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18 minutes ago, PrincessLeia said:

1. Pretty sure the story about Tara complaining about Victoria and getting cut for it is 100% not true. It makes for a juicy narrative, but if you believe it, I’ve got some oceanfront property in Arizona to sell you.


2. Sounds like Tara blended and had issues with her weight, during a summer of extremely talented rookie candidates. Another summer with less talent, she probably would’ve been safe. Sounds like to me they cut her in lieu of cutting a rookie. Tara was outdanced and out-figured. Not a good summer to lose your shine. 

I hate saying this, because I really like Kashara, but she did look bigger to me in person when I saw her this summer. It’s just her build.... she’s curvy and has hips, a butt and thighs. No way is she overweight. She’s never been one of their skinny dancers, so I’m not sure why they’re on her this summer. But next to Lacey and Kelli and Gina, Kashara looks big. 

I could stand next to Lacey, Kelli and Gina and look like the Good Year Blimp.

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1 minute ago, EricaShadows said:

It have put my money on Christina instead of Tara, though Christina DOES have the better figure.  Still, looking great in the uniform should NOT be the ONLY reason one girl gets cut and another stays.  From what I understand, Tara was a solid dancer and performer even if she did blend at times as well as did well at appearances and the like. 


Sometimes I think, with Kelli, the figure wins out when it’s splitting hairs. @JohnGalt any info on how Christina has improved since her rookie year?

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I'm going to give Christina the benefit of the doubt and assume that it was one of those routines that was better in person. It looks like it was entertaining, which some of the more lyrical numbers sometimes aren't really.

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22 hours ago, dreamcatcher said:

While I want to agree... Ashley pro, Breelan, Morgan, Christina, Savannah (who was even shown in insta stories making mistakes) and I’m sure I’m forgetting more. They seem to be making excuses for generic white girls with memory mistakes and honestly, I’d rather have a woc making mistakes on the team rather than a red head who “looks like a disney princess”. I’m not saying she’s outwright racist, but they’ve been allowing and behavior and mediocre dancing from white girls, but woc have to be on their best behavior, have unrealistic bodytypes (for a woc that is) and be absolutely amazing dancers. They don’t have to have diverse squads or pick their dancers fairly, but this is definitely a pattern.

THIS!!! I really wish that I could give this 1000 likes!!

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1 hour ago, NotaDCCheerleader said:

Not really...this year’s crop of TCC’s really is the strongest it has ever been in years.

What one Vet could get away with in a mediocre training camp year, another vet would absolutely not be able to this year. Tasha isn’t a blender and she’s on show group. Comparing Tasha and Tara is like comparing apples to oranges. 

Stellar TCC’s this year is another reason camp was extended. That’s it, nothing else. 

You are dead on.  Last year’s rookie class was not strong overall.  Some great dancers,  but not the quantity compared to this year.  Last year, when JennK was teaching the vets, she commented on how impressed she was.  This year (in the preview), she pretty much tells them that the rookies are stronger.

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7 minutes ago, PrincessLeia said:

Ditto. I’m currently heavier than I’d like and I look like a blimp next to any of these lovely ladies!

I’ve never understood the Kashara hate on these boards. I think she’s wonderful. The kids loved her at DCC camp. 

LOVE LOVE LOVE KaShara!!! She grew up just a city away from my hometown and graduated from my Alma Mater (EKU) so I've always had love for KaShara!!  She was well loved by the dance team members and faculty alike at EKU and she has an awesome personality/sense of humor.  She may not be the top dancer but she definitely puts 110% of herself into DCC.  I wish she'd stay another year but she's accomplished about all one can accomplish as a DCC :) 

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10 minutes ago, Law Mom said:

I'm going to give Christina the benefit of the doubt and assume that it was one of those routines that was better in person. It looks like it was entertaining, which some of the more lyrical numbers sometimes aren't really.

That is how I felt about New Jersey Brianna last year.  I could not understand why everyone raved about her solo.  You would think they would show the best parts of the solos.

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22 minutes ago, PrincessLeia said:

Am I missing something in regards to Christina’s solo? A Barbie? Really? I can see why Kelli loves her though... her body is that super lean figure Kelli loves.

Yup...I don't get it either. 

I do find it funny that the row of 5 to the back left has 4 girls openly clapping, cheering Christina on and Brennan is just stone faced the whole entire time. 

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3 hours ago, JennieM said:

Urrrrgh if only DCC/the media would take a common sense approach on weight. I feel like it's always treated in the extreme: it is either a case of calling a perfectly toned (by normal standards) woman like Tara or other DCCs heavy or sometimes you see it going the other way where people are too scared to call out unhealthily overweight kids for fear of body shaming.

People should just use their common sense- would someone who is considered a bit heavy by current DCC standards really make them less attractive or marketable as a brand?! Doubt it! 

No wonder there are so many body issues now- young people either developing an eating disorders or they are becoming obese. 


Sorry felt like ranting :D 

I watched the videos of other DFW professsional cheer tryouts and all the ladies look to be about the same build as DCC.  Not saying it is right, as I am someone who has struggled with weight most of my life, but they do sign a contract and know that they can be cut for not maintaining their weight.  

I also think that those really amazing dancers get cut some slack on this.  

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I’m not a big Christina fan, but I don’t remember ever thinking that she looked bad in any of the videos posted last year. She’s a blender, but she’s cute and has a nice figure. I get her appeal to Kelli. Really, Savannah is the only one who I thought was visibly weak. There were a few videos where Yuko was outdancing her, and while I think Yuko is as cute as a button, if she’s out dancing you, it’s a problem.

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2 hours ago, RazzleberryPie said:

How on earth did this earn a Barbie?

I have been telling y'all for years, they don't show full dances because we would really know who should be kept and who should be cut.

Based on this Christina should be gone too. World Class my ass.

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In Season 5 on the old DCC Website page, they showed all the vets solo routines. I wish they would do it again. Season 5 was the only year where all the reauditioning vets made it back to TC since the show started.

I admit I miss the day when I was slim and could eat just about anything, go out for long walks with getting tired and no leg cramps, and be around people without worrying I would pick up the flu or cold from them. Getting older, medications, and medical issues can cause the weight to pile on. I have people tell me I look better with the weight on than when I was skinny.

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30 minutes ago, Kayce said:

LOVE LOVE LOVE KaShara!!! She grew up just a city away from my hometown and graduated from my Alma Mater (EKU) so I've always had love for KaShara!!  She was well loved by the dance team members and faculty alike at EKU and she has an awesome personality/sense of humor.  She may not be the top dancer but she definitely puts 110% of herself into DCC.  I wish she'd stay another year but she's accomplished about all one can accomplish as a DCC :) 

Does anyone know if there has ever been a point girl who lasted more than 2 years?

45 minutes ago, EricaShadows said:

It certainly couldn't have been because Christina is a top-notch dancer.  I'm surprised they even kept her with that performance.  She must be absolutely amazing in other areas to overcome that, but I can't imagine which ones.  To me, she's blah personality-wise, boring in appearance, and her dancing has been vastly underwhelming.  If ANY of the vets were going to get cut in Training Camp, I would have put my money on Christina, not Tara, being the one cut (especially for blending and being outdanced).

Generous to a fault.  I agree with whoever said that the Barbie was for Jenn's choreography and not Christina's dancing.  I feel bad for Jenn because Christina managed to completely butcher that choreography and did not do it justice AT ALL.  It could have been amazing if some of the others had done it, but Christina?  She made it look BAD.

Blind we might not have been before that performance, but we might have gone at least a little blind afterwards because it was so bad.



I’m just picturing jenn performing this choreo and I’m low-key crying.

If they wanted to go for the shock factor and especially if they’ve had so much trouble cutting tcc because of the sheer talent... why not cut all blenders? Would that show just how many blenders they’ve left on to the team in the past few years?

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2 minutes ago, dreamcatcher said:

If they wanted to go for the shock factor and especially if they’ve had so much trouble cutting tcc because of the sheer talent... why not cut all blenders? Would that show just how many blenders they’ve left on to the team in the past few years?

If they cut all the blenders that were vets, they would lose a good third of the remaining girls if not more.

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5 minutes ago, EricaShadows said:

If they cut all the blenders that were vets, they would lose a good third of the remaining girls if not more.

Which is why I feel like they need to have a season or two less than 36 - there’s always 2 or three girls that get in based on personality or looks and then they turn around and cut them the next year. 

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2 minutes ago, HowdeeDo said:

Which is why I feel like they need to have a season or two less than 36 - there’s always 2 or three girls that get in based on personality or looks and then they turn around and cut them the next year. 

Frankly, they really need to put a scare into these girls during their second year (if the girl makes it that far).  Something along the lines of "If you keep blending, you'll get cut."  Tara's cut might have just put the scare into some of the girls, especially as it came at the end of Training Camp.  Most of the time, the vets get complacent once they get to Training Camp, because they think they're safe.  Frankly, they should be stepping it up in their second year and beyond because they WILL get overlooked and out-performed.  Jasmine, Tara, and several others were on the chopping block and just couldn't get it together enough to make it back.  

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6 minutes ago, HowdeeDo said:

Which is why I feel like they need to have a season or two less than 36 - there’s always 2 or three girls that get in based on personality or looks and then they turn around and cut them the next year. 

Or they decide not to try out again because of the drama and crap they go through in their rookie year. They have went with a squad of less of 36, but they still have girls who made it base on looks or personality.

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3 minutes ago, DCCFAN71 said:

I was wondering the same thing! Obviously it was someone she thought she could trust!! Or maybe one of TPTB really did over hear her, but I honestly doubt Tara would be that careless. 

I thought we already established that this was just a rumor and not truth lol

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On 8/14/2018 at 11:15 AM, JennieM said:

Quote fail on my last post.. tried to quote both but couldn't figure out how!

I was meant to say when it comes to the girls' appearances I highly doubt Kelly is racist but the DCC standard is probably a reflection of "mainstream society" standards of attractiveness. For example, I doubt they would have let Jacie performed with her natural hair (that she was showing on Instagram a while ago) and instead require they have a more "mainstream" hairstyles. It looks like a case of society prescribing that women of a certain look is attractive and Kelly is probably aiming to cater to the mass market..  

I totally understand and have to agree with your thought process on this.  Just as an observation, I personally thought Jacie looked absolutely precious in her Natural!!!  ..........of course, there's not much that would make Jacie look bad!!

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22 minutes ago, nittanyvolleyball said:

I thought we already established that this was just a rumor and not truth lol

Sorry, I saw the rumor post after I posted this. I was trying to catch up on all the comments and I was 2 days behind. As you can see I deleted it but not before you quoted me. This happens a lot on this board, we comment and then 1 page later your thoughts may change due to other posters findings. 

Edited by DCCFAN71
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3 hours ago, NotaDCCheerleader said:

Stellar TCC’s this year is another reason camp was extended. That’s it, nothing else. 


I can't wait for the season to play out.

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9 minutes ago, MamaV said:

Was Tara offered access to a nutritionist too?  Are any DCC with weight issues offered access?

From the sounds of things, only certain girls are offered access to this kind of stuff.  Veronica, Brittany S., and a few other girls were offered access to MyFitFoods, but Hannah wasn't.  Victoria was offered access to a nutritionist, but it sounds like Tara wasn't (though that hasn't been confirmed).  Attitude certainly plays a part since Hannah seemed to be either oblivious or over (or something else) when she was called in about weight, but the others were "shocked" and willing to do something about it.  Being a vet, multi-year or not, doesn't seem to play into it anymore since Victoria wasn't even on the squad when she was offered it, yet Tara seemingly wasn't.  The season that the MyFitFood were being pushed, multi-year vets (I think all the girls were 3-year and up) while Hannah was just going into her second.

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1 hour ago, Loves2Dance said:

Yup...I don't get it either. 

I do find it funny that the row of 5 to the back left has 4 girls openly clapping, cheering Christina on and Brennan is just stone faced the whole entire time. 

Yeah Brennan’s thinking ‘Really, this is what beat me out last year?’?

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6 minutes ago, EricaShadows said:

From the sounds of things, only certain girls are offered access to this kind of stuff.  Veronica, Brittany S., and a few other girls were offered access to MyFitFoods, but Hannah wasn't.  Victoria was offered access to a nutritionist, but it sounds like Tara wasn't (though that hasn't been confirmed).  Attitude certainly plays a part since Hannah seemed to be either oblivious or over (or something else) when she was called in about weight, but the others were "shocked" and willing to do something about it.  Being a vet, multi-year or not, doesn't seem to play into it anymore since Victoria wasn't even on the squad when she was offered it, yet Tara seemingly wasn't.  The season that the MyFitFood were being pushed, multi-year vets (I think all the girls were 3-year and up) while Hannah was just going into her second.

Thank you!

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8 minutes ago, EricaShadows said:

From the sounds of things, only certain girls are offered access to this kind of stuff.  Veronica, Brittany S., and a few other girls were offered access to MyFitFoods, but Hannah wasn't.  Victoria was offered access to a nutritionist, but it sounds like Tara wasn't (though that hasn't been confirmed).  Attitude certainly plays a part since Hannah seemed to be either oblivious or over (or something else) when she was called in about weight, but the others were "shocked" and willing to do something about it.  Being a vet, multi-year or not, doesn't seem to play into it anymore since Victoria wasn't even on the squad when she was offered it, yet Tara seemingly wasn't.  The season that the MyFitFood were being pushed, multi-year vets (I think all the girls were 3-year and up) while Hannah was just going into her second.

For a job that required you to stay at a certain weight, you'd think they'd have a nutritionist on staff/on call for the entire team to access. Have each girl meet with them, assess their diet and exercise routine to the individual and use them as needed. 

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3 hours ago, Loves2Dance said:

She thanked Jenn A for choreographing this for her. The outfit matches the song. That said, her faces are...not what I would have used. She did get a Barbie though and I think that was a little...generous. 

I'm sorry, but that did not look that good. Why is she on the team?

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One last thing about Tara and then I’m gonna have to move on cuz it is what it is?. She is one of the examples of how her cameo does NOT do her justice. Her hair looks over-processed and the make-up is sooooo harsh. Google her pics and she looks gorg in every one of them while performing. And can rock some great facials?

Edited by Trixi
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1 minute ago, Trixi said:

One last thing about Tara and then I’m gonna have to move on cuz it is what it is?. She is one of the examples of how her cameo does NOT do her justice. Her hair looks over-processed and the make-up is sooooo harsh. Google her pics and she looks gorg in every one of them while performing. 

I agree. Cameos were done after the “makeover” where they over processed her hair.  

9 minutes ago, Loves2Dance said:

For a job that required you to stay at a certain weight, you'd think they'd have a nutritionist on staff/on call for the entire team to access. Have each girl meet with them, assess their diet and exercise routine to the individual and use them as needed. 

Maybe it costs too much, but it should be available to those they feel need it. 

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1 hour ago, bigskygirl said:

In Season 5 on the old DCC Website page, they showed all the vets solo routines. I wish they would do it again. Season 5 was the only year where all the reauditioning vets made it back to TC since the show started.

I admit I miss the day when I was slim and could eat just about anything, go out for long walks with getting tired and no leg cramps, and be around people without worrying I would pick up the flu or cold from them. Getting older, medications, and medical issues can cause the weight to pile on. I have people tell me I look better with the weight on than when I was skinny.

What vets were cut in season 6? I don’t recall anyone cut. Ann Lux was close but made the team.  

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I just found an article from last year called "19 Things The Dallas Cowboys Prefer You Forgot About Their Cheerleaders." https://www.thesportster.com/football/19-things-the-dallas-cowboys-prefer-you-forgot-about-their-cheerleaders/ #9 is that the cheerleaders lack "job security." They have to re-audition every year, stay in shape and on their game along with the incoming rookies, and there is a picture of Tara. This part of the article is really bizarre.

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13 minutes ago, jlc said:

I'm sorry, but that did not look that good. Why is she on the team?

Because Kelli likes her. And she's a skinny blonde. 

12 minutes ago, Trixi said:

One last thing about Tara and then I’m gonna have to move on cuz it is what it is?. She is one of the examples of how her cameo does NOT do her justice. Her hair looks over-processed and the make-up is sooooo harsh. Google her pics and she looks gorg in every one of them while performing. And can rock some great facials?

I find a lot of DCC's look better post career then they do during their tenure. 

9 minutes ago, Jesslyn said:

Maybe it costs too much, but it should be available to those they feel need it. 

I realize the DCC get a budget of like 0.0000000000000001% compares to the rest of the organization, but it's not like the Cowboy organization is hurting for money. If they cared as much as they claimed to care, they'd find the money. 

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14 minutes ago, Loves2Dance said:

I find a lot of DCC's look better post career then they do during their tenure. 

Yep, and Holly P is exhibit A. She looks fantastic now - so much younger and fresher than she did as a DCC.

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9 minutes ago, JohnGalt said:

Olivia Stevanovski was cut at finals but they didn’t include any footage in the show. Kaitlin Legrand was cut in training camp.

Is this the Olivia that Cassie got tossed?

Oops my bad, googled my own question and wrong Olivia?

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Someone help!! My old lady brain is getting confused. Which Olivia did Cassie have a problem with when she thought the rookies were getting too much camera time during the calender shoot? 

Nevermind. John came to the rescue. Thanks @johngalt??

Edited by Trixi
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1 minute ago, JohnGalt said:

No you were right. Sadly that story is basically valid.


8 minutes ago, Trixi said:

Is this the Olivia that Cassie got tossed?

Oops my bad, googled my own question and wrong Olivia?

Can someone remind someone who wasn't on this forum back then the details/what happened and why?

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21 minutes ago, BonnieBlue said:

I'd love to know what it is about Christina that got her on the squad.  It clearly wasn't talent.  Maybe she's related to someone in the DCC organization.  She really is horrible and I once saw her at a meet and greet, and she was super rude and entitled.  

I am a fan of Christina. I think she has a lovely look and a good personality. She is apparently a favorite in the locker room. She is almost completely deaf in one ear (born with it, or lost it in early childhood, I can't remember which), and says she often has to rely on lip reading. That may be an issue at times and result in her not speaking as much at a meet and greet, etc.  I have some difficulty with my hearing and if a person is not looking at me, has their head down, speaks softly, or if there is a lot of background noise, I have trouble making out what is said. I don't want to look like an idiot by responding to something I probably misheard so I tend to be quieter in those situations. JMO

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The Olivia rumor is the type of stuff that makes the Tara/VK rumor believable....smh. 

I love the finals episode (always my favorite). I’m really interested to see how they address Keyra’s cut. 

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Just watched the trailer for tomorrow’s episode... ( I know I know, I’m late to the game), but I absolutely cannot wait! I think it’s cute how the vets show up together as a united front ready to earn their spots back. Unless I am forgetting something, I don’t believe that has ever happened before (at least that they’ve showed on tv). I think it shows how close this group of vets really is! And I think that was also reinforced when they were all at ihop at 3 am after Tara’s cut. 

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