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Season 20: Live Feed Discussion

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Kaitlyn brings up Faysal "getting jumped" before coming on the show and the feeds switch to Sam/Bayleigh in the HOH.  I think that's my cue to call it a night.  I'm Kaitlyn'd out.  

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I’m sure Beanie appreciates her fertility issues and miracle pregnancy (that she wasn’t sure she was gonna keep) as shared by Sam the Pious on the feeds as a motivational talk (that made no sense). 

Bayleigh’s probably right; I bet Sam the Pious does hear from her mom’s bff from college (that she’s never met) when she gets out of the house. 

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7 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

The use of it was misguided but if you don't automatically jump to the "RACIST!" thing, you can kind of understand where JC was coming from. The problem was him trying to argue with her after being called to the DR and spanked for it, and trying to continually say that he had as much right to say the N word. So in the heat of the moment, removing emotion from it, yeah, I think he was trying to connect on a peer level. But then he doubled down for about an hour about it, so he kinda lost that moral ground to stand on.

I didn't know that part! Thanks for letting me know. I saw the in-the-moment clip, but not the aftermath. It's too bad, because BB cast often amplifies these emotional issues and gets people talking. But few of the housemates are great at facilitating the debate in a productive way, to put it mildly, so if the audience only has them to go by...all is lost, LOL.

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I was surprised that Production didn’t cut away when Sam started talking about her mother’s college friends Beanie and Hazel, especially when she mentioned how Beanie (or was it Hazel) was considering getting an abortion.

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Man, I get back after a long night at a wedding to a lot of interesting stuff.

If Sam doesn't put up Rockstar as a replacement nom, the best bet is for her to put up JC. He definitely won't go over Kaitlyn.

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6 minutes ago, Auntie Velvet said:

I didn't know that part! Thanks for letting me know. I saw the in-the-moment clip, but not the aftermath. It's too bad, because BB cast often amplifies these emotional issues and gets people talking. But few of the housemates are great at facilitating the debate in a productive way, to put it mildly, so if the audience only has them to go by...all is lost, LOL.

To be fair to JC, the feeds were down for 45 minutes of that and we have no idea how long he was in the DR for but when the feeds did come back, JC and Bayleigh were clearly in the middle of an argument and it continued for a good while. It was never actually seen on the feeds, they refused to put it up but we could catch some of the loud voices over ambient mics when a HG would walk by the lounge (where they were fighting, the initial offence took place in the HoH room) on their way to the bathroom. 

So there has been some fan wanking and filling in of holes but what we did hear confirms the arguing for awhile theory. They basically hugged and went their separate ways at the end. 

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I think Kaitlyn couldn't stand the thought of Haleigh getting more attention than her so she had to have JC do her makeup, too.  Haleigh is already in the DR and Kaitlyn is standing outside the DR saying, "Let me in!"

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Interesting to see Sam the Pious hold Kaycee in an excessively long hug and then go and lay on top of Angela in the HN room. 

So, bodily autonomy is only a thing others should have when Sam the Pious is shaming rivals others for behaviours she’s decided are unwanted. She’s definitely a role model, inspiring people everywhere to not be like her. 

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1 minute ago, zorak said:

I think Kaitlyn couldn't stand the thought of Haleigh getting more attention than her so she had to have JC do her makeup, too.  Haleigh is already in the DR and Kaitlyn is standing outside the DR saying, "Let me in!"

Definitely. She's dying to get in the DR.

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1 minute ago, cork dork said:

Interesting to see Sam the Pious hold Kaycee in an excessively long hug and then go and lay on top of Angela in the HN room. 

So, bodily autonomy is only a thing others should have when Sam the Pious is shaming rivals others for behaviours she’s decided are unwanted. She’s definitely a role model, inspiring people everywhere to not be like her. 

She was also kissing Bayleigh and draping herself over Bayleigh. And Sam the Pious was wearing short shorts and a rather loose t-shirt. Brazen hussies.

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Rachel is telling him that there have been things that have happened in the last week with Angela that have made her think Angela is not the person she thought she was.  She said it's disappointing because she thought Angela was going to be her girl.

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Just now, zorak said:

Rachel is telling him that there have been things that have happened in the last week with Angela that have made her think Angela is not the person she thought she was.  She said it's disappointing because she thought Angela was going to be her girl.

This is going to be the most epic, long lasting pretend feud that has absolutely no impact on the game.

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Rachel says she feels like there is trust between herself and Faysal.  She's really doing her best to try to make these "connections" with people outside of her alliance.

Rachel's advice to Faysal about the veto is to go with the person who has been the most loyal to him.

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Sometimes the L6 and their side lines seem to work against each other in their outside machination. Tyler is working on Fessy to use the veto on Kaitlin. Rachel is now hinting to Fessy to use it on Hayleigh ( who has been the most loyal). JC is working on Fessy to use it so RS goes up.

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12 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

This is going to be the most epic, long lasting pretend feud that has absolutely no impact on the game.

Sadly, I was just thinking that. "We're totally not together." "Yeah, sure. Wait, are you guys still here?"

"Yes, and we're totally not working together!" "Okay, can't say that we thought much of that either way."

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16 minutes ago, Growsonwalls said:

She was also kissing Bayleigh and draping herself over Bayleigh. And Sam the Pious was wearing short shorts and a rather loose t-shirt. Brazen hussies.

Right!?! Once Sam the Pious kissed Bayleigh’s shoulder in an attempt to comfort her, I was in for the long haul. Bummer there was no camera to get Swiggy’s reaction as it happened. 

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2 minutes ago, zorak said:

Haleigh says there is no way that they let what happened between Brett and Rockstar go during the live show.  Think again!

That was the best part of any live show in... well, since Paul lost for the second time. You bet your sweet bippity that they showed all of that. And will show it again in greyscale flashback on Sunday. And in the Previously On... until the next live show.

Edited by Callaphera
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I've noticed that in referring to what transpired between her and Brett during the live show, she now is calling it her daughter's birthday eve, which is what it actually was.  I guess calling it her daughter's birthday eve just didn't have the same ring as calling it her daughter's birthday during the actual live show.


5 minutes ago, Cosmosgravitation said:

People on reddit are saying that Sam has strongly indicated she won't nominate Angie, but will instead nominate Rachel or JC (probably Rachel).  I haven't been watching today, has anyone seen any indication of that?

It's hard to say.  Tonight when Tyler was talking to Sam up in the HOH, Sam wouldn't give names but asked Tyler who he would want to go up (aside from Rockstar) if he won HOH next.  He said Bayleigh (because even though he thinks they could pull her in, she's just not there yet) and Rachel because he's just not that close to her even though she's voted the same way as them so far.  I guarantee she will not be going for Bayleigh, especially after Bayleigh's meltdown in the HOH room tonight.  So Rachel is a possibility.  JC also seems to be on her shit list because he messed up the shower with shaving cream and Bayleigh was telling Sam about the N word argument.

Edited by zorak
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I just love that Sam, who wasn't on anyone's radar, will now end up putting up THREE people on the block with NONE of them going home, which she KNEW WAS GOING TO HAPPEN BEFORE SHE WON HOH and yet couldn't help but be a dick to the first two, and I guess she'll be a dick to the third one, too ("Rachel, I'm in an alliance with you, but it is just too mean to nominate Rockstar. It's not mean to nominate you, though, because......ummmm....").

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8 minutes ago, Cosmosgravitation said:

People on reddit are saying that Sam has strongly indicated she won't nominate Angie, but will instead nominate Rachel or JC (probably Rachel).  I haven't been watching today, has anyone seen any indication of that?

Sam the Pious is totally against putting Nonstar up because she’s a mother and she hasn’t had her moment yet. 

You’d think it’d be JC for having messed up the bathroom and she wasn’t pleased when she saw the aftermath. However, men aren’t responsible for their actions in her world, so Rachel could possibly end up on the block. 

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On 7/20/2018 at 3:43 PM, Callaphera said:

Wow. I have never had a HG rocket down the rankings in my head as quickly as Sam just did.

Fuck you, Sam. 

Okay so I'm on page 117, still playing catch-up, but I have to agree wholeheartedly with your post, Callaphera. I'm so disappointed! I only started watching Big Brother during Season 15, the Season of Racists, and have been consistently let down with how awful people are right out of the gate. This season, I thought the tide had finally turned, since I enjoyed Sam from the first episode; instead of coming around eventually to certain houseguests in Seasons 15-19, here I finally found a favourite right out of the gate.

I was really wanting to give Sam the benefit of the doubt, and to continue liking her and cheering her on (as I'm sure a few others here might have as well), but since her HOH win, I really don't think I can continue to root for her. So I'll leave it to Sweet Dee to say it best:


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10 hours ago, RagePaige said:

Correct me if I am wrong, but if a bank is robbed insurance covers the collateral right?  I don't understand this whole Kaitlyn's dad vault story.


  1. I’m guessing every time Chakra Con says “vault” she means “safe deposit box”, because there is a reality world of difference between, say, Chase Manhattan and Gringotts.
  2. FDIC covers individual bank accounts (checking, savings, IRAs, etc.) up to $250K per account - but not safe deposit box contents, because the bank has no clue what you may choose to put in your box, nor any way to objectively value it for insurance purposes.  Which isn’t to say the box contents aren’t necessarily covered by insurance; that coverage, however, would have to be through a policy separate from the bank - homeowner’s insurance, additional riders, or an item-specific policy.


7 hours ago, Callaphera said:

Oh, Kaitlyn is not happy because she was right behind Faysal and he could have let her win to avoid his Kaitlyn versus Haleigh predicament. But he didn't. 


7 hours ago, zorak said:

Did Kaitlyn just say she threw it to him?  Did I hear that right?

Damn.  This bitch just rewrites reality as she goes, doesn’t she?


5 hours ago, peachmangosteen said:

Yea, I mean, I think the challenge will be super easy and basically impossible to lose, so I don't think anyone will actually go home. 

If Production were smart and wanted some degree of control over which HG stays/goes, they’d have a couple of canned individual comps of varying difficulty on hand - either of which could be quickly thrown into play depending upon which HG was evicted.  Example:

  • Evictee Haleigh: “Here’s a chalk board and chalk.  You have one minute to spell ‘Big Brother’. GO!!!
  • Evictee Kaitlyn: “Here’s a skein of yarn and needles.  You have five minutes to crochet a Lithuanian.  GO!!!


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1 hour ago, Nashville said:


  1. I’m guessing every time Chakra Con says “vault” she means “safe deposit box”, because there is a reality world of difference between, say, Chase Manhattan and Gringotts.
  2. FDIC covers individual bank accounts (checking, savings, IRAs, etc.) up to $250K per account - but not safe deposit box contents, because the bank has no clue what you may choose to put in your box, nor any way to objectively value it for insurance purposes.  Which isn’t to say the box contents aren’t necessarily covered by insurance; that coverage, however, would have to be through a policy separate from the bank - homeowner’s insurance, additional riders, or an item-specific policy.

Maybe her Dad is a prepper and converted all his wealth to gold bars.  And since fractional-reserve banking is da ebil, instead of sticking them in a box at Chase, he stuck them in a rented storage shed.  And, of course, he didn't get insurance (because of Chase and fractional-reserve banking, natch).    And that's how he got robbed of all his wealth. 

All of which would mean he has no idea how to manage his money.    Goody Sam might as well toss the money down the drain before giving it to Kaitlin to give to her dad.

Edited by MrHufflepuff
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1 hour ago, MrHufflepuff said:

Maybe her Dad is a prepper and converted all his wealth to gold bars.  And since fractional-reserve banking is da ebil, instead of sticking them in a box at Chase, he stuck them in a rented storage shed.  And, of course, he didn't get insurance (because of Chase and fractional-reserve banking, natch).    And that's how he got robbed of all his wealth. 

All of which would mean he has no idea how to manage his money.    Goody Sam might as well toss the money down the drain before giving it to Kaitlin to give to her dad.

...or maybe K’s Dad doesn’t know what the hell she’s talking about.  ;>

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Honestly putting Rachel up as a pawn is actually a really good move game wise.  There is a 95% chance Rachel isn't going home, it unintentionally sells the fake Angela and Rachel dispute and maybe S6 thinks they can pull her in, keeps a little more blood off Sam (as long as she talks to Rachel before hand), causes extreme chaos if Sam chooses to save Kaitlyn with her power (in which only L6 know the truth to this).  The only 2 real cons in this situation is missing an opportunity to divide S6 further with a unanimous vote and how unpredictable JC would be in this scenario.  He might decide he wants Rachel out (not knowing about the power) and when he learns the full plan he might get upset with Tyler for keeping him in the dark.


But who am I kidding Sam is HOH and isn't smart enough to think like this.

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21 minutes ago, RagePaige said:

......causes extreme chaos if Sam chooses to save Kaitlyn with her power.......

 My understanding is that Sam no longer has a choice. This week the power automatically goes to the evicted houseguest.

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Just now, Skycatcher said:

 My understanding is that Sam no longer has a choice. This week the power automatically goes to the evicted houseguest.

Shes going to tell that person (Kaitlyn) that it was her choice to save her (When really it wasn't)

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8 minutes ago, RagePaige said:

Shes going to tell that person (Kaitlyn) that it was her choice to save her (When really it wasn't)

Oh, yeah.  Sam the all-wise, Sam the oh-so-gracious, Sam the pious, Sam the least-favorite on my house guest list.  And it only took her a couple of days to achieve that record slide from top to bottom. She is indeed a woman of many talents.


 I would love to see Kaitlin evicted unanimously, succeed in the challenge, and have to come back and face the house. Good times!

Edited by Skycatcher
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Watching back the HOH convo with Bayleigh and Sam, wow. Sam was like a dog in heat at one point. Surprised she didn't try to jump Bayleigh.  

I think it's pretty obvious Sam is more attracted to the females in the house. (Not that there is anything wrong with that.) It's pretty likely that Sam is gay but thinks it's wrong to feel that way because of how she was raised.

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6 hours ago, Brian Cronin said:

I just love that Sam, who wasn't on anyone's radar, will now end up putting up THREE people on the block with NONE of them going home, which she KNEW WAS GOING TO HAPPEN BEFORE SHE WON HOH and yet couldn't help but be a dick to the first two, and I guess she'll be a dick to the third one, too ("Rachel, I'm in an alliance with you, but it is just too mean to nominate Rockstar. It's not mean to nominate you, though, because......ummmm....").

The issue is Sam wants Kaitlyn gone and thinks Rockstar would get voted out if she put her up as the replacement, which she is right about. It's not a bad game move but she should probably be discussing it with her quasi alliance more. 

Instead she's gonna blindside Rachel and create another enemy. 

I didn't see it happen but apparently on another board someone said that yesterday Sam said she thought Rachel was an escort. Oh dear. 

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Rachel is the only member L6 that doesn't know about the power app. Sam putting her up without discussing it will cause even more drama in the house. I hope if that happens, Sam tells Kaitlyn that she is choosing to save her with her power because there is no way Kaitlyn doesn't tell anyone else this. Faysal will have a mental breakdown from agonizing for days on using the veto for no reason, then JC and the bad news bears of BB try to vote out Rachel (without knowing the power can also be used on her). It would be highly entertaining to me.

Edited by kellog010
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13 hours ago, leocadia said:

The only good thing about watching Paul episodes is picturing him losing at the end of the season -- TWICE!  That always makes me smile.

Yes but the second time, when its down to the last key and Paul realizes its Cody’s vote, the look on his face is priceless!

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8 hours ago, Callaphera said:

Rockstar Update: Still fucking talking about Brett.

Thanks for the update! I've been fretting all day and night whenever Rockstar isn't on the cams, wondering if she's forgotten about her very best friend for life, Brett. /s

In all seriousness, every update I read now about Rockstar, it's about Brett. She's obsessed. 

8 hours ago, Callaphera said:

That was the best part of any live show in... well, since Paul lost for the second time. You bet your sweet bippity that they showed all of that. And will show it again in greyscale flashback on Sunday. And in the Previously On... until the next live show.

It made it even better when it didn't cut back to Julie/Winston in the time that it usually would. They let it play out for an extra minute. 

7 hours ago, Brian Cronin said:

I just love that Sam, who wasn't on anyone's radar, will now end up putting up THREE people on the block with NONE of them going home, which she KNEW WAS GOING TO HAPPEN BEFORE SHE WON HOH and yet couldn't help but be a dick to the first two, and I guess she'll be a dick to the third one, too ("Rachel, I'm in an alliance with you, but it is just too mean to nominate Rockstar. It's not mean to nominate you, though, because......ummmm....").

"Rachel, I have nominated you because you'se a dirty ole harlot in those Vegas parts of town and probably show your cleavage for all those boys to be tempted by. But they can't help it and you can so be gone with you, witch!"

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1 hour ago, Cutty said:

Watching back the HOH convo with Bayleigh and Sam, wow. Sam was like a dog in heat at one point. Surprised she didn't try to jump Bayleigh.  

I think it's pretty obvious Sam is more attracted to the females in the house. (Not that there is anything wrong with that.) It's pretty likely that Sam is gay but thinks it's wrong to feel that way because of how she was raised.

Sam said, I feel guilty about my sexuality and explained her mothers strict moral code.  I read this and didn't hear it.  I assumed this meant she was gay.  

4 hours ago, MrHufflepuff said:

Maybe her Dad is a prepper and converted all his wealth to gold bars.  And since fractional-reserve banking is da ebil, instead of sticking them in a box at Chase, he stuck them in a rented storage shed.

This conjures the image of 11 years of canned peaches gone missing rather that gold bars. 


So who doesn't know about Sam's power other than Rachael, the escort (Jesus)?  These twists are so stupid. 

I love Tyler for not telling anyone his cloud advantage.  Or has he?

Edited by Wings
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5 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

"Rachel, I have nominated you because you'se a dirty ole harlot in those Vegas parts of town and probably show your cleavage for all those boys to be tempted by. But they can't help it and you can so be gone with you, witch!"

"And never you mind about how genuinely sweet and kind you were to me that first week when I was a robot.  It's neither here nor there, and I give no thought to such irrelevant concerns when you are an escort- I mean Vegas Showgirl. "  

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7 minutes ago, vb68 said:

"And never you mind about how genuinely sweet and kind you were to me that first week when I was a robot.  It's neither here nor there, and I give no thought to such irrelevant concerns when you are an escort- I mean Vegas Showgirl. "  

So if Haleigh is "Offaysal" and and Kaitlyn "Oftyler" then would Rachel be "Ofbrett"?

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