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Season 20: Live Feed Discussion

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Just now, missyb said:

I think Brett is going to be hurting for the next few days. He is burned to a crisp.  Not good for any upcoming endurance comps.

He definitely looks more red now than he has all season, but he's basically been burnt all summer so far. He was burnt in week 1 or 2, and he's burnt this week. 

I gotta say, though, Brett's really becoming a fast favourite. It's why I need Angela evicted next week because without the Ice Queen, he's infinitely more likable. 

His friendship with Scottie is my favourite bromance still in the house. But Brett's friendship with JC is working really well for me too. 

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Oh, Hayleigh, I had such high hopes for you. This makes me sad, she was kicking ass today and now she blows it. Hayleigh, Bayleigh told RACHEL about her power. Not you, not your alliance (because I don’t think she knows Bayleigh told Fessy) but the person she wanted to boot. You really think she’s gonna keep your secret? Terrible news.

Personally, I have loved each and every blindside, even the Rachel one which made me sad. Blindsides are fun, this show is about entertainment, and blindsides are entertainment, and make for great feeds, which I am all about. But I also love Tyler, so there’s that...

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Tyler was saying he noticed Fessy and Haleigh in the hammock last night, having some kind of argument.

Angela: What could Fessy and Haleigh possibly be arguing about? Do they even have any thoughts?

And then she grinned, perfectly aware of how bitchy that sounded.

I do love me some Angela bitchiness.

Edited by TimWil
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12 minutes ago, HartofDixie said:


You know, I was gonna contest this by saying the Regulators were even dumber, seeing as they managed to be the first four booted and had Lawon among their members, but between Kaitlyn choking on the puzzle, Bayleigh and Haleigh's boneheaded admissions, and Fessy's general existence, I think it's safe to say S6 has pulled ahead and will probably have entered uncharted territory by the time they're all finally Pagonged out.

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16 hours ago, Mhl2016 said:

Yes, a man ended up winning the season with Ami, but that was also the first MvW season, IIRC, so the all female alliance thing was kind of forced upon them somewhat inorganically and Ami just took advantage of it. I was thinking the FvF alliance too, and also wasn’t Kim Spradlin’s season (one world) also a pretty succesful all girl alliance?

Amazon, which was season six, was the first MvW season.  This is sad, but I completely forgot about Kim.  I am going to chalk it up to her being so dominate that season that I did not remember her alliance...yeah that's the ticket.

9 hours ago, iMonrey said:

She can claim she maintains a residency if her parents still live there.

What about The Friendship from Season 6? I know technically Beau was part of that but close enough.

Are you forgetting about the founder of the alliance?  Saint Cappy.  

5 hours ago, Thalia said:

I used to be in charge of my office's end of the year holiday party.  For me, the absolute best thing about it was it allowed me to grab a few treats from the table before the teeming masses showed up to contaminate the room.  

PS:  when planning a party for a crowd, meatballs are a good bet.  Folks go CRAY-Zee over meatballs. 

I used to work at a car dealership and there was this one mechanic who would grab the communal food off the table without washing his hands.  His hands were usually black from the car grease.  So yeah, I would try to get to the food before he could.

2 hours ago, Cutty said:

Nothing will top Chef Joe using the restroom, not washing his hands then cooking for everyone. 

I still have to go with Gerry from season three not washing his hands.  The show did a whole segment on it where they showed him tossing the salad with his dirty poop hands.  Then there was a huge fight about it with Danielle and another woman (whose name escapes me) over the fact that Gerry did not wash his hands. That whole argument along with Marcellas, Danielle, and Amy got me interested in the show.

Then to top it off, when they did the catch up with former houseguests during the next season they brought up him not washing his hands.  

2 hours ago, peachmangosteen said:

Where's that person that's bored by the same people being blindsided every week? I need them to share my misery.

I'm gonna need a triple eviction so Tyler can just get out the 3 people he hasn't made a deal with and we can see what these people do next. I mean I know they'll just continue to follow Tyler, but still.

Jessie looks so good in this video. @Callaphera I think it's you that shares my Jessie love.

I would love for them to do a BBCan triple eviction here in the States.  I love the triple eviction.  


1 hour ago, partofme said:

I'm bored by it but I don't have live feeds.  I usually read jokers but don't like it there this year.   I was disappointed Tyler was saved by veto, I don't necessarily hate him but I hate how easily everything is going for him.   And I don't really like Baileigh much but I hate how the other side isn't basically outnumbered and will be picked off now.   And RS need to win both HOH and hacker to survive next week and no chance of that.

More often than not the dominate player, who has alliances with everyone, does not end up winning.  Hardy, Danielle, Paulie, Paul were all thought of as the player to beat in their respective seasons.  Yet none of them actually won. 

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Is it bad of me that nowadays whenever JC speaks, I just automatically scream at the TV “SHUT THE FUUUUCK UUUUUUUUP!!!”?  I’ve seen/heard chickens strangled whose raucous squawking was preferable to the sound of JC’s voice; he rarely talks without screaming it out at near-top volume.  The little camerawhore has truly made himself my BEC replacement for Special K.

Edited by Nashville
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Oh, good gawd. Hay wants to call a House meeting to expose herself as the Hacker, under the delusion it will help Bae.  

Pretty, dumb child - would somebody FedEx her a clue that IT DON’T MATTER???  Hacker or not, Bae will still be a target because she still has the Identity Theft App power.

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3 hours ago, zorak said:

The bottoms of Rockstar's feet are filthy.  I know she took a shower earlier so it just goes to show you how filthy the floors in the house are.


Rockstar's feet.png

What others call dirt, I call the ants' building materials.

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The Hive, formally S6, always gets so close and then blows it ! 

Talking about Hay speech of why she wanted to get tyler out. Kaitlin told him some things about who he is working with, blah blah so she took the opportunity.

Edited by missyb
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  • Hay’s entire motivation to call a House meeting to expose herself as the Hacker is because she feels Bae is being treated badly by the errant accusation and Hay wants everybody else to apologize.
  • The point is liable to be moot anyway, because it’s FINALLY started percolating through that pretty little thick skull that doing so juuuuust miiiight increase the target on her own back.

Like, totally wow.  Wow fer sure.  :P

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Sounds a lot like the mistake Bay made with Rachel. Wanted to calm her down about being a pawn and what do you know, she reveals her biggest secret that she has a power, which in turn, gets her on the block as the target.

Hay wants to make Bay feel better, and exposes her biggest secret.

The hive mind is indeed one.

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Hay wants to tell everyone about Tylers game- the only thing that will happen with that is that his alliance will be like Okay great- we already knew this. Can we go back outside now? 

Can we also note that this is all stemmed from Tyler saying "Good Morning" to Bay with a sleepy voice. 

I shouldn't be surprised that Hay doesn't realize that Bay is just blowing smoke about people being mean to her as that literally isn't happening- she's never been able to see the dynamics of the house. 

Edited by SiobhanJW
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And when Bay did talk to KC, she basically jumped all over KC because KC had a semi smile on her face. She felt KC was not taking her feelings seriously. KC said I always have a smile. Bay said you are not letting me have my feelings and turned and walked away.

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Yeah, Bayleigh telling Rocksalt she should be in politics, “like, a governor or something ,” because she’s woke and wants equality for everyone rather than just one group. 

Right. Rocksalt for governor. Who’s gonna get that go fund me set up so she’s ready to rock when she gets home? 

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32 minutes ago, Brian Cronin said:

But yeah, when Fessy is thinking more strategically than you, then...well...yikes.

I have noticed that while 99% of the time Fessy is wandering around in a cloud of confusion, every once in a while he'll be smart about something. Like after Sam called that meeting about just letting her be the hacker, he was talking to JC and Brett about it and he was amusingly on point.

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The Giant’s momentary intelligence is gone having been drowned when he drank the koolaid that has their collective brain trust believing Bayleigh will stay when Haleigh spills her guts to the house. 

He and the maybe mom to be are talking in the hammock and the Giant is telling her how Hayleigh told him Angela told her about the F2 she and Bayleigh had and was trying to flip Haleigh. 

Bayleigh cant believe Angela is doing this when Bayleigh’s been nothing but kind and has been defending Angela all week. Hmmm. I guess she forgot again we can see/hear them because I’ve heard her say many things about the Ice Queen but they’ve not been kind or in her defense (and why would she be defending Ang this week? She tossed her ass on the block via the back door.).

She just makes shit up as she goes along. It doesn’t have to make sense or resemble the truth, as long as she thinks it makes her look good, she runs with it. 

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JC telling Tyler, Ang, and Kaycee that before he entered the house, he wished he’d learned which 4-5 cameras are on all the time for the feeds. He knows the camera in the bathroom doesn’t go to the feeds but he’s just not sure about the other ones. 

Where’s that wrong answer buzzer when they need it? 

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I can't wait to see how Tyler handles the house meeting. Sure, he''ll be cool in front of everyone, but how fast does he push for Haleigh to go next week? It would be funny if he just gets up, says "Kay" and walks off.

Oh and Sam is the one who might blow a casket.  ;)

Edited by vb68
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Not yet. Haleigh mentioned waking them up to tell them but I think Fessy talked her out of that.

I really am sick of Rockstar’s rants about those “privileged ass kids.” STFU, already. 

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3 minutes ago, TimWil said:

Not yet. Haleigh mentioned waking them up to tell them but I think Fessy talked her out of that.

I really am sick of Rockstar’s rants about those “privileged ass kids.” STFU, already. 

Whenever she is interacting with L6 and not her own alliance she is actually pretty likeable.  Really had a new perspective of her when she was doing her punishment.


Otherwise she is insufferable

Edited by RagePaige
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Yeah, I agree with that about Rockstar.

After the house meeting I’d like either Tyler or Angela to say to Haleigh “You’re a little girl messing with the big boys and we are going to DESTROY you.” Of course they won’t say that to her face but she deserves it.

Edited by TimWil
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23 minutes ago, RagePaige said:

Whenever she is interacting with L6 and not her own alliance she is actually pretty likeable.  Really had a new perspective of her when she was doing her punishment.


Otherwise she is insufferable

Even her boyfriend thinks she needs to be with the other side of the house more than her own alliance. 

She truly does seem to be herself when she's not hanging out with Bayleigh, Haleigh, or Fessy (but mostly Bayleigh). She does get along with Scottie and I enjoy their interactions.  But I do feel like Rockstar tries to hard to be "woke", as the kids say, when she's around Bayleigh.

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6 minutes ago, gunderda said:

So I think i heard on the feeds last night (as I was falling asleep) that RS and Chris ARE married? She was talking to Sam about a fairy wedding and mentioned Chris. 

She's not married, at least to Chris. They're just dating. I don't know what she would have been talking about with Sam about a fairy wedding. Maybe she was married before? Or maybe she was part of a wedding party?

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I think it is time for Fessy to go. He is due to win an HOH, If the nest one is physical, slippery slide. He probably has that in the bag. Hal already plans to go for the money on that one !

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2 minutes ago, Nashville said:

Well, we’re on the downhill side of this season now - Day 50, and 49 more to go.


PS: I have a "Damit-Doll" the wife gave me so that I can whack it on the coffee table whenever one of these idiots says either like, or literally. It provides a good workout most evenings and used to scare the shit out of the cats. Now they just, like, look at me like I am a dumbass... literally.

Edited by xKHANx
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Backtracking a little, because this figuratively jumped out at me - from Joker’s:

Wed 12:47 AM PT Haleigh: Who do you think will flip their vote after my house meeting? Scottie already said he wants to keep Bay. KayCee will feel really bad. Faysal: And Brett. Haleigh: And I’ll cancel Tyler. Faysal: So I think it’s going to be unanimous vote to keep Bay

New pictures just popped up in the dictionary next to the word “delusional”.  

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9 hours ago, BK1978 said:

Amazon, which was season six, was the first MvW season.  This is sad, but I completely forgot about Kim.  I am going to chalk it up to her being so dominate that season that I did not remember her alliance...yeah that's the ticket

I completely forgot about Amazon! In fairness, j didn’t actually start watching Survivor until 1/2 way through Vanuatu, so that was the first female alliance I ever saw. But after that, I went back and watched all the past seasons that were available on DVD so I should have remembered. Everyone forgets about Kim because her season was recognized as the most boring season of survivor ever, but she is still tied with Yul as my favorite winner.


have we discussed that Fessy was Josh’s alternate for BB19? How is he still so clueless when he was actually almost on last season?

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4 minutes ago, Nashville said:

Backtracking a little, because this figuratively jumped out at me - from Joker’s:

Wed 12:47 AM PT Haleigh: Who do you think will flip their vote after my house meeting? Scottie already said he wants to keep Bay. KayCee will feel really bad. Faysal: And Brett. Haleigh: And I’ll cancel Tyler. Faysal: So I think it’s going to be unanimous vote to keep Bay

New pictures just popped up in the dictionary next to the word “delusional”.  

They are something special for sure. Unreal. 

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Sorry, I’m really trying to jump on the bandwagon, but I’m not finding anything likeable about L6.  Their conversations aren’t interesting.  Their bitchiness isn’t fun— they’re just being a bitch.  Every single one of them is just so smug — even Kaycee who doesn’t do anything except lose competitions.  Why are they so obessesed with Bayleigh and Swaggy? He was evicted a long time ago, yet they still talk about him every damn day.  Also, do they not realize they will eventually have to compete against each other, or do they believe they’ll all share the grand prize? I think anyone who is in an alliance with Angela, Tyler or JC should be thinking REALLY HARD if they can trust these liars and cold hearted backstabbers. 

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24 minutes ago, Nashville said:

Wed 12:47 AM PT Haleigh: Who do you think will flip their vote after my house meeting? Scottie already said he wants to keep Bay. KayCee will feel really bad. Faysal: And Brett. Haleigh: And I’ll cancel Tyler. Faysal: So I think it’s going to be unanimous vote to keep Bay

I thought Haleigh was the brains of The Hive and then she wanted to call that asinine House Meeting. Fessy was initially trying to talk her out of that, so I thought maybe he was the brain and smarter than I thought.

Sigh. There is no brain.


30 minutes ago, Mhl2016 said:

have we discussed that Fessy was Josh’s alternate for BB19? How is he still so clueless when he was actually almost on last season?

Really? And yet he didn't take the time to familiarize with the game at all.   

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25 minutes ago, vb68 said:

I thought Haleigh was the brains of The Hive and then she wanted to call that asinine House Meeting. Fessy was initially trying to talk her out of that, so I thought maybe he was the brain and smarter than I thought.

Sigh. There is no brain.

Nope!  Only Pinky, no Brain.  ;)

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I realize that Hay doesn't have Livefeeds and doesn't know that Tyler has been working with the other side this whole time and the plan was for him to play the middle and get information from their side. But I'm still just loling that Hay thinks she’s going to be “exposing” Tyler’s game. 

It's funny to me that she's trying to expose someone while at the same time admitting to being a sketchball by lying about not being the hacker for days. She doesn't have a lot of credibility.

And all for Bayleigh- who has a power. I just don't understand why they actually believe that the house would let someone stay in the game that has a power that could put them on the block. 

They really think that they can flip the house to keep her. It's just insane. The vote is going to end up being 5-2 and they are going to look like idiots. But what else is new with Foutte/Sacred 6/The Hive- whatever their name is now. Haha. 

Edited by SiobhanJW
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Haleigh, basically: Okay Tyler yes I’m the Hacker and I’m coming after you, but since I’m admitting it now, I’d love it if you’d keep my closest ally in the game for me kthnx. 

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4 minutes ago, Lamima said:

Why does Foutte or the hive want to keep Bay over Rockstar when RS has been part of their alliance the whole time? 

Because she has the power- which is why I don't understand how they can't see the alternative- the rest of the house doesn't want the power in the house. Lol. 

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1 hour ago, Nashville said:

Backtracking a little, because this figuratively jumped out at me - from Joker’s:

Wed 12:47 AM PT Haleigh: Who do you think will flip their vote after my house meeting? Scottie already said he wants to keep Bay. KayCee will feel really bad. Faysal: And Brett. Haleigh: And I’ll cancel Tyler. Faysal: So I think it’s going to be unanimous vote to keep Bay

New pictures just popped up in the dictionary next to the word “delusional”.  

Is it even remotely possible, with this kind of thinking, we will have another blindside ??

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6 hours ago, urusai said:

Per Jokers:  1:08 AM ET Brett wondering if dinosaurs m*sturbated

This guy  LOL

Doesn’t surprise. While talking with Scottie the other day, he topic swerved with “did you know dolphins are the only other animals besides humans that masturbate?” As he tried to untie the mental knot he’d created because humans aren’t animals, they speculated how dolphins accomplish that task without having hands/arms. 

He has a gift for making the person he talking with go from relaxed to squirming uncomfortably and I’m here for it.

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