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Spoiler Discussion Thread: The Sequel

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4 minutes ago, Chaser said:

What could haunt both Oliver and BS? 

Being dipshits and leaving Diaz alive (at least for Oliver).

This has to come into play at some point, maybe this episode is it:


On whether Oliver will regret his decision to leave Diaz alive and whether that decision will affect his relationship with Felicity, SA: "His decision to leave Diaz alive will not influence his relationship with Felicity. Um, but I think it's going to have an incredibly impactful moment on another person that he's very close with. I don't know if he'll come to regret the decision, actually. Probably. But, you know, those are the - maybe that's part of the new Oliver post-prison, is those are the decisions that he has to live with, you know, even if ultimately the best thing to do would've been to not leave him alive. Um, we shall see." 

Edited by apinknightmare
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That’s the episode they gave DR to direct? Yikes. Poor guy. 

Also excuse me but why the hell is Curtis the one getting upset about Diggle and Lyla working with Diaz? Is Felicity ever gonna get a reaction? Oliver? This show really tests me! 🙄

3 minutes ago, Chaser said:

What could haunt both Oliver and BS? 

Oh. I didn’t read that as something haunting them both? I just assumed it was their pasts coming back to haunt them, not necessarily the same thing if that makes sense? But IDK. Maybe they mean Diaz.

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1 minute ago, Angel12d said:

Also excuse me but why the hell is Curtis the one getting upset about Diggle and Lyla working with Diaz? Is Felicity ever gonna get a reaction? Oliver? This show really tests me! 🙄

Maybe they don't know about it yet. 

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Just now, Angel12d said:

Also excuse me but why the hell is Curtis the one getting upset about Diggle and Lyla working with Diaz? Is Felicity ever gonna get a reaction? Oliver? This show really tests me! 🙄

I somehow missed that. Curtis? Really? UGH Maybe his birthday was ruined and we’ll hear about it in this episode. (Still annoyed by that line)

I’ll honestly be surprised if Felicity reacts like she should. 

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2 minutes ago, Angel12d said:

Oh. I didn’t read that as something haunting them both? I just assumed it was their pasts coming back to haunt them, not necessarily the same thing if that makes sense? But IDK. Maybe they mean Diaz.

Yeah, I thought the same thing initially, although it could possibly be Diaz, but for different reasons. I've been wondering if Diaz was eventually going to expose Laurel. Maybe this is when she has to finally start accounting for her crimes? Oh who am I kidding? She probably gets appointed to be Washington State Attorney General.

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Shame they gave DR a Tonya episode because I truly just want to skip all her episodes now. 

2 minutes ago, KenyaJ said:

Yeah, I thought the same thing initially, although it could possibly be Diaz, but for different reasons. I've been wondering if Diaz was eventually going to expose Laurel. Maybe this is when she has to finally start accounting for her crimes? Oh who am I kidding? She probably gets appointed to be Washington State Attorney General.

Yeah, if it’s not something separate then it must be Diaz. Though I’m kinda wondering where all the others come in, like China White and Slade’s son whose name I can never remember. 😂

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1 minute ago, Angel12d said:

Yeah, if it’s not something separate then it must be Diaz. Though I’m kinda wondering where all the others come in, like China White and Slade’s son whose name I can never remember. 😂

They're part of The Ghost Initiative that Diggle "restarts," which I guess is the new name for the Suicide Squad.

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My first thought was Oliver’s past is his father/Emiko and theyre just not revealing that because we don’t know how much Oliver finds out in 710. 

And I wonder which Laurel’s past it is. It would actually serve E2 LL right to be affected by something from E1 LL’s past in a negative way considering she’s just living her life with zero consequences. 

6 minutes ago, Angel12d said:

Shame they gave DR a Tonya episode because I truly just want to skip all her episodes now. 

I missed that too. Ugh I think I might truly be dreading this episode. 

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5 minutes ago, apinknightmare said:

They're part of The Ghost Initiative that Diggle "restarts," which I guess is the new name for the Suicide Squad.

Ohhh ok. Then yeah, the other thing must be Diaz. 😴

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25 minutes ago, Chaser said:

What could haunt both Oliver and BS? Or do they mean two different things?


I am assuming it's different things.  I'd actually enjoy seeing something from BS's past come back to haunt her.  She needs some consequences in her current life.  As for the thing haunting Oliver, I'm betting it's the son of the guy his father murdered.  I've assumed since they added that detail to the story someone in that family would be out for revenge.  It also stuck out to me since I used that in a fan fic not yet published and they are stealing my thunder, lol.  

Edited by BkWurm1
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17 minutes ago, insomniadreams88 said:

I somehow missed that. Curtis? Really? UGH Maybe his birthday was ruined and we’ll hear about it in this episode. (Still annoyed by that line)

I’ll honestly be surprised if Felicity reacts like she should. 

Felicity never gets to react like she should be allowed Too. Cause if she did Rene Curtis and Dinah would not be her friends but no Writers have her be friends with these cretins which in reality after what happened in season 6 they shouldn't be 

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4 minutes ago, BkWurm1 said:

As for the thing haunting Oliver, I'm betting it's the son of the guy his father murdered.

Agreed. That has to come back soon because they made such a big deal of it in the prison. I’m assuming Laurel has a totally different thing haunting her and the two stories don’t really connect.

If Curtis discovers The Ghost Initiative, it would do a lot to rehabilitate his character if he immediately told Felicity. My guess is that he won’t though, and she and Oliver won’t find out about Diggle working with Diaz and the others for a while. It’ll be a shame if Cupid doesn’t have any scenes with them, though. She always prompts good Olicity stuff.

It’s very strange that they gave DR an episode to direct that sounds like his character will be a big part of. Give the poor dude a break to focus on his directorial debut. 

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It sounds like the most random grouping of characters for an episode. If you asked me what the overarching plot was for this season, I don’t think I’d able to tell you.

There was the prison plot stuff, the capture Diaz stuff, the Longbow Hunters who show up and disappear at random intervals, surprise half-sister Emiko whose mission is currently undefined and the flash forwards that tease a dystopian future and a turned evil, presumed dead Felicity and a missing Oliver.

Maybe I’m not paying enough to attention because I’m finding it really difficult to keep track of any connecting threads. 

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18 minutes ago, BkWurm1 said:

As for the thing haunting Oliver, I'm betting it's the son of the guy his father murdered.  I've assumed since they added that detail to the story someone in that family would be out for revenge.

I hope it's not that. It would be supremely flimsy and stupid, although this is Arrow so I guess that's par for the course. 

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19 minutes ago, Trisha said:

My guess is that he won’t though, and she and Oliver won’t find out about Diggle working with Diaz and the others for a while.

SA had the comment about Diaz affecting someone Oliver's close (looks like that meant Diggle) with and that "we shall see" about Oliver's reaction or lack thereof of keeping Diaz alive back when they were filming 711/712, so I'm not sure it's cut and dry definite. 

Edited by way2interested
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Guys I cannot remember anything about the son of someone Oliver’s dad murdered. When did this happen?! I’m drawing a complete blank. 😳

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2 minutes ago, Angel12d said:

Guys I cannot remember anything about the son of someone Oliver’s dad murdered. When did this happen?! I’m drawing a complete blank. 😳

The guy Robert shot on the boat after the Gambit sunk, right before he killed himself. 

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4 minutes ago, apinknightmare said:

The guy Robert shot on the boat after the Gambit sunk, right before he killed himself. 


LOL here I was thinking it was the video Thea/Oliver watched in S5 where Robert killed someone. 

So could the things from the past be China White and Cupid?  Or do we think they're wrapped up in the Arguments story?

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4 minutes ago, Morrigan2575 said:

So could the things from the past be China White and Cupid?  Or do we think they're wrapped up in the Arguments story?

I think they could play a part for the whole "Past Sins" theme, but mostly just wrapped up in the AGRUSments storyline, especially since it looks like they'll be continuing on per the 714 cast list

Maybe this whole thing will end up being like when Oliver was in prison and decided to help Turner and that Turner wasn't so bad after all for the 3 villains and that Diaz is the wild card in all of this.

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1 minute ago, apinknightmare said:

The way Chico wrote the summary sucks - at first glance it seems like the "with" is announcing them as guest appearances, but they're actually listed as members of The Ghost Initiative. 

Oh yeah, you're right. I didn't even catch that.

Speaking of Chico how many times has she used the "something from Oliver's past comes back to haunt him line"? I know that's not entirely her fault because the show keeps dipping into that well.

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24 minutes ago, apinknightmare said:

The guy Robert shot on the boat after the Gambit sunk, right before he killed himself. 

Ohhh. Thank you! 

My brain is not all there at the moment, haha. 

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How did the son know that Robert killed his father? Both the captain and Robert are dead. Did Oliver find the son to tell him?  I thought it was the guy who wanted the pay-off who Robert accidentally killed.

1 hour ago, KenyaJ said:

Maybe this is when she has to finally start accounting for her crimes? Oh who am I kidding? She probably gets appointed to be Washington State Attorney General.

I know you jest but here the leader's crony just got appointed to a $200,000 a year position. BS probably has more experience than many people who have got those plum jobs lately.

1 hour ago, BkWurm1 said:

  It also stuck out to me since I used that in a fan fic not yet published and they are stealing my thunder, lol.  

Publish it fast!

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All I know is that if Tonya is writing it I expect it to be a total shit fest and at least one person will take a pot shot at Felicity in the episode. But Tonya will act like she just wrote the greatest episode since Shakespeare wrote Hamlet regardless. 

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Curtis is just upset that once again the cool kids are shutting him out of decisions/knowledge, which is the thing he always gets most upset about. If he was included he would be all for whatever's going on. 

I guess Oliver and BS could both have separate Diaz things that come back to haunt them and they work together about it or something but that the only reason I can see the stories connecting or urgh maybe even "bonding". I'd hope it was something completely different for both but this is a Tonya episode so...

Carrie Cutter is sometimes entertainingly crazy and AG is good but I think the character is played out at this point. Less said about 3D the better. 

Edited by Featherhat
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What about Slade? I really dug his S1 and S2 arc, and I have to say S1 Malcolm is still great in my book. It's those appearances in the following seasons that soured me on them, but I still try to keep the way they were in their heydey separate. 

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I honestly don’t think we’ll be rid of Diaz before the finale or close to it. Unfortunately. (Please let me be wrong.)

I’m not really wowed by the other villains coming back, but I do think they’re better than Diaz. Which obviously says something because he’s supposed to be a big bad while they’re just recurring villains. 

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10 hours ago, Angel12d said:

Guys I cannot remember anything about the son of someone Oliver’s dad murdered. When did this happen?! I’m drawing a complete blank. 😳

Remember the Vimeo video that was previously posted of some actor guy auditioning for the role of "Sam Hackett"? ...

-- In Vimeo video of actor Ben Chase auditioning for the Arrow role of "Sam Hackett", he did two takes of the same scene (shared with Oliver Queen). Transcription: Ben Chase: "Fifteen minutes late. So much for your big hero. I guess your lives didn't mean all that much to him anyway. Now, who wants to die next?" (Take 2: "Fifteen minutes late. So much for your hero. I guess he didn't really care all that much for your lives anyway. Now, who wants to die next?") Reader (off-screen): "Enough!" BC: "Look who finally decided to show up." Reader: "You wanted me. Here I am. But keep them out of it. They have nothing to do with this." BC: "Well, of course they do. Whoa! Any funny business and this place goes sky high! Got it? The SCPD, the news - they're the ones that allow you to make yourself out into this big hero. But I know what you really are." Reader: "I'm a liar. Right, Sam? Because I lied about your father. He was on the Gambit with me and my dad before my father took his own life and murdered yours, so that I could live." (Take 2: " "I'm a liar. Right, Sam? Because I lied about your father. He was on the Gambit with me and my dad, and before my father took his own life, he murdered yours, so that I could live.") BC: "You finally admit it." Reader: "It's only the truth. I can't express how sorry I am for your loss, Sam. Truly." BC: "No. No, no, no, no! You and I are way past apologies. My father is gone and I need to make it right." (Take 2: "No. No, no, no, no, no, no! You and I are way past apologies now. My father is gone and I need to make things right.") Reader: "Then let me make it right." BC: "You can't!" Reader: "There's always a way back, Sam. Let me help you." BC: "No. Never really had any intention of us getting out of here alive. I just wanted to see what your face looked like when I blew us all straight to hell." (Take 2:  "You don't realize, I never had any intentions of any of us getting out of here alive. I just wanted to see what your face looked like when I blew us all straight to hell.") Reader: "Listen. In your heart of hearts, could you really picture your father believing that this is the right thing to do?" BC: "No." Reader: "This isn't justice!" BC: "But it's what I need. (Mimes getting shot in the shoulder with an arrow?) You don't know what justice is. You're a fraud. And one day the entire world will know." (Take 2:  "But it's what I need. (Mimes getting shot in the shoulder with an arrow?) You don't know what justice is. You're a fraud. And one day the entire world is going to know it.") (Nov. 2, 2018 Vimeo video of actor Ben Chase's audition, page 6 of Spoilers thread)

Edited by tv echo
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Katherine McNamara Instagram Live - January 11
Published on Jan 12, 2019, by Golden Warrior

-- When asked for a tease for Arrow, KM: "What can I say? It's so hard to answer this question without spoiling anything. I'm in an episode coming up soon."

-- When asked if she missed her Clary hair, KM: "Sometimes I do, you know that? It's strange to me not being a ginger now. Sometimes I'll look in the mirror, I'll look at old photos and go, 'I don't understand...' - It's something - something feels off sometimes. And sometimes this hair color in particular is probably the closest to my mother's hair color I've ever been. And I've always so associated this particular shade of blonde with her that sometimes I'll catch it in the mirror and it makes me jump - not in a bad way, but just in the way of, I'm not used to seeing that on me. Um, but I think it works really well for Arrow... I always love doing different hair colors. I'd never do it on my own, but when a job makes me change my hair, I always find it really exciting, 'cause it's an opportunity to be that chameleon, you know? And to become someone else." Also, KM: "My hair's naturally the definition of strawberry blonde. Um, I'm right smack dab in the middle of the two, so, uh, it makes it kind of fun to be every shade in between."

-- KM: "I haven't worked with Stephen yet. But I have met him and he's been so kind and so welcoming and so wonderful. I have nothing but lovely things to say. I actually - I hope I get to work with him. At some point. We'll see. I don't even have the answer to that question."

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34 minutes ago, tv echo said:

Remember the Vimeo video that was previously posted of some actor guy auditioning for the role of "Sam Hackett"? ...

So I guess ol' doctor what's-his-face managed to track this guy down and tell him about what happened to his father before Talia offed him in the parking garage, since that's the only way he could possibly know about what happened after the Gambit went down. Unless we find out there was someone floating on a life raft nearby with a really sensitive microphone and a great pair of binoculars, lmao. This show is so dumb.

ETA: If this storyline actually comes to pass, I hope some a-hole from the prison just sent out some surveillance from Oliver's interrogation after he got released, since that's the only way it'd make sense. 

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What if the past that haunts Oliver is Cupid? Lol

”Olicity got married and didn’t invite me to the wedding?! Not even the reception! I had to hear about it on the news! THE NEWS!!!”

Edited by Chaser
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The third guy on the life raft with Oliver and Robert Queen was never identified by name until 7x04 (Level Two)...

Dr. Parker: "The question is, when was the moment the playboy son of a billionaire became the man known as the Green Arrow?"
Robert Queen (flashback): "You can survive this. Make it home, make it better, right my wrongs. But you got to live through this first."
Dr. Parker: "You're struggling. What do you see?"
Oliver: "I'm with my father at sea."
Dr. Parker: "Are you on The Queen's Gambit?"
Oliver: "No. We're on a life raft. Gambit's already gone down."
Dr. Parker: "Was there anyone else there? With you and your father?"
Oliver: "Yes. His - his bodyguard, Hackett. There were three of us who survived."
Oliver (flashback): "Dad?"
Robert Queen (flashback): "Survive."
Oliver (flashback): "Nooo!"
Dr. Parker: "What? What did you see?"
Oliver: "I see my father asking me to right his wrongs - right before he shot himself in the head. He sacrificed his life for mine."
Dr. Parker: "Is that why you became a vigilante?"
Oliver: "Yes."
Dr. Parker: "Because he put his sins on you?"
Oliver: "Would you please stop?"
Dr. Parker: "A father passes on more than just his name to his children. He provides them their legacy. What became of Hackett?"
Oliver: "There was only enough food and water for one person. My dad shot him."
Dr. Parker: "Your father shot him? Then what? Like he doesn't matter in this story? Just collateral damage? People without the last name 'Queen' are human beings, too. They have hopes, dreams, lives. Your father wasn't a hero. Mr. Queen, he was a murderer."
Oliver: "He saved me."
Dr. Parker: "He condemned you. He is gone, but here you are caught in the same vicious cycle, paying for his crimes."

(Later in this episode)
Dr. Parker: "When we last spoke, you mentioned your father killed a man, Hackett, so you could live.”
Oliver: “That's right. I feel like, my father had to make an impossible choice.”
Dr. Parker: “An impossible choice?”
Oliver: “Yes.”
Dr. Parker: “How do you think your son would feel if he knew his grandfather was a murderer?”
Oliver: “Dr. Parker, please leave my son out of this, please.”

Videos of above two scenes (courtesy of Olicity Source):

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