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Season 20: Live Feed Discussion


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4 minutes ago, HartofDixie said:

I do think she's a bit wacky- but I do think it's sweet how close Winston, Kaitlyn & Rachel have become. I wasn't expecting that. I believe Winston & Kaitlyn are living together for the next month- I think Rachel is staying with them for a bit as well. 

  • Love 7

I bet Winston is counting the days before he can see his Bro. I'll always be at little mad at Scottie for taking that shot pre-jury.

I like Kaitlyn way better out of the house. I hope Rachel and Brett can become friends out of the house because I think the friendship dynamic of those 4 would be cute and fun.

I don't even care who wins BB20 anymore, just getting ready with my AFP votes for Brett.

Edited by kellog010
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Do you guys remember the time that Hay made that drunken pitch to Tyler while she was in the bath- that was so hysterical. I'm still pissed that didn't make the TV Show- I know why cuz it didn't fit their Hay edit. But it was so funny and you could tell Tyler thought it was hysterical as well as he references it a lot. I think he's going to be the most bummed it didn't make tv. 

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therealvegas4sure‏ @realvegasbackup 43s43 seconds ago


therealvegas4sure Retweeted Big Brother Gossip

As you know, @bbgossip and I are Twitter friends, and have used him to post stuff for me in the past. That may be done again so definitely follow him just in case. I'll try to get back soon. Standby fam.

I post this shit because I am an unabashed spoiler lover.

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3 hours ago, Nashville said:

Do you not remember Rachel laying down with her eyes closed while talking with some other female HGs in the Pink BR when JC walks in and, without a word, start rubbing on Rachel’s crotch???  Please name a state in the Union where a hetero man would NOT get arrested for the same behavior.  

Well, I mean, a lot of them. Or maybe he'd be arrested but nothing would come of it so.

I didn't get my hope this week, so I hope Tyler doesn't win the F4 HOH but wins the F4 veto so he has to be the one to cut someone. Or I hope he doesn't win either comp and Angela wins veto and cuts him. Either way, funny.

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16 minutes ago, IndyMischa said:

Wth? What happened to Vegas' Twitter? 

Someone reported both Vegas and Hamster Watch Twitter accounts for sharing copywritten material or something like that. Hamster Watch got their suspension lifted, I imagine Vegas will as well. I applaud whoever did it for their excellent sense of timing even though it's a douchey thing to do. Like, go after Swaggy for gross misuse of the English language and a sad addiction to emojis. 

  • Love 17
2 hours ago, Callaphera said:

That would piss me off so much. Although I'd rather Kaycee versus Tyler and she destroys Tyler in the final vote and wins. Because I refuse to accept Nicole as the only woman to beat a man in F2. BUT I would be fine with an all female F2 and if Production thinks that they need to pad time (lol, right? That's all they do for the finale and then they leave us with so many questions and frustrations) and have Swaggy propose... man, my feminist side - which is really all of me - will be fucking livid. 

I know that BBOTT isn't a season that a lot of people count, but I will always count Morgan beating Jason in the F2, especially since it was through America's Vote. After a whole season of back and forth on which side got the power, Morgan beat the vet Jason and I couldn't be more proud. 

Also, Marissa did beat Ross in CBB. 

2 hours ago, CrazyDog said:

I swear I thought that was Greg Nicotero doing that proposal.

I am not looking forward to this final, just because seeing how production seems to prefer FOUTTE, they are going to devote most of the time to Swaggy and his long lost love, making sure Scottie's mike is muted, Fessy and Hayleigh, and Rockstar trashing Brett (or vice versa). Then they'll point to the F2 and announce the winner or something, and call it a day. 

I've totally gone from thinking that Tyler has the win in the bag, to really thinking he loses against both Kaycee and Angela, though it would be close. I suppose Angela could really tank the jury questioning, because they will probably be hostile to her, and there's no way she'll be able to suck up to them like any good F2 person has to do, but still.  

If Tyler loses, it won't be that he really offended anyone (like Paul), but he just didn't work everyone at the end like he needed to, and didn't spell out his game well enough. That is a really frustrating way to lose, IMO.

I'm torn on Scottie's potential jury vote.

I am most worried about the finale when it comes to FOUTTE/The Hive (since technically, the jurors are all Hive members while Swaggy/Kaitlyn were FOUTTE and Bayleigh/Scottie were not), as you know Julie is going to be told to talk to Swaggy and Kaitlyn for the pre-jurors and we'd be lucky to hear from Steve, Winston, and Rachel. They're gonna try to focus as much on the Hive as possible because the show has consistently favoured the Hive, JC, and Tyler. 

41 minutes ago, SiobhanJW said:

I do think she's a bit wacky- but I do think it's sweet how close Winston, Kaitlyn & Rachel have become. I wasn't expecting that. I believe Winston & Kaitlyn are living together for the next month- I think Rachel is staying with them for a bit as well. 

This pre-jury is the most memorable in years, and that should not be forgotten. Steve's the only one to be mostly forgotten by people, but one out of five ain't bad (though I wish I could forget about Swaggy). As for Rachel, I think she's only staying with them around the finale. She was supposed to be roomies with them into October but she had to back out due to some Vegas shows she booked up. 

40 minutes ago, ByaNose said:

Winston is a good looking guy. It was such a waste that he went out pre jury. Brett had the pecs but Winston was better looking. IMO! Great teeth, too. 

Winston, for me, is the best looking guy this season. Actually, for me, he's top three most attractive male houseguests that I've seen on this show. Brett's good looking, but Winston's more my type. 

28 minutes ago, kellog010 said:

I bet Winston is counting the days before he can see his Bro. I'll always be at little mad at Scottie for taking that shot pre-jury.

I like Kaitlyn way better out of the house. I hope Rachel and Brett can become friends out of the house because I think the friendship dynamic of those 4 would be cute and fun.

I don't even care who wins BB20 anymore, just getting ready with my AFP votes for Brett.

Winston/Brett's reunion will be epic, which is why I desperately want them to ask Winston a question during the finale. You know he's gonna insert Brett somewhere in his answer. 

Winston and Kaitlyn have proven that they do better outside of the house than in. But, maybe if given a second chance, they'd deal with the house dynamics better.

I have hope that all of Level 6 will be close. We've seen so much of Angela, Kaycee, and Tyler's closeness that we've forgotten that there were three other members who were equally as close. I absolutely see Angela and Rachel rekindling their friendship, as they were closer than Kaycee and Angela ever have been. We know Winston/Brett will be close, and I'd love to see Winston/Brett/Rachel/Angela rekindle their foursome friendship. With Angela/Tyler likely going to date outside of the house, there'll be a different dynamic, but one that I think could work. 

It is funny, though, because that Instagram picture of Winston/Kaitlyn is so hella cute that I kind of ship them. It's creepy to ship real life people, of course, but I have thoroughly enjoyed watching their friendship out of the house and I really want to see more of these two, who I never actually thought would become best friends (well, best BB friends). 

  • Love 6
1 hour ago, Callaphera said:
1 hour ago, IndyMischa said:

Wth? What happened to Vegas' Twitter? 

Someone reported both Vegas and Hamster Watch Twitter accounts for sharing copywritten material or something like that. Hamster Watch got their suspension lifted, I imagine Vegas will as well. I applaud whoever did it for their excellent sense of timing even though it's a douchey thing to do. Like, go after Swaggy for gross misuse of the English language and a sad addiction to emojis. 

Man, there is more drama with BB Twitter and BB Production than in the BB house! 

  • Love 12
5 hours ago, Nashville said:

Yup!  JC has been getting free passes on a helluva lot more egregious behavior IMHO.  In the outside world Fessy’s behavior might quite possibly earn him a TRO, but JC’s behavior would’ve earned him a set of bracelets monogrammed by the LAPD.  Do you not remember Rachel laying down with her eyes closed while talking with some other female HGs in the Pink BR when JC walks in and, without a word, start rubbing on Rachel’s crotch???  Please name a state in the Union where a hetero man would NOT get arrested for the same behavior.  

No! I don’t remember this??? This really happened?!?! And Rachel didn’t complain?!? Wtf? I wish she kicked him in his “pee pee”! ? 

ETA: I just watched a clip on TMZ. I remember reading about the ice cream scooper but must’ve missed the Rachel incident. What a dumbass! And the girls all just giggled as it happened - if that were Brett or Steve shit would hit the fan.

Edited by Calm81
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20 minutes ago, Calm81 said:

Do you not remember Rachel laying down with her eyes closed while talking with some other female HGs in the Pink BR when JC walks in and, without a word, start rubbing on Rachel’s

Pretty sure it was Tylers crotch he grabbed. A group were lying down in the pink bedroom grooming Tyler when JC walked by and grabbed his crotch. Later Real VEgas reported that they questioned Tyler about it and if it made him uncomfortable. He said "what, nah". The ocre cream scooper was in the HOH directed at Rachel. This was all within the first couple of weeks leaving  a strong distaste in peoples mouth for JC. He was spoken to in the DR about his behavior. 

14 minutes ago, RandomWatcher said:

There's a rumor on Twitter that Bayleigh cheated on Swaggy with Scottie in the jury house.

And Vegas' account has been suspended. He/she is having to use a backup account.

I think Vegas has already debunked this - from the backup account.  S/he said that a fake vegas account started that rumor.

  • Love 1
42 minutes ago, RandomWatcher said:

There's a rumor on Twitter that Bayleigh cheated on Swaggy with Scottie in the jury house.

And Vegas' account has been suspended. He/she is having to use a backup account.

I laughed so hard when I read that I almost fell off my chair at work! LMAO. Ah.. thanks for the laughs Twitter. 

  • Love 8

Man, JC is going to win Big Brother isn't he? If he makes it to F2, it's totally a done deal.

So, the only way I see Tyler possibly leaving is if JC wins Veto - especially if he learns about Level 6. Plus, he thinks Kaycee is an idiot, and he knows Angela is hated. I would be surprised, but I think it's a possibility.

If Kaycee wins Veto, Angela is a goner.

If Angela wins Veto, Kaycee is a goner.

If Tyler wins Veto, he's in a pickle, but I think he cuts Kaycee. It's easier to do it now, when JC won HOH and it's the worst case scenario - it seems less savage than doing it at F3. And I don't think he has it in him to throw the Veto - not when he's so close to the end.

I'd prefer Angela to leave over Kaycee - not because I don't like her, but because I don't think she has a chance to win in F2 now. I want to see if Kaycee can win the whole dang thing.

Edited by mooses
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