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Season 20: Live Feed Discussion


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13 minutes ago, Wings said:

Beer pouring on a mushroom is all I get.  Is that supposed to be a bomb under an Asian straw hat? 

Awww, Fessy,  no one hates you, honey.  We just want to pat you on the head and say stick to what you know and you will be fine.  Work those dimples, they  will help you somehow. 

LOL, I thought it was beer poured on a mushroom cloud topped by two angel wings.  And I did think Fessy's was maybe a comment about some bitter jury members.  At least I want to believe that is what he meant.  Of course he could be going for the Nobel Peace Prize, Primitive Oils Division.

I think Part 2 has started btw.  Jokers reported Tyler was called into the DR room about an hour ago (6 pm west coast BB time) and Kaycee took it as Tyler getting instructions to host Part 2 and she was going "Finally!  It's abut time!"  No updates at Jokers since that post.

Edited by green
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10 minutes ago, Wings said:

Beer pouring on a mushroom is all I get.  Is that supposed to be a bomb under an Asian straw hat? 

Awww, Fessy,  no one hates you, honey.  We just want to pat you on the head and say stick to what you know and you will be fine.  Work those dimples, they  will help you somehow. 

According to some Twitter people, it might be a picture of a mustache. Whether it's Angela's so-called mustache that people keep talking about or his own douchey mustache, who knows. Here's some more art work, with Brett having a second additional painting. Surprisingly, he seems to be a good painter, at least compared to the others. And, as it shows, it seems like he distracted himself through painting because he doesn't like anyone in the jury house (besides Sam, but I guess she was off doing her own thing or these were done pre-Sam arrival).

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I honestly thought Brett's first painting was a giant mustache rocketing off, powered by Brett beer. I think his second pic looks like a parody of the Putin pose. Or maybe inspiration for a future Old Spice commercial.

Have to admit his are pretty good. Looks like nice detailing on the suds/splash/flames.

Hayleigh's looks like something of my own talent level (but I'd put a bird on it) and Fessy's is fingerpaint time at RS's school for woke toddlers.

  • Love 12
5 minutes ago, Dewey Decimate said:

I honestly thought Brett's first painting was a giant mustache rocketing off, powered by Brett beer. I think his second pic looks like a parody of the Putin pose. Or maybe inspiration for a future Old Spice commercial.

Have to admit his are pretty good. Looks like nice detailing on the suds/splash/flames.

Hayleigh's looks like something of my own talent level (but I'd put a bird on it) and Fessy's is fingerpaint time at RS's school for woke toddlers.

Can you post them here since the link doesn't work for me without a http in it.

14 minutes ago, green said:

Can you post them here since the link doesn't work for me without a http in it.

Sorry, but I'm not the OP, just checking them out on this page! And waiting on tenterhooks for the next installment of HG creations. (Boy, does the last week get reaaaal slow.)

Brett's face when displaying his art is so freakin' little boy proud. He seems like such a huge dork/nerd inside of a barrel-torso'ed bro body. No wonder he loves to play the 80s-movie bully and harass the "losers" (we often despise from whence we came).

  • Love 5
30 minutes ago, green said:

Can you post them here since the link doesn't work for me without a http in it.

Here's one of them:


And then here's Brett's second painting:


Brett is very talented. He cooks, he cleans, and he paints. Whoever gets him as a husband is very lucky. What else can he do? I can see why Sam has/had a crush on him.

Also, I want to point out how different Haleigh looks in the photo above. I almost didn't recognize her. It looks like she has significantly less makeup on. Whatever it is, it suits her.

8 minutes ago, zenithwit said:

Just needed to add "Who Flipped?!?" and it would be perfect.

Funny you should say that:

https://twitter.com/rbbq/status/1043645984029507584 for @green

  • Love 13
12 hours ago, RandomWatcher said:

Well maybe because you were just some loudmouth dude who got voted out during the second week of the show and Dr. Will is considered one of the top two winners in the show's history.

2 hours ago, Lady Calypso said:

According to some Twitter people, it might be a picture of a mustache. Whether it's Angela's so-called mustache that people keep talking about or his own douchey mustache, who knows. Here's some more art work, with Brett having a second additional painting. Surprisingly, he seems to be a good painter, at least compared to the others. And, as it shows, it seems like he distracted himself through painting because he doesn't like anyone in the jury house (besides Sam, but I guess she was off doing her own thing or these were done pre-Sam arrival).

Haleigh looks like a totally different person with the hat on.  Still really cute but just different.

1 hour ago, Callaphera said:

Hee! Brett's second painting looks like it should be airbrushed on the side of an old van. 

I hate to say that is exactly what I was thinking...but that is exactly what I was thinking.  I always wondered what happened to those 80's vans, used to see them all of the time when I was a kid (my Aunt and Uncle used to have one with a dragon on it) now they have completely disappeared.

1 hour ago, Dewey Decimate said:

Hayleigh's looks like something of my own talent level (but I'd put a bird on it) and Fessy's is fingerpaint time at RS's school for woke toddlers.

Blockstar's school for woke toddlers wins the internet today.  Or at least it made me laugh.

  • Love 8
21 minutes ago, Machiabelly said:

The moose pic reminds me of the Canadian ad about identity theft. With the guy riding the majestic antler cow.

You'd think that it wouldn't make me laugh anymore considering how long it's been running but as soon as I hear "a game of skate-y punch-y", I still start to snicker.

  • Love 2
53 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:


Also, I want to point out how different Haleigh looks in the photo above. I almost didn't recognize her. It looks like she has significantly less makeup on. Whatever it is, it suits her.


https://twitter.com/rbbq/status/1043645984029507584 for @green

I did not see your post until after I posted (the new page did not show for some odd reason) but yeah as I said in my post I agree Haleigh does look very different and very cute in that picture.

36 minutes ago, PaperTree said:

I especially like the battle axe, with the spouting whale in the background. wtf?

I did not notice the whale until you pointed it out.  That makes that picture even more epic.

  • Love 3
Just now, CrazyDog said:

I'm glad someone confirmed Kaycee won, because they all look beat right now. Are they going to tell JC about their alliance?

If they're smart, they would. Blindsiding JC is bad for one of them and they won't know who it's worse for it they wait until finale night. It's better to tell him now and then do as much damage control as possible before Wednesday. It's especially important for Tyler to do it now, especially if he wins the final HOH. I guess it's a good thing that JC has no choice but to vote for one of them, but I think it'll be much worse for Tyler if he doesn't let JC in on the alliance. He's gotta show his cards during the F2 questioning and final speeches anyway, so JC will find out about Level 6 regardless. 

For the love of Big Brother, Tyler, don't blindside JC, of all people. 

  • Love 10
4 minutes ago, PhoneCop said:

More importantly, they have to tell JC just so we have three full days to watch his meltdown as he realizes he was never in control of anything and that regardless of who wins the final comp, his ride ends on the wrong side of the doors.

[throws head back, cackles loudly into the night]

Indeed!  I'm off to some pleasant dreams.....

  • Love 1
11 minutes ago, llongori said:

JC is FURIOUS.  He thinks the competition was unfair to him.  

I bet it was.  We know that Production does not like him and probably do not want him anywhere near the F2.

I'm happy with this result.  While I also did not want JC anywhere near the F2, I'm glad he was able to shake up the game by winning the F4 HOH.  Going forward, I'm rooting for Tyler to win but I wouldn't be mad if Kaycee won as well.

And as a member of #TeamGoodFeeds, I reallllly hope they tell JC about Level 6.   Pretty please?

ETA - Also, they are wearing shirts saying: "I climbed Mount Evictus and all I got was this lousy t-shirt"

Edited by zenithwit
  • Love 10
23 hours ago, gatopretoNYC said:

I think it's great that Tyler cooks. Him using one of those triangular steel spatulas to stir the veggies in the pan is making me laugh though.

Actually, that was a pie server - as in, to serve pieces of pie.  Why the hell Tyler was using it as a spatula AND to cut vegetables is beyond me.  :D


20 hours ago, MissBluxom said:

I'd like to ask your opinion. If Tyler wins, do you think he would take KC or the rat?


Aw, shucks. :)

As I’ve said before - I think if Tyler wins FHoH he’ll take Kaycee to F2 with him over JC, for two primary reasons:

  1. JC is most likely to benefit from a bitter Jury anybody-but-the-Hive-opposition sentiment - a sentiment Scottie clearly articulated during his abbreviated JBB return to the House as being repeatedly voiced in the JH by ex-Hive Jurors Bae and Pinky.  A Tyler/Kaycee F2 negates that sentiment from being an option.
  2. Close to half of the Jury will be broken Tyler F2s - Brett, Sam, quasi-Angela (no formal F2, but a strong commitment), and soon-to-be one of either JC or Kaycee.  Purely MHO, but taking Kaycee to F2 provides Tyler with his only chance to defuse those bad feelings - claiming loyalty to Kaycee, his earliest (Day 2) F2.  This, at least, gives Tyler the opportunity to portray his broken deals with others as being strategic moves in support of his original F2.

The results will still be close, but - keeping in mind Tyler hasn’t seen the same JH footage we have - I think Tyler sees the votes shaking out as follows:

  • Tyler/JC F2: Tyler figures he gets votes from Angela, Brett, Sam, and Kaycee, while JC gets votes from Bae, Pinky, Scottie, Hay and Fessy.  By Tyler’s estimation, he loses to JC 5-4.
  • Tyler/Kaycee F2: Tyler figures he gets votes from Angela, Brett, Sam, and Fessy, while Kaycee gets votes from Bae, Pinky, Scottie, and probably JC (if evicted by Tyler as FHOH).  Hay is a possible swing - but she was put OTB by Kaycee and evicted on Kaycee’s HoH, so there’s probably decent odds Hay swings Tyler’s way. By Tyler’s estimation he stands a shot to win 5-4, and maybe even 6-3 (or at least a guaranteed 5-4) if Kaycee wins FHoH, and she is the one to evict JC- that bitter little troglodyte is pretty much a lock to vote-support whoever didn’t evict him.

in the end, for Tyler it comes down to a solid loss (Tyler with JC) vs. a possible win (Kaycee with Tyler as FHoH) vs. a solid win (Tyler with Kaycee as FHoH) - so the odds favor Kaycee over JC as a F2 seat mate for Tyler, especially if Kaycee wins FHoH.


9 hours ago, Summerday said:

I totally don’t get the joke or what it has to do with Bayleigh. 


It’s a quasi-dad joke. Most times when you say “What’s a four-letter word for <whatever>” there’s an immediate and implicit assumption the answer is a dirty word, and that’s this joke’s punchline - the answer isn’t dirty, so get yer mind outta the gutter, ya perv.  ;D

Speaking of dad jokes:

  • Question: What do you call a boomerang which doesn’t come back to you?
  • Answer: A stick.


Edited by Nashville
Damn autocorrect
  • Love 5
19 hours ago, MissBluxom said:

Nash has just impressed me as having superior knowledge (superior to me) and excellent judgement

Me and @Nashville have had a F2 since week 2.

7 hours ago, ByaNose said:

I don’t know what’s crazier. Christopher C selling T-shirt’s or people actually shelling out money to buy one. People! The guy was on a reality show for a week and some change. Wake up!!!



There are zero reviews.  This does not bode well.  I don't blame him though, it is the American way.  I think some BB players think the game is bigger than it is.  I didn't even remember Rachel from THIS season...............................

  • Love 7
1 minute ago, HartofDixie said:


This picture is truly beautiful. Meanwhile, Tyler and Kaycee are hugging it up. 

I'm still so impressed that a F2 made so early on in the game has actually made it to the end. Well done, Tyler and Kaycee. (And please no one switch it up and take JC and allow him to win, thank you.) I'm still hoping for a Tyler win, but either would be very deserving. 

C'mon guys, we deserve to see the meltdown. Kaycee wants to break the news to him...I couldn't hear what Tyler said. They are discussing how JC might try to make stuff up to get between them, I think.

  • Love 17
2 hours ago, Alice Mudgarden said:

And I'm pretty sure that moose has a mustache.

And not just a mustache - a true pornstache!

BTW - A møøse once bit my sister....  ;>


2 hours ago, CrazyDog said:

I'm glad someone confirmed Kaycee won, because they all look beat right now. Are they going to tell JC about their alliance?

Oh HELL no.  Final HoH Part 3 isn’t until Wednesday, on the live Finale.  Would you want to spend the next 3-1/2 days listening to JC yell and scream and fuss and swear and plead and threaten...?  No?  Didn’t think so.  ;)

Edited by Nashville
  • Love 7
8 minutes ago, Nashville said:

And not just a mustache - a true pornstache!

BTW - A m00se once bit my sister....  ;>


Oh HELL no.  Final HoH Part 3 isn’t until Wednesday, on the live Finale.  Would you want to spend the next 3-1/2 days listening to JC yell and scream and fuss and swear and plead and threaten...?  No?  Didn’t think so.  ;)

Yeah, JC.would.not.take.it.well.at.all. Right now, Tyler is telling JC to think positive. I’m not even sure they’ll tell him. 

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