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Season 20: Live Feed Discussion

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Starting about 1:15 am BBT, Haleigh and Rockstar had a deep discussion about how Kaitlyn is freezing them out, Kaitlyn telling Haleigh she's her number one but also saying it to Fessy and Tyler, and getting pissed at Rockstar because she told Kaitlin that people were talking about her being in everyone's lap before she ever won HOH. They were whispering in bed in the pink room, and it was really hard to hear. 

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Haleigh went up to the HOH to talk to Kaitlyn, but all four cameras have been on Baggy (Bayleigh and Chris). grrrr. Tyler is supposedly sleeping in the HOH even though Kaitlyn said no one else could, and Angie is gossiping with Fessy in Pink bedroom about it -- on all four cameras after cutting off of Baggy. I'm going to sleep, thanks for nothing BB

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I'm really going to bed this time, but decided to post a statement Bay made to Shifty because it will probably make rounds.

1:55 am BBT, Bay asked him to buy her a puppy and told him she could handle big dogs like pits but little ones are adorable then said that her dad bought her mom a puppy but every time she got made at him, she was mean to the puppy so he took it away.

So, good for the dad but why in the hell would she think she should share that? Death threats to Mom, I guess. I completely forgot I was looking for the JC clip. 

Also, Rockstar went up to HOH, Tyler left, and Kaitlyn, Haleigh and Angie stayed up there but the cameras have never aired it. I hope it is something decent for the episodes, but I have little faith.

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3 hours ago, Christina said:

 They were whispering in bed in the pink room, and it was really hard to hear. 


 I'm going to have to give up on BBAD.  The sound is so bad!   It starts in one room with a couple of people whispering so I crank the sound waaaaaay up so I can maybe-possibly-sorta-kind of hear/understand them.  The pssst-pssst-pssst  is incredibly annoying, especially with JC, but I try anyway.  Then, suddenly, they either switch to another room or a commercial pops up at normal sound levels and just about blows me out of my chair.  I can't count how many times that happened last night.  I guess I'm just not fast enough on the "mute" button. I finally gave up. Is it too much to ask production to raise the sound level on whispered conversations or have they all gone to bed early?


Edited by Skycatcher
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8 hours ago, RandomWatcher said:

Just saw on Twitter that JC showed his dick to the HoH. If that doesn't get him put on the chopping block, nothing will


8 hours ago, vb68 said:

Yep, he did that.   I think he's gonna have to be removed sooner or later. 


8 hours ago, Christi said:

was it on purpose?

YES, it was! Because SHE ASKED to see it!  And then she said she didn't even see it, she only saw his balls. 

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So, from what I read, which may change, Kaitlyn wants to put up Kaycee/JC with a Swaggy backdoor.

That...doesn't sound bad to me at all because if Swaggy and co win veto and don't use it, JC goes home. And if it is used, Swaggy goes up and out. There's a no-lose situation here for me if Kaitlyn goes through with these noms.

I wanted to like Swaggy, and I think he has some game smarts, but his ego is getting in his way of playing a good game, as well as for his alliance. 

I'd rather Faysal went up and out this week, though. 

I am hoping next week for a power shift. This week is fine, but Kaitlyn obviously was going to ask someone else what to do. She relies on the attention of other men, and since Tyler smartly grabbed her at her most vulnerable point last week and isn't letting go, his side is in a better position this week. If Swaggy and Faysal were smarter, they wouldn't have blatantly pissed Kaitlyn off...however, I don't know if they could have predicted she'd go off the deep end due to Faysal/Haleigh. It's a messy situation all around but Faysal ignoring Kaitlyn and Swaggy's attitude definitely didn't help their game.

I'm hoping Swaggy or Faysal goes this week and Winston next week. Then, for the fourth week, if L6 win HOH, they can use that week to evict someone that's not a big target so Sam's power can be used. But if S6 win that week, L6 will be good still. 

My ideal boot order for the next few weeks goes as this: Swaggy/Faysal (either one works for me), Winston, JC, the other of Faysal/Swaggy, Kaitlyn.

And if there's no Battleback (I know Julie didn't mention it, but those GBM didn't show anything with game info so I'll wait until Steve reappears on social media for confirmation), then Swaggy, Faysal, and Winston all go out pre-jury. 

I know Swaggy and Winston are two of the more entertaining houseguests, though. With them and Kaitlyn, they've provided some good feeds this week.  But they all suck at the game in various ways. Now Tyler's stuck with Cuckoo Bananas Kaitlyn and he can't very well push her away without her turning on him on a dime. Kaitlyn is like Tinkerbell; she needs applause to live. Or, in this case, pure male attention. Look how quickly she turned on Faysal/Haleigh when they showed mere interest in each other and not Kaitlyn. And I think Kaitlyn will provide some entertainment, but she's also a liability. It's going to be exhausting and annoying when the men continue to coddle her. She's extremely lucky she's in power this week. 

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23 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

And I think Kaitlyn will provide some entertainment, but she's also a liability. It's going to be exhausting and annoying when the men continue to coddle her. She's extremely lucky she's in power this week. 

And what a let down for her next week when she no longer has anything to offer and the intense courting stops. Princess for a week and then...."who?"(reverberating echoes)

ETA:  And she'll have to deal with all the people she's thoroughly annoyed with her princess-ing this week.

Edited by Skycatcher
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1 hour ago, Skycatcher said:


 I'm going to have to give up on BBAD.  The sound is so bad!   It starts in one room with a couple of people whispering so I crank the sound waaaaaay up so I can maybe-possibly-sorta-kind of hear/understand them.  The pssst-pssst-pssst  is incredibly annoying, especially with JC, but I try anyway.  Then, suddenly, they either switch to another room or a commercial pops up at normal sound levels and just about blows me out of my chair.  I can't count how many times that happened last night.  I guess I'm just not fast enough on the "mute" button. I finally gave up. Is it too much to ask production to raise the sound level on whispered conversations or have they all gone to bed early?


I am new to BB and tried to watch BBAD and gave up. The other night all it was seemed to be JC going from person to person and whispering. I couldn't hear/understand a word of it so I finally just gave up. I don't want to work that hard to hear conversations.

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12 minutes ago, backformore said:

Am I the only one who thinks that Kaitlyn's "life coaching" clients are all insecure unattached men?  And that her "coaching" includes a lot of physical contact?  

There is always a market out there for gullible people willing to part with their money to feel better about themselves. I wrote the other day that a friend of mine works for one of those diet companies where rich old people come in to get "consultations" with people Kaitlyn's age who just tell the rich folks to feel better about themselves (and continue to buy the company's products, of course). 

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4 minutes ago, Brian Cronin said:

But do you have crystals with you at the time? 

Crystals make all the difference. ;)

And use the word "research" without actually having any legitimate, academic research to back up your claims.  Just say it and you sound legit.

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25 minutes ago, MrHufflepuff said:

All I know is that when I try to give life advice to people, for free mind you, I get told to shut up and mind my own damn business.

(hands on hips) Free???? That's where you made your mistake Mr. Hufflepuff. People won't value it (or more importantly you) if they don't have to pay for it. And the more they pay the more they will value it. Even Princess Kaitlyn has that business model figured out.

I wonder what the difference is between her $2000 and her $12000 life plan.

 I'm really enjoy this Princess Kaitlyn schtik.  I know that by the end of the week I am going to hate her with the passion of a 1000 flaming suns but I want to see how far she takes it and how much the other HGs let her get away with.

BTW -  Did the other HGs wake Princess Kaitlyn with hugs and kisses as she requested?


4 minutes ago, dolphincorn said:

You guys sound like a bunch of picky Virgos.

 My moon is in Virgo, does that count?

Edited by Skycatcher
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10 hours ago, Lady Calypso said:

Sacred 6 is imploding very quickly, it seems. I'm laughing. 

Of course it is, leading the way to Level 6 (or, more accurately, Tyler), having an easy road. So fucking boring.

9 hours ago, green said:

I don't understand why some people posted here that Sam might go up because K-Aura knows she has the power and it is still good for another 3 weeks. 

Kaitlyn does not know Sam has the power. The only people that know are Level 6. Tyler actually told Kaitlyn that Brett has the power. (Unless she's been told since she won HOH. But prior to that, she did not know.)

Edited by peachmangosteen
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1 minute ago, peachmangosteen said:

Of course it is, leading the way to Level 6 (or, more accurately, Tyler), having an easy road. So fucking boring.

There's nothing easy about dealing with Kaitlyn. Nothing at all, especially when she thinks she deserves your constant, undivided attention. And I saw Tyler in the HOH last night while Sacred 6(No idea when this became a name) were bitching and trying to figure out what went wrong, so they still think he's  good with them. So I respectfully disagree that Tyler has an easy road going forward. It's a small miracle that he's emerged unscathed for now.

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Does anyone know what Kaitlyn went to college for and if she actually has a degree?  I know she went because she said she got her nose job after college.  But I'm thinking she either didn't finish or she majored in something completely useless.  How else can you explain her working at a tanning salon to the stars?

And speaking of college, Swaggy told Bayleigh the other day that he dropped out with only 1 semester left.  He said he didn't want to have the loans, which made me think that he had a basketball scholarship that he somehow lost or some other type of financial aid that didn't have to be paid back that dried up before that final semester.  He had been telling Bayleigh that he learned more from reading business books than he did at college.  She didn't really say a whole lot in response to his dropping out of college story other than to say that a college degree shows that you can commit to something.  

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6 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

Of course it is, leading the way to Level 6 (or, more accurately, Tyler), having an easy road. So fucking boring.

Oh, I actually don't think so. Winston's gonna get targeted very, very soon. I guarantee he'll have a meltdown this week that makes him a prime target for this week or next. I still think Tyler has worked hard to get to where he is and, unlike Derrick, his name is already out there as someone who may not be able to be trusted by Bayleigh's side. So Tyler is nowhere near sweeping the house. 

Then again, I'm one of the few who did like Derrick. Derrick also had to deal with Victoria, but Tyler has to deal with Kaitlyn. Can you imagine dealing with someone like Kaitlyn? I don't think I could. I applaud the ones in the house that do, especially with her as HOH. She's a prime target to catch HOH-itis, and it's already started. Now everyone has to walk on eggshells around her because she could take any comment the wrong way. 

Speaking of Winston, I'm impressed with how early he wakes up. It seems he's already awake. I bet he misses his morning buddy Steve...or maybe not!

I'm now decided that I want Faysal out this week. At least Swaggy brings the drama. Faysal's boring and brings down Kaitlyn and Haleigh, but in a bad way.

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LOL. Nobody but Tyler, that is.

This caption is inaccurate. What happened was Brett got tongue-tied with Faysal and Swaggy's name and accidentally said that. They did both laugh at it though, but that could have been more just at him getting tongue-tied. I mean, don't get me wrong, I think these two are assholes, but this is much ado about nothing imo.

I'm seeing elsewhere that Swaggy overheard Angela talking about Level 6 and she was really emphasizing that Tyler is a part of it. Please let something come of this! I wanna see Tyler's game exposed!

It's just, I already hate Tyler, and then all the "OMG best player!" stuff online about him just doubles my hate. I don't wanna see another situation again, like what has happened in so many more recent seasons, where one person just runs the game. It's so fucking boring.

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1 minute ago, Lady Calypso said:

Oh, I actually don't think so. Winston's gonna get targeted very, very soon. I guarantee he'll have a meltdown this week that makes him a prime target for this week or next.

Bayleigh, Swaggy, Rockstar, Faysal, and Haleigh were talking a lot about Winston last night and how they want for him to go.  Bayleigh said that Winston will crack soon.  They were talking about Swaggy and Faysal being careful to not get into a physical confrontation with him but said they should whisper things at him to get under his skin every time they walk by him.

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Did they have the App Store thing on the feeds last week? I can't remember. If so, how long were the feeds down for it? I don't understand why they have to take the feeds down for it.

2 minutes ago, zorak said:

They were talking about Swaggy and Faysal being careful to not get into a physical confrontation with [Winston] but said they should whisper things at him to get under his skin every time they walk by him.

They're all talk! They won't do shit. Ugh, I want some drama, dammit!

Edited by peachmangosteen
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11 minutes ago, zorak said:

And speaking of college, Swaggy told Bayleigh the other day that he dropped out with only 1 semester left.  He said he didn't want to have the loans, which made me think that he had a basketball scholarship that he somehow lost or some other type of financial aid that didn't have to be paid back that dried up before that final semester.  He had been telling Bayleigh that he learned more from reading business books than he did at college.  She didn't really say a whole lot in response to his dropping out of college story other than to say that a college degree shows that you can commit to something.  

That is hilarious. I probably know the answer, but did he pick up on that?? or just keep yammering on about how great he is?

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1 minute ago, IndyMischa said:

That is hilarious. I probably know the answer, but did he pick up on that?? or just keep yammering on about how great he is?

I don't think he really read a whole lot into that comment.  I wonder if she knows about his day trading/babysitting gig.  Based on his conversation with her about the two of them being the first African American final 2, which will make them royalty and America will love them, and doing the Amazing Race together (and winning that of course), and then them moving out to California, I think he's convinced that BB is going to launch him into fame and wealth.  During that conversation Bayleigh said that he would be taking care of her (but she did mention possibly going to school and he would pay for it) and made sure to mention that she is very expensive.

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Has Kaitlyn indicated who she's putting up? This has to be one of the first HOHs in a long time where it's been 12+ hours since the comp, and we don't know who the likely nominees are. 

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4 minutes ago, Ceeg said:

Has Kaitlyn indicated who she's putting up? This has to be one of the first HOHs in a long time where it's been 12+ hours since the comp, and we don't know who the likely nominees are. 

No. She got sloshed after downing an entire bottle of wine by herself in 10 minutes or so and then the team of Fessy, Haleigh, Baleigh, Rockstar and Tyler have been babysitting her and assuring her that the crowd cheered so hard for her. They've been throwing out names but Kait doesn't seem to care about the nominating/power part of being HoH, just the ass-kissing/having a private bed for Tyler part.

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21 minutes ago, zorak said:

I don't think he really read a whole lot into that comment.  I wonder if she knows about his day trading/babysitting gig.  Based on his conversation with her about the two of them being the first African American final 2, which will make them royalty and America will love them, and doing the Amazing Race together (and winning that of course), and then them moving out to California, I think he's convinced that BB is going to launch him into fame and wealth.  During that conversation Bayleigh said that he would be taking care of her (but she did mention possibly going to school and he would pay for it) and made sure to mention that she is very expensive.

Two delusional idiots.  

I would love BB to rig the voting and Chris to win the crap app.   The spiral would be awesome.  

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5 hours ago, Imhere said:

Watching BBAD...Kaitlyn is so unbelievably egotistical. I'm really seeing it now. She thinks she is the cutest thing in the world. So annoying. I would have to leave every time she came near me.

Nothing pretties you up like an HoH makeover!!!  ;)


2 hours ago, gunderda said:

YES, it was! Because SHE ASKED to see it!  And then she said she didn't even see it, she only saw his balls. 

In the interests of pure accuracy: I believe JC offered to show Special K, and she assented.


47 minutes ago, zorak said:

Does anyone know what Kaitlyn went to college for and if she actually has a degree?

I would say something along the lines of the Rocko Typing School, but I don’t think typing schools are still around any more.  

Yeah, I’m THAT old.

Edited by Nashville
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27 minutes ago, zorak said:

I don't think he really read a whole lot into that comment.  I wonder if she knows about his day trading/babysitting gig.  Based on his conversation with her about the two of them being the first African American final 2, which will make them royalty and America will love them, and doing the Amazing Race together (and winning that of course), and then them moving out to California, I think he's convinced that BB is going to launch him into fame and wealth.  During that conversation Bayleigh said that he would be taking care of her (but she did mention possibly going to school and he would pay for it) and made sure to mention that she is very expensive.

Got it, thank you! I misunderstood her comment - probably because I can't stand him - as being a "so you're saying you have commitment issues?" swipe. Whoops. But yes, I can definitely see her wanting a man with earning power (no judgement here on that one).

A *world* of no comment re his continuing delusions of grandeur.

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3 minutes ago, Nashville said:

In the interests of pure accuracy: I believe JC offered to show Special K, and she assented.


Nope, I saw it.  one of the guys ( I think fay) was standing over JC and JC goes "do you want to ___ my dick" and everyone laughs and then Kaitlyn says "can I see it?" or says "i want to see it" and JC says sure and pulls his waistband up and she LEANS OVER and looks in and says "I can only see your balls" and JC says "that's because it's tucked under"

Edited by gunderda
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10 minutes ago, Growsonwalls said:

They've been throwing out names but Kait doesn't seem to care about the nominating/power part of being HoH, just the ass-kissing/having a private bed for Tyler part.

Even if it was said in jest (and I think she was only half teasing if that) her line to a morose Scottie, who was probably feeling royally screwed, that there was a new bitch in town and he could talk to her was already one of the worst cases of HOH-itis I've ever seen.  Like a Queen greeting a peasant.  hysterical but rather revolting at the same time.

I d not think she has the steel to backdoor Swaggy when it comes down to it. Maybe if Tyler got up and held her little hand and told her she's a big girl. :eyeroll   

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Lockdown in the HOH room message just played.  What is the fire thing that I've heard some of them mention?  Someone just said the lockdown is probably to repair damage from the fire.

Edited by zorak
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Heres a little something about Kaitlyn from her website.  https://www.kaitcoaching.com/about/

1 hour ago, zorak said:

Does anyone know what Kaitlyn went to college for and if she actually has a degree?  I know she went because she said she got her nose job after college.  But I'm thinking she either didn't finish or she majored in something completely useless.  How else can you explain her working at a tanning salon to the stars?


Girls got to make a living and hers  is capitalizing on the LA crowd. I call that opportunistically smart. My guess is that life coaching is the new waiting tables for young folks coming to LA for acting jobs.

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3 minutes ago, missyb said:

Heres a little something about Kaitlyn from her website.  https://www.kaitcoaching.com/about/

Girls got to make a living and hers  is capitalizing on the LA crowd. I call that opportunistically smart. My guess is that life coaching is the new waiting tables for young folks coming to LA for acting jobs.

You don’t need any degree or credentials to life coach.  Just a shingle and a bunch of gullible clients.    My daughter is a licensed MFT and was thinking about doing life coaching on the side.  She told me if she did, she could not be a therapist and hide her license from her clients.  

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15 hours ago, zorak said:

Does anyone know what Kaitlyn went to college for and if she actually has a degree? 

You don't HAVE to go to college for life coaching, chakras and auras.  You "intuite" it  because you're special, empathetic or psychic, or you remember from past lifetimes, or take a few weekend seminars, or pick up a "Chakras for Dummies" book from the local New Age bookstore and thumb through it. Do any of the above and you're golden!  Of course if the local tanning salon is hiring it's always good to have a backup plan.

BTW -  Having lived most of my life in Los Angeles,  I have done all of the above.  (In Sarasota Florida now)   For example, I am a Reiki (healing technique) "Master", and it only took me 3 weekends. One of my pet peeves about metaphysics is that there is no quality control, no verification.  There is scientific research going on, but you rarely hear about it. Any idiot can hang out a shingle and if you've got a good patter, you've got a career. Oh,  and it helps to write a book too.

Edited by Skycatcher
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26 minutes ago, Brian Cronin said:

I guess the "chance" to return is now a battleback?

Well, Steve will probably be in sequester until Sam's power runs out. So, in case the person the power is used on loses the challenge, they have a backup with the battleback. I assume, if the power had been chosen week three-five, they would have had a plan for the pre-jurors and jurors battling back.

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JC and Tyler have been talking in the storage room.  JC was telling Tyler that he thinks Kaitlyn should put up Scottie and Bayleigh.  There was also talk of trying to play last night's vote total as a result of the power being used.  Tyler told JC to not worry and to just tell Kaitlyn that he supports her.

Now Rockstar is up in HOH with Bayleigh.  I came in on this convo and from what I can gather, Rockstar has been talking about feeling lonely in the BB house.  She says she saw Steve as a peer because of his age.

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Kaitlyn is discussing with Bayleigh and Rockstar if it would be better to tell people she wants one on ones or if she should just let people come to her.  Now they're talking about the power.  She said something about wanting to put them up so the power is used if they have it.

Rockstar says she doesn't think anyone from the other side has really studied the game.  Rockstar said the worst power the other side could have is the Coup d'Etat.  Bayleigh said she doubted it was that and even if it was, they wouldn't know how to use it.  Prior to this talk of the power, Kaitlyn was saying something about Kaycee and it sounds like Kaycee may be on her radar as a possible nominee (assuming she wasn't bullshitting Rockstar and Bayleigh).  She said Kaycee hasn't really talked to her.

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I think Rockstar is questioning her relationship at home.  Sounds like her boyfriend(?) wasn't happy she was coming on the game and thinks he was mad when she left. 

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Now Rockstar is crying to Bayleigh about how Chris (her partner) said he didn't understand why she was doing this.  She said before she left there was no talk from him telling her to go get 'em, etc.  He said, "See you in a few weeks."  She says she doesn't know if Chris is upset with her for coming out there because all he said was he didn't understand why she was doing this.  She also says she's good with people, just not the people in the house.  I know Bayleigh was talking about how Winston was going to crack soon, but honestly, Rockstar is the one who seems to be cracking.

Kaitlyn to Rockstar:  "At least your fucking safe as shit this week."

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She said she's used to being around 20 year olds but they're working for her and have to be nice to her.  

Which is confusing because I haven't seen anyone be MEAN to her.  She's gotten along with everyone far better than I thought she would. 

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Rockstar is bawling about how they live paycheck to paycheck and she said she told Chris before she came that if she didn't go because he didn't want her to, that she would never be able to look him in the eyes again and not wonder "what if".

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56 minutes ago, Brian Cronin said:

I guess the "chance" to return is now a battleback?

Maybe one of the other powers includes a battleback option, but I'm wondering if they're hedging their bets on keeping numbers stable if they have to boot JC.

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