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Season 20: Live Feed Discussion


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25 minutes ago, gunderda said:

Angela lives in LA right? I bet they just go straight to her place.  She doesn't have roommate and didn't rent out her place while she was gone. Hopefully she had someone checking on it because she said she hoped that everything was still there. 

Nah- they make them stay in a hotel tonight and then release them all into the wild tomorrow. They don’t get their phones until tomorrow as well. 

I read somewhere that the Top 5 will do Interviews with Ross & Marissa tomorrow since they didn’t get to do them when they were evicted- is that really true I have no idea. But I would assume at least the top 3 will. 

1 minute ago, SiobhanJW said:

Nah- they make them stay in a hotel tonight and then release them all into the wild tomorrow. They don’t get their phones until tomorrow as well. 

I read somewhere that the Top 5 will do Interviews with Ross & Marissa tomorrow since they didn’t get to do them when they were evicted- is that really true I have no idea. But I would assume at least the top 3 will. 

I've often wondered what it's like for them to re-assimilate back into their lives after having been locked up for three months, and having no clue how they were portrayed or what was shown on the actual show (let alone what people saw on the live feeds).  Would they want to dive right in and binge the show?  Or would they need a hard break and some time to disengage from it all, knowing that probably everyone they know in the real world is going to have a ton of questions and opinions?  Seems like it would be a tough transition. 

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7 minutes ago, laurakaye said:

I've often wondered what it's like for them to re-assimilate back into their lives after having been locked up for three months, and having no clue how they were portrayed or what was shown on the actual show (let alone what people saw on the live feeds).  Would they want to dive right in and binge the show?  Or would they need a hard break and some time to disengage from it all, knowing that probably everyone they know in the real world is going to have a ton of questions and opinions?  Seems like it would be a tough transition. 

Some watch their season right away, and others avoid anything about their season for as long as possible. It all depends on the person, I think. Paul is adamant about not watching his seasons, for example (hence why he lost the second time, as he couldn't learn from his mistakes). 

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5 hours ago, Summerday said:

Tyler told Kaycee before they went to sleep that he hopes they show them making their final 2 pact on day one. I hope they show it too, I'd like to see it.

Yea, I really hope they show that, too. They really didn't show much of the Tyler/Kaycee alliance on the show at all. I haven't watched the non-live eps in like over a month though lol.

35 minutes ago, IndyMischa said:

I think it's the unspoken reason 2.5 that makes Kaycee a hard no for Fessy's vote. She's a GIRL who BEAT HIM at a contest involving CATCHING STUFF. That one is going to haunt him for a while. 

I agree with this, but I also think that if Hayleigh votes for Kaycee and/or if it is obvious that Kaycee is going to win, I say he votes Kaycee.

12 minutes ago, laurakaye said:

I've often wondered what it's like for them to re-assimilate back into their lives after having been locked up for three months, and having no clue how they were portrayed or what was shown on the actual show (let alone what people saw on the live feeds).  Would they want to dive right in and binge the show?  Or would they need a hard break and some time to disengage from it all, knowing that probably everyone they know in the real world is going to have a ton of questions and opinions?  Seems like it would be a tough transition. 

I think it's really hard. I recall someone talking about their sleep being way off for a long time after the show (maybe Kaysar or Dan) and how that really fucked them up.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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2 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

I think it's really hard. I recall someone talking about their sleep being way off for a long time after the show (maybe Kaysar or Dan) and how that really fucked them up.

I didn't even think about their sleep patterns...also, what would it be like to have a camera on you for months and suddenly having it gone?  Would they actually miss it?  Would it change their behavior on the outside?

I suppose they're all sworn to secrecy but if a former HG wrote a book about their experience, I would be all over it.

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5 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

Some watch their season right away, and others avoid anything about their season for as long as possible. It all depends on the person, I think. Paul is adamant about not watching his seasons, for example (hence why he lost the second time, as he couldn't learn from his mistakes). 

I think I'd have to binge the entire season before I went back into the wild so I'd have a good idea of how I was edited and what to expect. While being out of touch for 3 months is pretty long, I think most could easily go back to their normal lives after a couple of weeks. But the more difficult part would be wanting to learn to leverage our quasi celebrity status into financial gain while also trying to re-assimilate to some sort of normal life. And then there are others (like Chris) who just can't stand the idea of losing any limelight and will have a really hard time going back to just being part of the masses.

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Finale is tonight?! Just read that a minute ago. I don't have TV, just apple TV with the app, so don't see schedules and have a grueling workday ahead of me, which means, no following this board much. Again, a massive big thank you and thumbs up to all you posters all over the country. You give depth and hilarity to an otherwise lame and bland show. This forum has expanded my overall view on BB and many other subjects, so thanks for the enrichment. Y'all a bunch of clever people. 
Who is going to win? Can't predict, although I'm sure it's not going to be JC. I don't care who it is between Kaycee or Tyler. After last year's FANTASTIC win, I can settle for anyone this season. Cheers!

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1 hour ago, SiobhanJW said:

Nah- they make them stay in a hotel tonight and then release them all into the wild tomorrow. They don’t get their phones until tomorrow as well. 

I read somewhere that the Top 5 will do Interviews with Ross & Marissa tomorrow since they didn’t get to do them when they were evicted- is that really true I have no idea. But I would assume at least the top 3 will. 

Right - I didn't mean tonight because I know they keep them - but do we think they'll let them stay together tonight?  I thought once a person was out of the house they were held for at least a day and checked over and what not, plus any publicity stuff they might have to do the next day.  I can't remember if F3 HG's have shown up to the after parties each year?

13 minutes ago, Skyfall said:


Yeah right after that last night and after JC left the room Tyler and Kaycee decided when they would tell him.  From Jokers:


Tyler and Kaycee discuss the best time to tell JC (about their F2/L6). Tomorrow afternoon. They don't want to blindside him. NT
09/25/18 11:29 PM

Edited by green
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12 hours ago, HighQueenEB said:

They would hate me if I was there playing this game with them.  I was the nerd who knew where all 50 states were on a blank map of the US and could name their capitals at the start of 5th grade and the teacher despaired to my mom "what am I supposed to teach her this year?  she already knows everything the kids are supposed to learn in social studies!"  Yeah, my mom suggested that he teach some actual history.  

Having said that, I'll give JC a pass on mispronouncing Arkansas because I'm quite positive that I would butcher the pronunciation of many states/provinces of countries like Brazil, China, or Poland, etc because I'm unfamiliar with the language.

I think that is awesome! You were ahead of the game!! 

23 minutes ago, gunderda said:

Right - I didn't mean tonight because I know they keep them - but do we think they'll let them stay together tonight?  I thought once a person was out of the house they were held for at least a day and checked over and what not, plus any publicity stuff they might have to do the next day.  I can't remember if F3 HG's have shown up to the after parties each year?

I was really just making a joke about JC stalking them when they finally get a chance to be alone together. I wasn’t implying it would tonight although it could be for all I know. 

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1 hour ago, ohcomeon said:

Question:  I was watching a little bit of the feeds last night and JC mentioned eating Chicken and Rice again. I've heard them often mention making chicken and rice. What's the deal? Is it because it's a quick and easy meal or is JC just that limited in what he is willing to eat?

It is a common dish in many cultures and done different ways.  I think he is referring to the typical comfort food style.


I think they have a wrap party tomorrow or Friday.  That would mean they put them up in a hotel for a few nights, two anyway.  

1 hour ago, laurakaye said:

I've often wondered what it's like for them to re-assimilate back into their lives after having been locked up for three months, and having no clue how they were portrayed or what was shown on the actual show (let alone what people saw on the live feeds).  Would they want to dive right in and binge the show?  Or would they need a hard break and some time to disengage from it all, knowing that probably everyone they know in the real world is going to have a ton of questions and opinions?  Seems like it would be a tough transition. 

I feel like it might be easier for the people that win to watch it back then someone who gets close and then loses. Derrick I believe said he watched the first few episodes when he got home pretty fast- and watched a bunch of clips but then did end up finishing the season at some point. 


7 hours ago, Summerday said:

 Tyler told Kaycee before they went to sleep that he hopes they show them making their final 2 pact on day one. I hope they show it too, I'd like to see it.

They briefly showed it in Sunday's episode- it was literally a flash. When either she was talking about their Final 2 or he was. 

I watched a bit of the feeds the other day- and Tyler looked mentally & physically worn out- I don't think he's slept well at all for awhile. Kaycee kept zoning out as well- and told Tyler that she hasn't had her period once since she's came into the house since she's just been stressed. JC kept saying that he's been miserable for weeks. It must be so taxing on your body.  I can see Tyler & Kaycee basically sleeping for the next week haha. 

I know there is a wrap party at CBS tonight on the lot that the whole cast usually goes too after they finish their press- but I know Rachel Reilly does a party tomorrow night. I know some HG's go and some don't- I think it's too overwhelming for some people. You go into the house and no one knows who you are and you are isolated for months and then you leave and you have people all over you. I feel like I remember reading that Zach didn't go to the Rachel party after BB16- because he was swarmed so bad at the CBS party that he just wanted to hang out with his family and how it was a bit too much for him at the time. 

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1 hour ago, laurakaye said:

I've often wondered what it's like for them to re-assimilate back into their lives after having been locked up for three months, and having no clue how they were portrayed or what was shown on the actual show (let alone what people saw on the live feeds).  Would they want to dive right in and binge the show?  Or would they need a hard break and some time to disengage from it all, knowing that probably everyone they know in the real world is going to have a ton of questions and opinions?  Seems like it would be a tough transition. 

I’ve heard multiple HG re-entry stories over the years, and the societal re-assimilation can be extremely difficult.  Hiccups to the HGs’ social re-integration can pop up in the strangest places:

  1. Watching “their season”.  The vast majority of HGs are invariably curious about how their edit, and one of the common as-soon-as-we-get-outta-here plans centers around “watch parties” to binge watch the just-completed season - but these rarely actually occur.  Reasons given in the past vary, but generally focus around the initial flurry of publicity facetimes, desire to catch up on the last three months worth of current events, etc., all combining to distract from a re-watch for anything from 2 to 4 weeks - and has been noted, some NEVER want to re-live the season in any form, ever again.
  2. Reactions to crowds/clubs.  Every season a sizable chunk of the HGs talk about how a bunch of them are all going to hit the clubs and tear it up as soon as they get out of the House - but while that first night out does happen, usually at least a quarter of the HGs (particularly the “long-timers” who at least made it to Jury) frequently disappear after making a short “appearances” appearance.  When you consider the “resident” (post-Jury) HGs’ group interactions have involved a dozen or fewer people over the vast majority of the past quarter-year, though, it’s easy to see how dumping them into a boisterous, alcohol-fueled mass of 50+ or 100+ people could be unsettling.
  3. Unexpected introversion.  I think it may have been Dan (BB10/BB14] who once said after his first “night out” he immediately went back to his hotel room, borrowed a laptop from somebody(a production assistant?), and spent as much of the next day as he could binge-reading news sites to catch up on the last three months because he could no longer participate in casual conversation with people.  Most of their conversations centered around topical events of which he didn’t have a clue, so he repeatedly found himself standing silently and not participating.
  4. Reacquaintance with everyday activities.  I recall reading a story Donny (BB16) related about his first time driving his truck when he got back home; Donny got on the interstate, but had to pull off on the shoulder because attempting to manage driving at speeds greater than 50mph was really freaking him out.  And I recall a female former HG (can’t remember her name) who went to the grocery to re-stock but had to abandon her cart, go out to her car in the parking lot, and hyperventilate for close to a half-hour - the stress of simply shopping was so overwhelming, it initiated a panic attack.

Just a few examples which immediately leap to mind.

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20 minutes ago, Nashville said:
  2. Reacquaintance with everyday activities.  I recall reading a story Donny (BB16) related about his first time driving his truck when he got back home; Donny got on the interstate, but had to pull off on the shoulder because attempting to manage driving at speeds greater than 50mph was really freaking him out.

I've gotten that way after trips abroad for more than just 2 weeks where I had no access to driving myself.  I have gotten into the car and looked around at it like I'm in an alien spacecraft.  I have to almost mentally talk myself though putting it in reverse and putting my foot on this weird pedal thing just to back it out of the parking place.  And the first time I would get the car up to over 50 I too felt like I was almost out of control of the car. 

I did however actually enjoy begin away from the news all that time.  By the time I checked the news I found that though the details may have changed, the world was still a mess.  Some things never change.

Edited by green
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12 minutes ago, xKHANx said:

No word on how the voting turned out?

You mean for AFP?  Tyler was still way in the lead with double digits and Brett had moved just a little ahead of Kaycee for second yesterday.  Then Angela/Hayleigh/Sam were in the mix for the next 3 spots but don't remember how that was shaking out.  I don't know how long the voting continues.  Also something called kiki (???)  (sounds like a Swaggy made up stupid word) was being botted so those votes from that platform or whatever the hell it is will have to be thrown out.  It was about the same time both Brett and Hay had sudden big surges too.

Now it is up to Grodner I guess to determine whether a winner or the other F2 is eligible to win AFP because she said in an interview they could but we know in the past some F2 people had won the vote but were deemed ineligible because they were in F2. 

So right now if the votes stopped and all that voted were accepted as legit the winner would be Tyler.  Or if winner and/or F2 made ineligible, then Brett.  If votes are thrown out and enough of Brett's gets tossed then Kaycee is in the running again with the F2 thing in play with her.

Edited by green
4 minutes ago, Gummo said:

Help! My view of the forums has flipped to a negative (black background) and I can't find where to change it!

Down below right at the very bottom above the "Powered by Invision Community" are letters and suns and moons.  Letters indicate font size.  Sun is the light background.  You accidentally hit one of the moon icons I suppose.  Default is M-Sun (medium font).  Just click on that or another sun.

Edited by green
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10 minutes ago, green said:

You mean for AFP?  Tyler was still way in the lead with double digits and Brett had moved just a little ahead of Kaycee for second yesterday.  Then Angela/Hayleigh/Sam were in the mix for the next 3 spots but don't remember how that was shaking out.  I don't know how long the voting continues.  Also something called kiki (???)  (sounds like a Swaggy made up stupid word) was being botted so those votes from that platform or whatever the hell it is will have to be thrown out.  It was about the same time both Brett and Hay had sudden big surges too.

Now it is up to Grodner I guess to determine whether a winner or the other F2 is eligible to win AFP because she said in an interview they could but we know in the past some F2 people had won the vote but were deemed ineligible because they were in F2. 

So right now if the votes stopped and all that voted were accepted as legit the winner would be Tyler.  Or if winner and/or F2 made ineligible, then Brett.  If votes are thrown out and enough of Brett's gets tossed then Kaycee is in the running again with the F2 thing in play with her.

Yeah, I saw that yesterday. Wasn't sure if vegas had put out an update today or not.

Thanks though!

2 hours ago, laurakaye said:

I didn't even think about their sleep patterns...also, what would it be like to have a camera on you for months and suddenly having it gone?  Would they actually miss it?  Would it change their behavior on the outside?

I suppose they're all sworn to secrecy but if a former HG wrote a book about their experience, I would be all over it.

BB4 winner Jun wrote an excellent piece about her first night/morning out of the house and how she was constantly reaching out to grab her mike pack the first few days.  It's been awhile, but I will search for it and post it if I can.

Just out of curiousity, who is everyone's favorite backyard interviewer, and how can they be watched?  I usually watch CBS's (it was Wil last year) then catch a few more the next morning, but if anyone has a better suggestion... I am all ears!

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Just now, Slider said:

BB4 winner Jun wrote an excellent piece about her first night/morning out of the house and how she was constantly reaching out to grab her mike pack the first few days.  It's been awhile, but I will search for it and post it if I can.

Just out of curiousity, who is everyone's favorite backyard interviewer, and how can they be watched?  I usually watch CBS's (it was Wil last year) then catch a few more the next morning, but if anyone has a better suggestion... I am all ears!

Rob from Rob has a podcast but apparently he wasn't invited this year

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11 minutes ago, Brian Cronin said:

They haven't said it outright, but it sounds like they're closing ranks to avoid anyone from making comments about Julie and Les.

It sounds like they're limiting the press to whoever they can essentially control. Josh is still under contract, so he'll likely have a set list of questions that he can ask. Ross and Marissa are doing interviews, but they're also under CBS contract. I honestly don't expect a whole lot of interviews this year due to them cutting back on the press. It is a shame because I was actually going to watch the RHAP interview this year since I'm new to Rob and his crew. 

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34 minutes ago, gunderda said:

So it looks like the feeds are officially done.  Did anyone catch the goodbye - did they get to do one before the feeds went off? 

There is a post from Jokers with a summary of the good-byes to the live feeders:


9:54 AM HGs say goodbye to Live Feeders (Highlights)


Kaycee: Live Feeders, I want to say that I appreciate you guys. And thank you guys so much for watching and supporting and... Thank you POP. Live Feeders - you guys are amazing. It's been a fun, crazy season. But we are all ready to get the heck outta here. Um I love you and very much appreciate it.


JC: Well, it was my pleasure giving you guys a show every single day. I hope you guys are happy with us three. We are doing best we could.

Tyler: Live Feeders, we know that you guys are the real MVPs. You guys are the die hard fans. You are the ones who are here with us every day and you feel like you're a part of our lives. You are a part of our lives cuz we know you're there. We just try to ignore it! But, that being said, we appreciate you guys watching us. Cuz it makes us feel loved even when you guys are probably hazing on us hard core all the time. Like right now!

Edited by green
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