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S13.E23: Let the Good Times Roll

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Back in season 5, Dean chose not to say “yes” to Michael to defeat Lucifer because a fight between Michael and Lucifer would destroy half the planet. And now when it happened it didn’t even destroy the room. If he’d known he could have said “yes” eight years ago and spared the world (and us) soulless Sam, Liviathans and Amara. Not much of an Apocalypse, two guys fighting like angry birds. Has the budget been cut that much? 

  • Love 11
8 hours ago, catrox14 said:

Seriously. That legit fucking surprised me in a good way. I was all YASSSSSSSSSS.  Coming from Dean it was just the best way to do it. Dean never forgot he was the Michael Sword even if the show tried. And that was probably THE MOST satisfying moment. Even if Dean didn't let Michael possess him, I would have been okay with Dean just being able to say it.

Gods, I'm really surprisingly not annoyed by this episode. I mean I don't know what show I was watching with AU Bobby and Mary walking through the lush rainforests of Lebanon, Kansas and that they apparently aren't all that in a hurry to get by to the AW to save the rest of the planet, but hey you know...that doesn't matter....

I fucking LOVED seeing Michael!Dean with wings.  That was just stupidly satisfying.

Castiel crying is distressing. But he'll save Dean. He will.

It shocked the hell out of me when Dean said all that stuff about being the Michael Sword. PLOT CONTINUITY INVOLVING DEAN? Please, sir, may I have some more, sir? I love that it was re-established that Michael in Dean would make him more powerful than he's ever been. I wonder how much Jack would be able to actually hurt Michael!Dean, now.

  • Love 10
4 minutes ago, Ria said:

Back in season 5, Dean chose not to say “yes” to Michael to defeat Lucifer because a fight between Michael and Lucifer would destroy half the planet. And now when it happened it didn’t even destroy the room. If he’d known he could have said “yes” eight years ago and spared the world (and us) soulless Sam, Liviathans and Amara. Not much of an Apocalypse, two guys fighting like angry birds. Has the budget been cut that much? 

Two guys fighting like angry birds!!!!! I can't stop laughing. 

  • Love 9
8 hours ago, catrox14 said:

I fucking LOVED seeing Michael!Dean with wings.  That was just stupidly satisfying.

I actually clapped at scene.

Not only was it badass but, it reminded me of Castiel's introduction. I'm not a Destiel shipper so I didn't go there but, Castiel's introduction goes down as one of my favorite scenes in a fantastic season. 


BTW was that same church/set where Sam killed Lilith and set Lucifer free?

Edited by Morrigan2575
  • Love 9

My biggest issue was the flying fight...that looked just as bad the second time around.  But Lucifer's death was even more satisfying this time, so that made up for the hokey fight scene.  

Yeah, the fight scene was a letdown. After Dean said yes to give Michael a power-up, I think they should have shown the effect of that. Let him get in a few epic blows and kicks before Lucifer gains the upper hand again and then Sam throws the angel blade. Instead Dean got an epic entrance, one good kick and boom, that was it already. Very badly done.

On the other hand, yeah, if the Lucifer-death sticks, at least that was satisfying.  


I thought Dabb said that Jensen would be playing a character we hadn't seen for several seasons?  As I recall, he said that well after AU Michael's first appearance.  

Going by Dabb`s last interview, they are completely conflating the two Michaels. Nope, sorry, show-folks, still two distinct characters. We even know AU!Michael killed his Lucifer, he referenced it so it`s not like he ever saw this Lucifer as "his". 

Edited by Aeryn13
  • Love 6
6 hours ago, Aeryn13 said:

Yes, it would make sense if he were to check out his new digs and be like: WTF, 8 angels?

And the angels would welcome him out of sheer desperation. 

This could be the reason that the character would need to last for more than three measly episodes. And yes, *fingers crossed* that they learned from that same mistake that was made with the Demon Dean arc.

  • Love 7
21 minutes ago, Ria said:

Back in season 5, Dean chose not to say “yes” to Michael to defeat Lucifer because a fight between Michael and Lucifer would destroy half the planet. And now when it happened it didn’t even destroy the room. If he’d known he could have said “yes” eight years ago and spared the world (and us) soulless Sam, Liviathans and Amara. Not much of an Apocalypse, two guys fighting like angry birds. Has the budget been cut that much? 

I was just coming to comment on this topic! I think they did a good job of showing WHY we didn't lose half the planet. And we DID see the "half the planet" scenario work out -- that was the Apocalypse World. In that world, to other shmucks (not Sam and Dean) fought and turned the world into "kitty litter" (TM Lucifer).  That battle had all the damage promised in S5 but only showed us the aftermath (hey, TV budget... I'd say they played it right).

But now, when given a chance, Lucifer has all the power with his own custom suit plus he has 8 years of dealing with the Winchesters. This has made it not just about he and Michael (heck it's not even HIS Michael).  No, it's about being in charge and to wanting to beat Dean's face personally.  No lobbing of power balls - he wants to beat Dean to a pulp and win -- in front of Sam and Jack to dish out maximum pain.  This is precisely the kind of knife twist that Lucifer would go for. Dean, OTOH, in control of the situation, is also going to go mano a mano rather than start lobbing world-destruction power. 

In short, this was never going to be a redo of the S5 fight.  Too much has changed and the players are either different or substantially more personally invested.


As for why AUMichael let Dean lead the charge:
1) AUMichael is ultimately a coward.  Seriously.  He was ready to roll over and play dead once Lucifer got Jack's power. He had limited hopes for the fight in the first place.
2) Despite being a coward, AUMichael probably thought Dean driving had a better chance (he's not wrong).  If you recall, he already took all of Lucifer's memories way back at the start of the year.  So he knows precisely who the Winchesters are.  They're the guys who have beaten Lucifer TWICE.  Not killed him, but personally fought the Devil and won TWICE.  AUMichael is arrogant AND a coward, but not completely stupid.  
3) Fighting with Dean for vessel control would weaken AUMichael and worsen their chances for beating Lucifer.

Once Dean did the "impossible", AUMichael could easily take back over.  There were no bigger threats in the room to stop him.  Win/Win for him.

Edited by SueB
  • Love 9
13 minutes ago, SueB said:

Once Dean did the "impossible", AUMichael could easily take back over.  There were no bigger threats in the room to stop him.  Win/Win for him.

Exactly.  AU Michael didn't have a chance against a powered-up Lucifer.  He needed Dean for that fight.  But with Lucifer gone, he's big man on campus again.

  • Love 4

Finally, Lucifer is dead. Happened about three seasons too late.

MichaelDean should be interesting. I guess Rowena will be instrumental in getting Dean back.

Speaking of Rowena, a spinoff of Rowena and Charlie gallivanting around the US would make a wonderful spinoff.

10 minutes ago, sarthaz said:

Back in Season 5, I didn't feel like the fight itself had to destroy half the planet, more that Michael wanted it that way. Lucifer was willing to stand down and walk off into the sunset. Of course, even then, the big battle appeared to be two dudes circling each other with angry faces.

It could have been part of the deal that Dean made with Michael - you can kill Lucifer, but not the world :P

  • Love 3
10 hours ago, catrox14 said:
14 hours ago, gonzosgirrl said:

I do like that they let Dean tell Michael he was his sword, and not just his vessel.

Seriously. That legit fucking surprised me in a good way. I was all YASSSSSSSSSS.  Coming from Dean it was just the best way to do it. Dean never forgot he was the Michael Sword even if the show tried. And that was probably THE MOST satisfying moment. Even if Dean didn't let Michael possess him, I would have been okay with Dean just being able to say it.

Yes! I do wish the final battle in the episode had been more epic, but it wasn't a deal breaker for me. The "Save Sammy" thing wasn't either, although I did not love it or the way it was written. But if the intent had been to show that Dean did not care if the world was destroyed as long as Sam was okay, then Dean would not have made of point of saying -- as he specifically did at the beginning of the episode -- that he would be ready to retire only if he knew the world would be safe. Not that I needed a reminder of Dean's devotion to saving people, no matter what the cost to him personally.

But yes! My absolute favorite moment of the entire episode -- maybe of the entire year! -- was when Dean asked Michael, "What if you had your sword?" And then added, "I am your sword. Your perfect vessel. With me, you'd be stronger than you've ever been." And the intense, calculating way that Michael looked at him when Dean said that (the Michael actor did a good job there), and confirmed his words: "Oh, I know what you are."

When that moment occurred, I was like, "YES!!!" I don't know, maybe only a DeanGirl who was watching the show at the end of Season 5 could really understand why this was so important to me and what I was feeling. It does not wipe away the memory of "The angels have moved on" and "You are no longer a part of this story", but yes, it does ease the bitterness and feelings of disrespect and disregard that were engendered at that time. And I am speaking only for myself, and this is one time that I don't care if people understand, but I do feel that this is something that has been owed to me for a long time.

So excuse me if I bask in this moment, and warm myself in the glow of these words: "I am your sword. Your perfect vessel." \0/

  • Love 18
29 minutes ago, catrox14 said:
39 minutes ago, Bergamot said:

"I am your sword. Your perfect vessel." \0/

That was literally me when Dean said that.

I was victory arming, whooping and shouting "YASSSSS. OH MY GODS!! YAASS.  It's about fucking time!!"

And variations on that theme to the end of the episode.

Laissez les bons temps rouler! :-)

  • Love 6

I have to say I'm kind of surprised that I didn't think about this before re the battle not hurting Our Earth.

In s5 it was a fully powered Michael and a fully powered Lucifer seeking to use their perfect vessels in s5 fulfilling a destiny. This season it's been AW Michael and then AW Michael!Dean vs Our World Lucifer. AW Michael fighting Our Lucifer in the AW would have rendered further mass destruction.  But it didn't so I to me that means they wouldn't destroy this planet. 

My opinion is that Dean factored many things into his decision because he's not stupid. He knew the cuffs didn't work in the AW. He tried the holy oil molotov cocktail and it didn't contain AW Michael, then Dean being the smart cookie that he is, realized the battle conditions and reasons are not the same. He's not fighting against Destiny here.  IMO Dean knew the fight wouldn't destroy the planet. 

Dean took a calculated risk. Not a reckless suicidal risk. He knew that AW Michael honored his deal with Lucifer, and he remembered that Our Michael promised to give him back his meatsuit and not leave him a drooling mess and that's the only miscalculation he made. He IMO decided to trust AW Michael and that was his only real miscalculation IMO.

So Dean never was risking the earth by fighting Lucifer.  He was risking the earth by NOT fighting Lucifer. 

It was a good enough plan and not a perfect plan.

  • Love 10

I don`t think he really trusted AU!Michael, hoped for the best maybe but not so much trusted full-scale. But trying to contain weakened AU!Michael in the bunker (may or may not have worked) and defiantly yelled at him "you`ll never get me as a vessel, I`ll not endanger the Earth" wouldn`t have done anything for the current problem of Lucifer endangering the Earth. 

Yes, he made the decision so quickly because Sam and Jack were in imminent danger but would a better solution truly have come around the corner if he had waited a day or two? Supercharged!Lucifer could have done much damage in even an hour or two, let alone days. 

Now the supercharging itself was pretty convenient. I`ve always had trouble understanding how the half of it is so much more powerful than the whole. As in an archangel is a powerful species, a human not so much. How does an offspring between the two trump even the powerful side of the parentage by that freaking much?

And why didn`t Lucifer`s attack tricker Jack`s defense mechanisms, like blowing Lucifer back and bouncing him against walls or something. Jack is so powerful he renders AU!Michael weak with one blow and one snap of his fingers and handles Lucifer like a marionette but he is also so easily depowered that it only takes one little cut. And it was just a little bit of grace flowing out of him that apparently held all this vast power. But two episodes ago Lucifer bled an entire soup bowl full of grace and still had aaaaample to spare. Like, what the hell? 

  • Love 6
5 minutes ago, Aeryn13 said:

But two episodes ago Lucifer bled an entire soup bowl full of grace and still had aaaaample to spare. Like, what the hell? 


Jack was supposed to be the most powerful being because he was archangel and human. Both were supposed to have made him the strongest.  So really Lucifer stealing Jack's grace shouldn't have done that much for him other than make him stronger than he was but not to the level of Jack. I think it was the combo of his humanity and archangel grace.....that allowed him to hold space and time like he could.  That's my story and I'm sticking to it. LOL

Also, I don't see how they could shoot bullets into that vortex but whatever LOL.

  • Love 3
7 minutes ago, Aeryn13 said:

Now the supercharging itself was pretty convenient. I`ve always had trouble understanding how the half of it is so much more powerful than the whole. As in an archangel is a powerful species, a human not so much. How does an offspring between the two trump even the powerful side of the parentage by that freaking much?

And why didn`t Lucifer`s attack tricker Jack`s defense mechanisms, like blowing Lucifer back and bouncing him against walls or something. Jack is so powerful he renders AU!Michael weak with one blow and one snap of his fingers and handles Lucifer like a marionette but he is also so easily depowered that it only takes one little cut. And it was just a little bit of grace flowing out of him that apparently held all this vast power. But two episodes ago Lucifer bled an entire soup bowl full of grace and still had aaaaample to spare. Like, what the hell? 


I fanwank that it's the combination of a human soul and archangel grace that makes it so powerful. But I agree completely that the quick transfer of Jack's powers is a total WTF.

  • Love 3
1 hour ago, Bergamot said:

Yes! I do wish the final battle in the episode had been more epic, but it wasn't

But yes! My absolute favorite moment of the entire episode -- maybe of the entire year! -- was when Dean asked Michael, "What if you had your sword?" And then added, "I am your sword. Your perfect vessel. With me, you'd be stronger than you've ever been." And the intense, calculating way that Michael looked at him when Dean said that (the Michael actor did a good job there), and confirmed his words: "Oh, I know what you are."

When that moment occurred, I was like, "YES!!!" I don't know, maybe only a DeanGirl who was watching the show at the end of Season 5 could really understand why this was so important to me and what I was feeling. It does not wipe away the memory of "The angels have moved on" and "You are no longer a part of this story", but yes, it does ease the bitterness and feelings of disrespect and disregard that were engendered at that time. And I am speaking only for myself, and this is one time that I don't care if people understand, but I do feel that this is something that has been owed to me for a long time.

So excuse me if I bask in this moment, and warm myself in the glow of these words: "I am your sword. Your perfect vessel." \0/

It was also kinda sexy. There was a lot of smoldering. I’m with you- I’ve been waiting for this for a long time. And speaking as someone who almost always likes the episodes but has been a frustrated DeanGirl for a while, this one ticked a lot of my buttons. 


I hope Mean lasts a while. I think DemonDean was cut short by 200 and we don’t have that at the beginning of the season this time. Otherwise I feel like I’ve seen interviews that said they would have liked to extend that storyline. 

1 hour ago, catrox14 said:

That was literally me when Dean said that.

I was victory arming, whooping and shouting "YASSSSS. OH MY GODS!! YAASS.  It's about fucking time!!"

And variations on that theme to the end of the episode.

Who would’ve thought DABB would give us language we’ve been begging for?

  • Love 5

I loved, LOVED the scene between Michael and Dean for so many reasons, not the least of which is Christian Keyes is a good actor and he made Michael a little crazy, a little dangerous and a lot menacing. And then with the flashback clip of Zachariah, the angel I most loved to hate, telling Dean he was the Michael sword. Man, remember when the angels were scary and badass, not whiny dicks in boring suits? And Jensen so totally delivered on his lines. Terrified, but straightening his back, swallowing his fear and telling Michael how it was going to go down. L O V E D it! Even if it went sideways later, this was Dean F. Winchester pulling the ultimate Dean Winchester.

  • Love 9

not the least of which is Christian Keyes is a good actor and he made Michael a little crazy, a little dangerous and a lot menacing.

I loved when Michael acknowledged "I know exactly what you are". Maybe that was the reason he wanted to make him his first kill in the new world? It sounds counterintuitive to do away with what you know is your perfect vessel but it`s the exact kind of "I`m the apex predator and I do what I want" stuff that seems to be AU!Michael, from what little we`ve seen of him.

Now obviously, since the Christian Keyes-vessel was banged up but not destroyed, it`s not unfeasible that Michael will hop back at some point. I don`t expect him to possess Dean forever and unless they kill off the whole character quickly, he would need a different vessel.

Interesting question is how Michael knew. I would say he could have read it in Mary`s head but the ice-queen never took enough interest to even learn such details about Dean if I`m not mistaken. And obviously, Dean and Sam were never born in AU-world. Granted, the angels or at least Michael  knew about the "breeding program" between John and Mary so he could have easily put two and two together on what a certain Dean Winchester should be in regards to him. Oh, he could have gotten it from Lucifer. 

Would be cool, though, if he somehow knows just by looking. Maybe Dean gives off something to Michael the same way Sam gives off something to Lucifer that makes them recognize their perfect vessel. Or all the angels are huge genealogy nerds who have bloodlines down to the stone age so they know who would in general be usable to them.   

Edited by Aeryn13
  • Love 5
6 minutes ago, Aeryn13 said:

I loved when Michael acknowledged "I know exactly what you are". Maybe that was the reason he wanted to make him his first kill in the new world? It sounds counterintuitive to do away with what you know is your perfect vessel but it`s the exact kind of "I`m the apex predator and I do what I want" stuff that seems to be AU!Michael, from what little we`ve seen of him.

Now obviously, since the Christian Keyes-vessel was banged up but not destroyed, it`s not unfeasible that Michael will hop back at some point. I don`t expect him to possess Dean forever and unless they kill off the whole character quickly, he would need a different vessel.

Interesting question is how Michael knew. I would say he could have read it in Mary`s head but the ice-queen never took enough interest to even learn such details about Dean if I`m not mistaken. And obviously, Dean and Sam were never born in AU-world. Granted, the angels or at least Michael  knew about the "breeding program" between John and Mary so he could have easily put two and two together on what a certain Dean Winchester should be in regards to him. Oh, he could have gotten it from Lucifer. 

Would be cool, though, if he somehow knows just by looking. Maybe Dean gives off something to Michael the same way Sam gives off something to Lucifer that makes them recognize their perfect vessel. Or all the angels are huge genealogy nerds who have bloodlines down to the stone age so they know who would in general be usable to them.   

Didn't he 'read' Lucifer though? He would know about both Dean and Sam from that.

  • Love 4
5 minutes ago, Aeryn13 said:

I loved when Michael acknowledged "I know exactly what you are". Maybe that was the reason he wanted to make him his first kill in the new world? It sounds counterintuitive to do away with what you know is your perfect vessel but it`s the exact kind of "I`m the apex predator and I do what I want" stuff that seems to be AU!Michael, from what little we`ve seen of him.

Now obviously, since the Christian Keyes-vessel was banged up but not destroyed, it`s not unfeasible that Michael will hop back at some point. I don`t expect him to possess Dean forever and unless they kill off the whole character quickly, he would need a different vessel.

Interesting question is how Michael knew. I would say he could have read it in Mary`s head but the ice-queen never took enough interest to even learn such details about Dean if I`m not mistaken. And obviously, Dean and Sam were never born in AU-world. Granted, the angels or at least Michael  knew about the "breeding program" between John and Mary so he could have easily put two and two together on what a certain Dean Winchester should be in regards to him. Oh, he could have gotten it from Lucifer. 

Would be cool, though, if he somehow knows just by looking. Maybe Dean gives off something to Michael the same way Sam gives off something to Lucifer that makes them recognize their perfect vessel. Or all the angels are huge genealogy nerds who have bloodlines down to the stone age so they know who would in general be usable to them.   

Oh, man, it really stood out to me when Michael already knew that Dean was his sword. I liked that his reason for knowing wasn't elaborated on; it makes the whole thing bigger and more mysterious. I like to think that Michael knew as soon as he encountered Dean. The fact that he made a beeline straight for him as the first of his "saved" was also really interesting, as was the fact that he never even brought up using Dean as a vessel. That was all initiated by Dean. Maybe he just assumed that Dean wouldn't accept?

  • Love 4

Dear Mary "Call Sam" Winchester:  You and the horse you rode in on.  Just so you know.

In addition to all the other points made in earlier posts about why Dean did what he did, early in the episode Dean told Jack that his nightmares were mostly about all the people he couldn't save, which was clearly foreshadowing.  Lucifer's reign of destruction would potentially destroy billions.  What kind of nightmares would Dean have if he had not taken the only possibility that had any hope of success? 

I think that Dean's referencing Sam and Jack was to emphasize the time crunch:  there wasn't time for leisurely discussion.  Especially as Options 2, 3 and 4 were, not to put to fine a point on it, non-existent (Option 5, the Infinity Gauntlet, had already been co-opted by Thanos.  Darn).  You worry about putting the fire out first, before going after the arsonist.  Does that run a risk?  Sure.  But saving the people in the burning building is Priority #1.

I really liked the scene between Dean and Jack, and I absolutely loved Dean shooting Jack to stop him without any hesitation.  "You shot me!"  "You were going psycho!"  Makes total sense to me.  LOL

And, yeah, Dean with angel wings.  And bowlegs.  Perfect combination.

Edited by Lemuria
  • Love 11
3 hours ago, Bergamot said:

When that moment occurred, I was like, "YES!!!" I don't know, maybe only a DeanGirl who was watching the show at the end of Season 5 could really understand why this was so important to me and what I was feeling. It does not wipe away the memory of "The angels have moved on" and "You are no longer a part of this story", but yes, it does ease the bitterness and feelings of disrespect and disregard that were engendered at that time. And I am speaking only for myself, and this is one time that I don't care if people understand, but I do feel that this is something that has been owed to me for a long time.

So excuse me if I bask in this moment, and warm myself in the glow of these words: "I am your sword. Your perfect vessel." \0/


  • Love 1
3 minutes ago, Lemuria said:

I think that Dean's referencing Sam and Jack was to emphasize the time crunch:  there wasn't time for leisurely discussion.  Especially as Options 2, 3 and 4 were, not to put to fine a point on it, non-existent (Option 5, the Infinity Gauntlet, had already be co-opted by Thanos.  Darn).  You worry about putting the fire out first, before going after the arsonist.  Does that run a risk?  Sure.  But saving the people in the burning building is Priority #1.

Love this!

And it's too bad the 'As Shakespeare said, eat me' line got spoiled, because that was quintessential Dean too.

  • Love 3
51 minutes ago, Lemuria said:

Dear Mary "Call Sam" Winchester

I have to say this didn't bother me at all.  She could just as easily have said "call Dean", and then Sam fans would have taken offense.  I don't think she always needs to refer to them like they're conjoined twins.  She spent a lot more time texting with Dean last season, so if she wants to call Sam now, go for it.  

  • Love 4
9 minutes ago, MysteryGuest said:

I have to say this didn't bother me at all.  She could just as easily have said "call Dean", and then Sam fans would have taken offense.  I don't think she always needs to refer to them like they're conjoined twins.  She spent a lot more time texting with Dean last season, so if she wants to call Sam now, go for it.  

I can't agree with this. Texting and playing Words with Friends with Dean and calling for help in that situation last night aren't the same thing at all.

11 minutes ago, Lemuria said:

I loved that Dean corrected Sam's "You did it" to "No.  We did it."  

Absolutely! Such a very Dean thing to do.

1 minute ago, gonzosgirrl said:

I can't agree with this. Texting and playing Words with Friends with Dean and calling for help in that situation last night aren't the same thing at all.

But why would she have to call Dean, rather than Sam?  My point was that she obviously calls them both, but she doesn't always have to say "call Sam and Dean".  I just don't think that her "call Sam" is synonymous with loving Sam more, or thinking Dean is a weakling who can't help her.  This show does a lot of shit that is inexplicable, but I honestly don't get the outrage over this.  And I'm a major Dean girl.

  • Love 6

But why would she have to call Dean, rather than Sam?  My point was that she obviously calls them both, but she doesn't always have to say "call Sam and Dean". 

She could have gone for "call my sons" and obviously Bobby would call only one. It just bugged me that there is major crisis time and her response is "call Sam". As if Dean would be as useless as chopped liver in that scenario.

To be honest, I do think that line was like a Freudian slip by Dabb who gravitates more towards Sam than Dean. Then again he usually gravitates more towards side characters over either of them.

I`m still iffy on Lucifer being truly dead. Something that I just find weird is how SPN doesn`t do exit interviews when actors leave a show. I`m used to those now when big characters are leaving or being written out of other shows. A little tribut and thank you to the actor. `They didn`t do that for Mark Sheppard last year and there was obviously bad blood. But they love Pellegrino. So I`m not convinced we won`t hear soon that he is still a regular on the show somehow.  

  • Love 4

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