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S06.E23: Life Sentence

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My biggest laugh of the night was when I realized that Curtis got bupkus on the goodbye front. LMAO! He's so damn useless, I don't know why he's still around. But then I realized that if Watson hadn't said that the FBI transport was late, Felicity wouldn't have gotten a goodbye from Oliver, too. Whether or not Watson was fibbing to give Felicity and William a little bit of time talk to Oliver in the holding room, I don't know. But it makes me angry that Guggenheim/Mericle couldn't even let Oliver and Felicity have a proper goodbye scene and yet they had all the time in the world to let Oliver apologize to almost everyone else (for everything that's not his fault, at all).

I'm so, so annoyed. Do y'all feel like Guggenheim and Mericle were really trying to fuck everyone over with this finale?

This season sucked but I always hoped they could turn things around before the hiatus. I know this is Arrow and I really should've known better but hope springs eternal in the human breast and all that... If Marc and Wendy really torched this finale because they weren't continuing on with the show then, man, that is so petty. Even if they didn't mean to write it that way and this was really the story that they could, to the very best of their abilities, come up with then damn. They are terrible at this!

  • Love 20

Well, that happened...Is there any reason Oliver couldn't tell his wife the plan before he was being hauled away? I mean, she'd have tried to talk him out of it but that would have been good because it was beyond asinine.  The scenes were really emotional but lost something because I was so annoyed. Seriously, Oliver, if you have to make a deal to go to prison in order to get the FBI to do their fucking jobs and arrest the serial killing drug lord maybe come up with a plan B? Why does he trust Watson? None of Diaz's plans would have worked if she hadn't tried to send Oliver to prison based on a fake photo in the first place.

  • Love 7
3 minutes ago, JamieLynn832002 said:

Well, that happened...Is there any reason Oliver couldn't tell his wife the plan before he was being hauled away? I mean, she'd have tried to talk him out of it but that would have been good because it was beyond asinine. 

Yes, the reason is because if Oliver tells either Felicity or Diggle the dumb shit he's planning then nothing would ever happen on this show. Oliver keeping this stuff to himself until it's too late to do anything about it is the only way we get plot movement half the time.

  • Love 19

This episode was straight up trash.

Like there was not one moment where I felt emotions. I know EBR and SA acted the hell out of that scene but I was so mad. I was just looking at Oliver and just shaking my head like, "you didn't even tell Felicity or your son about the possibility of you going to prison?". So, I didn't care. 

I can't believe they killed of PB offscreen and are not even giving him a funeral. Just saying this but maybe Sara shouldn't have Oliver visit her if she is ever in that Hospital bed. 

The less I say about Diaz, BS, and NTA the better. I am just done. 


  • Love 20
3 minutes ago, lemotomato said:

I've been trying to verbalize why exactly I'm so enraged by this episode beyond all the other points people have made. On top of everything else that was bad about this episode, it also made 621, 622, and the end of 618 pointless. Oliver's refusal to admit that he was GA because it would put his family's life in danger? Doesn't matter! Oliver learning that he should let Felicity help him  because they're married and it's her fight too? Forgotten immediately! Felicity saving him from sacrificing his life to take out Diaz? He ends up doing that anyway! This episode was so bad it managed to ruin the few I enjoyed in season 6B. And that is completely unforgivable. Fuck MG and WM. 


There is literally a million other ways they could have Oliver arrest and in prison without undoing everything by having him out himself but they choose the most stupidest option. This happened because they are not creative or smart writers. 

  • Love 10
2 hours ago, BunsenBurner said:

Oh just one more thing. I was right in the Live Posting. If BS hadn't pushed Diaz off the building Oliver wouldn't have gone to prison. Thanks BS. So stupid. Now I'm done.

Can you explain this?  I know lots of people are confused by the arrangement Oliver made, but it was my understanding that he would have the FBI's help if he confessed to all counts of GA'ing, leading to prison. His conditions were immunity for everyone else involved and the FBI needs to neutralize 3Diaz.  Since they did get the information from his stylish data fob, they were able to take in everyone on his payroll and return what was left of the city's money (unfortunately he has killed so many of his partners, I hardly recognized any of the people they perpwalked during his monologue).  Although 3Diaz is still out there, his organization is defanged, so it's time for Oliver to pay the piper.  William and Felicity get protective custody until 3D is actually arrested, but I guess not after that, so I hope there are no more Prometheuses or Caydens out there in the shadows looking to get vengeance on the Green Arrow.  But we are supposed to believe that Oliver is in prison "for good," which is a horribly down beat to end on, especially with the central conflict not actually resolved.  Basically, Oliver negotiates plea deals the way MG and WM plot seasons: Broad strokes, tent poles, and a prayer.


I want to know how realistic it is for someone to lose oxygen to the brain for seven minutes while in a frickin' operating theater.  Why does that hospital hate Lances?  At least Quentin didn't pull out an old photo and confess his love to Oliver.


I did love Anatoly's comment about Russian "costume parties."

  • Love 8
4 minutes ago, TrueMyth said:

  I know lots of people are confused by the arrangement Oliver made, but it was my understanding that he would have the FBI's help if he confessed to all counts of GA'ing, leading to prison.

I got confused because I thought Watson said something to Oliver about their deal when she was talking about Diaz being in the wind? I can't remember it exactly and no way in hell am I ever watching again, but I got the impression from whatever it was that she said that Diaz being gone had some sort of relevance to their deal. If him being captured didn't have something to do with it, then why would it have mattered? Maybe I misunderstood the situation through the constant rage I was feeling.

2 minutes ago, apinknightmare said:

I got confused because I thought Watson said something to Oliver about their deal when she was talking about Diaz being in the wind? I can't remember it exactly and no way in hell am I ever watching again, but I got the impression from whatever it was that she said that Diaz being gone had some sort of relevance to their deal. If him being captured didn't have something to do with it, then why would it have mattered? Maybe I misunderstood the situation through the constant rage I was feeling.

I guess she was saying that even though she didn't fulfill her side of the deal-- capturing Diaz-- Oliver still has live up to what he promised, outing himself and going to jail.

  • Love 4
3 minutes ago, lemotomato said:

I guess she was saying that even though she didn't fulfill her side of the deal-- capturing Diaz-- Oliver still has live up to what he promised, outing himself and going to jail.

I guess, it just seemed like an oddly placed comment. Just keep looking for him? 

Edited by apinknightmare
  • Love 1

I'm in the same boat, thinking I may have missed something, but not wanting to rewatch. I thought they said something about the "the list or Diaz" and took that to mean that capturing the list would be as good as getting 3Diaz for the purpose of triggering Oliver's imprisonment.

They said the FBI would still be looking for 3Diaz, and that William and Felicity will be in protective custody until he's taken. Should be AWESOME for Felicity's business plans.

My speculation is that they'll finally get an angle on 3D but the FBI won't be able to take him down without Oliver and that will trigger a pardon in some way?  I still have a problem understanding how anyone can continue to be a vigilante in Star City right now, especially now that they are all unmasked, with the anti-vigilante law still on the books. The immunity should only extend to past crimes, right? 

  • Love 3

This would have been a really good episode... if Diaz wasn't a craptastic villain and the NTA didn't blow. This is the season that brought Oliver down and killed Quentin? This?

All I can say is that this is the fault of the NTA and their juvenile tantrum-throwing asses. If Oliver hadn't teamed up with them, none of this shit would have happened. This is like an entire season devoted to Oliver going it alone.

Having said that, and this is the one thing about this episode that truly truly pissed me off... Oliver turned himself over to the FBI without talking it over with Felicity or William.

Character development? What character development?

  • Love 7

Woke up this morning thinking this episode was a bad dream - nope it was real and it was that bad.  I swear if I didn't love OTA as much as I did, this episode would make me throw in the towel.  I can't afford to loose that many brain cells in an hour, my livelihood depends on it.

But in all seriousness, what in this finale is there to bring me back?  

The live thread was the highlight of season 6!!

  • Love 1

I’ve never been so angry, frustrated and disappointed a single episode of television in my life.  Oliver could find the time to apologise to Dig, Rene and Dinah but not a single minute could be found to tell his wife that he was taking a deal that would put him in prison.  It’s lying by omission all over again. 

Not only that, but he leaves Felicity to raise William alone in ARGUS protective custody without any discussion at all? No, just no. I don’t know how they can come back from that as a story choice for Olicity. 

I feel like the final Olicity scene was well and truly over hyped. From an acting perspective I can understand the emotional appeal of playing the scene, but from a viewer perspective it was completely underwhelming and strangely detached.

Quentin and everyone else was an idiot to the end in service of Not!Laurel. I don’t know how many times I yelled “she’s not your/his daughter” at my TV, but I feel like it was a lot.  

And Dinah apparently respects Oliver now? Uhmmm, if that’s the case where was that respect mid season? I feel like it was a attempt to win back fans for the character but unfortunately I do remember everything that happened throughout the season.  So, there’s no quick fix for me. 

This season may not have ended with a cliffhanger but it did end with me not particularly caring where they go to from here.  

  • Love 17

Well that was kind of crap:

-Diaz of all villains isn't defeated and gets away, ugh. He's not interesting or menacing, get rid of him.

-Quentin's death was handled really poorly.

-NTA gets off scott free for their whiny idiocy this season, while Oliver is the one who suffers.

-Oliver's "plan" made no sense, and keeping it from his wife and son was just a douche move.


So a poor ending to a poor season, how fitting I suppose.

  • Love 13
9 hours ago, calliope1975 said:

Was Oliver always planning on outing himself? If so, why'd he give Dig a GA suit? What if Dig had been super excited about it? 

If Diggle had taken the suit, Oliver probably would've just added something like, "And as your next Green Arrow, be on the look out for John Diggle - who lives at 123 S. Main Street in Star City, and has one wife named Lyla Michaels and a son, JJ, who attends preschool at Star City Starter Academy - this June."

  • Love 16

Seriously, Diaz isn't dead and Oliver is arrested on federal charges? Quentin died and Sara is sad. This episode blows.

Which...what? First of all, why is there federal jurisdiction on the Green Arrow case? Are we pretending he's also wanted in Central City? Is Central City in a different state? Also, I don't care if someone turns himself in and even pleads guilty; he does not get transferred immediately to prison with no hearing in front of a judge. I would imagine that any good lawyer could get around the "federal" charges and therefore invoke double jeopardy, because being tried for the same crime twice is in fact unconstitutional and therefore not something to be trifled with because you've decided to make the charges "federal" for no given reason. That was ridiculous.

6 hours ago, lemotomato said:

I guess she was saying that even though she didn't fulfill her side of the deal-- capturing Diaz-- Oliver still has live up to what he promised, outing himself and going to jail.

That was my understanding as well. Oliver's deal was that Watson would help get the city back and in exchange, Oliver would go to prison. Whether or not Diaz was actually caught was irrelevant, and Oliver's imprisonment has nothing to do with Diaz being "in the wind." It's not a person-for-person exchange. If Diaz is caught, he will presumably GO TO TRIAL and then if convicted, also be sent to prison. I think it speaks to just how badly this episode was written that many people seem to have thought Oliver was only going to prison in place of Diaz because he wasn't caught. I imagine that is in part because of just how dumb it is that Oliver would have made a deal that involved him going to prison for life to get FBI help and NOT TOLD ANYONE.

The writing in this episode was unbelievably bad. Quentin's death was lackluster and they managed to drain all emotion out of it. If they didn't have CL's acting, it would have fallen completely flat. Oliver not telling his wife about his plan goes right back to the issues that broke them up in the first place, which would be fine if it were intentional, but I highly doubt it was. His then telling his wife at the same time as he told some acquaintances because he had actually run out of time was stupid and selfish and just a jerk move. 

I can only hope that BS isn't one of Bamford's bros and shows much less interest in his clearly and consistently subpar directing. 

Edited by Jillibean
  • Love 6
17 minutes ago, kes0704 said:

I’ve never been so angry, frustrated and disappointed a single episode of television in my life.  Oliver could find the time to apologise to Dig, Rene and Dinah but not a single minute could be found to tell his wife that he was taking a deal that would put him in prison.  It’s lying by omission all over again. 

Not only that, but he leaves Felicity to raise William alone in ARGUS protective custody without any discussion at all? No, just no. I don’t know how they can come back from that as a story choice for Olicity. 

I feel like the final Olicity scene was well and truly over hyped. From an acting perspective I can understand the emotional appeal of playing the scene, but from a viewer perspective it was completely underwhelming and strangely detached.

Quentin and everyone else was an idiot to the end in service of Not!Laurel. I don’t know how many times I yelled “she’s not your/his daughter” at my TV, but I feel like it was a lot.  

And Dinah apparently respects Oliver now? Uhmmm, if that’s the case where was that respect mid season? I feel like it was a attempt to win back fans for the character but unfortunately I do remember everything that happened throughout the season.  So, there’s no quick fix for me. 

This season may not have ended with a cliffhanger but it did end with me not particularly caring where they go to from here.  

My real fear with the Olicity issue is I'm not sure I trust the writers to realize it even is an issue. Voluntarily going to prison and leaving your wife to raise your son alone while separated from her entire support system is a huge deal and then to not even tell her, let alone discuss the options is so assy that it's unbelievable but I'm not sure the writers see anything beyond "Olicity is separated by prison." And it's all ignoring the fact that A.R.G.U.S. can be shady as hell.  Presumably not where Felicity and William are concerned while Dyla is involved but this still should have been Plan ZZ not Plan A.


Same here with 'not your daughter!" Those words have pretty much lost all meaning to me I yelled them so often.

  • Love 11
8 minutes ago, JamieLynn832002 said:

My real fear with the Olicity issue is I'm not sure I trust the writers to realize it even is an issue. Voluntarily going to prison and leaving your wife to raise your son alone while separated from her entire support system is a huge deal and then to not even tell her, let alone discuss the options is so assy that it's unbelievable but I'm not sure the writers see anything beyond "Olicity is separated by prison." 

MG mentioned it in his post-mortem, so I'm assuming it was at least talked about. With Beth taking over now who knows whether she'll choose to address it or not. Love or hate Olicity, I don't think there's much arguing that the drama surrounding that breakup lost them a sizable chunk of their audience. It should absolutely be addressed, but I think they need to be kinda careful about the route that they take with it, especially after a season that was not well received. 

  • Love 17
9 hours ago, Mrs. de Winter said:

I'm with you - at this moment I would be fine with her and William finding a great life in some other city sans Mr. I'm going to make a life changing decision without you - and telling Oliver no thanks when he wants them to come back to the mess that is Star City.  

I’m kind of hoping that Felicity puts her genius hacking abilities to good use and thoroughly locks down her protective custody location making it extremely difficult for Oliver to find her when he gets out of prison.  

  • Love 8

After Watson saw what TA went through to protect the city why she is still so hellbent on bringing down Oliver. If she wants to get a promotion out of it...ok..you do you but if this does nothing for her except having the satisfaction of being right..you were right. Move on.

And is she going to be coming in and out next season until Diaz is brought down? Who I assume will be in full Dragon mode? Was this his island?

  • Love 1

I have never been that frustrated with this show in a long time, I have been annoyed but not frustrated. This episode managed to make season 4 finale mediocre at best. Marc loves Oliver regressing so much that he threw all of his character development out the window in one episode.

We didn't get Diaz so let's put the guy who could help us find Diaz in a  supermax prison.

God, I thought Watson had an ounce of intelligence in her...clearly not.

  • Love 4
14 minutes ago, lemotomato said:


I hate this fucking show.

You going or staying next season?

I honestly have never felt like leaving until this ep. Can't put my finger on it! It's like the poked the bear with this one! Everything I've ever hated about this show and all the disappointment just exploded in this ep! And it wasn't particularly scandalous. 

  • Love 1

This episode was BORING! It's definitely the most boring season finale that Arrow has had. 

I feel like I've suffered a lot this year with Arrow. With a few changes, this episode could have been a redemption for me, but alas this is Arrow and I shouldn't have expected that. The opportunities for a good episode was there, Rene was so close to dying and Diaz was so close to being gotten rid of. But it's Arrow, so they just tease me and snatch it away. I couldn't even enjoy Quentins last scenes because he's been so dumb and he just continued being dumb. 

  • Love 6
1 hour ago, kes0704 said:

I’m kind of hoping that Felicity puts her genius hacking abilities to good use and thoroughly locks down her protective custody location making it extremely difficult for Oliver to find her when he gets out of prison.  

Hee. I had the same thought this morning. Oliver deserves to suffer for a while and I would love it if this is one of the ways that happens. 

29 minutes ago, lemotomato said:

And on a show called Arrow, the main character, the hero, gets arrested and put in jail for life by a federal agent, while said federal agent ignores a woman who was an accomplice in at least two acts of terrorism (attacking SC with Cayden James and Central City with Zoom), a fugitive (escaped from Iron Heights/ARGUS), a cold blooded serial killer, and oh yeah, the right hand person of the guy they spent the whole episode trying to take down. BS was just standing there and Watson just... left?! 

I was just coming to make the same point. It defies belief that Watson––who pointed out that BS was a criminal––wouldn't arrest her and charge her with obstruction of justice. The known co-conspirator of a target just happens to create the circumstances that allowed him to escape, but whatever. Watson's just here for the guy that gave up everything to try to catch said target. 

This episode failed the number one objective of a season finale, which is to make you want to come back in the fall. 

  • Love 10

I really only got one thing out of the finale that MG and WM don’t want anyone to watch season 7.

They did a bang up job of destroying the back half of this season. 

MG never got his all comic book all the time show and instead got OQ & FS and JD & LM of which only one was an actual comic book character.  MG was never able to reconcile this with his inner child. So instead of writing for the characters that I feel the majority of the fandom loved MG had the writers write strictly for plot.  

Once The Flash was allowed to become a TV show all signs of caring for Arrow went out the window. It of course was a means to an end, The Flash, which the comic book guys really wanted. At the beginning they promised to keep it unique with no powers of any kind with just the basics. They changed the premise of it to allow anything and everything and thereby slowly chipped away at the core of the show. No longer could normal humans act like and be super heroes without all the magical interference of super powers.  They slowly but surely destroyed what was good in the show and made it a carbon copy of all other super hero shows but kept it dark and always the fault of OQ/GA. 

It is not surprising that all the Arrowverse shows are losing views they are all the same. LOT appears to be different in its weirdness but it sounds like they are going to get their comeuppance next season.  

There are 3 good actors left.  The rest are minimal at best IMO.  They say good things come to those who wait could a change of direction and EPs change that? I guess we will have to wait and see, but will anyone be left to watch it?  They had a chance to make it great could BethS make it totally different, exciting and worth it for us/me to give up an hour per week I’ll never get back? 

Edited by BunsenBurner
Don’t know but this may be in the wrong place.
  • Love 5

A mediocre finale to end a mediocre season (also very predictable).

Sadly the best actor on the show is now gone, although Stephen Amell did a really good job in his final scene with Quentin.

I imagine that Oliver will get out of prison when someone realises that the city won't survive without him, as other vigilantes have died or been badly injured (hopefully Rene, Curtis and Dinah).

I imagine these Longbow Hunters (whoever they are) will play a part in next season.

Edited by Quark
26 minutes ago, KenyaJ said:

Hee. I had the same thought this morning. Oliver deserves to suffer for a while and I would love it if this is one of the ways that happens. 

I was just coming to make the same point. It defies belief that Watson––who pointed out that BS was a criminal––wouldn't arrest her and charge her with obstruction of justice. The known co-conspirator of a target just happens to create the circumstances that allowed him to escape, but whatever. Watson's just here for the guy that gave up everything to try to catch said target. 

This episode failed the number one objective of a season finale, which is to make you want to come back in the fall. 

I don't think she can do much just based on Oliver's word. "I heard you were a criminal so I'm arresting you!" After all she only got Oliver because he confessed himself. 

13 minutes ago, Mellowyellow said:

You going or staying next season?

I'm so invested in Oliver and Felicity, it's hard for me to just quit. And as angry as I am about this episode, it is hopefully the last time MG and WM screw up everything. I'll have to see if Beth and the new writers are going to keep treating my favorites as emotional punching bags before I decide.

  • Love 9

Guggenheim really is a one trick pony and that trick is to have Oliver learn the same lesson over and over, but to do that he has to regress Oliver every time. He learns nothing from the audience reaction to these stupidities,  unlike David Ramsey who knew many of the  core audience was going to hate this. It's a good thing for the show that MG is gone.

I don't understand PB saying that Quentin's death was "beautiful " because it was far from that. Dying offscreen from oxygen deprivation in an operating room? (MG knows even less about medicine than he does about lae.) Bringing in Sara and not giving them a scene together?  He'll, even giving him a deathbed scene with "you're not his daughter " would have been better than this.

I also don't understand why SA and EBR talked up their scene either. Not only was it so-so in terms of an Oliver/ Felicity scene,  Oliver had regressed to pre season 2 levels

  • Love 8
6 minutes ago, Primal Slayer said:

There's nothing tying Siren to her past crimes.

No worries - the only one the writers are ever interested in giving any consequences to is Oliver - over and over again, rinse and repeat, the same story again and again and again. And then again when they run out of ideas a couple months later. 

  • Love 13
3 minutes ago, Primal Slayer said:

There's nothing tying Siren to her past crimes.

You're joking right? Dinah witnessed her murdering Vince. There's camera footage of her taking out money that had been extorted from Star City by a terrorist. She blew up a police station in 6.01.

At the very least BS is a fugitive from both whatever authority imprisoned her after what she did to Central City in Flash season 2, and ARGUS. There are literally a million reasons why she should have been taken into custody on the spot by multiple law enforcement agencies. 

  • Love 18
12 minutes ago, Primal Slayer said:

There's nothing tying Siren to her past crimes.

It doesn't matter. Her past crimes likely couldn't be charged under federal law anyway. But she prevented Oliver from apprehending Diaz while he was working with the feds. That's enough for an obstruction of justice charge. It's not even necessary to prove that she was Diaz's co-conspirator. That's just an aggravating factor that would make her look more guilty, regardless of whether she was actually trying to let him go or just being incompetent.

ETA: Oh, I forgot about the bank fraud. (Shows how much I pay attention to her.) yep, that could definitely be prosecuted federally. Blowing up the police station surely violates some federal statutes too.

Edited by KenyaJ
  • Love 4

I really wish we had a Quentin deathbed scene where he could say "It's okay, I'm going to go be with my daughter". That way I would know he at least remembered his Laurel. I also don't know why the bothered to bring Sara in if she wasn't going to get to say goodbye to her father. If he was going to die off-screen she could've found that over the off season break. Was it really to meet NotYanny? That didn't do much for me. She should've spent time with her real family. The only thing I liked was Sara hugging Felicity instead of her not sister. I was worried that's who they would have comfort her. 

I also don't understand how capturing Oliver was more important than capturing a crazed criminal that was currently murdering people. The Star City FBI has some messed up priorities. 

  • Love 11

So, I know that there was excitement over Felicity getting pregnant next season. I don’t want it and after last night, I really don’t want it. How can anyone?  I don’t hate Oliver and just got back to really liking him the last half of last season. This was a serious regression.

I still don’t understand how MG/WM can justify Oliver apologizing to Mad Puppy (who btw never apologized) and Dinah (who to her credit kinda did) but not have any time to talk to Felicity about his decision? Really? 


  • Love 3
10 minutes ago, lemotomato said:

You're joking right? Dinah witnessed her murdering Vince. There's camera footage of her taking out money that had been extorted from Star City by a terrorist. She blew up a police station in 6.01.

At the very least BS is a fugitive from both whatever authority imprisoned her after what she did to Central City in Flash season 2, and ARGUS. There are literally a million reasons why she should have been taken into custody on the spot by multiple law enforcement agencies. 

How is any of that going to be proven? A mask has shielded Oliver's identity for 6 years and they are clearly going with a wig as enough to conceal Sirens just as glasses conceal Kara's. There's no witnesses to place Siren at the police station and it's Dinahs word vs. Laurels over a man dying twice.


This was the least enjoyable season finale in six seasons of Arrow for me...

I didn't like Oliver constantly apologizing to and thanking people, especially to those few former team mates who didn't deserve either an apology or a thank you.

I didn't like the multiple and frequent references to Black Siren as Quentin's "daughter" and to Quentin as Black Siren's "father" or "daddy." At first, I thought they were doing it to keep up the pretense that she was actually Earth-1 Laurel in front of people who weren't aware of the existence of alternate Earths. However, then they still used those terms with people who know the truth (Diaz, Quentin, Oliver). I also didn't like how Black Siren's past two years of cold-blooded murders was forgotten and/or swept under the rug. Suddenly she was this hostage/victim that everyone had to save.

I didn't like that Oliver failed to tell Felicity about his deal with the FBI ahead of time and that she had to find out at the same time as Diggle and the newbies. He said that he didn't have time to tell everyone, but he had time to change from street clothes (in the last episode) to the Green Arrow outfit (in this episode), as well as have multiple conversations with Quentin, Diggle, Rene and Dinah. Also, not a single Olicity hug or kiss before Oliver is carted off to jail? Not even when they're alone in the police interrogation room? Really?

I really didn't like that Diaz survived and will probably return next season as the Big Bad. Ugh! He's not scary - not at all.

Once again, it took way too long for Oliver to defeat Diaz in that rooftop fight. C'mon! That fight should've taken three minutes, tops. Alternatively, Oliver should've just shot an arrow into Diaz's heart.

I also didn't like that Black Siren will probably be returning next season. Her redemption story, where she did this sudden 180 in the last two episodes, is just not credible. I can already hear KC's interview comments: "The death of her father on Earth-2 set her on the path toward evil. But the death of her second 'father' on Earth-1 set her on the path toward good." And, after reading MG's post-mortem interviews, it sounds like the reason Quentin died and Diaz survived was to give KC a story line for her character next season. Double Ugh!

This has been the worst season of Arrow by far. The only things I liked about this season were that Oliver & Felicity got married (even though that happened on a different show) and that Oliver got a loving little family unit with Felicity and William. I hated all of the annoying newbies' story arcs. I hated Diggle's OOC story arc. And I especially hated all of the villains' story arcs. On the bright side, next season can only go up from here.

Edited by tv echo
  • Love 16
11 hours ago, KenyaJ said:

After the steaming pile of shit MG left her and his post-finale interviews, which add insult to injury, I will love Beth Schwartz forever if S7 begins with Felicity waking up and telling Oliver about the ridiculous dream she had.


9 minutes ago, Sakura12 said:

I really wish we had a Quentin deathbed scene where he could say "It's okay, I'm going to go be with my daughter". That way I would know he at least remembered his Laurel. I also don't know why the bothered to bring Sara in if she wasn't going to get to say goodbye to her father. If he was going to die off-screen she could've found that over the off season break. Was it really to meet NotYanny? That didn't do much for me. She should've spent time with her real family. The only thing I liked was Sara hugging Felicity instead of her not sister. I was worried that's who they would have comfort her. 

I also don't understand how capturing Oliver was more important than capturing a crazed criminal that was currently murdering people. The Star City FBI has some messed up priorities. 

When Sara came walking down that corridor, all I could think of was: HEY GUYS, SHE'S A TIME TRAVELLER, RIGHT? I mean, you have a time traveller on the table in the third act, so you use the time traveller in the . . . . oh, what am I saying. These people care about narrative structure as much as they care about the law - whether it's criminal law or the laws of physics.

I mean, when one of the noobs said "You can't arrest him, he was exonerated", and FBI lady said "It's federal", I actually burst out laughing. I mean, sure, ok. Just make up the laws as you go along, lady. And whenever someone calls you on it, just say "It's federal."

I have nothing else to say about this episode. Except that this was bullshit.

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3 minutes ago, Primal Slayer said:

How is any of that going to be proven? A mask has shielded Oliver's identity for 6 years and they are clearly going with a wig as enough to conceal Sirens just as glasses conceal Kara's. There's no witnesses to place Siren at the police station and it's Dinahs word vs. Laurels over a man dying twice.

Thanks for continuing to ignore my point that BS is already a fugitive for past crimes.

What's clear is that the show is determined to ignore logic to keep KC around for some godforsaken reason. Which you're fine with, and I'm not.

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