and Lance his Deputy Mayor...if anything Rene learned if from Oliver

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10 minutes ago, Morrigan2575 said:

Oliver made Thea his CoS and Lance his Deputy Mayor...if anything Rene learned if from Oliver

Yeah, I was about to say that the city is probably used to it. If anything, since the rando is the one who """"killed"""" Felicity, looks like nepotism is the way to go XD

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I was just thinking about Dinah and Zoe's "vigilante resistance," and how this big plot to blow up Star City just fell at their feet thanks to William - a plot Zoe didn't even want to touch because she might get killed, LOL. What exactly are they resisting? Is whatever going on with Rene's lil weaselfriend part of the larger scheme of why Star City went to shit, or is that a separate issue? Why am I asking these questions?

Edited by apinknightmare
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8 hours ago, BkWurm1 said:

I don’t know who slimy guy that “killed” Felicity was but Zoe was Rene’s Chief of Staff.  

The character's name is Kevin Dale and he's played by actor Raj Paul. We don't even know if he works for Rene or the Glades, or if he's an independent businessman or criminal. I just refer to him as Rene's co-conspirator for now.

Raj Paul

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My impression was that Rene worked for Kevin. 

I don't know what it is, but it feels wrong for a Kevin to be a mastermind evil guy.  I was sure Felicity wasn't dead but now I'm doubly sure Felicity wouldn't allow some dude named Kevin kill her.  Maybe it's too close to Ken for me?  Or I'll forever think of the kid from Home Alone?

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In ScreenRant's review of 710, the reviewer noted that, in the flashforwards, the guy who introduced Rene at a fundraising breakfast for his reelection as Glades Mayor is the same guy who was in Rene's office later to talk about the plot to blow up Star City. The Oohlo review describes this guy as a "smug real estate developer type." The EW review refers to the plot as the Undertaking 2.0. So I get the sense that maybe Kevin and Rene are business associates who are working together, just like Robert/Moira, Malcolm, and other city bigwigs conspired together to destroy the Glades in S1.

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Curtis is interesting to leave off. Wasn't surprised by Laurel since they don't want to give away what way her redemption goes.

If Laurel remains good it is a waste to not have her in the future and reveal that she was the one who "killed" Felicity only to later reveal that she helped Felicity fake her death.

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I agree that they probably don’t want to give away some plot. It just highlights how dumb the FF writing is. If they are listing the members, the characters have no reason not to list everyone.

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20 minutes ago, Chaser said:

I agree that they probably don’t want to give away some plot. It just highlights how dumb the FF writing is. If they are listing the members, the characters have no reason not to list everyone.

Curtis is dead, Not Laurel is Evil or gone back to E2 or just not part of the Cool Kids Tat, Emiko said screw you i'm a lone wolf and Thea is off chilling on vacation.

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My respect and use for Emiko would skyrocket if she's just like, "What!? No, that's stupid" when the tattoo comes up because I still don't understand why a group of 6 people who've known/trusted each other for years needed a tattoo to know they could trust each other. I mean, maybe just remember what your friends look like? There's six of you, it shouldn't be that hard. The only way I see this small group needing the tattoo making sene is if there are issues with other doppelgangers and even then, the risks of the doppelgangers getting the tattoo too or just killing you while you demanded to see it would probably outweigh the benefit.

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57 minutes ago, JamieLynn832002 said:

I still don't understand why a group of 6 people who've known/trusted each other for years needed a tattoo to know they could trust each other. I mean, maybe just remember what your friends look like? There's six of you, it shouldn't be that hard. The only way I see this small group needing the tattoo making sene is if there are issues with other doppelgangers and even then, the risks of the doppelgangers getting the tattoo too or just killing you while you demanded to see it would probably outweigh the benefit.

Two reasons I can think of, they're betrayed from the inside (Curtis) or someone on their team dies (Curtis) and this is a fact to honor/remember etc.

Does it make sense after last year? Nope. 

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4 hours ago, Morrigan2575 said:

Curtis is dead, Not Laurel is Evil or gone back to E2 or just not part of the Cool Kids Tat, Emiko said screw you i'm a lone wolf and Thea is off chilling on vacation.

OR Thea is dead as well. Hence Roy being off by himself on Lian Yu and not wanting to talk about Aunt Thea with William or she dumped Roy for some reason

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I'm wondering if maybe in 716 we see Blackstar/Maya watching a Video from Felicity which was recorded and sent to Maya just before her "death" that details Felicity discovering she is her mother shortly before her "death"  We could find out Maya was taken from Oliver and Felicity when she was real young and that coupled with Oliver's death caused Felicity to go Dark side a bit. Hell maybe we can find out Felicity warned Her that she was being targeted in the video. 

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If Maya is Olicity’s kid I think it could be fun if maybe her reveal could have something to do with the DNA tech Felicity is working on in present day. If maybe there’s something that needs to be unlocked and only the child of both Oliver and Felicity could open it.

Or maybe that whole DNA bit in last night’s episode is just to setup the Emiko DNA reveal.

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10 minutes ago, SmallScreenDiva said:

If Maya is Olicity’s kid I think it could be fun if maybe her reveal could have something to do with the DNA tech Felicity is working on in present day. If maybe there’s something that needs to be unlocked and only the child of both Oliver and Felicity could open it.

Or maybe that whole DNA bit in last night’s episode is just to setup the Emiko DNA reveal.

I think the security system Felicity's working on is going to be the foundation for Smoak Tech. 

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